Long-term plan for working with parents of the middle group

Plan for working with parents during the summer health period in the middle group for the 2015–2016 academic year

Natalia Streltsova

Plan for working with parents during the summer health period in the middle group for the 2015–2016 academic year

What is summer? That's a lot of light!

This field, this forest, these are a thousand wonders.

These are clouds in the sky, this is a fast river,

These are bright flowers, the blue of heavenly heights,

There are a hundred roads in the world for children's feet!

Summer is an amazing and fertile time when children can walk, run and jump to their heart's content, and spend more time in the fresh air. This wonderful time of year gives us the opportunity to spend more time with children, making it interesting, rich and useful! It gives us the opportunity to strengthen and preserve the health of children and leave unforgettable, vivid impressions of past holidays, vacations, travel, walks, observations, and joint work. This is a favorable time for solving educational problems. But parents sometimes have no idea how educational even an ordinary walk in a public garden or park can be for a child. And how many emotions a trip to the sea, to the forest, to the country house or an excursion to a botanical garden or zoo will give.

A huge role in how interesting children will spend the summer in kindergarten is played by the desire and ability of the teacher and parents to make every day bright for the child. And it is very important to organize the life of preschoolers in such a way that every day brings them something new, is meaningful, so that memories of summer time, games, walks, holidays and entertainment, interesting episodes from their lives delight children for a long time.

Information about what to do with a child in the summer, what new and interesting things you can learn with him, what games to play, what little discoveries to make, what every family needs to read. The teacher’s task is to provide such information to parents. After all, the teacher, knowing the characteristics of each child, is able to help his parents select interesting and useful information, useful activities, entertainment and recommendations for the summer period.

A variety of activities and new experiences await the child in his hometown, in the village, and beyond. I tried to prepare parents for an active educational holiday together with their children, during which it is so important to notice the unusual in the simple: drops of dew in the morning sun, the colors of the evening sunset, the mesmerizing sounds of the sea surf and forest. In this case, you need not only to see an interesting phenomenon, but also to be able to explain it to the child, to keep it in the child’s memory for life, as a vivid childhood memory.

Both family and kindergarten, in combination with each other, create optimal conditions for a little person to enter the big world, where the child receives his first social experience. United by one goal, we want to educate future creators of life. What a person is like is the world he creates around himself. I would like to believe that when our children grow up, they will love and protect their loved ones, their land, their homeland.

Plan of work with parents during the summer health period in the secondary group “Bees” 2015 - 2021 academic year.


Increasing and promoting the general culture of the family and the psychological and pedagogical competence of parents;

providing practical and theoretical assistance to parents of pupils through the transmission of the fundamentals of theoretical knowledge and the formation of skills in practical work with children;

using various forms of cooperation and joint creativity with parents, based on an individually differentiated approach to families;

interaction with parents to study their family microenvironment;

increase the competence of parents in organizing summer holidays for children; attract parents to participate in preschool activities on the basis of cooperation;

fostering respect for childhood and parenthood.


• Conducting instruction on child safety in the summer.

• Booklets - “On fire safety”

“Rules of the road”
“Rules of behavior in the forest”, “Rules of behavior on the water”.
• Holiday for Children's Day: “Journey to the Country of Childhood.”

• Soap bubble show: “Blow up the bubble, get big, but don’t burst!”

• Summer sports entertainment: “My funny ringing ball.”

(continue to introduce parents and children to a healthy lifestyle, develop the ability and desire to spend their holidays usefully, cheerfully and energetically).

• Competition: “I am weaving, I am weaving a wreath.”


• Design of the wall newspaper “Russia - My Motherland”


• Exhibition of works made from waste material: “Flower - seven-flowered”

(family collage)

• Environmental project: “Healthy child - healthy country”


• Exhibition of photographs: “Lucky shot”


• Mobile folder: “Summer fun for children.”

• Consultations: “Medicinal plants”

(home file cabinet,

“Sunburn”, “Poisonous plants”, “If a child was stung by a wasp.”

• Pedagogical conversations: “Features of children’s nutrition in the summer,” “Swimming in the summer is an excellent hardening agent.”


• Family leisure: “On the path of goodness.”

• Workshop for parents on summer holidays for children “We love to relax.”

• Exhibition of children's works - “The red summer has come!

"(visual activities of children in the family and children's).

• Consultations: “Road rules, know and follow”, “Rules of behavior at sea”, “Experimental activities for children in the summer”.

• Family project: “Safety of our children through familiarization with traffic rules.”

• Pedagogical conversations: “Games for a walk,” “Let’s read.”

• Project: “Ecological landing”: designing flower beds on the site of a preschool educational institution, landscaping the territory of a kindergarten.”

• Entertainment (July 11) – “World Chocolate Day”.

“Let’s collect a herbarium”

- involving parents in joint activities.

• Wall newspaper for parents: “Sun, air and water are our best friends”

summer health work at a preschool educational institution.

• Exhibition of crafts made from natural materials “Wonderful transformations”


• Folder – movement: “For parents about the rules of the road.”

• Memo for parents on raising children: “Creating a favorable family environment.


• Competition: “Summer Fantasies”


• Leisure time for parents and children “Every small child should know this from the cradle.”

• Sports holiday: “Mom, dad, I am a sports family”

for Sportsman's Day.

• “My grandmother's recipes” - involve parents in selecting delicious recipes from vegetables and fruits.

• Consultations: “Safe Road”, “Prevention of Child Injuries”, “The Role of the Family in the Physical Education of the Child”.

• Memo for parents on raising children: “Child in the country”, “Parasites”, “First aid for insect bites, ticks”;

• Pedagogical conversations on the topics: “Diseases of dirty hands”, “Children’s drawing is the key to the child’s inner world”, “Temper yourself if you want to be healthy!”


• Joint entertainment on experimental activities: “I want to become a wizard.”

• Master class: “Magic napkins”.

• Seminar - workshop for parents: “We play with our fingers.”

• Sliding folder: “Prevention of intestinal infections”


• Exhibition of family photo newspapers: “How we spent the summer.”

"Open Day"

- acquaintance of parents with the progress of affairs in the group. Provide an opportunity to observe your child in a group setting. To cultivate respect for preschool employees and interest in the educational process.

Methods of cooperation and interaction with parents in the middle group of kindergarten.

Author: Burzyaeva Yulia Gennadievna

Everyone knows that the interaction of kindergarten teachers with parents is a rather complex process, and the family should be an equal party to it. . Teachers traditionally play the main role in working with parents in almost all kindergartens. They are the main source of information about the child and the activities of the institution; from them parents receive psychological and pedagogical information.

Thus, they bear the main responsibility. Kindergarten teachers are in constant interaction with parents, forming an inextricable trinity “child – parent – ​​teacher”, understanding that the home environment has the main upbringing and formative significance.

The main goal of interaction is to create a single space “Family - kindergarten”, in which all participants in the pedagogical process (children, parents, teachers) will feel comfortable, interesting, safe, useful, and prosperous.

Therefore, educators must take the initiative and understand how to interact with each individual family for the benefit of the child.

The most common methods of working with parents are:

· Visual information for parents

· Conversations with parents

· Parent meetings

Visual information plays a major role in improving the pedagogical culture of parents, where parents receive advice from highly qualified specialists: speech therapist and teacher - psychologist, medical workers, physical education instructor, music directors. With great pleasure, parents look at the children’s work at the exhibition: drawings, applications, etc., as well as photographs from the life of children in kindergarten.

Cooperation between the teacher, children and parents is realized in various forms of joint activities:

- parent meeting once a quarter;

— individual conversations (as necessary);

— consultations;

— organizing joint activities of parents and children (once a quarter): involving parents in the celebrations.

— organizing the work of the parent committee;

— encouraging parents for cooperation (at the end of the quarter, at the end of the school year).

Work with parents should mainly be done through collective and individual forms of interaction. For example, a discussion of any parenting problem at a parent meeting can be continued during individual meetings with parents, as well as in consultations.

The following can be considered a positive result of cooperation in a group:

— respect from parents for the teaching staff;

— improvement of interpersonal relationships;

- greater satisfaction with the work done together, a more creative approach to it;

- better knowledge by parents of children of educational programs, a sense of their importance in kindergarten; strengthening families and improving communication with children;

- a better attitude of children towards the development of their knowledge and skills, successful social status.

There will be a great effect in the interaction between the family and the teacher if the teacher gives the opportunity to take initiative and supports parents in all matters in the group. When communicating with a group of parents, the teacher must show courtesy and correctness, and the ability to restrain his emotions. Only then can you count on the support of parents in all activities carried out in the group.

Rules for effective interaction between educators and children’s families:

1. Parents need support, help and good advice, so you need to create the necessary conditions for communication.

2. You should not talk to your parents in a hurry, on the run; If the teacher does not have time, it is better to arrange a meeting another time.

3. You need to talk to your parents in a calm tone, without trying to edify or teach - this causes irritation and a negative reaction on their part.

4. You need to be able to listen patiently to parents and give them the opportunity to speak out on all pressing issues.

5. Don't rush to conclusions! You need to think carefully about what you heard from your parents.

6. What parents told the teacher about should not become the property of other parents, children and teachers.

7. If there is a need to share the professional information that the parents provided with someone else, the parents must be informed about this.

8. When preparing for a meeting with a pupil’s family, it is necessary to remember that any parent wants to hear not only the bad, but also the good, which gives a chance for the future.

9. Each meeting with the pupil’s family should end with constructive recommendations for the parents and the child himself.

Briefly about our plans for the academic year

This school year, a joint sports festival with parents is planned: “Dad, Mom, Me - a sports family.” As a result, issues of introducing children to a healthy lifestyle will be discussed with parents, and recommendations will be given on equipping a sports corner at home.

It is also planned to survey parents on the topic “Do you know your child?”, “What kind of parents are you?”, “The influence of the family atmosphere on the development of the child” - this will allow us to obtain information about the problems that parents face in everyday life, to identify their wishes and hopes for the future child.

From the consultation “Developing a Child’s Speech Together,” parents will be convinced of the need to develop and improve their children’s speech; get acquainted with speech games - assistants.

An interesting form of establishing trust and mutual understanding between preschool educational institutions and families are exhibitions of joint creativity of children, parents and educators on various topics. Therefore, it is planned to hold such exhibitions as: “Autumn Fantasies”, “Zimushka - Winter”, “Hello Spring!”, “Ah, Summer, Summer!” - this will become a stimulus for the development of the aesthetic feelings of our students, an incentive for joint activities of children and parents .Rewarding of exhibition participants within the group will be practiced.

It is planned to regularly organize photo exhibitions “It’s good in our garden”, where we will introduce parents to the life of a preschool educational institution and the activities of their children.

An important link in the system of joint work between the kindergarten and the family is the involvement of parents in direct participation in the work of the kindergarten; organizing holidays and entertainment: “Autumn Holiday”, “Mother’s Day”, “New Year” “March 8”, “Dad, Mom, I am a sports family”, etc.

Parents will receive the necessary information on the issues of raising and educating children through visual information materials: screens, stands, folders - slides.

From the “Growing Up While Playing” folder, parents will learn how to properly organize children’s games and what toys middle-aged children need. And the “Home Toy Library” section will introduce you to simple, but very interesting, and most importantly useful games for children, which parents can play with their child at any time convenient for them.

In our work with parents this year we plan to use the following interesting forms


1. "Mailbox"

which will be located in the reception area. Its goal: to identify the interests, needs, requests of parents, the level of their pedagogical literacy, i.e. parents can leave notes with their questions to both the teacher and specialized specialists, for example, a psychologist, speech therapist, their ideas and suggestions. Sometimes these issues are the topic of a mini-meeting.

2. Visual information forms:

We constantly arrange group stands such as:

  • “For you, parents”, containing information about the daily life of the group - various kinds of announcements, routines, menus, etc., and current work on raising children in kindergarten and family, about the forms and methods of working with preschoolers.
  • “Advice and Recommendations”, under the guidance of a psychologist, provides recommendations on various issues.
  • “We Create and Create” is a corner of children’s drawings and crafts in appliqué, design and sculpting.
  • The “Congratulations” stand is also decorated in our reception area; congratulatory texts on the pupils’ birthday are placed here.

A book of reviews and suggestions was also created. Here parents can write us reviews about the events held, congratulations on the holiday, wishes about upcoming events.

We are planning a corner where we will place diplomas, diplomas, certificates, and thanks for participating in various competitions. Praise is necessary for both children and parents.

3. Leisure forms of working with parents.

This is the participation of parents in joint activities held in kindergarten. Here the opportunities for cooperation and creativity are most fully revealed.

  • Days of good deeds.
    These are days of voluntary, feasible assistance from parents to the group. Repair of toys, books, furniture, assistance in creating a subject-specific development environment for the group. This form helps to establish an atmosphere of warm, friendly relations between teachers and parents.

Interaction with family in the middle group

Contents of areas of work with families in educational areas:

Educational field "Physical development":

— informing parents about factors affecting the child’s physical health (calm communication, nutrition, hardening, movement).

- stimulating the child’s motor activity through joint sports games and walks.

Educational field “Social and communicative development”:

- acquaintance of parents with situations dangerous to the child’s health (at home, in the country, on the road, in the forest, near a reservoir) and methods of behavior in them;

- involve parents in active recreation with children;

— to interest parents in the development of children’s play activities, ensuring successful socialization and assimilation of gender behavior;

- accompany and support the family in the implementation of educational influences;

— study the traditions of labor education in the families of pupils;

— conduct joint competitions and events with parents to improve and green the territory of the kindergarten, focusing on the needs and capabilities of children and scientifically based principles and standards.

Educational area "Cognitive development":

— orient parents toward the development of the child’s need for cognition and communication with adults and peers;

Educational field “Speech development”:

- develop parents’ communication skills with their children;

- show the importance of kind, warm communication with a child.

Educational field “Artistic and aesthetic development”:

- prove to parents the value of reading at home;

— show methods and techniques for introducing a child to fiction;

- support the desire of parents to develop the artistic activities of children in kindergarten and at home;

- involve parents in active forms of joint activities with children that contribute to the emergence of creative inspiration;

— to reveal the possibilities of music as a means of beneficial effects on the mental health of a child.

Forms of cooperation with the family.


Design of visual material on issues of preschool pedagogy and psychology
Family round table
Open days and week
Creation of a video library on the work of preschool educational institutions
Questioning parents
Individual consultations
Diagnostics by group
Parent meetings
Involving parents in joint activities
Conducting musical, sports, intellectual holidays, leisure, matinees with the participation of parents
Forms of work

with a family

Consultations, workshops for parents
Making photo albums about life in kindergarten

Long-term plan for interaction with parents.


Uniting parents and teachers of preschool educational institutions and creating common guidelines for the formation of value guidelines in preschoolers.

Months event title
September 1.Consultation: “Culture of behavior, rules and habits”;

2. Parents’ meeting: “We live in the present, prepare for the future”;

3.Consultation: “Shoes for kindergarten”;

4. Conversation with parents: “Sports shoes for physical education” About the need to purchase them;

5. Every 10th day, a conversation with parents about payment for childcare;

6.Preparation of calendar holidays.

7.Consultation on parental issues.

October 1.Consultation: “Everyone in the world needs a home”

2.Consultation with a doctor.

3. Stand for parents “How do we live?” — reflecting the leisure activities of children;

4.Joint work of parents and children (collecting leaves);

5. Conversation with parents: “Children’s clothing in different seasons”;

6. Preparation of calendar holidays “Mother’s Day”.

November 1.Consultation: “Hardening procedures - as a prevention of colds”;

2.Consultation: “Help children remember fire safety rules”;

3. Exhibition of children's works “So that there is no fire, so that there is no trouble”;

4. Conversation: “Bow from the seven ailments”;

5. Physical education “My funny ringing ball”

6. Joint work of parents and children (land improvement);

7. Preparation of calendar holidays.

December 1.Parents meeting: “Why do children quarrel”;

2.Consultation: “How to make a winter walk with your baby enjoyable and useful?”;

3. Conversation: “Hardening is one of the forms of preventing colds in children”;

4.Testing of parents. Topic: “The state of your baby’s health”;

5. Joint work of parents and children (buildings made of snow);

January 1. Consultation: “How to determine a child’s temperament”;

2. Conversation: “Possible forms of joint recreation between parents and children”;

3. Exhibition of drawings “The New Year has come”;

4.Consultation: “Sleep as an important component of the daily routine”;

5. Photo report: “Sharing family experience”;

6. Preparation of calendar holidays.

February 1. Consultation: “I need you, dad!” - the role of the father in raising a child;

2. Exhibition of children's drawings, theme: “My Dad”;

3. Sports festival “Dad, Mom, I - a sports family”;

4.Consultation: “The role of movements in a child’s life”;

5. Conversation: “Preschooler’s portfolio”;

6. Preparation of calendar holidays.

March 1. Parent meeting: “Fingers help you speak”;

2. Consultation: “A toy in a child’s life”;

3. Photo exhibition: “We are mother’s helpers”;

4. Joint gaming leisure: “My mother is the best”;

5. Preparation of calendar holidays;

7. Doctor's conversation.

April 1. Consultation: “Development of mathematical abilities in middle-aged children”;

2. Conversation: “Emotional well-being of a child in the family”;

3. Sports leisure: “Sports, games, friendship!”;

4. Consultation: “The role of story-based play in the development of preschool children”;

5. Preparation of calendar holidays

May 1. Consultation: “Discipline on the street is the key to safety;

2. Conversation: “Diseases of dirty hands”;

3. Consultation: “Teaching a child to communicate”;

4. Preparation of calendar holidays (“Family Day”);

5. Joint work of parents and children (preparing the site for the summer season).

6. Final parent meeting.

Using various forms of work with families will allow us this year to awaken a sense of affection and trust among parents in the kindergarten.
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MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Long-term plan for working with parents in the middle group.

Winner of the all-Russian competition “The most popular article of the month” October 2017

Conditions of the competition:

(forms of cooperation between preschool educational institutions and families)

Author: Subbotina Nadezhda Borisovna

Position: teacher

Place of work: MADOU "Kindergarten No. 5"


Parent meeting “Developmental features of children 4-5 years old” . Meeting of parents with the ODN inspector.

Visual information

  • Folder “What a 4-5 year old child should know .
  • Ecological page “Take care of nature” .
  • Information stand “Security Territory” (home safety)

Individual consultations, conversations

  • Individual conversation “Teaching a child to communicate with peers .
  • Speech therapist consultations.

Active forms of work (leisure activities, interest clubs, holidays)

  • Entertainment “Goodbye, autumn!” .
  • Promotion “Second Life of Paper” (collection of waste paper)


Visual information

  • Information stand “A child also has rights .
  • Folder “A toy in a child’s life” .

Individual consultations, conversations

  • Individual consultation “How to spend a weekend with children .
  • Conversations .

Active forms of work (leisure activities, interest clubs, holidays)

  • Joint leisure time “What autumn brought us”


Visual information

  • Health corner “Flu is dangerous!”
  • Ecological page “Learning to observe”
  • Information stand “National Unity Day” - a return to history

Individual consultations, conversations

  • “Good manners are not just for adults.”
  • "Unhealthy products"
  • Active forms of work (leisure activities, interest clubs, holidays)
  • Charity events for World Children's Day


Parent meeting “Features and problems of speech development in middle-aged children .

Visual information

  • Folder “History of the New Year” holiday
  • Information stand “Safe New Year” .

Individual consultations, conversations

  • Meeting with the head nurse of the preschool educational institution
  • "Proper nutrition for children".
  • Clothes for winter.

Active forms of work (leisure activities, interest clubs, holidays)

  • Ecological campaign “Small Birds” making feeders
  • Joint project “New Year’s Tale” (group decoration) Master class from parents “New Year’s Card”
  • Matinee “Hello, holiday - New Year!” .


Visual information

  • Information stand “Development of cognitive interest in preschool children”
  • Folder “Christmas Bustle”

Individual consultations, conversations

  • Individual conversations about mastering the educational program.
  • Meeting with the head nurse of the preschool educational institution “Allergies in a child, prevention of exacerbations”
  • Recommendations for organizing a book corner at home.

Active forms of work (leisure activities, interest clubs, holidays)

  • "Family Reading Club"


Visual information

  • Folder “Mathematics is interesting
  • Designs for the exhibition “Books We Read at Home” .

Individual consultations, conversations

  • The role of the father in raising a child.
  • Individual conversation “Safety at home” .

Active forms of work (leisure activities, interest clubs, holidays)

  • Questionnaire “The place of sports in your family” .
  • Physical education holiday “Mom, Dad. I am a sports family"


Parent meeting “Development of creativity in children” .

Visual information

  • Information stand “ABC of a small pedestrian” .
  • Ecological page “Towards Spring” (drawings, crafts).

Individual consultations, conversations

  • “How to get rid of a bad habit”
  • Consultation “How to teach a child to show respect for elders .

Active forms of work (leisure activities, interest clubs, holidays)

  • Round table "Family traditions" .
  • Master class for parents from mom “Magic quilling”


Visual information

  • Folder “Developmental subject environment at home for preschool children .
  • Environmental page “Outdoor games with an environmental focus .

Individual consultations, conversations

  • Consultations “Children and Computers” .
  • Conversations “Education of cultural and hygienic skills” .

Active forms of work (leisure activities, interest clubs, holidays)

  • Questionnaire “Modern technologies and the child” .
  • Entertainment "Spring-Spring" .


Parent meeting Final parent meeting “Our successes” .

Visual information

  • Information stand .
  • Photo exhibition “My grandfather is a soldier” .
  • Consultation “Games with a child during a long journey .

Individual consultations, conversations

  • Consultation with a psychologist “Little “provocateur” .
  • Travel first aid kit.
  • Conversation “Proper nutrition of a child in the summer .

Active forms of work (leisure activities, interest clubs, holidays)

  • Preparing the site for the summer period.
  • A joint hike in a pine forest.
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