Summary of an open lesson on speech development in the senior group

Summary of an open lesson on speech development in the middle group of a preschool educational institution

Summary of a lesson in the middle group on speech development on the topic “Magic Nectar.”
Author: Lyudmila Nikolaevna Mironova, teacher of GB preschool educational institution LPR No. 34 “Pearl” Educational activities: Perception of fiction, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development, cognitive and research activities, gaming. Goal: - Learn to listen to the text, retell using supporting diagrams, consolidate knowledge with the help of simple experiments and visual activities. — Form active auditory and visual control of the correctness of the retelling, develop dialogical speech skills, and emotionally perceive a literary work. - Activate and enrich the vocabulary, summarize children’s ideas about the life of bees, show natural connections in nature. — Through experimental activities, find out how the process of pollination occurs in plants, consolidate the technique of dot drawing using ear sticks. - Create a joyful mood, pleasure. Cultivate interest in literary works and research activities. Materials: Pictures based on the text, cotton balls, crayons, a model of a flower, a screen, ear sticks, yellow gouache, a box - a model for drawing with honeycombs, a bee made of colored paper, pictures for painting.

(Children enter the hall and stand in a circle)
Educator: Guys, say hello to the guests. All the children gathered in a circle, You are my friend and I am your friend. Let's hold hands tightly - And smile at each other. Let's give each other a good mood and wish each other a good day. Now, guys, don’t yawn and give us the correct answers. Listen carefully to my riddle: She drinks the juice of fragrant flowers, Gives us wax and honey, She is dear to all people, And her name is... (bee). Conversation on the questions: - What do bees do on flowers? (collect nectar). —What do they use to collect nectar? (proboscis). -What does a bee have on its back? (stripes) - What color are they? (yellow, black). — Is a bee an animal or an insect? (insect). - Let's think about what sounds a bee can make? (the bee buzzes). Educator: Look, guys, I have this wonderful wand. Now I’ll try to turn you into bees: “One, two - here I am a fairy.” I'm turning you into bees. (Children spin around to the music, imitate the buzzing of a bee, and wave their arms). We rested in a clearing in the forest. But before she casts a spell on you, the fairy wants to know whether it’s good to be insects? (Children's answers.) -What will happen to the meadow if the insects disappear? (plants will disappear, animals and birds will die). Insects are part of nature, and nature must be preserved and protected. Attention: “One, two, three, four, five - here you are children again.” Now let's listen to the bees buzzing. (According to the recording, children listen to the buzzing of bees) (Explain where the sound comes from) Psycho-gymnastics
Educator: Many songs and poems have been written about the bee, about this amazing insect, and now we will sing a song, but we will not only sing, but also pronounce it well and perform the movements: (Sing the song and show the movements). The song “Bees” sounds, lyrics by P. Sinyavsky, music by Y. Chichkov. (In accordance with the words, the children perform the movements) In the morning the bees will wake up, Then they will comb their bangs, They will wash themselves over the puddle, And they will spin around the forest. He who respects bees, who does not pester them, they do not sting him, they bring honey to him. Educator: Well done, guys, you coped with everything, now sit down on the chairs.
Boys don't forget to skip the girls. Sit comfortably, straighten your back, place your legs nicely. Is everyone comfortable? Guys, today I will tell you a fairy tale called: “Magic Nectar.” This is an amazing fairy tale. Prepare your ears, prepare your eyes, listen carefully and remember. Are you ready to listen? fairy tale Magic nectar.

In a beautiful fairy-tale forest there lived a little bee named Zhuzha.
Every sunny summer day, Zhuzha woke up early and flew to her favorite flower meadow, where she collected nectar and carefully looked after each flower. She was a very hard working bee. One sunny day, the bee Zhuzha flew into her clearing and saw a terrible picture. The bunny trampled on her flowers, tore them off and threw them away! - What are you doing? “You’re ruining my clearing!” said Zhuzha. “And I collect magic nectar here!” - Just think, nectar. “I also thought it was magical!” answered the bunny. - Go play somewhere else! Zhuzha said. The bunny did not understand what could be valuable in this clearing. He had to find a new occupation. Autumn has come! The restless bunny caught a cold. The bee found out about this and put healing honey into the barrel. She flew to the bunny's house and gave him her honey. "Get well. Honey will definitely help you! The bee said. - Thanks a lot! – the bunny thanked. – I really need honey now. The little bunny recovered. “How quickly my throat stopped hurting,” the bunny thought. He looked at the barrel of honey that stood on the table, and on it was written in large letters “MAGICAL NECTAR.” The bunny remembered the story in the clearing, and he felt very ashamed for plucking and trampling the flowers. He decided that he needed to play in such a way as not to harm the forest inhabitants. The next morning the bunny got up early, dressed warmly and ran to the house where the bee Zhuzha lived.. - Your nectar and the honey that comes from it turned out to be truly magical. Forgive me for not believing you. I almost ruined your clearing. “Are we going to become friends now?” asked the bunny. “Of course!” answered Zhuzha. Educator: - Did you like the fairy tale? Conversation on text issues. Educator : And now we will try to remember how our fairy tale began, what happened next, and how it ended. And our magic board will help us with this. (I put out the board). Educator: I have prepared cards for you (pictures according to the text), we will lay out the cards in order, from the beginning of the fairy tale. (children compose a fairy tale from the pictures at the board). Educator : you are such a great fellow, you remembered the fairy tale from beginning to end.
-Now let’s take a rest and stand in a circle. (children form a circle on the carpet). Speech game.

(I display a large voluminous flower).
Educator: Guys, my magic wand gives you this wonderful flower. It is not simple; its petals contain interesting tasks for you. Let's play with him. Now you will take turns choosing a petal, I will read out the simple saying that is written on it, and you will try to quickly repeat it. Does everyone understand the task? Educator : We will reprimand, and we will pronounce. Everything is correct and clear so that everyone can understand. - Agreed? (if it’s bad, I correct it, repeat it again, you can do it all in unison). 1. She keeps buzzing and buzzing. Circles above the flowers. 2. The bee, the bee Why doesn’t she have bangs? I answer why: “A bee has no need for bangs.” 3. Osa is barefoot and without a belt. 4. The wasp has a few sharp horns. 5. Bee, bee Zhu – zhu – zhu I’ve been following you for a long time. Educator: Well done, guys! You tried and completed the task. Listen to the saying. “One bee does not produce much honey.” — What is needed to have a lot of honey? Children's answer: to make a lot of honey, you need a lot of bees. Educator: a very large and friendly family of bees lives in their houses, which are called hives. A bee can only live alone for a day, then it dies. Educator : What is the name of the bee house? Children's answer: beehive. Educator: who builds evidence for the bees? Children's answer: people build evidence. - Remember this word. (I repeat - Hive). Educator: (Reading a poem) Wonderful, wonderful town, A row of noisy houses! A whole year of amber honey - The honeycomb never ends! And the bee people swing on flowers. Educator: - a large, friendly, hardworking bee family lives in one hive. There are also lazy bees in the bee family; they don’t know how to do anything, they just fly, play and eat ready-made honey. But most of all in the bee family, bees are workers. They build houses for themselves - honeycombs, and fly to flowers from which they collect nectar. Nectar is a kind of sweet water and honey is made from it. Educator: Now we will try to fill the honeycombs with honey, as bees do. (Work at tables). Educator: Each of you has a box on the table. (A hexagonal box with honeycombs drawn inside.) - Honeycombs are drawn inside, they are empty. Your task is to “bring honey” to each of them - leave an imprint with a cotton swab and yellow paint.

Drawing on the topic: “Fill the honeycomb with honey” Breathing exercise: “Send the bee to fly”
Educator: small bees are sitting on the flower petals that stand on your tables, it’s time for them to fly and play. Place the bee on your palm, take a deep breath through your nose and blow on it, blowing so that your cheeks do not swell. (The exercise is performed 2-3 times.) Educator: help our bee sit on the petal, let her rest.

(Exhibition of children's works on a stand in the form of evidence). Educator: you completed the task, now let's play.
Experimental game “Bees collect nectar”
Educator: how nice it is in the meadow. Look how many fragrant flowers there are. Inside each flower there are reserves of sweet nectar. Bees have a whole set of tools on their legs: brushes with which the bee collects flower nectar and baskets in which it carries the nectar. A bee flies among the flowers, collects flower juice, carries it to her hive, and prepares honey from it. When bees make their way into the middle of a flower for nectar, pollen clings to their abdomen and legs. Pollen is also found in the middle of the flower. A bee flies from one flower to another and carries pollen with it. This is how, in gratitude for the nectar, the bee helps the plants. (I distribute cotton balls on a string). Educator: let's imagine that cotton balls are insects. Assignment: you need to touch the flower with the ball - “pollen” will remain on them. (There are three-dimensional flowers on the floor, colored chalk is poured in the middle, and children touch the pollen with cotton balls to the music). Educator: look how much pollen has collected on the ball.
This is roughly how bees work. (I invite the children to sit down). Game: “I’ll start, you continue.”

(I begin to say a sentence, and the children continue in turn.)
Educator: - In a beautiful, fairy-tale forest lived (little bee Zhuzha). — Zhuzha woke up early and flew (to the flower meadow). - On which I collected (nectar). — Once Zhuzha saw (how a bunny trampled her flowers, plucked them, threw them). “You’re ruining my clearing,” Zhuzha said. - “I collect here (“Magic nectar. Go play in another place”). - Autumn has come). - And the bunny (got a cold). - The bee found out and brought him (a barrel of honey). — The little bunny recovered quickly. - He looked at the barrel, and on it was written: (“MAGICAL NECTAR”). - The next morning the bunny got up, got dressed and (ran to Zhuzha) - How did the bunny behave? What was he saying? — Educator: It was so interesting for me to play with you. Since you gave such correct answers, it means that you yourself can tell the tale from beginning to end, but only one by one. (children sitting in their seats tell a fairy tale). Educator: you are such a great fellow, you told me a good story and I want to please you. I have prepared a little surprise for you. Now we will see a little story about a bee who works all day collecting pollen from flowers, but can have fun and sing beautifully. (song about the bee Zhuzhu). (Children watch and listen to the song on the screen). Educator: this is what the bee turned out to be. - Did you like it? Bottom line: I really liked the way you played, how you solved the riddle, repeated clear sentences clearly, during the game you turned into bees and collected nectar, how you composed a story and told me the words. Educator : what did you like? — What did you like to do? — What did you like to play? — Did you like answering the questions? -Who wants to make friends with Zhuzha? (Children's answers). Educator: I have prepared pictures where our bee is drawn, you will color it and remember our lesson. (I hand out pictures to the children.) Educator: I had a lot of fun with you today. Let's say goodbye to our guests and wish them a good day. You can watch the video of this certification lesson on speech development in the middle group on the topic: “Magic Nectar” on the YouTube channel.

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