Consultation for teachers “How to prepare and formalize a project in a preschool educational institution in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard”

Student projects (archive)

The pedagogical feasibility of this project lies in the fact that it is aimed at organizing meaningful leisure time for students, satisfying their needs for active forms of cognitive activity, as well as expanding their social circle, opportunities for full self-expression and self-realization in sports activities. This is the relevance of the project.

  • The goals of the project are: development and improvement of the sports and leisure life of university students.
  • The objectives of the project are:
  • popularization of a healthy lifestyle and mass sports among ISUE students;
  • creating and improving conditions aimed at including university students in active physical culture and sports activities, forming departmental teams in Olympic sports, as well as a university team in mass sports;
  • selection of students to represent their faculties, dormitories at the Spartakiad of freshmen, Spartakiad of faculties, Spartakiad of dormitories, the Intra-university stage of the ACCC of Russia Championship at ISUE, as well as holding these and other events within ISUE.
  • Description of the project.
  • The project involves planning and implementing the activities of SSC ISEU for 2021.
  • The description of the structure and activities of the SSC is set out in detail in the regulations on the association “ISUE Student Sports Club”.
  • The club’s management decided on the need to hold at least 3 major events every year:

1. Health Day at ISUE 2021.

Holding a sports festival with the participation of ISUE students. Creation of training grounds for crossfit, chess, aerobics, dancing, basketball, volleyball, table tennis, badminton, fitness, cheerleading.

  1. 2. Spartakiad of ISUE freshmen;
  2. Competitions among first-year students of the faculties of TEF, EMF/IVTF, IFF/FEU and EEF in football, volleyball, basketball, shooting, crossfit, cross-country, chess.
  3. The winners are awarded cups, medals and prizes.
  4. To be awarded, you need 102 medals and 7 cups, as well as valuable prizes.
  5. 3. Intra-university stage of the ASSC Russian Championship at ISUE
  6. Competitions among students of all faculties with mixed teams of TEF, EMF/IVTF, IFF/FEU and EEF in mini-football, volleyball, basketball 3x3, table tennis, chess.
  7. The winners are awarded cups, medals and prizes.
  8. To be awarded, you need 111 medals and 9 cups, as well as valuable prizes.
  9. Advantages and innovation.

Digital solutions

Several online resources will be of great help to teachers: the School Projects Laboratory being developed by Enlightenment (will be available in the fall of 2021) and Proobskills.

Work in the School Projects Laboratory includes 3 stages:

  • The simplest level: a novice designer needs to fill in the empty fields of the template with a theme and bring the work to its logical conclusion;
  • The second stage is a little more difficult. Here the child will have to adjust the structure of the project or research himself;
  • The third level, where the student creates his own project independently, and the teacher acts as a curator.

The uniqueness of “Proobskills” lies in the provision of checklists to all participants. This methodical and meticulous approach has undeniable advantages:

  • The relevance of the research will be justified at the initial stage of work;
  • A clear and understandable formulation of the technical specifications, which will simplify the process of its implementation;
  • Selection of required literature. During preparation, the child will learn to independently cut off unreliable sources of information;
  • Tracking all the nuances of the research process. Using the designer’s checklist, the teacher will see how the work is progressing, what mistakes have been made, where the knowledge base or perseverance was lacking;
  • A step-by-step analysis of the progress of work, its adjustment and final protection will enhance the quality of the result obtained.

Computer presentation vs stand for project work

The presentation of the project should be not only informative, but also interesting. Along with the computer presentation, which is common in every school, there is a poster demonstration. When the board displays the main points of the study in the form of diagrams, drawings or tables. Such a presentation should not be overloaded with data. She acts only as an assistant to the speaker and the audience.

Are there any significant differences between a computer show and a stand show? No, they are essentially the same thing. It’s just that in the presentation the slides go one after another, and on the stand blocks of information appear sequentially:

  • Full name of the author and supervisor;
  • Relevance of the presented topic;
  • The purpose of the project and criteria for the effectiveness of the project (in the study we talk about confirming the hypothesis);
  • Project concept (flowchart of work execution, demonstration of the essence of the research process and its objects: these can be area maps, diagrams, photos of samples and teams);
  • Resources used.

If desired, the structure can include a list of references, an evaluation of effectiveness and acknowledgments, if any.

School projects: how to design correctly?

A school project is a student’s first scientific work. It is formatted in approximately the same way as other research works, in a somewhat simplified form.

Title page

Proper design of the title card is a big plus; it will immediately make a good impression and give additional points.

  • At the top of the sheet, centered, write the full name of the educational institution indicating the locality.
  • In the central part, also in the center, we write the topic of the work in an enlarged font. You can place a clear, bright picture under the title of the presentation.
  • Below, right-aligned, we indicate the full name and surname of the author of the work: “Completed by student 3 “A” class Ivanov Ivan.”
  • Under this line you need to write the teacher’s full name, place of work (school number). Right alignment. It should look like this: “Project manager: Maria Aleksandrovna Petrova, primary school teacher, Secondary School No. 100, Yakutsk.”
  • At the very bottom of the sheet in the center is written the name of the locality and the year the project was completed.

Table of contents

The "" section lists all sections in order (they are aligned to the left). In contrast, right-aligned, indicates the page on which the corresponding chapter begins. Dots are placed between the section title and its page in the table of contents. Please note: Each section below starts on a new page.

Goals and objectives

On the second page you need to indicate what goals and objectives are pursued by the work performed.

  • The purpose follows from the topic that we indicated on the title page.
  • Objectives are the actions the child took to achieve a goal. There should always be several of them, at least two.

Project body

The third sheet begins with the actual description of the research progress. It should be structured, and not be a continuous, continuous array of text.

Each task and the progress of its solution should be described in a separate paragraph (if they are small). If the tasks are larger, you can describe each one in a small subsection with a subtitle.

Illustrations will be an additional plus. In addition, they further structure the text and make it more visual.

After the job description is finished, you need to summarize. For this you need a “Conclusions” section. It starts on a new page.

There are also several conclusions, as well as tasks. Each task must have its own outcome. Briefly, in one sentence we describe what we learned while solving this or that problem.

List of used literature

The list of books used is placed on the last page of the presentation. Book titles are listed in alphabetical order and must be complete. To correctly indicate the title of the book, it is best to copy it from the first page, where the output data is indicated.

If the information was taken from websites, links to them should also be included in the list.

This is usually the sheet that presents the most difficulty. It is difficult for a child to correctly formulate complex names and organize everything. Therefore, some schools simplify the design of the last page. You need to learn more about this from the teacher. If difficulties arise, it also makes sense to approach the teacher in advance and ask for advice.


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