Morning of joyful meetings in the senior group according to the Rainbow program

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Morning of joyful meetings “Holiday of colorful balloons and ribbons”

Teacher G.G. Chaydak, young specialist

Age group: first junior group.

Goal: create a positive emotional mood for the whole day.

Educational objectives:

  • To develop the ability to distinguish and name the characteristics of objects (color, size); develop the ability to work in a group.
  • Develop thinking, imagination, perception, sensory, communication skills: hear the question asked, give an answer to it.
  • Foster activity and curiosity.

Preliminary work: Examination of colored balloons, colored ribbons.

Material and equipment: Dummy Kinder Surprise; colored balloons inflated with gel; colored ribbons of different sizes; carousel with ribbons. Music to accompany games.

Progress of the lesson:

No. 1 (Music sounds. “Caramel on the cheek”

Children with a teacher enter the hall and greet the guests.)

Educator: Guys, look, Surprise came to visit us and brought something. Would you like to see?

Children: We want!

Educator: Then listen to the riddle.

I hold him by the leash, Although he is not a puppy at all. And he broke off the leash and flew under the clouds.

Children: balloon

Educator: Yes, of course, it's a balloon. (Takes out a ball with a cheerful face). Let's say hello to him. Guys, look at this unusual and interesting ball.

(We look at it, passing it to each other, at this time the teacher asks questions: what color is the ball, what is unusual about the ball? (eyes, mouth, mustache) What color is the ball’s hat? What size is the ball: large or small?)

After all the children have looked at the ball

Educator: Guys, the balloon didn’t come to us alone, he also invited his friends (the teacher brings in balloons inflated with gel).


Look, guys, a miracle happened. How many balloons have appeared here, now.

The balls are all different, the balls are beautiful. What colors are they? Who is ready to give me an answer?

(Dasha, what color is your ball?, Vikulka, what color is your ball?)

(Children answer and show what colors the balls are).


We all named the balls, but we didn’t play with them. Hey kids, don't yawn and play with the balls:

No. 2. (Music for the game)

Children dance to the music with balloons, run in circles, swing over their heads, and spin. they hide behind the back, run in a circle, make a spring, pull the string, spin around.

(After the game)

Educator: I really liked how you played with the balls, now let’s release the balls and decorate our hall. They raised their arms and stretched high. Look how beautiful it has become for us.

Now guys, let's play a game.

Game – Round dance “Balloon” .

Inflate our balloon, inflate big. Stay like this, don't burst out.

He flew, flew, flew, and hit a branch.

Sh-sh-burst. (2 times)

No. 3. (ball popping sound)

(At the end of the game, the ball deflates to the music and the tip of a colored ribbon appears on the clothes)

Part II.

Educator: Oh, guys, the balloon burst!!! Oh look what's on my shirt? (pulls the tape easily)

Well, look, is it a bug or a spider or a butterfly? Vikulka, come closer, pull (Vika pulls the ribbon)

What is it?

(Children answer the teacher’s question)

Educator: That’s right, it’s a ribbon, look how beautiful and bright it is.

Educator: Oh, here's another one! (Children pull ribbons: at this time the teacher asks questions: what color is Sasha’s ribbon? And what color is Dima’s ribbon)

Educator: Let's lay out the ribbons on the carpet and see what different ribbons you have, red, green, yellow, long and short.

Guys, look and tell me what color is the longest ribbon? What color is the shortest ribbon?

(Children name and show)

Educator: Well done guys, they correctly showed the short and long ribbon, named their colors correctly. Do you want to play a little with the ribbons?

Children: yes!

Then let's ask Surprise to make a carousel of ribbons for us. To do this, we will put our ribbons in Surprise and close our eyes.

Music No. 4

Children open their eyes, and in front of them is a carousel of ribbons

Guys, look at the carousel Surprizik made for us, it’s bright, grab the ribbons,

(Music No. 5) and children play the game “Merry Carousel”

Barely, barely, barely The carousel started spinning And then, then, then, All running, running, running!

Hush, hush, hush, hush, Stop the carousel, One and two, one and two - So the game is over.

Educator: Guys, Surprise and I liked the way you played and danced, and he told me in secret that a Katya doll lives in one of the groups in our kindergarten. And today is her birthday! And he invites you to go with him to her birthday party. And we will find out which group we should go to by the ribbons......

Thank you guys very much for an interesting time.

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Summary of “Morning of Joyful Meetings”, “Mother’s Helpers” in the middle group


: to ensure the gradual entry of children into the rhythm of group life, friendly communication with peers and adults.



v establishing a comfortable socio-psychological climate in the children's team;

v provide conditions for interpersonal and cognitive-business communication between children and adults;

v enhance children’s skills in communication, planning and organizing their own activities;

v initiate a conversation, get involved in it and maintain communication (let's together..., I want to say, I think that...);

v teach children to: formulate judgments, give reasons for statements, defend their point of view;

v select the most significant, interesting events from personal experience, talk about them briefly, but consistently and logically;

v listen carefully, show a constructive attitude towards the statements of others;

v make a choice;

v plan your own activities;

v develop empathy, independence, self-organization, cultural communication skills (greetings).

Equipment: ball, sound recording, saucepan, wonderful bag of vegetables and fruits, microphone, table, materials in educational corners.


Organizing time. Music sounds (children gather in a circle).

1. Greeting.

Educator: “All the children gathered in a circle.

I am your friend and you are my friend!

Let's hold hands together

And let's smile at each other"

- Let's give each other a smile (doing practical actions).

- Good morning, my dears! I'm very glad to see you all together!

2. Exchange of news.

Educator: “Guys, we haven’t seen each other since yesterday evening. During this time, something very interesting must have happened to you. How many of you would like to share your news? Just don't forget the rules:

- says the one who has the microphone in his hands,

- no one interrupts the speaker” (children tell their news).

Educator: “I also want to share my news. This morning on the way to kindergarten I met Mama Cat and a kitten. Mother Cat was in a hurry about her cat business, and the kitten was, in my opinion, very bored, so I invited him to visit us. After all, mothers always have so much trouble and they need your help. And our furry guest doesn’t know how to do this, let’s help him and today we’ll talk about our beloved and dear mothers.”

— Hear someone scratching at the door (characteristic sound). Yes, this is our guest (the teacher meets the “guest” toy Kitten), the children get acquainted with the kitten, say their names.

3. Game.

Educator: Barsik, you probably love your mother very much and want to help her with something.

Educator: Let's show Barsik how to help his mother

Game "Mom's Helpers"

Today we help mom

We collect the dishes from the table.

I'll throw the ball to you

And you name the dishes.

Educator: What can you do to please your mother? (tell the poem). Children who wish to do so read poems about their mother.

Educator: All mothers love to cook. So we have some object on our table, what is it (a saucepan). What do you think mom can cook in it (children's answers)

Educator: Let's tell and show Barsik what to cook a delicious compote from.

Game "Brew compote"

(there are vegetables and fruits in the bag, children take turns taking out and putting into the pan only the products from which the compote is made)

4. Presentation of centers

Educator: Guys, what else do you want to know about mothers (children’s answers).

And now I invite you to travel through the group with Barsik. I have prepared many interesting games for you in the corners that you can play during the day:

“At Losyash’s” in a corner of nature - d/i “Whose Children”,

In the beauty salon there is a set of new hairpins, elastic bands, and ribbons. You can come up with a hairstyle for your mom.

In the theatrical music corner “At Sovunya” you can prepare and show the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”.

A new book of fairy tales has appeared in the book corner; you can see illustrations and look at the albums “Professions of Our Mothers.”

In the art corner at Barash's you will find colored pencils, markers, watercolors, stencils, napkins, colored paper and much more. You can draw a gift for mom or make a craft.

5. Planning.

Educator: And now, my dears, will you think and choose what you would like to do today and with whom?

(Children make their choice, at this time the assistant teacher writes down what the children want to do during the day on an information sheet).

Educator: Today I will learn a dance for mothers together with our music director. She handed us this beautiful box, what’s in there (they open it and take out handkerchiefs). Who wants to come with me, take a handkerchief and let's go. And we’ll take Barsik with us and teach him to dance.

Regular moment of group gathering technology “Morning of joyful meetings” material

Technology “Morning of joyful meetings”.

Goal: to create a positive emotional mood and instill in the child confidence that he will feel good among his peers, and the day promises to be interesting and eventful.

Objectives: learn to engage in conversation and maintain communication.

Every day, children come to kindergarten with a variety of moods and with a variety of impressions of the events of the early morning. And therefore a friendly meeting is very important, it affects mood, performance, and discipline. If children know that they are expected to be welcome, they are more willing to go to kindergarten.

The author of the technology, Lidia Vasilyevna Svirskaya, recommends introducing it for children, starting from an early age, where the main role belongs to the teacher, and his goal is to relieve the psycho-emotional stress of children who come to kindergarten. The teacher comes to the aid of songs, toys, surprise moments, a “game character” is used and all actions are connected with him; The teacher speaks mainly, because the children speak poorly and cannot formulate their thoughts.

The “Morning of Joyful Meetings” technology is a routine moment, which is a form of organizing the educational process during the joint activities of adults and children.

In our group there are children from 1.5 to 2 years old, who still mostly do not know how to speak, some are already trying to say something, but cannot yet formulate their thoughts. Using this technology

We promote a friendly, positive attitude in children throughout the day.

We conduct the “Morning of Joyful Meetings” immediately after breakfast, in several stages.

  1. Call sign for “Morning of Joyful Meetings.” Today the call sign was “Dudochka”. We are also considering other options that can be offered (a bell, the sound of a metallophone, a song or rhythmic claps).
  2. Greetings in a circle

All the children held hands and, together with the teacher, made simple movements

There are many ways to greet. Various objects are used (favorite toy, ball, flag, magic wand, which are passed in a circle to the person to whom the greeting is addressed.

  1. A game.

These are games that do not require much mobility: finger games, word games, fantasy games, chain games, joke games. If this is singing, listening, then these should be melodies that will help children feel at ease and comfortable. It’s good to use training elements, for example, an interview, a telegram, show your mood.

The training game was carried out in a circle; for convenience, the children sat on cushions. Each child was given a compliment (beautiful bows, smart pants, sweet smile, beautiful hairstyle, smart blouse)

Didactic game “Guess what’s in the bag” - children guess what toy they take out and show how to play with it.

The game is fun reading poetry. A. Barto “Bear” The teacher reads a poem to the children. To the question “Why does the child not want to throw away a broken toy,” the children and the teacher come to the conclusion that it can be repaired (sewn, glued) and continue to play.

Interview game “My favorite toy”

The teacher talks about his favorite toy; children who wish can, with the help of the teacher, use leading questions to talk about their favorite toys.

Finger gymnastics game “I play with toys.”

Finger games have a magical effect on children, calming and comforting.

Outdoor game “Find your house”

The toys displayed in front of the children have lost their houses, you need to help them find the houses.

  1. Final fee.

At the end of the day, the same sound and melody gathers the children for the final gathering. They gather in the same place as for the group gathering, on the same pillows.

Children bring a toy that they liked best today, a drawing, a picture book they liked, or a completed construction set.

All works are laid out in the center of the carpet near their pillows.

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