Summary of an open lesson on traffic rules in the second junior group.

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Lesson notes on traffic rules in the second junior group. “Everyone should know the rules of the road”

Teacher Gnezdilova Maria Sergeevna

Description of material:

I offer you a summary of direct educational activities on the topic “Everyone should know the rules of the road” for children 3-4 years old; this material will be useful for preschool teachers of the second junior group. This educational activity is aimed at strengthening children's understanding of traffic rules.

Equipment and materials: two dolls, images of road signs, TV, educational game “Sparrows and Cars” .


  • Give children knowledge about where and how to cross the street, familiarize them with special signs - pedestrian crossing signs, and introduce the word “crossing” .
  • To acquaint children with the rules of safe behavior on the roads, develop cognitive abilities, speech, expand spatial orientation, get children to answer questions, arouse interest in learning traffic rules
  • Explain to children that they need to go out only with adults, to cultivate in children such qualities as kindness, attentiveness, responsiveness, independence, curiosity

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Hello, children! Oh, someone is knocking on our door, let's see who it is. (The teacher brings in the dolls Masha and Katya.) Guys, the dolls Masha and Katya came to visit us. When they came to visit us, they almost got into trouble on the road. They are still small and do not know at all how to cross the road correctly and where to cross it. Shall we show and tell our dolls where to cross the road? Children (in chorus): Yes!

Educator: Is the road needed for cars?

Children: Yes.

Educator: That's right, cars are driving along the road. Tell me, is it possible to play on the road and cross it wherever you want?

Children: No!

B. Correct. Let's remember what they call people walking down the street?

D. Pedestrians.

V. Well done! Tell me, should pedestrians obey traffic rules?

D. Yes.

V. Of course! And we teach you these rules. And we must cross the roadway in specially designated places and where the “Pedestrian Crossing” sign is installed. It is installed at the crossing point of the roadway, next to the pedestrian crossing markings, such markings are called “zebra crossings”.

This sign is not complicated at all,

But so reliable

He helps along the way

We need to cross the road.

D. This sign is called “Pedestrian Crossing.”

Q. Let's repeat once again, how do pedestrians walk?

(with a calm step, along ... the sidewalk, on the right side, so as not to disturb other pedestrians who are walking towards you. But we need to cross to the other side. What should we do?)

D. Cross the road at the pedestrian crossing.

B. Correct. You must cross the road in a specially designated place and only when the traffic light is green. What is another name for a “pedestrian crossing” ?

D. Zebra.

Q. Why?

D. Because the zebra also has black and white stripes.

Educator: Yes, that's right! But I know that Masha and Katya were in a hurry to visit us and ran across the road in the wrong place. Is it possible to do this?

Children: No!

Educator: Remember, Masha and Katya, and you guys: walking across the road not at a pedestrian crossing is dangerous for life!

Physical school

We're going, we're going home in a passenger car. (movements simulating turning the steering wheel) We drove up the hill: bang! (hands up, clap above head) The tire is flat: stop. (arms down to sides, sit down)

Educator: What great fellows you are! Now guys, let's watch a cartoon about the rules of behavior on the road.

Children: Let's go!

Educator: Well done! Let's repeat it to Masha and Katya again: where should you cross the road?

Children: Along the pedestrian crossing.

The teacher invites the children to play the game “Sparrows and Cars” . The game is repeated at the request of the children 2-3 times.

The teacher asks the children questions to consolidate their acquired knowledge: So, can children play on the road? (No). That's right, well done, we can't play on the road because it's dangerous for our lives. Now tell me where to cross the road? (On the pedestrian crossing). Absolutely right, we cross the road only in specially designated areas for pedestrians. Is it possible to cross the road in the wrong place? (No). Well done, this is dangerous for our lives and is a violation of traffic rules. Now the guys and I are sure that you Masha and Katya will not break traffic rules and will be competent pedestrians, like the guys and I. Thank you bye.

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Open lesson on traffic rules in the first junior group “Our friend the traffic light”

Summary of an open lesson on traffic rules in the first junior group “Our friend the traffic light.”

Program content: Continue to develop safe behavior skills.

Objectives: 1. To consolidate children’s ideas about traffic lights, its signals, and actions.

2. Consolidate knowledge of primary colors (red, yellow, green).

3. Develop speech activity through introducing words into the active vocabulary: traffic light, red, yellow, green.

4. Instill in children a friendly attitude towards animals and a desire to help them

5.Reinforce the ability to draw with a brush over a sketch.

Materials: Bunny toy, traffic light model, traffic light sketches, green and red paints, brushes, laptop, cartoon about traffic lights.

Progress of the lesson

-Guys, look how many guests have gathered! -Let's say hello to them. - Hello! - Guys, on the way to kindergarten I met a bunny who was sitting under a bush and crying bitterly. - I asked the bunny what happened? - The bunny told me that he ran away from the forest from his mother, from his family. - And he ran to the city, where there are a lot of cars. - Now he doesn’t know how to get back to the forest. - He approached the road and doesn’t know how to cross it. - I told him: Zainka, don’t be upset! - Come visit us, in the children's room, we will tell you and the guys and show you how to cross the road correctly. (knock on the door). - Guys, here comes the little bunny in a hurry! -Let's say hello to him. -Hello, bunny! -Come in! -Guys, let's now tell the bunny how to cross the road correctly. -Now I'll tell you a riddle, and you listen to it carefully.

Day and night I'm burning

I'm giving signals to everyone.

I have three colors

What's my friends name?

(traffic light)

- That's right, guys! - Well done! - This is a traffic light. - Why do we need a traffic light? Children: To cross the road. - That's right. - We've already looked at the traffic light, let's remember what kind of lights the traffic light has? (red, yellow, green). - If the red light is on, it means the path is closed! -Yellow - wait a little! - And the green light is on - this means the way is open! - Here, guys, you and I remembered what lights the traffic lights have. -Danya, what does the red light tell us? (the path is closed), - Vika, what does the yellow light tell us? (we have to wait), - Styopa, what does the green light tell us? (the path is open). - Well done guys! - That's right! - Now let's warm up a little and play with bunny

Physical school

Traffic lights have three colors

They are clear to the driver

Red light - no way through (squat down)

Yellow - be ready to go (get up, stop)

And the green light is rolling (running in a circle)

- That's how we played well. - Guys, so that the bunny doesn't forget you and I how to cross the road correctly. - Let us now look through our magic window and see how the traffic light works on the road. (Watch a cartoon) .- Guys, you and I looked through our magic window and saw how a traffic light works on the road. - Guys, the bunny tells us that he liked the traffic light and he remembered how to cross the road. - Let's draw a traffic light for him and for his forest residents. - What if they find themselves in the city, so that they also know how to cross the road. - Go to the table, sit on the chairs. - Guys, look at my traffic lights, are all the lights on? (no). - Now look at your traffic lights. -Which lights are not lit at your traffic lights? (red, green), (I ask each child what color they will use to draw the lights). - Guys, what are we going to use to draw the lights? (with a brush). - That's right. - We hold the brush with three fingers (I show how to draw the lights). - Now let's draw the lights with you. - Well done guys! - Look what beautiful traffic lights we have turned out. - Let's give our traffic lights to the bunny and he will take it to the forest dwellers so that they don’t forget how to cross the road correctly. - Guys, the bunny says “thank you” to us! -He thanks us for telling him about the traffic light, and now he knows how to cross the road. -And now Bunny hurries to his friends and says “Goodbye” to us. -Well done guys! -Now we remember why a traffic light is needed and how to cross the road. -Let's tell our guests: Goodbye!

Junior group. Early childhood, nursery. Children 1-4 years old

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