Open physical education lesson in the middle group “Journey to the Forest”

Objectives : repeat walking in a column one at a time, develop eye control and rhythm when stepping over the bars; practice rolling the ball in a straight direction and climbing in an arc.

Children in sports uniform walk around the hall to the music and sit on chairs.

Ved .: Guys, today we will go for a walk in the forest. And our walk will not be easy, it will be sporty. Shall we go and check if the forest animals are engaged in sports? Guys, what if they don’t play sports? Will we teach them?

Children : yes, yes.

Ved. : Why do you need to do exercises and exercise in the morning?

(children's answers).

Ved. : Well, before we go through the forest, we need to greet him.

Forest, red forest,

Sky, clear sky

Let's shout loudly kids

Our physical education - hooray!

(They walk in a circle).

Ved .: We walk along the path and hold our backs. We walk, we walk, we raise our legs higher. Turns the head - left and right, look. Deftly raise the handle and pick an apple (we jump up, imitate that we pick an apple). The apple is delicious, sweet, filling. Then together we walk, we walk, we walk. There is a row of trees in front of us - we will go “snake” and go around all the trees. We walked around the trees and continued along the level path. The leaves rustle under our feet (we rake the leaves with our feet). There are bumps on our way, we will jump over them in an hour (jumping on two legs).

Ved .: Here we are in the forest, sit down on the stumps and let’s rest. Look how beautiful it is in the forest. Guys, tell me what animals live in the forest? (children’s answers).

(A voice is heard, a bunny approaches).

Hare. One jump, two jump

And again squat.

And then jump again

And again squat.

Hello guys. Why did they come to our forest?

Ved. : Bunny, hello. The guys and I came to visit you to find out if the forest dwellers do exercises in the morning and if they play sports at all?

Hare . Of course, we play sports. Do you see how strong my legs are? Yes, I’ll show you now, get up on your feet together and repeat after me.

(warm-up with a bunny to music).

Ved.: Well done, bunny. We see that you are strong and athletic.

Hare . Look, Mishka is coming. He also likes to play sports.

(Mishka comes out).

Bear. I am a strict owner of the forest.

I like to sleep in a den in winter.

I do sports

I'm gaining strength.

Ved . : Bear, the guys also play sports. And are able to pass any test. We'll show you everything you want.

Bear. Here's your first test. There was a strong wind in the forest. I broke a lot of branches - here’s your task, you need to jump over all the branches on two legs.

(Children perform jumps on two legs over gymnastic sticks one after another, in a continuous manner - 3 times).

Bear . Well done boys. We completed the task. Here's your second test. To get to the mushroom meadow, you need to crawl carefully under a huge log that lies on the path. Can you handle it?

Ved.: Of course we can handle it, Mishka.

(Children crawl under the arc)

Bear. Well done. We forest dwellers also love to play with a ball and throw it to each other. Do you know how?

(children's answers).

(Children divide into pairs and throw balls to each other.)

Ved.: Bear, maybe you can play an interesting game with us now?

Bear . Of course we’ll play the game “Bear in the Forest.”

Ved .: We passed all the tests, played the game, learned what we wanted - and now it’s time for us to return to kindergarten. Goodbye Mishka, Bunny.

(Children stand in a circle, walk to the music and sit on chairs.

Ved .: Guys, did you like it in the forest? Who did we meet there? Why did you and I go there, what did you want to find out? Guys, our lesson is over, you can return to the group.

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Open physical education lesson in the middle group. Journey into the forest. 96837525273000 Objectives: repeat walking in a column one at a time, develop eye control and rhythm when stepping over the bars; practice rolling the ball in a straight direction and climbing in an arc. Children in sports uniform walk around the hall to the music and sit on chairs. Ved. : Guys, today we will go for a walk in the forest. And our walk will not be easy, it will be sporty. Shall we go and check if the forest animals are engaged in sports? Guys, what if they don’t play sports? Will we teach them? Children: yes, yes. Ved. : Why do you need to do exercises and exercise in the morning? (children's answers). Ved. : Well, before we go through the forest, we need to greet him. To the forest, to the red forest, to the sky, to the clear sky Let's shout loudly, children, Our physical education! (Walk in a circle). Ved. : We walk along the path and hold our backs. We walk, we walk, we raise our legs higher. Look at the turns of the heads - left and right. We deftly lift the handle and pick one apple at a time (we jump up and pretend to pick an apple). The apple is delicious, sweet, filling. Then together we walk, we walk, we walk. In front of the trees in a row we will walk like a “snake” and go around all the trees. We walked around the trees and continued along the level path. The leaves rustle under our feet (we rake the leaves with our legs). There are bumps in our way, we will jump over them in an hour. (jumping on two legs). Ved. : Here we are in the forest, sit down on a stump and let’s rest. Look how beautiful it is in the forest. Guys, tell me what animals live in the forest? (children's answers). (A voice is heard, a bunny is approaching). Hare. One jump, two jumps, and again a squat. And then again the jump And again the squat. Hello guys. Why did they come to our forest? Ved. : Bunny, hello. The guys and I came to visit you to find out if the forest dwellers do exercises in the morning and if they play sports at all? Hare. Of course, we play sports. Do you see how strong my legs are? . Yes, I’ll show you now, get up on your feet together and repeat after me. (warm-up with a bunny to music). Ved. : Well done, bunny. We see that you are strong and athletic. Hare. Look, Mishka is coming. He also likes to play sports. (Mishka comes out). Bear. I am a strict owner of the forest. I like to sleep in a den in winter. I play sports and gain strength. Ved. : Bear, the guys also play sports. And are able to pass any test. We'll show you everything you want. Bear. Here's your first test. There was a strong wind in the forest. I've broken a lot of vetoes - here's your task, you need to jump over all the branches on two legs. (Children perform jumps on two legs over gymnastic sticks one after another, in a continuous manner - 3 times). Bear. Well done boys. We completed the task. Here's your second test. To get to the mushroom meadow, you need to crawl carefully under a huge log that lies on the path. Can you handle it? Ved. : Of course we can handle it, Mishka. (Children crawl under an arc) Teddy bear. Well done. We forest dwellers also love to play with a ball and throw it to each other. Do you know how? . (children's answers). (Children divide into pairs and throw balls to each other). Ved. : Bear, maybe you can play an interesting game with us now? Bear. Of course we’ll play the game “Bear in the Forest.” Ved. : We all passed the tests, played the game, found out what we wanted and - and now it’s time for us to return to kindergarten. Goodbye Mishka, Bunny. (Children stand in a circle, walk to the music and sit on chairs. Ved.: Guys, did you like it in the forest? Who did we meet there? Why did we go there, what did we want to find out? Guys, our lesson is over, you can go back to the group - 34671017081500- 39052527622500- 48958517653000- 447040- 63500

Abstract of the OOD on the FC “Travel to the Rainbow Country” for the middle group

Goal: creating conditions for instilling interest in physical education in students.


  1. Continue to form correct posture when performing various physical exercises and the ability to maintain stable balance when walking on a gymnastic bench.
  2. Develop interest in motor activity through the use of non-standard physical education equipment, reaction speed, attention, the ability to navigate in space when running in all directions, and act on a signal.
  3. Cultivate organization, self-control, and discipline.


  • didactic manual “Parachute”;
  • multimedia equipment;
  • gymnastic bench;
  • tunnel;
  • ribbed board;
  • mat;
  • multi-colored balls for playing;
  • musical accompaniment.

Introductory part


Children enter the hall and line up in one line.

Instructor: Hello, guys!

In the morning the kids got up and everyone came to kindergarten. We are glad to see you as always. We've had guests here since the morning, say hello friends!


The children greet the guests, at which time the video call rings. (Video clip.)

"Hello guys! We are residents of the Rainbow Country. The rainbow has disappeared in our country - this is the symbol of our country, and all the colors have begun to fade, if you do not return the rainbow to the country, very soon everything will become black and white! And flowers, and grass, and trees, and all the animals, and even the sky and the sun. We kindly ask you to help us bring back the rainbow. In order to return it, you need to play a fun game in the magical clearing of our country, but the path to it is not close and you only need to go there in a good mood.”

Instructor: Well, guys, let's help the residents of the rainbow country? How can we go on a trip? (children's answers). I suggest you go by train. You are ready? Well, then let's take our seats and hit the road! To bring back the rainbow,

We hit the road (musical warm-up game “Train Locomotive”).

Instructor: So we have reached fairyland. We get out of the trailers. You and I arrived on a train. Show me how it buzzes. Breathing gymnastics "Locomotive"

The locomotive is running, the locomotive is humming.

Take a deep breath, exhaling and saying Tu-tu-tu-tu - 3 times

Main part


Instructor: And now the road to the magical clearing of the Rainbow Country awaits us. But you can’t get there by train and we will continue our journey on foot.

  1. We will need to cross the bridge across the river (walking on a gymnastic bench).
  2. You will then need to crawl through the tunnel(s).
  3. And walk along the path, hands on your belt (ribbed board).

Instructor: So we found ourselves in a magical clearing! Do you remember what we must do in the magic meadow for a rainbow to appear?

We have to play with you! The game is called "Rainbow". And for the game we need the “Magic Parachute”.

Rainbow game using a parachute

Instructor: Guys, we had so much fun playing with you, but the rainbow didn’t appear. Tell me, when does a rainbow appear in the sky? The children answer: after the rain. We are now going to play another game that will help us return the rainbow to the inhabitants of this magical country.

Final part

Sedentary game “Sunshine and Rain”

An image of a rainbow appears on the screen.

Final part

Instructor: Guys, look! What did this appear? (Children's answers)

Instructor: Now let's rest a little, lie on your back on the parachute, close your eyes. Imagine that our parachute is slowly rising up. He lifts us higher and higher. Our body becomes light, light. And now the parachute has already lifted us to the very clouds. And a bright beautiful rainbow is shining above us. The parachute begins to slowly descend. He goes lower and lower. And now we are on earth. Open your eyes. Here we are again in our kindergarten, sit on your knees facing in a circle, smile at each other.

Bottom line

Instructor: Do you think we helped the residents of the Rainbow Country? Did you enjoy our trip? What did you like most? (Children's answers)

Perspective: I know that you really like to play, and in the next lesson we will play different games with balls. Now it’s time to say goodbye to the guests and return to the group.

Author: Nadezhda Petrovna Faustova, physical education instructor, MBDOU kindergarten No. 6, Zadonsk, Lipetsk region, Zadonsk, st. Sovetskaya, 48.

Summary of the lesson in the middle group in physical education “Funny Bunnies”


  1. Improve the ability to walk between objects.
  2. Train in crawling under the arc.
  3. Instill interest in classes.
  4. Learn the game "Bunnies".


  • bunny “ears”;
  • arcs;
  • hoops

Introductory part

One after another, children appear in the hall.


Hello kids! Come on, guess the riddle!

In winter it is white, but in summer it is gray. The ears are larger than the head, visible from behind the tree!

Children answer the riddle.

Well done kids, that's right, it's a hare. And today a bunny came to visit us for class. He is a true athlete: he loves to play sports. Let's keep our bunny company? And for this, let's turn into little bunnies. Now I’ll say a spell and we’ll all turn into bunnies. One two Three! Take the bunny ears! (The instructor hands out paper “ears”). Now you are not guys, but little ones! Let's line up one after another and march together behind our hare!

The instructor and the children say : We are funny guys, we guys are bunnies! (Walking one after another).

We want to walk, we want to jump, we want to run off the path!

(Various walking options - on toes, heels, etc.). The bunnies walked through the taiga and entered a clearing into the distance! (Walking with a task for the hands - up, to the side, etc.). We raise our paws higher, we walk far. (Walking with a high hip lift). The bunnies quickly rushed and stumbled upon a carrot trail! (Run). And to keep the bunnies from moping, you need to move your paws! (Stop and restore breathing).

Instructor: now, bunnies, you need to restore your breathing. We listen carefully to the words and do the exercises.

Our head to the shoulder, and now to the other, We blow and blow on our tummies, Our mouths are like a pipe! Stretch well and smile at me!

Main part

Outdoor switchgear without objects.


Our bunnies were in the hole, twisting their little heads No, not quickly, slowly, Let's do it measuredly!

Feet apart, place your hands on your belt : turn your head left and right. Do three repetitions.


My bunnies, turn around, My bunnies, spin around! Now to the right, now to the left, Let's make it more fun.

Legs apart : turn the torso to the side, repeat in the other direction. Repeat three times.


Our bunnies went to the forest, drank lake water, clean and tasty water, much needed water.

Wide stance, hands on hips: bend down - reach the floor with your hands, rise. Repeat six times.


Our hares were looking for cabbage. They quickly ran past the vegetable gardens. They ran briskly and briskly. Only their paws sparkled.

Wide stance, arms down: bring your arms forward and raise your knees, reaching your hands.


Our hares danced, raising their paws higher!

Feet together, arms down: jump, spread your legs shoulder-width apart, clap overhead. Repeat twice for 8 jumps.


Snake walking between medicine balls.

Again the hares got lost in the forest along the path. Raise your paws higher and help each other!

Jumping from one hoop to another.

Come on, bunnies, hurry up, Now we jump faster, Jump-jump, jump-jump, Land on your toes!


Bunnies guys! Here we are again in the clearing! Oh, look who's sleeping under the Christmas tree? Don't you understand? Then guess the riddle!

He wanders through the forest day and night, Here and there he finds prey! He can be angry, but there’s no point. Did you, bunnies, recognize... (the wolf)!

Children's answer.

Instructor: that's right, bunnies, it's a wolf! While he's sleeping, let's quickly go around him and continue riding through the forest.

Children, pretending to be bunnies, jump after each other on two legs.


Walk along the path, little bunnies, and quickly crawl under the pine needles!

One after another, the children crawl under the arc.


Bunnies, look who's watching over us now?!

This girl is very cunning, tricky and impudent! The tail is so fluffy, and the fur is golden! Yes, she lives in the forest, But she also gets chickens from houses!

Children: Fox!


Of course, bunnies, this is a cunning fox!


Dear bunnies, where are you going? And you won't get anywhere! I scattered pictures, help me collect them!


Bunnies, let's help the little fox put her cards in order.

The fox gives two pictures in the form of a disassembled mosaic (carrots and cabbage). Children collect pictures into a single whole.

Lisa: you guys are great, you helped me! Now you can move on!

The bunnies continue their journey after the instructor.


Now, bunnies, let's play a game. The game is called "Bunnies and the Wolf Cub."

A wolf cub is selected from the children and is located on one side of the hall. Opposite are the bunnies, which, at the instructor’s command, begin to move around the entire hall (running, jumping, etc.). After the instructor says “Wolf Cub,” all the “bunnies” children run home, and the wolf cub tries to catch as many bunnies as possible and takes them home. Within the same game, a different wolf cub can be chosen.

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