Project on patriotic education of preschool children
Patriotism is the most important value of fundamental importance. Currently, Russia is going through a difficult historical period. His greatest danger is the destruction of personality. Preschool age is the time when the foundation for raising a child as an individual is laid, when a stable idea of good and evil is determined, the rules of morality and norms of behavior are learned, one’s own will and character are manifested, relationships with parents, friends, and people around him are built, and qualitative originality is revealed. creative individuality of the child.
The education of a new citizen must begin from a very early age. The sooner a feeling of pride for his Fatherland is instilled in the child’s mind, the sooner he joins cultural, historical and national traditions, gets acquainted with the pages of the history of his Motherland, learns about the creation of the Russian state by his ancestors, the more successful his development as a citizen will be in the future. .
The concept of “Motherland” has several meanings: it is a great power with a great history, it is also the corner of the earth where you were born and grew up. From the moment of birth, a person instinctively, naturally and imperceptibly gets used to his environment, the nature and culture of his small homeland, to the way of life of his people. Any region, region, even a small village has its originality and uniqueness. However, it is not enough to love your native land, you need to know its history and culture, have a desire to protect and improve it.
The focus of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education on the inclusion of regional characteristics in the educational environment contributes not only to education, but also to the civic development of the individual and the development of universal human values.
If the integrity of the process of patriotic education is violated, development guidelines will be lost and connections between generations will be disrupted. That is why moral education, the education of a citizen of one’s country, should begin at an age capable of continuing the path of peace, goodness and spiritual perfection for several generations to come. The topic of Russia is very productive for patriotic education. It is better to start with what is close and concrete, with what surrounds the child every day, what is always nearby, what he sometimes does not even notice behind the familiarity and routine.
Thus, the problem of patriotic education based on familiarization with one’s native country is one of the most pressing today. In this regard, we can conclude that work on patriotic education should begin in preschool age, this work should be carried out in a certain system, taking into account cultural and historical traditions, maintaining close contact with the families of pupils, using various forms of work.
Presentation “The system of civic-patriotic education in preschool educational institutions”
#Publications #Article #Social teacher #Methodologist #Educator #Psychologist #Music director #Preschool education
Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 73 "KID" of the city of Smolensk SYSTEM OF CIVIC-PATRIOTIC EDUCATION IN MBDOU "KINDERGARTEN No. 73 "KID" (from work experience) Senior teacher Oksana Anatolyevna Vasilyeva
“Cultivating love for the native land, for the native culture, for the native city, for the native speech is a task of paramount importance, and there is no need to prove it. But how to cultivate this love? It starts small - with love for your family, for your home. Constantly expanding, this love for one’s native turns into love for one’s state, for its history, its past and present, and then for all of humanity.” D.S. Likhachev
The problem of civic and patriotic education of the younger generation has always occupied a worthy place in the history of domestic pedagogy. V.A Sukhomlinsky, A.S. Makarenko et al. in their works emphasized the need to instill civic and patriotic feelings in children, starting from preschool age. In this regard, the problem of civic and patriotic education of preschool children becomes one of the most pressing. This feeling does not arise in people on its own. This is the result of long, focused education. Recently, the term “new patriotism” has appeared. It includes a sense of responsibility to society, a sense of attachment to family, home, homeland, native nature, and a tolerant attitude towards other people. The formation of a child’s personality, his upbringing begins with the education of feelings through the world of positive emotions, through mandatory familiarization with culture, providing the spiritual and intellectual food that he so needs.
In our kindergarten, when organizing the civic and patriotic education of children, the following goals are set: nurturing in the child love and affection for his family, home, kindergarten, street, city; formation of a caring attitude towards nature and all living things; developing interest in Russian traditions and crafts; formation of basic knowledge about human rights; expanding ideas about Russian cities; introducing children to the symbols of the state (coat of arms, flag, anthem); developing a sense of responsibility and pride for the country’s achievements; the formation of tolerance, a sense of respect for other peoples and their traditions. These goals are achieved in all types of children's activities.
Civic and patriotic education of preschool children CHILD FAMILY KINDERGARTEN HOMETOWN HOMELAND COUNTRY
Civic-patriotic education of children includes 5 blocks: Me and my family. A child's world begins with his family. Children gain knowledge about their immediate environment, family, they develop a humane attitude towards their loved ones, and their ideas about the activities of loved ones, family stories, and traditions are clarified.
Civil-patriotic education of children includes 5 blocks: Kindergarten In the junior and middle groups, through games, excursions, walks, and activities, we learn how to navigate the premises of the kindergarten, say hello to teachers and children, say goodbye, take care of toys and books, and maintain order. in Group. In the senior and preparatory groups for school, we teach them to freely navigate the territory and premises of the kindergarten, and introduce them to the events that are held in the kindergarten. We teach how to follow traffic rules and safety precautions, how to dial emergency numbers, how to be attentive to peers and how to take care of younger children. We foster a caring attitude towards children's play structures.
Civil-patriotic education of children includes 5 blocks: Native nature Love of nature is one of the manifestations of patriotism. It is important to instill in children the ability to aesthetically perceive the beauty of the world around them, to treat nature poetically, emotionally, carefully, and to encourage children’s desire to learn more about their native nature.
Civic-patriotic education of children includes 5 blocks: Hometown. Home country Children receive local history information about their hometown, the history of its origin, its attractions, institutions, and famous fellow countrymen. From this block, children receive geographical information about the territory of our country (globe, map). In the middle group, they get acquainted with the state symbols of Russia: coat of arms, flag, anthem. In the senior group, they expand their understanding of the meaning of state symbols of Russia, develop a respectful attitude towards them, get acquainted with the capital of our state, other cities of Russia, and famous Russians. Children develop the idea that Russia is a multinational country with distinctive, equal cultures. The foundations of civil-patriotic feelings are also formed: love, pride and respect for one’s country, its culture, awareness of personal involvement in Russia.
Civil-patriotic education of children includes 5 blocks: Native culture It is very important to instill in children a sense of love and respect for the cultural values and traditions of the Russian people. In the classes of this block, we introduce children to oral folk art: fairy tales, holidays, folk arts and crafts. Trying to form in children a general idea of folk culture, its richness and beauty, we regularly organize excursions to our mini-museum, where students get acquainted with history and objects of Russian everyday life. We participate in folk festivals.
In addition to specially organized classes, conversations, and targeted walks, a large role in the implementation of these blocks is given to the joint activities of adults and children. Didactic, mobile, board, role-playing games with children are used, which help to form relevant knowledge and skills. The greatest emotional response in children is caused by holidays, matinees, and mass events that promote the development of patriotic feelings: Themed leisure for Mother's Day New Year's matinee Day of Defenders of the Fatherland Maslenitsa Victory Day Children's Day Competitions, quizzes, competitions
To achieve our goals, we organize work on patriotic education, creating a warm, cozy atmosphere for children, trying to ensure that every day of a child in kindergarten is filled with joy, smiles, good friends, and fun games. After all, with the cultivation of a feeling of attachment to one’s own family, one’s own kindergarten, one’s own street, the formation of the foundation begins on which a more complex education will grow - a feeling of love for one’s Fatherland.
In our preschool educational institution, along with the Main educational program of preschool education, partial programs of the so-called regional component are being implemented: “My Land of Smolensk” edited by T.M. Zharova, V.A. Kravchuk. "Young Ecologist" ed. S.N. Nikolaeva “Introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture” by O.L. Knyazeva, M.D. Makhaneva;
The program pays special attention to the possibility of implementing the principle of introducing children to sociocultural norms, traditions of the family, society and state. The immediate environment, the social environment in which children live, is the basis for expanding children's horizons and for introducing children to sociocultural norms, traditions of the family, society, and state. First, the teacher thinks through how and through what it is possible to show children the connection between their hometown and family with the whole country, to emphasize what will contribute to the ethnocultural social situation of children’s development: features of nature; people who glorified their region through their work, achievements in art, and sports; people who have gained fame not only in the region, but also in the country and beyond. What is demonstrated is what exists in our native region, but is also typical for the whole country: nature conservation; people's labor; observance of traditions associated with the celebration of significant dates; residence of people of different nationalities.
Based on all of the above, based on the principles of constructing an educational educational program for preschool education and in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, we developed the project “Civic and Patriotic Education in the Conditions of a Modern Preschool Educational Institution.” The project was created to work with preschool children and is a series of activities for the joint activities of teachers with children on civic and patriotic education in order to develop and create conditions for the formation of civic and patriotic feelings of preschoolers through appealing to the memory of the historical past of our state, involving parents and teachers in instilling in children a sense of pride in the achievements of their native country, interest and respect for its historical past, respect for the traditions of its people.
Relevance of the project Modern children have insufficient information about their hometown, country, features of folk traditions, are often indifferent to loved ones, to group mates, and rarely sympathize with the grief of others. Teachers need to select methods and techniques that will help a modern child understand the special significance of their country, its heroes, historical figures, and architecture. An important role in the work on civic-patriotic education is given to the interaction of preschool educational institutions with parents.
The goals of the project are to educate a citizen and patriot of one’s country, to form moral values; creation of a subject-development environment in the preschool educational institution for the implementation of the project. Project hypothesis Patriotic education should be comprehensive, permeate all types of activities of a preschooler, carried out both in everyday life and during direct educational activities to understand the surrounding world.
Objectives of the project To educate in children: To develop in children: To form in children: The desire to learn cultural traditions through creative, educational and research activities The desire to feel and realize oneself as part of a large ethnic group Respect for the heritage of other peoples Patriotism, respect for the cultural past of Russia, one’s city Civil-patriotic feelings through the study of the state symbols of Russia and the city Cognitive processes and mental operations through special games and exercises Ideas about folk culture, the diversity and lifestyle of the people inhabiting Russia Feelings of love for the native land, one’s small homeland based on familiarization with native nature , culture and traditions The idea of Russia as a native country The ability to analyze various social phenomena and events, compare them, generalize
Operating principles: the principle of person-oriented communication; the principle of cultural conformity; the principle of freedom and independence; the principle of humane and creative orientation; the principle of integration of various types of children's activities;
Stages of project implementation Stages Project implementation period Work plan I 2021 – 2021 academic year year Informational and analytical (preparatory) increase in the level of professional competence of teachers; determining the volume of material for children; work system planning. II 2021 – 2021 academic year year Creative (main) design of stands on the topic of the project; consultations for educators and parents; holding events on the topic of the project. III 2021 – 2019 academic year year Final summing up.
Information-analytical (preparatory) stage Analysis of the goals and objectives of the main general education program of preschool education; Carrying out and interpreting the results of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics; Determination of directions for project implementation; Determining the expected results of the project; Inclusion in the calendar-thematic planning of the week's themes on civic-patriotic education: “My home, my city, my country, my planet”, “The world of nature”, “City of craftsmen”, “Folk culture and traditions”, “Week of Belarus”, “Victory Day”, “I am a man”, “My family”, “Friendship”, “Kindness rules the world”, etc.
The creative stage involves the joint activity of participants in the educational process, the development of civic and patriotic feelings, the ability for creative and search activities, taking into account the characteristics of the child’s development and the socio-pedagogical conditions of organizing the educational environment in preschool educational institutions and families. At this stage, work was carried out in several directions: - attracting children to actively participate in leisure activities (holidays, entertainment, concerts, theme evenings, children's creativity competitions, reading competitions); in design and research activities (development of children's and adult projects); — working with parents to involve them in joint creative, design and research activities based on the use of various forms and means of patriotic education of children; — work with society to implement the tasks of patriotic education: secondary school, children's library. — monitoring the progress of design and search work on collecting, processing and presenting (presentation) the results of the implementation of thematic projects
Creative (main) stage Stand design
During the implementation of the creative stage of the project, the following was created: a system of direct educational activities for the civic and patriotic education of preschoolers in the process of developing project activities; data bank on assessing the quality of civic and patriotic development of children in preschool educational institutions. photo and video library to improve the competence of educators and parents in the field of civic and patriotic education of preschool children; methodological recommendations have been developed for interaction with families in the field of patriotic education of preschool children; enriched the developing subject-spatial environment of preschool educational institutions for the civic and patriotic development of children;
According to the results of the final diagnostics, the children showed high results in the field of civic and patriotic education. Children know: their home address; parents' place of work; place of residence (street, city, country); nationality, language, traditions; have an idea of the diversity of peoples inhabiting our homeland; the name of the planet we live on; nature of native places, flora and fauna. At the final stage, the results of a lot of work on the civic and patriotic education of preschoolers will be summed up, methodological material will be collected and summarized
Prospects for further development of the project Gradually, thanks to systematic, purposeful work, preschoolers become familiar with what will help them become responsible people, with an active life position, who feel involved in their native land, its history, traditions, respect the Fatherland, the achievements of their people, who love their family, ready to perform their civic duties. The work of instilling patriotic feelings in preschool children does not end here; it will continue. I would like to sum it up with the words of Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky: “Just like a small tree that barely rises above the ground, a caring gardener strengthens the root, on the power of which the life of the plant depends for several decades, so a teacher should take care of instilling in his children a feeling of boundless love for the Motherland.” .
I would like to believe that the work carried out in our kindergarten on the civic-patriotic education of preschoolers will be the foundation for educating the future generation with spiritual and moral values, civil-patriotic feelings, respecting the cultural, historical past and present of Russia. We are also actively interested in the history and culture of not only our Motherland, but also our close, good neighbors - the Republic of Belarus. We have common borders, we understand each other without an interpreter. There is a lot in common in the history, culture, and traditions of our peoples. We learn ourselves and teach our children to take care of all this wealth. And not only protect it, but also multiply it. Such responsible work awaits our children in the near future! In the meantime, our task is to accumulate knowledge and enrich the soul with kindness.
Project “Formation of patriotic feelings among older preschoolers”
Continue to introduce children to folk traditions and customs. Expand ideas about the art, traditions and customs of the peoples of Russia. Expand ideas about the diversity of folk art and crafts (different types of materials, different regions of our country). Cultivate interest in the art of your native land; love and respect for works of art.
Continue to introduce children to oral folk art. Use folklore when organizing all types of children's activities.
"Our Cosmonauts"
Introduce children to the history of the development of astronautics, to the first cosmonauts.
Form an initial idea of the structure of the solar system, the planets (their sizes, location to the Sun, some features).
"Victory Day"
Raise children in the spirit of patriotism and love for the Motherland. Expand knowledge about the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, about the victory of our country in the war.
Introduce monuments to WWII heroes.
Tell children about the military awards of their grandparents and parents.
Talk about the continuity of generations of defenders of the Motherland: from epic heroes to heroes of the Second World War.
Develop a respectful, caring attitude towards elderly relatives.
The project is carried out through the following forms
work with children: direct educational activities, entertainment, holidays, conversations, reading fiction and familiarization with oral folk art, artistic creativity, role-playing, folk, verbal, didactic games, listening to musical works.
Working with teachers
for patriotic education of children is organized in the following forms:
•Consultations on “Patriotic education of preschool children.” “The role of the family in the moral and patriotic education of preschool children.” “Russian cultural traditions and moral and patriotic education of preschoolers.” “Creating conditions in kindergarten for the patriotic education of children.”
•Show-competition of corners on patriotic education of children.
•Implementation of pedagogical projects “Folk rag doll”. “Matryoshka is the soul of Russia”, “Museum in a preschool educational institution”, “The city in which I live”, “My native land”, “Secrets of space”.
•Master class for teachers “Rag Doll”.
•Pedagogical Council “Moral and Patriotic Education of Preschool Children.”
Thematic planning for working with parents
forms are used to work with parents:
works: consultations: “Moral and patriotic education of preschool children”, “Education of citizenship and patriotism in preschool children through music”, “Russian folklore in educating preschoolers about the culture of family traditions”, “Education of children through familiarization with folk culture”; parent meeting “Raising Patriots”; master classes: “Folk traditions in the life of your family”, “Folk and applied creativity. Types of patterns of Russian folk art crafts in drawing"; survey; production of booklets: “Rites and customs of Russian folk culture. Naming”, “Play folk outdoor games with children”, “Holding the Defender of the Fatherland Day holiday at home”. As well as such forms of work as round tables, conversations, joint exhibitions of drawings and photographs with children, and involving parents in participating in entertainment and celebrations.