How to draw a picture on the topic of fire safety with a preschooler and schoolchild? What to show in the picture?
According to statistics, 80 percent of fires occur due to careless handling of fire and electrical appliances. You need to learn fire safety rules from early childhood. In order for the child to remember them better, he is often asked to illustrate them with pictures. Also, schools and kindergartens often hold competitions for children's drawings and crafts on the topic of fire safety. So what can you draw?
How to draw a picture on the topic of fire safety for kindergarten?
Drawings on the topic of fire safety are always conceptual and multi-component. It is quite difficult for a child of kindergarten age to draw something like this. But if his parents help him, it will be quite possible to portray:
- house: square - walls, triangle - roof
- window: a small square inside a larger one
- fire: lines of red, orange and yellow
- fireman sketchy
- inscription "01"
Drawing by a child from kindergarten on the topic of fire safety.
You can also offer a preschool child to color a ready-made drawing on the topic of fire safety. For example, one of the following.
Coloring book for children on the theme “Fire safety”.
Coloring book for a child on the theme “if there is a fire.”
Coloring book for a child on the theme “In case of fire, call 01.”
Coloring book for a child on the topic “Careless handling of electrical appliances.”
Coloring book for a child on the theme “Matches are not toys for children.”
How to draw a picture on the topic of fire safety for school?
The student already draws quite well, and knows fire safety rules by heart. In art class, as an extracurricular assignment, or at an art exhibition, he will sooner or later be asked to draw a thematic drawing. What can you not depict? First of all, the child can draw a fireman or a fire truck. You can read about how to do this step by step in the article: “ How to draw a fireman and a fire truck step by step with a pencil for beginners and children? How to draw a fireman putting out a fire step by step? "
In the student's drawing, a fireman is putting out a fire.
The courage of firefighters is one of the themes of fire safety drawings.
The picture may also depict the famous slogan “In case of fire, call 01” in its various interpretations. The drawing is complemented by the image of a red telephone, a fire extinguisher, a fireman in a helmet, a burning house in the background, etc.
Drawing by a schoolchild “In case of fire, call 01.”
Another slogan that children learn from an early age is “Matches are not a toy for children.” It can also be used as the basis for a drawing: depict a little hooligan with a box of matches and burning furniture in the room. I found a box, decided to play, struck a match, and disaster struck. Didn't know fire safety rules. But the rest know now!
Drawing by a schoolboy “Matches are not a toy for children.”
Picture for drawing “Matches are not toys for children.”
Another common cause of fires is improper handling of the gas stove in the kitchen, electrical and household appliances. Do not leave pots and pans unattended or dry laundry over the stove. You cannot use faulty household appliances, plug several powerful devices into one outlet at once, or leave them unattended. Here's another idea for a drawing.
Picture for drawing “Handle electrical appliances carefully.”
New Year's Eve can be marred by a fire if you do not follow safety rules when using crackers, sparklers, firecrackers and fireworks. To avoid trouble, children are strictly prohibited from using pyrotechnics on their own.
Picture for drawing “Pyrotechnics are not for children.”
Due to carelessness of people, fire can get out of control not only in the house. Bonfires and barbecues in nature cause fires in dry grass and forest fires. The slogan of a children's drawing could be “Save the forest from fire.”
Drawing by a schoolchild “Protect the forest from fire.”
IMPORTANT: There are many colorful pictures on the Internet for children on the topic of fire safety. If suddenly a student doesn’t come up with his own idea, he can choose one of these pictures to draw.
Game guide on fire safety for kindergarten. Senior group
Game guide on fire safety for children of senior preschool age
Game guide: “Exam for future firefighters”
Purpose: Dear colleagues, I present to you a game guide on developing fire safety rules in children “Exam for future firefighters”, the guide is intended for children of senior preschool age. This material can find its application in working with preschool children, as well as primary schoolchildren. Description of the manual: Box (cat house), fire is visible from the window - red and pink ribbons (1 meter long), at the end of the ribbons are pictures - situations (on red ribbons) and pictures - answers (on pink ribbons).
Game guide: “Exam for future firefighters”
Purpose: Formation of initial knowledge of how to act during a fire. Objectives: - To introduce the main causes of fire; — Establish rules of conduct in case of fire; — Introduce precautions against electric shock, burns, and smoke poisoning. Options for use: 1. Cards - diagrams. Use cards - diagrams in organized educational activities, during the conversation “Rules of conduct in case of fire.”
2.To decorate the interior of the group. As a wall panel to consolidate knowledge on a topic individually. “Pick a pair” (pictures hang on hooks attached to the box)
3. As a game to simulate situations. Game motivation: You are all firefighters, the faster we name all the rules, the faster we will put out the fire. Situations: Answers: Matches...... are not toys for children! There is a fire…… call “01” There is a lot of smoke in the room…….. crawl to the exit Your clothes are burning……. fall on the floor and roll around The TV is smoking…….. turn it off, cover it with a blanket Last year’s dry grass is burning….. cover it with earth, fill it with water It’s hard to breathe from the acrid smoke…. breathe through a wet cloth A small fire…….. can be extinguished with water or covered with a thick blanket Burning electrical appliances……… cannot be extinguished with water From arrivals, firefighters, rescuers…….. you cannot hide under beds, behind cabinets, as it will be difficult to detect Fire, if possible... quickly leave the house and call for help, close the door tightly . Game progress:
Children stand around the house - boxes, take any card diagram attached to the tape. They walk in a circle and repeat: “Tili - bom - tili - bom! The cat's house caught fire. We will save the cat’s house, we will name everything the rules!” They show pictures to each other, look for a couple, who is the first to shout “Stop”, names the rules (you can make it more difficult, find the attributes located nearby on the table) and hides their ribbons under the box “the fire has become smaller - they have put it out”, moves aside, makes sure that everything is correct actions of comrades, all 6 pairs of players also play. (at first you can reduce the number of pairs, take pictures - diagrams) At the end of the game, the fire was put out, there were no flames left (ribbons). You can learn the chant: “Even if we are small in stature. Only growth has nothing to do with it, We are always ready for adults to Help in the fight against fire!”
We recommend watching:
GCD summary in the preparatory school group GCD summary in the 1st junior group on fire safety Mathematical game with Cuisenaire sticks for children 5-6 years old Game - quiz on fire safety for primary school students
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How to draw a fire in a house with a pencil and a person who puts out the fire?
IMPORTANT: Be sure to explain to your child that you can extinguish a fire yourself only at the very beginning. You cannot tame a raging flame yourself, and it is quite possible to get damaged or even die. It’s better not to rely on your own strength, call the fire department.
Before drawing such a drawing, you need to think about its concept. It is necessary to decide in which room the fire occurred. This could be a living room, in which case the TV would be a source of danger. Let the child draw something from the room's furnishings. For example, a sofa, a wardrobe and a table. The step-by-step instructions in the pictures below will help him with this.
Draw a chair step by step.
Draw a TV step by step.
If a child decides to draw a kitchen, he will most likely depict a stove, refrigerator, or dining table.
Draw a stove and refrigerator step by step.
Draw a dining table step by step.
Next you should draw the fire. It's simple at first glance. It will be necessary to depict chaotically flying flames and make them three-dimensional. It is better to color the fire in several colors: red, yellow, orange, then the image will turn out dynamic.
Draw fire step by step.
If the picture shows a person putting out a fire, he needs to be depicted in motion. For example, running towards a flame with a bucket or fire extinguisher. And finally, you should choose what exactly will be used to extinguish the fire:
- bucket with water
- fire extinguisher
- a thick blanket (the child should know that it is strictly forbidden to extinguish a fire in an electrical appliance with water)
Draw a bucket step by step.
Drawing to copy: fire extinguisher.
Drawing for copying: a man extinguishes a fire in a house.
How to draw a poster with fire safety rules?
To make a poster with fire safety rules for children or with children, you will need:
- sheet of whatman paper (reverse side of wallpaper)
- ruler 30 cm
- pencil
- eraser
- scissors
- glue
- paints, markers, colored pencils
Fire safety poster.
Here are a few ways: The poster will be completely drawn. You can place several of the above thematic pictures on it at once. A sheet of whatman paper is marked so that each picture has its own place. In the center or in one of the corners the following inscriptions are placed: “Fire safety”, “In case of fire call 01”, “Fire requires careful handling”.
Picture to copy: fire safety poster for children.
You can make an applique poster, as in the example below.
Application - collage “Beware of fire!”.
Instead of a poster, they also use a collage of several drawings by children from a school class or kindergarten group.
Collage of children's drawings on the theme of fire safety.
IMPORTANT: The fire safety poster must contain not only drawings, but also the rules themselves. You can write them in verse.
Verse for the poster about fire safety rules “Fire service telephone number - 01.”
Verse for a poster about fire safety rules “Never forget the included iron and other electrical appliances.”
Verse for a poster about fire safety rules “Matches are not toys for children!”
What information does it contain?
Modern printing technologies make it possible to produce bright, memorable images in permanently placed and portable form.
There is a large selection of posters covering the main topics of the fire safety course. We list the most important ones:
- fire safety training;
- primary fire extinguishing agents;
- fire hydrant, shield;
- carbon dioxide fire extinguisher;
- powder fire extinguisher;
- instructions for staff of child care institutions;
- instructions for employees of hostels, hotels, campsites;
- actions in case of fire at work,
- causes of domestic fires, and many other types of fire safety posters with reminders.
Visual materials on fire safety are usually divided into educational, instructional, outreach, informational and specific groups. The texts are presented in a concise form, printed in a prominent font, systematized and structured.
The presence of posters and full houses organically complements the traditional methods of presenting the basics of fire safety behavior and the rules for responding to the first signs of incidents.
A special place in visual materials is occupied by pointers and signs, the configuration of which is specified by national requirements.
In moments of danger, a person may not remember information that he studied earlier. Instant response will be provided by bright inscriptions that are impossible not to notice.
Indicative signs are intended to speed up and simplify the process of organized evacuation; quickly finding the location of primary protective equipment.
Signs are warning, prohibitive or prescriptive in nature. Every year, a large number of visual materials are supplied to the printing market at affordable prices, which makes it possible to constantly update the sets and keep them in good condition, meeting the requirements of regulations.
Children's drawing for the "Burning Bush" competition
Every year, an all-Russian competition of children and youth creativity on fire safety, “Burning Bush,” is held among schoolchildren. The purpose of the competition is to educate children about fire safety rules and to popularize the profession of firefighter among young people.
Talented children and teenagers aged 7 to 18 can take part in the competition.
They can prepare competition works (drawings, posters, crafts) on the topic:
- careless handling of fire, children's pranks with fire
- courage and dedication of firefighters
- fire fighting and rescue equipment
Work for the “Burning Bush” competition.
Children's drawing for the "Burning Bush" competition.
The drawing for the “Burning Bush” competition should be on the topic of fire safety.
Competitive children's drawing.
The work and courage of firefighters is the theme of many drawings at the Burning Bush competition.
IMPORTANT: More information about the terms and conditions for creating and submitting works in 2017 can be found in the Regulations on the municipal stage of the All-Russian competition of children's and youth creativity on fire safety "Burning Bush".
Didactic manual “Fireman Lapbook”
Borozdina Yulia Alexandrovna
MADO kindergarten No. 186 in Tyumen
Didactic manual “Fireman Lapbook”
This lapbook is intended for preschool teachers in working with children of senior preschool age and children in independent play activities.
The curiosity of preschoolers, their desire to constantly discover something new, often confronts them with real danger. Therefore, teachers pay considerable attention to the topic of fire safety. Systematic conversations about fire safety help children develop a solid knowledge of fire safety rules.
In such work, the Fireman's Lapbook will be an indispensable tool - it is a very interesting multifunctional tool.
A laptop allows you to solve educational problems, since this folder contains various materials on one topic, which allows you to generalize, consolidate, and systematize children’s existing knowledge about fire safety in the form of a game.
The purpose of this lapbook is to develop the basics of safe handling of fire in children.
-To consolidate knowledge about the causes of fire.
-Introduce firefighting vehicles.
-Expand children’s understanding of the importance of fire in human life and its potential danger.
-Secure fire department phone numbers.
-To clarify children’s knowledge about the profession of a firefighter and his special clothing.
Where to call in case of a fire, who puts out the fire, what types of fire engines there are - children will learn about all this and much more in a fun and interesting way with the help of riddles, proverbs, puzzles, coloring books and board games.
“Certificate of publication in the media” Series A No. 0007613
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