Synopsis of an educational lesson in the second junior group. Fish
Summary of an educational and entertaining event for children of the second group of younger age “Amazing Fishes”
Program content: Objectives: • Teach children to correctly pronounce new words and consolidate the pronunciation of already familiar words • Continue to develop fine motor skills using finger games. • Fix the primary colors red, blue, yellow, green. • Develop interest in various types of musical and rhythmic games. • To foster in children an emotional response to joint activities. Materials and equipment: Plastic fish of different colors, a bowl of water, nets of different sizes, imitation of the shape of an aquarium, rectangular and round, blanks for applique, brushes, glue.
Progress of the event
Educator. Hello guys. Look what we have. “A basin filled with water” and a net. Game-exercise “Let's look” Children, optionally using a net, “catch” toys - fish. While fishing, children note the size of the fish and its color. Educator. How many fish did we catch? Do you like them? Educator. Look and tell me what the fish has? Children. Head, eyes, tail. Educator. The fish has a body. Here it is, show me. What is in the front of the body? Children. Head. Educator. Show where the fish's head is. What's on the fish's head? Children. On the head there are eyes and a mouth. Educator. That's right, the fish has its head in the front, and what's in the back? Children. Behind the tail. Educator. Do you have a tail? You don't have a tail, but the fish does. He is behind her. Show. The back of the fish is on top. It has a belly underneath. Show. Now let's show how fish swim. Children put their palms together and make wave-like movements, imitating the movements of fish. Educator. Guys, let's imagine that you and I have also turned into real fish and play. Articulation gymnastics “Fishes” “Bubbles burst”…. Silent pronunciation [n], the tempo of pronunciation is either speeded up or slowed down.
"Predatory fish" ....
Raise the upper lip, exposing only the upper teeth.
“The fish is chewing algae”….
Imitate chewing.
"Pike" ….
Move the lower jaw forward, mouth open, bite the upper lip with the lower teeth.
“The fish is singing”….
Extend your lips into a “tube” and slowly open your mouth, and also slowly close it. Educator. What wonderful fish we have! Guys, tell me, who knows where the fish live? Children's answers. Educator. That's right, guys. Fish can live in the sea, in the ocean, in a river or lake, and even in an aquarium. The most important thing that fish need to live is water! Look, I have two aquariums. (Round and rectangular). Guys, what shape are these aquariums? Educator. I suggest you play the game. D/i “Find your house” The teacher puts silhouettes of rectangular and round aquariums on the floor, then invites them to play. The fish “swim” wherever they want. As soon as I say “I want to catch you,” you run to your houses. Whoever has a big fish runs to a rectangular aquarium, and whoever has a small fish runs to a round aquarium. The fish swims in the water, the fish has fun playing. Fish, fish, mischief maker, I want to catch you. Educator. Well done guys, everyone hid in their houses. And now it’s time for us to turn from fish to children again. I have a surprise for you. I have prepared such wonderful aquariums for each of you. Every aquarium should have a fish, and together we will make a fish. Children, under the guidance of a teacher, perform an application of cotton pads “Fish in an Aquarium”. Educator. You guys made some wonderful fish. Well done![b
List of used literature 1. Basic general education program “From birth to school” by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasiliev. 2. Ryzhova, N.V. Articulation gymnastics for kids / N.V. Ryzhova. - M.: Sfera, 2021. - 869 p. 3. Bogateeva, Z.A. Applique classes in kindergarten / Z.A. Bogateeva. - M.: Education, 2008. - 224 p.
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Summary of GCD 2 junior group “A golden fish swam to us”TASKS:
- To form in children a general idea of the appearance of a goldfish. Learn to identify certain parts of the body (tail, eyes, mouth, fins).
- Introduce the main behavioral features (lives in water, swims, swallows food).
- Practice the skill of completely painting a piece of paper in the shape of an aquarium, by applying sweeping strokes.
- Arouse interest in the goldfish and a desire to care for it.
- Create an atmosphere of emotional well-being.
- Foster love and respect for nature.
- Develop visual perception, attention, memory.
- Develop the ability to observe a living object.
- Activate children's vocabulary (shiny, aquarium, food, fins).
- ensure children have proper posture
- intensify physical activity.
- aquarium; gold fish; can of food;
- sheets of paper in the shape of an aquarium with fish drawn in wax crayons;
- record player.
Children are included in the group. The sound of gurgling water is heard.
- Guys, what do you think the sound we hear is like? (Children's answers) Let's go see what it's murmuring.
“Our feet walk along a level path, step over pebbles”
(Children walk in a group to a stylized river: a blue cloth represents water, there are colorful paper fish on it, and a frog on the bank. A jar with a live fish is hidden behind the cloth)
- Here we are! There is a river in front of us. Let's stand on the shore so as not to get our feet wet. How beautiful it is here! Who is that sitting by the water? (Frog) What is she like? (Green) How does she use her voice? (Croaks) Now guess the riddle and you will find out who lives in the water.
“It wags its tail back and forth, and it’s gone, and there’s no trace.”
- That's right, it's a fish. Look how many fish there are in the river. This is an unusual, magical river, and unusual, very beautiful fish live in it. They are of different sizes and different colors. Look, is this fish big or small? What color is it? (The teacher points to the fish and interviews the children) There are a lot of fish, but for some reason we don’t hear them talking. This is because fish do not know how to talk, they are always silent.
- Guys, do you want such a fish to live in our group? Then close your eyes and say the magic words.
“One, two, three - bring the fish to life” (Says the first time by the teacher, the second time by the children)
- So a miracle happened, the fish became alive! (A jar of fish appears)
- Invite her to visit. (Children invite)
- The fish nodded its head. She agrees to visit us and if she likes it, she will stay with us.
- And now we are setting off on the way back, going with the fish to our group.
“Our feet walk along a level path, step over pebbles”
Here we are. Sit around the table. (There is an aquarium on the table, covered with a napkin.) Guys, a fish cannot live in a jar, it’s cramped there. We need to put her in a spacious house. (The teacher removes the napkin from the aquarium)
“Look at the house, it’s filled to the brim with water, Without windows, but not gloomy, Transparent on four sides.
The residents of this house are all skilled swimmers.”
This house is called an aquarium. Let's repeat it together. Tell Sasha what the fish house is called. The aquarium is made of glass, there are pebbles on the bottom, and water grass grows - algae. The water in the aquarium is clean and fresh. Now we will release the fish into it.
Look how happy the fish was. She swam. How beautiful she is. What color is the fish? (Red) In the sun it glows and shines. She's brilliant. What kind of fish? (Red, shiny) They call our guest a goldfish. Let's repeat it together.
The fish has a head. What's on the head? (Eyes, mouth) Here she is looking at us. Does the fish have a tail? (There is) It is long, fluffy, wavy. Look how she moves it. The tail helps the fish swim. Let's show how she moves her tail.
Finger gymnastics.
“A little fish swims along the river,
The little fish beats its tail.” What else helps it swim? (Teacher shows a picture) Look, the fish has fins on its back and tummy. The fin on the back is large, and the fin on the belly is small. Use your eyes to find the fins on the goldfish. What's on the fish's back? What's on your tummy? What are fins for?
Guys, the goldfish is our guest, and guests are always treated to food. Now we will feed the guest. I have a jar of food prepared. What will we feed? (Feed).
(The teacher pours food into the aquarium). What is the fish doing? (Eats) Look how she eats, she swallows food with her mouth. Let's say together: . ” Guys, let's not stop the goldfish from eating.
“The fish swims in the water, It’s fun for the fish to walk, The fish, the mischievous fish
We want to play with you.” Let’s leave the table and play.
Physical exercise.
I suggest you turn into fish. To do this, put your palms together and float. Remember that fish cannot talk, so we swim in silence.
“The fish frolic merrily in the clean, warm water, then they squeeze and unclench, then they bury themselves in the sand.”
Swim to me, little fishes. We gave up, we are children again. We sit quietly at our desks.
Guys, the goldfish liked it with us, liked its house - an aquarium. She agreed to stay in our group. And so that you always remember how to take care of it, I brought each of you an aquarium with fish. But look, there is no water in your aquariums. Can fish live without water? (No) I suggest immediately filling the aquariums with water. Look what needs to be done for this. I put paint on a brush and paint the aquarium. I move the brush gently, without pressing, as if I were ironing paper. The fish are not afraid of water, so I boldly run my brush over them. It is necessary to carefully paint the entire aquarium without leaving white spots. So I filled my aquarium with water. Now you get down to business. Take the brushes correctly and start filling the aquariums. (Quiet music sounds. The children have finished their work.)
I see everyone coped with it, poured clean water for the fish, filled the aquariums. Let's show our guest, the goldfish, how you helped her friends. (Children take the drawings and stand around the aquarium.) The fish is grateful to you for taking care of its friends. She will remain living in our group, will please us, and you will look after her. Place the drawings on the table. After they dry, we will hang them on display.
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52720_PROEKT where spit rybka.docx
MUNICIPAL AUTONOMOUS PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION KINDERGARTEN No. 9 “KALINKA” NAZAROVO, KRASNOYARSK REGION PROJECT Topic: “Where does the fish sleep? » Educational area: cognitive development Completed by: teachers of junior group No. 3 “The Little Mermaid” Natalya Nikolaevna Shatalova, Nazarovo 2021 Project map The main activities of children organized by teachers Weeks Days of the week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 Continuous direct educational activity 1 The world around us “Where the fish sleeps” 2 Drawing “Goldfish” 3 Application “Underwater world” 4 Modeling “Fish visiting the children” 2 Reading fiction 1 I. Tokmakova “Where the Fish Sleeps” V. Suteev “How I Fished” 2 E. Krasnova “In the Aquarium” V. Bianki “Fish House” 3 N. Gubin “Fish House” Y. Mogutin “In quiet river" 4 N. Zubareva "Glass House" M. Korneev "Fisherman" 3 Games 1 p/ and "Cunning fish" d\ and ( p\ r) "Tell what's in the picture" d\ and according to fine arts "Complete picture" d\i(environmental world) "Find out by description" 2 d\i(FEMP) "Count the fish"" p/i "Crucian carp and pike" d\i(environmental world) "Fur, scales, feathers" d\ i( r\ r) “One is many” 3 d\ i(environment world) “Who eats what? » d\ i( FEMP) “Compare by size” d\ i( r\ r) “Cut pictures” p/ and “Fisherman and fish” 4 d\ i( r\ r) “What does the fish have” d\ i (environmental world) “Flies, walks, swims” p/ and “From hummock to hummock” d\ i (environmental world) “Whose house? » 4 Artistic and creative activities. 1 Application “Fish in the Pond” 2 Application “Fish House” 3 Drawing “Aquarium” 4 Modeling “Such different fish” Drawing “Complete the picture” 5 Conversations 1 “What do I know about fish” “Why does a fish swim? " 2 "Who lives where" "What is algae? " 3 "What's at the bottom? ""I have an aquarium" 4 "I went fishing" "Fish friends" Project name: "Where does the fish sleep? » Project theme: developing children’s knowledge about the diversity of fish and their habitat. Problem area of the project: during the thematic week on the theme “Where the Fish Sleeps,” children showed great interest in studying fish. Younger children do not have a sufficient understanding of the natural habitat of fish. During classes and during didactic games, children asked questions, the answers to which we decided to find in this project. The materials we have selected and the games we have made will form in children a basic understanding of the amazing underwater world. Pedagogical technologies, methods and techniques used in organizing children's activities within the framework of the project: Information and communication technology; Unconventional drawing technique; Observation; Consideration; A game. Goal: to form children’s basic ideas about fish, their external features, habitat, and role in human life. Objectives: • to form in children elementary ideas about the appearance of fish, their adaptability to life in water; • develop children's cognitive interest in the inhabitants of the underwater world; • cultivate an emotionally positive attitude towards natural objects. Planned results: Personal qualities: shows a steady interest in reading fiction about fish; is able to independently attract the attention of an adult or child in order to communicate information on the topic of the project; able to attract adults to discuss information on a topic. Intellectual qualities: able to confidently act according to the model (instructions) of the teacher in the process of creating an image and describing the product of one’s own artistic and creative activity; Physical qualities: demonstrates manual dexterity in the process of productive activities; demonstrates volitional efforts (able to complete work). Main steps of the project: Analyze children’s knowledge about fish during conversations; Select illustrations, postcards with images of fish, pebbles, algae; Prepare fiction about fish; Make attributes for the outdoor games “Fisherman and the Fishes”, “Crucian Carp and Pike”, “From Mound to Mound”, “Cunning Fishes”; Create a card index of didactic games on the project topic: “Find out by description”, “Who eats what?” ”, “Flies, walks, swims”, “Compare by size”, “Tell me what you know”, “Whose house? ”, “Count the fish”, “Fur, feathers, scales”, “What a fish has”, “Cut-out pictures” Replenish the creativity center with ready-made templates of fish, algae, pebbles for children’s independent creativity; Place shells, sand, pebbles in the center of nature. Final event: SRI “Fishing” Product obtained as a result of the project: Card file of games and attributes for them on the topic of the project; Layout "Underwater world". Type of project: medium-term (1 February 9 – March 17, 2021). Participants: teachers, parents, children. Integration of educational areas: No. Name of educational area Contents Objectives 1 Artistic and aesthetic development Drawing, modeling and appliqué on the topic. Reading fiction. Use means of children's productive activities to enrich knowledge on the topic. Use works of art to form a holistic picture of the world. 2 Cognitive development Storytelling, conversations on the topic. Didactic games. To develop knowledge about fish and their habitat. 3 Social and communicative Conversations. Form a holistic picture of the world and broaden your horizons in terms of ideas on the topic of the project. 4 Speech development Storytelling, conversations, didactic games. Consolidate knowledge on the topic through free communication with peers and adults. 5 Physical development Outdoor games. Promote the development of physical qualities. Material and technical resources required to complete the project: sheets of paper in blue, green and white, gouache of different colors, foam rollers, cotton swabs, painted fish with the outline of fish. : didactic games “Find out by description”, “Who eats what?” ", "Flies, walks, swims", "Compare by size", "Whose house? "", "Count the fish", "Fur, feathers, scales", "What does the fish have", "Cut-out pictures", "Complete the picture", "Compare by size", "Tell what's in the picture": attributes for outdoor games “Fisherman and fish”, “Crucian carp and pike”, “From hummock to hummock”, “Cunning fish”. : fiction and illustrations on the topic. Nature center: sand, pebbles, shells, “Aquarium” model. Planned time for the implementation of the project in stages (February 19 - March 16, 2021): No. Stage Contents of activities Deadlines 1 Search Collect information, illustrations, fiction on the topic. III week of February 2 Analytical Analysis of collected information and planning of practical activities to create a product. IV week of February 3 Practical Distribution of responsibility for the implementation of the project, production of the product. IV week of February - II week of March 4 Presentation Final event. II week of March Organizational forms of work on the project: No. pp. Forms of work Title/topic Dates 1 NNOD The world around us “Where the fish sleeps” Drawing “Goldfish” Application “Underwater world” Modeling “Fish visiting the guys” III week of February - II week of March 2 Independent work for children Illustrations and books on the topic in the center of the book. Ready-made templates for applique in the creativity center. Coloring pages. III week of February - II week of March 3 Games p/ and “Crucian carp and pike”, “From hummock to hummock”, “Cunning fish”, “Fisherman and fish”. d\ i( FEMP) “Count the fish” » d\ i( FEMP) “Compare by size” d\ i( r\ r) “Tell what’s in the picture” d\ i( r\ r) “One is many” d\ i( r\ r) “Cut pictures” d\ i( r\ r) “What does the fish have” d\ i(environmental world) “Find out by the description” d\ i(environmental world) “Fur , scales, feathers" d\i (environmental world) "Who eats what? "d\i(environment world) "Whose house? " d\ i (environmental world) "Flies, walks, swims" d\ and in fine arts "Complete the picture" III week of February - II week of March 4 Group conversations "What do I know about fish" "Why does a fish swim? " "Who lives where" "What is algae? "What's at the bottom? ""I have an aquarium" "I went fishing" "Fish friends" III week of February - II week of March Literature used: Formation of ecological culture of preschoolers. L. G. Kireeva, p. V. Berezhnova. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2008. - 271 p. Environmental education of younger preschoolers. A book for kindergarten teachers. - M.: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2005. - 96 p. Alyabyeva E. A. Thematic days and weeks in kindergarten: Planning and notes. – M.: TC Sfera, 2007. – 160 p. Kartushina M. Yu. Notes of logorhythmic classes with children 3-4 years old. – M.: TC Sfera, 2006. – 160 p.