Sorceress water
Summary of direct educational activities in a preparatory school group for children with mental retardation.
: improve sound analysis skills, develop children's artistic abilities.
Educational objectives
: introduce children to the work of the marine painter I.K. Aivazovsky; enrich children's vocabulary with terms: seascape, horizon, white lambs, calm; expand children's active vocabulary using various types of word formation (diminutive words, related words).
Developmental tasks
: develop phonemic awareness - the ability to identify all sounds in a word; consolidate the skill of determining the number of syllables and the sequence of sounds in words, improve the skill of sound-letter analysis and synthesis; develop in children the ability to feel and respond to the mood conveyed by the artist; improve thought processes (analysis, synthesis, generalization, inference), develop imagination.
Corrective tasks
: to form full-fledged ideas about the sound composition of a word based on the development of phonemic processes and skills in analysis and synthesis of the sound composition of a word; correction of pronunciation defects.
Educational tasks
: cultivate a culture of verbal communication - improve the ability to hear comrades and answer the question posed; cultivate the desire to complete the work started.
Preliminary work
: examination of landscapes by Russian artists.
Equipment and visual material
: projector, screen, laptop, stereo system, reproductions of paintings by I.K. Aivazovsky, audio recordings “The Sound of the Sea. Surf. Seagulls"
: pencil cases with signals for drawing up diagrams, sheets of white paper, watercolor paints, coasters, brushes, paper napkins, jars of water, glue, 2 triangles for a sailboat.
Progress of activities
Speech therapist
: Guys, guests came to our lesson today, say hello to them.
: Hello.
Speech therapist
: What substance are we going to talk about today?
( Tip slides appear on the board one by one. As the show progresses, the teacher asks leading questions
: About water.
Speech therapist
: That's right, we'll talk about water.
Why is water needed? ( Children's answers and reasoning
.) When we say “water,” we pronounce the word.
And all words have relatives. They are called "cognates". I will read you a story, and you will remember and name related words for the word “water.” ( The speech therapist reads the text
Speech therapist
: Well done.
There are many more similar words. ( Related words are read out. Then physical exercise is performed for a minute
Speech therapist
: Now we will analyze the word “water” and draw a diagram.
( At the same time, the teacher displays the diagram on the board for control
Speech therapist
: Guys, tell me, what is this in my hands?
: Globe.
Speech therapist
: What is a globe?
: This is a model of our planet Earth.
Speech therapist
: Why is our planet blue?
( Children's answers
.) Approach the screen. We're talking about water. What are the places where water is called?
: Reservoirs.
Speech therapist
: What bodies of water do you know?
( Show slides. Conversation on them
: Guys, have you ever been to the sea?
( Children's answers
.) I suggest you close your eyes and imagine that you and I are at sea.
( Listening to music
). We are standing on the shore, warm sand under our feet. Every day the sea is different. Today it is calm and quiet and as if there is nothing more gentle than its light waves. Water reflects the sun's rays and blinds the eyes. And tomorrow the sea will be stirred up by a strong wind and majestic waves are already hitting the shore. The blue sky will turn gray and stormy. Even the color of sea water often changes - sometimes it is almost blue, sometimes dark blue, sometimes greenish. It’s impossible to even list all its shades. I love walks by the sea.
Open your eyes. Guys, please look at the screen. ( Showing reproductions of marine painter K.I. Aivazovsky
Tell me, how can you describe everything you saw in one word? ( Children's answers
.) Who paints the pictures?
( Children's answers and reasoning
.) Guys, an artist who paints seascapes is called a marine painter.
The most famous Russian marine painter in the world is K.I. Aivazovsky. ( The teacher demonstrates a portrait of the artist.
) He painted many paintings and they are all about the sea.
( Showing reproductions on one slide
Let's compare some of them. Look what colors the artist chose to show the storm at sea? ( Children's answers
.) What colors did he use to show the gentle, calm sea?
( Children's answers
.) This state of the sea is called calm. White sea foam appears on the surface of the sea, which looks like white lambs. Guys, did you like the sea?
: Yes.
: Do you want to feel like a marine painter?
I suggest you draw a seascape, but first let's warm up a little. Come out. ( There is a dynamic pause “Walk on the sea.”
What do we see in the open air? ( Children take turns placing their palms on their foreheads, stretching out and peering into the distance
.) Waves splash in the Black Sea.
( Wave-like movements of the arms with swaying of the body
.) Here are the masts of the ships.
( Stand on your toes, stretch your arms up
.) Let them swim here quickly!
( Welcoming hand waves
.) We walk along the shore, waiting for the sailors.
( Walking in place
.) It’s getting hot, brothers. Isn’t it time to take a swim?
( Waving hands
.) In order to swim even faster, we need to row faster.
We row with our arms and legs. Who will keep up with us? ( Imitation of swimming movements
.) That's it.
We climb out to the shore. And we relax on the sand. ( Sit on the carpet
.) We are looking for shells in the sand.
We squeeze them in our fist. ( Bends from a sitting position, imitation of searching for shells, clenching a fist
And now, we get to work. ( The teacher explains and shows the stages of drawing. Independent activity of children.
: Guys, what did we draw today?
( Children's answers
.) What artist did you meet today?
: Aivazovsky.
: What are the names of artists who paint the sea?
: Marinists.
: Let's look at your drawings.
( Discussion of children's works
Irina Artamoshkina, speech therapist teacher in.
sq. cat. Elena Pashnina, teacher of the first quarter. category MBDOU d/s No. 124, Chelyabinsk