Visual activities in kindergarten. Program and methodological recommendations. For classes with children 2-7 years old


This publication is part of the methodological set for the “Program of education and training in kindergarten” (edited by M. A. Vasilyeva, V. V. Gerbova, T. S. Komarova. - 3rd ed., revised and supplemented - M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2005), which, in accordance with modern tasks of preschool education, provides for the comprehensive development of the child based on his age-related capabilities and individual abilities.

The leading goals of the “Program” are the creation of favorable conditions for a child to fully enjoy preschool childhood, the formation of the foundations of basic personal culture, the development of mental and physical qualities, and the preparation of a child for life in modern society and for school.

The “Program” is recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for preschool education institutions.

Brief “Methodological Recommendations” have been prepared for the “Program” (M.: Publishing House “Education of the Preschooler”, 2005; M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2005), revealing the features of the organization and methods of work in all main sections of the upbringing, training and development of a child in kindergarten at different age stages of preschool childhood.

More detailed methodological guidelines for the “Program” are contained in the basic methodological manuals: Komarova T. S. “Visual activities in kindergarten” (M.: Mozaika-Sintez), Gerbova V. V. “Speech development in kindergarten” (M. : Mosaika-Sintez), Teplyuk S. N., Lyamina G. M., Zatsepina M. B. “Early children in kindergarten” (M.: Mozaika-Sintez), Komarova T. S., Kutsakova L. V. ., Pavlova L. Yu. “Labor education in kindergarten” (M.: Mozaika-Sintez), etc.


Artistic and aesthetic education in the “Program” is implemented in the process of familiarization with nature, various types of art and artistic and aesthetic activities. It is aimed at developing a child’s love for beauty, enriching his spiritual world, developing aesthetic perception, imagination, aesthetic feelings, aesthetic attitude to the surrounding reality, familiarization with art as an integral part of spiritual and material culture, a factor in the artistic and aesthetic formation and development of the child’s personality .

The implementation of aesthetic education and art education in different age groups includes:

• development of interest in various types of art (literature, fine, decorative and applied arts, music, architecture, etc.), the formation of the first ideas about the beauty in life and art, the ability to perceive it;

• formation of artistic and figurative ideas and thinking, emotional and sensory attitude to objects and phenomena of reality, education of aesthetic taste, emotional responsiveness to beauty;

• development of creative abilities in drawing, modeling, appliqué, artistic speech, musical and artistic activities;

• teaching the basics of creating artistic images, developing practical skills in various types of artistic activities;

• development of sensory perception abilities, sense of color, rhythm, composition, the ability to simply express objects and phenomena of reality in artistic images, solving creative problems;

• introducing children to the best examples of domestic and world art.

In the section of aesthetic education, great importance is attached to the development of independent artistic activity; the formation of the desire to express oneself in a variety of activities: drawing, modeling, dancing, dramatization, games, etc.

First junior group (from two to three years old)

Arouse children's interest in activities with pencils, felt-tip pens, brushes, paints, and clay. To form the idea that they draw with pencils, felt-tip pens, and paints, and sculpt from clay.


Develop children's perception, enrich their sensory experience by highlighting the shape of objects, tracing them along the contour alternately with one hand or the other.

Lead children to images of familiar objects, giving them freedom to choose the content of the image.

Draw children's attention to the fact that a pencil (brush, felt-tip pen) leaves a mark on paper if you run the sharpened end of the pencil (felt-tip pen, brush bristles soaked in paint) across it. Learn to follow the movement of a pencil on paper.

Draw children's attention to the various lines and configurations they depict on paper. Encourage them to think about what they drew, what it looks like. Create a feeling of joy from the strokes and lines that children have drawn themselves. Encourage the addition of characteristic details to the drawn image; to the conscious repetition of previously obtained strokes, lines, spots, shapes.

Develop aesthetic perception of surrounding objects. Learn to distinguish the colors of pencils, felt-tip pens, and name them correctly; draw different lines (long, short, vertical, horizontal, oblique), intersect them, likening them to objects: ribbons, scarves, paths, streams, icicles, a fence, etc. Lead children to drawing round-shaped objects by organizing their perception of the surrounding life and play .

Form the correct posture when drawing (sit freely, do not lean low over a sheet of paper).

Learn to treat materials with care and use them correctly. When finished painting, put them back in place; first rinse the brush well in water. Learn to hold a pencil and brush freely; pencil - three fingers above the sharpened end, brush - just above the iron tip; pick up paint on the brush, dipping it with all the bristles into the jar, remove excess paint by touching the bristles to the edge of the jar.


Arouse children's interest in modeling. Introduce plastic materials: clay, plastic mass, giving preference to clay. Learn to use materials carefully.

Teach children to break off lumps of clay from a large piece, rolling the lump between their palms, sculpt sticks, sausages with direct movements, connect the ends of the stick, pressing them tightly together (ring, lamb, wheel, etc.).

Learn to roll out a lump of clay using circular movements of your palms to depict round-shaped objects (ball, apple, berry, etc.), flatten a lump between your palms (cakes, cookies, gingerbread), make a depression in the middle of a flattened lump (bowl, saucer) with your fingers. Learn to combine two sculpted shapes into one object: a stick and a ball (rattle or mushroom), two balls (tumbler), etc.

Teach children to place clay and sculpted objects on a board or special pre-prepared oilcloth.

By the end of the year, children can

• Know that you can draw with pencils, felt-tip pens, paints and brushes; distinguish between red, blue, green, yellow, white, black colors.

• Enjoy your drawings; name what is depicted on them.

• Know that clay can be sculpted and that it is soft.

• Roll out a lump of clay with straight and circular movements of your hands, break off small lumps from a large lump, flatten them with your palms; connect the ends of the rolled stick, pressing them tightly against each other.

• Sculpt simple objects; Use clay carefully.

Second junior group (from three to four years old)

Develop aesthetic perception; draw children's attention to the beauty of surrounding objects, natural objects (plants, animals), and evoke a feeling of joy.

To develop an interest in visual arts. Learn to depict simple objects and phenomena in drawing, modeling, and appliqué, conveying their figurative expressiveness.

Learn to see the beauty of the basic form of an object, its parts, and colors. Include in the examination process the movements of both hands on the object, grasping it with your hands.

Develop the ability to see the beauty of color in natural objects, pictures, folk toys (Dymkovo, Filimonov toys, nesting dolls), children’s clothing.

Evoke a positive emotional response to the beauty of nature, works of art (book illustrations, handicrafts, household items, clothing).

Learn to create both individual and collective compositions in drawings, modeling, and appliqué.


Invite children to convey in their drawings the beauty of surrounding objects and nature (blue sky with white clouds; colorful leaves swirling in the wind and falling to the ground; snowflakes falling to the ground, etc.).

Continue to teach how to hold a pencil, felt-tip pen, or brush correctly, without straining your muscles or squeezing your fingers too tightly; achieve free movement of the hand with a pencil and brush while drawing. Learn to put paint on a brush: carefully dip the entire bristles into a jar of paint, remove excess paint on the edge of the jar with a light touch of the bristles, rinse the brush well before picking up paint of a different color. Get into the habit of drying a washed brush on a soft cloth or paper napkin.

Strengthen knowledge of the names of colors (red, blue, green, yellow, white, black), introduce shades (pink, blue, gray). Draw children's attention to choosing a color that matches the depicted object.

Involve children in decorative activities: learn to decorate silhouettes of toys cut out by the teacher (bird, goat, horse, etc.) and various objects (saucer, mittens) with Dymkovo patterns.

Teach the rhythmic application of lines, strokes, spots, strokes (leaves are falling from the trees, it is raining, “snow, snow is spinning, the whole street is white,” “rain, rain, drip, drip, drip...”).

Learn to depict simple objects, draw straight lines (short, long) in different directions, cross them (stripes, ribbons, paths, a fence, a checkered handkerchief, etc.). Lead children to depict objects of different shapes (round, rectangular) and objects consisting of a combination of different shapes and lines (tumbler, snowman, chicken, cart, trailer, etc.).

Develop the ability to create simple plot compositions, repeating the image of one object (Christmas trees on our site, tumblers walking) or depicting a variety of objects, insects, etc. (bugs and worms crawling in the grass; bun rolling along the path, etc.). Learn to arrange images throughout the sheet.


Generate interest in modeling. To consolidate ideas about the properties of clay, plasticine, plastic mass and sculpting methods. Learn to roll out lumps with straight and circular movements, connect the ends of the resulting stick, flatten the ball, crushing it with the palms of both hands. Encourage children to decorate sculpted objects using a stick with a sharpened end (match); learn to create objects consisting of 2-3 parts, connecting them by pressing them against each other.

Strengthen the ability to carefully use clay, place lumps and sculpted objects on a board.

Teach children to sculpt simple objects from several parts (tumbler, chicken, pyramid, etc.). Suggest combining sculpted figures into a collective composition (tumblers dance in a circle, apples lie on a plate, etc.). Arouse joy from the perception of the result of common work.


To introduce children to the art of applique, to develop interest in this type of activity. Learn to pre-lay out details of different shapes, sizes, colors prepared by the teacher on a sheet of paper; lay them out in a certain sequence, making up an object conceived by the child or assigned by the teacher, and then paste the resulting image onto paper.

Learn to use glue carefully: spread a thin layer of it with a brush on the back side of the figure to be glued (on a specially prepared oilcloth); apply the side coated with glue to a sheet of paper and press tightly with a napkin.

Encourage children to feel joy from the image they create. Develop accurate work skills.

Learn to create not only object-based, but also decorative compositions from geometric shapes and natural materials using appliqué on paper of various shapes (square, rosette, etc.), repeating and alternating them in shape and color. Develop a sense of rhythm.

By the end of the year, children can

• Show emotional responsiveness when perceiving illustrations, works of folk arts and crafts, toys, objects and natural phenomena; enjoy the individual and collective works they create.

In drawing

• Know and name the materials you can use to draw; colors defined by the program; names of folk toys (matryoshka, Dymkovo toy).

• Depict individual objects, simple in composition and simple in content; select colors that match the objects depicted; Use pencils, markers, brushes and paints correctly.

In sculpting

• Know the properties of plastic materials (clay, plasticine, plastic mass), understand what objects can be fashioned from them.

• Be able to separate small lumps from a large piece of clay, roll them out with straight and circular movements of the palms; sculpt various objects consisting of 1–3 parts, using a variety of sculpting techniques.

In the application

• Create images of objects from ready-made figures; decorate paper blanks of various shapes; select colors that correspond to the objects depicted and at your own request; use materials carefully.

Middle group (four to five years old)

Develop children's interest in visual arts. Evoke a positive, emotional response to the offer to draw, sculpt, cut and paste.

Continue to develop aesthetic perception, imagination, aesthetic feelings, artistic and creative abilities, the ability to examine and examine objects, including with the help of hands; form figurative ideas.

Develop independence, activity, creativity.

Enrich children's ideas about art (illustrations for works of children's literature, reproductions of paintings, folk decorative art, small sculpture, etc.) as the basis for the development of creativity. Continue to develop the ability to create collective works in drawing, modeling, and appliqué.

Encourage children to evaluate the works created by their friends. Teach to be friendly when evaluating the work of other children. Learn to identify means of expression.


Continue to develop in children the ability to draw individual objects and create plot compositions, repeating the image of the same objects (roly-polys are walking, trees on our site in winter, chickens walking on the grass) and adding others to them (the sun, falling snow, etc.). ).

Form and consolidate ideas about the shape of objects (round, oval, square, rectangular, triangular), size, and arrangement of parts.

When conveying the plot, help children arrange images on the entire sheet in accordance with the content of the action and the objects included in the action. Direct children's attention to conveying the relationship of objects in size: a tall tree, a bush below a tree, flowers below a bush.

Continue to consolidate and enrich children’s ideas about the colors and shades of surrounding objects and natural objects. Add new ones to already known colors and shades (brown, orange, light green); form an idea of ​​how these colors can be obtained. Learn to mix paints to obtain the desired colors and shades.

To develop a desire to use a variety of colors in drawing and appliqué, to pay attention to the multicolored world around us. By the end of the year, develop the ability to obtain brighter and lighter shades by adjusting the pressure on the pencil (with weak pressure on the pencil, a light tone is obtained, and with stronger pressure, a darker or more saturated tone is obtained).

Strengthen the ability to correctly hold a pencil, brush, felt-tip pen, colored chalk; use them when creating an image.

Teach children to paint over drawings with a brush or pencil, drawing lines and strokes in only one direction (top to bottom or left to right); rhythmically apply strokes and strokes throughout the entire form, without going beyond the contour; draw wide lines with the whole brush, and narrow lines and dots with the end of the brush bristles. Strengthen the ability to cleanly rinse your brush before using paint of a different color.

Develop the ability to correctly convey the location of parts when drawing complex objects (doll, bunny, etc.) and correlate them by size.

Decorative drawing

Continue to develop in children the ability to create decorative compositions based on Dymkovo and Filimonov patterns. Use Dymkovo and Filimonov products to develop an aesthetic perception of beauty and as samples for creating patterns in the style of these paintings (toys fashioned by children and silhouettes of toys cut out of paper can be used for painting).

Introduce children to Gorodets products. Learn to highlight elements of Gorodets painting (buds, flowers, roses, leaves); see and name the colors used in painting.

Strengthen the ability to maintain the correct posture when drawing: do not hunch, do not lean low over the table, towards the easel; sit freely without straining. Teach children to be neat: keep their workplace in order, and remove everything from the table after finishing work.


Continue to develop an interest in sculpting; improve the ability to sculpt from clay (plasticine, plastic mass).

Reinforce the modeling techniques mastered in previous groups; teach pinching with a slight pull on all the edges of a flattened ball, pulling out individual parts from a whole piece, pinching small parts (ears on a kitten, beak on a bird). Learn to smooth the surface of a sculpted object or figurine with your fingers.

Teach techniques for pressing the middle of a ball or cylinder to obtain a hollow shape. Introduce techniques for using stacks. Encourage the desire to decorate sculpted products with a pattern using stacks. Reinforce the techniques of careful sculpting.


Cultivate interest in the application by complicating its content and expanding the possibilities of creating a variety of images.

Develop the ability to hold and use scissors correctly. Teach cutting, starting with developing the skill of cutting in a straight line, first short and then long strips. Learn to make images of different objects from stripes (fence, bench, ladder, tree, bush, etc.). Learn to cut round shapes from a square and oval shapes from a rectangle by rounding the corners; use this technique to depict vegetables, fruits, berries, flowers, etc. in appliqué.

Continue to expand the number of objects depicted in the appliqué (birds, animals, flowers, insects, houses, both real and imaginary) from ready-made forms. Teach children to transform these shapes by cutting them into two or four parts (a circle into semicircles, quarters; a square into triangles, etc.).

Strengthen the skills of neat cutting and pasting.

Long-term plan for modeling in the middle group

Anastasia Mirsaidova

Long-term plan for modeling in the middle group


T. S. Komarova “Classes in visual arts in the middle group”

I. A. Lykova “Art activities in kindergarten. Middle group"

G. S. Shvaiko “Fine art classes in kindergarten. Middle group"

D. N. Koldina “ Modeling with children 4-5 years old”


1 object “Eared pyramids” Learn to sculpt pyramids from disks of different sizes with the top of an animal. Show planning of Lykov’s work “Art activities in kindergarten. Middle group” , p. 28

2 Modeling from plasticine “Basket with berries” Learn to sculpt a hollow object with a handle. Continue to teach how to roll small balls between Koldin’s palms, “ Modeling with children 4-5 years old ,” p. 13

3 Modeling “Cucumber beets” Introduce the techniques of sculpting oval shapes . Learn to convey the features of each subject Komarov “Classes in visual activities in the middle group” , p. thirty

4 Modeling from plasticine “Pie” Continue to sculpt round objects, flattening the ball between the palms, decorate Koldin’s products, p. 19


1 Modeling “Big and small carrots” Learn to sculpt elongated objects. fasten sculpt large and small objects Komarov, p. 28

2 Modeling “Mushrooms” Strengthen the ability to sculpt familiar objects, using familiar techniques to clarify the shape of Komarov, p. 36

3 Modeling “Plums and Lemons” Strengthen the ability to sculpt oval-shaped objects Komarov, p. 43

4 Plasticineography “Leaves are flying in the wind” Reinforce the ability to apply plasticine in a thin layer on cardboard


1 Modeling from plasticine “Snail” Continue rolling out a column from the ball and rolling it into a spiral, pulling and rounding the ends Koldin, p. 42

2 Modeling – plot “Here is a hedgehog - neither head nor legs...” Learn to sculpt a hedgehog, conveying the characteristic features of its appearance, experiment with art materials when creating a prickly “fur coat” Lykov, p. 52

3 Modeling of the Dymkovo toy “Duck” Introduce the toys, draw attention to the streamlined shape, painting by Komarov, p. 47

4 Modeling based on the Hungarian fairy tale “Two Greedy Little Bears” Learn to sculpt bear cubs in a constructive way (in pairs)

Lykova, s. 84


1 By design To consolidate previously learned techniques in sculpting familiar objects

2 Modeling “Fish” Reinforce the techniques of pulling and flattening while conveying the characteristic features of a fish, learn to designate Komarov’s scales with a stack, p. 40

3 Modeling “Girl in a Fur Coat” Learn to highlight parts of the human figure in clothes, convey them in compliance with the proportions of Komarov, p. 51

4 Modeling from plasticine “Green Christmas tree” Learn to convey the structure of a Christmas tree by connecting columns of different lengths in a certain sequence Koldina, p. 25


1 Vacation

2 Modeling the plot “The Snow Maiden is dancing” Learn to sculpt the Snow Maiden in a long fur coat in a rational way - from a cone, position it vertically, giving stability. Show techniques for conveying movement by Lykov, p. 68

3 Modeling “Cup and Saucer” Continue sculpting the ball by pressing your thumb into it, aligning the edges with your fingers. Roll out the column and attach. Strengthen the ability to roll a ball and flatten it Koldin, p. 18

4 Modeling from plasticine “Pyramid” Strengthen the ability to roll balls of different sizes and flatten them between the palms, arrange the resulting circles in a certain order Koldina, p. 41


1 Introduction to small-form sculpture Introduce a new type of fine art - small-form sculpture. Learn to understand the content of sculpture and its means . Give an idea that sculpture is made from various materials Shvaiko “Fine art classes in kindergarten. Middle group” , p. 76

2 Modeling from plasticine “Airplanes” Continue rolling out the columns on the cardboard with forward and backward movements and connecting them. Practice working with the Koldin stack, p. 32

3 Modeling (collective)

“Birds at the feeder” Learn to convey a simple pose. Learn to combine your work with your friends. Komarova, s. 65

4 Modeling with additional with the material “Boat” Continue to teach how to roll out an oval from a ball, flatten it and press the middle with your fingers, tighten and trim the edges. Learn to complement the image with details Koldin, p. 22


1 Modeling from plasticine “Family of nesting dolls” Learn to sculpt an oval-shaped object using a plastic method, pressing the craft from below for stability. Continue to introduce the smoothing technique. Strengthen the ability to decorate a product with bas-relief Koldin, p. 33

2 Modeling (collective)

“Duck with ducklings” Continue to introduce Dymkovo toys. Learn to sculpt figures on a stand, conveying the difference in size Komarov, p. 52

3 Plasticineography “Flower - seven-flowered” Reinforce the ability to apply plasticine in a thin layer on cardboard Koldin, p. 35

4 Modeling “Little Goat” Learn to sculpt a four-legged animal. Reinforce Komarov's sculpting , p. 73


1 Round Dance” Learn to depict a human figure, correctly representing the advanced ratio of parts with the size of Komarov, p. 63

2 Modeling “A bird pecks grains on a saucer” Strengthen the ability to sculpt familiar objects, using Komarov’s previously learned techniques, p. 82

3 Modeling “Bowl” Learn to sculpt with familiar techniques and new ones - pressing and pulling, leveling them with Komarov’s fingers, p. 70

4 Modeling “Lamb” Introduce Filimonov toys. Create a desire to make a Komarov toy, p. 78


1 Plasticineography “Spring Rain” Reinforce the ability to apply plasticine in a thin layer on cardboard, complementing the drawing

2 Plasticine molding “Teremok” Learn to divide the columns and lay out the desired image on them in the form of a bas-relief. Strengthen the ability to work with the Koldin stack, p. thirty

3 Modeling from plasticine using natural material “Swan on the Lake” Strengthen the ability to combine natural material and plasticine in a craft. Practice connecting parts Koldina, p. 43

4 Plasticineography “Bouquet of Flowers” ​​Reinforce the ability to apply plasticine in a thin layer on cardboard

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