Simple riddles about autumn
Children aged 4-6 years really like to solve riddles, and they should definitely take advantage of this in their learning. There are many riddles about autumn, and some of them, the most childish, are in front of you:
The days have become shorter, the nights have become longer, who can say, who knows when this happens? (Autumn)
The fields are empty, the ground is wet, it rains, when does this happen? (Autumn)
She came without paints and without a brush and repainted all the leaves. (Autumn)
Gold coins fall from a branch. (Leaf fall)
The autumn rain was walking through the city, the rain lost its mirror. The mirror is lying on the asphalt, the wind will blow and it will tremble. (Puddle)
There are so many of them in the yard in September and October! The rain passed and left them, medium, small, large. (Puddles)
And there are also everyone’s favorite riddles about autumn in verse, with a rhymed answer. Such riddles are suitable for children of older preschool age, 5-6 years old, when the child already feels the rhyme and can pick it up. In principle, the answers are so simple that it’s not difficult to guess even without rhyme:
Leaves fly off the branches, Birds fly away to the south. “What time of year is it?” - we’ll ask. They will answer us: “This is...” (autumn)
The forest has stripped, ask for the sky, This time of year is... (autumn)
Autumn came to visit us and brought with it... What? Say it at random! Well, of course... (leaf fall)
It began to get colder at night, and the puddles began to freeze. And on the grass there is blue velvet. What is it? ... (Rime)
Yellow leaves are flying, falling, circling, and just laying under your feet like a carpet! What is this yellow snowfall? It's just... (leaf fall)
It has become gloomy outside the window, the rain is asking to come into our house. The house is dry, but outside Appeared everywhere... (puddles)
In the gray sky low, clouds move close, covering the horizon. It will be raining. We took... (umbrella)
What kind of invisible thing is this? Slamming the gate in the garden, Flipping through a book on the table, Scaring the mouse with rustling sounds, Ripping off grandma’s scarf, Rocking Dimka in the stroller, Playing with the leaves, believe me! Well, of course it is... (wind)