Summary of an integrated lesson between a speech therapist and a psychologist “In Search of a Smile” outline of a speech therapy lesson (preparatory group)


Goal: “Providing conditions for eliminating speech deficiencies and improving the speech of children with different levels of speech development using integrative teaching methods in the lexical topic “Toys.”

Correctional and educational:

  • enrich children's vocabulary with words from the thematic group “Toys”;
  • improve the grammatical structure of speech: develop the skill of forming and using diminutive forms of nouns, agreeing adjectives with nouns in gender, number and case, using relative adjectives;
  • teach children to write short descriptive stories about toys.

Correctional and developmental:

  • create conditions for using new words in your own speech;
  • develop speech breathing;
  • develop fine and gross motor skills, a sense of rhythm, coordination of speech with movements;
  • develop attention, memory, speech hearing.
  • improve gross and fine motor skills, coordination of speech with movement.
  • develop phonemic perception, auditory attention, visual memory.
  • improve tactile skills when working with didactic game material.

Correctional and educational:

  • develop a caring attitude towards toys;
  • cultivate interest and attention to the word, one’s own speech and the speech of others;
  • to form goodwill, independence, activity.
  • develop interaction skills among peers.

Materials and equipment: toys (horse, pyramid, ball, bear, matryoshka, car); manuals with images of toys, cut-out pictures (toys), blanks for applique, glue, brushes, napkins.. Multimedia presentation with the didactic game “The Fourth Odd One”, tables for composing descriptive stories. Subject pictures depicting toys. Toys for the game “Wonderful Bag”, cards with pictures for the game “Complete the Toy”, kinder surprise.

Previous work : Examining toys, writing descriptive stories about the toy. Acquaintance with the properties of the material from which toys are made, didactic games, replenishment of the subject-development environment with toys for various purposes.

Enrichment of the dictionary: plastic, wood, clay, glass.

Technologies used:

  • developmental education
  • special education
  • gaming technology
  • differentiated approach
  • individual approach
  • health-saving

Teaching methods and techniques:

  • Game techniques:

-the teacher performs various gaming techniques

  • creating a game situation,
  • imaginary situation;
  • sudden appearance of objects;

- didactic games

  • Verbal methods and techniques:
  • teacher's story,
  • conversation,
  • search questions.
  • Practical:

- applique

— finishing drawing

- tactile-motor exercise.


  1. Organizational game moment

Speech therapist : - Guys, I know that you all love to play. Today I invite you to go to the magical land of toys. In it we will visit different cities. And we will go there on a magical transport - “carpet-plane”.

So that we can get to the toys

Everyone needs to get on the carpet

And rise to the skies

To see miracles!

Take your seats! Close your eyes and imagine that we are taking off! (children stand on the carpet, close their eyes, the music of a flying airplane turns on)

Speech therapist: - Imagine that you are flying on a carpet - an airplane. Gradually the carpet - the plane descends, and we find ourselves in the Land of Toys.

“The City of Colorful Toys” is the first on the way. Let's go. (while the children are flying with their eyes closed, the teacher is arranging the toys).

  1. Main part

Speech therapist: - Look how many beautiful toys there are! Now we will play with you. Go to your seats.

D/I “Make a whole from parts.”

Children are given envelopes containing cut-out pictures of toys.

Children : - One, two, three! Collect!

(Children collect pictures of toys).

Speech therapist: - Well done, guys! You made such wonderful, beautiful toys! Let's call them affectionately.

D/I “Call me affectionately.”

Children: - I have a doll.

- I have a car, etc.

Children put pictures in envelopes and approach the speech therapist.

Speech therapist: - Guys, we continue our journey through the “City of Multi-Colored Toys.”

D/I “Tell me according to the diagram.”

Children approach a magnetic easel on which there is a diagram for a descriptive story. Make up a story about your favorite toy.

Speech therapist : - Well done, guys!

Speech therapist : - Guys, how should you handle toys?

Children : - Carefully, neatly, well.

Speech therapist: - But some children did not know how to handle toys and this is what happened.

D/I “What without what?”

Children are shown pictures of toys without any parts

expected answers from children : “The donkey has no ear, the car has no wheels, etc.”

Speech therapist: I suggest completing the missing parts of the toys .

(Children complete the task)

Speech therapist : - That's right, guys, you answered, and I hope that you will never break toys!

Speech therapist : All children really want to have a lot of toys, and we will play the game “One - Many.”

D/I “One is many.”

Doll - dolls, car - cars, pyramid - pyramids, etc.

- But the girl Katya also had a lot of toys. Let's help her count them using physical exercises.

Physical exercise.

Katina’s dolls sit in a row on the sofa:

Two bears, Pinocchio and cheerful Chipolino,

And a kitten and a baby elephant!

One two three four five!-

We help our Katya count the toys!

Speech therapist: - Guys, our journey continues! And we go to the next city. Get on the carpet. (music turns on).

Speech therapist: Children, we are in the “City of Hidden Toys” . Its residents greet us. Who do you see in the picture?

Expected answers from children : - I see a red pyramid, a yellow duck, etc.

Speech therapist : - Guys, I have a magic bag. Toys are also hidden here. Let's get them.

D/I “Wonderful bag”.

The bag contains small toys; children recognize them by touch and name what material they are made of (rubber ball, plastic car, etc.).

Speech therapist : That's right, guys, you named all the toys. And now I have another game for you.

D/I "The Fourth Wheel".

Children are shown pictures with four objects, one of which is extra. Children identify the extra object and justify the answer (TV is used).

D/I “Complete the missing toy.”

Speech therapist: - That's right, you found extra pictures, now go to your places and complete one more task. You need to draw the missing toys.

Speech therapist: - Well done! You completed the task. Let's fly to the next city! Come on our carpet - an airplane! (music turns on).

Educator : To get to this city, you need to answer who is standing where. And this picture will help us (the teacher shows a picture of toys located one after another).

Educator : Who is the bunny behind? Between whom is the bee? Who is the turtle in front of? Etc. (Children answer questions)

Educator : Guys, we ended up in the “City of Samodelkin” . Everyone in this city loves to work, and now you and I will work too. Sit comfortably at the tables, we will make toys.

Children are given trays with cut out toy parts. They must make toys (appliques) from ready-made parts.

Educator: - What kind of toy does Kantik make? Alikhan? Amina?

— What is Sofia gluing? What color is Diana's tumbler? What is the truck carrying?

(Children do the work).

Educator: - These are the toys all the kids got! Show them to our guests and give them as souvenirs.

  1. Final part.

Educator : Okay, guys, you have done your work. You were attentive, active, answered correctly, and I have a surprise for you. Kinder surprises are given to children.

Integrated classes when organizing speech therapy assistance

Consultation for MO teachers of speech therapists

Topic: “Integrated classes in organizing speech therapy assistance”

Prepared by:

teacher speech therapist

highest category

Solkina Vera Alexandrovna

Plast, 2021

Many years of practice and the search for new ways to increase the effectiveness of speech therapy work have shown that it is possible to achieve a positive result in correctional work with children if you change the form and content of training sessions and use an integrated form of delivery. An integrated approach to organizing the educational process in preschool institutions is being developed by many specialists who define it as one of the ways to achieve the quality of education, its renewal and effectiveness in the development of the child’s personality and preservation of his health. Integration is more appropriate for activating speech, developing cognitive processes and corresponds to children's psychophysical data, because allows children to fully realize their potential.

Integration is the combination, merging, within certain limits, in one lesson of generalized knowledge of a particular area, which must meet the basic requirement of preschool and correctional pedagogy: education should be small in volume, but capacious.

One of the important conditions for organizing correctional and developmental work with children with problems in speech development is complexity

impact on the child’s speech and personality. An integrated approach involves

interaction of different specialists of a preschool educational institution: speech therapist, teacher, psychologist, speech pathologist, music director, etc. Integrated classes in the practical activities of a speech therapist may involve the cooperation of teachers of a preschool educational institution within the framework of a lesson, or the speech therapist’s independent use of methods and techniques of work of other specialists. As part of integrated classes, it is also possible to involve parents of students. This is mainly implemented in open classes. Joint parent-child activities make children feel proud of their parents and want to show off their skills. Children and parents learn together what causes difficulties for parents, for example: correctly perceive the sound pattern of a word, analyze and synthesize words, sentences, etc. Such joint activities help to establish close contacts between the teacher-speech therapist and parents.

In an integrated lesson it is possible to solve many correctional problems

and educational tasks, tasks for the development of motor

activity, mental processes, health-saving tasks. Conducting integrated classes requires serious training for all teachers involved. Integration covers all activities of teachers in a speech therapy group. The work of correctional kindergarten teachers is usually planned on lexical topics. Over the course of a week, the lexical topic runs through all the activities and routines organized by teachers, this allows for the activation of children’s speech development and contributes to the emergence of a desire to actively participate in communication and joint activities. Integrated classes can be aimed both at mastering new knowledge and at consolidating and generalizing what has already been acquired.

The feasibility of using integrated classes for children with disabilities

Speech disorders are caused by a number of reasons:

— the integrated approach corresponds to one of the principles of preschool didactics: education should be small in volume, but capacious. This principle contributes to the formation of a holistic picture of the world in children in its diversity and unity, and at the same time helps relieve children’s fatigue by switching their attention to various types of activities;

— integrated classes develop children’s potential, encourage active cognition and understanding of the surrounding reality, and contribute to the development of logic and thinking. Children have the opportunity to realize their creative abilities and communication skills, since in each lesson they must be able to freely express their thoughts, share their impressions, and most importantly, children develop cognitive interest and activity, since any topic requires children to intensify the experience of real life in a situation integrated lesson;

— the form of conducting integrated classes is non-standard, interesting, and allows you to solve many correctional and developmental problems. The structure is clear, compact, and contains a large amount of information. At the same time, the alternation of various types of activities during the lesson maintains the children’s attention at a high level, which allows us to speak about the sufficient effectiveness and efficiency of the lessons.

The implementation of correctional and educational tasks in the classroom occurs through problem situations, experimental work, didactic games and assignments.

Finally, integration helps reduce the number of classes, reduce the educational load on each child, free up time for walks and free activities, helping to strengthen the mental and physical health of children.

The structure of integrated classes is distinguished by clarity, compactness, conciseness, logical interdependence of educational material at each stage of the lesson, and a large informative capacity of the material. At the same time, the activity retains the form of an entertaining, exciting game for children.

Integrated classes are more effective, since students show an increased interest in the content of the tasks that are implemented in the classes and develop positive personality traits.

In an integrated lesson, it is possible to solve both correctional and educational tasks, as well as tasks to expand the motor activity of children and develop musical and rhythmic abilities.

Undoubtedly, conducting integrated classes requires serious training of the entire teaching staff. Only in this case - in an atmosphere of general attention, interest, and professionalism of adults - does the child develop imagination, volition, the need to act actively, and improve intellectual development.

The key to success is: systematicity, planning, consistency. The frequency of classes depends on many reasons, but the main requirement is consistency.

According to experts, integrated classes are undoubtedly beneficial. Children's range of skills expands and their attention becomes more concentrated. In addition, changing types of activities ensures the effectiveness of the impact and stimulates the emotional response in children.

In addition to the main educational, correctional and educational tasks, in integrated classes it becomes possible to fully solve health-saving tasks:

— Preventing children from being overloaded by switching them to different types of activities, changing positions when performing tasks, dosing them, organizing relaxation during the lesson.

— Taking into account individual characteristics of children’s perception, memorization, understanding of educational material, individual pace, performance and fatigue when performing tasks in a group, respect for the child’s personality.

— Taking into account the current state of health, preventing impairment of vision, hearing, breathing, posture, fine and gross motor skills.

— Taking into account the style of communication with children: personality-oriented, aimed at cooperation and support.

Integrated classes in the practice of speech therapy work are possible of two types:

1. Cooperation of teachers of various academic disciplines (speech therapist - psychologist, speech therapist - music director, speech therapist - teacher, speech therapist - physical education worker).

2. The speech therapist’s use of the work methods of other specialists (psychologist, teacher, music worker, etc.).

Tasks of the first type of integration:

— Coordination of the activities of all specialists in the psychological and pedagogical support system (educational psychologists, social educators, speech therapists, defectologists, teachers, educators) to create optimal conditions for the normal development of the child.

— Improving the system of psychological and pedagogical support for a child in an educational institution.

— Systematization of existing experience, exchange of interesting professional findings.

— Uniting representatives of different specialties in resolving issues of creating a special culture of psychological and pedagogical support for participants in the educational process.

The main task of the second type of integration is to increase the efficiency of the speech therapy process.

Integration models can be the following:

1. Thematic model, in which a single (lexical) topic is taken as the basis for activity. Each specialist independently determines the most effective forms and methods of working with children, based on the main topic. The goal of integration is to create a unified, purposeful system of work aimed at solving the assigned tasks.

2. The problem model is based on the fact that teachers identify the development problem of a group of children that is most relevant for a given period of study and jointly develop a system of measures to overcome it.

Let's consider possible models of collaboration between different specialists.

1. Speech therapist - psychologist

A speech therapist and a psychologist pursue different goals in their work, but the ways and means of achieving them quite often turn out to be common. It must be taken into account that there is always a group of children who equally need the help of both specialists.

Planning and implementation of correctional and developmental interventions requires the interaction of a speech therapist and a psychologist in cases where the following problems underlie the difficulties of teaching and raising a child:

— unformed HMF is combined with insufficient speech development;

- speech impairment is accompanied by maladaptive anxiety;

— speech underdevelopment is accompanied or causes a decrease in educational motivation and self-control.

The work of a speech therapist within the framework of integration may include the following:

— Development of the sound side of speech.

— Development of vocabulary and grammatical structure of speech.

— Formation of coherent speech.

— Formation of full-fledged educational skills and abilities.

The work of a psychologist in conditions of integration may include the following:

— Development and correction of higher mental functions.

— Activation of cognitive activity.

— Development of the emotional-volitional sphere.

The relationship between the work of a speech therapist and a psychologist is not limited to the use of correctional psychological and speech therapy forms and methods in the classroom; mutual integration is much deeper. It involves joint:

-planning and conducting classes;

- drawing up general plans for correctional work with children requiring increased pedagogical attention;

-joint monitoring based on the results of the survey and correctional and developmental activities;

-development of recommendations for teachers and parents;

-conducting seminars and consultations on issues of mental and speech development of children;

-design of visual propaganda for teachers and parents, selection of literature for their self-education.

Thus, both a speech therapist and a psychologist are involved in the development of speech and other mental processes at the same time, but not on equal terms. The main task of a speech therapist is speech development (and correction of higher mental functions contributes to this). Speech development for a psychologist is also one of the main tasks, but in the context of a psychologist’s work, speech is a means of developing intelligence.

2. Speech therapist - music director

When organizing complex correctional work with a child with general speech underdevelopment, it is necessary to adhere to the principle of “versatility of efforts,” in which a special role is given to the complementary work of the speech therapist and music director. An integrated approach is also particularly promising in this matter, allowing one to expand the area of ​​influence on a child with speech pathology. This interaction is reflected most clearly in speech therapy rhythms.

The work of a speech therapist within the framework of integration may include the following:

— Development of facial and articulatory motor skills.

— Development of the sound side of speech.

— Development of vocabulary and grammatical structure of speech.

— Development of the prosodic side of speech.

— Formation of coherent speech.

The work of a music director in an integrated environment can solve the following tasks:

— Development and correction of tempo-rhythmic organization of speech.

— Formation of correct breathing.

— Development of such breathing qualities as strength and duration.

— Formation of the skill of conscious perception of space.

Each lesson includes finger and outdoor games, songs and poems accompanied by movements, motor exercises, simple dances, elementary music playing on noise instruments, didactic games that promote the development of a sense of rhythm (laying out models, diagrams, drawing repeating elements, etc. ). In integrated classes with a music director and a speech therapist, children learn to coordinate movement with words, which contributes, first of all, to the speech development of children. Playing noise instruments, in addition to developing a sense of rhythm, allows you to develop attention and memory, coordination of movements, and fine motor skills.

Since the classes are integrated, their duration, compared to ordinary ones, can be slightly increased, without compromising the health of children, which also contributes to a more complete solution of many correctional and educational problems.

Such integrated classes (speech therapist - music director) are well integrated into the educational work of any modern program for the education of preschoolers and remedial education of schoolchildren, and contribute to the formation in the child of a holistic perception of space and time and the harmonization of the mental development of children.

A speech therapist works with children, usually starting at age 5. However, in modern conditions it is often too late. A large group of younger children already require speech therapy intervention. Integration in this case can be expressed in the music director’s use of the speech therapist’s methodological recommendations and speech therapy rhythm techniques in working with children 3-5 years old (the second type of integration).

In classes, using elements of logorhythmics, a music worker can solve the following special (speech therapy) problems:

— Development of passive vocabulary, activation of speech imitation and formation of phrasal speech.

— Formation of a sense of tempo.

— Development of muscular sense of direction of movement.

— Development of the ability to understand the grammatical forms of words, the formation of phrasal speech, the development of speech and articulatory motor skills, the creation of an articulatory base of sounds.

- Development of a sense of rhythmic style - a sense of emphasis, alternating stresses.

— Formation of the skill of conscious perception of space.

— Enrichment and activation of vocabulary, teaching the correct use of grammatical forms of words, improving speech motor skills.

— Development of orientation in rhythmic structures, commensurate and distinguishing by their duration.

— Improving the skills of coherent speech, correct grammatical and sound design of speech statements in all communication situations.

Thus, in integrated classes of a speech therapist and a music director, the development and correction of the speech functional system, auditory functions, optical-spatial representations, praxis, tactile gnosis, intellectual and creative abilities is carried out, awareness of one’s own emotions, and the development of empathy occurs.

Speech therapist – teacher
The speech therapist interacts most closely with the teacher in his work. In speech therapy groups, mutual integration passes through all the activities of teachers: joint planning of classes, drawing up general plans for correctional work with children, consultations (teacher councils) based on the results of examinations and correctional and developmental activities, drawing up recommendations for parents. In the conditions of the logopunkt such joint activity is not observed.

However, in both the first and second cases, integrated classes are effective if each teacher sets his own tasks:

The work of a teacher within the framework of integration may include the following:

— Enrichment of knowledge and ideas about the world around us.

— Formation and development of vocabulary.

— Consolidation of correct sound pronunciation and development of the prosodic side of speech.

— Formation of cognitive interest and curiosity.

— Development of coherent speech.

— Development of auditory perception, attention, and memory.

— Formation of educational knowledge, skills and abilities.

The work of a speech therapist within the framework of integration solves the following tasks:

— Development of all components of speech, taking into account the program material of educators. For example:

— Development of grammatical categories through solving mathematical problems;

— Development of coherent speech based on the material of art classes by composing stories about completed (upcoming) work;

As integrative classes, classes in fine arts, mathematics, speech development and the surrounding world can be conducted. The most convenient for integration are speech development classes, because This is where the tasks of a speech therapist and a teacher overlap most fully.

4. Speech therapist - physical instructor

Physical education classes are one of the favorite activities of children. In this regard, they usually take place on a high emotional high, and this contributes to a more effective achievement of educational goals.

The work of a physical education worker within the framework of integration may include the following:

— Development of general and fine motor skills.

— Development of spatial orientations.

— Coordination and rhythmization of movements.

- Relieving muscle tension.

The work of a speech therapist within the framework of integration poses the following tasks:

— Learn to listen and understand multi-step instructions.

— Develop understanding and use of prepositional case constructions (jump over, hide behind, throw because of...).

- Develop the semantic side of speech: expansion of synonymous and antonymic series on the material of adjectives, verbs, adverbs (run - mince - rush...; high - low, far - close, wide - narrow, etc.)

5. Speech therapist - teacher

Perhaps the integration of a teacher-speech therapist in a general education (correctional) school is not the most productive and convenient form of education. However, undoubtedly, the teacher is obliged to develop children's speech. Integration in this case will be expressed in the teacher’s use of the speech therapist’s methodological recommendations.

It is most advisable to use them in the Russian language lesson, reading and familiarization with the outside world.

A necessary condition must be that the selected speech material corresponds to the topic being studied, the speech capabilities of the children and, of course, the material must be of educational value. In each of the sections being studied, the teacher must ensure that the lexical and grammatical structure of children’s speech is improved, so that students’ coherent speech develops at all stages of the lesson, and the proposed material intensifies their mental activity, so that the proposed tasks serve the implementation of the tasks in accordance with the program.

Consequently, the teacher, guided by the recommendations of the speech therapist, can solve the following problems in the classroom:

— Enrichment, expansion and clarification of vocabulary with nouns, verbs, adjectives based on sentences and texts.

— Inclusion of nouns, adjectives, verbs in various grammatical forms into sentences and thereby creating constructions of varying complexity.

— Restoration of texts by including nouns, adjectives, verbs.

— Development of the ability to highlight and then use repetitions expressed by nouns to connect adjacent sentences, the ability to replace a noun with a personal pronoun in adjacent sentences in order to ensure the coherence of the text.

Integrated classes have the greatest effect when they are not single experimental classes, but a system of interaction built according to a special program among all specialists who provide training, education and development of children.


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