MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF
The use of lapbook technology in a system of means of expanding and consolidating the knowledge of preschoolers on the basics of a healthy lifestyleMunicipal budgetary preschool educational institution combined type kindergarten No. 49 “Fairy Tale”
Educator: Simonova O.A. Severomorsk 2021
In connection with the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education, every teacher is looking for new approaches and ideas in their teaching activities.
Modern requirements for the quality of education in a preschool educational organization imply that educators must constantly create conditions for an individual approach, be on the lookout for new means, methods, and techniques that are based on an activity-based approach. To do this, the system needs to increase the level of qualifications and competence, master effective educational technologies that are relevant, interesting for preschool children, appropriate for their age, and solve any educational problems.
A laptop is a universal guide that can be the result of children’s project-based and independent activities, a thematic week provided for by the main educational program of a preschool educational organization. Can be used in the implementation of any of the educational areas, ensuring their integration.
— A laptop is a type of joint activity between an adult and a child.
— Creating a lapbook is an effective means of attracting parents to cooperate.
Parents provide support:
— organizational (excursions, hikes)
— technical (photo, video)
— informational (collecting information for a laptop)
— motivational (maintaining interest, confidence in success)
It is necessary to start laying the foundations of a healthy lifestyle from an early age, creating a culture of health, and it is also necessary to cultivate a conscious attitude towards the value of one’s health in children. One of the activities of our kindergarten is the introduction of innovative technologies that prepare the child for a healthy lifestyle and a conscious attitude towards the formation of a healthy lifestyle.
I began to study and use in my work a new, interesting teaching aid - a lapbook. It can be used both in kindergarten and at home. A laptop is interesting and useful because it is made jointly by an adult and children.
The laptop meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education for a subject-development environment:
- informative;
- multifunctional;
- corresponds to the age capabilities of children and the content of the Program;
- promotes the development of creativity and imagination. Suitable for use by a group of children at the same time (including with the participation of an adult as a playing partner); has didactic properties;
- variable (there are several options for using each part); its structure and content are accessible to preschool children;
- provides playful, educational, research and creative activity for all pupils.
Results of using a lapbook in joint activities.
- It helps the child organize information on the topic being studied at will and better understand and remember the material (especially considering that preschoolers have visual-figurative thinking). Observations show that adults will also like this form of learning.
- This is a great way to review what you've learned. At any convenient time, the child simply opens the “lapbook” and happily repeats what he has learned, looking at the book he made together with the teacher.
- A preschool child will learn to independently collect and organize information - good preparation for school.
- "Lapbook" is well suited for classes in groups where children of different ages study at the same time. You can choose tasks that everyone can do and make such a collective book.
- Creating a “lapbook” is one of the types of joint activities between adults and children. Or maybe also a form of presenting the results of a project or thematic week
Americans were the first to create lapbooks. Lapbook – literally translated from English means “knee book” (lap – knees,
book - book). A laptop is a small homemade folder with pockets, doors, windows, tabs and movable parts, which contains materials on one topic, which a child can conveniently lay out on his lap and view all its contents at one time.
Now you can find a huge amount of information about the use of this technology by American teachers. Having convinced myself of the advantages of this form of working with children, I had the idea of using lapbook technology in physical education. A lot of difficulties arose, since the main disadvantage of this method is the time it takes to collect information, process it, and systematize it in accordance with the interests of the children. But we resolved this issue, and parents helped us with this, who, like their children, were interested in this form of work. Thus, through joint efforts, the following interactive folders were created:
- "Winter Sports" folder
— the “Beautiful Posture” , the most interesting, according to the children, allowed us to approach such a serious topic today as poor posture in a playful, creative way.
— folder “Health is the best medicine”
- "Summer Sports" folder
Creating lapbooks in our joint work with the children helped to consolidate and systematize previously studied material, and looking at the folders in the future will allow you to quickly refresh your memory of the topics covered.
Working with a lapbook meets the main theses of organizing partnership activities between an adult and children: the teacher’s involvement in the activity on an equal basis with the children; voluntary participation of preschoolers in activities; free communication and movement of children during activities; open time end of activity (everyone works at their own pace).
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Download and print all the pictures for your laptop
- Human body for a laptop on the topic of healthy lifestyle
- Sports themed pocket for laptop
- Pocket for a laptop on health topics
- Print ready-made pockets for a laptop on the topic of healthy lifestyle
- Hygiene for children in pictures. Cards for a laptop on the topic of health
- Healthy foods, nutrition rules for a laptop on the topic “Healthy lifestyle”
- Poems with pictures about the daily routine for preschoolers
- Gymnastics with a ball. Cards for a laptop on healthy lifestyle
Your suggestions and wishes
All-Russian registered media "International educational portal MAAM
» Founder, publisher, ch. editor: Fonov D.V. OGRNIP 311344431400027. Idea: Vovchenko E.A. Editorial office: 400066, Russian Federation, Volgograd, st. Mira, 11, apt. 36 | [email protected] | Editorial contacts | Server in Russia | Federation Council | Russian newspaper
Media registration certificate El No. FS77-57008 dated February 25, 2014, registered by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor) | 6+ ISSN 2587-9545 | Advertising on MAAM | Copyright holders MAAM
2010 — 2021
Lapbook “THE ABC OF HEALTH” - download ready-made templates
Dear teachers! We bring to your attention
The health of a child is the most valuable thing for our country as a whole.
But the reality is that every year there are fewer and fewer healthy children.
The main task of the laptop “THE ABC OF HEALTH” is to develop in children a reasonable attitude towards their body, to instill the necessary
sanitary and hygienic skills, teach how to lead a healthy lifestyle
(eating healthy foods, increasing physical activity,
communication with nature, gymnastics, rules of eye and dental care).
Strengthen your skills in acupressure.
Develop a friendly, attentive attitude towards people around you,
create a joyful, cheerful mood in children, etc.
Components of a Lapbook with an A3 background page:
1. 6 books: “Take care of your eyesight”; "Funny Vitamins"; “Save your teeth from caries”;
"Sports Riddles"; "Magic Dots" and "Good Doctor's Advice."
2. “Flower of Health” - a polygon of 8 petals.
3. “Circle with a frame” - answers to sports riddles.
4. 2 pockets - “Breathing exercises” and “Coloring books” - are attached to the back of the Lapbook.
A laptop can be purchased by paying an registration fee of 100 rubles only to our YuMoney account 410011433598093 .
On the page of our website, payment of the registration fee must be made on the day the application is submitted.
Note: Please pay attention to the correctness of the data you provided when paying through our “Pay” button, namely: indicate your last name, first name and ALWAYS your email address. The email address specified must match the email address from which you plan to send payment information. Confirm payment with a photo of the receipt.
If you paid via mobile phone, please inform your telecom operator. Specify the payment time.
A letter with payment information MUST be sent to the following email address: [email protected]
In the subject of the letter write: LAPTOP “THE ABC OF HEALTH”.
The laptop is sent after payment is received.
Lapbook “Healthy lifestyle” on MAAM. Healthy lifestyle laptop passport
Gayane Eribekyan
Lapbook “Healthy lifestyle” on MAAM. Healthy lifestyle laptop passport
The laptop “Healthy Lifestyle” is intended for preschool children. A colorful lapbook with a large set of educational pictures and convenient pockets will be an excellent teaching tool for educational thematic activities with children.
The “Healthy Lifestyle” laptop can be compiled from the following pictures and cards:
Picture “Human body”.
Objectives: to familiarize children with the structure of the human body, show how parts of the body move, what functions each part of the body performs. To form in children a careful attitude towards their health;
Cards with poems about the daily routine.
Objectives: in a fascinating poetic form, to familiarize preschoolers with the structure of the daily routine, types of activities, to develop an interest in maintaining their own health through adherence to the routine;
Healthy food cards (healthy foods).
Objectives: to introduce the concept of “vitamins”, to form ideas about their meaning, to consolidate the topic of “food”, to reveal the meaning of the relationship between proper nutrition and health;
Gymnastics with a ball (exercises in pictures).
Objectives: to show what exercises with a ball can be used to train muscle groups, teach types of exercises in running and jumping, and develop knowledge about the benefits of physical education and sports in promoting health;
Cards with personal hygiene rules.
Objectives: to familiarize with the rules and means of hygiene, to cultivate neatness, to improve the skills of independent hygiene procedures;
Cover. Colorful pictures of the lapbook cover announce the contents of the pictures and pockets on the topics “Sports”, “Healthy Lifestyle”, “Healthy Eating”;
Backgrounds containing pictures on the topics of healthy lifestyle, CGN, “Healthy eating”, “Sport” will serve as a colorful design for a lapbook.
Each new lesson comes with a new useful educational book - an exciting educational thematic lapbook!
Summary of a lesson on a healthy lifestyle in the preparatory group “We are for a healthy lifestyle” Summary of a lesson on “Healthy lifestyle” in the preparatory group “We are for a healthy lifestyle” Topic: “What is a healthy lifestyle.” Goal: formation.
Summary of the lesson on healthy lifestyle “We are for a healthy lifestyle” “We are for a healthy lifestyle” Goal: To form in the child the need for a healthy lifestyle. Objectives: * Develop thinking, speech, memory;.
Lapbook “Healthy lifestyle” for children of senior preschool age Lapbook “Healthy lifestyle” Age of children: senior preschool age Goal: To form a system of knowledge, skills and abilities in children on healthy.
Lapbook “Healthy Lifestyle” Lapbook “Healthy Lifestyle” I would like to present you with a didactic manual, which was the result of my work on the formation of health.
Lapbook Competition “Healthy Lifestyle” The lapbook includes a daily routine in pictures, vitamins useful for children’s health, riddles, games, physical exercises, tasks, advice from the Tooth Fairy.” A game.
Lapbook “We are for a healthy lifestyle” Lapbook “We are for a healthy lifestyle” The main thing in life is health, Agree, gentlemen. And we must always treat him with great love.
"Healthy lifestyle". Lapbook “Health depends much more on our habits and nutrition than on the art of medicine” D. Lebbock Children’s attitude towards life begins.
Project on healthy lifestyle in the middle group “We are for a healthy lifestyle” Project in the middle group on health conservation “We are for a healthy lifestyle.” Explanatory note It is difficult to imagine the modern world without.
Project “We are for a healthy lifestyle” Nomination – “Formation of a healthy lifestyle” Project name – “We are for a healthy lifestyle” Type of project: educational and gaming.
Healthy lifestyle and music. Healthy lifestyle in music The influence of music on a child’s health. “Music is truly a universal language” (K. Weber) About the strongest impact of music on the human body.
All materials on the topic “lapbook on healthy lifestyle” (11 pictures)
- Human body for a laptop on the topic of healthy lifestyle
- Sports themed pocket for laptop
- Pocket for a laptop on health topics
- Print ready-made pockets for a laptop on the topic of healthy lifestyle
- Hygiene for children in pictures. Cards for a laptop on the topic of health
- Healthy foods, nutrition rules for a laptop on the topic “Healthy lifestyle”
- Poems with pictures about the daily routine for preschoolers
- Gymnastics with a ball. Cards for a laptop on healthy lifestyle
Your suggestions and wishes
All-Russian registered media "International educational portal MAAM
» Founder, publisher, ch. editor: Fonov D.V. OGRNIP 311344431400027. Idea: Vovchenko E.A. Editorial office: 400066, Russian Federation, Volgograd, st. Mira, 11, apt. 36 | [email protected] | Editorial contacts | Server in Russia | Federation Council | Russian newspaper
Media registration certificate El No. FS77-57008 dated February 25, 2014, registered by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor) | 6+ ISSN 2587-9545 | Advertising on MAAM | Copyright holders MAAM
2010 — 2021