Abstract of GCD for FEMP “Solving arithmetic problems” in the preparatory group

Summary of the lesson on FEMP in the preparatory group

Summary of educational activities for cognitive development in the preparatory group “The Adventures of the Girl Zhenya in the Land of Mathematics”
Goal: To develop the child’s horizons, intelligence, and personal qualities. Objectives: 1. Educational: to promote the assimilation of counting and counting objects within ten, to consolidate the concepts of “curve” and “straight” line, to develop the ability to navigate in space, to consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes (square, rectangle, triangle). 2. Developmental: to intensify children’s independent search activities to solve problem situations, develop cognitive interest, logical thinking through game tasks. 3. Educational: To cultivate a comprehensively developed personality of the child, interest in mathematical tasks, perseverance, curiosity, and determination in children. Equipment and materials: preparation of demonstration material (straight and curved paths, laces for measuring paths, silhouettes of blue and red flowers, comparison path, logs, didactic games “Mathematical Football.” Game attributes: Flower “Flower - seven-colored.” Educational technologies: technology game learning (Help from the girl Zhenya), - health conservation - physical training, - technology of problem-based learning - solving problem situations, - technology of developmental education - game "Tangram" - ICT - video recording "Zhenya asks for help."
Course of educational activities:
1. Organizational moment: Children sit at tables and draw. The teacher asks the children who watered the flowers in the natural corner today, Zlata, and you didn’t notice anything when you were watering? Child’s answer. The teacher shows the flower to the children: Guys, what kind of flower do you think this is? Teacher : Where does this flower come from? What do you think? Children’s answers. Educator: Who wrote this fairy tale? Children’s answers. Educator: What is this fairy tale about? Children's answers. Educator: Guys, look, there’s also some kind of disk here, I wonder what kind of disk it is, let’s take a look. Children's answers. A disc opens with a video message from a child to children. Hello guys! My name is Zhenya, guys, I got into trouble, I wanted to make a wish and get home, but for some reason I ended up not at home at all, but in some strange country, guys, I don’t know what kind of country this is, there are some signs everywhere, symbols, help me figure out where I am?” Educator: Oh, guys, did you guess who sent us this disc? Children's answers. 2. Preparation for mastering program material through updating background knowledge. Educator : Guys, what country can you think of where different signs and mathematical symbols can live? Children's answers. Next on the screen is a slide show with mathematical symbols. Educator: So what country did she end up in? Children's answers. Educator: Why did you decide that? Children's answers: Educator: Guys, tell me, what mathematical sign do we use when adding objects? What about subtraction? What sign is used when comparing objects? And if there are equal numbers of objects, what sign do we put? Children's answers. The teacher shows the following video message: “Guys, thank you for helping me understand where I am, but I will be able to return home to my mom and dad, and to my brother Pavlik only when I complete the tasks that the inhabitants of the mathematical country have prepared for me. But I’m so distracted, I’ve lost all my assignments and can’t complete them. I can’t cope without your help, I beg you, help me.” Educator: That's the story, what are we going to do? Children's answers. Educator: And so, we decided, we’re going to the land of Mathematics. But I don’t know how to get there? You can fly to the resort by plane, you can go to visit friends by car, but I don’t know how to go to the land of mathematics. What should we do guys? (children's assumptions) Educator : Maybe a seven-flowered flower can help us with something? Yes, that's right, look guys, Zhenya sent us a hint on the petal of her magic flower, let's take a look. “Dear guys, if you collect the picture, you will find out what kind of transport you can use to get to the country of Mathematics.” Zhenya Educator: So, having completed this task, we will find out what kind of transport we will use to go to the country of Mathematics. Right guys? Children's answers. Educator: Then quickly get to work. (children collect a picture on a magnetic board) Educator: So what are we going to take on the journey? Children: In a hot air balloon. Educator: Well then, let's go. So we arrived. This is the country of Mathematics, guys, but how do we find out what tasks were prepared for Zhenya? Children's answers. Educator: Maybe we should turn to the magic board? Children's answers. Educator: But these are the tasks that Zhenya could not cope with. Let's see. Scroll No. 1 Educator : Residents of the mathematical country are worried, the evil elf has destroyed the houses of geometric figures, and they cannot return to their home, they ask Zhenya to put them at home. Can we help Zhenya complete this task? Children's answers: 3. Familiarization with new material. Educator : Guys, putting these houses together is not so easy. We will put together houses of geometric shapes using the “Tangram”. Tangram is an ancient oriental puzzle made of geometric figures. As a result of folding these parts together, flat figures are obtained that resemble all kinds of objects, from humans, animals to tools and household items. Guys, tell me, what geometric shapes does the game “Tangram” consist of? Children's answers. Educator: There are samples of houses in front of you, try to fold them according to the pattern. Game “Tangram” Educator: So you completed the first task, Zhenya’s girls helped. Well, let's open the next task. Educator: What task has Zhenya not yet completed? Let's look at Scroll No. 2 Guys, the inhabitants of the mathematical country said that Zhenya should play football with them, but this football is unusual, and mathematical, but she has never played it. Shall we help her? Children's answers. Game "Mathematical football". Educator: There is a football field in front of you. They took the ball. And so we begin the football match, you will play for Zhenya with the inhabitants of the mathematical country. I am the judge! (the whistle sounds) (the teacher says the commands, the children follow and answer the question where the ball flew) Teacher: - The ball flew to the upper right corner of the field - To the lower left corner of the field. - In the lower right corner of the field. — The ball flew into the lower goal. — In the upper left corner of the field. — The ball flew into the upper right corner of the field. — The ball flew into the top goal. — The match is over with the score 1:1! Draw! Well done guys, you helped Zhenya! Educator: Open the next task. Scroll No. 3 What is the task here? The guys from the mathematical country write that to decorate their country they bought red and blue flowers. Zhenya needs to plant these flowers so that there are equal numbers of blue and red flowers in the flower beds. What should we do? Children's answers. Educator : Well, let's help. Well, are you ready to help Zhenya? Children's answers. Game "Plant Flowers". Educator: Guys, we’ll plant blue flowers on the upper alley. (Children post). Educator: How many flowers did you plant in the top flowerbed? Children's answers. Educator: Plant red flowers in the lower flowerbed. (Children post). Educator: How many red flowers did you plant in the lower flowerbed? Children's answers. Educator: Which flowers did you plant the most? Children's answers: Educator: Which ones are smaller? Children's answers. Educator : How many fewer reds than blues? Children's answers: Educator: What needs to be done to make it equal? Children's answers. Educator: That's right, what will you add or remove? Children's answers. Educator : How many blue and red flowers did you plant in the flower beds? Children's answers. Educator: What sign can be put between them? Children's answers. Educator: Thank you. Guys, you helped Zhenya this time too, now it’s time for us to rest. Physical education lesson: One, two, three four - stomp our feet. One, two, three, four - clap our hands. Extend your arms wider - One, two, three four! Bend over - three, four, and jump in place. On the toe, then on the heel. We all do exercises. Educator: Well, guys, did you have a rest? Then open the next task. Scroll No. 4 “Zhenya, we, the inhabitants of the mathematical country, ask you to help us, the fact is that in our country there was heavy rain and the rivers overflowed, breaking the bridges, and we, the mathematical signs, cannot get to visit the numbers. Think about how you can help us?” Educator : What should I do? How can Zhenya cope with this task? Children's answers. Educator: What can it be built from? Children's answers. Game "Build a bridge". Educator: Guys, all the logs are mixed up. Your task is to arrange the logs in order from 1 to 10 and build a stable bridge. (children complete the task, arrange logs on which numbers are depicted in order) Educator : Well done! All the logs are in order! Name it! (children name numbers from 1 to 10) Educator: Name your neighbors numbers 3, 6, 4, 8. Children's answers. Educator: Name numbers greater than 2, 7, 5 Children's answers. Educator: Name the numbers less than 9, 7, 6. Children's answers. Educator: Well done, they helped Zhenya. Educator: Well done guys, this is our last task left: Scroll No. 5. Residents of the mathematical country, the “measuring”, offer Zhenya to choose a road along which she can get home; they offered her two paths, a straight one and a winding one, and said that a short path would lead her home. Educator : Guys, which path do you think will be shorter - straight or winding? Children's answers. Educator: How to find out? Children's answers. Educator : Use a blue tape to measure a winding path, and use a pink tape to measure a straight path. Measure and compare! (children measure the paths with a string and compare the lengths) Educator: What can you say after measuring the paths? Children's answers. Educator: What path do you think Zhenya should take? Children's answers. Educator: Is this true? Are you not mistaken? After all, if you did not measure the paths correctly and showed Zhenya the wrong way, she will never get home. The children prove that they measured everything correctly. After this, a video of a girl appears on multimedia, thanking the children for their help. 3. Summing up organizational activities. Educator: Guys, Zhenya, I am very grateful to you for your help in solving all the problems. How do you think you helped Zhenya? Children's answers Educator: Which task did you like best? Children's answers Educator: Our adventure in the mathematical country has ended, and because you are so smart and smart, the inhabitants of the mathematical country have sent you a gift, a mathematical game, so that you can continue to explore the world of mathematics.
Well, it's time for us to return home! (Children return to the group). Presentation on the topic: The adventures of the girl Zhenya in the country of Mathematics

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