Dashutina Irina Olegovna, teacher, MBDOU No. 142, Irkutsk, Irkutsk region
A Russian folk song sounds on the gusli, children come out in Russian folk costumes (a girl and a boy)
There are many fairy tales in the world, sad and funny, and we can’t live in the world without them. A fairy tale is knocking on our door. Let’s say to a fairy tale - come in ! (all together) (to music)
The storyteller comes out, greets the audience, sits down and slowly begins to tell the tale, the fox and the hare are already sitting in their houses.
At the edge of the forest, in his bast hut, the hare lived peacefully with his scythe next to the red fox. And the lazy fox did not want to bother - build a house in the bast hut and moved into the ice one. Then spring came, a wonderful time!
Spring comes out: I am the red spring, I awaken the earth from sleep. I fill the kidneys with juice, I plant a grove of flowers in the meadows, I drive away the ice from the rivers, I make the sunrise bright. I came to visit you, Let's sing a song, friends! (children sing a song, Spring dances with the fox and the hare, after the song he leaves, taking the ice house with him)
Storyteller : With spring, the ice melted, the Ice House was gone. The cunning fox began to ask to go to the hut to go to the hut. The hare sent Red's kind heart onto the stove. A day or two passed, the Fox suddenly started scolding.
Fox (loudly): I don’t want to live with you. Get away with the scythe!
Storyteller: The little bunny sat down at the edge of the forest and, pressing his ears in fear, began to cry bitterly, bitterly.
Dog : Tuff, tuff! What are you crying about?
Hare: How can I not cry. I had a bast hut, and the fox had an ice hut, spring came, the fox’s hut melted, she asked to live with me, and she kicked me out
Dog : Don’t cry, bunny, I will help your grief. Come on, fox, get away!
Fox : As soon as I jump out, as soon as I jump out, scraps will fly through the back streets.
Storyteller : The dog got scared and ran into the forest for help. And the bunny sits again and cries bitterly. And then a wolf appeared on the forest path.
Wolf: Oooh! What are you crying about, little bunny?
Hare: How can I not cry. I had a bast hut, and the fox had an ice hut, spring came, the fox’s hut melted, she asked to live with me, and she kicked me out.
Wolf: Don't cry, bunny, I will help your grief.
Hare : No, you can’t help, the dog didn’t kick him out, and you won’t kick him out!
Wolf: Come on, fox, get away into the forest!
Fox : As soon as I jump out, as soon as I jump out, scraps will fly through the back streets.
Storyteller : The wolf got scared and ran into the forest for help. And the bunny sits again and cries bitterly. And then a bear appeared on the forest path.
Bear: What are you crying about, little bunny?
Hare: How can I not cry. I had a bast hut, and the fox had an ice hut, spring came, the fox’s hut melted, she asked to live with me, and she kicked me out.
Bear: Don’t cry, bunny, I will help your grief.
Hare : No, you can’t help, the dog didn’t kick him out, the wolf didn’t kick him out, and you won’t kick him out!
Bear: Come on, fox, get away into the forest!
Fox : As soon as I jump out, as soon as I jump out, scraps will fly through the back streets.
Storyteller : The bear got scared and ran into the forest for help. And the bunny sits again and cries bitterly. And then a cockerel appeared on the forest path. Rooster: What are you crying about, little bunny?
Hare: How can I not cry. I had a bast hut, and the fox had an ice hut, spring came, the fox’s hut melted, she asked to live with me, and she kicked me out.
Rooster: Don’t cry, bunny, I will help your grief.
Hare : No, you can’t help, the dog didn’t kick him out, the wolf didn’t kick him out, the bear didn’t kick him out, and you won’t kick him out!
Rooster: No, I’ll kick you out! I'm going with a scythe to fight a fox Oh, my scythe is sharp. Go fox into the forests!
Storyteller ! The fox got scared and ran around the hut. The animals heard the rooster's song and approached the hut that stood at the edge of the forest.
All animals: Come on, fox, go to the forests!
Fox: Animals, forgive me! I will be friends with the bunny, and I am a red fox, I will be like a sister to you all!
Storyteller ! The animals forgave the red-haired one, They began to live together, To be strong and strong friends, To lead a round dance in the forest! (a cheerful round dance to music with all the characters, children, spectators) That’s the end of the fairy tales And whoever listened, well done!
Open lesson in the middle group “Zayushkina hut”
Open lesson in the middle group “Zayushkina Hut” Program content:
Exercise children in ordinal counting within 5, in orientation in space.
To consolidate children's knowledge about geometric shapes, to find patterns in a series about the world around them. To form the concept of moral qualities, the ability to negotiate with each other. Develop speech skills with the help of a work of art; enrich and activate children's vocabulary; spatial imagination, logical thinking, attention, visual perception, memory. Cultivate perseverance and independence. Material:
Square, triangle, figures of hares in white and gray fur coats, foxes, bears, dogs and roosters.
Card for the logical task “Complete the missing figures.” Cubes, tickets for the role-playing game "Bus". Progress of the lesson The teacher meets the children in the locker room. Educator
Today we are going to a fairy tale, and before our journey we need to eat some cake. Sociogame "Cake". One child lies down on the carpet. Other children and the teacher stand around him. Roles are assigned: cook-educator, flour, sugar, salt, milk - children. Educator
Now the cook will prepare the cake. He needs flour. ( The child playing the role of flour seems to sprinkle flour on the body of the child lying on the carpet, lightly massaging it and pinching it.
) Now you need to add milk.
( The child playing the role of milk slowly pours milk onto the child lying on the carpet, stroking him.
) The cook adds sugar and salt.
( Children performing these roles lightly touch the head, arms and legs of the child lying on the carpet.
) The cook kneads the dough, kneading it thoroughly.
( An adult massages individual parts of the child’s body lying on the carpet.
) Now the cook puts the dough in the oven.
There it rises - it breathes evenly and calmly, and so do all the products from which the dough is kneaded. ( All participants in the game lie down and take deep breaths.
) Finally, the dough is baked.
We need to decorate it with cream flowers. ( Everyone takes turns touching the child, describing their flowers.
) The cake is incredibly good!
Now the cook will treat everyone to a piece, if the cake itself is not a pity. ( The child lying on the carpet one by one extends his hand to the participants in the game, they shake it.
) We’ve refreshed ourselves, and now go ahead!
The children sit at the tables. In front of the tables, a house made of a square and a triangle is laid out on a flannelgraph. Educator
Guess the riddle. The snow melts, the meadow comes to life. The day is coming. When does this happen? ( In spring.
) Guys, what signs of spring do you know?
( Children's answers.
) That's right.
Now look at the picture. What do you see? ( House.
) Yes, this is a small house in the forest, a hut.
What geometric shapes is the hut built from? ( From a square and a triangle.
) How did you know it was a square?
How did you know it was a triangle? ( Children's answers.
) Well done, right.
( Exhibits a figurine of a hare in a white fur coat. Unnoticed by the children, he hides a figurine of a fox behind the image of a hut, leaving its tail visible.
) Who is that next to the hut?
( Hare
.) Whose tail is peeking out of the hut door?
( Fox tail, fox tail.
) That's right.
( Exhibits a fox figurine.
) Have you guessed the name of the fairy tale in which we find ourselves?
(“Zayushkina’s hut.”) Remember what this fairy tale is about? ( Brief description of the fairy tale.
game “Make a bunny” (
The teacher gives the children geometric shapes and offers to make a bunny.
What geometric shapes does your bunny consist of? Look at my bunny. What geometric shapes does it consist of and what color is the hare? ( Circles and ovals are white.
) And at what time of year does a hare have a white coat?
( In winter.
) What time of year is it now?
( Spring
.) Correct.
So the bunny exchanges his white fur coat for what? ( Grey
.) Well done!
( Replaces the figurine of a hare in a white fur coat on the flannelgraph with the figurine of a hare in a gray fur coat
.) The bunny thanks you for changing his fur coat.
The game “Who came to the hut?” Educator
Who helped the bunny drive the fox out of his hut? ( Children name the animals. The teacher displays figures of a bear, a dog and a rooster on a flannelgraph
.) How many animals helped him?
Is a rooster an animal? ( Bird
.) Who came first to drive out the fox?
( Bear
.) Which dog was it?
( Second
.) Which rooster was it?
( Third
.) What did the fox answer them?
(“As I jump out, as I jump out, scraps will go through the back streets. is being carried out . Teacher.
Show how the bear walked, how the dog ran, how the rooster walked, how the bunny jumped. (
Children imitate the movements of animals.
) Well done! Sit down. The path of the bear to the hut It was difficult for the hare, so as not to get lost on the way back, he hung geometric shapes on the trees (
showing a card
), but some of the shapes flew off the trees and got lost. Let's help the bear and complete the missing shapes.
Logical task "Complete the missing shapes." Educator.
Bear thanks you. But did he manage to drive the fox out?
The game “Plant Trees” is being played Educator.
The bear was scared of the fox and climbed the tallest tree near the hut. Build a tree of five cubes, to the right of it is a tree of
four cubes, on the left - from three cubes. ( Children complete the task.) Educator.
How many cubes does the tallest tree consist of? (
.) Does it grow to the right of other trees, to the left or in the middle?
(In the middle.) A tree of four cubes grows to the right or left from the
tallest tree?
( Right
.) And the lowest?
( Left
.) How many cubes does it consist of?
( Out of three
.) Did the dog drive the fox out of Zyushka’s hut?
( No.
) She also got scared and ran away.
Let's play the game "Who will we give what to?" Did. game “Who will we give what?” (The teacher asks questions, the children answer.)
Who helped the bunny drive out the fox?
(Rooster) That's right. The fox ran away, and the bunny and the cockerel began to live together in the hut. The fairy tale is over, and it’s time for us to return. We'll go by bus. Thematic role-playing game “Bus” (A bus is made from chairs. Music sounds. A driver is selected who will sell tickets. Children buy tickets. When the music stops, the children take seats. Those who do not have enough space answer the questions: “Who sits in the first seat?”, “Who is on the third?”, “Which seat is Katya riding on?” The game is repeated 2-3 times.) Educator.
So we returned to the group. Next time we'll go to a different fairy tale.