Questionnaires for teachers to identify readiness for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Materials on the topic

Questionnaire for educators and parents on role-playing games, material on the topic

Questionnaire for teachers

1. Are you satisfied with the way children play today?


2. What types of games predominate in the group?


3. In your opinion, does role-playing play have its due place in children’s lives? Why?


4. What is the importance of role-playing games in the life of a preschooler?


5. Should a teacher take part in organizing a role-playing game? If so, what will this work involve?


6. Do children introduce new lines of plot development into the “eternal” themes of story games, for example, “family”, “school”, “hospital”? What could be the motive for such enrichment of the game?


7. How do you take care of creating a gaming environment?


8. What, in your opinion, is missing to enrich role-playing games?


9. What do you need to achieve a sufficient level of organization of a role-playing game?


Questionnaire for parents

1. How do you feel about your child’s games?


2. Do you play with your child?


3. What games do you play with your child?


4. Who initiates the game, an adult or a child?


5. Do you think that adults should take part in children's play? Why?


6. Does play affect the overall development of a child?


Questionnaire for teachers at the beginning of the school year

Questionnaire for teachers of the preschool educational institution “Professional Portrait”

Dear Colleagues! To improve the quality of methodological support for teachers at our preschool educational institution, we invite you to answer the questions in the questionnaire. Select the answer options that suit you, tick them, or suggest your own answer.

Full name of teacher: ________________________________________________

Date of filling out the form:________________________________________________

  1. Professional experience:

a) up to 5 years;

b) from 5 to 10 years

c) from 10 to 20 years

d) from 20 to 30 years

e) over 30 years

2. I believe that I


a) methodological assistance is required in organizing the pedagogical process;

b) methodological assistance is partially required;

c) methodological assistance in organizing the pedagogical process is not required.

3. Advanced training for me is:

a) a subject of constant work: I always try to keep abreast of new products and best practices in education; when difficulties arise, I turn to both practical experience in solving a given problem and its scientific justification;

b) an episodic question: when difficulties arise, I try to find a suitable solution from the experience of practicing teachers;

c) I consider my experience and qualifications sufficient to successfully solve the assigned pedagogical tasks.

4. In my work with children I:

a) I use traditional forms and methods of work;

b) I combine new and traditional forms and methods of work;

c) I try to introduce modern approaches to organizing the pedagogical process.

If you answered “a” or “b” to question No. 4, please answer the question

5. If you chose answer “c” to question No. 4, skip question No. 5.

5. I do not use/little use modern approaches (methods, techniques, technologies) in my work because:

a) traditional forms and methods of work best suit my preferences;

b) I would like to use modern technologies, forms and methods in my work, but I do not have sufficient knowledge about them;

c) I do not use/little use modern approaches in my work, because for this it is necessary to improve the material and technical base, improve the RPPS;

d) (your own version) ________________________________________________________________


6. Mainly to solve problems in your teaching practice:

a) most often I use traditional, proven methods and techniques, I prefer to use previously created by me or my colleagues, or published ready-made notes of certain events;

b) I can find my own original solution to a problem when the need arises;

c) I always try to creatively transform existing material or create my own.

7. If I need to get methodological, practical help in my work, I will most likely turn to:

a) to the head, senior teacher of the preschool educational institution;

b) colleagues at the preschool institution;

c) other specialists of the preschool educational institution (music director, educational psychologist, speech therapist) - please emphasize who?


d) I prefer to solve problems among teachers in my group.

8. At methodological events at the preschool educational institution, I:

a) active participant: I always strive to participate in the preparation of methodological events, speeches to colleagues, active discussions;

b) opponent: in personal speech I prefer to participate in the discussion of the speeches of my colleagues, if necessary I can get involved in active actions;

c) observer: I prefer to stay on the sidelines, I am often at a loss when it is necessary to engage in dialogue.

9. I mainly attend methodological events:

a) with pleasure, with the expectation of discovering something new and interesting;

b) with a feeling of my forced presence;

c) to broadcast your ideas and developments;

d) (your own version) __________________________________________________________

10. At the moment I:

a) I am well versed in modern approaches to organizing the pedagogical process in preschool educational institutions;

b) I have little understanding of modern approaches to organizing the pedagogical process in preschool educational institutions.

11. I could share my work experience
in the following areas of pedagogical activity:
a) educational and educational (ensuring the protection of life and health, creating a RPPS, organizing educational activities (classes), diagnosing the individual development of preschool children, preparing children for school);

b) educational and methodological (planning educational work, drawing up advanced pedagogical work experience, organizing self-education work, using information resources on the Internet);

c) social and pedagogical (providing advisory assistance to parents, organizing parent meetings, interaction with parents in preparing planned events; improving the educational skills and pedagogical culture of parents).

Thank you for your cooperation!

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