Card index of poems, riddles, proverbs and sayings about onions. card index (senior group) on the topic


Since most bows have a low tension force, no more than 8 kg, the bow itself is safe for children. However, it is recommended to get a hand gaiter if it is not included with the bow. The guard is needed to avoid accidental contact of the bowstring with your hand when shooting. Otherwise, children's bows will not cause any concern.

Another thing is the arrows that the child will use when shooting from a child's bow. Any pointed arrow poses a danger both to the child himself and to others. Therefore, arrows are used with a blunt tip, which poses much less danger than with a pointed tip. Moreover, arrows with a blunt tip are used for sports and training shooting not only on children’s bows, but also on powerful bows with a much greater draw force for adult shooters. Sometimes a child's bow comes with a couple of arrows with a blunt tip.

There is an even safer type of arrowheads - soft ones. Essentially, this is a special soft nozzle. Some people make them themselves to save money. Archery, and not just for children, with such a tip is perhaps the safest. There is even a team game “archertag”, where arrows with such attachments and bows are used with an effort not exceeding the established rules of the game.

Bows for the little ones (up to 7-8 years old)

If we talk about the most inexpensive bows, then when choosing, the most common models of recurve bows are:

  • Man-Kung RB-009, Man-Kung RB-010, Man-Kung RB-011, with a tension force of up to 7 kg
  • compound bow Man-Kung CB-008 and RB-008
  • blocker Man-Kung CB-015, recursive Man-Kung RB-015.

Such bows are most likely suitable for children under 7-8 years old.

Since these bows have the lowest cost, about 2 thousand rubles, they are suitable as a first bow to introduce a child to archery. Parents, in turn, will be able to understand whether the child likes this activity. It’s no longer so offensive if the child abandons it in a week.

Bows for older children (8-12 years old)

As a rule, in most cases, archery is addictive. And here you can already look at more interesting bows. They are also inexpensive. On average, their cost can vary from one and a half to five thousand.

Good examples:

  • bows Man Kung RB-007
  • Man Kung CB-006 and CB-010
  • bow Man Kung CBK-1
  • Ajax bow
  • recursive Interloper Olympic Junior
  • compound bows from Interloper Odysseus and Ajax.

The most popular of the above models are CBK-1 and RB-007. Such bows are usually well equipped; the package may include a glove, a finger guard, a simple sight, several arrows and some other accessories; the kit differs for each model.

You can choose either a compound or recurve bow. The tension force can start from 5 kg. Such bows can be mastered by children from 8 years old. These bows have an attractive feature - their appearance. They look attractive. May vary in shape and color. Of course, using such a bow will be much more pleasant. The shape of the bow ensures not only attractiveness, but also ease of use, selecting the bow according to: height, width from stop to string, how comfortable it sits in the hand, whether it is heavy.

Criterias of choice

A bow for an adult has a fairly large mass and, accordingly, requires certain sports skills. And in the case of equipment for children, first of all, you should focus on the age of the child and the purpose of purchasing the crossbow. The toy can be purchased for entertainment purposes or for training with a trainer - in any case, certain requirements must be met.

Toy crossbow

Such equipment is manufactured solely for entertainment purposes. The material of such an item is plastic, which is why the toy is light in weight and will not cause discomfort when used. If you prefer more natural materials, take a closer look at wood products. You can also purchase a bow made of metal. Such equipment is sufficiently shock-resistant, but the strength of the material will affect the weight - it will be inconvenient for the child to play with a heavy object for a long time.

The equipment includes arrows, tips and targets. If certain safety measures are observed, using such a toy will be absolutely safe. Recommended age: 4 years and older.

Sport bow

This equipment is suitable for older children who are seriously starting to get involved in shooting. Such equipment should be made of durable materials - for example, wood. Metal inserts are often added to such products for durability. It is also recommended to purchase arrows from wood. Professional trainers strongly advise purchasing additional protection for the joints of the hands; such a purchase will save the child from wrist dislocations and sprained ligaments. For greater safety, it is worth adding a heart rate monitor to the crossbow kit - a product designed to monitor the state of the baby’s cardiovascular system.

Bowstring tension

This parameter completely depends on the age of the child and most directly affects the power of the crossbow. The tension should correspond to the physical capabilities of the child, for example, for children of primary school age it is recommended to select a bow with a tension of 7-10 kg. The older the child, the higher this indicator. If you wish, you can purchase a bow with adjustable tension, then you will not have to constantly update your inventory.


To be more precise, we will talk about tips. For entertainment purposes, arrows with suction cups are acceptable. Such weapons will not cause harm to surrounding people and things; arrows with rubber tips easily stick to any smooth surfaces and targets.

If we talk about choosing arrows with regular tips, then here too you should be guided by certain rules. For kids, ammunition with blunt or rounded tips is best. The use of pointed arrows is highly contraindicated.

Types of onions

For beginners in the field of shooting, the simplest classic bow is suitable. Such weapons are not difficult to use; if desired, a classic bow can be tried out idle, for example, for training purposes.

A compound bow is suitable for older children with serious intentions to engage in sports shooting. Such equipment requires careful and thoughtful selection. To use such a tool correctly, you should set all the parameters of a particular child on it in advance. It is no longer possible to let another child use such a bow.

Financial component

Purchasing a professional crossbow is quite a serious financial investment. Carefully weigh and consider this decision with your child. If you just want to pamper your baby, buy him an inexpensive toy option. Perhaps the child will play enough and forget about this toy.

For sport shooting, you should buy an expensive bow made from quality materials. The manufacturer's brand must be well-known and have an excellent reputation. Don't buy cheap Chinese copies, they won't last long. It is also worth finding a shooting coach in advance. He will give additional recommendations on choosing a weapon and teach the child the basics of shooting.

Children's bow: compound or recurve

Both recurve and compound bows are suitable for children.
The principle is the same as for compound bows for adults. The peak force is achieved not at the end of the draw length, but in the middle, after which the force is released and the bowstring is fixed in a certain position. This makes it easier to hold the bowstring in a taut position. Unlike professional, adult bows, where the tension force and draw length are adjusted, children's bows, as a rule, do not have such fine tuning. Yes, they don’t really need it, because the tension force on children’s bows is very small, and there is no need to adjust the bow. The point of a children's compound bow is to understand how a compound bow works in general. With recurve bows, peak force is achieved as the string is drawn back. Unlike compound bows, with recurve bows, the further the string is pulled, the greater the force applied, and there is no specific point of fixation of the string when pulling. On the one hand, this is good because even the youngest shooter can use a bow, stretching the string as far as he can. On the other hand, due to the lack of a fixed end point of bowstring tension (i.e., the same stretch length), the shot may be unstable at first. To be sure that the child will master the bow he likes, it is better to come directly to the store and give the child the opportunity to evaluate the bow in person, test the tension to understand whether the young shooter can handle it.

Allergy to onions

In general, it is rare to be allergic to onions, as they do not contain typical allergens. But individual intolerance may appear.

Onions contain substances such as diallyl disulfide and profilin, to which an allergic reaction is possible. Shallots and green onions may cause allergies due to the maximum amount of diallyl disulfide and profilin. But onions are considered hypoallergenic, as they contain the least amount of dangerous compounds. Also, it is important to note that the reaction most often occurs with fresh onions than with a heat-treated product.

How to cook onions?

The easiest and simplest way to add onions to your baby's complementary foods is to put onions in it 5 minutes before the baby's dish is ready.

Another of the easiest ways to prepare baby onions is to fry them over low heat in a little olive oil until they are tender and golden brown. Another delicious method that really brings out the sweetness of onions is baking. To do this, you need to cut the onion into slices and bake at a temperature of about 200 degrees for 45–50 minutes.

Baked or fried onions really add a unique flavor to a baby's meal and can be added to all types of baby foods, from savory to sweet. For example, broccoli, apple and onion puree is an amazingly tasty dish for children!

Onions are a great tasty way to add interest to cereals . You can fry the onion in oil with a little or no salt, and then mix it, for example, with rice or buckwheat. Yum! And pilaf?! Traditionally, onions and carrots are added to this dish, fried in sunflower oil; the resulting dish is simply delicious.

History of the bow

Onion is a well-known vegetable since ancient times. Due to its healing properties, onions have become widespread throughout the world. The homeland of onions is considered to be the territory of Central Asia and southwestern Asia. Then it spread in the Mediterranean, Egypt, and later in Central Europe.

This vegetable is mentioned in the writings of the ancient Sumerians, who lived in Iraq around 3000 BC, as well as in Egyptian papyri. In Egypt, onions were grown 5-6 thousand years ago and were actively used. The entry on the Cheops pyramid states that large quantities of onions and garlic were purchased for slaves to avoid epidemics. On ancient Egyptian frescoes you can see images of onions and their herbs.

Onions have been a popular vegetable since the times of ancient Rus', but exactly when they came to the country is not precisely established. In the 12-13th century, onions were already known. According to researchers, onions came to the Slavs from the banks of the Danube as a result of trade relations with the Bulgarians and Greeks. Due to its disinfecting and medicinal properties, as well as the fact that the climatic conditions for the vegetable turned out to be quite acceptable, the Slavs began to actively cultivate onions and breed new varieties.

Selection of teenage looks (from 14 years old)

For teenagers aged 14 and over, there is something more serious than baby onions.
Essentially, they can use compound hunting bows as they already have more fine-tuning capabilities. The only thing left to do is to set these same settings to minimum. This will be enough for a teenager to be able to use such a bow. But their price is already much higher. There is also a golden mean. For example:

  • Barnett Vortex compound bows
  • Barnett Vortex Lite
  • Man Kung CB-30
  • Pinnacle bow with little effort

These bows cost around 5-7 thousand rubles. Moreover, these bows have an average draw weight of 13 – 16 kg, and there is the possibility of customization. Classic bows for sports and recreation are perfect for a beginning shooter; these are usually inexpensive, simple bows. You can choose any model, just with a lower tension force (no more than 14 - 15 kg). For example: recurve bows Winner, Samick, SF Optimo. Lightweight, wooden, relatively cheap. Just right for a beginning shooter.

How to select and store onions

When choosing a bow, consider the following points:

  • correspondence of size and weight;
  • Do not take the onion if it is damaged or cracked;
  • no traces of insects on the onion;
  • the vegetable should be dry, hard and dense when palpated;
  • there should be no foreign odors on the bulb;
  • the husk should be shiny, otherwise the lack of shine may indicate long-term storage or improper transportation;
  • There should be no plaque, mold, or rotting on the bulb.

If you plan to store vegetables for a long time, you should select large onions without defects, others should be put aside for use first. Dry places are ideal for storage, such as a drawer in a closet or pantry. As for storage containers, it is worth paying attention to those varieties in which air circulates well, for example, wicker baskets, boxes, cardboard boxes, nets for storing vegetables. At room temperature, subject to all conditions, as well as inspections for the presence of rotting products, storage is possible for 9 months.

The refrigerator is also ideal for long-term storage of onions. There the onions will stay fresh longer. It is worth considering that it is necessary to provide air access to vegetables and protect onions from moisture and mold development. Onions can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 7 months, periodically checking the onions for spoilage of vegetables.

It is also possible to store onions in the cellar provided there is ventilation and a temperature of 4-7C. However, onions should be stored separately from all vegetables, since they tend to absorb moisture.

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