Generalization of work experience on the topic “Project activity as a means of developing cognitive activity in children of senior preschool age in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education”

Topic: “Formation of patriotic feelings in preschool children in the process of expanding ideas about their native land”

Love for your native land, for your native culture, for your native village or city, for your native speech begins small - with love for your family, for your home, for your school. This love, gradually expanding, turns into love for one’s country - for its history, its past and present, and then for all of humanity, for human culture.

D.S. Likhachev

Modern research devoted to the problems of introducing preschool children to the history, culture, and social life of their native land is associated with the study of the mechanisms of socialization, the formation of a child’s social competence, the child’s awareness of himself as a representative of the human race, children’s perception of the world of objects, and the formation of knowledge about the work activities of adults.

During the period of preschool childhood, the child develops his first ideas about the world around him, develops the ability to establish the simplest relationships and patterns about the phenomena of life around him, as well as independently accept the acquired knowledge in accessible practical activities.

The first feelings of citizenship and patriotism. Are they accessible to children?

Based on my work experience, I can answer in the affirmative: preschoolers have access to a feeling of love for their hometown, their native nature, their Motherland. A child’s sense of homeland begins with his relationship to his family, to the closest people - mother, father, grandmother, grandfather. These are the roots that connect him with his home and immediate environment.

The feeling of the Motherland begins with admiration for what the child sees in front of him, what he is amazed at and what evokes a response in his soul... And although many impressions are not yet deeply realized by him, but, passed through the child’s perception, they play a huge role in the formation of the personality of a patriot. And this is the beginning of patriotism, which is born in knowledge, formed in the process of systematic work and education.

I believe that my main goal as a preschool teacher is to educate a cultured person who loves his land, his Fatherland, his Motherland.

The goal is achieved in each group in accordance with the age characteristics of the children.

Tasks in the middle group:

• Clarify and expand children’s understanding that the street is a place outside the home and part of the address where a person lives;

• Introduce children to the streets closest to the kindergarten;

• Give children the idea that Bryansk is our hometown;

• Cultivate love for him.

In the senior group:

• Give children broad knowledge about their native country (“We live in Russia”, “Moscow is the capital of Russia”);

• Continue to expand children's knowledge about their hometown;

• Introduce the main streets, inform about famous people whose names they are named (Safronova, Romashina, Stanke - Dimitrova, etc.);

• Clarify ideas about administrative buildings.

In the preparatory group:

• Expand and deepen children’s knowledge about their native country, region (“Rus. Russia. My Motherland!”, “We know and love our city”);

• Continue to introduce the sights of the city;

• Foster a desire to take care of our small Motherland and respect its traditions.

But how to teach all this to preschool children, in what form is it best to convey this knowledge to children. This question prompts me to study literature that will help me learn the experience and achievements of other teachers.

The books I studied:

1. N. Rebrova “Old Town. New Bryansk". This book is about the events of a thousand years of history and the modern development of the city of Bryansk. It contains very interesting and exciting essays, I advise every resident of the city of Bryansk and not only to read it.....

2. N.V. Aleshina “Familiarization of preschoolers with the environment and social reality.” The author in her book presented a system of work on this topic, all sections are covered (family, kindergarten, city, etc.) It is easy to use this book in your work, since the material is distributed weekly, the material gradually becomes more complex, new material is built on consolidating what has been covered .

3. N.F. Vinogradova “Our Motherland” 1984 It presents works of different genres aimed at patriotic education.

4. N.F. Vinogradova “For preschoolers about their native country” Moscow 2009. This manual presents one of the possible options for organizing classes with preschoolers to familiarize themselves with their native country. Work on this manual is carried out in conjunction with the book “My Country: Russia”. The book contains 30 conversations - examples of how these activities can be structured, making them interesting and exciting for children. Having an approximate script for each conversation, methodological recommendations, and historical comments will greatly facilitate the teacher’s work.

5. A.D. Zharikov “Raise children as patriots” Moscow 1980

6. E.I. Korneeva “Folk holidays and entertainment in the patriotic education of preschool children” 1995.

7. L.I. Belyaeva “Formation of a positive attitude towards the phenomena of social life in preschool children based on the material of the Soviet Army” 1977.

8. E.K. Rivina “State Symbols of Russia” The manual presents summaries of educational conversations, scenarios of leisure activities in which moral meanings are revealed. History and functions of state symbols of Russia. Fragments of these notes can be used in working with children of senior preschool age. This book is good for increasing the level of knowledge of teachers.

9. R.I. Podrezova “Planning and notes of classes on the development of children’s speech in preschool educational institutions” (Patriotic education) Moscow 2007. This book is convenient for working with children because all the notes are systematized in accordance with the basic kindergarten programs. The author offers us additional material that can be used to create your own lessons.

10. L.A. Kodrikinsky “Where does the Motherland begin?” Moscow 2005 (Work experience in patriotic education in preschool educational institutions). The collection has a practical orientation and is easy to use, because contains planning, notes of activities and entertainment on the topic “My home is my family”, “Russian folk culture”, “The capital of our Motherland Moscow”, “The Earth is our common home”, “Defenders of the Fatherland”. The good thing is that the material was compiled by teachers who are also looking for a way to better instill patriotic feelings in children.

11. N.G. Zelenova, L.E. Osipova “We live in Russia” (civic-patriotic education of preschool children) Moscow 2007 These authors offer books for middle, senior and preparatory groups. These books are a godsend for teachers. The books present long-term planning, detailed notes of classes, matinees, and entertainment. The main content is supplemented with various practical materials that help in working with children: proverbs and sayings, original didactic games. The authors also propose criteria for diagnosing the level of knowledge and skills of children.

The diagnostics I carried out at the beginning of the year for the senior group showed that children do not have enough knowledge about the social significance of a healthy lifestyle of people in general and the child himself in particular (56%), as well as insufficient knowledge about the Russian army (57%) and the idea of ​​​​their belonging to the human community (55%). Nazar M., Kirill B., Arina D., Dima I., Sonya Ch. had insufficient knowledge in other sections. And, of course, special attention was paid to these children. To highlight the sights, photo albums, didactic games “City Tour”, “Folk Holidays”, and printed board games “Puzzles - the coat of arms of Russia, the flag of Russia” were created. Individual work is planned and carried out daily by me. I try to involve such children as often as possible in games to develop patriotic feelings, to tell them more often about the factories, combines of the city, city monuments, famous fellow countrymen, and about why we are proud to live in the city of Bryansk.

The group has created a corner for patriotic education, where a child can look at illustrations about the city of Bryansk, the Bryansk region, about the flora and fauna of his native land, about military equipment, he can also try on some caps and caps, costumes of heroes, girls can try on national costumes , you can use didactic and board games.

When creating a subject-development environment, sanitary, hygienic, pedagogical, and aesthetic requirements should be observed: sufficient lighting, appropriate placement of exhibits and accessibility, scientific nature and reliability of the material provided in accordance with the age characteristics of children, aesthetics, colorfulness and attractiveness. In the consultation for educators “Interaction between kindergarten and family,” I indicated an approximate list of requirements for an object-based play environment in accordance with age characteristics.

Acquaintance with the native land begins with the child’s family, from the street on which he lives, from the area where his kindergarten is located. The circle of acquaintance is gradually expanding: I introduce older preschoolers to the history of the city - with its sights, with famous people who glorified their region with the peculiarities of the animal and plant world, with natural monuments, with the Desna - the main river of the region, with the location of the Bryansk region on the map of Russia...

Awakening children's love for their native land is most successfully achieved with an integrated approach to solving this problem:

• At NOD, children gain knowledge about their region.

• The surrounding world enriches and stimulates children's creativity (children enthusiastically draw holidays, their native nature, their city; they perform applications “My City”, “Street of Our City”, “Cars on the City Streets”).

• The task I have set is solved by combining observations of the immediate environment with reading works of art (stories by P. Bazhov, stories by E. Bianchi), listening to classical music (P.I. Tchaikovsky), looking at paintings and illustrations for books.

• The main activity of preschoolers is play, and it, like activities, contributes to achieving the goal (construction games: “We are building a city”, “We are architects”; plot-role-playing games: “Shop”, “Library”, “In museum”, “Family”; didactic: “Collect a picture”, “Guess the mood”).

• Involving children in working activities is an equally important factor. Love for one's Motherland becomes a real feeling when it is expressed not only in words and knowledge, but also in the desire to work. Although the work of a preschooler is not difficult, it is necessary for the formation of his personality.

• The most interesting and effective forms of work are walks, excursions, observations, which encourage children to engage in various activities (play, verbal, productive).

• Continuity of education ensures close and fruitful cooperation between kindergarten and family, which complement each other. Parents are not only helpers, but equal participants in all our affairs. Together with the children, they visit memorable places, help organize trips to the museum, and city excursions. Albums on the theme “My Native Land” were created together with my parents.

GCD operating methodology

To deepen the love for the nature of the city and consolidate existing knowledge, classes were held with productive creative activities on the topics “Golden Autumn”, “Snow Fairy Tale”, “Sunny Spring”, “Winter and Summer in My City”. An interesting activity in terms of content is to compare the nature of our region and the northern/southern side of Russia. Older preschoolers themselves already find differences in weather conditions, flora and fauna.

When introducing children to the appearance of their hometown, an effective method is modeling, which helps to systematize existing knowledge about its structure. Working with the street map, children together with adults identified house numbers, landmarks, and drew the road from home to kindergarten. This also helped me remember my home address and clarify the rules of safe behavior on the street. In order to consolidate the acquired knowledge and reflect impressions of the city, drawing classes were organized on the topics “Lights of our street”, “And from our window the white street is visible”, “Our kindergarten”.

The methods of a wide variety of activities contained elements of patriotic influence on the personality of children. During the manual labor lesson, the children made a “Tower for our city” from waste material; during the lesson on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts, we fixed the geometric shapes found in the city landscape, etc.

In middle preschool age, excursions around the kindergarten were held, during which children got acquainted with the employees, conditions and features of their work. Observations of the work of a nanny, laundress, cook, janitor and other workers revealed the meaning of labor actions aimed at creating cleanliness and comfort in the kindergarten, providing children with delicious food, and filling their lives with meaningful, interesting activities. The responsibilities of children are to strive to protect the results of the work of adults and, if possible, help them, together create the beauty of the surrounding life.

In older groups, search activities were carried out: children asked their parents and grandparents about their professions, participation in the formation of the city, children exchanged information received, looked at documents and photographs. Based on the impressions we received, we composed stories and reflected our impressions in other types of activities.

With the active participation of parents, classes were prepared and conducted to familiarize children with the symbols of the city and country: the coat of arms and flag, their meaning and the creation of a “Magic Family Tree”, where each child was able to express his attitude to the history of his family, reveal the “secret of his” origin, protect the family coat of arms invented at home.

Methods of work outside educational activities


Regularly organized observations of the surrounding reality were carried out from the group's window, during a walk; targeted walks around the city were combined with reading works of art, looking at illustrations and children's works, listening to music, displaying impressions in visual and other productive activities. The creation of a new nature calendar in the older group encouraged children to become more active in observing natural phenomena. Photo exhibitions based on the results of excursions and targeted walks on the theme “We and our city” were repeatedly held. The cognitive task of observations carried the main educational value - to develop in children a sense of admiration for their hometown.

Independent productive creativity.

Children's independent artistic and creative activity, reflecting the surrounding reality, was always encouraged, and the significance and value of each sample was emphasized. The exhibits were carefully moved to a specially created area for displaying works. Collaborative creativity between parents and children at home was encouraged. This is how the relay race game “Drawing in Turns” was recommended for families - after a certain period of time, the drawing was passed on to the next hands of the player. Children's works were presented at exhibitions of our preschool institution.


General conversations were held with children on topics of local history with stories from an adult about city news, free stories from children about family trips on weekends, and other episodic forms of communication on the topic of getting to know the city. The conversations were conducted using effective methodological techniques: questions, comparisons, individual assignments, and appeal to children’s experiences. Conversations on the topics “What makes our city famous” and “About people who have glorified themselves through their work and military merits” showed the children a sense of pride in our citizens.

Problem situations.

Problematic situations were created in order to teach children how to navigate the city space, reinforce the rules of culture in public places, and adjust safe behavior in public places.

Individual work.

Individual work was constantly carried out with children to clarify and consolidate each child’s local history ideas, his attitude to the city and the events taking place around him.


The work that the children and I called “good deeds” for the benefit of the group, kindergarten, and city was invariably included in educational work outside of class. In order to instill in preschoolers the desire to protect nature through their efforts and increase its wealth, their work in nature was organized: they grew indoor plants, vegetables, flowers, cared for animals, birds, and fish. A joint cleanup day with parents to improve the site was perceived by the children as a holiday; they experienced great joy and satisfaction from the results of their joint work. The desire to help parents and kindergarten staff, the ability to make life around them more comfortable and beautiful is an important component of the opportunity to make a child feel like a part of the city.


Verbal and didactic games were used in the work. For example, the game “Where did Luntik go.” The teacher describes the place: a large building where mom presented a receipt and was given a package. Where did Luntik end up? (hair salon, hospital, grocery store, bookstore, etc.) Interesting word game “Say a word.” The teacher begins, and the children continue: Our city is called... That's why our townspeople are called... In the city there are... Adults work for... etc.

A number of board-printed games and manuals of local history content with elements of TRIZ and mnemonics were also used: “Complete the second half”, “Cut-together picture”, “The fourth odd one”, “Color the coat of arms of the city”, etc. The graphic display in the games of views of the native city is attractive children and assists in mastering the assigned tasks.

Role-playing games on topics reflecting the professions of the city were also widely used. The game “Star Factory” was a great success: readers and singers from the stage tried to please the listeners and become the host of the concert using a microphone substitute. Plastic sketches were also used to create expressive images of historical figures, the discoverers of the diamond pipe and the builders of the city.

Relay-type outdoor games were held: “Who can build a car faster,” “Who can build rails faster and correctly,” and “Who can collect more steel for their team.” Such games have both a patriotic content and a humorous touch, which children really like.

Participation in holidays.

Collective performances in festive events became an important branch in the life of my group students. The festive atmosphere saturates the emotional world of the child and contributes to the formation of interest in traditions and phenomena of social life. A holiday is what lives inside us, our feelings, desires, dreams. It is perhaps difficult to find a person who does not love holidays. Especially if this person is a child. Constant holidays and traditions, repeated year after year, seem to structure the child’s time and leave clear milestones along the path of life. This is very important for the child, because it brings a feeling of unforgettableness and constancy of the world around him. Favorite family holidays and traditions will become a guiding star for him and, perhaps, will remain the most precious childhood memories.

Every year our kindergarten celebrates not only traditional holidays (“Autumn”, “New Year”, “February 23”, etc.), but also such as “City Day”, “Name Day”, “Ladybug Festival”, “Mathematical holiday”, “State holidays”, “Holiday dedicated to the work of S.Ya.Marshak”, “Our Chukovsky”. And if we prepare for holidays such as New Year or a birthday in advance, come up with a scenario, discuss who to invite and what to prepare, then there are many reasons for fun that do not require any preparation. You can celebrate a holiday even every day! For example, my students and I celebrate the holidays of the beginning of the seasons (“September 1!”, “First Day of Winter,” “First Day of Spring,” etc.), “Children’s Day,” “Ivan Kupala Day.” Perhaps all these holidays will become your tradition, and every year you will celebrate “Tatyana’s Day” (if there is a girl in the group with the name Tatyana). And the children will look forward to this holiday with joyful impatience. The following ideas are just a drop in the ocean of what can be thought of. Some fun activities will turn an ordinary walk into a holiday, some will help pass a rainy autumn evening and will amuse the kids.

Viewing illustrations and listening to music.

A local history mini-museum was organized, the materials of which changed as a particular topic was studied. A number of manuals have been prepared with the opportunity to regularly get acquainted with exhibits and have conversations to consolidate concepts and ideas about your hometown.


The most important element in introducing preschoolers to the city is excursions. Children always enjoy immersing themselves in the world of the city and eagerly absorb impressions.

It should be noted that work on the environmental component developed children’s ability to see the beauty of nature in the urban landscape, the ability to classify, generalize knowledge about local representatives of living and inanimate nature, and improved their skills in observing natural phenomena. The architectural component developed spatial knowledge of the city; a feeling of admiration and delight at the beauty of your city; a sense of responsibility, love and respect for the urban landscape. As a result of studying the professions of the city, a cognitive interest in them appeared, ideas were formed about the value of the work of citizens, the image of a working city with its way of life, traditions, and style of relationships. The study of the socio-historical life of the city made it possible to create among preschoolers an interest in important events of the past and present of their hometown, a sense of pride in the cultural, sports and labor achievements of the townspeople.

The development of content and technology for introducing children to their native land was based on specific principles:

Encyclopedicity – ensures the selection of knowledge content from different areas of reality (nature, social world, culture, etc.).

The uniqueness of the place - the territory of the region is considered as a universal value for people who consider it their homeland. The study of the natural, cultural, socio-economic uniqueness of the region, connections with previous generations (folk traditions, creativity) is an important condition for the formation of personal culture. This principle involves studying the specifics of natural and cultural heritage, spiritual values, historical, cultural, and ethnocultural features of the region’s development. The importance of the principle of the uniqueness of a place is determined by its enormous influence on the formation of patriotism as the most important personality quality of a future citizen.

Knowledge integration is the establishment of relationships between natural scientific information and information about human activity. The implementation of this principle ensures the selection of knowledge content for children to understand a holistic picture of the world. Unity of content and methods.

The dynamics of continuity of connections - at each age level it means the selection of the most relevant knowledge and its gradual complication, while taking into account the specifics of changes in the social experience of children of different preschool ages.

Complexity - the content is concentrated in the complex themes “Nature”, “People’s Work”, “Attractions of the region, city”, “History of the city of Bryansk”, etc.

In patriotic education, the example of adults, especially loved ones, is of great importance. Based on specific facts from the lives of older family members (grandfathers, grandmothers, participants in the Great Patriotic War, their front-line exploits), it is necessary to instill in children such important concepts as “duty to the Motherland,” “love for the Fatherland,” “hatred of the enemy,” “labor.” feat", etc. It is important to bring the child to understand that we won because we love our Fatherland, the Motherland honors its heroes who gave their lives for the happiness of people. Their names are immortalized in the names of cities, streets, squares, and monuments have been erected in their honor.

An equally important condition for the patriotic education of children is a close relationship with their parents.

“A future citizen is growing in your family and under your leadership. Everything that happens in the country must come to the children through your soul and your thought,” this commandment of A.S. Makarenko must be used when a teacher works with children and their parents.

The formation of patriotic feelings in children is impossible without establishing a close connection with the family, so parents took an active part. In working with parents, various forms of surveys, questionnaires, visual information (stands, exhibitions, etc.), organizational meetings were actively used, and active forms were also used: thematic evening “Sow kindness in children’s souls”, evening of family communication “In the Family Circle”, an hour of learning about family traditions at the round table “My family is my wealth.” Thus, in an informal setting, parents had the opportunity to share information about ways of interacting with a child in the family and get acquainted with the experiences of other families.

The family is the child’s first collective, and in it he should feel like an equal member, making his own, albeit modest, contribution to the family business every day. Therefore, the subject of a special conversation with parents was a discussion of possible ways to introduce preschoolers to work (household, manual, work in nature), to actively participate in preparing for joint holidays and recreation.

In order for this knowledge to be deeper and more durable, we paid a lot of attention to preliminary work. Our parents again helped us with this. Dads were asked to talk about military equipment; mothers - look at the beautiful buildings on the street, prepare a story on the topic: “How the city is preparing for the holiday.”

It has become a good tradition to conduct thematic conversations with children and parents using photographs and illustrations. We encouraged children to draw conclusions and make moral assessments. There were many stories about the exploits of the people after whom the streets were named.

To help parents, a “Read to Children” section was organized. In addition, consultations were prepared for parents on the following topics: “How to raise a little patriot”, “Love for the Motherland begins with the family”, “How to help a child love his land”, “The role of the family in instilling patriotic feelings in preschoolers”.

As a result, fathers and mothers became my main assistants in organizing excursions and solving problems regarding the improvement of the kindergarten and yard. Parents tried to become for their children an example of how to relate to their city, to the place where you live. This was one of the main tasks that I set for myself when working with the parents of my students.

There has long been a debate about what is more important in the development of personality: family or public education (kindergarten, school, other educational institutions). Some great teachers leaned in favor of the family, others gave the palm to public institutions.

So, Ya.A. Komensky called the maternal school the sequence and sum of knowledge that a child receives from the hands and lips of the mother. Mother's lessons - no changes in the schedule, no days off or holidays. The more diverse and meaningful a child’s life becomes, the wider the range of maternal concerns. Ya.A. Komensky is echoed by another teacher - the humanist I.G. Pestalozzi: the family is a genuine organ of education, it teaches by doing, and the living word only complements it and, falling on the soil plowed by life, it makes a completely different impression.

Joint activities with parents became the basis for the further formation of moral and patriotic feelings in children. Together with the parents of our students, we tried to teach children to sincerely love their home, to show a sense of compassion, caring, attentiveness to family and friends, friends and peers, and taught children to independently solve problems that arise in life. All this is a prerequisite that contributes to the education of a citizen and patriot of one’s country, and the formation of moral values.

Interaction between teachers and parents of preschool children is carried out mainly through:

 Involving parents in the pedagogical process;

 Expanding the scope of parental participation in organizing the life of an educational institution;

 Parents attending classes at a time convenient for them;

 Creating conditions for creative self-realization of teachers, parents, children;

 Information and pedagogical materials, exhibitions of children's works, which allow parents to become more familiar with the specifics of the institution, introduce them to the educational and developmental environment;

 Various programs for joint activities of children and parents;

 Combining the efforts of a teacher and a parent in joint activities for the upbringing and development of a child: these relationships should be considered as the art of dialogue between adults and a specific child based on knowledge of the mental characteristics of his age, taking into account the interests, abilities and previous experience of the child;

 Showing understanding, tolerance and tact in raising and teaching a child, striving to take into account his interests without ignoring feelings and emotions;

 Respectful relationship between family and educational institution.

Not all families fully realize the full range of opportunities to influence the child. The reasons are different: some families do not want to raise a child, others do not know how to do it, and still others do not understand why it is necessary. In all cases, qualified assistance from a preschool institution is necessary.

Currently, urgent tasks continue to be individual work with families, a differentiated approach to families of different types, care not to lose sight and influence of specialists who are not only difficult, but also not entirely successful in some specific but important issues families.

All the work done has yielded great results. Inactive children Arina D., Kirill B., Nazar M., Dima I. began to show more interest in their hometown, interested in cultural leisure activities, these children began to go on excursions around the city with their parents more often, and became more interested in famous fellow countrymen and the flora of the city. This is confirmed by the diagnosis I carried out at the end of the senior year. Almost all children have knowledge that corresponds to their age characteristics. The blocks “Image of Self” (84%), “Our Army” (97%), “Our Planet” (85%) by the end of the senior and the beginning of the preparatory group have been sufficiently studied. Of course, in the preparatory group the knowledge requirements become more complicated and I continue to work with children who have not sufficiently mastered the material on this topic.

Having done diagnostic work at the beginning of the year in the preparatory group, I concluded that it is necessary to pay special attention to the blocks “Image of Self” (57%), “Generally Accepted Norms” (60%). During this year, I plan and regularly conduct individual work with inactive children Pavlik L., Kristina P., Dima I., Arina D. By fulfilling all the requirements for the formation of patriotic feelings, I will achieve good results. It is important to instill in children respect and interest in their native land, to teach them to see beauty.

I associate the effectiveness of the pedagogical system on the topic not only with my personal aspirations for the patriotic education of the younger generation, but also with the efforts of our entire teaching staff, striving to create the most favorable creative atmosphere in the preschool institution. The work of the music director helps to create a festive atmosphere of joyful meetings in the system of patriotic education; through the efforts of the physical education instructor, the moral and volitional qualities of the personality of our students are developed. The common aspirations of all preschool teachers have a positive impact on the results of raising children. Positive changes were also predetermined by sustained interest on the part of parents. A repeated survey showed that the majority of parents no longer put getting to know the city on the last line in the ranking of the components of raising and educating a child.

Currently, the problems of patriotic education are identified at the highest state level. The prestige of our country, a sense of pride in all its successes, and a careful attitude towards the historical past are the main things in the work of educating the patriotism of the younger generation. And our pedagogical duty is to plant in the soul of a little person the seeds of love for his native city, his native Fatherland, which will later sprout with noble shoots and make him a real Patriot!

Senior group. Senior preschool age. Children 5-6 years old

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Work experience on the topic: “Organization of play activities with preschool children”

Topic: “Organization of play activities with preschool children”

Prepared by: Reger L.Yu.,

teacher at MADOU "Kindergarten No. 3"


The game occupies a leading place in the system of physical, moral, labor and aesthetic education of preschool children. It activates the child, helps to increase his vitality, satisfies personal interests and social needs.

Despite the invaluable role of play in the life of a preschooler, the organization of play activities in kindergarten

requires improvement. She never took her rightful place in the lives of children, which is explained by teachers’ underestimation of her role in the diversified development of preschoolers. In many kindergartens, an appropriate play environment has not been created; insufficient attention is paid to the formation of children's ideas about the world around them and to their amateur games.

Subordinating play to learning tasks causes double harm to students: it leads to the removal of amateur games from the life of a kindergarten and reduces cognitive motivation, which is the basis for the formation of educational activities. The importance of developing play skills in children has almost completely fallen out of the sight of educators. Sometimes the time allocated for gaming activities is used for educational activities, clubs, preparation for holidays, matinees, etc. To eliminate these shortcomings, it is necessary to take care of the appropriate organization of play activities in kindergarten

. It should be remembered that play as a specific activity is not homogeneous; each type of play performs its own function in the development of the child.

Types of games

There are three types of games:

1) child-initiated games


2) adult-initiated games

o with ready-made rules (didactic, outdoor games),

3) folk games

(created by the people).

Organization of play activities during the day

During the day, children can play four times: before breakfast (5-40 min), between breakfast and classes (5-7 min), outdoors (1 hour-1 hour 30 min), after nap (20- 40 min).

Games before breakfast

They begin when the child arrives at kindergarten, are interrupted by breakfast and

continue until the start of classes. The task of the teacher during this period is to

rationalize the pedagogical process in order to organize children's play in effective forms, actively influence its course and children's relationships.

In the younger group

preference is given to games in which children can

to most fully satisfy your needs in the game without complex personal relationships. These are games, for example, with sand and water, which can be played at any time of the year in a room or in an open area, simple construction games, during which the need may arise not only for individual, but also for joint actions, coordination of plans. These games require materials and toys that encourage children to move. In the second half of the year, role-playing games of a formal nature begin, which kids really like.

For pupils of the middle group

The experience of play activities is much greater; they bring toys from home, diversify and complicate the games. Children quickly understand each other, realizing their plans. Games and toys shape children's feelings and thoughts, so children should be given ample opportunity to play whatever they want. The teacher corrects the game without disturbing it, preserving its amateur and creative nature, the spontaneity of experiences, and the child’s faith in the veracity of what is happening.

Pupils of the senior group

ample opportunities are provided for playing role-playing, construction, didactic and outdoor games, both individually and collectively.

Children's games after breakfast should be consistent with the nature and content of further activities. So, before classes in speech, mathematics, and drawing, games to develop thinking, attention, and imagination would be appropriate. We provide games with a different focus if the following activities require children to move (choreography, physical education). Therefore, the management of games must be coordinated with the pedagogical process. It is important to move away from templates. In no case should you force something on children, thereby causing them to resist, quit the game or stop playing. Questions, advice, and recommendations would be appropriate here.

Games between classes

For all groups of children, games are selected that involve little mental stress - with small toys, a ball, and a simple construction set. There is no need to regulate these games too much, but it is desirable that they give the child the opportunity to move. During breaks between classes, playing as a whole group should be avoided.

This tires children. New games that require lengthy and complex explanations will also be inappropriate. The transition from play to practice should be calm and relaxed.

Outdoor games

Children can continue a game they started earlier (before or between classes) if they are interested in it, or come up with something new. It is advisable to diversify these games in every possible way, since there is a large space for active movements, so these conditions should be used as fully as possible so that the pupils can run, jump, and just have fun.

When organizing outdoor games, you should definitely take into account this

An important factor is seasonality. In cold weather, they should provide sufficient load, but it does not provide for maintaining the same pace for all children, lengthy preparation, great effort, and attention. Games should quickly warm up children, but without harming their health. Requirements for them must be individualized, taking into account the health status of each student and weather conditions.

Younger preschoolers are quite active, they move a lot, but their experience of motor activity is still small and monotonous. To increase activity and enrich the movements of children, appropriate conditions should be created and various objects and toys (balls, balls, cubes, jump ropes, etc.) should be used. So, in the spring you can organize various races, starting with the simplest ones (“Horses”, “Grasshoppers”, “Catch up with the ball”, “Bring an object”, “Step wider”, etc.); jumping and jumping (“Jump higher”, “Touch the ball”, “Catch a butterfly”), climbing and crawling (crawl along a board, bench), the game “Hoop and chickens” Exercises with a hoop, riding a swing, riding a bicycle, games - fun (“Hide and Seek”, “Blind Man’s Bluff”, “Soap Bubbles”, etc.).

More targeted games at this age with sand, a building material, are the beginning of design activity. The teacher must teach children to play, create a game situation, and communicate directly with students using direct influence methods. Time also has an indirect influence through a toy, simple staging, etc. Kids of this age like role-playing games on everyday topics related to everyday life (for example, girls play with dolls,

boys - with cars).

In the middle group, didactic games related to movement are carried out. These are riddle games where children use their movements to depict some object or action. It is advisable to carry them out after running or other active physical activity. The enrichment of role-playing games (“drivers”, “family”, “shop”, “railroad”, “hospital”, “zoo”, etc.) continues. Alternating games with and without rules contributes to the development and variety of games and their educational impact on children.

Constant contact between the teacher and children, both indirect and direct, is important. Although the ability to self-organize games in the middle group is still small, it is worth relying on them, adjusting the content and conditions of the game if necessary.

In the older group, you can invite preschoolers to agree on what and how they will play before going to the playground. This will immediately give direction to their activities.

Some games (sailors, pilots, astronauts) can last for weeks, gradually developing. Dramatization games (if the game plan and sequence of actions are determined in advance), didactic, plot-role-playing, and outdoor games are appropriate. The teacher's intervention should be limited to advice on how best to implement the planned game. For this, passing remarks while getting ready for a walk are enough. For better self-organization, it is desirable that the children in the group know several games and know how to play them. The way children are organized is also important. For example, they can choose the leader of the game themselves using a counting rhyme, or the teacher will appoint him.

Games after nap

Games after naps in all groups take place in the room or outdoors. It is advisable to give the room in which children play completely at their disposal: the arrangement of furniture and toys is subject to the game. The teacher directs

children's amateur activities, participates himself, introduces preschoolers to a new game. If they play different types of games, educational tasks are more varied and individualized.

In the evening you can continue with construction and role-playing games created in the open air. Children accumulate enough images to play different roles, build structures, etc. The level of these games increases significantly if the teacher offers tasks. You can conduct didactic games with children, the content of which is very diverse. The combination of didactic games with other types makes it possible to achieve significant success in the comprehensive development of children. Currently, musical games in which the teacher plays a significant role would be appropriate. These are round dance games with songs, outdoor games, games to music, riddle games. The role of the educator should also be active in dramatization games.

A significant role in a child’s life is played by play-work using the products of labor and artistic and creative activity. However, if the task is also to teach certain skills (embroidery, gluing, cutting, etc.), this reduces the level of the game itself, and in many cases leads to its termination. Therefore, for these games it is better to engage in activities that children already possess.

In the summer, when children's knowledge and experience have been significantly enriched, less time is spent on dressing, undressing, and getting ready for a walk, it is possible to more fully satisfy children's needs in play.

In the summer, creative games using natural materials should be actively introduced in middle and senior groups. Dramatization games should not be ignored either, since children already have enough knowledge and experience to dramatize familiar literary works. Older preschoolers can be offered didactic games, which in content are related to the curriculum on speech development, familiarization with the outside world, learning to count, and the like. Guessing riddles, finding parts of an object and composing it should be actively introduced, carried out both with the whole group and with individual children. On rainy days, children willingly play board games (checkers, chess, maze games, games with cubes, table hockey, etc.).

Fun games are quite popular among older children. But you should think carefully about the content of these games, make sure that they not only entertain, but also serve pedagogical purposes.

Children love construction games. Therefore, materials for them should always be in a specially designated place so that children have the opportunity to start various games - construction, story-based, which last several days (for example, “Building a house”, which is “converted” many times and can turn into another structure where children conduct electricity, telephone, near which they build a bathhouse, etc.). The day ends with a variety of interesting games. The teacher reminds that it is necessary to put things in order among the toys, to put everything in its place.

Cleaning can be given the appearance of a game, while the teacher teaches children to be consistent, follow established rules, and maintain order. “Where are our workers,” the teacher asks, “They must have gone to dinner.” - But we need to take the materials to the site in order to finish the “construction” tomorrow. Hearing such words, the “workers” quickly and willingly collect materials. “And you, Mr. Driver,” asks the teacher, “where are you taking the toys? - Into the cupboard. “Hurry up, take it, the working day is ending, we need to put the car in the garage.”

The relationship between certain types of games

The content of creative games and games with rules is a kind of reflection

the surrounding reality, however, is more immediate. The goal of the game can change, relationships between people are unstable, conditional and not always necessary for everyone. Unlike creative games, the content of didactic games is always known in advance. Characteristics of the rules of the game are equally binding for everyone. The purpose of
didactic games is to develop mental abilities

Common to both types of games is the activity of children, thanks to which

didactic games are approaching creative ones. Interest in action is the main factor that captivates children. At the same time, the actions differ qualitatively. Thus, in creative games the action is spontaneous, not associated with mandatory rules. Children themselves create, change, adapt rules for their actions, and decide whether they are needed. In didactic games, the game action is always associated with pre-established rules. Another difference in gaming activities is manifested in their functions; creative games contribute to the overall development of the child, and didactic games contribute to the achievement of a specific goal with the help of various interesting tasks.

Adults must adjust the conduct of all types of games. In particular, the management of creative games consists of enriching children’s ideas and impressions, selecting appropriate toys and materials, preserving children’s immediate experiences, developing their initiative, etc. When a teacher conducts didactic games, he is the initiator, organizer, and must necessarily explain the rules games, follow its progress, and sometimes take direct part in it.

The difference between both types of games does not exclude their interaction. In didactic games, children learn different types of play activities and follow the rules of the game. They seem to go through a school of organized behavior, fair relationships, and largely transfer this into creative games. Didactic games as a teaching method in
help to consolidate acquired knowledge and apply it in practice, transferring the processed material into creative games and enriching their content. An example of mutual enrichment can be the didactic games “School”, “Travel”, etc., elements of which are often found in children’s creative games. On the other hand, the spontaneity of experiences and the child’s free involvement in action, characteristic of creative play, are easily transferred to didactic games, which makes them lively and interesting.

Didactic and outdoor games are much more interconnected. They have the same structure. In both didactic and outdoor games, children are given a task. The difference between didactic and outdoor games lies mainly in the sense: tasks of a mental or physical nature are performed. A common feature of these games is the children’s interest in the course and results of the game.

Selected aspects of planning play activities in kindergarten

. The plan gives the teacher the opportunity to think through in advance the methods and techniques of teaching and raising children, and to see ways to achieve the goal. Everything that the teacher plans must ensure the harmonious development of the personality of each child. It should be remembered: planning must be flexible, because its implementation may be affected by unforeseen factors. A plan is not a formality, but an indispensable condition for successful and fruitful work with children, where the main thing is not the scheme and form, but the content.

The thematic plan covers those sections of the program that help enrich the content of role-playing and constructed games, providing a concentrated presentation of material in order to maintain and develop interest in a particular game.

According to the leading gaming interests, thematic planning should include specific observations of objects and phenomena of the environment, excursions, selection of fiction, acquaintance with works of art; design, modeling, applique and drawing, toys and attributes for games (indicate what needs to be purchased, what needs to be made with the help of parents, together with the children).

During the game, a need may arise for such attributes that could not be foreseen in advance. In such cases, you should support the children’s initiative, help make or replace the necessary attributes with other items and thereby maintain interest in the game

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Experience of the MBU kindergarten No. 73 “Dolphin” in Tolyatti on the introduction and implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard in a preschool educational institution

Head Andreenko Tatyana Aleksandrovna, deputy head Alekinova Olga Vladimirovna

These materials are intended to provide methodological assistance to managers, deputy heads for educational and methodological work, in organizing the implementation and implementation of Federal State Educational Standards (FSES) in a preschool educational institution. A list of documents required for the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education and recommendations for their preparation are presented. Included are samples of regulatory documents used in the work of a preschool educational institution. We presented our experience in developing regulatory and legal documentation on the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard in a preschool educational institution.

The Ministry of Justice has approved a new federal state standard for preschool education. The transition to the new federal state standard of preschool education is one of the most important areas of activity of every preschool educational institution. This is an important step that involves the transition of a preschool institution to a qualitatively new level. The transition period always involves certain difficulties in organizing the educational process.

Accordingly, the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education requires changes from the preschool education system both in the regulatory framework and radically new activities of teaching staff in the implementation of the educational process with preschool children.

The pedagogical and management community perceives changes and innovations differently. It was the same in our team. On the part of teachers with quite a lot of experience, there was a lack of acceptance of standards, which was perceived as: another “headache ” invented “at the top for teachers who were pretty tired of long-term reforms in education;

There was a positive perception on the part of young teachers, which was expressed in the following opinions: the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard will introduce new, fresh ideas into preschool education, new programs and technologies will appear that provide more opportunities for organizing interesting, non-traditional forms of work with children. Children's stay in kindergarten will become more comfortable. The teacher will have more opportunities to realize his creative abilities in working with children.

We, as leaders, asked ourselves: is it possible to effectively solve the problems of introducing the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education given such disagreement and different views of the opinions of teachers? In order for the work on implementing the Federal State Educational Standards of Preschool Education to be more successful, we needed to develop a step-by-step action plan (Appendix No. 1) to change the existing work in a preschool institution to bring it into line with the requirements of the new standard of preschool education. The action plan ("road map" ) "Introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education" is being implemented in the following areas:

1. Creation of organizational and managerial conditions for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, which imply:

Creation of a working group to prepare for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard

Development and approval of a schedule of activities to implement the directions of the Federal State Educational Standard

advanced training through networking events, as well as through institutes on the issue of introducing the Federal State Educational Standard

Preliminary analysis of resource provision in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard

Development of a plan for methodological support for the introduction of Federal State Educational Standards in public organizations

Conducting instructional and methodological meetings and training seminars on the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education

Organization of work on the development of the basic general education program of an educational organization in accordance with exemplary educational programs, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard of Education.

Discussion and approval of the main educational program

Organization of individual consultations for teachers on issues of psychological and pedagogical support for students, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standards for Preschool Education

Formation of network interaction to ensure continuity of primary and preschool education in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

Introducing changes to the regulatory framework for the activities of MBUs

Control of the introduction of Federal State Educational Standards

  • 2. Personnel support for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard includes:

Creating conditions for taking advanced training courses for teachers on the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard for Education

3. The creation of material and technical support for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard provides for:

Ensuring the renewal of the educational organization in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for the minimum equipment of the educational process.

Providing educational organizations with printed and electronic educational resources

Providing access to electronic educational resources for teaching staff transferring to the Federal State Educational Standard

4. Creation of organizational and information support for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education

Posting on the website of an educational organization information about the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard

Ensuring public reporting by the educational organization on the progress and results of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) (Inclusion in the public report of the head of the MBU of a section reflecting the progress of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard).

Informing the public through the media about preparations for the introduction and procedure for the transition of an educational organization to the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.

The effect of the correct introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education depends entirely on how well-thought-out, targeted, technologically equipped and provided with the necessary resources the managerial, pedagogical and educational activities will be.

To ensure the introduction of the federal state educational standard for preschool education, it is necessary to carry out measures to create conditions for taking advanced training courses for teachers on the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education. We have developed a program for advanced training of teachers “Introduction and implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education in Preschool Organizations” . This program provides for advanced training of teachers on the basis of a preschool organization, which can be implemented by the deputy head of educational and methodological work with teachers of his institution. Appendix No. 2.

Regulatory documents regulating the activities of preschool educational institutions for the implementation of Federal State Educational Standards for preschool education

The Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education, like the standards of other educational levels, stands for:

  • as a fundamental document of the regulatory legal framework of the preschool education system, mandatory for implementation in all types and types of educational institutions, new forms of preschool education that implement the basic educational program of preschool education
  • a guideline for the development of the preschool education system
  • tool for ensuring the quality of preschool education
  • the basis of the system of state assessment of the activities of institutions (groups) implementing the basic educational program of preschool education, quality control of preschool education

— a means of ensuring continuity with primary general education.

The main normative act that ensures the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard (as well as state standards in other areas) is the Constitution. This document determines all subsequent acts regulating education. Article 43 of the Constitution guarantees universal access and free primary general education within the framework of the state standard and thereby determines the responsibility of state and municipal educational authorities to those who receive educational services.

The regulatory framework should provide the following groups of conditions for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard.

The first group of conditions are those conditions the implementation of which clearly requires either the adoption of a local act or a change in the current local act adopted at the level of the educational institution. These include the following requirements for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard: effective management of the educational institution using information and communication technologies; introduction of new financial and economic mechanisms; the mandatory participation of teachers of preschool educational institutions and parents in the development of educational programs, the design of the educational environment of the educational organization, the formation and implementation of individual educational routes; updating the content of the main educational program, as well as methods and technologies for its implementation in accordance with the dynamics of development of the education system, etc.

The second group of conditions are conditions that do not require the adoption of a local act, but nevertheless require actions to create other documents. They are needed to implement such requirements of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard, such as: the use of modern activity-based educational technologies in the educational process; effective independent work of students with the support of teaching staff; achieving the planned results of mastering OOP, etc.

The third group of conditions does not require the creation or modification of local acts. These should include aspects related to staffing the educational process (for example, continuity of professional development of teaching staff of an educational institution).


1. Regulatory support for the introduction of Federal State Educational Standards for secondary education

Minutes of the meeting of the public management body of the educational institution (Council of the preschool educational institution, governing council, board of trustees), at which the decision was made to introduce the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education in the educational institution.

Regulations on the working group to prepare for the implementation of the federal state educational standard for preschool education. A plan for the implementation of the federal state educational standard for preschool education has been developed and approved (Indicate when and by whom it was approved).

A system for monitoring the progress of work on the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education has been developed and approved (Indicate when and by whom it was approved).

An educational program for preschool education has been developed and approved (indicate when and by whom it was approved):

2. The following orders are presented:

Order “On familiarization with the Federal State Educational Standards of Education” .

Order on the transition of an educational institution to the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.

Order on the development of regulatory documents in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard

Order approving the Regulations on the working group

Order on approval of the Roadmap for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education

Order “On the creation and powers of working groups for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education” .

Order “On the distribution of responsibilities for the development of the Basic Educational Program” .

Order “On the introduction of a new job description for a teacher .

Order “On the introduction of a new job description for the deputy head of medical and medical management .

Financial and economic support for the implementation of Federal State Educational Standards

Local acts are presented that regulate the establishment of wages for employees of educational institutions, including incentive bonuses and additional payments, the procedure and amount of bonuses in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education.

Additional agreements to the employment contract were concluded with teaching staff.

Information is presented on the financial conditions created in the educational institution for the implementation of educational educational institutions in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for educational institutions.

Organizational support for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.

The optimal model for organizing the educational process must be determined, ensuring the organization of students’ activities during the day.

A plan for the methodological work of the educational institution has been developed, taking into account the model and algorithm of the educational institution's activities for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education, one of the sections of which contains information on the preparation and conduct of methodological seminars (intra-institutional advanced training) with a focus on the problems of introducing the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.

Personnel support for the implementation of Federal State Educational Standards.

The job descriptions of teaching staff of an educational institution have been brought into compliance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education and new qualification characteristics:

- deputy heads

- senior educators

— narrow specialists of the organization

— teachers

A schedule for advanced training of teaching and management employees of an educational institution has been developed in connection with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education.

Work has been carried out to improve the qualifications of all teaching staff (possibly in stages as the Federal State Educational Standard for Education is introduced). Determine the proportion of teachers who have undergone advanced training according to the Federal State Educational Standard during the year.

Information support for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education.

A study of public opinion [parents (legal representatives) of students] on the introduction of new standards was organized. (Indicate the proportion of parents covered by the survey).

Local acts have been developed and approved regulating the organization and conduct of public reporting by an educational institution.

Information resources of the educational institution are involved: website, Internet page, etc.


Federal level:

  1. Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” .
  2. ORDER OF THE MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION dated October 17, 2013 No. 1155 Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated November 14, 2013 N 30384 “On approval of the federal state educational standard for preschool education”
  3. Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated May 15, 2013 No. 26, Moscow “On approval of SanPiN 2.4. 1. 3049-13 “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational organizations .

Regional level

1. Orders and instructions at the regional and municipal levels.

Level of educational institution

  1. Order to familiarize yourself with the Federal State Educational Standard of Education.
  2. Order on the transition of an educational institution to the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.
  3. Order on the creation of a working group (creative group) to introduce a new generation of Federal State Educational Standards.
  4. Regulations on the working group (creative group) for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.
  5. Order “On approval of the road map for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education” .
  6. Extract from the decision of the pedagogical council .
  7. Minutes of working group meetings.
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Work experience of a teacher in a senior group; educational and methodological material (senior group)

Preschool age is the most important stage in the development and education of the individual. This is the period of the child’s familiarization with the knowledge of the world around him, the period of his initial socialization. It is at this age that the most favorable conditions are for the artistic and aesthetic education and creative activity of children. Children’s creativity reflects their inner world: mood, experiences, fantasies and dreams. Preschool age is the period when visual activity can become, and most often is, a sustainable hobby not only for gifted children, but for all children. For them, drawing is a form of expression of thoughts, ideas about the surrounding reality, and emotional experiences. It has long been known that the process of depicting objects and phenomena of the surrounding world is complex in nature and is associated with the development of the personality of children, with the formation of their feelings and consciousness. Children have a need for beauty from birth, and if in the early preschool age children tried to create beauty in a drawing that only they could understand, then in the older group they are more selective in choosing what is beautiful, they have their own ideas about this, and they themselves, based on their capabilities , “create” beautiful things in order to surprise and delight us adults with the ability to see the world around us. We believe that children should be taught to see beauty. Without the education of aesthetically literate people, familiarization with spiritual values ​​from childhood, the ability to understand and appreciate art, without awakening children's creative principles, the desire to participate in the creation of beauty, it is impossible to become an integral, harmoniously developed and creatively active personality. And this work should take place in parallel with teaching children drawing skills and techniques for working with various materials, consolidating these skills with gradual complication accessible to children of their age, from simple to complex.

The children came to us from the middle group of kindergarten, aged 4-5 years. Their drawing skills at this age are still poorly developed. The drawings were not neat, abstract, sometimes monochromatic, and it was not always possible to understand what was depicted on them. And the children themselves were reluctant to draw in their free time. And some even in class tried to refuse to complete the task (Danila P., Vasilisa Sh., Anton I.), saying that they would not succeed, they did not know how to draw.

Starting our work with children on teaching drawing and developing creativity, at the beginning of September we introduced the children to a group iso-corner, with various visual materials (pencils, wax crayons, felt-tip pens, watercolors, gouache) and equipment (stencils, templates, forms for decorative drawings, coloring books, prints, stamps, etc.). In drawing classes, we taught children how to properly use brushes for various purposes: a soft wide brush - for depicting the background of a picture, drawing large single-color objects; thin brush – for drawing thin lines (branches, feathers, curls, contour strokes, etc.); bristle brush – for depicting voluminous, “fluffy” objects, etc. We taught children to mix colors to obtain a new color or its shade (activities: “Flower-seven-colored flower”, “Rainbow-arc”, etc.). They consolidated the knowledge gained during the lesson in didactic games, in individual work with children, and in free drawing. They also taught how to correctly color images in coloring books (without spaces, without going beyond the outline, in one direction or in a circular motion), while inviting children to choose the color scheme of their choice (“Color your picture in the colors of autumn (winter, spring, summer )" - "Girls of the Seasons"). Consolidating knowledge about the shape, color of objects in the surrounding reality, proportions, spatial arrangement, we taught children to observe, carefully consider what they would depict, if possible, when examining small objects, we used the tactile method, i.e. They invited children to touch the shape, feel its volume, texture, and curves. Didactic games helped with this: “Wonderful bag”, “Find by touch”, “What’s missing”, “Recognize a friend by touch”, etc. As well as life drawing classes: “Favorite toy in kindergarten”, “Branches” in a vase”, “House plants”, etc. And when they consolidated knowledge about the human structure, the lesson “Hello, it’s me” was held, i.e. children drew a full-length self-portrait. They carefully examined themselves in front of the mirror, memorizing the shape of their haircut, the color of their hair and eyes, their facial features and the shape of their clothing, so that they could later convey this as accurately as possible in their drawing. And how much pride and pleasure they received in the evening when their mothers, fathers and loved ones recognized the portrait of their child without a signature and praised it very much.

By mid-autumn, we had already begun to introduce children to charcoal, sanguine, and a little later to pastels. They taught how to draw with these art materials, how to shade colors, and placed these materials in an iso-corner for free drawing. And, of course, free drawing is also under the constant supervision of teachers, because if necessary, you can unobtrusively remind the child of something, give advice, or even show on a separate sheet how to draw something that he just can’t do in his drawing.

Throughout the year, we often practice creative drawing tasks, for example: “Draw why you love winter”, “Gift for a friend’s birthday”, “Draw something you would like to know more about”, “Happy family”, “ What was interesting this month? Children also really like to paint objects they have fashioned from clay or salt dough: “Bread and pastries” (for the role-playing game “Family”), “Birds of our forests”, “Locket as a gift for mom”, “Rainbow vase for grandmother”. To color their birds correctly so that they looked like real ones, children looked at illustrations in books, observed birds in nature, first drew and painted simply on paper, and only then painted the figures. There was so much joy and happiness in the eyes of the children when they saw surprise and admiration in the eyes of their relatives when the children handed them the bird.

Looking at folk crafts that were already familiar to children and new to them, children learned to make decorative patterns, use them to design patterns for clothing, utensils, dishes, toys, etc. During classes and in their free time, they drew patterns on a circle, stripe, square, board, etc., inventing their own, unlike other compositions of ornaments (“Gifts of Autumn”, “Flower Meadow”, “Falling Leaves”, “Elegant Dress for a Young Lady” , “Beautiful dishes”, etc.). In these classes, in addition to brushes, cotton swabs, pokes, and sometimes seals were often used, because... elements of the painting are repeated. In such classes, the eye, orientation on a sheet of paper, imagination, aesthetic taste, desire to create beauty, and creative activity develop.

Also, for the development of creative imagination, a special organization of visual activity is necessary. To do this, in our group we also use non-traditional drawing techniques, which allow us to develop children’s intellectual ability in visual arts.

In the fall we used a technique such as leaf printing. These are: “Autumn Bouquet”, “Fish Swim in an Aquarium”, “Cheerful Friends”. The children were happy when they produced interesting colorful works and showed them to each other. And in the evening they would certainly show it to mom or dad and offer to rejoice at their achievements.

Then we included painting with a bristle brush in the classes, drawing in elements with a thin brush and a cotton swab. These are works such as: “A Bunny - a Runner”, “Our Friend Mishka is a Tramp”, a series of works based on the works of Charushin, “Autumn Forest”. The children saw that it was not difficult and became interested. Vasilisa Sh., Arina G., Masha V., Denis T. produced good drawings. Even those children who were previously afraid to draw and used only dark colors in their drawings, looking at the drawings of their comrades, also became carried away and no longer felt insecure about their strength and stiffness in hand movements (Danila P., Vika P., Vlada P., Anton I.).

I really like to draw for children using an unconventional technique – spray painting. At first, many were unable to make small “speckles” because they took a lot of paint onto the brush and ended up with large drops, but gradually the children learned and felt how to do it. The works turned out more and more beautiful: “Autumn Fantasies”, “Starry Sky”, “It’s Raining” and others. Particularly expressive works were produced by Arianna D., Sonya P., Denis T.

In the second half of the year, we invited them to draw using a technique called monotype. This is where the children’s imagination and imagination really took off, when it was possible to create masterpieces from incomprehensible multi-colored stains by adding a brush to the incomprehensible drawing. Good work was done by Anton I. “Bunny in the autumn forest”, “Beauty butterfly” by Sonya P., “Multi-colored snakes” by Vika P., “Ladybug in the meadow” by Masha V.

Therefore, we are glad that the creative process teaches our children to experiment, discover new things and skillfully handle the materials offered to them.

Children began to creatively peer into the world around them, find different shades, and gained experience in aesthetic perception.

Observations, excursions, targeted walks, viewing and describing paintings, objects of art, and didactic games help us a lot in developing children’s creativity. And most importantly, children should constantly feel and see that adults are interested in what they are doing, that they are doing everything well, and the topic of the task itself should be presented in such a way that they really want to do it and in the best, most interesting, and not similar way possible. others.

And now, towards the end of the senior group, most children love to draw in their free time. They no longer leave the drawing unfinished, as at the beginning of the year, but with pleasure and diligence bring their idea to full completion in order to please adults with their drawing. In addition to creative activity and aesthetic taste, children develop patience, perseverance, attention, observation, and hand motor skills, which will undoubtedly be very useful to them at school.

The practice of work of a preschool institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education. article on the topic

We work according to the Federal State Educational Standard

JV kindergarten "Solnyshko" GBOU NSH village. Krasnoarmeiskoe

The transition to the new Federal State Standard of Preschool Education is one of the most important areas of activity of our preschool educational institution. This is an important step that involves the transition of preschool educational institutions to a qualitatively new level. The transition period always involves certain difficulties in organizing the educational process. Our kindergarten, by order of the South-Western Administration dated February 28, 2014, was designated as a pilot site for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education for 2014-2016.

In order for the work to ensure the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education to be successful, we have developed a step-by-step action plan in the following areas:

  1. Regulatory, methodological and analytical support for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education;
  2. Organizational support for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education;
  3. Personnel support for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education;
  4. Logistics and technical support for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education;
  5. Information support for the introduction of Federal State Educational Standards for Educational Education.

Algorithm for introducing the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education in the joint venture kindergarten “Solnyshko” of the State Budgetary Educational Institution NS. Krasnoarmeiskoe

1. Familiarization of teachers with regulatory documents

  • holding an instructional and methodological meeting to familiarize yourself with the regulatory documents governing the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education.

2. Creation of software and methodological support for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard.

  • formation of a data bank of regulatory documents at the federal, regional, municipal levels (regulating the introduction and implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education);
  • preparation and adjustment of orders, local acts (regulating the introduction of Federal State Educational Standards for Additional Education);
  • organizing the work of a permanent internal practice-oriented seminar for teachers on the topic “Studying and working according to the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education”;
  • completing the library of the kindergarten teaching room (in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education).

3. Management of innovative activities of teachers.

  • advanced training of teaching staff on the issue of “Introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education.”

4. Development of the basic general education program of a preschool educational institution in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education.

The first steps of teachers from the school “Solnyshko”:

  • participation of teachers in methodological associations (district, district, regional level), theoretical and scientific-practical conferences, seminars, webinars and other forms using active and interactive teaching methods;
  • building constructive cooperation between participants in the educational process (teachers, children and their parents);
  • identification of new forms, means, technologies used in pedagogical practice, focused on the individuality of the child and the development of his abilities.
  • participation in the work of creative groups of teachers (this is: a working group to ensure the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education; creative groups for the organization of parent clubs, a creative group for the development of a “Set of materials for the correctional and developmental work of children with disabilities in preschool institutions in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education”);
Educational activities in kindergarten

in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard

The Federal State Educational Standard prioritizes an individual approach to the child and play activities, which contribute to the preservation of the self-worth of preschool childhood. In our kindergarten, educational activities are carried out throughout the entire stay of the child. This:

— organized educational activities (OED);

— educational activities in special moments;

- independent activity of children.

Educational activities are carried out in various types of activities and cover educational areas:

  • social and communicative development;
  • cognitive development;
  • speech development;
  • artistic and aesthetic development;
  • physical development.

The main feature of the organization of educational activities in our kindergarten is the escape from classes, increasing the status of play as the main activity of preschool children; inclusion in the process of effective forms of work with children: ICT, project activities, gaming, problem-based learning situations as part of the integration of educational areas.

Basic principles for organizing partnership activities between a teacher and children:

- involvement of the teacher in activities on an equal basis with the children;

- voluntary participation of preschoolers in activities (without mental and disciplinary coercion);

- free communication and movement of children during activities (with appropriate organization of the workspace);

- open time end of activity (everyone works at their own pace).

Educational activities of children during the day.

In addition to educational activities, teachers also plan educational activities during the day:

— in the morning and evening hours;

- on a walk;

— during routine moments.

Goals of educational activities during the day:

— health protection and the formation of the basis of a health culture;

— formation in children of the foundations of the safety of their own life activities and the prerequisites for environmental consciousness (safety of the surrounding world);

- developing a positive attitude towards work in children;

- mastering initial ideas of a social nature and including children in the system of social relations.

For two years, our students have been participating in the All-Russian event “Gratitude of Compatriots. Warmth of Palms”, dedicated to the Victory in the Second World War, conducted by Russian Post;

Independent activity of children.

Independent activity does not imply that the child should be left to his own devices, therefore our teachers, given the rather difficult situation of the material and technical base (which occurs in all kindergartens), cope with this problem by showing their creative potential.

To organize independent activities of children, we create a developing subject-spatial environment, which should be:

  • content-rich,
  • transformable;
  • multifunctional;
  • variable;
  • accessible;
  • safe.

Cooperation between kindergarten and family in matters of education and development of preschool children

The standard not only takes into account the individual needs of the child related to his life situation and health status, but also focuses on the fact that two social institutions are involved in the child’s education: the family and the kindergarten, which are partners in a common cause. The main direction of our work is the individualization and socialization of the child.

For the successful functioning of a preschool institution, teachers interact with parents of students in the following main areas:

  • organizational activities;
  • pedagogical education;
  • joint creativity of children, parents, teachers;
  • editorial and publishing activities.

The following events are organized for parents of students:

  • general and group parent meetings on the topics: “For parents about the Federal State Educational Standard of Education,” “The use of fiction as a means of developing the speech of preschoolers,” etc.
  • thematic consultations “What should a parent know about the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education”, “Staying on the job”, “Safe life of a preschool child”, etc., “correspondence” consultations on issues of interest to parents;
  • training sessions with an educational psychologist;
  • surveys on issues of family education and interaction with kindergarten;
  • participation of parents in joint holidays and entertainment;
  • participation of parents in project activities (such as “Today we are together, and tomorrow I will be alone”, “The main thing is together”, “Family”);
  • participation of parents in collective affairs of the kindergarten;
  • work of parent clubs “Govorushki”, “We play and grow together”.

Since 2012, our institution has organized a parent club “We play and grow together.” The goal of which is the harmonious development of a young child through the development of his psychomotor qualities.

Teachers, under the guidance of organizer M.M. Vorobyova, solve the following tasks:

1. Development of coordination of movements of young children through the use of musical and rhythmic exercises.

2. Development of fine motor skills of young children using musical accompaniment and productive and creative tasks.

3. Development of a sense of rhythm in young children using musical-rhythmic and didactic games.

4. Psychological and pedagogical support for parents with the aim of teaching ways to develop the psychomotor qualities of young children.

Cooperation between the teaching staff and the family in matters of education and development of preschool children finds positive responses among parents and the public, as evidenced by publications in the regional newspaper “Znamya Truda”.

The staff of the kindergarten "Solnyshko" believes that such an organization of the system of work of teachers in preschool educational institutions, their active creative position is one of the fulfilled conditions for the implementation of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and is aimed at ensuring the quality of preschool education.

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