Corrective and developmental lesson for preschoolers “Seasons”

Names of the months in children's pictures

All children love games. It will be more interesting and easier for your child to learn the names of the months if he is shown story-based illustrations or presentations. If parents independently make a presentation about the seasons for their child, it will be even better. An excellent option is to create it together with your child. This way he will remember the names faster.

By finding illustrations about each month and showing them to the child, the parent will be able to fix their names in his memory. To do this, you need to select pictures that demonstrate the life of animals in each season, the type of clothing for each season, etc.

To interest your son (daughter), the presentation must be colorful. You can also display the features of each month. For example, September - leaves fall, the school year begins, and children go to school. In presentations, you can focus on holidays. For example, December - New Year, decorating the Christmas tree and home. Be sure to include the child’s birthday in them - he will definitely know and remember this day.

Winter months

The child needs to be explained that there are 3 winter months - December (ends the year and begins winter), January (begins the year) and February (the harshest month, with blizzards and snowfalls). It is important to choose thematic pictures for the story.

Spring months

The first month of spring is March. This is the period when primroses - snowdrops - appear. The second month is called April. This is a period of changeable weather: sometimes the sun shines, sometimes it rains. The third month – May – is the time when nature begins to clothe the forest. Plot illustrations are also appropriate for the explanation.

Summer months

June is the first month of summer. In ancient times it was called “worm”. This month has the longest day and shortest night of the year - June 22. June is followed by July, the month when linden blossoms intensively. Summer ends - August - time for harvest. In addition to pictures, you can choose riddles that describe each month.

Autumn months

There are also 3 autumn months: September (early autumn), October (golden autumn) and November (late autumn). To describe the season, you can select signs for each month.

Books about the seasons

  • Series “Town” by Susanne Rotraut Berner. Spring, Winter, Summer, Autumn. These are books without words. You look at them and come up with stories yourself. There are a lot of characters in the pictures, which are very interesting to look for and not always easy to find.
  • “Titmouse Calendar” by Bianchi.
  • Vladimir Svechnikov “Seasons. Illustrated Encyclopedia".
  • Elena Ulyeva “Creative tasks. Seasons".
  • Tatyana Romanova “We play in the seasons. 40 savvy ideas for kids."
  • S. Marshak “All year round.”
  • Alexander Golubev “Summer Adventures of Klevik” (there is a book about winter, spring and autumn).
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