Gender education of children: what parents of preschoolers should know

Gender education of preschool children remains a very pressing problem to this day. Moreover, experts in this field cannot come to a common opinion and sometimes express completely opposite points of view - both quite adequate and going to the extreme.

Gender, as a model of behavior, no longer refers to the physiological sex of a person, but to the social one. It determines the position in society and the actions of the individual and, in particular, the child - according to the male or female type. This also includes life priorities, internal attitudes, manner of speech and even clothing preferences. What approach to issues of gender education of children is required from parents? What should they pay special attention to at an early age?

Why is gender education of preschoolers important?

During this period, parents and teachers are faced with the task of “opening up” their children and helping them develop their abilities in accordance with their gender. This is important if the goal is to raise a real man or woman, and not a sexless creature.

It should be admitted that little attention is paid to this issue in kindergarten. Moreover, the majority of preschool workers are women. And the educational program is aimed more at the age and psychological characteristics of children, rather than at their differences by gender.

But already at preschool age the child becomes aware of his gender role:

  • by the age of 2-3, he begins to understand that he is a girl or a boy, and learns to behave accordingly;
  • in the period from 4 to 7 years, there is an awareness that belonging to a certain gender is unchanged, that is, gender stability is formed.

Consultation for parents on gender education of preschoolers; methodological development on the topic

Consultation for parents.

Prepared by the senior teacher of the Medical Educational Institution of Kindergarten No. 7

urban-type settlement Seryshevo, Amur region

"Gender education of preschool children"

The period of preschool childhood is the period during which teachers and parents must understand the child and help him discover the unique opportunities that are given to him by his gender, if we want to raise men and women, and not asexual beings who have lost the advantages of their gender.

During the most crucial period in the formation of gender stability, girls and boys are exposed exclusively to female influence for a long time in a preschool educational institution (8-12 hours).

It’s no secret that the education system in Russia is absolutely genderless: the everyday “togetherness” of boys and girls in our kindergartens, the daily routine, does not take into account the different norms of mobility for boys and girls. Meals are standardized both in terms of meal times and their range. The educational system is meaningful and stylish. It is feminized both by teaching staff (99% of teaching and service personnel in kindergartens are women) and in the family - 50% of children live in families where there are no fathers, which is especially unacceptable for boys.

An analysis of mass practice shows that currently serious problems arise in the preschool education system regarding gender education. First of all, this is due to the fact that gender characteristics were not taken into account in the software and methodological support of preschool educational institutions in Russia. As a result of this, the content of upbringing and education is focused on the age and psychological characteristics of children, and not on boys and girls of a particular age, which, according to scientists, differ:

  1. in physical development and social behavior;
  2. in intellectual and visuospatial abilities and achievement levels;
  3. in the manifestation of aggression.

The study of the process of gender socialization in preschool age, where its origins are located, and the conditions that influence this process, is of particular interest.

As a result of the analysis of psychological and pedagogical research conducted in Russia and abroad, it was found that it is during preschool childhood that all children living in different countries of the world adopt a gender role:

  1. by the age of 2-3 years, children begin to understand that they are either a girl or a boy, and designate themselves accordingly;
  2. between the ages of 4 and 7 years, gender stability is formed: children become clear that gender does not change: boys become men, and girls become women, and this gender will not change depending on the situation or personal desires of the child.

What parents need to know about the girl.

Regardless of age, girls require more care. The task of parents is to give the girl more care, understanding and respect so that she can trust others. When a girl feels bad, she should know that her parents are ready to surround her with care. If a girl gets the care she needs, she trusts her parents and remains open. The trusting girl is happy and satisfied with life. To develop their gifts and talents, girls need confidence in loved ones. Otherwise, they feel worthless, unloved and refuse the support of others. Parents need to understand that girls develop a positive self-image based on the attention and care people give them.

Fathers often give their daughters too much independence and the opportunity to do without outside help, neglecting the girls' need for care. If the father has too much faith in his daughter's ability to do things on her own, she may think that her father does not care about her very much. A girl needs to feel that she can trust her parents - that they are always ready to understand her feelings, desires and needs. Girls need more help and encouragement. By offering to help a girl, you let her know that you are not indifferent to her, that you care about her. Girls need more attention and recognition for who they are, what they feel and what they want. Girls feel the need to be loved for who they are. Admire them!

  1. I love you so much!
  2. You are simply a miracle to me, a gift from fate!
  3. You are the most amazing, the most beautiful, I love you so much!
  4. You decorate my life!

Every girl and woman expects to hear these and other similar words.

“...The female gender is focused on survival, and the male gender is focused on progress.”

“..A girl needs to feel loved and hear about it from her parents.”

“...Girls draw people (most often princesses), including themselves, and boys draw technology.”

“...Girls are more focused on relationships between people.”

Recommendations for parents on raising daughters.

  1. In order for a girl to achieve a healthy gender identity, a warm and close relationship with her mother and a similar relationship with her father are necessary, and parents need to emphasize a tender and caring relationship in the couple so that the girl has the impression of a happy family life.
  2. A father should find time to communicate with his daughter: show that his daughter is different from him, she is of a different gender; but he must do this with respect and benevolence, so that she understands that she is worthy of a man’s love.
  3. By respecting their daughter’s personality and demonstrating satisfaction with her actions, parents form her positive self-esteem.
  4. Mother and daughter should have their own “women's secrets”: Mom should find time for solitude with her daughter, make these conversations ritual and traditional.
  5. Real care for each other is demonstrated through respect for the older generation.
  6. The mother should involve her daughter in “female” household chores, passing on to her the secrets of her skills.

What parents need to know about the boy.

Boys usually have special needs that are less important to girls. Likewise, girls have special needs that are less important to boys. Of course, the main need for both is love. But love can be expressed in different ways. Parents' love is primarily manifested through trust and care.

Trust means recognizing that the child is okay. This is the belief that a child can successfully learn from his own mistakes. It is the willingness to let life take its course, trusting that everything will work out in the end. Trusting a child means believing that he is always doing the best he can, even if at first glance it seems as if this is not the case. Trust means giving your child the freedom and space to do everything on their own.

The parents' task is to show more trust, acceptance and approval towards the boy in order to motivate him to activity.

In order for a boy to care about others, his actions must be motivated by success and encouragement. It is necessary to clearly let him know that he is capable of pleasing his parents and makes them happy. If a boy manages to make his parents happy, this serves as motivation for him to continue to behave accordingly, otherwise the boy becomes weak and stops caring about others. Positive encouragement for correct behavior provides the boy with additional confirmation of success.

Recommendations for parents on raising their sons.

  1. When communicating with their sons, fathers should restrain emotions that can suppress his masculinity (talk without raising the tone, calmly).
  2. Boys often lack positive motivation: they should not be prohibited, but should be allowed something extra for a good deed.
  3. Boys should be allowed to show their emotionality - allowed to cry, for example (i.e. allowed to be natural).
  4. Mothers of boys need to trust the male intuition of fathers: they feel how to raise a man.
  5. Boys need to organize a routine and discipline: this forms his responsibility!
  6. Be sure to encourage the desire to do men's work in the house!
  7. Teach to trust, thereby forming the experience of social trust.
  8. Use humor in communication to reduce aggressiveness and fear of responsibility.
  9. There must be physical, bodily contact - to increase the boy’s self-esteem.
  10. The boy is a message to the future: he must be taken into account not only as a son, but also as a future husband, protector, etc.
  11. Mom TAKES CARE, and dad MAKES a man.


  1. Never scold a child with hurtful words for his inability to understand or do something, while looking at him from the height of your authority. Now he knows and knows how to do it worse than you. The time will come, and, at least in some areas, he will know and be able to do more than you.
  2. Remember that we often underestimate the emotional sensitivity and anxiety of boys.
  3. If you need to scold a girl, do not rush to express your attitude towards her - a violent emotional reaction will prevent her from understanding why she is being scolded. First, figure out what the error is.
  4. When scolding boys, state briefly and clearly what you are unhappy with, because... they cannot hold emotional tension for long. Their brain seems to turn off the auditory canal, and the child stops listening and hearing you.

What is gender education for preschoolers?

The main directions of gender education for preschool children are as follows:

  • mastering the accepted female and male roles in society;
  • fostering a culture of relationships with both one’s own and the opposite sex;
  • mastering skills and abilities to realize one’s gender.

Appropriate gender behavior is manifested primarily in children's games. Girls prefer dolls, distribute the roles of daughter/mother, prepare food, put them to bed, etc. Boys fight with each other, have car races, build towers, and shoot pistols.

At the same time, a girl can be mischievous, too mobile and active. And among boys there are often silent quiet people with a melancholic mindset.

It is necessary to take into account the temperamental characteristics of preschool children, find an individual approach and guide them in gender terms, so that over time they develop gender-specific qualities.

Why does parental overprotection prevent children from developing properly?

Taking into account gender characteristics of preschool children in the educational process

If we want to educate a person in all respects, then we must understand him in all respects.

K. D. Ushinsky

When we talk about boys or girls, we - whether we like it or not - constantly mean that there are differences in their psychology and behavior. The issues of upbringing and development of children of different sexes have recently attracted many researchers (T. P. Khrizman, V. D. Eremeeva, T. A. Repina, T. Doronova, etc.). This interest is due to the fact that modern requirements for an individual approach to personality formation cannot ignore the characteristics of the child’s gender, since these are biosociocultural characteristics. The period of preschool childhood is the time when a child discovers the unique opportunities given to him by his gender. In this regard, the goals of raising and educating boys and girls are seen in a new way. In this aspect, we are talking about gender education of children.

A gender approach in education is an individual approach to a child’s manifestation of his identity, which in the future gives a person greater freedom of choice and self-realization, helps to be flexible enough and be able to use different behavioral possibilities.

Designing a pedagogical process based on an individually differentiated approach in conditions of joint education of girls and boys in kindergarten is a modern and very urgent task.

Its relevance lies in the fact that the content of work with preschoolers, taking into account their gender characteristics, has not been sufficiently developed, which, according to researchers (T.V. Bendas, S.A. Marutyan, T.A. Repina) leads to the absence of specific traits in children , characteristic of gender. Boys lack emotional stability and endurance, while girls lack tolerance, modesty, and the desire for peaceful resolution of conflicts.[2, p.4]

The importance of this issue is also due to the fact that the preschool institution, as a social institution, continues to reproduce the strict standards of traditional culture regarding femininity and masculinity, which in turn does not contribute to the manifestation of the individuality of students.

In addition, one of the problems of raising children in preschool educational institutions is the predominantly female influence on the formation of the gender identity of children of different sexes. The strategy, forms and methods of working with children used in kindergarten are most often designed for girls.[2, p.11]

Thus, at present there are contradictions between:

- the objective need of society for raising children based on a gender approach and the practice of training and education in preschool educational institutions.

— the need for gender education, starting from preschool age, and the insufficient theoretical, practical, didactic, and methodological development of the conditions for gender education of preschoolers.

The relevance of the identified problem and the identified contradictions determined the choice of the theme of the concept “Taking into account the gender characteristics of preschool children in the educational process.”

When developing this topic, I proceeded from the assumption that the effectiveness of the process of gender education may be ensured by a set of the following pedagogical conditions:

1. Educating parents on issues of gender education for girls and boys.

2. Creating situations for preschoolers to fulfill gender roles.

3. Organization of a subject-development environment focused on the gender self-development of children.

4. Educating adults take into account the gender characteristics of children in the pedagogical process.

On this issue, I studied the scientific and methodological manuals by V. D. Eremeeva and T. P. Khrizman “Boys and Girls: Two Different Worlds”, A. M. Shchetinina and O. I. Ivanova “Sex-role development of children 5–7 years old ”, T. Doronova “Girls and boys 3-4 years old in the family and kindergarten”, N. A. Barannikova “About boys and girls, as well as their parents”, articles in the magazine “Preschool Education” No. 6, 2009. N. Tatarintseva “On gender role education of boys and girls: technological component”, No. 4, 2008. O. Nagel “On gender education of preschool children”, articles in the magazine “Kindergarten from A to Z” No. 1 2006. and others.

In the literature studied, the concept of “gender” is interpreted as the social sex of a person, formed in the process of personal upbringing and including psychological, social and cultural differences between men (boys) and women (girls), and existing properties and relationships are called gender.

The above authors consider the ideas of gender education from different positions, namely:

a) from the perspective of the characteristics of the functional organization of the brain (V. D. Eremeeva, T. P. Khrizman);

b) from the position of intergroup interaction of children (A. M. Shchetinina, O. I. Ivanova);

c) from the position of gender-role education and socialization of children (A. M. Shchetinina, O. I. Ivanova).

All of them do not contradict each other, since the same phenomenon is considered from the perspective of psychology, neurophysiology, pedagogy and sociology. But still, scientists distinguish between the concepts of gender and sex role education. What is their difference? The gender approach, unlike the sex-role approach, does not strictly regulate the pattern of behavior and interaction with people; the main thing in it is to take into account the interests of the individual and mitigate differences between the sexes.

The main influence on the development of my author’s idea was played by the research of T. P. Khrizman and V. D. Eremeeva. The authors hypothesized that the leading role in the development of mechanisms of socialization of sex roles is played by higher brain systems, which have different morphofunctional organizations and ensure a child’s tendency to develop under the influence of the upbringing of his behavioral patterns.

Gender differences are an interesting area to study. The psychological literature has accumulated information about age characteristics, learning ability, preferential methods of mental activity, behavioral characteristics, communication, choice of social roles, and developmental potential of children of different sexes.

Thus, boys and girls play and communicate differently, assert their individuality and show their aggressiveness, sympathize and care, solve new problems, and have different starting capabilities of physiological maturity and readiness for schooling. Interesting results were obtained by scientists during a study of the socio-psychological characteristics of the sexes.

Since there are objective gender differences, approaches to raising children of different sexes should be different.

I am currently working with children in their fourth year of life. The issue of gender education of children became very acute for me due to the fact that my group was dominated by boys. I had many difficulties in organizing children in different types of activities and in communicating with them.

In popular scientific literature, when characterizing early preschool age, there are several figurative definitions that reflect the specific characteristics of children three to four years old. For example, some scientists call this age “tender.”

At the same time, it is at this age that problems begin to appear when communicating with children: children do not listen to adults, cannot occupy themselves independently, and do not know how to express negative emotions in a form acceptable to others. At this time, children still exhibit a crisis of three years, which is characterized by negativism, stubbornness, obstinacy, self-will, devaluation of adults, etc.

But the most important thing is that by the age of three, children begin to clearly distinguish and recognize their gender characteristics: I am a boy, I am a girl. According to scientists, the gender identity of a child of this age includes:

- Appearance.

- Name.

— The image of “I” (in the present and future).

— Attitudes (of society and one’s own).

- Roles (of society and your own).

At this age, children's gender identity is consolidated; children distinguish people by gender based on external signs. [2, p.18]

Many experts believe that younger preschoolers are internally motivated to acquire values, interests and behavior patterns that correspond to their gender, for example, boys play with cars and don’t cry, girls play with dolls and like to dress up.[2, p.19]

But 3-4 year old children’s ideas about their own gender identity are not yet stable. For example, if the music director invites girls to dance, then several boys will definitely come out too.

Obviously, the content of gender consciousness of children aged 3–4 years is very limited, but it is sufficient to include tasks related to the formation of gender identity in the process of raising children.

These tasks are partially reflected in the “Childhood” program in the block of social and moral education, namely:

— Children’s mastery of different ways of interacting with adults and peers in play, in everyday communication and everyday activities; showing politeness and empathy in relationships.

— Encouraging children to be independent, active, and kind.

— Fostering independence in self-care.

— Facilitating children’s development of role-playing dialogue and behavior in games.

— Formation of ideas about people, about the features of their appearance, gender differences.

As can be seen from this list, the tasks relate mainly to awareness of the external differences between boys and girls and the formation of moral standards of behavior in communication, play, and everyday activities.

As a result of special research, scientists have found that at this age, gender identity is especially intensively formed in play and visual activities. [2, p.18]

It is in role-playing games that children learn gender behavior. Therefore, the creation of a play environment and the selection of play equipment taking into account the gender characteristics of children is an important condition for the implementation of a gender approach in raising children.

When organizing the play space, I pay attention to:

a) on the attractiveness of game material and role-playing paraphernalia in order to attract children to reflect socially approved images of female and male behavior in the game;

b) on the sufficiency and completeness of the material for games, during which girls reproduce the model of social behavior of a woman - a mother;

c) for the presence of attributes and markers of the play space for games - travel, in which boys are given the opportunity to play out the male model of behavior;

d) for the presence of attributes indicating role positions in the game.

It is known that boys love to run during games, scream, and play war. But if we consider that boys physiologically need more space for play, that in play they develop physically, learn to regulate their strength, and play helps them discharge accumulated energy, then there will be fewer reasons for reproach. I just try to create appropriate conditions for the game, free up as much space as possible in the group, while making sure that there is no manifestation of aggression in the game, teach game techniques and peaceful conflict resolution.

Girls' games require a small space. When organizing the environment, I take this feature into account. The group has selected many small toys, a sufficient number of strollers, dolls and other paraphernalia, and a kitchen corner has been created.

Teaching strategies, forms and methods of working with children used in kindergarten, as I said above, are most often designed for girls. A female teacher, naturally, does not have childhood experience of the experiences that preschool boys encounter when communicating with adults and children. Therefore, when communicating with boys, I was guided only by the idea that if they are boys, then, therefore, they are the embodiment of will, strength, and endurance. As a result of this, boys who are not at all courageous, but rather fearful, physically weak and very vulnerable, are systematically exposed to traumatic influences.

Knowing gender differences, it is possible to design an interaction process that helps to reveal the potential capabilities of children and their individual characteristics.

Table 1

Gender differences between boys and girls

Girls Boys
· Be the first to answer the teacher’s questions, trying to ensure that the answer is complete

· When answering a teacher’s question, look him in the eyes and wait for an emotional reaction

· Do not rush to answer the teacher’s question, carefully consider what to answer

· Speech is less developed than girls; it takes more time to find the right words

· Better developed auditory canal · Poorly perceive explanations by ear, need visual reinforcement
· Better developed fine motor skills · The development of the hand is 1.5 years behind that of girls
· Sensitive to intonation, form of assessment, and its publicity. They like it when they are admired in the presence of other people, parents · It is significant to indicate that he has achieved results (learned to say hello, brush his teeth). The tendency is that having achieved results in some type of activity and having received satisfaction and joy, they are ready to repeat the same thing, which allows them to establish themselves in these achievements
· Play quiet games on family and everyday topics · They love friendly fights, which is not a manifestation of aggression, but creates a positive emotional background

· Love noisy games

· Superior in verbal abilities Stronger in visual-spatial abilities
· Developed auditory perception · Developed visual perception
· More suggestible · Self-esteem is more stable
· They cope better with simple ones. Routine tasks ·Higher math skills
· Great influence of heredity · Great influence of the social environment
· Emotional, touchy, proud · Emotional like girls, but tend to hide their emotions
· Relying on their closest vision, girls lay out their wealth in front of them; a small space is enough for them. In games they show the instinct of motherhood · They rely on distant vision, run after each other, throw objects, shoot at a target, and use the entire surrounding space. If there is not enough horizontal space, then they master the vertical space (climb onto cabinets, etc.)
· Use bright colors in drawing, draw nouns, princesses, flowers · In the drawings, dark colors draw verbs
· Are independent in demonstrating self-service skills · Show helplessness in simple everyday affairs, in self-care
· An interesting person and his inner world · Prefer exact sciences, are interested in issues that go beyond the surrounding reality
· Girls in the games will unite in small groups. In these groups there is less aggressiveness, more reciprocity, conversations are confidential · Gaming associations are large
· Adapt well to new surroundings · Adapt less well in a new environment, at school
· Interdependence is more acceptable. They gain their own individuality through interaction with others. · Strive for independence. They show their individuality, trying to separate themselves from the teacher, from the mother
· Better perform standard tasks according to a template. Careful attention to detail at a high level. They learn rules and algorithms more easily, they like repetition tasks · They perform better search activities and come up with new ideas. It is more difficult to complete multi-stage tasks, do not tolerate monotony, do not sit still, but love tasks that test their intelligence.
· After the start of classes, they quickly gain an optimal level of performance Peak performance occurs at the end of the lesson

After analyzing these differences, I developed an algorithm for interacting with girls and boys, which will help avoid many mistakes in raising children.

table 2

Algorithm for interaction between teacher and children, taking into account gender characteristics

Gender characteristics of children Ways and techniques of interaction between adults and children
· Quickly grasp new information, but poorly relate to existing knowledge · Present material slowly and measuredly, repeat standard tasks
· Developed auditory perception · Select techniques with a focus on the auditory channel of perception, clarity is not important
· Sensitive to intonation, to emotional reactions of the teacher, they like it when they are admired · The teacher’s speech is emotionally charged, praise in the presence of other people, parents
Perform tasks better in a gender-mixed group · Offer group forms of activity, joint games, work
· Games are designed for near vision, people like to play with small objects · Make mini-corners for games, discuss the arrangement of furniture in the doll corner
· They are the first to answer the teacher’s question, try to ensure that the answer is complete, look into the teacher’s eyes in anticipation of an emotional assessment. · Look the girl in the eyes and give an emotionally charged assessment (well done, smart, etc.)
· Fine motor skills are better developed · Offer games with small objects, drawing
· Girls quickly gain an optimal level of performance, look up to the teacher Offer more difficult tasks at the beginning of the lesson
· They perform template work and typical tasks better. · Maximum requirements for accuracy and thoroughness, minimum requirements for search and innovation.
· Do work better alone · Offer individual assignments
· High activity of mental work under time pressure · You can set a time frame for completing a task
· Better developed visual perception, poor understanding of explanations by ear · Select techniques with a focus on the visual channel of perception
· React little to intonation and voice modulation. The voltage peaks in the first minutes, then turns off the auditory canal and the information does not reach his consciousness · Speak calmly, you can’t scold for a long time, whipping up emotions
· They like to explore all the space, games are designed for long-range vision · Provide space for games, play equipment for climbing in horizontal and vertical planes
· Everyone wants to be a leader · Create competitive situations where everyone could become a leader, a winner
· When a teacher asks about something, they do not rush to answer, think it over carefully, do not look them in the eye, and can walk around the group · Do not rush the answer, do not demand a verbatim retelling, so that the boy looks into the eyes.
The development of the hand is 1.5 years behind · Experiences difficulties in activities and self-care
· Emotional like girls, but hide their emotions · Allow to show your emotions, your feelings, do not hold back (Boys don’t cry)
· Evaluation of actions is important · Praise for something (well done, you learned to tie your shoelaces, etc.)
· Peak performance at the end of the lesson, they sway for a long time, do not look at the teacher · At the beginning of the lesson, offer simple tasks, followed by more complex ones of a search nature.
· They perform search activities better, can offer a non-standard solution, the requirements for quality, thoroughness, and accuracy of its execution are low · Offer to put forward an idea, come up with something. Don't give ready answers

Taking into account the gender characteristics of children allows me to create a positive psychological climate in interaction in the child-child, child-adult system. Boys become more harmonious, their emotional sphere develops. In children, the manifestations of the three-year-old crisis are smoothed out, mental abilities and social skills develop.

The work carried out does not pretend to be an exhaustive analysis of all aspects of the problem under study due to its diversity. Further study of the problem can be continued in the following areas:

— Features of gender education at different stages of preschool childhood.

— Features of gender education of children in different types of activities.

Boys and girls are two different worlds. Very often we misunderstand what is behind their actions, which means we react to them incorrectly. A boy and a girl should never be raised the same way. They look and see differently, listen and hear, speak and remain silent, feel and experience. Let's try to understand and accept our boys and girls as they are, as different and beautiful in their own way as nature created them.


1. Barannikova, N. A. About boys and girls, as well as their parents. Methodological manual for teachers of preschool institutions. M.: TC Sfera, 2012. - 128 p.

2. Doronova, T. N. Girls and boys 3–4 years old in the family and kindergarten: A manual for preschool educational institutions. - M.: Linka-Press, 2009. - 224 p.

3. Eremeeva, V.D., Khrizman, T.P. Boys and girls - two different worlds. Neuropsychologists - teachers, educators, parents, school psychologists. - M.: LINKA-PRESS, 1998. - 184 p.

4. Kolomiychenko, L. V. Dynamics and features of gender-role socialization of boys and girls of preschool age // Kindergarten from A to Z No. 1 2006.

5. Nagel O. On gender education of preschoolers //Preschool education. — No. 6 2009.

6. Repina, T. A. The problem of gender-role socialization of preschoolers // Kindergarten from A to Z. - No. 1 2006.

7. Tatarintseva, N. About gender role education of boys and girls: technological component // Preschool education. - No. 4 2008.

8. Chekalina, A. A. What is gender? //Kindergarten from A to Z. - No. 1 2006.

9. Shchetinina A. M., Ivanova O. I. Gender-role development of children 5–7 years old: Methodological manual. - M.: TC Sfera, 2010. - 128 p.

Recommendations for parents on raising daughters

Here is what advice experts give on this issue:

  1. First of all, a trusting relationship with her mother is important for a daughter. But the father also plays an important role here. If a child from an early age sees a warm relationship between parents and a caring attitude towards each other, he will form the correct idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe family.
  2. When devoting time to his daughter, the father must demonstrate differences in behavior in terms of gender. Seeing care and benevolence, she will begin to realize that she is worthy of a man’s love.
  3. Positive self-esteem develops if parents see their daughter as an individual from an early preschool age.
  4. Girls have a special connection with their mother. They can share their little secrets, and it is the mother who should teach her daughter the skills of housework , cooking, etc.

Anxious mother : what harm does she do to children?

Formation of gender identity in preschool children

The problem of developing children's gender identity in preschool institutions is more relevant today than ever. Social changes taking place in modern society have led to the destruction of traditional stereotypes of male and female behavior. The democratization of gender relations led to a confusion of gender roles, the feminization of men and the masculinization of women [5,45].

The content of currently existing programs for raising children in preschool institutions is compiled without taking into account the gender characteristics of boys and girls. They focus on the psychological, individual and age characteristics of children, without emphasis on gender. Therefore, in kindergartens and further at school, “asexual” (average) education is carried out, which ultimately leads to the formation of a feminine (feminine) boy and a masculine (masculine) girl. New approaches to the organization of the educational process, defined by the Federal State Educational Standard, offer a different view on the content of moral education of preschoolers, including, in addition to the formation of family and citizenship, issues of gender education of preschoolers. Gender education is the formation in children of ideas about real men and women, and this is necessary for the normal and effective socialization of the individual. Targeted gender education provided to a girl or boy in preschool age will significantly affect the child’s development. And it will allow girls and boys to develop those personality traits that will allow them to be successful in modern society. The gender approach to education involves not only explaining to children the difference between both sexes and the corresponding rules of behavior. Thus, gender education activities include the formation in children of a sense of tolerance towards each other [1,20].

Therefore, the role of the educator is significant and the main task is: overcoming formalism in teaching and upbringing, turning to the interests and needs of a particular child, to the ability to see, hear and understand his originality, individual and age characteristics, regardless of gender.

In order for a boy to grow up to be a real man, it is necessary to cultivate in him emotional stability, courage, determination, responsibility, a chivalrous attitude towards female representatives, and, first of all, the desire and ability to protect [3,14].

In order for a girl to become a good housewife and loving mother, you need to pay attention to the education of tenderness, caring, modesty, accuracy, tolerance, and the desire for peaceful resolution of conflicts [3,15].

When working on the problem of gender socialization of preschool children in a kindergarten, the following goals are set:

1. Form gender identity in boys and girls through the creation of a subject-specific socio-cultural environment.

2. Develop and implement a gaming complex taking into account gender characteristics for the development of children at each age stage of preschool childhood.

3. Carry out pedagogical education of parents, involve them in creating conditions for the upbringing and development of the child in accordance with gender.

In groups it is necessary to create special functional centers (zones): a center for speech development, a game library (a center for intellectual and mathematical games), an experimentation center, a manual labor center, an arts center, a center for directing and role-playing games that take into account the interests of girls and boys. Organizing the living space for children involves observing the zoning of a group room, which allows them to engage in different types of activities without interfering with each other.

The speech development center can be represented by didactic games, sets of paintings, pictures that promote the development of speech in boys and girls. Boys' vocabulary is quite wide, but the active vocabulary is dominated by verbs and interjections, that is, words that convey actions, so boys are given plot pictures about military operations, rescue operations, exploits, sports competitions, and boys' games. Girls' speech is more emotional; they are prone to subject-evaluative speech, in which nouns, adjectives, negations, and affirmations predominate. Sets of story-based pictures and educational games for girls are about nature, girls’ games, and the moral actions of people.

The literary and theater center will be divided into a library for girls and boys, and books and theaters that are interesting to both sexes will be presented in the center.

Fill the experimentation center with a variety of material for research, not only in nature, but also with objects of inanimate nature. Boys, researchers and experimenters by nature, “look” here more often. Girls are more attracted to indoor flowers, caring for them, collecting herbariums, and seeds for the collection area.

by type of art, but for independent productive activities you can choose coloring books for girls and boys. Boys more often draw equipment, military operations, large houses, streets; their drawings are filled with action and movement, so appropriate templates and stencils are selected. Girls more often draw people, princesses, themselves, draw small details, eyes, mouths, etc. The color scheme is brighter, sets of colored pencils, crayons, and paints have a greater variety of shades.

The manual labor center will be divided into a workshop for boys and a handicraft center for girls. Based on these centers, organize separate clubs for boys (for example, the recommendations of T. N. Doronova) “Samodelkin” and for girls “Magic Needle”).

The center for creative games is the most important part of the subject-development environment, aimed at the formation of gender-role ideas and preferences of children, giving the child the opportunity to freely interact with peers [6,68].

In accordance with the objectives set, it is necessary to fundamentally change the approach to organizing play areas for girls and boys.

The group room can be divided into two “kingdoms” using carpeting. Since all teachers know that role-playing play plays a special role in developing gender stability in girls and boys, therefore, pay special attention to the selection of materials and equipment for play activities of girls and boys.

Materials and equipment used by girls and boys (soft toys, printed board games, books, sets of substitute items) should be placed in the group by mutual agreement.

In each play area, place boxes with attributes for independently organizing role-playing games (for boys - “Military”, “Sailors”, “Ministry of Emergency Situations”, “Drivers”, etc., for girls - “Hospital”, “Shop” , “Atelier”, “Beauty Salon”, etc.)

Discuss with the boys the location of a large wooden construction set and a toy “car park”. At the same time, each boy must have his own personal set, for the condition of which the child is personally responsible. At the end of the game, the set is folded and returned to the place designated for storing “male” materials.

You can also discuss the arrangement of furniture in the play corner with the girls and agree with them on where in the play corner they will store doll bedding, clothes, dishes, etc.

Dividing the group space into two zones does not mean that girls and boys play separately. They also enjoy interacting with each other. For example, in the girls' area there is a box of tools, and when playing Family, boys can use the tools as Dad. In the boys' area there is a doctor's suitcase, where girls can provide “medical care” to boys if necessary, in accordance with the plot of the game [3,16].

Joint role-playing games help teach the social roles of girls and boys and the ability to interact with each other. These are games such as “Rescuers”, “Cellular Salon”, “Space Travel”, “Car Park” and others. Games familiar to everyone are replenished with new paraphernalia for boys and girls

The older children are, the more they need multifunctional material that serves their various play plans.

The subject environment at each age stage is distinguished by a certain set of games and toys that meet the characteristics of the gender-role development of boys and girls.

There are several main trends in the selection of toys during the transition from younger to older preschool age:

— a gradual transition from larger toys to smaller ones;

- from simple dolls and plastic cars to more realistic toys, replica toys.

In younger groups, the process of primary gender identification occurs and it is associated with clothing and hairstyle. Didactic games, as well as story-based games, introduce children to women's and men's clothing. The game “Let’s dress Katya for a walk” is added to the game “Let’s dress Sasha for a walk.” To the plot game “Let’s put Tanya to bed” is added “Let’s put Misha to bed” and so on. Next to a girl doll dressed for the season, a boy doll appears in the reception area [3,23].

In middle age, children unite in small groups to play together, most often these are boy-boy or girl-girl groups. The need for separate corners equipped with appropriate play material is increasing. More often than not, “girl” toys are enough, but for boys, toys are supplemented. A boy in a group of peers of the same sex acquires masculine characteristics and becomes less dependent on his mother. Therefore, group activities are especially characteristic of boys’ games [3,25].

When making changes in the play space, strive to arouse in children affection and sympathy for new products, a desire to participate in the arrangement of the group. So, for example, having set up a “dinosaur corner” for boys, invite them to build buildings from building material and fantastic trees from natural or waste material [3,26].

At an older age, boys and girls unite to play together, performing male and female roles. Boy dolls (from babies to men) are added to the usual set of toys.

Toy houses with furniture and clothes for women (Barbie dolls and a house for a Barbie doll) appear in girls' corners.

The dressing up corner, which was only in younger groups, has a different content at older ages: girls dress up, learn to design outfits, showing creativity and imagination. For boys, choose appropriate costumes of knights, pages, princes, and heroes [4,43].

An important task when designing a group room taking into account the gender characteristics of children was to help the child to have the opportunity to repeatedly confirm that she is a girl and he is a boy. To do this, use the simplest markers of gender differences, but taking into account the individual interests and needs of each child [2,45].

Both educators and parents can take part in the production of markers of gender differences. But at the same time, the main requirement is an individual approach to children, taking into account their tastes and attachments to the image on the label and its color scheme.

Designate the lockers in the reception area with pictures for girls (bows, girl dolls, flowers) and for boys (cars, airplanes, stars) with the appropriate color scheme. There are corresponding markers on the chairs (height designation in a red flower or in a blue circle).

To carry out physical activity and exercise for boys and girls, sports equipment is selected in accordance with the requirements of SanPiN, but the content side of physical activity also has its own specifics depending on gender: boys and girls have their own motor preferences associated with the characteristics of the physical development of boys and girls . Therefore, when organizing games and independent activities, attributes are selected: for boys this is throwing at a target, playing in small towns, football, girls successfully cope with hoops, love jumping rope, calm games with the ball [5,34].

The aesthetics of the design of a group room should correspond to the aesthetic education of preschool children and have a gender orientation. Bring the conditions closer to those at home, introduce into the interior elements that decorate both men's and women's housing (paintings, engravings, works of folk art, exhibitions of original works of girls and boys, mothers and fathers, and more). Make corners in the reception room where girls and boys can put themselves and their clothes in order. In the bedroom, girls' cribs should be covered with pink bedspreads, and boys' beds with blue ones. The bedroom should be divided into two parts: one for girls, the other for boys. Designate the toilet rooms in the form of a funny girl and a cheerful boy.

The overall design of the room ensures the emotional well-being of children and adults. The environment is as close as possible to home, instilling a feeling of security and self-confidence [4,56].

A properly organized developmental environment allows every boy and every girl to find something they like, believe in their strengths and abilities, learn to interact with teachers and peers, understand and evaluate their feelings and actions, and master the rules of male and female behavior.

Various forms of pedagogical education of fathers and mothers bring certain results. The main result of the work is that every adult should receive comprehensive answers to the questions “How to raise a son? Daughter? What kind of subject environment should I create for my child at home? How to choose the right toy for a child?


1. Doronova T. N. Girls and boys 3–4 years old in the family and in kindergarten. - M., 2008

2. Eremeeva V.D., Khrizman T.L. Boys and girls - two different worlds. - Moscow, 1998.

3. Boys and girls: two halves? // Hoop, 1998 No. 6

4. Boys and girls // Hoop, 2007. No. 5

5. Panfilova M. A. Psychological foundations of raising girls and boys in kindergarten and in the family. - Moscow, 2009.

6. Shelukhina I. P. Boys and girls. - Moscow, 2008.


How we raise our children, what personal qualities we can develop in them, taking into account their individual and gender characteristics, directly determines what kind of women and men they will become in the future, what kind of parents they will be for their children.
All the most important personality qualities, inclinations and abilities are formed precisely in preschool age. DIFFERENCE IN THE CONCEPTS OF “SEX” AND “GENDER”

“SEX” is a biological difference between people, determined by the genetic structure of cells, anatomical and physiological characteristics and reproductive functions.

“GENDER” is the social sex of a person, formed in the process of personal upbringing and includes psychological, social and cultural differences between men (boys) and women (girls).



— the family ensures the physical and emotional development of the child;

— the family influences the formation of the child’s psychological gender;

- the family plays a leading role in the mental development of a preschooler;

- the family is important in mastering social norms (the function of primary socialization);

— value orientations are formed in the family;

— the family performs the function of socio-psychological support.


FAMILY is the place in which a child develops his first idea about relationships between people, about the place of each person in this world.

The child’s behavior pattern and his subsequent life scenario are seriously influenced by the relationships that have developed in the family.

Raising children should help them develop an understanding of the roles of women and men in the family and in society.

Under the influence of parents, the child develops a certain model of behavior that he will adhere to in society.


MOTHER: Forms humanistic character traits (compassion, caring for loved ones). Acts with affection and kindness. Fosters deep affection and tolerance. Reveals the beauty of the surrounding world. Gives ready answers to questions. She is a model for her daughter’s behavior.

FATHER: Forms determination, perseverance, courage. He is a generator of ideas, brings things to an end, develops collectivism and chivalry in the child. The father is a role model for the child for later life. Promotes the formation of self-esteem and status position. Teaches you to analyze, generalize and draw the right conclusions. He is a model for his son’s behavior.


- preference for toys and play roles of the opposite sex;

- the desire to be with an adult of the opposite sex, to imitate his behavior;

- actively expressed desire to change your gender and name;

- stories of a child in which he appears as a representative of the other sex;

- the desire to dress and behave like the opposite sex.

Psychologists and educators believe that the formation of gender stability is determined by sociocultural norms and depends on:

- the relationship of parents to the child;

— the nature of parental attitudes;

- mother's attachment to child;

- child's attachment to mother;

- The role of the father in raising a child.

Undoubtedly, for the development of a child’s personality, a healthy psychological atmosphere in the family is necessary. It has been proven that girls and boys have different needs and developmental characteristics. Therefore, it is impossible to raise boys and girls, guided by the same principles of education!



- play in a confined space;

- detailed, concrete thinking. Manipulate with numbers and formulas;

— the right hemisphere gets tired faster (imaginative thinking, emotional well-being);

- focused on relationships between people. When communicating, look into the adult's face. Waiting for approval;

— ready to react to the emotional factor at any second. ​


- use all the space;

- generalized, abstract thinking. Manipulate geometric shapes;

— the left hemisphere gets tired faster (verbal thinking, logical operations);

- information-oriented. When communicating, look to the side or in front of you;

— short-term, but vividly react to the emotional factor.


Girls require a calm environment and consistently structured activities. They like to confirm the correctness of their knowledge and decisions through repetition. Adapt better. Aimed at communication. They try to get a high-quality result that can be positively assessed by other people.

The space of interest to girls is small, but it is carefully worked out to the smallest detail and reflected in the mind. Girls are more often attracted to household chores. The girl is more inclined to be a caregiver: to look after, nurse, show concern, teach, instruct, criticize younger brothers or peers, sometimes losing her sense of proportion.

Girls' games are more often based on near vision: children lay out “riches” of dolls and decorations in front of them and play in a limited space, in a corner. They are less interested in the internal structure of toys and are usually used for their intended purpose. In preschool age, they willingly master various social roles; the role of “mother” is very attractive to them.

In constructive games, girls more often act according to a model: they build not cities, castles or train stations, but a house, but with furniture, household items, and various decorations.

The period of involvement in activities in the classroom is shorter for girls than for boys. Girls raise their hands less often, although they answer correctly. When answering in class, the girl looks into the teacher’s face, waiting for confirmation of the correctness of the answer, and after the adult nods.

Girls more often ask questions like: “Will you come to us again?”, i.e. more focused on establishing contact with adults, relationships between people. Girls are prone to subject-evaluative speech; nouns and adjectives, negations and affirmations predominate in it.

Girls often draw people, princesses, including themselves. They often draw themselves with especially highlighted eyelashes and mouth, they like to draw “adult” attributes - jewelry, heels, they often draw a cat, trees, etc. nearby.

Girls are more suggestible and less decisive in their actions. They do not have a holistic perception of the subject. Girls perform better tasks that are no longer new, typical, or formulaic. Girls are wary of unfamiliar surroundings, get lost more quickly, and have difficulty finding something to do. When they go somewhere, they have a specific purpose.


In order for a girl to achieve a healthy gender identity, a warm and close relationship with her mother and a similar relationship with her father are necessary, and parents need to emphasize a tender and caring relationship in the couple so that the girl has the impression of a happy family life.

The task of parents is to show more trust, acceptance and approval towards the girl in order to motivate her to activity.

A father should find time to communicate with his daughter: show that his daughter is different from him, she is of a different gender. But he must do this with respect and benevolence, so that she understands that she is worthy of a man’s love.

By respecting their daughter’s personality and demonstrating satisfaction with her actions, parents form her positive self-esteem.

Mother and daughter should have their own “women's secrets.” A mother should find time for privacy with her daughter and make these conversations ritual and traditional.

Real care for each other is demonstrated through respect for the older generation.

The mother should involve her daughter in “female” household chores, passing on to her the secrets of her skills.


Boys are capable of momentary effort. They prefer search activities. They don't like repetition. They prefer to do it quickly, but “somehow.” It is more difficult for them to adapt to unsuitable operating conditions and try to get rid of them.

For boys, the perception of the space in which the objects of interest are located is practically unlimited. Boys, in general, show less interest in household chores and become less accustomed to self-care. Boys, as a rule, do not have the inclination to look after, teach and mentor younger ones, especially sisters.

Boys' games are more often based on distant vision: they run after each other, throw objects at the target, using all the space provided to them. If the horizontal plane is not enough, they master the vertical: they climb ladders, climb trees and other objects. When a boy plays with a doll, he makes the toy jump and march, do various tricks, puts it as a passenger in a cart or car, rides on toy animals, etc. and soon quits. Only in exceptional cases is touching, caring courtship observed in the game.

Boys show more creativity in constructive games. They build cities and railways, paying attention mainly to the structures themselves. Boys “swing” longer. Boys are more active and restless, they behave more boldly in class, they raise their hands more often, and they are not afraid to make mistakes. When answering, the boy often looks to the side rather than at the teacher and, if he knows the answer, speaks confidently. Boys more often ask questions like: “What are we going to do now?”, i.e. more information-oriented. Boys' vocabulary includes more words denoting objects not used in everyday life and general concepts; their speech is dominated by verbs and interjections that help convey actions.

Boys develop the ability to isolate the main thing earlier. The boy's mind is more prone to generalizations and less specific. Boys perform search activities better, offer new ideas and non-standard solutions. They navigate an unusual environment more easily and perceive it positively, quickly finding something to do.


— when communicating with their sons, fathers should restrain emotions that can suppress his masculinity (talk calmly, without raising his tone);

- boys often lack positive motivation: they should not be prohibited, but allowed something additional for a good deed;

- boys need to be allowed to show their emotionality - allowed to cry, for example (i.e. allowed to be natural);

— mothers of boys need to trust the male intuition of fathers: they feel how to raise a man;

- boys need to organize a regime and discipline: this forms his responsibility!

- Be sure to encourage the desire to do men’s work in the house!

— teach to trust, thereby forming the experience of social trust;

— use humor in communication to reduce aggressiveness and fear of responsibility;

- there must be physical, bodily contact - to increase the boy’s self-esteem;

- a boy is a promise to the future: he must be taken into account not only as a son, but also as a future husband, protector, etc.;

- Mom CARES, and dad FORMS a man.

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Consultation for educators “Gender education of preschool children.”


Gender is a social sex that determines how a person behaves in society and how that behavior is perceived.

This is the gender-role behavior that determines relationships with other people: friends, colleagues, classmates, parents, random passers-by, etc.

Gender education is the formation in children of ideas about real men and women, and this is necessary for the normal and effective socialization of the individual. Targeted gender education provided to a girl or boy in preschool age will significantly affect the child’s development. And it will allow girls and boys to develop those personality traits that will allow them to be successful in modern society.

Gender stereotypes of behavior are formed already in childhood.

  • By the age of 2-3 years, children begin to understand that they are either a girl or a boy, and identify themselves accordingly
  • between the ages of 4 and 7 years, gender stability is formed: children become clear that gender does not change: boys become men, and girls become women, and this gender will not change depending on the situation or personal desires of the child.

Gender differences in preschool children

  1. Girls begin to speak in sentences earlier, and they have better communication and communication abilities.
  2. Boys have more developed visual perception, girls have more auditory perception. Therefore, the girl must explain the task in words, and the boy will understand it more clearly if it is clearly shown to him. This probably explains why men love with their eyes, and women love with their ears.
  3. Girls are more obedient than boys. By adolescence, the obedience of girls and boys becomes approximately the same.
  4. Boys have a more developed need to explore the world around them. That's why the boys run, climb trees and fences, go down into wells and basements. For girls, a small corner is enough where they can quietly work with dolls and set up a house. Therefore, the injury rate among boys is 2 times higher.
  5. Girls are more likely to get involved in work. Boys, on the other hand, need time to swing before starting the task. It seems that girls are more attentive and efficient. But when the boys reach their peak performance, the girls are already exhausted and slow down.
  6. When assessing results, boys need specifics: what exactly he did good or bad. For girls, it is more important who evaluates them and how. Therefore, praise is very important for girls, and joint analysis of their actions is important for boys.
  7. Boys are sensitive to criticism in the first minutes of a conversation. Then their brain “switches off” and does not perceive long-term notations. Therefore, the boy should be reprimanded clearly and briefly.
  8. Boys strive for independence, girls for interdependence.
  9. Boys are more likely to play games in which the more people the better. Girls prefer to gather in small groups, their games are less aggressive, more complicit, they often have confidential conversations and imitate relationships between adults.
  10. Girls are superior to boys in verbal abilities (that is, the ability to speak, connected language), and boys are stronger than girls in visuospatial abilities (the ability to visualize images).
  11. Boys have higher math skills than girls, but they are also more aggressive than girls.
  12. Girls of preschool age are “more social” and more suggestible than boys. Girls are better at simple, routine tasks, while boys are better at more complex cognitive processes.
  13. Girls are more influenced by heredity, while boys are more influenced by environment.

Gender differences must be taken into account when raising and teaching preschool children.

Let’s rank the participants in a child’s gender education in order of their importance:

  1. Family.
  2. Kindergarten teaching staff.
  3. Child's environment.

Recommendations for parents

Preschool children largely copy the traits characteristic of their parents of the same sex and want to be like them. Attitudes towards the opposite sex also develop under the influence of the family. Boys, growing up, strive to find a wife who is similar to their mother, and girls look for resemblance to their father in their husband. The relationship between mother and father is very significant for the formation of children’s gender attitudes. The task of parents is to be a personal example, to show care, love, respect and trust in each other. Then the children will absorb this as the norm of marital relations and will strive to create

strong and happy family. You should never forget that this is not just a child, but a boy or girl with their inherent characteristics of perception, thinking, and emotions. They need to be raised, trained, and even loved in different ways.

Never compare boys and girls, do not set one as an example to the other: they are different even in biological age - girls are usually older than their peers.

We must remember that when a woman raises and teaches boys (and a man – girls), her own childhood experience will be of little use to her and comparing herself as a child with them is incorrect and useless.

2. Tips for teachers

— It is necessary to develop fine motor skills in boys, using appropriate games for this, and large motor skills in girls (ball games).

— Make all toys available for boys to experiment with them, and for girls, water and sand are better suited for carrying out possible search options and joint discussion.

- Boys need to explain the task, the problem situation, and give instructions for at least 1 minute before he takes action.

— Use different puzzles for girls more often.

- Give boys the opportunity to express their feelings and only then discuss them with them.

— Experiment with the girls with three-dimensional space; use illustrative, visual and figurative language when working with mathematical calculations and in design, this will help make mathematical representations more concrete and understandable for them.

- Praise boys for their mobility, energy, activity, try to transfer these characteristics to work.

- Praise both girls and boys more often, especially for good actions, take photographs of children. This technique will help children of both sexes to be proud of their achievements and increase motivation to successfully solve problems.

3. Organization of subject-development environment

The environment is one of the main means of social development of a child’s personality, the basis for activities taking into account gender characteristics.

The formation of gender identity for boys and girls is possible only in a joint environment. One of the most important conditions for the formation of gender identity is the creation of a multifunctional subject-development environment surrounding boys and girls (allocation of play areas for boys and girls).

In preschool age, the main activity is play. Games and toys are of great importance in shaping the future of a man and a future woman. In role-playing games, children learn gender behavior; the child takes on a role and acts in accordance with the accepted role. Children model relationships with adults, they choose the social and professional roles that they may have to play in their lives. In the game you can see how noticeably different boys and girls are. A story-based game allows you to reinforce gender stereotypes and lay the foundations for an emotionally positive attitude towards the future social role of a man or woman, father or mother. With their help, the child masters the norms and rules of life in society. In role-playing games, boys play travel, war with toy soldiers, build towers and guns, and drive cars. Girls play school, hairdresser, store, hospital. A boy would rather prefer a gun, a boat, a car, and a girl would prefer a doll, dishes, furniture. A child’s choice of toys is a good indication of how gender identification is progressing.

Don’t forget that boys and girls see, hear, touch differently, perceive space differently and navigate in it, and most importantly, they interpret everything they encounter in this world differently. And certainly not in the same way as we adults.

A boy and a girl are two different worlds, so they cannot be raised the same way. Let's try to understand our boys and girls, because they are future men and women and must correspond to their essence, by raising real men and women, we will make life easier for our children in the future. Awareness of gender identity by preschool children does not occur on its own; the child’s concept of belonging to one or another gender is formed thanks to the upbringing he receives in the family and kindergarten.

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