Card index of educational logic games for older preschoolers


Well-known tasks for selecting analogies, understanding proverbs and sayings, and metaphors are perfect as exercises;
games of “sea battle”, “tic-tac-toe”, checkers, cards; charades; tasks like “find seven differences”, etc. 1. “FINISH THE SENTENCE.” The child is asked: “Continue the sentence by choosing the most suitable word.” A tree always has... (leaves, flowers, fruits, roots). The boot always has... (laces, sole, zipper, buckle). The dress always has... (hem, pockets, sleeves, buttons). A painting always has... (artist, frame, signature). 2. “FIND SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES.” The child is given pairs of words for analysis. He must note the common and different in the corresponding objects. For example, nightingale-sparrow, summer-winter, chair-sofa, birch-spruce, airplane-car, hare-rabbit, glasses-binoculars, girl-boy, etc. 3. “FROM PARTICULAR TO GENERAL.” Explain to your child that there are words that denote many similar objects and phenomena. These words are general concepts. For example, the word fruit can mean apples, oranges, pears, etc. But there are words that indicate a smaller number of similar objects, and they are private, concrete concepts. Any of these words, for example apples, means only apples, although they can be large, small, green, red, sweet, sour apples. Now ask your child to match the general concept to the specific ones. Below are two rows of words. For words from the first row, the child selects a suitable concept from the second row: • cucumber, autumn, bee, north, rain, peacock, lake; • vegetable, season, insect, side of the horizon, precipitation, berry, pond, bird. 4. “WHAT’S MORE?” The child must answer the question: “Which is more: birches or trees, strawberries or berries, flies or insects, flowers or lilies of the valley, whales or mammals, words or nouns, squares or rectangles, cakes or sweets?” - and justify your answer. 5. “FROM GENERAL TO SPECIFIC”. The task is the opposite of the previous ones. The child must build a “tree”, the trunk of which is a general concept, for example, nature, and the branches are more specific, for example, living and non-living. Then from the word living - respectively branches: plants - animals - people, etc. The next branching comes, for example, from the word animals: domestic - wild or: birds - snakes - fish - insects, etc. 6. “GET A GENERAL CONCEPT.” Invite your child to name the following concepts in one word and complete the series: apple, pear - ...; chair, wardrobe - ...; cucumber, cabbage - ...; boot, boot - ...; doll, ball - ...; cup, plate - ...; cat, elephant - ...; leg, arm - ...; flower, tree - ...; perch, pike - ...; rose, dandelion - ...; March, September - ...; oak, birch - ...; lantern, lamp - ...: rain, snow - ... The same exercise must be performed with adverbs, adjectives, verbs. 7. “CLASSIFICATION BY VISUAL PATTERN.” For this exercise, you can use children's lotto. Lay out the pictures and ask the child to choose all the pictures that match the standard one. For example, for an apple - all the pictures that depict fruits. Then ask him to name each picture; Discuss with him why he made such a selection, how these objects are similar (different). You can select pictures by a certain, specified general characteristic, for example, by shape, color or functionality. 8. “SOLD INTO GROUPS.” The child is offered a number of images, which he must sort into general groups, for example: mushrooms and berries, shoes and clothes, animals and flowers. He must give a name to each resulting group and list (name) all its components. 9. “CLASSIFICATION BY GENERALIZING WORD.” For a given general concept (for example, dishes, vegetables, furniture, objects made of iron, round, prickly, fly, sweet, etc.), the child must choose from a set of pictures those that will correspond to him. 10. “EXTRA WORD.” The child is asked to highlight a word or feature that is superfluous among others, and to select a generalizing concept for all the others. The child must answer the questions: “Which word is extra? Why?". • Plate, cup, table, teapot. Dark, cloudy, light, chilly. Birch, aspen, pine, oak. Fast, running, skipping, crawling. Sofa, table, chair, wood. Much, pure, little, half. Pen, chalk, pencil case, doll. Yesterday, today, in the morning, the day after tomorrow Earthquake, typhoon, mountain, tornado. Comma, period, dash, conjunction. Neat, sloppy, sad, diligent. • Winter, summer, autumn, June, spring. Lie down, stand, cry, sit. Old, tall, young, elderly, young. Red, blue, beautiful, yellow, gray. Be silent, whisper, laugh, shout. Sweet, salty, bitter, sour, fried. 11. "RANKING". Explain to your child what ranking is and ask him to rank the following concepts according to a certain (in each case different) principle: peas - apricot - watermelon - orange - cherry; bee - sparrow - butterfly - ostrich - magpie; tooth - arm - neck - finger - leg; snowflake - icicle - iceberg - ice floe - snowdrift; street - apartment - city - country - Earth; baby—youth—man—old man—boy; be silent - speak - shout - whisper. 12. “MULTIPLE MEANING OF WORDS.” Play the game “Look how interesting it is!” with your child. Tell him some word (noun, adjective, adverb, verb). The task is to come up with as many situation sentences with a standard word as possible in a short period of time (1 - 3 minutes). Verbal and logical games in the development of children of senior preschool age

At the end of the preschool period, children begin to develop verbal and logical thinking. It involves developing the ability to operate with words and understand the logic of reasoning. And here you will definitely need the help of adults: parents and teachers.

Famous psychologist L.S. Vygotsky established natural connections between learning and mental development. Without learning, without the active transfer of the experience accumulated by mankind, full development cannot take place.

Children have an unconscious desire to learn something new and unusual. Adults, concerned about the future of children, try to correctly direct this desire, forcing and developing their needs from natural, material, social to spiritual.

To make the sphere of children's education relevant is to create such situations, using various teaching methods, in which the desire for knowledge and perception of this or that material or event will become constant and dominant. A creative approach is needed from both sides - adults and children - to this problem. This is possible when the child makes his own efforts through a situation of creative communication created by adults in solving various problems. At the same time, not only performing abilities are developed: memory, attention, the ability to copy the actions of others, repeat what is seen or heard, which is no less important for the development of children, but also creative ones: observation, the ability to compare and analyze, combine, find connections and dependencies, patterns .

By the age of six, a child develops an eye, a visual assessment of the proportions characterizing an object, deliberate memorization and the ability to reproduce what has been learned. He can already make correct judgments and draw conclusions about familiar phenomena.

Research by psychologists and teachers has convincingly proven that in the comprehensive development and preparation of a child for school, the role of his practical activities is extremely important: irga, work, systematic educational activities.

As a rule, children who enter the first grade can read, write and, it would seem, are fully prepared for school education. However, some first-graders, faced with constant mental workload, find difficulties in solving and explaining mathematical problems, forming certain rules and concepts, and establishing and justifying cause-and-effect relationships. One of the common reasons for this phenomenon is the insufficient development of verbal and logical thinking in preschool age. Children of this age exhibit a superficial, inconsistent analysis of problems and situations, and an inability to plan. It is generally accepted that visual-figurative thinking predominates in preschoolers, which is completely based on children's sensations, perceptions and ideas. Famous psychologists point to this in their works: D.B. Elkonin, V.V. Davydov, P.Ya. Galperin. J. Piaget believes that the thinking of preschoolers is illogical by nature, because “not burdened with knowledge.”

But currently, many games are being developed aimed at developing logical and imaginative thinking, arbitrary memory and attention, speech and creative imagination. The sooner we begin to develop and stimulate logical thinking based on the child’s sensations and perceptions, the higher the level of his cognitive activity will be, the faster the main, natural transition from concrete thinking to its highest phase - abstract thinking will take place. In addition, intellectual-linguistic relationships confirm the developmental influence of verbal-logical thinking on the speech of preschool children.

During games and activities, an adult (teacher or parent) is required to:

  • patience;
  • ability to play and believe in the game;
  • the ability to accept and understand any answer, proposal, or decision of the child;
  • the ability to emphasize the uniqueness and individuality of each child;
  • creation.

In the process of performing such games and exercises, preschool children’s ability to analyze, synthesize, compare and generalize is activated.

Adults, playing with a child who has any level of speech and intellectual development, improve the most valuable mental processes for the child: thinking, attention, memory, speech, imagination, and the ability to be creative.

One of the main indicators of a child’s readiness for school is the level of his mental and speech development. Understanding the teacher’s verbal instructions, the ability to answer his questions and formulate his own questions to him is the first thing that is required of the child in the educational process.

Games and exercises aimed at developing mental and speech abilities in preschoolers.

Compiling a story from pictures. In front of the child, 4 pictures are placed in disarray, which depict a certain sequence of events that is well known to the child. The adult asks the child to arrange the pictures in the right order and explain why he arranged them that way. Then they are asked to compose a story based on the pictures.

Understanding the grammatical structure of sentences.

“Natasha went for a walk after watering the flowers.” - What did Natasha do first: went for a walk or watered the flowers?

“In many years, Seryozha will be a little older than Sasha is now.” - Who is older? (Sasha).

Recognition of objects by given characteristics.

Name an object about which you can say:

yellow, oblong, sour; oblong, green, hard, edible.

Which item has the following characteristics:

fluffy, walks, meows; smooth, glassy, ​​they look into it, it reflects.

Who or what could be:

high or low; cold or hot; solid or liquid; narrow or wide.

What time of year does the following description correspond to:

“The day is getting longer. There are more and more sunny days. Snow is melting. Birds fly in from the south and begin to build nests.”

Comparison of two or more objects.

  • How are these words similar:

    cat, book, roof;

  • number, oar, chair;
  • Name the general signs:
      apple and watermelon;
  • cats and dogs;
  • table and chair;
  • spruce and pine;
  • pigeon and woodpecker;
  • daisies and cloves.
  • What is the difference:
      pencil pen;
  • story from a poem;
  • cart sleigh;
  • autumn from spring;
  • tree from a bush;
  • deciduous tree from coniferous tree.
  • Match each picture from the first row with the corresponding picture from the second row. For each resulting pair, make a sentence.

    There are 5 pictures in the first and second row:

    fishing rod flower key axe screwdriver
    vase firewood lock fish

    For the indicated item, choose a word that will be logically connected with it (as in the previous pair), and explain your choice in detail.

    Example: hand - clock; wheel - ?

    The hand is part of the clock, which means that the word “car” can be added to the word “wheel”, because the wheel is part of the car.

    wheel - circle, carpet - ? squirrel - hollow, bear - ? store - seller, hospital - ? day - lunch, evening - ? hunter - gun, fisherman - ? word - letter, house - ? forest - trees, field - ? finger - ring, ear - ? sea ​​- drop, crowd - ? flower - bud, leaf - ?

    Analyze three logically related concepts, highlight one that differs from the others in some way. Explain the reasoning.

    night light, floor lamp, candle; plum, apple, peach; trousers, shorts, skirt; cow, horse. A lion; Christmas tree, birch, pine; potatoes, carrots, cucumber; rooster, goose, sparrow; goat, pig, cow.

    Choose a word with the opposite meaning. Explain your choice. Make up a sentence with the conjunction “a”, which combines both antonyms.

    • buy -
    • open –
    • remember –
    • meet –
    • thick -
    • small –
    • full -
    • famous -
    • hungry -
    • take -

    For each combination of words, choose a double antonym. Make a sentence with each pair of words.

    Example: a smart friend is a stupid enemy.

    quiet crying - joyful meeting - remember joy - bright top - dark past - slight frost -

    Logic problems:

    • The fisherman caught perch, ruff, and pike. He caught the pike earlier than the perch, and the ruff later than the pike. Which fish was caught first?
    • Three knots were tied on the rope. How many parts did these knots divide the rope into?
    • Kolya is taller than Yegor, but shorter than Seryozha. Who is Yegor or Seryozha?
    • Masha bought 4 red and blue balls. There were more red balls than blue ones. How many balloons of each color did Masha buy?
    • There were 3 glasses with cherries on the table. Kostya ate 1 glass of cherries. How many glasses are left?
    • When a goose stands on one leg, it weighs 2 kg. How much will a goose weigh if it stands on both legs?
    • What is heavier than a kilogram of cotton wool or a kilogram of iron?

    Explain in the most complete and coherent way what is unclear and implausible in the situation.

    according to the drawing

    • as stated in the poem:

    A sparrow sat on a house and the roof fell in. Under the birch tree the mouse and the cat are dancing the polka. The fish dived from the bridge, screamed and drowned. The turtle tucked its tail and ran after the hare, Near the river, well, it overtook Gray! The cat was sitting in a birdcage, And the bird wanted to eat it, But the cat jumped onto a branch And, chirping, flew away.

    Explain in detail what is wrong with the proposed judgments.

    • the vase is crystal and the glass is light;
    • The zebra is striped and the leopard is angry;
    • the refrigerator is white and the carpet is soft;
    • the cucumber is green, and the apple grows on the tree.

    Answer quickly.” The goal is to practice classification, comparison, generalization; practice agreeing numerals and adjectives with nouns.

    Table divided into 9 cells.

    Each cell depicts birds or animals: in the first row - a sparrow, a dove, a woodpecker; in the second - wasp, fox, dragonfly; in the third - a wolf, a butterfly, a bullfinch.

    Questions about the table:

    • What can you call everyone who is drawn in the first row?
    • How many birds are there in the table? Name them.
    • Who are more animals or insects?
    • How many groups can everyone in the table be divided into?
    • Look at the pictures in the third column. What do everyone pictured there have in common?
    • Compare the animals of the first and second columns. What do you notice in common?

    Games and play exercises give teachers and parents the opportunity to conduct classes with children more lively and interesting. Almost all games are aimed at solving many problems. You can return to them repeatedly, helping children learn new material and consolidate what they have learned.

    Logic problems with answers


    In a forest health center in a clearing, two athletes are playing table tennis. After another strong hit with the racket, the tennis ball flew far away and rolled into a steel pipe, vertically dug deep (several meters) into the ground. The ball ended up at the very bottom of the pipe (several meters from the surface of the earth). For the athletes, this was the only ball. Please tell me how they can pull out a tennis ball without much effort, without having to dig up such a long pipe?


    They need to pour water into the pipe to the brim, then the ball will float to the surface on its own.


    So, can you establish on what principle this sequence is built:

    8 2 9 0 1 5 7 3 4 6


    All numbers follow each other in accordance with the alphabetical order of their names (eight, two, nine, zero, etc.).


    What do you think your friends and acquaintances use more often than you, but it is your property?


    Your name. It is friends and acquaintances who use your name when addressing you, but you use it yourself much less often.


    If you have this, then you have the full part. If you share this with someone, will it disappear completely?


    It's a secret. If you share it with someone, it will no longer be a secret and it will automatically disappear on its own.


    How to jump from a ten-meter ladder without hurting yourself?


    You need to jump from the bottom step


    What can you see with your eyes closed?




    Until it is measured, it is not known. However, if it constantly flies, then many people often do not like it. What is this?


    This time. Until a person looks at his watch, it is not known. And people often say with regret that time flies.


    Imagine that in your sock closet you have: 4 white socks, 8 black socks, 3 brown socks and 5 gray ones. What is the minimum number of socks you need to pull out of your closet without looking at it to be sure that you get at least one pair of identical socks?


    Five socks. Since the number of types of socks is 4, the fifth one pulled out will always form a pair with one of the four.


    If you call her name, it will immediately disappear. What it is?


    Silence (or stillness). If you begin to pronounce its name (name), then there will be no more silence or silence.


    What constantly walks, but most of the time staying in one place?


    This is a clock. In conversation we sometimes use the expression “the clock is ticking…”.


    Do you think that if a woman is cold as a fish, then a man should be patient like...?




    You need to find out the pattern by which the numbers appear in this sequence and indicate the number that should continue this sequence:

    2 1 9 7 6 4 0 8 …


    Number 3. The solution is related to the alphabetical order of the names of the numbers, only not by the first letter, but by the second (if the second ones are the same, then by the third).


    Alexander has his own pet store selling birds. If he puts one bird in each cage, then one bird is not enough for the cage. If Alexander places two birds in each cage, then one cage will remain free. How many cages and birds do you think are in Alexander's pet store?


    Alexander has four birds and three cages in his pet store.


    Imagine that you have a large keg of kvass. In addition, you have two empty bottles of 3 and 5 liters. How to use these bottles to measure exactly one liter of kvass?


    First, fill a 3-liter bottle with kvass until it is full, then pour all 3 liters from a 3-liter bottle into a 5-liter bottle. Then we again pour the kvass from the keg into a 3-liter bottle. Then pour the kvass from it into a five-liter bottle until it is full. And as a result, exactly 1 liter of kvass will remain in a 3-liter bottle.


    Alexander weighs half as much as Dmitry, and Nikolai weighs 3 times more than Alexander. Try to determine how much each of them weighs, if all together they weigh 360 kilograms?


    Nikolay = 180kg, Dmitry = 120kg, Alexander = 60kg. Solution: let Alexander's weight = x (x), then Dmitry's weight = 2x, and Nikolai's weight = 3x. Therefore we get the equation: (x + 2x + 3x) = 360kg. Equivalent to: 6x = 360kg, from where x = (360kg: 6) = 60kg. After this, the weight of each of them is easily calculated.


    If Jack doesn't drink at work, then for some reason all his employees begin to think that he is a bad worker and a slacker. Why do you think?


    Jack works as an alcohol taster.


    It is black when you receive it, When you use it it is red. After use it turns white or gray in color. What it is?


    This is charcoal. In the store it is sold in bags and there it is black, but when you light it (for example, in a barbecue), it is red. And when the coal burns out completely, it turns white or gray, i.e. bark.


    You need to find out the pattern by which the numbers appear in this sequence and determine the number that should stand instead of the question mark.

    1=4, 2=3, 3=3, 4=6, 5=4, 6=5, 7=4, 8=?


    Number "6". Each first digit is a serial digit, and the digit after the equality indicates the number of letters that make up the name of the digit. For example, 1 = “one” (4 letters), 2 = “three” (3 letters), etc.


    Below is the sequence of letters. There is no rule of order according to which this sequence is arranged. However, for completeness, two letters are missing, what are these two letters?

    I S F A M O N D Y I


    Letters "M" and "A". The group of letters consists of the first letters of the names of the months of the year. All of them are located chaotically, but for completeness two more letters are missing (after all, there should be 12 of them).


    You saw him where he had never been and could not be. But you see him there very often. Who is he and where could he not be, but do you see him there often?


    You see yourself (your reflection) in the mirror. This option is also possible - this is a TV presenter “on TV”, where he will not fit in any way.


    Continue with the following sequence of letters:

    S O N D I F M ...


    The letter a". Here we use the sequence of the first letters in the names of the months of the year, starting from September: September, October, November, December, January, February, March. Therefore, the next letter will be “A” - April.


    The first motorcyclist lives in city A, the second in city B. One day, both of them at the same time each left their city for the other. The motorcyclists met at a distance of 40 km from the first city. When they reached the neighboring towns, they immediately turned around and went back home. At the same time, they met again 48 km from the second city. What is the distance between cities A and B?


    The distance between city A and city B is 72 kilometers.


    A train departs from station A to station B, and the travel time is 5 hours. Trains leave hourly from station A to B and vice versa from station B to A at 5 minutes past twelve, 5 minutes after two, etc. How many oncoming trains will this train encounter?


    When the train leaves, 4 oncoming trains are already on their way, and the fifth is just leaving. In a time of 5 hours, 4 more trains will depart from point B to point A, so the train will meet only 9 oncoming trains.


    One boy has a sister. Three years ago he was 7 times older than his sister, two years ago - 4 times, last year - 3 times, and this year his sister is only 2.5 times younger. How old are the brother and sister?


    The brother (boy) is 10 years old, and his sister is 4 years old.


    Three carp and one bream were sold for the same amount as two pike. One carp, two bream and three pike sold together for £50. How much does each fish cost if their values ​​are equal to whole numbers of pounds?


    Carp costs £4, bream £8, pike £10.


    If you add the square of Timofey's age to Lena's age, you get 62. If, on the contrary, you add the square of Lena's age to Timofey's age, you get 176. How old are Timofey and Lena?


    Timofey is 7 years old, and Lena is 13 years old.


    One man, traveling through the Amazon forest, was accidentally captured by the local aborigines. The Aborigines were a cruel tribe and informed him that he would be executed, but in what way was up to him. If he tells a lie, he will be thrown off a cliff, and if he tells the truth, he will be hanged. What should a traveler say to stay alive?


    The traveler needs to say: “I will be thrown from the cliff.” This goes against both conditions of the natives.


    There were 10 ducks flying, one was shot, how many ducks will be left?


    One duck will remain, the other nine will fly away.


    An angle measuring one degree is viewed through a magnifying glass that has 8x magnification. What size angle will appear in this magnifying glass?


    In this magnifying glass, the angle will also appear to be one degree, because... The degree of inclination of the lines from each other will not change as you increase.


    Three collective farm women were walking along the road to the city. On the way, they were overtaken by a bus with 10 more collective farm women. How many collective farmers went to the city?


    Only three collective farmers were walking, and the rest were traveling by bus.


    There are 7 apples, you need to divide them equally between 8 children, and this needs to be done with as few cuts as possible.


    You need to cut 4 apples in half, 2 apples into quarters and 1 apple into 8 parts. As a result, each child will receive: 1/2, 1/4 and 1/8 of an apple.


    The owner left his pregnant dog a will, according to which she gets 21 sausages. If a dog gives birth to a male puppy, then he gets 14 sausages, and the dog only 7. If a female puppy is born, then she gets 7 sausages, and the dog gets 14 sausages. But in fact, the dog gave birth to two puppies of different sexes. How should the executors of the estate divide the sausages so as not to violate the terms of the will?


    The dog will receive half as many sausages as her son and twice as many as her daughter. As a result, the stewards gave six sausages to the dog, twelve to the boy puppy and three to the daughter puppy.


    Four fishermen needed to cross from one bank of the river to the other. Near their shore there was a boat with two boys on it. The boat can take the weight of either two boys or one fisherman. The boys agreed to help the fishermen. How were they able to transport the fishermen to the other side?


    First, both boys swim to the other side, where the fishermen need to be transported. Then one stays, and the other swims back and gives the boat to one fisherman, who swims to the other side. Next, the boy on the other side takes a boat from a fisherman who had crossed the river and swims across the river alone. He takes another boy again and they swim together to the other shore, where there is already one fisherman. In the same order, you can transport the rest of the fishermen to the other side.


    A flock of pigeons landed on the trees, one for each tree, resulting in one tree missing. Then the pigeons sat down two on one tree, as a result one tree turned out to be redundant. How many pigeons and trees were there?


    Solution: when the pigeons sat down 2 on one tree, this is equivalent to the fact that there were 2 times fewer pigeons. Moreover, if previously 1 dove was extra, now 1 dove is missing. Consequently, a decrease in the number of pigeons by 2 times leads to a quantitative decrease by 2. As a result, there were initially 4 pigeons, and, accordingly, 3 trees.


    One blacksmith was brought five chains of 3 links each. He was asked to connect them into one continuous chain. He was able to do this, while he disconnected and reconnected only 3 links. How did he manage to do this?


    He simply disconnected all three links in only one chain. With these three links he connected the remaining four chains into one common chain of 15 links.


    Pears were brought to one kindergarten, where there were 50 children. 60 large pears and 60 smaller ones. Initially, it was decided to distribute pears to the children in the following order: 30 children received 2 large pears, and the remaining 20 children received 3 small pears. But when opening the box of pears, it turned out that during transportation all the pears were mixed together, large and small.

    Then it was decided to distribute the pears like this: 5 pears were given out for two children at a time. To the surprise of the teachers, there were not enough pears for the last two children. How did this happen?


    At the same time, 2 large and 3 smaller pears could be distributed to only 40 children. After which only 20 large pears would remain. If you give out 2 large pears per child, then there will be enough for 10 more children. But they were given out 5 for two people, which is why there weren’t enough pears.


    Can you justify why in almost all countries of the world sewer manhole covers are only round in shape? (Square manhole covers are available only when they are additionally secured with hinges).


    If the manhole covers are square, they can easily fall into the hatch, because The diagonal of a square is greater than the side of the square. Therefore, if they are made, then only by attaching them to the hatch with hinges. Round hatch covers do not have a diagonal or a side, but only a diameter, which is always larger than the hatch opening.


    What sign do you think should be placed between 0 and 1 to get a number greater than 0 but less than 1?


    This character is a comma. That is 0.1. This number is greater than 0 but less than 1.


    How many edges do you think a hex pencil has that has never been sharpened?


    A hex pencil, if not sharpened, will have 8 edges. 6 large edges and 2 end faces.


    A three-liter vessel is completely filled with three liters of water. You need to fill two empty vessels of 1 and 2 liters in 2 transfusions, so that each of them contains 1 liter of water. In this case, you can no longer use anything other than these three vessels.


    From a full vessel we pour exactly two liters into a two-liter empty one, i.e. to the brim. Next, pour exactly a liter of water from this vessel into a one-liter container (i.e., to the brim).


    Which object do you think will have the same image when drawn from any point of view?


    Only the ball has this property.


    Answer, what time is it now if the remaining part of the day is twice as long as the past?


    It's eight o'clock now.


    There are 7 candles burning on the festive table. 3 of them were extinguished. How many candles will be left?


    There will be 3 extinguished candles left, because... the remaining 4 will burn completely.


    Can you write the number 1000 using only eight eights and arithmetic sum signs?


    The result is the equality: 888 + 88 + 8 + 8 + 8 = 1000.


    One bread shop has 3 types of buns. For 10 rubles you can buy either 1 bun of the first grade, or two buns of the second, or 3 buns of the third grade. A group of children, boys and girls equally, entered the store. They added up and received 70 rubles. They spent the entire amount on buying buns. Each child received the same amount of buns. How many buns were purchased and what types, if none of the buns were divided into parts?


    The group of children consisted of three boys and three girls. Each child received 2 buns of the 3rd variety and 1 bun of the 2nd variety.


    A log sawyer must cut a 5.5 meter long log into 0.5 meter long logs. Each cut lasts 2.5 minutes. How long will it take to cut the entire log?


    Sawing a log will take exactly 25 minutes.


    There is a flower stem 1 meter high. A caterpillar begins to crawl up from the ground. During the day it rises by 30 cm, and at night it descends by 20 cm. How long (in days) will the caterpillar crawl to the top of the flower?


    The caterpillar will crawl to the top of the flower in 7.5 days.


    In a scientist's bookcase, there are two books on one shelf. The first book stands to the left of the second, next to it. The first book has 230 pages, the second 325 pages. How many pages do you think there are between the first page of the first book and the last page of the second book?


    Between these book pages there are only bindings.


    The soldiers lined up at a distance of one meter from each other. The ruler stretched 25 meters. How many soldiers were there in total?


    In total there were 26 soldiers in the line.

    Thoughts and joke riddles

    Cat or lion? These tasks should encourage children to reason, think, and find an answer using existing knowledge.

    When teaching a child to listen carefully to the conditions of the problem, you can offer a joke problem in which there are numerical data, but there is no need to perform arithmetic operations.

    It is not always possible for a child to easily find the answer, realizing that the problem has a “secret”. Let the adult be pleased with the fact that the child will not rush to answer, but will try to think, reason, giving various arguments and refuting himself. Help him find the right path of reasoning.


    1) There were 9 steamships sailing at sea. 2 ships docked at the pier. How many ships are there at sea? (All 9 ships)

    2) There are 4 corners in the room. There is a cat in every corner. Opposite each cat are 3 cats. How many cats are there in the room? (4 cats, one cat in each corner)

    3) How to bring water in a sieve? (When water freezes, it will turn into ice.)

    4) Once upon a time there were 7 brothers, each brother had one sister. How many brothers and sisters are there in the family? (8 people).

    5) What kind of dishes can you not eat anything from? (Out of empty)

    6) There is a rope hanging in the gym. The boy rose 3 meters and reached the middle. How long is the rope? (6 m.)

    7) Suddenly it started to rain heavily. However, Tanya, Sasha, Lena did not get wet. Why? (They watched the rain through the window; each had an umbrella or raincoat.)

    8) The animal has 2 right legs, 2 left legs, 2 legs in front, 2 in back. How many legs does an animal have? (4 legs.)

    9) The shoemaker decided to repair 2 pairs of shoes. He will put a heel on each heel, and he will nail each heel with 2 nails. How many heels and nails will he need? (4 heels, 8 nails.)

    10) The water in the kettle boils in 10 minutes. Alyosha put the kettle on at 8 o'clock. When can he drink tea? (10 minutes after I set it, or at 8:10 a.m.)

    11) A bucket of snow was brought into the room at 5 o’clock. At 6 o’clock the snow in the bucket melted and turned into water. How long did it take for the snow to melt? (For 1 hour)

    12) At 10 o’clock the baby woke up. What time did he go to bed if he slept for 2 hours? (At 8 o'clock)

    13) Kostya poured sand from 3 piles together, and Masha poured sand from 4 piles together. How many piles of sand did you get? (2 piles, if each person is in his own, or 1 large pile, if the children poured all the sand together.)

    14) The children measured the length of the bed in steps. Kostya decided by eye that the length of the bed was 8 steps. Tanya measured in steps, she got 10 steps, Andrey got 7 steps. Which child measured correctly? (Each of those who measured was right in his own way, since each of them took his own step as a conditional measure. They should have agreed on a single measure or measured the length of the bed with a ruler, then they would have received an accurate reading).

    15) A mason worked at a construction site. On the first day of work, he built 2 twenty-story buildings. On the second day - 1 twenty-story building. How many twenty-story buildings did a mason build in two days? (One mason could not build so quickly.)

    16) How many nuts can fit in an empty glass? (The glass is empty, which means there is nothing in it.)

    17) 9 sharks swam in the sea. They saw a school of fish and 3 of them dived into the depths for fish. How many sharks are there in the sea? (All 9 sharks, only part underwater.)

    18) In a vase there are 3 tulips and 7 daffodils. 1 tulip and 3 daffodils have withered. How many tulips are in the vase? (All 3 tulips.)

    19) 7 boys cleared the snow from the paths in the garden. Each of them cleared 2 paths, and each boy cleaned one of them alone, and the second with the whole company. How many paths did the boys clear? (8 tracks (7+1).)

    20) 2 brothers each drew 2 drawings as a gift to their grandfather. How many drawings did grandfather receive? (4 pictures.)

    21) There are 10 spoons of honey in a barrel. How many children can taste this honey? (Children should pay attention to the fact that it is not said how much honey each will receive. After this, they must count how many children will taste honey if each receives 1 spoon (10), half a spoon (20), 2 spoons (5 ).)

    22) There are 10 mugs of milk in a jug. How many children will there be enough milk for? (Solved similarly to problem 21.)

    23) Sister and brother each received 4 apples. My sister ate 3 apples, my brother ate 2 apples. Who has more apples left? (The one who ate less.)

    24) My sister is 4 years old, my brother is 6 years old. How old will your brother be when your sister turns 6? (2 years will pass, which means my brother will be 8 years old.)

    25) 2 teams sowed peas. The first team sowed 4 beds of peas, and the second - that much and half as many more. How many peas did the second brigade sow? (6 beds 4+2.)

    26) A goose, standing on 2 legs, weighs 2 kg. How much will he weigh if he stands on one leg? (2 kg.)

    27) One donkey carried 10 kg of sugar, and the other donkey carried 10 kg of cotton wool. Who had the heavier luggage? (Both have the same luggage - 10 kg each.)

    28) Grandmother knitted woolen socks for her grandchildren. In total she knitted 6 socks. How many grandchildren did your grandmother have? (3 grandchildren. 2 socks each)

    29) Near the dining room, where skiers who came from a hike were having lunch, there were 20 skis, and 20 poles were stuck in the snow. How many skiers went on the trip? (10 skiers.)

    30) The children sculpted a snow woman. After a walk, 14 wet mittens were drying on the radiator. How many children have made a snow woman? (7 children.)

    30) 8 cat paws are visible from under the gate. How many cats are there in the yard? (There are 2 cats in the yard.)

    31) 8 squirrel tails were peeking out of the hollow. How many baby squirrels were sitting in the hollow? (8 baby squirrels)

    32) The blacksmith shoed three horses. How many horseshoes did he have to make? (12 horseshoes).

    33) The pencil was cut into 3 parts. How many cuts were made? (We made 2 cuts.)

    34) The rope was cut in 5 places. How many parts did you make? (It turned out to be 6 parts.)

    35) The cook poured rice equally into 2 glasses. Then he poured rice from one glass into the pan. Where is there more rice: in the second glass or in the pan? (Equally, because the glasses were equal.)

    36) One apple was divided equally between 2 girls, and the second apple was divided equally between 4 boys. Which of the children received the largest portion, what portion did each receive? (Each girl received one half of an apple, and the boys received one quarter of an apple. One second is more than one fourth)

    37) There was a full glass of kefir on the table, and next to it there was a glass filled only halfway. How to divide kefir equally between 3 children? (Everyone should receive half a glass of kefir.)

    38) Grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, Bug, cat and mouse pulled and pulled and finally pulled out the turnip. How many eyes saw the turnip? (12 eyes.)

    39) Today at 12 o’clock it was snowing. Could it be sunny in a few days at the same time? (At the same time, that means either at 12 o’clock at night or at 12 o’clock in the afternoon. There cannot be sunny weather at night, but it can be during the day)

    40) There were 9 passengers on the bus. At the stop, all but 3 passengers got off. How many passengers are left on the bus? How many passengers got off? (3 passengers left, 6 passengers got off.)

    41) The children collected an autumn bouquet in the park. It contained 5 maple, 4 birch, 2 oak, 1 aspen leaves. How many different trees did the bouquet come from? (From 4 trees.)

    Logical tasks and games for preschoolers

    Task for developing intelligence (for children aged 6, 7 years)

    Among logic games, games for developing ingenuity occupy a significant place. They are lively, interesting, and you can learn a lot of new things from them. Such games allow the child to quickly switch from one activity to another, which helps develop logic. Games of wits help students win by showing their peers what they are capable of. Lazy kids, looking at the victory of others, should try to manifest themselves through trial and error, force themselves to think. Thus, logic games for developing ingenuity are very useful for the overall development of children. Examples of such games.

    Game "That's how I am!"

    Children form a circle. The presenter points to one of the students and says: “That’s how I am!” After this command, the student begins counting and the players count one by one, but earlier the leader said that instead of some numbers it is necessary to say “That’s how I am!” Such numbers can be numbers that contain the number 6, or numbers divisible by 2, etc. (for example: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, “that’s how I am,” 7, 8, etc. ). You need to play fast. If a player gets lost, he leaves the game. The counting starts all over again. One player must remain.

    Tasks for the development of creative abilities

    Unfortunately, very often parents believe that it is impossible to develop logical thinking in a child, since he should have such abilities from birth. This is a wrong assumption. You should look closely at your baby, find hidden talents, and develop these talents from an early age. But in order to better achieve this goal, the child needs to create comfort and a good atmosphere.

    Psychologists offer many games for developing creative abilities, in particular coloring books and exercises with completing pictures.

    Game “Complete the picture”

    Logic for children 5 - 7 years old

    This manual contains very interesting tasks, assignments, exercises and games for the development of logical thinking in preschool children, aimed at comparing objects according to various criteria, highlighting significant differences between objects, generalization and classification. This book is recommended for use in kindergartens and at home for children to study together with their parents. This manual can be used to prepare for mathematics lessons at school.

    Download the manual by Tikhomirova L.F. Logics. Children 5-7 years old in pdf format

    Logic problems for children


    The turtle came to visit his friend, who lives on the 14th floor. The elevator turned out to be broken, so you have to go up on foot. The turtle began its journey in the afternoon. It's already half past three - the turtle is on the fourth floor. It’s already half past four – the turtle is on the fifth floor. It's already half past seven - the turtle is on the eighth floor. When will she get to the 14th floor?


    (Half past one in the morning)


    Lena, Anya and Zhenya helped their grandmother in the garden. Grandmother wanted to give gifts to the children. “I’ll buy dolls for both girls,” thought the grandmother. Had she made a mistake and counted the children incorrectly?


    (Grandma was not mistaken, there were really two girls: Lena and Anya, and grandmother bought a racing car for the boy Zhenya)


    Asya has 4 pencils and 2 colored pencils in her pencil case. What is the minimum number of objects you need to take so that you definitely have a simple pencil in your hand?


    (3 items)


    It was 11:45 when the cartoon started. It lasted 50 minutes. Right in the middle of the viewing, my mother came and called me for dinner. What time did the clock show at that moment?




    Four girls were eating candy. Anya ate more than Yulia. Ira is more than Sveta, but less than Yulia. Arrange the girls' names in ascending order of the number of candies eaten.


    (Sveta, Ira, Yulia, Anya)


    The centipede has 90 legs. She bought 13 pairs of boots. But at the same time, 16 feet remained bare. How many pairs of old boots did the centipede have before buying new boots?




    Petya and Kolya live in the same multi-storey building. Kolya's apartment is 12 floors higher than Petit's. In the evening Petya climbed the stairs to Kolya’s. When he walked halfway, he found himself on the 8th floor. On what floors are the boys' apartments?


    (P-2, K-14)


    64 small cubes were used to form a large cube. Five faces of a large cube were painted with blue paint. Name the number of small cubes with three blue sides.


    (4 – in the corners)


    The ferry can accommodate either 6 trucks or 10 cars. On Thursday, the ferry, fully loaded, crossed the river 5 times and ferried 42 cars. How many trucks were there among them?




    We will talk about units of time. What can you learn from this product 60 x 60 x 24 x 7?


    (Number of seconds per week)


    Brother and sister were 15 years old together 2 years ago. Now my sister is 13 years old. How many years must pass before my brother turns 9?


    (3 years)


    Friends came to visit Igor. How many of them were there if each of them added the date and month number from their date of birth and got 35? Moreover, the dates of birth of all guests are different.



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