Summary of the lesson “Sound culture of speech” in the senior group

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the middle group “Sound culture of speech: sounds s, s”

Summary of educational activities for speech development in the middle group “Sound culture of speech: sounds s, s”
Description: I bring to your attention a summary of direct educational activities on speech development for children from 4 to 5 years old “Sound culture of speech: sounds s, s”. Goal: Explain the articulation of sound [s]. Objectives: - Practice correct, distinct pronunciation of the sound [s] in words and phrasal speech. — Develop phonemic hearing; develop speech breathing. — Cultivate curiosity and interest in knowledge. Methodological techniques: teacher's story, demonstration, explanation, artistic expression, surprise moment. Materials and equipment: Dog toy, narrow strips of paper according to the number of children.
Progress of GCD
1. Organizational moment. All the children gathered in a circle, I am your friend, and you are my friend. Let's hold hands tightly and smile at each other. Educator: Guys, someone came to our lesson today. And who it is, you will find out when you guess the riddle: He waves his tail joyfully, When the owner comes into the house. Her destiny is this: to keep the house from strangers. (Dog) Children's answers. 2. Main part. Educator: That's right, this is a dog (Shows a toy dog). Guys, the Dog can’t say the sound [s]. Let's teach her. Let's sit on the chairs and invite the dog to sit on the chair. Children: Sit down, little dog, on the chair. Educator: Let's play with our tongue. Game exercise “Funny Tongue” - The tongue lives and lives in its house, and the tongue’s house is its mouth. The house opens and closes. (The teacher slowly closes and opens his teeth. Lips in a smiling position)
The tongue either peeks out from the house or hides. (The teacher invites the children to let the tongue out for a walk, and then return it to the house)
Game exercise “Water Song” The tongue loves to sing different songs. One day he sang: “E-and-and.” Would you like to sing along with me? (Children's answers)
Educator: Then help me: “E-and-and-and.” We sing a song quietly. Well done. Educator: Guys, I know one more song. Here the water poured out of the tap: “Ssssss.” - Tongue, please learn my song too. “Good,” the tongue agreed and sang: “S-s-ss.” (Pronounced abruptly.)
Let's sing “Song of Water” together.
To make the song sound good, you need to press the tip of your tongue to your lower teeth. Children: “S-s-s-s” Educator: Close the tongue-mouth house, rest. Now press the tip of your tongue against your lower teeth again and softly sing: “Ssss.” Like this. Let's listen to how Varya, (Seryozha, Arina, Egor)
Now let’s sing a song all together (everyone sings the water song “S-s-s-s”)
The teacher suggests singing the water song at different volumes. Educator: Water flows in a small stream and sings a quiet song. Now the water began to gurgle louder. Quiet. Very quiet. The tap was closed. Physical education lesson We are autumn leaves sitting on branches (sit down)
The wind blew and they flew. We flew, we flew (running on tiptoes in a circle)
, and quietly sat down on the ground
(sit down)
The wind came again, And the leaves all picked up (running on tiptoes in a circle)
, They spun, flew, And sat quietly on the ground
(sit on chairs)
The teacher asks the children to sing the water song slowly and abruptly. Educator: If you sing “Song of Water” slowly and abruptly (like this: s...s...s...s), then it seems that the wind is dancing around your lips. Do you want to make sure of this? (Children's answers)
Educator: Then make the same fence, like me. Bring your palm to your lips, but don’t press them, and let the breeze dance. Look: now I will sing the song of water, and the piece of paper that I hold in front of my mouth will begin to move. What did you see? (The paper moved)
. Take the same strip of paper
(narrow strips of paper lie on the table)
and sing the water song.
sayings And now, guys, put the paper strip aside and listen: The tongue began to compose other songs similar to the water song. At first he sang: “Sa-sa -sa". What did the Tongue sing? (Children repeat)
. Then the Tongue sang: "Xia-xia-xya, axis-axis-axis"
(Children repeat)
. And now let's repeat after the Tongue the pure saying: Su-su-su - berries in the forest. Us-us-us - there are a lot of beads on the tree. Sa-sa-sa - there is a fox under the bush. As-as-as - the light in the fire has gone out.
Educator: What a great fellow you are, children. Today you helped the dog learn the sound [s]. She says "Thank you" to you. 3. Bottom line. Who came to visit us? What did we do in class today? What did you like and remember most about the lesson?

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