Speech therapy
The main forms of organizing work with children with speech impairments at the speech therapy center of preschool educational
Preview: Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution of the city of Naberezhnye Chelny “Kindergarten of a combined type
Methodology for teaching sound analysis of words to children of senior preschool age. — presentation Methodology for Teaching Sound
Article: Purpose: “Providing conditions for eliminating speech deficiencies and improving the speech of children with different
Quiz on the theme “Autumn” in the preparatory group Game summary - quizzes for older children
Good afternoon everyone. “So autumn has come, our garden has turned yellow, the leaves on the birch are golden
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Project “Trees in Autumn” in the senior group of compensatory orientation for children with mental retardation
LiveInternetLiveInternet Quote from Tatyana57 Read in full To your quote book or community! SPEECH DEVELOPMENT. LEXICAL TOPICS
Article: At the age of 5-6 years, a child’s pronunciation practically reaches its language norm. Wherein
Summary of a lesson on the basics of literacy and writing in the senior group of a preschool educational institution using ICT