"Physical education in the fresh air" for the senior group
"Physical education in the fresh air"
in the senior group
"Bees" No. 02
Teachers: Gerasko L.M.
Goal: To train children in walking and running in a column one at a time and scattered, in the ability to act on a signal, to develop dexterity and eye when rolling a ball with both hands
1 hour - Walking in a column one at a time, alternating with running, walking and running in all directions. Formation in two circles.
2h -Game exercises.
"Don't miss the ball." The driver is selected and stands in the middle of the circle with the ball. At the leader’s signal, he rolls the ball to the player, who bends down and returns the ball to the leader.
"Don't touch me." Jumping on two legs between objects
P/ game "Carousel".
3 hours - Low mobility game “Let’s find the little sparrow”
Goal: Practice walking and running in a column one at a time, teach each other to roll a hoop, practice jumping
1h- Walking in a column one at a time, running between objects, and scattered
2h - “Rent a hoop”
"Along the Path"
Jumping on two legs to a landmark, walking back
P/n “Find yourself a match”
3h- Sedentary game “Who has the ball”
Goal: practice walking between objects placed at the corners of the site, practice throwing a ball and catching it with both hands, practice jumping, developing landing accuracy
1 hour - Walking in a column one at a time, observing turns in the corners of the site, Running in all directions, finding your place in the column, stop and take some pose
2h- “Ball through a cord” the rope is pulled at the height of the child’s raised hand Balls of large diameter
“Who can reach the cube faster”, “Toss it and catch it”
Execution by 2 subgroups at the same time
P/I "Sparrows and the Cat"
3 hours walking in a half-squat, one at a time
Goal: Learn to throw the ball to each other, developing eye and dexterity, practice jumping
1 hour - Walking in a column one at a time, going around the corners of the site, walking while stepping over low objects
2h - “Throw it - catch it” “Hurry up to catch it” Children line up in two circles and throw the ball opposite the person standing, so that the driver in the middle of the circle cannot touch the ball; if the driver touches the ball, he takes the place of the thrower
"Along the Track" Jumping
P/I "Airplanes".
3h-Walking in a column one at a time
Goal: To practice throwing a ball over a cord, developing dexterity and eye, while maintaining stable balance when walking over a limited support area
1 hour - Walking and running in a column, one at a time along the track, with a stop, jump, in alternation
2 hours - “Ball over the cord” “Who gets to the pins faster” Children stand in pairs at the cord on the other side of the court - the pins, you need to jump in pairs to the opposite side of the square.
"Crawl quickly"
P/n “We are funny guys.”
3 hours - Calm walking, breathing exercises
Purpose: To train children to walk while performing tasks for their hands, up, to the sides, to the shoulders, forward, to consolidate the ability to act on a signal
1 hour - Walking while completing tasks, running in all directions, finding your place in the column.
2h- “Toss it - catch it”
“Who is faster” Relay Race Two columns are built at the cord, running to the ladder
P/i "Lovishki"
3h- Calm walking behind a fast trap
Goal: Practice walking and running in a column one at a time and walking loosely, repeat climbing through the tunnel without touching the floor with your hands
1h- Forming in a line, checking posture and alignment, walking and running in a column one at a time, walking and running in all directions
2h - “Roll it, don’t drop it”, rolling a large ball between objects “Along the path” Jumping
P/n “Find your color”
3 hours - calm walking
Goal: Repeat walking and running in a column, one at a time, and practice throwing a ball at a target.
1 hour - Walking, performing tasks for the arms, raising the knees high - running. Walking and running alternate
2h - “Toss it - catch it”, “Ball in the basket”, “Crawl quickly”
P/i “Migration of birds”.
3h – Calm walking breathing exercises
Goal: exercise walking and running with changing direction of movement; walking and running like a snake between objects; maintaining stable balance on a reduced support area. Repeat jumping exercises.
1 hour - Walking in a column one at a time, walking in a snake, changing direction at a signal
2 hours - I/u “Don’t get caught” A circle is drawn, in the center there are two drivers, the players jump in and out of the circle, trying not to get caught
“Catch the ball” - throwing the ball from one line to another
P/i "Geese swans".
3 hours - Quiet play at the request of the children
Goal: Repeat walking while completing tasks; running with stepping, practicing jumping and rolling the ball in a straight direction.
1 hour - Walking in a column one at a time, performing tasks for the arms, walking and running in all directions.
2 h-I/u “Don’t get caught”
"Catch the ball"
P/i "The Fox in the Chicken Coop."
3 hours - Calm walking, breathing exercises, walking
Goal: practice walking and running like a snake between objects, practice jumping and running with acceleration.
1 hour - Walking in a column one at a time, walking in a snake, Walking and running in all directions.
2 h-I/u “Don’t touch me” Jumping between objects
"Pass the ball"
P/i "Hunters and Hares".
3 hours - Calm walking, breathing exercises.
Goal: to practice walking and running in a circle, holding hands, to develop the eye and throwing power when throwing into the distance, to practice jumping.
1 hour Walking in a column one at a time, forming a circle. Walking and running in circles changing direction.
2 hours. I/u “Penguins” Jumping with a bag clamped between the knees.
"Who will throw further"
P/i "Airplanes"
3 hours. Calm play at the request of the children, breathing exercises.
Goal: to practice walking and running like a snake between objects, and the ability to act on a signal
1 hour Walking in a column one at a time, walking in a snake, Walking and running in all directions.
2 hours “Funny Snowflakes” Children run around the playground, at the signal “the wind”, the children speed up their run, start spinning, at the signal “the wind has died down” they squat.
"Who will throw further"
P\I “Who is the fastest to the flag.”
3 hours. Calm game “Edible - inedible”
Goal: To teach children to take skis and carry them on their shoulders to the place of training, to practice walking with a stepping step.
1 hour. Invite the children to lay out their skis and secure their legs. The teacher checks the fit of the ski bindings
2 hours. I/u “Spring” - alternately raising and lowering legs and half squats
“Let's smooth out the snow” - skiing at a walking pace.
P/i "Merry snowflakes"
3 hours. Calm walking, breathing exercises.
Goal: To consolidate the skill of a sliding step in skiing, to practice throwing snowballs at a distance, developing throwing power
1 hour. Skiing at a sliding step to the red flag, to the blue flag at a walking pace, distance 10 m.
2 hours “Who’s next” - throwing snowballs
P/i "Snow Carousel"
3 hours. Calm walking, breathing exercises.
Goal: To consolidate the skill of skiing with a sliding step.
1 hour Walking and running between buildings.
2h. “Cockerels are walking” Skiing with high knees, pay attention to keeping the ski on the leg straight
“On a snow bank” - walking on a reduced support area - on skis.
P/n "Snipers" Throwing snowballs into the distance
3 hours. Calm walking, breathing exercises.
Goal: Continue to teach children to move on skis with a sliding step; repeat the game exercises.
1 hour - Show the correct skier's position; pay attention to the cross work of the arms and legs when skiing.
2 hours. I/u “Snowflakes - fluffs” (walking and running in a circle with a change in direction of movement)
"Who's next?" (throwing)
P/i "The Hunter and the Hares"
3 hours Snake walking between objects for the teacher
Goal: To consolidate the skill of a sliding step, to practice running and jumping around a snow structure.
1 hour. A short run on skis, exercise on skis: squatting, lifting alternately the right and left legs along with the ski (pay attention to the correct posture of the skier)
2 hours. I/u Snow Carousel (performing various tasks for arms and legs)
Sledding each other
3 hours Snake walking between objects for the teacher
Purpose: To train children in jumping over obstacles and throwing snowballs at a distance
1 hour. Formation in a circle, jumping to the middle of the circle and back, returning in steps.
2 hours. I/y “Who’s next?” (throwing)
“Who is faster to the flag?”
P\N: “Hunters and Hares.”
3 hours Sledding each other
Goal: Continue to teach children to move on skis with a sliding step; repeat the game exercises.
1 hour. Show the correct posture of the skier; pay attention to the cross work of the arms and legs when skiing.
2 hours. I/u “Snowflakes - fluffs” (walking and running in a circle with a change in direction of movement)
"Who's next?" (throwing)
P/i "The Hunter and the Hares"
3 hours Snake walking between objects for the teacher
Goal: Repeat throwing snowballs into the distance, game tasks on a sled.
1 hour Walking to the sled, running, returning to place, jumping to the sled, walking back to place
2 hours I/u “Snake” Walking and running with acceleration and deceleration
“Get to the pin” (throwing)
P/i "Sly Fox"
3 h Slide “Who will go down next”
Purpose: Game exercises with running and jumping
1 hour I/u “Train” Walking behind the teacher holding hands tightly while standing with your back to each other
2h I/ y “Spin” (in pairs)
“Who will throw next?”
P/I "Airplanes"
3 hours Snake walking between objects for the teacher
Purpose: To practice throwing snowballs at a distance, sliding downhill on ice skates
1 hour Walking on a snow bank
2 hours I/u “Who’s next?”, “Pass to each other” (puck, stick).
Let's find the Snow Maiden
P/i "Fifteen".
3 hours Downhill skating on ice skates, walking with a steam locomotive one after another
Goal: Develop dexterity and eye, repeat game exercises
1 hour Walking on a snow bank
2 hours I/U “Exactly on target”
“Tunnel” (Two groups - one is built in pairs holding hands, arms raised up, the second is built by a steam locomotive and passes between it, trying not to separate hands to quickly pass)
P/I At the request of the children
3 h Low mobility game “Find and remain silent”
Goal: To develop eye and dexterity when throwing at a target, to practice running, to consolidate the ability to act on a signal from the teacher
1 hour Run in a circle with a turn in the other direction, at the signal “Make a figure.” Walking in a half-squat, with wide strides
2 hours “Fast and nimble” (each person plays one snowball: go to the snowman, put the snowballs, return to his place - the teacher removes one snowball, have time to run and take the dream “Knock down the pin”
P/i "Dashes".
3 hours Irga of low mobility “Find the bunny and remain silent” Walking calmly in a group
Goal: Exercise children in walking, alternating with jumping, walking with changes in direction, running at a slow pace for up to 1 minute
1 hour: Walking in a column one at a time, over obstacles, transition to running for 1 minute, calm walking, breathing exercises
2h I/ y “Toss it - catch it”
“Ride, don’t hurt me”
P/i "Mousetrap".
3h “Guess who’s screaming”
Purpose: To train children in endurance running, walking and running between objects, and jumping on one leg
1 hour Walking in a column one at a time and running at a moderate pace for up to 1 minute, arms bent, transition to walking between objects
2h I/u “On one leg along the path”
"Throw it over the string"
P/I Aircraft
3h Low mobility game
Goal: Exercise in walking and running with wide and small steps, repeat the exercises with the ball
1 hour Walking in a column one at a time, slow and fast running
2h I/u “Jump over the stream” “Run along the path”
“Nimble guys” (exercise with the ball: throwing up and hitting the ground)
P\N: “Cheerful guys.”
3h Calm walking breathing exercises)
Lesson 29
Tasks. Exercise children in running and walking in alternation; repeat game exercises in balance, jumping and with the ball.
Part I. Walking in a column one at a time (distance 10 m), switching to running, distance 10 m, and so on alternating several times in a row.
Part II. Game exercises.
"Rope walker." The players (first group) line up in two columns. From the start line, at a distance of 3 m, the finish line is marked and two objects (pins, cubes) are placed. The players standing first in the columns each have a bag (with sand) in their hands. At the teacher’s signal, the children place the bags on their heads, arms to the sides and move at a fast pace. Having reached the finish line, they take the bag in their hands, go around the object and run back to their column, pass the bag to the next player and stand at the end of their column. The team that quickly and correctly completes the task wins.
“Fishing Rod” is a game exercise with jumping.
Relay with the ball “Quickly pass.”
Part III. Low mobility game “Guess by the voice.”
Lesson 30
Tasks. Exercise children in long running, developing endurance; in rolling a hoop; repeat game exercises with jumping and with a ball.
Part I. Forming in a line, changing into a column one at a time, running at a moderate pace for up to 1.5 minutes, walking randomly between objects.
Part II. Game exercises.
“Walk through, don’t hurt me.” Walking on your toes, hands behind your head between pins (8-10 pieces), placed at a distance of 30 cm from one another in a row.
“Catch up with the hoop.” Children line up in two lines, two steps away from one another. Every child has a hoop. At the teacher’s command, the children in the first rank, pushing the hoop with one hand, run to the other side, take the hoop in their hand and stand facing the second rank. The next group completes the task. The teacher marks those children who did not drop the hoop and quickly reached the finish line.
“Throw it and catch it.” Children are divided into pairs; one child in each pair holds a ball (large diameter). Sitting freely around the hall, the children throw the ball to each other.
Relay race with jumps "Who is faster to the flag."
Part III. Low mobility game “Who left?”
Lesson 3
Tasks. Repeat running at speed; game exercises with a ball, jumping and running.
Part I. Formation in a line, explanation of the task, formation in 2-3 lines. Instructions: run as quickly as possible from one side of the hall to the other to the finish line (distance 10 m). To prevent children from slowing down as they approach the finish line, landmarks are placed a little further, 2-3 m (cubes, pins). After 2-3 runs, walk in a column one at a time.
Part II. Game exercises.
"Who is faster". The players line up in three columns. At the teacher’s command, the players standing first in the columns (each player has a ball) jump on two legs (distance 5 m) to the basket (hoop) and put the ball into it. They return running, and as soon as they cross the designated line, the next players enter the game. When repeating the game task, you need to take the ball from the basket and quickly return to your column.
"Ball in a circle." The players are divided into several groups of 5-6 children and lined up in a circle. In the center of the circle is the driver, with a ball (large diameter) in front of his feet. The driver rolls the ball to the players with his foot (foot pass), everyone takes it and then sends it to the driver.
P/ game "Carousel".
Part III. Walking in a column one at a time.
Lesson 31
Tasks. Practice running at speed; repeat game exercises with the ball, jumping and balance.
1 part. Forming in a column, walking and running between objects. Formation in 2-3 lines, running segments (distance 20 m), at speed. Repeat 2-3 times.
Part 2. Game exercises.
“Knock down the pin.” The players stand in one line on the starting line. At a distance of 4 m from the starting line, pins are placed according to the number of players. Task: rolling the ball forward, with an energetic movement of both hands, try to knock down the pin, 2-3 times.
“Run, don’t hit me.” Pins are placed in two rows parallel to one another; the distance between the pins is 30 cm. Children line up in two columns. Task: run between the pins without touching them 2-3 times. Performed in two columns, the teacher marks the winning team.
Game "From bump to bump". The teacher lays out flat hoops in a checkerboard pattern (6 pieces in two lines).
Part 3. Walking in a column one by one
Lesson 1
Tasks. Exercise in running with high hip lifts; develop dexterity and eye in exercises with a ball and shuttlecock (badminton).
Part I. Forming in a line, changing into a column one by one; walking, raising the thigh high, running at an average pace for up to 1 minute.
Part II. Game exercises.
"Pass the ball." The teacher places pins (5-6 pieces) in two rows, the distance between the pins is 1.5 m. Assignment: move the ball with your feet without letting it go far from you. Children are divided into two teams and perform the exercise at an average pace.
jumping on "Pass to each other". One group of children splits into pairs and rolls the ball to each other, hitting it alternately with their right and left feet. The distance between players is 1.5-2 m.
"Hit the shuttlecock." The second group of children is divided into pairs, each child holds a racket and one shuttlecock between them. Children bounce the shuttlecock to each other, trying to keep it in the air as long as possible.
Outdoor game "Geese-swans".
Part III. Walking in a column one at a time.
MAY Lesson 2
Tasks. Develop endurance in continuous running; practice rolling hoops, developing dexterity and eye; repeat game exercises with the ball.
Part I. Form a column one at a time, walk, switch to running at a moderate pace for up to 1.5 minutes; walking between objects.
Part II. Game exercises.
“Ride it, don’t drop it.” The players line up in two lines at a distance of 2-3 steps from one another, everyone has one hoop in their hands. At the teacher’s command, the children in the first row, pushing the hoop with one hand, run to the other side of the playground beyond the marked line. The teacher marks the most dexterous and fastest children, then the second rank performs the exercise. The exercise is repeated 2-3 times.
"Who is faster". The players stand in pairs in a column of two. Assignment: jump (on two legs) in pairs to cover a distance of 5 m. At the teacher’s command, the children standing first begin, then the next pair, and so on.
“Throw it into the ring.” Children line up in a column one at a time, one after another, throwing the ball into the basket with both hands from the chest (basketball version).
Outdoor game "Owl".
Part III. Walking in a column one at a time.
MAY Lesson 3
Tasks. Repeat running at speed; game exercises with the ball and jumping.
Part I. Formation in a line, explanation of the task; forming a column one at a time. Walking and running while stepping over objects - cords and bars.
Part II. Game exercises.
"Who is faster". The players line up in two lines at a distance of 2-3 steps from one another. At the teacher’s command, the children in the first line run at speed (distance 10 m) and remain behind the finish line, 2-3 m from it. The second group of children is invited to run.
"Smart guys." The teacher lays out the hoops (flat) in a checkerboard pattern, close to each other. Jumps are performed without pause to the right and left.
Exercises with the ball - throwing the ball on the ground while walking in a straight line, distance 6 m.
Outdoor game "Mousetrap".
Part III. Ball relay; walking in a column one at a time.
MAY Lesson 4
Tasks. Exercise children in walking and running while changing the pace of movement; game exercises with a ball.
Part I. Walking in a column one at a time, at the command of the teacher, children speed up or slow down the pace of walking; walking in a column one at a time, performing a figure at the teacher’s signal.
Part II. Game exercises.
"Ball to the driver." The players line up in 3-4 circles, in the center of each circle there is a driver who alternately throws the ball to the players, and they return it back. Once everyone has completed the exercise, the driver raises the ball high above his head. The game is repeated 2-3 times.
Relay with the ball - “Passing the ball in a column” (two hands back).
Outdoor game "Don't stay on the ground."
Part III. Walking in a column one at a time.
Summary of a lesson on physical development “Autumn in the Forest” (for children of senior preschool age)
Goal: To develop in children an interest and value-based attitude towards physical education.
- Educational - to form in children basic knowledge and ideas about different types of movements and how to perform them
- Developmental - develop dexterity, voluntary attention, physical qualities.
- Educational - to foster a sense of camaraderie in joint actions.
- Wellness - create conditions to satisfy children’s natural need for movement.
Integration of educational areas: “Speech development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”, “Social and communicative development”, “Cognitive development”
Equipment: gymnastic bench - 2 pcs., throwing bags - 4 pcs., rubber balls - 2 pcs., pins of different colors - 8 pcs., arcs - 2 pcs.
Children enter the gym to the music and sit on chairs.
The forest is like a painted tower, purple, golden, crimson, a cheerful, motley wall stands above a bright clearing
These are some beautiful words to describe the forest! Let's take a walk in the autumn forest, admire its beauty and see how the animals in the forest make provisions for the winter. Children line up in a column one at a time and walk in a circle.
Introductory part:
Instructor: - First we walk along a wide road (walking at a normal pace), now we will walk quietly on our tiptoes so as not to scare the forest inhabitants, now there are small puddles on our way, and we will walk on our heels so as not to get our feet wet, now we are making our way through dense bushes - for this we will have to walk at a “goose” pace, there are fallen trees ahead and we step over them, walk, raising our knees high, run like a “snake” between the trees and run out into the clearing.
Main part:
Outdoor switchgear with leaves
1) IP-legs slightly apart, feet parallel, leaves below. On the count of 1-2 – raise your right hand with the leaf up, move your left hand back; on the count of 3-4 – raise your left hand up, to the right. Down-back. Perform at an average pace 8 times.
2) I.P. - legs slightly apart, hands with leaves below. On the count of 1-2 - raise your hands with the leaves up through your sides, look at them, on the count of 3-4 - tilt your torso to the right, arms straight, keep your head straight; at 5-6 - straighten up, 7-8 - lower your hands with the leaves across the + sides. The same with a tilt to the left. Perform 8 times.
3) I.P. - legs shoulder-width apart, feet parallel, arms with leaves at the top. On a count of 1-2 - bend forward without bending your legs, put the leaves on the floor in front of you, on a count of 3-4 - straighten up, hands behind your head, bend well, on a count of 5-6 - bend down, take the leaves, on 7-8 – straighten up, lift the leaves up. Perform 6 times.
4) I.P. - o.s., hands with leaves below. On the count of 1-2 - lift the leaves up, take your right leg back onto the toe, on the count of 3-4 - lower the leaves, put your foot down. The same with the left leg. Perform 8 times.
5) I.P. - o.s., hands with leaves below. On the count of 1-2 - squat on your toes, knees apart, back straight, hands with leaves forward, on the count 3-4 - in the i.p. Perform 6 times.
6) I.P. - o.s., hands with leaves below. On the count of 1-8 – jump legs apart, legs together, arms to the sides, arms down; on the count of 9-16 - walking in place.
After completing the ORU, the instructor takes the pieces of paper, the children line up in one line and are divided into two teams.
1. Balance - crawling on a gymnastic bench on all fours with a bag on your back.
Instructor: In the autumn forest, animals insulate their homes and prepare supplies for the winter. For example, a hedgehog carries leaves into its hole. Let's see how he does it and help him!
Children in teams perform the exercise with bags on their backs (2-3 times).
Instructor: - The hedgehog insulated his burrow and we helped him with this - we also carried leaves for him! Now let’s help the squirrel stock up on pine cones for the winter. Our task is to throw the cones exactly into the hollow!
2. Throwing bags at a horizontal target from a distance of 3-4 meters.
Well done! Now the squirrels have a lot of tasty cones in the hollow and the squirrels can relax a little and play “squirrel” basketball.
3. Game exercise “Ball for the driver”
At a distance of 2-2.5 meters from each team there is a leader with a ball in his hands. At the instructor’s signal, the leader throws the ball to the player standing first, and he, having caught the ball, returns it back to the leader and runs to the end of his column. Then the leader throws the ball to the next child, etc.
And now you and I will play a very interesting game, we will turn into birch leaves - one team, and into aspen leaves - the other team. Each team has its own “tree” (pin) on which leaves hang. On the command “The trees are swinging, the leaves are scattering!” - all the “leaves” scatter around the hall and spin, on the command “Fly quickly to the tree, find your tree!” - everyone must line up in columns behind their “tree” (pin).
Final part:
1. Logorhythmic exercise with musical accompaniment “Autumn, autumn”
Autumn, autumn! Come Autumn, Autumn! Look The yellow leaves are spinning Quietly lying on the ground The sun no longer warms us The wind is blowing more and more The birds have flown to the south The rain is knocking on their window We put on a hat and jacket Do we know the months of autumn? September! October! November!
2. Stretching on the ground with elements of finger gymnastics.
Children sit on the carpet, legs apart. One, two, three, four, five (2 tilts to the right, hands on the belt) The rain went out for a walk (2 tilts to the left, hands on the belt) He walked slowly, out of habit. Where should he rush? (the index and middle fingers of the right and left hands “march” along the right and left legs from the hip to the toes) Suddenly I saw on the sign (they made “glasses” with their fingers - the body to the right and left) Do not walk on the lawns! (“We walk” with our palms forward, alternately right and left) Rain sighed quietly, “Oh!” (elbows are on the mat, palms “sadly” resting cheeks” And he left (we walk forward with our fingers) The lawn is dry
Instructor: - Guys, today we walked through the autumn forest, admired the beautiful leaves, watched how the animals were preparing for winter and even helped them! Autumn leaves swirled and rain fell.
If you’re not in the mood If the street is wet The rain smears tears On the asphalt and on the glass If the children go for a walk They don’t stick their noses out This means I’ve lost Multi-colored umbrella Autumn (E. Bulgakova)
List of used literature:
- Kopylova, S.F. Physical education classes with elements of logorhythmics. - Volgograd: Publishing house "Teacher"
- Podolskaya, E.I. Unusual physical education activities for preschoolers. - Volgograd: Uchitel Publishing House
outdoor physical education for preschool children; methodological development (junior group) on the topic
Complex No. 1 (September).
Objectives: Encourage children to run randomly. In games and relay races, develop children's endurance, agility, speed, and balance. Continue learning to throw and throw the ball several times in a row in different ways.
1 hour Walking and running are normal. Run in all directions at the signal.
2h. 1. Game “Don’t knock down the pin.” Children stand in 2 columns, opposite the pins.
On command, children run around the pins one after another in a “snake” fashion, trying not to knock them over. The column that knocks down the fewest pins wins.
2. Game exercise “Race”. Children line up in 3-4 columns on one side of the site. At the signal, the first ones run to the races, etc.
3. Exercise “Tossing the ball.” Throwing a ball and catching it with 2 hands.
4. Walk along a narrow path, keeping your balance.
5. “Pass the ball” relay race. Pass the ball in a column from the first to the last player.
6. Passing the ball between the legs from the first to the last player in the column.
7. Preparatory group. Game "Throw the ball". Throwing the ball in pairs in different ways.
3h. Walking, running, jumping along the path around the kindergarten. Breathing exercises.
Complex No. 2 (September).
Tasks. Strengthen different types of walking and running. In games and relay races, develop agility, speed, and endurance. Teach children to run at a slow pace and breathe through their nose.
1 hour Walking is normal. Run as usual, raising your knees high. Walking with long strides.
2h. Relay races.
- “Move the pin.” Children stand in 2 columns. On command 1, they run, take the pin, return and give it to the next one. 2-run and put the pin in place, etc.
- “Whose team will build faster?” On command they scatter, on signal they form up.
- "In places". At the signal “to go for a walk” the children perform any movements; at the signal “take their places” they form a column or a circle.
- "Sully the last one." Children are divided into 2 columns. The first player on each team tries to stain the last player.
- P/I "Sly Fox". 6. P/I “Mousetrap”.
- Preparatory group P/I “We are funny guys” (with complication).
3h. Healthy run around the kindergarten. Walk at a slow pace.
Complex No. 3 (October).
Tasks. Teach children to catch, throw, throw a ball with two hands in different ways. In outdoor games, reinforce running with dodging. When jogging around the village, teach children to breathe through their nose.
1 hour Walking is normal. Slow run, at the signal - in a circle. (3-4 times).
2h. 1. Basketball. Their basketball player stance is throwing the ball into the hoop.
2. Throwing the ball in pairs to each other from a distance of 2m.
3. Throwing the ball against the wall from the chest with 2 hands and catching it.
4.Sports game “Touch the ball.” Children in pairs throw the ball, the third runs between them and tries to touch the ball with his hand. If he succeeds, then he takes the place of throwing the ball.
5. P/I “Trap in pairs.” Children run in all directions, a pair of drivers with their hands clasped catches up with those running away.
6.P/I “Crucian carp and pike”. Children - "crucian carp" - run around the playground, "pike" - stain.
7. Preparatory group. P/I “Trap with a hoop.”
3h. Healthy run around the kindergarten. Walk at a slow pace.
Complex No. 4 (October).
Tasks. Strengthen different types of X and B. Strengthen the motor skills of children in outdoor games and play exercises.
1 hour Walking is normal, changing lanes in pairs. Run at a slow pace in pairs.
2h. 1. Running at a slow pace and overcoming obstacles. Walking.
2. Game “Hit the Hoop.” Throwing bags into a hoop in different ways.
3. Game "Gymnasts". Deep squats with a bag on the head. Keep your back straight.
4. P/I “Trap with a ball.” At the signal, the children run away, the “trap” throws the ball at the child’s legs, and whoever it hits becomes the “trap”.
5. P/I “Squat trap.” The “trap” stains only those children who are running, and those who are crouched are in the “house”.
6. Walk as usual, raising your knees high, with an extended step to the right and left.
7. Preparatory group. Climbing in different ways around the sports complex on the site.
3h. Slow running. Walking. Breathing exercises.
Complex No. 5 (November).
Tasks. Reinforce different types of X and B. Continue learning to climb the gymnastic ladder in alternating steps. Develop fast running and dodging in children.
1 hour Walking with hand movements: up, to the sides, in circular movements. Slow running.
2h. 1. Climbing gymnastic stairs in alternating steps.
2. P/N “Catch up with your partner.” At a signal, one child catches up with the other, then they change.
3. Exercise “Race in pairs”. Children run in pairs to the other side of the playground.
4. Exercise “Who takes the fewest steps.” Walking with long steps from one side of the platform to the other.
5. P/I “Wolf in the Moat.” In the middle of the site there is a “ditch” made of skipping ropes. On one side there are “hares”, on the other there is a “field”. The Wolf in the Moat catches children as they jump over and run onto the field.
6. Game exercise “Stop and Run”. Children run when given a signal, and stop when given a signal. The child who runs first wins.
7. Preparatory group. P/I “Trap with a hoop.”
3h. Slow run for 3 minutes. Walking. Breathing exercises.
Complex No. 6 (November).
Tasks. Teach children to throw objects at a target. Teach children to dribble the ball with a stick in short steps. Strengthen running while overcoming obstacles.
1 hour Walking is normal, with side steps to the right and left. Run at an average, slow pace.
2h. 1. Exercise “Fast and accurate.” Throwing objects at a target.
2. Dribble the ball with a stick, like a club.
3. Climbing stairs in alternating steps.
4. Running at an average pace, overcoming various obstacles.
5. P/I “Flock”. Children are a “flock of birds”, with the “leader” in front. They run around the site. At the signal, each bird looks for shelter (a bush, a tree, the side of a sandbox, etc.).
6. P/I “Two frosts”
7 Preparatory group. P/I "Hunters and Beasts".
3h. Walking around the kindergarten. Breathing exercises.
Complex No. 7 (December).
Tasks. To develop children's eye and endurance. Develop agility, speed, endurance in outdoor games. Strengthen the “correct” I.P. when throwing.
1 hour Walk as usual, turn around on command. Normal running, jumping on the right and left legs.
2h. 1. Move the puck with a stick (stick with a ball) from one side of the ice to the other.
2. Game "Snipers". Throwing objects at a target (distance 2.5 m).
3. Game "Be careful." On command, children run to a landmark, each from a different I.P. (standing sideways in the direction of movement, with their backs, squatting).
4. P/I “Trap with a hoop.”
5. P/I “Tails”.
6. Preparatory group. P/I “Dog” (with a ball).
3h. Slow running. Walking.
Complex No. 8 (December).
Tasks. Strengthen throwing objects at a target and into the distance from I.P. Teach children to run at a slow pace, breathing through their nose.
1 hour Walking is normal. Run as usual, raising your knees high, jumping from foot to foot.
2. Game exercise “Jumpers”. Jumping on one leg from hoop to hoop, energetically assisted by swinging your arms.
3. Game exercise “Who will throw further?” Throwing objects into the distance and at a target from a distance of 3-4 m.
4. Game “Stop and Run” (complex No. 5).
5. P/I “Day and Night”.
6. P/N “The sea is agitated.”
7. Preparatory group. P/I "Bouncer".
3h. Slow run for 3 minutes around the kindergarten (300 m). Walking. Breathing exercises.
Complex No. 9 (January).
Tasks. Teach children to use different types of jumps, methods of throwing and passing the ball in games. Develop endurance, jumping ability, agility, speed of movement. Develop the muscles of your arms and legs while hanging on a ladder.
1 hour Walking is normal, with long steps. Running is normal.
2h. 1. Game “Catch up with your partner.” (Complex No. 5).
2. P/I “Who will do the least jumps.” Children at the starting line. At the signal, jump (on 2 legs, on 1 leg, on the right and left), trying to reach the finish line in fewer jumps.
3. Game "Ball in a circle." Quickly pass the ball around. Whoever falls is out of the game.
4. Game "Hockey". Gymnastic sticks, goals, 2 chairs (distance 3 meters), puck-ball. The goal is to throw the ball into the goal.
5. “Snow shooting range.” Children use snowballs (objects) to knock down cubes, skittles, etc.
6. P/I “Dog”. Children in a circle, the leader in the middle is a “dog”. Children throw the ball to each other, the “dog” tries to intercept it.
7. Preparatory group. Hanging on a gymnastic ladder, raising your legs to the “corner”.
3h. Health jogging around the village at a slow pace. Walking. Breathing exercises.
Complex No. 10 (January).
Tasks. In outdoor games, develop dexterity, speed of movement, and endurance. Continue to teach children to breathe through their nose when running in winter.
1 hour Walk, raising your knees high, on the count of 3, clap overhead. Running at a normal pace.
2h. 1. P/I “Trap in pairs”. Children run away, “traps” in pairs, without separating their hands, catch those running away.
2. P/I “Bouncer”. The driver runs around the playground, trying to hit the players with snowballs. Stained children become bouncers.
3. P/I “Mousetrap”.
4. P/N “We are funny guys.”
5. P/I “Have time to take a seat.” Children in a circle are counted in numerical order. The driver is in the center, calls any 2 numbers and these children must quickly change places. The driver’s task is to take any place.
6. P/I “Snake”. Children stand in a column, hands on the shoulders of the person in front. The task is to walk like a snake without releasing your hands.
7. Preparatory group. Throwing snowballs (balls) into a basketball basket.
3h. Walking around the kindergarten. Breathing exercises.
Complex No. 11 (February).
Tasks. Strengthen children's throwing skills in different ways. Develop children's dexterity, coordination, and endurance.
1 hour Walking, clapping in front of you. Normal running, hopping.
2h. 1. Climbing stairs in alternating steps.
2. Game “Knock down the pin.” Children use sticks or sticks to knock down objects with pucks or balls.
3. Game “Snipers” (complex No. 7).
4. Game “Who takes the fewest steps” (complex No. 5).
5. Outdoor game “Snow Queen” (whoever she touches, the child “freezes” in place).
6. Preparatory group. Outdoor game “We are funny guys.
3h. Healthy running at a slow pace around the kindergarten. Walking.
Complex No. 12 (February).
Tasks. Strengthen children's motor skills in outdoor games. Develop physical qualities: speed of movement, agility, endurance, jumping ability.
1 hour Walking is normal, like a snake. Running is normal, “snake”.
2h. 1. Game “Quickly to places.” At the signal “to go for a walk,” the children run away. At the signal “take your places”, they will form a column.
2. “Sully the last one.” Children are divided into 2 teams, holding hands. At the signal, the first player of each chain must stain the last player of the other team.
3. “Who has more?” Various toys are laid out on the playground. Children run around them, and at the signal they need to collect as many toys as possible.
4. Game “Flock” (complex No. 6).
5. “Be careful” (complex No. 7).
6. P/I “Dog” (complex No. 9).
7. Preparatory group. Outdoor game "Mousetrap".
3h. Run at a slow pace. Walking.
Complex No. 13 (March).
Tasks. To develop children's eye for throwing, coordination and balance, speed of movement and reaction in games.
1 hour Walking is normal, with circular movements of the arms. Running at a slow pace, side gallop.
2h. 1. P/I “Hot hand”. Children stand in a circle, put their hands forward, the leader is in the center. He slaps hands, and whoever he touches leaves the circle.
2. Balance exercise “Don’t lose the bag.” Place the bag on top of the hat and walk along the line, keeping your balance.
3. Outdoor game “Flying or not flying” (with a ball).
4. "Traces". Follow in the footsteps of the teacher or child, maintaining balance and balancing.
5. “Don’t let the ball touch your feet.” Children in a circle, leading in the middle with a stick (stick) with a ball. His task is to hit someone at the feet, the children are jumping up and down.
6. Throwing bags at a target in different ways.
7. Preparatory group. Outdoor game "Burners".
3h. Healthy run around the kindergarten. Walking. Breathing exercises.
Complex No. 14 (March).
Tasks. Teach children to roll a hoop in a straight line. Develop children's jumping ability in games. Teach children to assume the pose of a basketball player when throwing the ball into the basket.
1 hour Walking is normal, with various arm movements. Running “snake”, backwards.
2h. 1. “Jump the line.” Jumping on 2 legs sideways over a line.
2. “Quickly roll the hoop to the flag.” Children stand on one line and roll the hoop to a landmark.
3. “Jump on 1 leg.” Children jump one after another on one leg for 3-4 meters, then back on the other leg.
4. Running a race over a distance of 20-25 meters.
5. “Hit the ball into the hoop.” Children take turns throwing the ball into the hoop with 2 hands from a basketball player’s stance.
6. Run with long strides along the track with an arm swing.
7. Preparatory group. Outdoor game “Knock down the pin.”
3h. Health-improving walking around the kindergarten, alternating with jumping. Walk at a slow pace.
Complex No. 15 (April).
Tasks. Strengthen climbing stairs with children in alternating steps, throwing the ball to each other in pairs in different ways. Strengthen children's motor skills in outdoor games.
1 hour Walking is normal, with jerking of the arms. Run at a slow, medium and fast pace at a signal.
2h. 1. “Race in pairs” (complex No. 5).
2. P/I “Catch up with your mate” (complex No. 5).
3. "Jumping". Children stand on the starting line, pushing off with 2 legs and jumping as far as possible, making big jumps.
4. Climbing exercise. Climbing stairs in alternating steps.
5. Exercise “Throwing the ball.” Throwing the ball in pairs in different ways.
6. P/I “Dog” (in a circle).
7. Preparatory group. Outdoor game "Football". Children are divided into pairs and practice kicking the ball to each other.
3h. Healthy run around the kindergarten. Walking. Breathing exercises.
Complex No. 16 (April).
Tasks. Teach children to compete together in relay races, helping each other. Run in pairs without releasing your arms. To develop dexterity, endurance, and reaction speed in children.
1 hour Walking is normal. Running is normal, at a signal - in all directions.
2h. Relay races:
- “Whose team will build faster?” On the 1st signal - run in all directions, on the 2nd signal - they will form in 2 columns.
- "Pass the ball." Children pass the ball from the captain to the last in the column and back over their heads.
- "Kangaroo". Jumping on 2 legs to a landmark and back - normal running.
- "Pass the flag." Children run one by one to the landmark and back, passing the flag to the next one in the column.
- "Running in pairs." Children line up in pairs one after another. Speed running in pairs to a landmark and back, without releasing your arms.
- "Running in threes." Same as in pairs.
- Preparatory group. Outdoor game “The sea is agitated once.”
3h. Walking. Jumping around the kindergarten on the track. Breathing exercises.
Complex No. 17 (May).
Tasks. Teach children to compete harmoniously and amicably as a team, helping each other. To develop endurance, speed of movement, and high-speed running in children.
1 hour Walking, changing the position of the hands (up, forward, to the sides, on the shoulders, on the belt).
Normal running, side gallop.
2h. Relay games: Children are divided into 2 teams.
- Run to the landmark, jump on one leg around the pin, run back.
- Jumping sideways to a landmark and back.
- Run backwards.
- Running while passing various objects (flags, sticks, etc.).
- Running in pairs and threes.
- Jumping on 2x, 1 leg.
- Preparatory group. Strongman competition. Who can squat and stand on 1 leg more times (boys and girls separately, change legs).
3h. Walking, running, jumping along the recreational path around the kindergarten. Breathing exercises.
Complex No. 18 (May).
Tasks. To consolidate motor skills and abilities in game exercises: climbing, jumping, throwing and throwing, balance. Develop physical qualities in children.
1 hour Walking while counting: 1-hands forward, 2-up, 3-to the sides, 4-to the waist. Running is normal.
2h. 1. P/N “Knock down the pin.” Children knock down pins with different objects and in different ways.
2. Jumping rope in different ways.
3. Running long jump.
4. Throwing a ball against a wall and catching it in different ways.
5. Climbing stairs in different ways.
6. Preparatory group. Jumping with a ball or bag clamped between your legs at a distance of 3-4 meters.
3h. Walking, running, jumping along the path around the kindergarten. Breathing exercises.
Outline of physical education classes in the open air for children in the preparatory group for school
Appendix No. 1. Outline of physical education classes in the open air for children in the preparatory group for school
The venue is a sports ground.
Number of children -16 (8 boys and 8 girls)
Children's clothing and footwear - tracksuit, T-shirt, flannel shirt with long sleeves, tights, woolen hat with cotton lining, woolen socks, sneakers, mittens.
Physical education equipment - 3 hoops, 4 gymnastic benches, 3-4 bags with three potatoes (balls), flags.
Lesson objectives:
- To increase children's interest in physical education, to develop endurance during high physical activity .
- Practice walking on a narrow rail of a gymnastic bench, crawling on all fours under arches or in tunnels cut into snow banks.
- Cultivate endurance, develop agility, speed, endurance , memory, attention.
I. Introductory part
Walking in a column. Walking with clear turns at corners. Slow running.
On one side of the site you run, raising your knees high, on the other - with an extended step. Then they jump on one leg.
II. Main part:
General development exercises:
"Warming up in the cold"
IP: arms to the sides, palms forward. 1 - cross your arms over your chest, clap your palms on your shoulder blades - exhale; 2 - I.p.
Draw the children’s attention to deep and quick inhalation and slow exhalation in “portions.”
10-12 times at a fast pace.
"Clap Over Your Head"
I.p.: O.s. 1 - right hand to the side; 2 - left hand to the side; 3 —
hands up; 4 - through the sides down. 3-4 times.
"Chopping wood"
IP: feet shoulder-width apart, palms together. 1 - arms up, bend over - inhale; 2 - bend forward, exhale with your hands between your legs. 8-10 times.
Side bends.
I.p.: feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. 1 - tilt to the right, left hand behind the head; 2 - I.p.; 3-4 - the same in the other direction. 8 times.
IP: legs together. Hands behind head. 1 - sit down. Arching your back and spreading your elbows to the sides; 2 - I.p. 10-12 times.
I.p.: hands on the belt. 4 hops on the right leg, 4 on the left, 4 on both legs. 4 times.
Basic movements
Run at medium speed (1 min. 40 sec./). Slow running. Fast run. (30-40 sec.). At the teacher’s command, children alternate types of running.
Walking on the narrow slats of a gymnastic bench.
Children, one after another (in a stream), walk along the narrow slats of the gymnastic bench. For 1-2 laps, children hold their arms to the sides. Then again on the belt. 4-5 laps.
Run at medium speed. 1 min. 40 sec.
Crawl. Children crawl in a stream on all fours under arches (in snow tunnels), run to the log and walk along it. They climb through one of the hoops and return to the arcs again. 2-3 laps.
Relay game “Planting potatoes”
Children are divided into 3-4 teams. Which stand in columns near the line. At a distance of 15-20 m from the line opposite each team there are 3 small circles. In the hands of the children standing in front of the column are bags with three potatoes (balls).
At the teacher’s signal, the first in the columns run to the holes, “plant” a potato in each hole and return, passing the bag to the next child. The team that finishes the exercise first wins. 3-4 times.
III. Final part
Slow running.
Breathing exercises.
See: Ways to increase motor activity of 6-7 year old children in physical education classes (Diploma work).