Progress of the lesson:
View a presentation about berries .
Tasks: The ability to form coherent speech, listen to other children. Anwser the questions. Increase knowledge of the names of berries .
Educator: Guys, listen to the poem “Currant”
Currant berries
There is an old recipe
Educator: Guys, today I brought such a wonderful chest.
A riddle will tell us what lies in it:
I'm friends with a pencil
Where he passes, he places a drawing. (Paper)
Educator: That's right guys, this is paper. How did you guess? What words did you suggest? (children answer)
magically draw on it “ Berries on the bushes .”
Educator: Guys, I have another wonderful chest.
And what lies in it will tell us the verse - a riddle:
Like on a stitch, on a path
I found this earring.
I bent down for one,
And I came across ten! (Strawberry)
Educator: That's right guys, it's Strawberry!
Educator: Guys, let's draw a wonderful strawberry bush with you! The teacher shows the children how to create a rhythmic composition - on a flannelgraph or magnetic board by laying out a row of berries (circles)
red, green, etc
Next stage: Drawing .
Children draw berries using cotton swabs .
take a sheet of paper A-4 white or blue
use a felt-tip pen or pencil to draw a twig
take a cotton swab , dip it in red paint and draw berries
Educator: Guys, let's read a poem about strawberries!
I was walking in the forest, carrying strawberries,
I looked for it, collected it.
I'll bring it to kindergarten -
You guys are great, you make wonderful berries . Now let's play with our fingers a little.
Finger game (Raspberry)
(T. Koti)
Raz-raspberry, two - raspberry, (clap your hands at the right ear, then at the left)
Marinka ate (touch the fingers of the right hand, gathered in a pinch, to the left palm - “eat”
And in Marinka’s basket (Place slightly rounded palms towards each other - “basket”
Not a raspberry left. (look in the "basket"
then spread your arms to the sides)
Who will go for berries ? (stomp)
He'll take the basket! (clap)
Educator: Guys, was it interesting in our group ?
What new did you learn about berries ?
What did we achieve in the lesson?
How did we draw berries on the bushes ?
What did you like?
Educator: Thank you guys!
Summary of visual activities in the middle group. Topic: dishes drawing cups and saucers. Objectives: To form a correct idea of tableware, its purpose, to learn to differentiate objects within the same kind (teaware,...
Summary of a lesson on drawing with cotton swabs “Berry by berry” (second junior group) I present to your attention a summary of an unconventional lesson on drawing (by cotton swabs) in the junior group of the kindergarten “Berry by.
GCD in the senior group for drawing with cotton swabs and familiarization with the surrounding world “Rowanushka” Summary of educational activities on artistic and aesthetic development in the senior group. Developed and conducted by G. V. Grigorieva.
Non-traditional drawing technique - Pointivism (with cotton swabs) In order to teach a child to draw, along with software teaching methods for each specific age, it is very useful to use. GCD for drawing with cotton swabs “Snowball flutters and spins” Topic “Snowball flutters and spins” GOAL: To introduce children to new techniques of non-traditional drawing techniques (with cotton swabs, to introduce.
Summary of educational activities for drawing with cotton swabs “Seeds for birds” Purpose: To teach children to draw with cotton swabs, create a rhythmic composition (grains). Develop a sense of rhythm. Cultivate interest.
ECD for drawing with cotton swabs with children of the middle group “Berry by berry”
Olesya Akinina
ECD for drawing with cotton swabs with children of the middle group “Berry by berry”
Direct educational activities
with children in the middle group in visual arts using modern technologies.
«Drawing with cotton swabs»
«Berry by berry«.
Goal: Learn to depict objects using non-traditional drawing . Develop children's sense of composition and color.
Objectives: Show a variety of non-traditional drawing . Identify the positive impact on the child’s psychological state. Develop creativity, curiosity, observation. To form an ecological culture (understanding of the intrinsic value of nature)
Types of integration of educational areas:
Cognition: Clarify children's knowledge about types of berries . Summarize children's understanding of the diversity of flowering plants.
Social and communicative development: Create the need to share your impressions. The ability to correctly combine words in phrases and meaning. Form a friendly relationship between children .
Artistic creativity: Development of children's creativity in artistic activities using a new non-traditional technique.
Preliminary work: viewing the presentation
«Berries on the bushes»
Demonstration material: pictures of berries , blank for drawing .
Equipment: Sheets of white or light blue paper, cotton swabs , gouache (2 contrasting colors, colored pencils or markers, paper napkins.
Drawing lesson in the senior group on the topic: “Currant branch.”
Yanina Khalanskaya
Drawing lesson in the senior group on the topic: “Currant branch.”
Summary of educational activities
in drawing in senior group No. 7
GBOU School No. 1400 DO No. 6
on the topic : “ Currant branch ”
Prepared and conducted by the teacher
systematize children's knowledge about berries;
continue to develop interest in visual arts;
continue to improve the ability to convey images of objects in a drawing, pay attention to the shape, size, proportions of parts;
learn to draw in unconventional ways (typing)
Materials: paper, gouache red, black, yellow, green, pencil, jar of water, wet wipe, medium brush.
Municipal Autonomous Educational Institution
“Gymnasium and M. N.V.
108840, Moscow, Troitsk, st. Shkolnyaya, 10, tel/fax 8(4958)-51-03-11,
"Wild berries and strawberries"
Prepared and conducted:
Ivanova Anna Viktorovna
- strengthen the ability to use a brush;
- draw with the end of the brush;
- develop productive thinking, perception of color, shape, size; fine motor skills;
- cultivate interest in creative visual activities;
- show a friendly attitude towards fairy-tale characters and a desire to help them.
— expand children’s understanding of wild berries;
- continue to introduce the features of appearance and place of their growth;
— teach to be careful with unknown berries;
- cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.
Sheets of white thick paper, watercolor paints, a round brush, a container of water, color illustrations of berries and strawberries.
Psychological game “Wishes”
Children stand in a circle.
Educator. Guys, let's imagine that the ball we hold in our hands is a little sun and we will pass it from hand to hand to a friend standing next to you with wishes (health, happiness, good friends, fun, etc.).
At the end of the game, we move on to the main part of the lesson.
Red juicy droplets of summer,
These berries are tastier than candy,
They grow together on a hillock in the forest,
I'll bring them home in a basket!
Educator. Dunno came to us today, yesterday his friend Znayka told him that strawberries are called drops of summer, but Dunno doesn’t know why they are called that, let’s help him. (Strawberries ripen in the summer and turn red in the clearing, hanging like a drop from the end of a thin stem. These berries are very aromatic and fragrant.)
Looking at an illustration depicting berries.
— What are they in color and shape? (Strawberries are small, small, round, oval, they are red in color, with white small seeds.)
— What kind of leaves does the strawberry bush have? (Green, carved.)
—What do strawberries taste like? (Sweet, juicy, tastier than candy.)
—Where do strawberries grow? (On the edges of the forest, in sunlit forest clearings.)
- Why is this berry called strawberry? (This berry grows near the ground, as if clinging to it.)
Educator. Children, Dunno invites us to color the strawberries so that we can see them among the green grass. What color watercolor paint will you choose?
Finger gymnastics “Picking berries”
One two three four five
We're going for a walk in the forest,
We'll find strawberries
We'll bring it to my brother too.
(Children “greet” each other with the fingers of both hands. Now they “walk.” Bend one finger at a time.
The teacher hangs the children's drawings on the board or lays them out on the carpet. “We found ourselves in a strawberry meadow. Would you like to pick these berries and put them in a basket?”
Drawing Blackberry
Using an HB pencil, draw the approximate shape of a blackberry; then add parallel, slightly curved construction lines.
The berries, like blackberries, consist of a cluster of small stone fruits arranged around a central stem. Guide lines will help you when identifying rows of stone fruits.
- Just imagine the center of each stone fruit sitting on the line you drew in the previous step. The rows of fruits are tightly adjacent to each other.
- I have found that it is much easier to fill the blackberry shape with small pieces of fruit starting from the bottom row.
- Using a 3B pencil, darken the borders between the stone fruits. I also added shadows to each small element of the fruit, maintaining a light highlight and a thin strip of reflective light.
- I've drawn a separate fragment of a stone fruit for you to use as an example - you can see it in the screenshot below.
- As a final step, add shadows.
Summary of the drawing lesson “Berries” in the preparatory speech therapy group
Elena Vorobyova
Summary of the drawing lesson “Berries” in the preparatory speech therapy group
Prepared and conducted by : teacher Elena Borisovna
- strengthen the ability to use a brush;
— paint with the end of the brush;
- develop productive thinking, perception of color, shape, size; fine motor skills;
- cultivate interest in creative visual activities;
- show a friendly attitude towards fairy-tale characters and a desire to help them.
• Continue teaching children to draw berries , conveying their distinctive features.
• Expand children's knowledge and understanding of forest and garden berries .
• Create conditions for the development of cognitive skills in children, promote the creative activity of children.
— teach to be careful with unknown berries ;
- cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.
Albums for each child, gouache, brushes, large and small. Sippy cup, napkins, cloths for blotting brushes, color illustrations of berries ,
Draw Cherry
Draw the cherry shape using an HB pencil. This figure resembles a circle with a narrowed lower part.
- Next, add a curved line as the stem.
- Add a small indentation to the top of the cherry and also add some finishing touches to the stem.
- Using a 3B pencil, add shadows.
- Accentuate the hollow and sides of the cherry with contour shading. Then add graphite strokes to the stem and also add shadows.
- It is important to keep the highlights light as cherry is a smooth, glossy object.