Journey to the mathematical galaxy: summary of the final integrated lesson on FEMP and communication in the preparatory group

Summary of the final lesson in mathematics in the preparatory group

Final lesson in the preparatory group in mathematics “Repeat and teach - sharpen the mind!”
Author: Oksana Vladimirovna Stol, teacher of MADOU No. 203 “Combined Kindergarten” in Kemerovo This material will be of interest to teachers of senior preschool age. Goal: consolidation and repetition of the material learned in classes during the year. Objectives: consolidate knowledge of counting within 20 in forward and backward counting; continue to teach children how to compose and solve examples and problems involving addition and subtraction; find the composition of a number from two smaller ones; ability to navigate on a sheet of paper; the ability to “write” and “read” notes using signs – greater than, less than or equal to; consolidate children's ideas about geometric concepts (segment, ray, straight lines, broken lines, curves, angles: acute, straight, unfolded); the ability to increase or decrease a number by one; consolidate knowledge about the seasons, names of months, days of the week; fix the names of road signs; develop mental operations, attention, memory, imagination; develop connected speech, the ability to draw simple conclusions; develop the ability to work in a team, understand the educational task and solve it together Material: 1. demonstration material - road signs;
sets of numbers and signs greater than, less than, equal to; cards with geometric concepts; machine diagram - for specifying “types of angles”; diagram for the task “circular examples”; “magic house” with the composition of the number 8; a magic box with a double bottom for a surprise; layout and sign of a pedestrian crossing; ball for the game 2. handouts - large-checked sheets for graphic dictation and the composition of the number 8; simple pencil Lesson progress:

Children enter the group, say hello and sit down.
Teacher: - Hello, dear adults, hello children! Our meeting is not accidental, look at how I called our meeting (the children are reading the poster): “Repeat and teach - sharpen the mind!” How do you understand the meaning of this proverb? (children's answers) Educator: It is necessary to repeat the material covered, then we will not lose our knowledge, but, on the contrary, we will consolidate it, and our knowledge will become stronger. Today I propose to go on a journey through the Land of Mathematics, and also remember the road signs. And the traffic light will help me

These are road signs that are necessary for the lesson (road signs are made of colored paper and cardboard, for convenience there is a cardboard stand at the back of the manuals))

And the first road sign, I show the sign “Traffic light regulation” and the children call it 1. “Graphic dictation” And if we complete it correctly, we will find out what we will go on the trip on. Task: we start moving from point 1 class. – diagonally to the right up 3 cells – to the right 1 cell. – down diagonally 2 cells. – to the right 1 key. – down 1 class. - left 2 keys. - semicircle to the left 4 cells. – left 2 keys. – semicircle to the left 1 cell. – up 2 cells. - to the right Educator: So what type of transport will we use? That's right, we're going on a trip in a passenger car. And the second road sign - “Movement of passenger cars” 2. Types of angles Educator: - Show me a right angle (children use their hands to show a right angle) - Show me an angle less than a right angle (children show and call it acute) - Show me an angle greater than a right angle (dumb) Showing a schematic example of a machine

And our car has many angles. Assignment: mark in blue the right angles on the car; red – spicy; green - stupid. Children, if desired, go to the board, mark, name and count the angles - We set off further on the journey and on the way we have the following sign - “Other dangers” and we need to be attentive on this part of our journey 3. “Mathematical riddles” 1. The lady handed over in luggage: sofa, suitcase, travel bag.8) A painting, a basket, a piece of cardboard and a small dog. How many items did the lady check in as luggage? 2. Seven cheerful piglets stand in a row at the trough. Two went to bed, how many pigs are there in the trough? (how did you know? Children answer: 7-2 = 5) 3. Natasha has five flowers and Sasha gave her three more. Who can count here? What is three and five (children answer: 3+5= 4. There is an oak tree. Two large and three small apples hang on the oak tree. How many fruits grow on the oak tree? (none) Educator: - Well done! You were very attentive on this section of the path and our journey continues further! The next road sign is “Bus stop" And I suggest we also make a short stop and go for a game with a ball. Children stand in a semicircle and the teacher asks everyone a question, and the children pass the ball to each other 4. Blitz - survey 1. Name the neighbors of the number 15 2. Name the number following the number 10 3. Name the number preceding the number 17 4. Count down from 20 to 10 5. Count down from 10 to 0 6. What is longer than a week or a month 7. How many days in weeks, name them 8. What is longer than 1 hour or 60 minutes 9. What time of year is it now (spring) Name the spring months 10. How many months are there in the year 11. Name a number one more than 10 12. Name a number one less than 15 13. How many ears do two mice have? 14. How many tails do three donkeys have? 15. How many seasons do they have? Name them 16. How many parts are there in a day, list them 17. Count in tens up to 100 18. Which is longer than 12 months or a year 19. What day of the week is the fifth 20. Name the neighbors of Monday 21. Name even numbers up to 20 22. Name the first month of the year Educator: - Well done! And you coped with this task too! - And we have the next danger on our way - the road sign “Circular traffic” 5. “Circular examples”

Educator: - How will we solve these examples? Children answer what answer is obtained, then we start the next example with this number - And the numerical segment will help us in solving If our example is for addition, then we move forward If our example is for subtraction, then we move backward And we will start calculating from example 6- 2= ​​(children say: we start counting from the number 6, take 2 steps back and stop at the number 4, write down the answer and draw an arrow, for example 4+3=), etc. 4+3=7; 7- 2=5; 5+3=8; 8-6=2; 2+4=6 Educator: - Look, have we achieved a circular motion? Yes, and we returned to the first example - But it’s very inconvenient and time-consuming to calculate, so we are learning by heart the composition of the number Fizminutka 6. “Fill in the number houses” The composition of the number 8 from the two smaller ones Hand out the number houses to the children Task: fill out the number house like this the numbers 8, so that all the numbers become friends with her. After completing the task, the children name all the “floors” - pairs of numbers in the houses. Didactic material for preliminary work

Well done! And ahead of us awaits this road sign “Dangerous Turn” 7. “Name the geometric concepts” - I have an envelope with simple tasks in it, you can solve it and quickly name it for me (the teacher shows the cards, the children name them)

Straight. The line is straight without end, without edge, even if you walk along it for a hundred years, you will not find the end of the path. Segment. There is a beginning and an end to the Beam. Part of a straight line with one end Closed curve, open curve, two intersecting straight lines with an intersection point, horizontal straight line, vertical straight line, broken line Teacher: - Well done! All tasks were named correctly! And we passed a dangerous turn! The next road sign is “Turn direction” 8. “Let’s compare pairs of numbers” Task: arrange the signs correctly 6 2 1 8 9 9 4 3 7 5 The next road sign is “Drawbridge” If you complete the task, then our journey will continue 9. “Tasks on drawings" Assignment: Create a problem based on the drawing (2-3 tasks) Didactic material for the assignment

The next road sign is “Pedestrian Crossing” and I suggest you walk with me through the pedestrian crossing.

Educator: So you and I have walked this path and approached the Country of Mathematics - Well done to each of you! The journey is over, be friends with mathematics, accumulate your knowledge! Let your efforts, memory, logic, attention help you! Result: Educator: - did you like traveling and completing tasks? - if it was easy for you, take the red circle, if there were difficulties, then take the yellow one

Surprise moment Educator: Our traffic light has prepared a surprise for you - a magic box (with a double bottom) you need to put the road signs that we have learned and say the magic words (kreks, pex, fax) and in the box there are gifts from the traffic light - reflective keychains on briefcase (for safety on the road) Magic box with a double bottom (made from two gouache boxes)

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