Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution
“Kindergarten No.
9 ” Parent meeting of a psychologist in kindergarten: “Emotional support for a child in the family”
teacher - psychologist
Parent meeting of a psychologist in a kindergarten: “Emotional support for a child in the family”
Significant changes have occurred in the modern family, as in the whole society. Due to objective and subjective reasons, it does not fully fulfill its main function. Raising an emotionally healthy child is becoming increasingly difficult. As a rule, adults are more concerned with improving the well-being of their family. They are more concerned that their child is fed, shod, clothed, but they no longer have the strength, and often the desire, to communicate with him. The baby is left alone with his experiences and problems.
Both psychologists and teachers are deeply confident that it is the home that determines how happy, protected, and balanced a child will grow up, how he will be able to establish contacts with adults and peers; how confident he will be in his capabilities, whether he will grow up friendly or indifferent.
The proposed material will draw the attention of parents to the problem of children's mental health, the causes of problems and ways to overcome them.
Progress of the parent meeting of the psychologist
Psychologist. - Good afternoon, dear parents! Today we will talk about emotional support for a child in the family , its impact on the development of your baby and his future life.
A positive emotional state is one of the most important conditions for the full development of the individual. The term “emotional distress” means situational discomfort that manifests itself externally to varying degrees. It is known that prolonged negative emotions lead to the appearance of somatic diseases in children.
Symptoms of emotional stress in a child:
— Frequent inappropriate emotional states (crying, depression, apathy, unmotivated expression of anger, fearfulness, anxiety, conflict)
— Lack of positive emotions towards new toys;
— Decreased cognitive activity (lack of reaction to novelty);
— Drawings in dark colors;
— Change in motor activity (increase - decrease);
- Changes in appetite;
— Problems with sleep (insomnia);
— Changes in the child’s behavior.
Why does the child behave badly?
The patterns of occurrence of negative behavior can be presented in the following diagram (See Appendix 1 below)
The question arises: what to do?
There is a principle without which attempts to establish relationships with a child will be unsuccessful. This principle is unconditional acceptance of the child.
Of course, accepting a child means loving him not because he is beautiful, smart, helpful, etc., but simply because he is (sick children, children with special needs).
Many parents consider the main educational means to be punishment and encouragement. And this speaks of “conditional love”: the good one did something, the bad one didn’t do something. Thus, the natural process of education, that is, the transfer by adults of their experience and knowledge, comes down to some kind of training.
Psychologists have proven that love, care, and affection are the basic life needs of a child. Never and under no circumstances should he have doubts about his parents’ love for him, about his psychological security. This need is satisfied when you tell your child that he is dear to you, needed, loved. You can do this in different ways: “I really missed you while I was at work,” “I really love playing with you.”
The famous American psychotherapist V. Satir recommended hugging a child several times a day, saying that for good health, not only a child, but also an adult needs at least 8 hugs a day.
Parent-Child Communication Scale
(see Appendix 2).
If a child's day is mostly filled with positive emotions, then most likely the baby feels wanted and needed at home. You have a good relationship with your child and a wonderful family climate. If there are more negative emotions in the family, the child feels lonely, unhappy and vulnerable. And in order to somehow attract your attention to himself, the baby sometimes deliberately does everything to spite you. Analyze why you were unhappy with him? How did you behave with him today? How much time did you spend on him? What did you do to please him?
Satisfying the need for love and acceptance is a necessary condition for the normal mental development of children . If he does not receive signs of unconditional acceptance, then deviations in behavior, that is, emotional disturbances, are possible. Of course, many of you have thought about your relationship with your children, about the atmosphere that has developed in your family.
I suggest you do 2 tests. We will not discuss or analyze your answers. You will do it yourself.
The tests are very simple. You need to quickly answer the questions and draw conclusions for yourself whether it’s worth “working on yourself” and changing your relationship with your child or whether everything is fine in your family.
Test "Who am I?"
Test “What is my child like?”
Preschool age is the most appropriate time to instill in a child confidence in himself and his abilities, and to build harmonious relationships with him in the family. This will be very difficult to do later.
Exercise “Guess the intonation”
Participants receive a phrase on pieces of paper and the name of the intonation with which it should be said. All other participants try to guess the intonation.
- Sorry, I won’t do it again (not sincerely; you sincerely apologize; you tell them to leave).
- Let me play with the ball (as a request; persistently; threatening).
- I still won’t succeed (in despair; persistently; capriciously).
Exercise “Important Experience”
- This is where our meeting ends. Take a few minutes to think about the following question: What is the most important experience I have had in this group that will help me better cope with the challenges of everyday life? (Discussion)
Thanks for your participation, farewell.
Annex 1
Patterns of occurrence of negative behavior.
Negative behavior arises on the basis of negative feelings and emotions: ANGER, ANGER, AGGRESSION
(Feelings manifest themselves in negative emotions)
(If basic needs are not met, negative feelings arise)
In love, respect, affection, success, understanding, self-esteem, knowledge, freedom, independence, self-determination, development, self-improvement, realization of personal potential
I am! I want! I can! I am beloved! I'm good!
Appendix 2.
Parent-Child Communication Scale | |
Parenting methods that cause a child | |
Positive emotions | negative emotions |
How many times have you today baby | |
praised | reproached |
encouraged | suppressed |
approved | humiliated |
kissed | accused |
hugged | condemned |
caressed | neglected |
empathized | pulled back |
sympathized | disgraced |
smiled | read the notations |
admired | deprived of something necessary |
made pleasant surprises | punished |
gave gifts | put in a corner |
Appendix 3
Recommendations for parents.
In your relationship with your child, do not rely on your strength and physical superiority. This will embitter him and teach him that only force must be taken into account.
Don't make promises you can't keep. This will shake the child's faith in you.
Don't do for your child what he can do for himself. He may continue to use you as a servant.
Do not correct your child in the presence of strangers. If you tell him everything calmly, face to face, he will pay much more attention to your remark.
Do not lecture your child or yell at him, otherwise he will be forced to defend himself and pretend to be deaf.
Accept that your child loves to experiment. This is how he experiences the world.
The best way to foster responsibility and self-confidence is to give your child the opportunity to make their own decisions.
A child learns from his own experience, so he should not be protected from the consequences of his own mistakes.
Encourage your child's curiosity. If you try to get rid of him when he asks frank questions, the child will look elsewhere for answers.
When your child talks to you, listen to him carefully, with understanding, without interrupting or turning away. Don't let him suspect that you are not interested in what he is talking about.
Don't ask too many questions or set too many rules for your child: he won't pay attention to you.
Let the child give free rein to his fantasies. A vivid imagination is a gift inherent in childhood. Never suppress it!
The appearance of a child in a family can cause a crisis in the life of the older child. Treat children equally. The child should know that you love him no less than other children.
A good way to stop a quarrel between children is to change the environment and distract them.
Don't compare your child with other children, love him for who he is. If you want to develop certain qualities in your child, treat him as if he already has them.
When communicating with a child, it is very important with what intonation we say certain words.
Intonation (i.e. tone and manner of speech) means a lot in communication. It expresses the feelings and attitude of the speaker towards another person. Often the same phrase sounds completely different depending on the intonation.
A sample of pronouncing phrases with different intonations.
- Lucky man!
- I'm very glad to see you!
Test "Who am I?"
Ask yourself this question ten times and write down the answers on a piece of paper.
If some parents think and say that 10 roles is a lot, encourage them, advise them to remember what they are interested in, what kind of work they do at home, in the country...
When the work is finished, parents are asked to evaluate its results: “Look at where the answer “I am a mother” or “I am a father” is. If you wrote about this first, it means that parenting is the most important position in your life. If such an answer occurs among the last or does not occur at all, this may indicate that you are somewhat distant from your child, distracted by everyday worries, or very busy with work.
Of course, test results cannot be taken as the true state of affairs. We only invite you to think about whether your main purpose - motherhood and fatherhood - has not been lost in the everyday bustle. And it’s up to you to decide for yourself!
Test “What is my child like?”
You need to write 10 epithets that reflect the characteristics of your child. Then evaluate each named quality with a plus or minus sign, but not in the generally accepted sense, but only from your point of view. For example, generosity is generally considered a virtue, but your child is so pronounced (she constantly gives away her toys) that you tend to consider it a flaw. Be completely honest with yourself, otherwise the test is pointless.
When the work is finished, it is proposed to count how many pros and cons there are: “If the pros predominate (at least 8), then everything is in order in your attitude towards the child. You love him, try to accept him for who he is. If there is not a single minus, then this extreme has nothing to do with acceptance and true affection. “Blind love” will not help a child get rid of his existing shortcomings. First they must be recognized.
If the results are 50/50, then your acceptance of the child can be questioned. Either critically minded parents or those who are not loving enough can consider their child half bad.
If you see mainly bad qualities in a child, then there can be no talk of any acceptance and love. You highlight shortcomings in order to fight them, not suspecting that in this fight you can lose the main thing - the love and sincerity of the child.
Parent meeting “Psychological health of preschoolers” (in the middle group).
Protocol No. 2
Parents' meeting
dated December 12, 2019. Present: 12 parents.
- Speech by teacher Bazanova V.V. “Our successes and achievements, or what we do in kindergarten!”
- Speech by educational psychologist Kosenko L.V. on the topic: “Psychological health of preschoolers.”
- Questionnaire “Emotional and personal development”.
4. Training exercise “Flower”.
5. Miscellaneous.
Speech by a psychologist at a parent meeting
"Psychological health of preschool children."
We live in an era of socio-economic instability in society, which leads to an increase in the number of preschool children with disorders in behavior and emotional and personal development; Many children have increased levels of anxiety and low self-esteem. It is within our power to help them overcome these difficulties and create a desire to communicate. And it is advisable to do this while the child is still small: it is known that problems usually only get worse with age. Therefore, along with the development of the child’s mental functions and intelligence, we must in no case forget about the development of his emotional sphere.
The main condition for the neuropsychic development of a child is a calm and friendly environment in the family. It is important to provide the child with more independence and give him the opportunity to communicate with other children and adults outside the home. Children who suffer from insufficient communication with adults, as well as children who grow up in conditions of family discord, divorce, may develop mental disorders, manifested in the emergence of self-doubt, causeless anxiety, fears, sleep disturbances, headaches, and related disorders. with food intake, and other phenomena of nervousness. They may be temporary, but if the situation in the family does not change, the resulting disturbances begin to appear frequently, persistently and lead to social maladaptation and neuroses. Usually children do not realize the reasons for their own experiences and grief. Unfortunately, sometimes many adults do not understand them. It is very important to ensure the emotional well-being of the child to the family, because every child needs love, affection, understanding, and a kind attitude towards himself.
Preschool children are characterized by some features of emotional development:
— mastering social norms for expressing feelings;
- changing the role of emotions in his activities, the formation of emotional anticipation;
- development of feelings, they become more conscious, generalized, reasonable, arbitrary, non-situational;
- formation of higher feelings - intellectual, ethical, moral.
Emotions play an important role in children’s lives: they help them perceive reality and respond to it. Manifesting themselves in behavior, they inform the adult about what the child likes, what he is angry about, or what he is upset about. As a little person grows, his emotional world becomes richer and more diverse. From basic ones (fear, joy, sadness, etc.) he moves on to a more complex range of feelings: delighted, surprised, angry, jealous, sad.
The external manifestation of emotions, the form of expression of the subtlest shades of experiences also change: with the help of glances, smiles, gestures, intonations, movements, etc.
Basic needs typical for a preschool child:
- in positive emotions, love, recognition;
- communication (with adults and peers), cooperation, mutual understanding and empathy of an adult, his respect, in socially significant activities;
- new impressions, knowledge; the ability to feel competent;
- assessment of the results of their activities by adults;
- compliance with a positive moral standard.
It is known that a child’s self-esteem is formed under the influence of evaluation from significant adults from the immediate environment. The reasons for the formation of low or high self-esteem and the occurrence of anxiety in preschool age are different, but we would name the main one - a violation of parent-child relationships.
This individual psychological feature is manifested in a person’s tendency to frequent and intense experiences, a state of anxiety, an increased tendency to experience anxiety in a wide variety of life situations, including those that do not encourage this.
Anxiety is a stable condition, considered as a personal formation or a property of temperament, caused by the weakness of nervous processes.
So, if a child hardly smiles, is depressed, lacks initiative, if he does not play with peers, he is in a bad mood or has constant anxiety, irritability, and difficulty concentrating on anything. If muscle tension, sleep disturbances, etc. are detected. the child's emotional background is negative.
If for some reason a preschool child feels unwell, he may develop psychomotor agitation, tics, stuttering, or a depressed, inhibited state.
Internal conflict in a child caused by the following reasons:
- authoritarian parenting style on the part of significant adults;
- contradictory and excessive demands made by parents and educators;
- inconsistent demands from parents and educators;
- inflexible approach of adults to the situation related to the child;
— inadequate requirements; children experiencing failure develop high anxiety;
- negative demands that humiliate the child and put him in a dependent position.
The child’s internal conflict is also very often correlated with complications in relationships with parents, educators and peers. Emotional distress associated with difficulties communicating with other children can lead to two types of behavior:
- negative vivid emotional reactions (anxiety manifests itself through aggressiveness);
-stable negative attitude towards communication (restrained reaction, isolation, avoidance of communication).
An important factor is the individual characteristics of the child, the specifics of his inner world: impressionability, receptivity; tendency to worry, uncertainty, timidity; often anxiety increases under the influence of overwork.
The principle of upbringing and development should be built in relation to the child as the one and only. It should be borne in mind that every second of time that passes has an impact on the child. He needs to be given a chance, the opportunity to realize himself, to feel that everything is fine with him and that they believe in him. This is how the child’s psychological health and the successful development of his personality are “developed.”
The formation of mental processes and the personality of a child as a whole is a complex process that requires joint efforts of both teachers and parents.