The role of a teacher-psychologist in the adaptation of young children to preschool conditions

How to teach a child to go to kindergarten if he cries

Children's tears are the main alarm signal for parents. After all, it seems impossible to leave a sobbing child with a teacher and calmly go to work. There may be several reasons for tears in this case, and it is important for parents to eliminate each of them.

  • Change of environment and daily routine. Finding yourself in a new atmosphere is already unusual and alarming for a baby. In addition, he is surrounded by friendly, but still strangers. Against this background, the baby needs to get used to discipline, which is not so important at home. The daily routine is changing: you need to eat at a set time, and not when you want. You need to go to bed by the hour. These gentle but insistent demands from teachers can cause violent protest, and along with it, a reluctance to attend kindergarten and tears every morning. In this situation, parents need to bring the home daily routine as close as possible to the kindergarten one. It is ideal to accustom your baby to it several months before visiting the garden. And if the baby already goes to nursery, then on weekends you cannot deviate from the routine. Morning awakenings, breakfast, snacks, and naps should be done at a clearly set time.
  • Excess of impressions. Most parents talk about how interesting it is in kindergarten. And so it is. But the emotions that the baby experiences are not always positive. He may be angry with others and upset. And against the backdrop of an abundance of emotions (both positive and negative), overstrain of the nervous system can develop. This makes the baby capricious, nervous, and whiny. In order not to aggravate the load on the nervous system during the period of adaptation in kindergarten, parents need to reduce emotional stress at home as much as possible. The psychological climate in the family should be calm and positive. Additional entertainment (active games, going to the cinema and visiting, watching cartoons) should be minimized or completely eliminated.
  • Lack of self-care skills. Going to the toilet, washing hands, undressing and dressing, lacing shoes and tying a scarf - the baby will have to do all this on his own. And if something doesn’t work out for him, he can worry and cry. At home, it is important to teach your baby to be independent. Encourage any manifestations of it. Teach him to do what he doesn’t know how to do yet, and be sure to praise him for success.
  • Psychological unpreparedness. Children who experience a lack of emotional communication with their mother adapt more difficultly and worse to new conditions. Pay as much attention to the baby as possible, ask how his day was. Ask specific questions so that your child sees your interest in his life in kindergarten

Good luck!

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