“Legal education of preschool children in preschool educational institutions”
“Legal education of preschool children in preschool educational institutions”—November 2019.
Compiled by: senior teacher Chizhova O.V.
The purpose of the work: to contribute to the development of a more perfect person in moral terms through the formation of basic legal knowledge.
Achieving this goal goes in three directions:
- ensuring legal literacy of employees;
- increasing the level of legal and pedagogical knowledge of parents;
- legal education of children.
Tasks in working with employees:
- study the legal documents regulating and establishing the rights of the child;
- develop a system for the work of preschool educational institutions on the legal education of children;
- ensure the observance and protection of the rights of the child in kindergarten;
- equip teachers with knowledge on legal education of parents,
- monitoring violations of children's rights in the family.
Tasks for working as parents:
- become familiar with the content of the articles of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and other legal documents guaranteeing the rights of the child;
- help recognize the rights of the child;
- involve parents in the work to respect and protect the rights of the child;
- increase the responsibility of parents for the upbringing and education of their child.
Tasks for working with children:
- introduce children in an age-appropriate manner to the main documents on the protection of human rights;
- promote the formation of self-esteem, awareness of one’s rights, a sense of responsibility (for another person, for a business started, a given word, etc.);
- develop respect for the dignity and personal rights of another person;
- explain social norms and rules of conduct.
Expected Result:
- Children's development of the following moral qualities:
- Tolerance, responsiveness, respect for other people, as well as skills:
- come to the aid of another person, resist negativity
example in behavior, resolve conflicts in modern life by legal means.
No. | Event | Time spending | Location | Responsible |
Working with students | ||||
1 | Lesson on legal education “Every child has the right...” | In a week | Senior groups | Group teachers |
2 | Legal education lesson “Very Important Rights” | In a week | Preparatory groups | Group teachers |
3 | Reviewing illustrations and presentations about rights. | In a week | All age groups | Group teachers |
4 | Conversations with children: “What are children’s rights” “How to be friends without quarreling” “Everyone has a name” “Life is given for good deeds” | Constantly within the project | All age groups | Group teachers |
5 | Lesson on legal education “Everyone is given a name, it is respected” (the right to preserve one’s individuality) | In a week | Middle groups | Group teachers |
6 | Games and problem situations for preschoolers: “What is good and what is bad” “We didn’t share a toy” “A friend is next to you” “Forbidden - allowed” “We are different, but we have equal rights” “I am like you, but I am different” ""Hands get to know each other, hands quarrel, hands make peace" "Seven-flowered flower" "What would happen if..." | Constantly within the project | All age groups | Group teachers |
7 | Reading literary works on the topic and discussion: the fairy tales of H. H. Andersen “Wild Swans”; excerpts from the fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky “Doctor Aibolit. Journey to the Land of Monkeys”, etc. | Constantly within the project | All age groups | Group teachers |
8 | Acquaintance with proverbs and sayings reflecting law and education. Sketch of some sayings (proverbs) | Constantly within the project | Middle, senior, preparatory groups | Group teachers |
9 | Design of the exhibition of drawings: “Me and my rights” | In a week | MDOU "Ogonyok" | Group teachers |
10 | Watch films and cartoons on the topic of the week. | Constantly within the project | Middle, senior, preparatory groups | Group teachers |
11 | Didactic games: “I have the right...” “I shouldn’t...” “Make an emblem of the right.” | Constantly within the project | Middle, senior, preparatory groups | Group teachers |
12 | Role-playing games: “Hike”, “Journey”, “Family” and other games. | Constantly within the project | Middle, senior, preparatory groups | Group teachers |
13 | Theatrical games, dramatization games: | Constantly within the project | Middle, senior, preparatory groups | Group teachers |
14 | Studying the family atmosphere (sociometry of interpersonal relationships in the family) | At stage 1 | Senior and preparatory groups | Group teachers, |
15 | “Learning our rights” | During the 2019/2020 academic year | MDOU "Ogonyok" | Group teachers, senior teacher, |
Working with parents | ||||
16 | Distribution of thematic booklets on children's rights, promotion of responsible parenting, prevention of family violence, child abuse, etc. | Within a month | MDOU "Ogonyok" | Group teachers |
17 | Design of a website page on legal education of parents (regulatory documents (extracts from the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Family Code of the Russian Federation, the Law on Education, etc.). | Within a month | MDOU "Ogonyok" | Group teachers Senior teacher |
18 | Design of a group thematic stand for parents “With kindness to the child.” | Within a month | MDOU "Ogonyok" | Group teachers |
19 | Drawing up instructions for parents: “When punishing, think: why?” “The Art of Being a Parent” “Four Commandments of a Wise Parent” “Protecting the Rights and Dignity of the Child in Legislative Acts” | Within a month | MDOU "Ogonyok" | Group teachers Senior teacher |
20 | Questioning parents on legal education: “What kind of parents are you?” | At stage 1 | MDOU "Ogonyok" | Group teachers, senior teacher |
Working with teachers | ||||
21 | Exhibition of literature on legal education of preschool children | Within a month | MDOU "Ogonyok" | Senior teacher |
22 | Consultation for educators “Legal education of preschool children” | Within a month | MDOU "Ogonyok" | Senior teacher |
23 | Memos for educators “Signs of abuse and violence” “Protection of the rights and dignity of the child in legislative acts” “Study of family history” | Within a month | MDOU "Ogonyok" | Senior teacher |
Analysis of the work performed.
Report of activities carried out during the month
During the month, classes were held in the preparatory senior and middle groups:
- smart
- smart
Older preschoolers watched the following cartoons:
Information about the rights and responsibilities of parents and preschoolers was posted in the kindergarten reception rooms.
Parents and older preschoolers were recruited
Questioning of parents of MDOU "Ogonyok"
Diagnostic-results-of-parents-preschool educationDownload
Source: //ds_karm_133.karm.zabedu.ru/?page_id=1548