Teacher self-education plan on the topic “Health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions”

Teacher self-education plan on the topic “Health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions”

Purpose of the work: to improve one’s professional skills and competence in the use of health-saving technologies in the educational process of children of senior preschool age.


  • protect and strengthen the health of children, improve their physical development, enhance the body’s properties, improve physical and mental performance through the introduction of health-saving technologies;
  • expand and strengthen children’s understanding of the health benefits of vegetables, harvesting and using various parts of garden plants for food;
  • to form ideas about the importance of sanitary and hygienic procedures for human health;
  • to form preschoolers’ ideas about human health and illness; reveal the cause of some diseases caused by non-compliance with sanitary and hygienic rules;
  • to form children’s ideas about the possibility of improving health through physical exercise, to introduce children to sports;
  • to form in children ideas about the features of life in a big city; about environmental factors that have a special impact on human health;
  • to form in preschoolers a conscious attitude towards health as a leading value and motivation for a healthy lifestyle, accumulation of knowledge about health;
  • Develop a long-term plan for working with children and parents;
  • prepare (conduct) consultations for parents and teachers on the topic of self-education;
  • interact with parents on the use of health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions and families, unite the efforts of employees and parents for effective health-improving work.

Stage of work on the topic of self-education: 1 year.


The norm of life and behavior of every person should be a conscious and responsible attitude towards health as a social value. It is indisputable that the level and duration of a person’s life, as well as the state of his health, is largely determined by the model of behavior formed in childhood. And one of the sides of this process should be the formation of a culture of health, as part of a person’s general culture - awareness of health as a vital value, fostering a responsible attitude towards one’s health, the health of others and the natural environment.

Preschool age is decisive in forming the foundation for the physical and psychological health of children. It is during this period that intensive development of organs and the formation of functional systems of the body takes place, the main personality traits are laid, character and attitude towards oneself and others are formed. During this period, the child develops basic skills for developing a healthy lifestyle culture; this is the most favorable time for developing the right habits, which, in combination with teaching preschoolers how to improve and maintain health, will lead to positive results.

The problem of nurturing the personal interest of each person in a healthy lifestyle (HLS) has been especially relevant in recent years due to the negative trend towards deterioration in the health of all socio-demographic groups of the Russian population and especially preschool children.

Every year the percentage of children with health problems increases, and there is a tendency for a continuous increase in the overall level of disease among preschoolers. This is due to a lot of negative phenomena of modern life: severe social upheavals, environmental problems, low level of development of the institution of marriage and family; massive spread of alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction; weak health care system and educational base of educational institutions and families.

The well-being of society as a whole depends on the level of mental and physical condition of the population, on the state of its health, therefore the problem of forming children’s ideas about a healthy lifestyle for children seems relevant in modern society.

This problem is especially significant in the preschool period of childhood - the most favorable for the active development of cognitive processes and the child’s personality, his ideas about a healthy lifestyle.

Forms of working with children:

  • joint activities of the teacher and children;
  • individual work with children;
  • free independent activity of children.

Forms of work with parents:

  • consultations;
  • individual and group conversations;
  • design of visual information (stands, sliding folders);
  • involvement in enriching the developmental subject-development environment of the group.

Technologies used: health-saving, gaming, information and communication, personality-oriented.

Expected results:

  • mastering healthy lifestyle skills for children;
  • reducing the number of diseases most common in preschool institutions;
  • improvement of the physical education system based on the implementation of an individual approach;
  • increasing the interest of kindergarten workers and parents in promoting the health of preschool children;
  • stimulating increased attention of preschoolers and their parents to issues of health, nutrition, healthy lifestyle, rational physical activity;
  • RPPS group has been replenished.

Products of pedagogical activity within the framework of self-education on the topic:

  • Booklets, memos, brochures, consultations and recommendations for parents.
  • Replenishment of the methodological piggy bank.
  • Presentation by a teacher on the topic of self-education.

Annex 1

Teacher self-development plan

Preparatory stage

The content of the workTarget
Studying methodological literature, periodicals, scientific literature, educational literature.In-depth study of methods and forms of working with children on the topic of self-education.
Selection of specific techniques, methods and types of work for self-education.Determine the goals and objectives of practical activities; means and methods for professional self-development.
Study of normative documents, periodicals.Familiarization with new documentation on conducting teaching activities in a preschool institution.
Improving your PC experience. Use of educational Internet resources. Mastering various teaching methods and techniques; using them in your activities.
Participation in professional competitions.Development of creative potential in professional activities.
Study and analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature. Analysis and assessment of your activities and the activities of children. Development of personal qualities that contribute to high results and elimination of shortcomings.
Mastering innovative forms of working with families. Study of families and parents' pedagogical capabilities. Familiarization with the experience of colleagues. Master the forms of working with parents.
Message for parents on the topic “Components of a healthy lifestyle”Attract the attention of parents to the topic of self-education

Main stage

MonthWork with childrenWorking with teachersWorking with parentsDevelopmental environment
SeptemberLesson “How does the human body work?” Goal: to introduce children to the external structure and capabilities of the human body (a person can look, hear, breathe, think, run...) Conversation “How does a person grow?” D\I “I can - I can’t” “Creating a health-saving space” - practical recommendations for educators in educational institutions.Methodological recommendations “Organization of hardening procedures at home” Questionnaire “Culture of health in kindergarten”Creating an algorithm with children. “Rules in pictures - correct posture” Create a stand from children's works.
OctoberPresentation “Skin is a Helper” Purpose: to form children’s understanding of the protective function of human skin; strengthen hygienic skin care skills. Reading literature: N. Knushevitskaya “Skin”; G. Yudin “Microbes” Conversation “First aid for cuts, bruises and scratches” Purpose: to teach children to react correctly to minor injuries and the ability to provide first aid. Methodological recommendations: “Game is a means of protecting a child’s health.”Consultations: “Healthy children - in a healthy family” “ARVI and influenza” Exhibition of drawings by children and parents “Our healthy and athletic family”.D\I "Labyrinths of Health". Objectives: consolidate knowledge about personal hygiene items and their purpose. Teach children to see the boundaries of the picture (in this case, paths, draw lines without lifting your finger from the picture; develop thinking, logic, eye, perseverance, will; teach them to embrace the whole picture as a whole, mentally build a “travel” route. Material: cards with images of labyrinths. Description: the child is given the task of finding the way from a personal hygiene item to the part of the body for which it is intended.Explain how and why this item is used.
NovemberGame “Breathe - Don’t Breathe” Goal: to provide knowledge about the structure of the respiratory organs, the importance of clean air for human health. Experimentation. Experiment “Is there a lot of air in the lungs?” Purpose: to show the need for exercises that increase lung capacity. Reading x/l “How to become a Neboleyka” by N. Semenov Consultation “Modern technologies for preserving and promoting health”Sports festival “Dad, Mom and I – a sports family” Involve parents in raising a healthy child, help improve the microclimate in the family.Making “Acupressure massage” patterns with children.
DecemberConversation “Microbes and Viruses” Purpose: to give children a basic understanding of infectious diseases and their causative agents. C\P game “Hospital (laboratory)” Purpose: To introduce children to the profession of a laboratory assistant, to consolidate knowledge about pathogens and ways to combat them. Experimentation. Experiment “Is it possible to eat snow and icicles?” Goal: to show children through experience that snow turns into dirty water - a source of disease, to teach them to draw conclusions. Practical recommendations on the topic: “Game acupressure for the prevention and treatment of a runny nose”Consultations: “Walking and its importance for a child’s health” Conversation “Weekend in the fresh air with a child”“Creating your own laboratory in a group” - selecting play equipment, making game attributes together with the children.
JanuaryConversation “What happens when we eat?” Goal: to familiarize children with the importance and functioning of the body’s digestive system. Reading x/l N. Knushevitskaya “Teeth”, “Stomach”; R. Corman and L. Lieberman “This Junk Food.” D\I “Healthy and unhealthy food” Methodological recommendations: “Organization of interaction with the family to form the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in preschool children”Consultations: “Is it tasty and healthy?” “If your child is allergic” Folder – moving “Winter games and entertainment” D\I “Harmful - Beneficial” Objectives: to form ideas about preventive measures and health protection. Develop visual perception, voluntary attention, logical thinking, grammatically correct speech. Material: paired cards with chips that are opposite in meaning to health - pictures depicting actions that are harmful or beneficial in a given situation Description: 1. The child is asked to look at the pictures and determine which of them depict actions that are harmful to human health, and which ones are, on the contrary, useful. Option 2. The child is offered cards that are opposite in meaning to health. He needs to fill the empty windows on them with chips - pictures that correspond to the conditions of a given situation.
FebruaryConversation “Day routine” Goal: to form children’s ideas about the correct daily routine and the health benefits of following it. C\R game "Kindergarten" (regime moments) Purpose: to show in the game how the daily routine is observed in the kindergarten, to emphasize its importance. Reading x/l O. Ivanenko “Good night” Purpose: to clarify the importance of sleep for human health” Report on the topic: “Health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions”Consultations “Therapeutic gymnastics” “Stop the flu” Organization of a photo exhibition “Movement is Life” Conversation “TV, computer and health!”D\I “What first - what then (daily routine) Objectives: to reinforce the idea that following the correct daily regimen is good for health. Develop the ability to coherently and consistently explain your actions. Material: plot pictures depicting actions characteristic of a certain period of the day. Description: invite the child to arrange the pictures in the correct sequence, explaining his choice.
MarchConversation “If you want to be, toughen up!” Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about the role of hardening in promoting human health. Reading x/l S. Mikhalkov “Mimosa” Purpose: to give an idea of ​​hardening and the prevention of colds. D\I “Dress correctly” Goal: Continue familiarization with the properties of clothing in different seasons. Consultation “Components of a healthy lifestyle”Consultations: “The influence of natural factors on hardening.” Competition for parents: “Project to equip an area for physical activity of children” Modeling “Athletes” - teach how to depict a human figure in motion, correctly observing proportions.
AprilConversation “Posture - slender back” Purpose: to introduce children to the rules of maintaining correct posture.Consultation: “Child’s health and the foundation of the culture of a future adult.”Consultations: “Cultural and hygienic education in the family” “Posture and its importance for improving the health of children.”Creation of a photo album of family posters: “My family and sports”
MayFinal OOD “Let’s help Pinocchio become healthy” Exhibition of children’s drawings “How we improve health!” Conversation “Rules of behavior on the water” Goal: To develop children’s skills for safe behavior on the water. Experience in creating “Family Traditions for Healthy Lifestyle” with parents.Consultations: “Healthy lifestyle in the family” “Beware of ticks! Consultations: “Summer holidays”. Equipping a group site for the development of children’s motor activity in the summer.
During a yearInvolving parents of students in making games and materials to enrich the health center with their own hands.
MayOpen Day. Presentation of the Health Center
Presentation of a work report on the topic of self-education


1. Shukshina S.E. Me and my body: a guide for teaching children with practical tasks and games. – M.: School Press, 2004;

2. Kuznetsova M. N. System of comprehensive measures for the improvement of children’s health in preschool educational institutions. M.:ARKTI, 2002;

3. Lazareva N. N. An integrated approach to organizing a healthy lifestyle for a child: Methodological recommendations for employees of preschool educational institutions // N. N. Lazareva, A. A. Astashkina. Togliatti, 2004;

4. Yakovleva T. S. “Health-saving technologies of education in kindergarten” - M.: School Press, 2006;

5. Pavlova M.A., Lysogorskaya M.V. “Health-saving system of a preschool educational institution” - Volgograd, Uchitel Publishing House, 2012;

6. Bryazgunov I.P. “Teach children not to get sick” - Moscow, Humanitarian Publishing House, 2004;

7. Novikova I.M. “Formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle among preschool children” - M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2010;

8. Scientific and practical journal “Health Worker” of Preschool Educational Institution No. 3, 2009;

9. Internet resources, access point: www.refoteka.ru.

Self-education plan Topic: “Health-saving technologies in preschool education”

Self-education plan

Topic: “Health-saving technologies in preschool education”

increasing your level of competence and professionalism in the study of health-saving technologies; introduction and use of technology in working with children, teachers and parents, promoting a healthy lifestyle.


The Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Law “On the Protection of the Health of Citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, and the annual Messages of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev emphasize the importance of solving problems related to preserving the health of citizens of Kazakhstan, the implementation of which, undoubtedly, should begin with preschool organizations (Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Education in the Republic of Kazakhstan”, Concept of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2015, Concept of State Policy in the Education System, Concept of 12-year Secondary General Education in the Republic of Kazakhstan, etc.).

Health is one of the main sources of happiness and joy of a person, his invaluable wealth, which accumulates slowly and with difficulty, but which can be quickly and easily lost.

The relevance of health preservation is reflected in the following educational documents:

· Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Education”.

· Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Physical Culture and Sports”.

· Message from the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Leader of the Nation Nursultan Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan “Strategy “Kazakhstan-2050”: a new political course of an established state”[1].

In the message of the President of the country N.A. Nazarbayev tells the people of Kazakhstan that “the health of the people is an integral component of the success of Kazakhstan in achieving its strategic goals...” [2]. The problem of children's health in any society and in any socio-economic and political situations is relevant, timely and quite complex, since it determines the future of the country, the gene pool of the nation, the scientific and economic potential of society. Preschool age is a unique age for personality development; of all subsequent age stages, it is during this period that the child’s ideas about the world around him are formed, and his intensive mental and physical development occurs. Currently, there are many problems that have a negative impact on solving the issues of preserving and strengthening the health of children: imperfection of the activities of the medical, psychological and pedagogical service of the preschool institution; the health-saving activities of the preschool institution are not sufficiently thought out (the predominance of the aspect on the intellectual, creative development of children, lack of a daily routine in the family, overload of groups); lack of material and technical base that meets the health-saving orientation of the educational process. Problems of promoting health and longevity have worried outstanding figures of science and culture of all nations at all times. The age-old question has been how a person can overcome all the adverse effects of the environment on the body and maintain good health. Be physically strong, strong and resilient in order to live a long and creatively active life.


1. Continue to study educational, reference, scientific and methodological literature on the issue of health conservation.

2. Learn to model work based on the studied types, techniques and methods of health preservation (breathing exercises, outdoor games, physical education)

3. To direct the life activity of children at school in the pre-school preparation class to preserve and improve health.

5. Systematize the studied literature.

4. Promoting the establishment of a culture of health, including a culture of professional health for educators and valeological education of parents.

Teacher's personal plan

Chapter Deadlines The content of the work Practical solutions Progress report
Studying methodological literature September - May “We want to be healthy” by M. Yu. Kartushina. Moscow 2004

“Developmental classes in physical education and health promotion for preschoolers” N. F. Dick, E. V. Zherdeva. Rostov-on-Don 2005

“Sports events in kindergarten” by Z. F. Aksenov. Moscow 2003

“Practical experience of health-preserving activities in preschool educational institutions” A. S. Sundukova M.: ARCTI. 2010 page 104.

“Pair gymnastics” by T. E. Tokarev. Publishing house "Teacher" 2009

“Formation of motor activity in children aged 5–7 years” by E. K. Voronova. Publishing house "Teacher" 2010

Alimzhanova G.D. Formation of a healthy lifestyle for children in the context of humanization of the educational process / . - Almaty: B. i., 2004. - 54 p.

Beisenbaeva A.A., Shokybaev Zh.A, Katpaeva L.M. “Healthy lifestyle and education of the younger generation” // Bulletin “Pedagogical Sciences” - 2013- No. 4 – P.114.

Increasing knowledge, collecting material
Work with children During the year Conversations about health Teach children to protect and improve their health Photo report
Daily Gymnastics for the eyes, breathing, finger exercises To strengthen the body

As a development of motor skills

Photo report
During a year Music therapy, fairy tale therapy Develop the emotional sphere. Form a harmonious personality. Photo report
Daily Organization of outdoor games

Conducting physical education classes (during the year)

To develop the need for physical activity and health-saving skills. Photo report
Monthly Self-massage Develop health saving skills Photo report
during the year Carrying out dynamic breaks during classes To prevent fatigue Photo report
during a year Carrying out relaxation To prevent disproportionate load on muscles Photo report
every day Carrying out morning exercises.

Dynamic pauses.

To strengthen the body Photo report
Working with parents October Individual conversations with parents on the topic “Sportswear and shoes for physical education” Individual conversations with parents on the topic “Sportswear and shoes for physical education” Sliding folder
November Consultation for parents “Take care of your eyes” Providing parents with pedagogical information on this topic report
January Consultation for parents “Aggressive children” Providing parents with pedagogical information on this topic Abstract
February Consultation for parents “What is preparation for school?” Abstract
March “Conditions for a healthy lifestyle in the family” Questioning parents Questionnaire
April Consultation for parents “How to form the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in preschool children” Providing parents with pedagogical information on this topic report
Self-realization October Continued study of the program in the educational field of “health” Increasing knowledge, collecting material
January Working with the book Tkachenko T.A. “Developing fine motor skills”

Analysis of morbidity in winter

Increasing knowledge, collecting material

Collection of analytical information

May Working with methodological literature Increasing knowledge, collecting material


1. Model curriculum for preschool education and training, order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated August 12, 2021 No. 499

2. Methodological recommendations for the prevention of childhood injuries. 2018.

3. “Preschool education”, scientific and methodological journal; LLC Publishing House "Education of Preschoolers", Moscow

4. Methodological recommendations “Introduction of health-saving technologies in the educational institutions of the age group of a preschool organization.” – Astana, 2021.

5 “Preschooler’s Health”, scientific and practical journal; LLC Publishing House "Education of Preschoolers", Moscow

6. Tkachenko T.A. “Developing fine motor skills.” - M.: Eksmo, 2008

7. Alimzhanova G.D. Formation of a healthy lifestyle for children in the context of humanization of the educational process / . - Almaty: B. i., 2004. - 54 p.

8. Beisenbaeva A.A., Shokybaev Zh.A, Katpaeva L.M. “Healthy lifestyle and education of the younger generation” // Bulletin “Pedagogical Sciences” - 2013- No. 4 – P.114.

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