Card file of greetings for classescard file (preparatory group)


Acrostic The stars are fading in the sky, T-ishina is going away, P-ghostly dreams are happening, O-the morning is driving away the night. The birds are chirping cheerfully, the dawn is flaring up... And the trees are whispering something - I hear the rustling of leaves. People! Morning has come to us! Oh, that's why it's so good. Anna SHTRO


Let's stand side by side, in a circle, Let's say "Hello!"
each other. We are not too lazy to say hello: “Hello!” to everyone! and “Good afternoon!”; If everyone smiles, a good morning will begin. - GOOD MORNING!!! Natalie SAMONIY

Rosy cheeks, Lips like a rose... - Why did my daughter’s tears roll down? Was the dream a scary fairy tale? It's morning, not night. Open your eyes, wake up daughter. We will braid our hair, We will look out the window - Tears, like dew, The sun will dry up in an instant. The night is far away... Good morning, daughter! Natalie SAMONIY

The moon rolled over the hill, There is a circle of the sun in the sky again. And the stars, like mice in holes, hid at once - out of sight.

And the children woke up in their beds, Mom purred “Hello!”, And in a kind, dear embrace they greeted the dawn again.

The kittens washed themselves, got dressed - And happily rushed to the kindergarten: To play catch and hide and seek, To the hospital and the good soldiers.

But before the games begin, everyone forms a common circle. And they hold hands together, saying to their neighbor, “Hello, friend!”

They will say to the left, to the right... The night has long been burned by the sun. Children greet the state - Well, hello, native country! Natalie SAMONIY,


Get into the circle quickly, hold hands tightly: Give a smiley smile, Let the smile, like a crane, fly into the hearts of friends... Or a flock of cranes!
Be kind, don’t be stingy, smile generously at people. Everyone knows that a smile will turn a gloomy day into a lovely one! Natalie SAMONIY,

We count together: “One!” The month in the sky suddenly went dark. Let’s count together: “Two!” The dawn is breaking. Let's count together: “Three!” - The sun is clear, shine! ...The morning begins - the counting table ends!

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