Play and work as an integrative means of educating children of senior preschool age
It is advisable to teach some working techniques to children in specially organized classes. As children gain experience in participating in work and master skills, as well as master the rules for organizing their own work activities, and grow in the formation of some of the principles of hard work (i.e., as they solve the previously put forward educational tasks), the teacher moves on to more complex tasks. In addition to the formation of independence, it is also important to develop in children the principles of collectivism, the ability to work together, help each other, see the difficulties of comrades and offer their services, seek help from peers, rejoice at their successes, and the overall results of their work.
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Play and work as an integrative means of educating children of senior preschool age
Gradually, children acquire independence in this type of work. I used methods of showing, explaining, discussing the work process and results, evaluating, teaching certain methods of performing labor operations (how to wring out a rag so that water does not flow down the sleeves, etc.). It is important to form in preschoolers an idea of the importance of household work for everyone and for everyone personally. It is this work that makes it possible to show the child that he himself can make the environment in which he lives beautiful and pleasant. I always drew the children’s attention to this side.
Test - Raising preschool children in work - file
The human race descends from tree-dwelling primates, from which it was separated by the development of upright walking and the use of the hand for grasping. Having descended to earth in search of new sources of food, human ancestors, unlike all other animals, began to walk on two legs and use their hands. It was the hands that became the leading device for making tools and collecting edible roots and berries; Constant practice of complex motor movements of the hand left an imprint on the structure of the hand and eventually transformed the hand in such a way that the functionality corresponded to the physical: the thumb began to stand to the side, and the four fingers acquired greater mobility.
Long-term planning of work activity in the middle group for a year
Self-service is the work of a child aimed at servicing himself (dressing and undressing, eating, washing, putting away clothes, etc.) In the labor education of preschoolers, a large place is occupied by work related to self-service, maintaining hygiene rules, maintaining order in a group room . Self-care should be considered as preparing children for work, as developing the necessary skills for it. [20;208] The formation and development of self-service skills begins to be implemented from a very early age. There is plenty of time to implement these tasks, since routine processes (washing, dressing and undressing, feeding and disembarking) occupy 35% of the child’s total waking time during the day. The content of self-care work for older preschoolers includes self-care: preparing the workplace before starting drawing; cleaning and even washing (cups, spoons after meals), making the bed, tidying up toys, books, etc.
System of work on developing self-service skills in preschool children
In the middle group (general labor), with the help of collective labor, planting onions, oats, caring for plants in a corner of nature, washing doll clothes, washing toys can be organized. At first, the teacher himself works together with the children, shows, explains, and distributes responsibilities himself. To ensure that all children finish their work at the same time, the teacher involves the children in providing mutual assistance.
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