GCD for artistic and aesthetic development (drawing) in the preparatory group “Late Autumn”


Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

city ​​of Naberezhnye Chelny “Combined kindergarten No. 23 “Firefly”

Summary of a drawing lesson in the preparatory group

Naberezhnye Chelny, 2021.

Arouse children's interest in late autumn, mosses growing on trees, stones, and forests, and develop the ability to be emotionally distracted by the mood of sadness conveyed in poetry. Arouse the desire to express this state with the help of color in a landscape drawing.

- practice naming autumn signs to enrich children’s vocabulary;

- form ideas about neutral colors (black, white, dark gray, light gray, brown), use these colors when creating paintings of late autumn;

- develop the ability to independently convey in a drawing the landscape of late autumn, its color (the absence of bright colors in nature);

- practice the ability to draw trees of different structures and bushes without leaves, draw growing moss on trees, stones and ground;

- consolidate drawing techniques with the end of the brush;

-continue to develop the ability to feel, understand and reproduce the imagery of the language of a poem;

- develop coordination of movements, accompanying speech;

— develop fine motor skills through finger play;

- cultivate a love for poetry and native nature;

- cultivate an aesthetic perception of nature;

— to cultivate in children an interest in drawings, a desire to look at and talk about them.

Sample made by the teacher. Landscape sheets of paper, watercolors, palette, brushes.

Reading poems by Russian poets about autumn by A. N. Pleshcheev, A. S. Pushkin, and others.

Memorizing poems about autumn “Autumn” by M. Khodyakov and “The Swallows Are Missing” by A. Fet. Poems about mosses.

A conversation about late autumn and its signs.

Examination of reproductions of paintings by famous artists in the presentation “Late Autumn through the Eyes of Artists.” Presentations about mosses.

Examination of illustrations, pictures, reproductions.

Observations (of the sky; trees; growing mosses: on trees, foundations, ground; rain; snow) while walking.

— Guys, what time of year is it now?

— What autumn months do you know? What month is it? November is the last month of autumn.

- Listen to A. Pleshcheev’s poem, what autumn is the poet talking about?

Withers and turns yellow

Grass in the meadows

A cloud covers the sky

The sun doesn't shine

The wind howls in the field,

—Are you happy about this picture painted by the poet?

— What signs of late autumn does Pleshcheev talk about in the poem?

- Indeed, the poem talks about a dull, gloomy, cold autumn. The leaves have fallen off the trees, the grasses wither and turn yellow, the bushes are dull and bare, the flowers have dried up, the birds have flown to warmer climes, and it often drizzles.

— Autumn is like the evening of the year. And in the evening we get ready for bed. So the trees took off their clothes and washed themselves with the rain. Wildlife falls asleep. Late, gloomy autumn has arrived. In late autumn there are often cold drizzling rains, sometimes snow or sleet, the trees shed their last leaves, the grass has dried up, the flowers have withered. The last birds fly south. Animals are preparing for winter, people put on warm clothes, moss continues to grow as it grows on trees, foundations, and the ground.

— The rain is knocking on our windows and inviting us to play.

A drop once a drop two. (Children perform jumps on two legs)

Very slowly at first, (Holding hands, children walk in a circle)

And then, then, then

Everybody run, run, run. (Walking in a circle with acceleration)

We opened our umbrellas, (We make a dome over our heads with our hands)

Sheltered herself from the rain. (Squat down)

- Today I invite you to draw late autumn. What colors will you need for this - warm, bright or cold, gray?

— Look at the picture depicting late autumn. What color is the sky? - What trees?

— What signs of autumn are depicted? (light snow, gloomy sky, there are no leaves on the trees, but moss grows on the trunk and branches on stones and ground).

— Now I’ll tell you how to get these dim colors. You have palettes on your tables; artists use these palettes to compose paints. And you, like real artists, will do this.

— What paint do we need to mix to get gray paint? (add a drop of black to white paint).

— Yes, to get gray paint you need to add a little black paint to the white one. If you are painting clouds, then take blue paint and add a little black and white paint to it, mix them on the palette. The color of leaves and grass in late autumn also lost its brightness - it is brown. Take green paint and add a little yellow and brown to it - you get a brown color.

Autumn time for children in pictures and coloring pages

Autumn is a beautiful time of the year. It not only pleases the eye, but also brings us its gifts. People collect potatoes, apples, mushrooms in the fall, and animals and birds make abundant supplies for the winter.

And nature simply amazes with its variety of colors. The trees shimmer in all shades of red, golden, greenish, brown, and the sky above your head either frowns or suddenly lights up with heavenly azure.

The charm of autumn is like the mystery of a woman who has learned the experience of life.

Pictures for children

Drawn pictures, photos and coloring books for children will help you understand and feel how beautiful late autumn is. They represent people, animals, gifts of this time of year (apples, nuts, mushrooms), some tree lost in the distance. You can supplement your classes with themed didactic games for autumn, which can be downloaded here.

The favorite tree of many of us in the fall is birch. Slender, white-trunked, she looks like a real beauty among the autumn forest. Late autumn colors the leaves with bright colors, and the birch tree with its white trunk seems to float in the air. This tree is sung in many folklore genres; artists have depicted it with pleasure.

  • Here you can download very beautiful pictures about autumn for children.
  • And here are the most beautiful autumn pictures for children:
  • Forest and lake:
  • Deer in the autumn forest thicket:
  • The dog runs through the dried autumn leaves:
  • Autumn forest:
  • Girl in the forest:
  1. Autumn birch
  2. Autumn maple leaves:
  3. children in leaves:
  4. kitten climbed a maple tree - autumn pictures for children:
  5. Autumn Harvest:

How can you study them?

You can study the seasons by going out into nature or from pictures. To do this, print them from our website, stick them on thick cardboard or laminate them so that they do not wrinkle. Then ask the guys to tell what late autumn is like and what it brings to people. Ask what gifts of autumn the children know, what animals hibernate during the winter.

If you have printed coloring pages on the “Golden Autumn” theme, let the kids first tell you what colors they will use to paint the leaves and trees. Why is autumn called golden? How to depict this color on paper, since we don’t have gold paint? There may be animals on the coloring pages: let the kids think about what colors to paint them.

And, of course, you will meet a birch tree. Its trunk is white: how to make a birch tree visible on white paper? What songs or poems do kids know about this tree?

Coloring pages

Pictures and coloring pages “Golden Autumn” will contribute to the development of thinking, fine motor skills, and creative abilities . Develop your children! Let them enjoy the beauty of the seasons with you. It is so important for children to love nature!

Source: https://steshka.ru/osen-kartinki-dlya-detej

Easy and simple autumn drawings for kindergarten

Many parents wonder how to help their child depict the seasons. They start looking for examples and ideas on the Internet. And we have collected everything you need in a convenient format especially for you! Step-by-step photos with detailed instructions for drawing on the theme of autumn will orient you and your child with food.

Before starting work, clean the work area and lay out the necessary materials, teach your little one to hold the tool in his hands and make even strokes. After such a brief excursion, begin to transfer the lesson step by step onto your canvas. A little patience and perseverance and you will get a real masterpiece!

Step-by-step instructions for drawing autumn for a child:

  • We outline an even square, and on top of it we mark an isosceles triangle in the right area. We continue it to the left, forming a roof.
  • We lower the vertical edge, outlining the cube. On one wall we draw a rectangular door with a handle, and on the other plane a window.
  • We use an arcuate line to show the hill on which the building stands. In both parts of the canvas we express trees, with branches spread out in different directions. Keep in mind that the closer to the ground, the thicker the plant trunk becomes.

  • We fill the roof of the house with scarlet color without going overboard. We paint the foundation of the house and the neighboring tree with a yellow tint, outlining the rounded shape of the crown.

  • Color the opposite tree and clearing with bright orange chalk. With a few chaotic strokes we will show the falling leaves. We will decorate the door in the same color scheme.

  • We focus on the red foliage that develops in the wind. Cover the path with small multi-colored specks in the appropriate palette.

  • Let us write a characteristic phenomenon for this time of year: bird migration. Our smaller brothers fly away to warmer climes in a whole wedge, which is what we will depict in the corner of the composition. We sketch the birds themselves in the form of black checkmarks.

This illustration is extremely simple and quick, we drew it in literally 10 minutes. The mischievous, active fidget will definitely not get tired of creativity and will even want more!

You can also draw cute autumn mushrooms with pencils.

Children's version

Advice on how to easily draw an autumn picture.

  1. In a chaotic order, fill the background with yellow, blue, and red tones, using a large brush.
  2. Use a damp cloth to smear the stains and absorb excess moisture.
  3. On another sheet we place multi-colored colorful spots.
  4. We wet the main picture in the lower part, apply the workpiece, smooth it with our hand and remove it.
  5. On the resulting landscape we draw the trunks of our unusual forest using two brown colors.
  6. We depict rain with diagonal white rulers.
  7. To give life to the leaves, we apply different colors to the cellophane and crumple it.
  8. All that remains is to randomly touch the tops of the crowns with these tools.

Fine arts lessons develop children's aesthetic taste and artistic thinking.

The sorceress-autumn will not leave anyone indifferent with her charming palette, helping in this noble cause.

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