Master class “Step aerobics in preschool educational institutions”
Master Class
"Step aerobics in preschool educational institutions"
Currently, the problem of physical education of preschool children occupies a central place in modern society. It is during this period that the foundations of health, proper physical development are laid, motor abilities and interest in activities are formed.
The volume of health-improving exercises currently used in the practice of our kindergarten is very large. Exercises are varied in form, content and degree of impact on the child’s body, but according to diagnostic results over the past two years, there has been a decrease in the level of development of physical qualities, especially coordination of movements, and the number of healthy children is catastrophically decreasing.
At the same time, senior preschool age is the most important period for the formation of motor activity and favorable for the development of many physical abilities, including coordination, as well as the ability to perform cyclic actions for a long time in modes of moderate and high intensity.
In conditions of increasing volume of educational and cognitive activity, physical activity began to occupy a more than modest place in the life of a modern preschool child. He spends more and more time playing computer games and watching TV shows.
Against the background of progressive physical inactivity, there is an urgent need to improve the motor regime of preschool educational institutions through the use of non-traditional means of physical education, one of which is step aerobics. I studied the methodology for conducting step aerobics classes. And today I want to share my work experience.
my master class
Dissemination of pedagogical experience in working with preschool children in conducting step aerobics.
Tasks: -
To convey methods of methodological techniques for children to master the basic steps in step aerobics;
create an atmosphere of openness, goodwill, and co-creation in communication.
Step aerobics for children is a whole complex of different exercises varying in tempo and intensity, all muscles and joints work at the base, which involves rhythmic ascents and descents using a special platform - step. It is performed to rhythmic music and combined with movements of various parts of the body (arms, head). Attracting with its emotionality and consonance with modern dances, step aerobics allows you to eliminate monotony in performing movements, supports the child’s well-being and vitality.
What are the benefits of step aerobics
before regular aerobics? “Step” translated from English means “step”. Step aerobics does not require excessive concentration and concentration of thoughts on the correct assimilation of certain movements. All you need is to be able to move beautifully. Step aerobics is interesting and varied; there are many elements of descent and ascent in the movements. As a result of systematic training, children receive a harmoniously developed body, excellent posture and develop beautiful, expressive and precise movements.
Step - aerobics in kindergarten
Maya Drozdova
Step - aerobics in kindergarten
The problem of the physical development of children is one of the most pressing and priority in the work of our kindergarten . To develop the physical qualities of children, we use the following programs and technologies: “Physical education for preschoolers”
L. D. Glazyrina, dance and play gymnastics Zh. E. Firilyova, E. G. Saikina
, innovative methodology - eurythmics, breathing exercises technique of A. N. Strelnikova.
All this is aimed at preserving and strengthening the child’s health, promoting the formation of the beginnings and habits of a healthy lifestyle, the foundations of physical education, and instilling in children the need for physical improvement and movement based on “muscular joy
The above can also include step aerobics .
Step aerobics is rhythmic movements up and down on a special step platform , the height of which varies depending on the level of difficulty of the exercises.
Step aerobics develops mobility in the joints, forms the arch of the foot, trains balance, strengthens the muscular system, improves flexibility, plasticity, restores body tone, normalizes the activity of the cardiovascular system, helps develop good posture, beautiful, expressive and precise movements, promotes harmonious development .
To work with this technology, you do not need to purchase expensive equipment. A walking bench, no more than 8 cm high, 25 cm wide, 40 cm long, covered with soft leatherette, which you can make yourself, is enough.
working with steps with a few simple but important rules:
1. Perform steps to the center of the step platform ;
2. Place the entire sole of your foot on the step platform when ascending, and when descending, place your foot from toe to heel before taking the next step;
3. When descending from the step platform , remain standing fairly close to it. Do not retreat from the step - platform more than the length of the foot;
4. Do not start teaching children how to use their hands until they have mastered the movements of their legs perfectly;
5. Do not rise or fall from the step platform while standing with your back to it;
6. Take a step with ease, do not hit the step platform with your feet .
Then comes the learning of the basic elements:
1. Basic step
2. Step feet apart, feet together.
3. Side step with touch on the platform or floor.
4. Steps with rising onto the platform and bending the leg forward (various options)
5. Touching the platform with the toe of your free foot.
6. Step across the platform
7. Lunges to the side and back
8. Additional steps to the right, left, forward, backward, with turns.
9. Steps to the corner
10. B – step
11. A – step
12. jumps (jump onto the platform with one leg)
13. Jumping
14. Upper back muscles. Lying on your stomach, on a step platform , your shins are on the floor, your arms are bent, your forearms are up. Pull your arms back, return to i. P.
15. "Boat"
on the stomach.
16. Adductor muscles of the thigh. Lying on your side, put the “top”
foot on the platform.
works (lifts up) .
17. Push-ups while lying down become more difficult if the feet are fixed on the platform.
18. Back support, using the edge of the platform, is a good triceps exercise.
19. It is advisable to perform a number of exercises for the abdominal muscles while lying on your back, on a platform.
20. Chassis – side gallop to the side, in small steps.
Exercises for step aerobics are selected primarily of a cyclic nature (mainly walking, causing active activity of the circulatory and respiratory organs, enhancing metabolic processes, simple in their motor structure.
The set of exercises consists of a preparatory and main part. The preparatory part ensures that the body is warmed up and prepared for the main physical activity. All exercises of the main part are performed on the step in a light dance rhythm with a small amplitude. aerobics complex ends with breathing and relaxation exercises performed at a slow pace.
One set of step aerobics , as a full lesson, is performed by children for three months; some exercises may change and become more complex as they are mastered.
Step aerobics is performed to cheerful music familiar to children. You can use modern pop music. The most important thing is that it is rhythmic, cheerful and emotional.
Collective activities for children with musical accompaniment are perceived much better by the pupils and increase their emotionality. When doing joint exercises, children do not feel discomfort or uncertainty, even if not everything works out.
In kindergarten we use the following options for step aerobics :
• in the form of full health-improving and training sessions with children of senior preschool age, lasting 25-35 minutes. ;
• as part of a lesson (duration from 10 to 15 minutes)
in the form of outdoor switchgear with and without objects;
• in the form of morning exercises, which enhances its healing and emotional effect;
• in children's demonstration performances at holidays;
• as step entertainment ;
The step platform is used in a variety of ways:
•as equipment for the formation of basic types of movements: running, walking, jumping, crawling;
• for outdoor games for both older and younger children,
• for holding relay races,
• for performing rhythmic compositions, dance movements, game rhythms and eurythmics elements;
• for individual and independent motor activity.
An approximate complex of morning exercises on the steppes with plumes
(senior preschool age)
The steps are laid out in a checkerboard pattern.
Introductory part. Walking around steps with a change of direction, running in a “snake”
Main part.
1. I. p. Standing on the steppe , hands with plumes below. Simultaneously with walking in place, swing your arms back and forth. (10 times)
2. I. p. Main stand. Step to the right from the step , arms to the sides, return to i. p. Also to the left (5 times in each direction)
3. I. p. Standing on the steppe . Turns left and right with free arm movements. (10 times)
4. I. p. Sitting on the steppe , legs wide apart, arms extended upward. Bend towards your right leg, stretch with your right hand, straighten up. Also to the left (5 times)
5. I. p. Basic stance, hands down. Swing the straight leg to the side, arms to the sides (5 times each)
6. I. p. Kneeling on the steppe , hands behind your back. Sit down, hands forward, stand up, hands behind your back (up to 10 times)
7. Jumps. Jump onto the platform on one leg, arms crossed - apart above your head (10-15 jumps 4 times, alternating with walking on the step platform ).
Part 3 - Breathing exercises.
Traditional and familiar outdoor games can also be diversified using steppes .
1. Game “Sparrows and a car”
Children are located on the steppes ( “in nests”
To the sound of cheerful music, sparrows fly around the hall. At the signal “Car!”
they run and climb onto their own platform.
2. "Homeless Hare"
Each “hare”
its own house (
step , a homeless hare stands on the floor. To the rhythmic music, children jump off the step and jump in all directions around the hall. At the end of the music, the “hares”
try to occupy a house for themselves
step ) . The one left without a house
step ) the child becomes a driver.
3. "Giants and Dwarves"
Walking in a column, one at a time, around the steps . At the signal from the “Giants”
, the children stand on
the step platform and rise on their toes. At the signal, the “Dwarves”
sit down on
the step .
Kuzina I. Step aerobics for preschoolers // Preschool education, 2008 No. 5
Kuzina I. Step aerobics is not just fashion // Hoop 2005 No. 1.
Dolgorukova O. Fitness aerobics // Hoop 2005 No. 6
Belova T. A. Using a step platform in recreational work with children // Directory of a senior teacher of a preschool institution 2009 No. 7
Barabash T. L. Speech motor gymnastics “Step to the word”
steps // Directory of a senior teacher of a preschool institution 2011 No. 12
Additional program for step aerobics at the preschool educational institution “Fun Steps”.
"Step aerobics"
Focus: physical education and sports
Age of students: 5 -6 years
Implementation period: 1 year
Developer(s): Natalia Vladimirovna Karyazova,
additional education teacher
p.g.t. Anna 2021
Explanatory note.
Modern children live in an ever-changing reality. Exciting sports and outdoor games have been replaced by equally exciting ones – computer games. Often there are bored, indifferent to sports, weak and inept boys and girls. Children stopped going outside into the yard, preferring sedentary activities: computer games, watching cartoons. And for a child, a sedentary lifestyle means loss of health and impairment of physical and intellectual development. Therefore, the task of every caring parent and teacher is to form in the child an understanding of the importance of physical exercise and sports, because this is the key to health. Against the background of progressive physical inactivity, there is an urgent need to improve the motor regime of preschool educational institutions through the use of non-traditional means of physical education, one of which is step aerobics. Aerobics is a system of physical exercises that provide energy through the use of oxygen. Aerobic exercises include cyclic exercises that involve at least 2/3 of the muscle mass. To achieve a positive effect, the duration of aerobic exercise should be at least 20–30 minutes. It is cyclic exercises aimed at developing general endurance that are characterized by the most important morphofunctional changes in the circulatory and respiratory systems. Aerobics classes give children great pleasure. In order to make them even more interesting and rich, individual exercises – step steps – are used.
A step is a small step, a raised platform, the name of which comes from the English word “step” and means “step”. It was invented in America by the famous fitness instructor Jean Miller. With the help of step aerobics, you can form a harmoniously developed body, straight posture and develop expressive, smooth, precise movements, develop mobility in the joints, form the arch of the foot, and train balance. But the most important result of step - aerobics classes is the strengthening of the nervous, respiratory, muscular, cardiovascular systems, since blood pressure and the activity of the vestibular apparatus are normalized, and as a result of systematic exercises, children receive a harmoniously developed body, excellent posture and develop beautiful, expressive and precise movements .
The additional general developmental program “Step aerobics” has a physical education and health orientation and is an important area in the development and education of preschool children,
The work program was developed taking into account methodological recommendations for
physical education of preschool children and in accordance with the provisions of the following legislative and regulatory acts of the Russian Federation:
Federal Law No. 273 of December 29, 2012 “On Education in the Russian Federation.”
Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 196 dated November 09, 2018 “On approval of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in additional general education programs.”
Approximate requirements for the program of additional education for children (Appendix to the letter of the Department of Youth Policy, Education and Social Support of Children of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 11, 2006 No. 06-1844);
SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for
structure, content and organization of the operating mode of educational organizations for additional education of children.
The novelty and distinctive feature of this program is
- The use of modern equipment (step platforms) as a means of improving the health and development of children’s physical qualities;
- Step aerobics is characterized by a set of exercises designed for older preschool age. This is one of the simplest and most effective styles in aerobics.
- The program allows you to use step aerobics as a key link for the development of all functional systems of the body and combines not only cyclic movements using a step platform but also strength gymnastics.
- The program includes many exercises on a step platform with and without an object, interesting sports games of different mobility. • The goal of each lesson is not to obtain maximum results, but to develop the child’s motor potential and capabilities without compromising health. • Studying the material presented is not mandatory for 4 all children. • Training is conducted in the form of circle work, the teacher works with children in their free time from main classes; • The program material is aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of children and is of a health-improving nature.
The relevance of the program is that classes on step platforms are unique in their effect on the body of those involved, focused on the physical development of children, where children learn not only to move beautifully, overcoming the difficulties of the educational process, but also to develop spiritually, emotionally, physically, intellectually, and acquire skills graceful movements, learn accuracy and determination.
Pedagogical feasibility
According to physiologists, psychologists, coaches and physical education instructors, the development of a child is impossible without the development of movements. And if movements occur to the music, then this contributes to the development of such physical qualities as flexibility, plasticity, endurance and grace of movements.
Stepping aerobics is simple, all we need is to be able to walk beautifully. It is important to teach children to be sensitive to sensations in their feet. Step dance movements are quite simple and easy to learn. The basic steps form many combinations. Light rhythmic movements accompanied by music are equivalent to jogging. 20 - 30 minutes is enough. performing exercises to get the necessary physical activity.
The goal of the program: increasing the level of physical fitness and introducing a healthy lifestyle to children of senior preschool age through step aerobics.
The implementation of this program is aimed at solving the following tasks:
1. Educational:
- Formation of skills of correct posture and development of the muscular system through exercises on step platforms;
- formation of children’s ability to rhythmically coordinate simple movements to music;
-development of clear coordinated movements in conjunction with speech.
— training in basic steps, performing basic movements and sets of physical exercises on a step platform.
2. Educational:
- fostering an emotionally positive attitude and sustainable interest in physical education and independent motor activity;
- education of moral and volitional qualities: responsibility, determination, sense of self-confidence.
- Wellness:
— strengthening children’s health through step aerobics;
-development of children’s motor abilities and physical qualities (speed, strength, flexibility, joint mobility, agility, coordination of movements and balance function to train the child’s vestibular apparatus);
-increasing the overall performance of the body: improving the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, strengthening the musculoskeletal system, preventing flat feet;
The age of children participating in the implementation of this program is 5-6 years. The quantitative composition of the group is 15 people.
Implementation period: 1 year, 144 academic hours.
Class schedule: 2 times a week.
Forms of mastering program material: group lessons, individual lessons within the group.
Lesson mode.
To implement the additional general education program, the distribution of study time by sections and topics of the program provides for 2 educational and training sessions lasting 2 academic hours.
Expected results of mastering the program
The skills of correct posture have been developed;
The motivation for a healthy lifestyle has been formed;
The ability to perform step rhythmically and consistently to music has been developed;
Development of clear coordinated movements in conjunction with speech;
Development of children’s motor abilities and physical qualities (speed, strength, flexibility, joint mobility, agility, coordination of movements and balance function to train the child’s vestibular apparatus;
A strong interest in physical activity and physical education has been formed;
An interest in one’s own achievements has been formed;
The motivation for a healthy lifestyle has been formed.
Summing up the results of the implementation of the additional general developmental general education program “Step aerobics” involves such forms as pedagogical control, open classes, and control testing.
Educational and thematic plan of the general developmental program “Step - aerobics”.
№ | CONTENT | Total hours | Including | |
Theory | Practice | |||
Theoretical block | ||||
1 | Hygienic knowledge, abilities, skills | 1 | 1 | |
2 | Basic safety precautions in the classroom step - aerobics | 2 | 2 | |
3 | Terminology of step - aerobics | 1 | 1 | |
4 | Basics of judging in step aerobics | 1 | 1 | |
5 | Step - aerobics in Russia | 1 | 1 | |
Total | 6 | 6 | ||
Practical block | ||||
1 | general physical training | 44 | 44 | |
2 | SFP | 6 | 6 | |
3 | Physical education and health technologies | 18 | 18 | |
4 | Technical training | 12 | 12 | |
5 | Acrobatic training | 12 | 12 | |
6 | Step steps. | 10 | 10 | |
7 | Moral – moral preparation | 10 | 10 | |
8 | Play activity | 20 | 20 | |
9 | Passing the CPT, open lessons, demonstrations speeches | 6 | 6 | |
Total | 138 | 138 | ||
Total | 144 | 144 |
Contents of the program material “Step aerobics”
Theoretical block.
History of the development of step aerobics. The place and role of physical culture and sports in modern society. Physical culture as one of the effective means of comprehensive harmonious development of the individual, maintaining health, and increasing the functionality of the body. Step - aerobics in Russia. History of step aerobics: its origin, development of step aerobics in Russia, in the Voronezh region. Successes of Russian athletes in step aerobics in the international arena, world and European championships.
Information about the structure and functions of the body. Human structure, skeleton, bones, ligaments. The muscular system and its functions. Muscles, organs of movement, muscle work during various movements of the torso, head and neck, upper and lower extremities. Heart and blood vessels. Lungs. The importance of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems for the life of the body. Digestive organs: metabolism in the body, exhalation system. Sense organs. The role of the nervous system in controlling human movements. The importance of systematic training exercises for improving health, developing motor qualities and abilities to achieve high sports results.
Hygienic knowledge and skills. Daily routine, hardening the body. Basics of sports nutrition. General concept of hygiene. Personal hygiene of a gymnast: rational daily routine, body care. Keeping skin, hair, nails clean. Hygienic importance of water procedures. Basic rules of hardening. Basic means of hardening. Methodology for applying hardening procedures. Diet. Basics of rational nutrition. The importance of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mineral salts and vitamins in the nutrition of athletes. Calorie content and food absorption. Approximate daily nutritional requirements for gymnastics practitioners. General athlete regime. Mode of work, rest, nutrition before and after training. Sleep hygiene. Hygienic requirements for sportswear and footwear. The harm of smoking and alcoholic beverages.
Competition rules, their organization and conduct. Step aerobics competitions, their goals and objectives. Date and place of the competition. Regulations on upcoming competitions, their significance and features. Types of competitions. Competition system.
Safety precautions during step aerobics classes. Prevention of injuries in step aerobics classes. Rules of conduct in the gym and on sports grounds. Prohibited actions in step aerobics. Correct body position during step aerobics. Prevention of injuries in step aerobics classes. General information about injuries and causes of injuries in step aerobics, their prevention. Types of injuries. First aid for injuries. Stop bleeding, apply soft bandages. Help with bruises, sprains and ruptures of ligaments, muscles and tendons, dislocations, fractures. Consequences of irrational training of athletes. Pathological conditions encountered in training. Fatigue: causes, signs and first aid for fatigue, overwork, overexertion, overtraining, etc. Safety precautions for maintaining correct body position during step aerobics.
When organizing step training, we must not forget about safety precautions:
-keep your shoulders turned, chest forward, buttocks tense, knees relaxed;
-avoid overstraining the knee joints;
-avoid excessive arching of the back;
-do not bend forward from the hip, bend with your whole body;
- when lifting or lowering from a step platform, always use a safe lifting method;
- standing facing the step platform, rise, working with your legs, but not with your back;
— keep the step platform close to your body when carrying it.
Basic rules for performing step training:
- perform steps to the center of the step platform;
- place the entire sole of your foot on the step-platform when ascending, and when descending, place your foot from toe to heel before taking the next step;
— when descending from the step platform, remain standing fairly close to it, and do not retreat more than the length of your foot from the step platform;
- do not begin teaching children how to use their hands until they have mastered the movements of their legs perfectly, and do not rise and fall from the step platform while standing with their back to it;
- take a step with ease, do not hit the step platform with your feet
In the process of special theoretical training of athletes, it is necessary to provide scientific justification and analysis of technique and tactics in the chosen sport; it is necessary to familiarize athletes with the methods of teaching sports technique and ways to improve it; fully disclose the sports training system and its general foundations.
The athlete must:
know the tasks facing him;
be able to understand the means and methods of developing strength, speed, endurance, agility and flexibility, the forms of training sessions and their planning, the periodization of year-round training, its content, planning long-term long-term training;
know the role of sports competitions and their variations;
features of direct preparation for them and participation in them.
Theoretical classes have a specific target orientation: to develop in students the ability to use the acquired knowledge in practice in the conditions of training sessions and competitions.
General physical preparation.
Drill exercises. General developmental exercises without objects. General developmental exercises with objects. Athletics exercises. Step steps.
Special physical training.
Exercises for developing speed: exercises for developing speed of movements (starting at a signal from various positions, jumping with turns, over a bench, exercises with the ball, games and game exercises), exercises for developing speed in performing technical techniques (games and game tasks).
Exercises for the development of speed-strength qualities: the main specific means of developing speed-strength abilities are physical exercises performed at maximum or near-maximum speed, weighed down by the small weight of external objects (medicine balls, rubber shock absorbers, etc.).
Exercises for developing special endurance: running at a maximum speed of 15-20 meters; shuttle running, standing long and high jumps; games and game tasks; jumping rope at a fast pace; performing a series of elements in a certain amount of time.
Exercises to develop jumping ability (explosive strength): jumping, jumping, jumping.
Exercises to develop agility: somersaults, turns; relay races with elements of acrobatics; outdoor games; performing familiar exercises from unusual starting positions; mirror execution of exercises; coordination exercises.
Exercises to develop flexibility: bending and turning; stretching, rotation and swing exercises.
Physical education and health technologies.
Physical education and health technologies are aimed at solving the problems of strengthening the physical health of students. The use of these technologies in classes increases the physical fitness of students. Physical education and health technologies include means of prevention and correction of health deviations (impaired posture, prevention of flat feet, reduction of excess body weight.
To achieve the effectiveness of using physical education and health technologies, it is important to comply with the requirements for organizing classes.
Acrobatic training.
Acrobatics is one of the means of physical development and improvement of human motor abilities. Acrobatic exercises have a multifaceted effect on the body of those involved. They contribute to the development of strength, speed-strength qualities, flexibility, mobility of nervous processes, resistance to changes in body position in space, and cultivate courage, determination, and agility. Acrobatic exercises are very versatile.
All acrobatic exercises are divided into acrobatic jumps (rolls, somersaults, half-flips, flips, somersaults), balancing (maintaining balance in an unstable position, stops, balances, stances, reproducing a given pose with switching attention and sensory control from one part of the body to another, as well as balancing one or more partners - grips, basic balancing, strength exercises, lifts, pyramids), throwing exercises (throwing and catching a partner, dismounts).
Step steps.
Basic steps and elements of exercises. In step aerobics there are no steps in two counts - at least four counts. After all, we need to not only move along the floor, but also climb onto the platform. Step aerobics movements are performed with the entire foot placed on the step platform. Be careful not to let your heel drop or place your foot on your toes. In step aerobics, there are certain terms that denote steps when performing exercises on the step. The steps in step aerobics are very diverse.
There are two types of steps in step aerobics:
- Steps without changing the leading foot.
The leading foot is the foot with which you begin to step into a new musical measure. You can perform any steps of this type for as long as you like, and you will still start each beat on the same foot.
- Steps with changing the leading leg.
With the next step, you will begin the movement with the other leg.
Step touch - usually start with side steps on the floor, from left to right and vice versa.
Basic step (basic step) (the step is performed in 4 counts) - stepping onto the step is the simplest basic step, in fact we just climb onto the platform and get off it. Step one foot straight onto the step platform, step the other foot straight onto the step platform, step the first foot off the step platform, step the other foot off the step platform.
Step-up - you first need to step on the corner of the step platform with your right foot, and just touch the toe with your left foot. Then step completely with your left, and place your right toe behind your left. Then return to the floor and alternate legs. During this step, you need to keep your balance, since one support goes to one leg. You can't skew to one side.
Step-knee - The right leg should be placed on the step, the left leg should be bent at the knee and raised towards the stomach. The movements should be as natural as possible and you should not throw yourself to one side and twist your knee. The leg is pointed straight, the body tends slightly forward when lifting the knee.
Step kick - step onto the platform with your right foot, sharply throw your left foot forward, simulating a kick (do not raise your leg high).
Step-back (step-back) - step with one foot on the step platform, lift the other leg back by tensing the gluteal muscles (hip overlap). This exercise perfectly strengthens the buttocks in motion.
V-step is a step that resembles the letter V, for this you need to step onto the step alternately with two feet on opposite corners of the step. Alternately step with your feet on opposite corners of the platform, your legs move as if along the upper corners of the English letter V.
Basic-over - to do this, you need to step your right foot onto the step platform, place your left foot, step down from the step on the other side, turn to the left edge of the step and repeat with the other leg.
Mambo is a dance movement - while the left foot is on the floor, the right foot steps into the step, making an emphasis and putting a point and immediately taking a step back with a point.
Straddle (straddle up) (step performed in 8 counts) - steps - legs together, legs apart. Step no is performed as follows: we climb onto the step platform, place our feet alternately on the floor on one side and the other of the platform, climb onto the platform again, and return to the starting position.
Turn step (Turn step) step with a turn - stand sideways to the platform. This is the same basic-step, only we descend from the step platform not backwards, but sideways. Step right onto the platform, step left onto the platform, with your back turned to the main direction (lengthwise to the platform), legs apart. Step the right one back in a diagonal direction (turning diagonally), step the right one back from the platform, bring the left one to the right one (starting position).
Over the top - Step across the platform. The starting position is in a longitudinal stance, sideways to the platform. Step left to the side to stand on the platform, place the right one. Step with your left foot to step off the platform (on the other side), place your right foot on half toes to your left foot.
Cha-cha-cha (cha-cha-cha) - steps with stepping from foot to foot to change legs.
Game activity.
Outdoor games are, first of all, a means of physical education. They provide an opportunity to develop and improve movements, practicing running, jumping, climbing, throwing, catching, etc. Various movements require active activity of large and small muscles, promote better metabolism, blood circulation, breathing, i.e. increasing the vital activity of the body. Outdoor games also have a great influence on the neuropsychic development of the player and the formation of important personality traits. They evoke positive emotions and develop inhibitory processes: during the game, players have to react with movement to some signals and refrain from moving when others. These games develop will, intelligence, courage, speed of reactions, etc. Joint actions in games bring children closer together, giving them the joy of overcoming difficulties and achieving success.
Gaming activities enrich participants with new sensations, ideas and concepts. Games expand the range of ideas, develop observation, intelligence, and the ability to analyze. In outdoor games and relay races, the ability to correctly assess spatial and temporal relationships and quickly and correctly respond to the current situation develops.
During classes in sports and recreational groups, outdoor games and relay races are used to solve educational, educational and recreational tasks in accordance with the requirements of the program. In games during step-aerobics classes, the main attention should be paid to the educational and health aspects of the game, as well as to the development of physical qualities. Outdoor games are used in the preparatory, competitive and transition periods of training, but their volume, nature and methods of use change in accordance with the objectives of each stage of training.
It is necessary to select games that develop the necessary physical qualities: speed, agility, strength, endurance, flexibility. Games instill in children a sense of solidarity, camaraderie and responsibility for each other's actions. The rules of the game contribute to the development of conscious discipline, honesty, endurance, the ability to pull oneself together after strong excitement, and to restrain one’s selfish impulses.
Games similar in motor structure to step-aerobics, using a step platform, are of educational importance. Such games are aimed at consolidating and improving previously learned technical and tactical techniques and skills of step aerobics.
Methodological part of the program “Step aerobics”.
Step aerobics technique.
Features of conducting step aerobics classes.
The program provides for the study of material according to the degree of coordination complexity:
- It is best to start training by showing and explaining the simplest exercises.
- Gradually complicating the complex, you can move on to learning more difficult movements that involve several joints and muscle groups, parts of the body.
- Demonstration and explanations should not take too long to learn, as this reduces the effectiveness and interest in classes. It is better to show the movements and emphasize the correct technique for performing them than to spend additional time on training.
- One complex of step aerobics as a full lesson is performed by children for one month; some exercises, as they are mastered, can be modified and become more complicated, so we divide one complex into educational and combined classes. During the training sessions, we learn new steps, and during the combined ones, we repeat the ones we have learned and learn new ones. 5. Once every two months, final game classes are held, where everything learned is reinforced in a game or competitive form with the involvement of parents. At the first lesson, children are offered elementary sets of aerobics exercises, their essence is explained, the function of this exercise is indicated, and mistakes made by students are corrected. First, the exercises are performed counting, and then, as they are mastered, to the music, at a slow tempo, then speeding it up. To consolidate the exercises, it is necessary to vary them, changing the starting and final positions, changing the tempo and rhythm of the music.
Deviations from methodological norms for conducting step aerobics classes lead to impaired perception of exercises and vagueness of the content of classes.
Methods and means of teaching exercises in step aerobics.
- Similarity method. When selecting several exercises, one theme, direction of movement or style of movement is taken as a basis.
- Complication method. A certain logical sequence of teaching exercises, gradually complicating the exercises due to new details: changing the tempo of movement, changing the rhythm, introducing new details, changing the technique of performing the movement, preliminary performing the movement with each part of the body separately, and then combining them in one exercise.
- Repetition method.
- 4. Method of musical interpretation. 1) Designing exercises taking into account the basics of musical literacy. Strong and weak beats can be reflected by movements (claps, jumps, stamps, etc.) 2) Variations of movements in accordance with changes in the content of the music. When repeating a musical theme, previously performed exercises are repeated, to which additions are introduced (accents, a different tempo or rhythm, amplitude, etc.).
- Block method. Combining different previously learned exercises into a choreographic combination.
- "California style" Comprehensive manifestation of the requirements for the methods outlined above. Before performing blocks, each exercise is learned gradually (complication method), and then the main exercises are combined into blocks and performed with movement in different directions.
Types of activities.
1. Diagnostic - it determines the level of physical fitness of students.
- Educational - children are introduced to exercises, movements, games for the first time, and the teacher’s task is to create an idea about them. 3. Combined - repetition and improvement of previously learned movements. And also learning new things.
- The final - game - is held once every two months. This lesson can summarize the material learned over a certain period and be presented to the attention of the parents of the students as an indicative one.
Lesson structure.
1 Preparatory part:
- drill exercises; logorhythmics, posture; types of walking; hand movements, clapping to the beat.
2 Basic (aerobic) - basic and basic steps; outdoor game; stretching, for the muscles of the neck, shoulder girdle, torso, legs; to develop flexibility; to develop rhythm and tact.
3 Final: relaxation exercises; relaxation; breathing exercises.
The preparatory part (warm-up) lasts 8-10 minutes. Goal: to prepare the musculoskeletal system and all body systems for the upcoming work. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to increase body temperature and the rate of metabolic processes in the body. The criterion for the effectiveness of a warm-up is the appearance of the first drops of sweat. The means to solve this problem is to perform low-amplitude, isolated movements, performed at a slow pace, according to the “top to bottom” principle: tilting the head to the sides, forward, circular movements in the shoulder joint, moving the pelvis back and forth, lifting the heel, etc. During the warm-up, fixation should occur: the correct position of the body and the placement of the legs.
After the warm-up comes the Main (aerobic part, lasting 30-40 minutes), which consists of the basic and simplest basic “steps” of step - aerobics. During the aerobic part, “steps”, ligaments, blocks and combinations are learned, as well as repeated repetitions of learned movements—running through. “Steps” are performed with increasing amplitude and an emphasis on correct technique. If the aerobic part of the warm-up is intense enough, then the following processes occur in the body:
- heart rate increases;
- breathing rate increases;
- systolic and minute blood volume increases;
- blood flow is redistributed: blood flows away from the internal organs and flows to the muscles;
- the activity of respiratory enzymes in the muscles increases, i.e. the ability of muscles to consume oxygen increases, the functionality of the body increases;
— coordination abilities develop;
— the emotional state of those involved improves.
All this helps to increase the ability of the cardiorespiratory system to transport oxygen to the muscles. Afterwards, an outdoor game is carried out and the conclusion of the main part is stretching, which is designed to solve the following problems:
- restore muscle length to its original state;
-moderately develop flexibility - the ability to perform movements in the joints with the greatest amplitude (increase joint mobility and muscle elasticity beyond the initial state);
-create emotional release after physical activity. Final stretching includes stretching exercises for muscle groups that are weakly stretched in most exercisers and can cause injury during subsequent exercises. Unlike the entire lesson, the final one is created using a structural-choreographic method and is performed to a musical piece of a lyrical nature chosen by the trainer. Stretching begins from a supine position, in which static stretches are performed for the leg muscles. Each position is fixed and held for 8-10 seconds,