Instilling cultural and hygienic skills in the senior group at preschool educational institutions

Raising cultural and hygienic skills (CHS) in children is one of the priority tasks of a preschool teacher. Kids need to not only be told how to behave and maintain cleanliness, but also to consolidate the acquired knowledge in practice. How can a teacher not get lost in a large amount of information, where should work begin, how to organize activities to develop the above skills for children of the sixth year of life? A structured file of cultural and hygienic skills in the senior group, as well as an analysis of the program and the requirements of the state standard, will help in resolving these issues.

The goals of forming a group of groups in a preschool institution

The common saying that cleanliness is the key to health is beyond doubt. That is why it is so important to teach children to observe the rules of personal hygiene as early as possible. That is, the main goal of educating KGN is to preserve and strengthen the health of preschool children.

The next important task is the formation of a socially adapted personality of the child, fostering understanding and acceptance of the established rules of behavior in society.

The education of cultural and hygienic skills in the senior group is carried out daily, both in special classes and during routine moments during the day.

Conducting a lesson on developing cultural and hygienic skills in the senior group

A lesson on the formation of a group of groups, like any other, in the senior group of a preschool educational institution lasts no more than 25 minutes.

Motivating start to class

Although children of the sixth year of life are distinguished by greater stability of attention than in primary and secondary preschool age, in any lesson the teacher must still think through an exciting motivation. The teacher’s task is to interest the children in the proposed topic as much as possible, to intrigue them from the very beginning.

So, if the teacher shows the kids a doll with a dirty face and hands, then he asks the older group students to look around the room and see if there are any grimy dolls among them. When children find such a messy toy, they are encouraged to think about why it got so dirty and what needs to be done to correct the situation. In addition, the communication component is necessarily touched upon: “Would you like to play with such a girl?”

In the older group, the children themselves can find a grimy doll in the room and wash it

A general lesson about hygiene items can be started with a parcel where these things are located, or with riddles about them (as the teacher guesses, the teacher attaches pictures to the board):

  • In the mornings and evenings He brushes and brushes our teeth, And during the day he rests, He gets bored in a glass. (Toothbrush).
  • What is rain without clouds? Are you ready to go all day? As soon as I turned on the tap, the rain poured down on me. (Shower).
  • It can be family, household, bath, It can be fragrant or it doesn’t smell at all, It can be different colors, sizes and shapes of any kind, But it can only be slippery with water! (Soap).
  • All the girls and boys carry me in their pockets, and when I become needed, they will get me. They will clean themselves up and hide them back. (Handkerchief).
  • I close my eyes tightly, rub it into my head, and then wash it off with water.
  • This hair product can even be without tears. (Shampoo). Soap and girlfriend will wash Andryushka. The girlfriend danced on her back, her back became pink. (Washcloth).

If the topic of the lesson is “Hygiene and Health” (“Where Health Hides”, “How to Maintain Health”), then you can invite the children on a trip to the country of Healthy. Another option is for the children to have some character they know, for example, Masha and the cartoon “Masha and the Bear” come to visit them. The guest has a large sheet of paper in her hands: she wants to make a newspaper for forest dwellers on the topic “Where health hides,” but does not know what to write about. Preschoolers will be happy to help Masha.

The helping motive always works very well. A girl named Slastyona may come to the boys and she chews candy all the time and doesn’t know how to brush her teeth. Preschoolers will happily act as teachers: after all, they know the rules of hygiene well.

Table: summary of the lesson “Where health hides” on the formation of cultural and hygienic skills in the senior group (fragment)

AuthorBondarenko Yu. O., MBDOU D/s No. 30 “Vesnyanka”, Evpatoria, Republic of Crimea.
Organizational partTo the music, the children enter the hall, the teacher draws attention to the guests. Greet guests.
  • Good morning! Smile soon! And today our day will be more fun. We will stroke your nose and cheeks. We will be beautiful, like flowers in the garden. Let's rub our palms harder, harder! Now let’s clap bolder, bolder! Now we’ll rub our ears and save our health!
Main partV.: Guys, today I want to invite you to go to the magical land of Zdoroveyka. (Knock on the door). I'll go see who came to us. (Opens the door, and Masha is there). Look, children, Masha has come to us. (From the cartoon). Masha has a rolled up newspaper in her hands. V.: Hello, Masha! What do you have? Masha: I want to make a newspaper for forest dwellers! (Shows). Q: What kind of newspaper? Masha: I called it “Where is health hidden?” I don’t know what to write there. V.: Masha, don’t be upset, the guys and I will help you. Masha: What is health? Q: Guys, which of you wants to be healthy? (Children's answers). What do you think it means to be healthy? (When you are not sick, you grow well, when you are in a good mood). Since you and I want to be healthy and strong, I suggest you go on foot. “Health Mat” (to music). Stop "Hygiene". V.: Oh, guys, look, who’s so grimy and unwashed? (This is Dirty). Dirty, don't you know that you need to wash your face? After all, dirt is microbes! Microbes can be very angry, evil, harmful. Guys, what kind of microbes? (Small, alive, dangerous). Can we see them? (No, only through a microscope). Dirty shakes his head. V.: Dirty guy doesn’t believe us. Let us prove it to him and conduct an “Experiment” (I will apply magic dust to my palm and shake hands with you). What did you see? (Hands became dirty). That's right, magic dust flew from my palm to yours. What needs to be done to make them clean? (Wash) A nursery rhyme with movements to music. V.: So we taught Dirty to wash his hands! But what else you need to do to look clean and tidy, you will find out if you solve the riddles! Children solve riddles. <,…>, Didactic game “Helpful, harmful.” Children are divided into two teams (boys and girls). There are two trays on the magnetic board - red and blue. On red you should put healthy foods, and on blue – harmful ones. Q: Look, the “Healthy Nutrition” icon has appeared. We continue our journey. (Cubes are at a distance of 1 m, they step over to the music). They meet Dunno. V.: Hello, Dunno. What are you thinking about? Dunno: I want to learn how to do exercises, but I don’t know where to start! Q: Guys, let’s teach Dunno how to do exercises? (Yes). Charging with music. V.: Look, another icon has appeared - this is “Physical exercise”. Stop “Fresh air, sun and water”. The teacher draws the children's attention to the sound of water. V.: Guys, let's listen. Sit down, you can lie down, close your eyes and imagine that we are at sea. The sun is shining, and you and I are lying on the warm sand, breathing the fresh sea air, we feel good and warm... and now we carefully get up. Here is another icon - this is “Sun, air and water are our best friends.” But it's time for us to return to kindergarten. “Health Mat” to music. V.: Guys, I see you are in a very good mood. This is very good! Now another icon has appeared - this is “Good mood”.
The final stageSumming up the lesson:
  • Guys, what did we do today?
  • Who came to us?
  • What did we help do?

V.: Let's look at the newspaper again. Let's follow all the rules and improve our health! Thank you very much, guys, I couldn’t have done it without you, and for that, here’s a treat for you (apples). Goodbye!

Quote from:

At the end of the lesson, reflection is required. The teacher clarifies with the children what they have learned, what new things they have learned, etc. This allows them to consolidate the skills they have mastered.

Video: health lesson in kindergarten

In one of the kindergartens in Krasnoyarsk, teachers and dentists held a health lesson dedicated to dental care. Senior preschoolers learned about the structure of teeth, the rules of caring for them, and watched a play about the boy Vanya, who did not want to brush his teeth and ended up in the land of Sweetness.

Video: the fairy tale about Masha and the sweet kingdom (lesson on oral hygiene)

The lesson with children is conducted by a fifth-year student, future dentist Vladimir Ryabov. First, he tells the children a fairy tale about a girl Masha, who did not like to brush her teeth, but loved sweets (the story is accompanied by a display of illustrations). And then one day Masha found herself in a sweet kingdom, where the evil Caries planned to destroy her teeth. After listening to the fairy tale, children will learn how to properly clean the mouth (a model of the jaw is demonstrated). Everyone comes up to the model and tries to brush their teeth themselves.

The concept of skill and habit as the basis of cultural and hygienic education

Where does the process of developing a culture of behavior and compliance with hygiene rules begin? From the moment of birth, the baby observes the people around him. This is where those behavioral stereotypes begin to be laid down, which later, under the influence of various external factors, are formed into a certain skill. So, for the first time the baby tries porridge not with his finger, but with a spoon, learns to use a napkin, etc.

But the goal of the teacher is to form a lasting habit based on the acquired skill. Education of cultural and hygienic skills in the senior group pursues precisely this task. After all, while still kids, children learned - thanks to teachers, parents and society as a whole - the basic rules of behavior and compliance with hygiene standards. But such skills have not yet become sustainable. Children often forget or perform a learned skill incorrectly. For example, children may learn to use cutlery, but hold a spoon incorrectly, spill water from a glass, forget to wash their hands before eating, etc.

Methods and techniques for developing cultural and hygienic skills in children 5–6 years old

The development of cultural and hygienic skills (CHS) is a long process. If younger preschoolers are allocated much more time for hygiene issues and self-care (this can be seen from the daily routine), then five-year-old children have, in principle, already formed important habits. The teacher’s task is to improve them and take them to a new level. We are talking about fostering a culture of communication. For example, after a walk, the guys undress, carefully putting their things in a locker. At the same time, they try not to disturb other children with their actions (after all, it happens that one child keeps the booth wide open, and because of this, there is not enough space for others). Another routine point is hand washing. It is important not only to wash them well and quickly, but not to splash water on those standing nearby, and not to push your friends (after all, there are much fewer sinks than there are preschoolers in the group).

It is important not only to perform hygiene procedures correctly, but also not to disturb other children.

In addition, during hygiene procedures and self-care, the teacher should encourage mutual assistance among preschoolers. For example, children adjust each other’s hoods or scarves before going for a walk. Similarly, during lunch, one child, at the request of another, passes him bread.

In the life of an older preschooler, the team begins to play an increasingly important role, and the interaction of its participants becomes more complicated. In the process of communication, a 5-6 year old child is able to show greater restraint and learns to act taking into account the interests of another person or a group of peers.

Of course, there are always children for whom these actions are not easy. The teacher carries out mandatory individual work with them (mainly conversations).

In the senior preschool level, the teacher forms in pupils a more conscious attitude towards cultural and hygienic habits. Children must understand that neatness (clean face, body, neat hairstyle, well-groomed clothes, shoes) is not only an elementary requirement of hygiene, but also the norm of human relations. By following simple rules, a person demonstrates respect for others, since no one wants to touch dirty hands or look at wrinkled and soiled clothes. Preschoolers, with the help of the teacher, notice that a sloppy child (one who does not know how or is lazy to take care of his appearance) is most often careless in games and activities: for example, he draws sloppily, is not able to water indoor plants well, etc.

When working with older preschoolers, ethical conversation becomes an effective method of generalizing and consolidating the CPG and associated moral ideas. Its content can be real life incidents, the behavior of people around, mainly the children themselves. The teacher, together with the students, evaluates various actions. The main task is to form moral motives of behavior in preschoolers: they will be guided by them in their future actions. An example of a topic for an ethical conversation is “How to show others with your appearance that you respect and value them.” Such conversations should not be carried out spontaneously: it is better to analyze what caused vivid impressions in the children and touch on this topic. The emotional response of the students will be evidenced by their questions, genuine emotions, and sincere assessments of the action. As a result of such communication, the child’s inner world seems to open up to the teacher, which makes it possible to further correct the child’s behavior. In addition, joint discussion of various situations generates empathy in preschoolers and enriches moral ideas.

In addition to moral conversations, the senior level widely uses educational ones, when the teacher discusses with the children certain aspects of hygiene and culture: for example, “What is the difference between shampoo and soap” (or children’s toothpaste from an adult’s), “Why is it so important to brush your teeth.” During such discussions, it is important to provide the children with interesting facts, accessible information from the history of things (for example, how the toothbrush appeared and what objects people used before its invention).

In the senior group, the teacher should actively use ethical conversations

To consolidate personal hygiene skills, it is useful for older preschoolers to give various instructions. So, in addition to mandatory duty in the canteen, the teacher can appoint a “orderly” every day. He checks with his classmates the cleanliness of their hands, the condition of their nails, the neatness of their clothes, and the order in their cubicles.

When I worked as a teacher in an older group, in the summer after a walk I always appointed a child responsible for washing their feet. He was the fastest to undress after a walk, go to the shower, sit on a chair there and pour water from the shower hose onto the legs of the other guys. You should have seen how the children asked for this honorable “position”, how important the person in charge of the shower felt!

During sensitive moments that relate to hygiene and self-care in the older group, it is useful to introduce a competitive element. For example, before eating, you need to warn children that there is a competition for the cleanest and tidiest table. After lunch, a symbolic prize is placed on the winning table - a flag, a beautiful figurine or an improvised cup.

A competitive element will help improve cultural and hygienic skills, for example, a competition for the cleanest table after lunch

As for my experience, after a nap I held a competition for the three most beautifully and quickly made beds. As an additional incentive (in addition to praise), the children were presented with candy or stickers. This technique was very stimulating for preschoolers. In addition, they felt more alert after waking up. By the way, thanks to such a sweet prize, some preschoolers even learned to insert a blanket into a duvet cover (to help the nanny change bed linen, and all this happened solely at the request of the children). This “wisdom” was mastered not only by girls, but also by boys.

When working with children of the sixth year of life (as with toddlers), a play component should be used, but it becomes noticeably more complicated. For example, you can play a game of “Allowed-Forbidden”. The teacher names various hygiene rules and their violations. Children must react accordingly. They can simply say “it’s possible” or “it’s not possible,” or the teacher adds an element of mobility to the game: in the first case, clap their hands, and in the second, cover their face with their hands. Examples of teacher statements:

  • brush your teeth,
  • bite your nails,
  • wash hair,
  • have a conversation at the table while eating,
  • take a shower,
  • pick your nose,
  • sneeze on others
  • use a handkerchief.

You can use pictures depicting each of these actions.

Another option is the board game “Match a Pair”. The manual teaches how to correlate the subject and the action and reinforces the KGN. Preschoolers are offered a variety of pictures. You need to make logical pairs out of them. For example, clothes - a closet, soap - hands, toothpaste and brush - teeth, toys - a box for them. At the same time, the guys comment on their choice.

A fun game called “Clean Crocodile” using facial expressions and pantomimes. Using a counting rhyme, a leader is selected. He must show with gestures and facial expressions the action he has planned, related to observing the rules of hygiene: for example, brushing his teeth, washing his face, getting dressed for a walk, etc. The rest of the children must guess the action.

Hygiene procedures in the older group can be accompanied by artistic words. However, this is no longer just a nursery rhyme or a short song, as in the younger or middle group, but, for example, a proverb. After the children have washed their hands after the walk, you can discuss with them the meaning of the proverb “Cleanliness is the key to health.” And based on familiar literary works (“Moidodyr” or “Fedorino’s Grief”), you can act out small scenes.

Based on familiar works on the topic of hygiene, you can act out scenes

Conditions for developing hygiene skills in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard

In order to develop cultural and hygienic skills in the senior group, certain conditions are needed:

  • Impeccable implementation of the rules and norms formed in the child by adults. A preschooler is characterized by imitation, therefore, observing the actions of the teacher and parents every day, he will follow their example. And if, for example, it is customary in the family to talk at the dinner table, then it will be quite difficult to explain to the baby why he should not do this. It is important not to forget that a developed skill is quite difficult to correct.
  • Necessary child-friendly equipment. For example, the water tap should be installed at the height of the baby. Items such as furniture or plumbing fixtures in kindergartens are initially designed for use by children. But, for example, the teacher needs to take care that there are napkins at the dinner table. And in order for the formation of skills to be consolidated at home, parents should organize the child’s access to equipment.
  • The equipment necessary for raising a CGN must not only be correctly located, but also be attractive to the baby. That is why in kindergartens everything is so bright, with drawings and decorations. In addition to the fact that such decorations have an aesthetic function, they contribute to the development of interest in the skills being developed, and also contribute to their stable assimilation and memorization. It is for the purpose of consolidating knowledge that entertaining children's stickers are attached to children's lockers and cribs. In addition, teachers use a card file of cultural and hygienic skills when carrying out daily work to formulate rules of behavior. In the older group, thanks to purposeful games, children will easily and naturally master the necessary skills and consolidate them in practice.
  • The acquired skills should be repeated regularly, despite changes in the environment. For example, a child must strictly wash his hands after a walk and before eating in kindergarten, at home, when visiting, etc.
  • In the process of working on the formation of CGN in the senior group, the teacher should use an individual approach.
  • Strict adherence to the daily routine.

Cultural and hygienic skills in the middle group

Tatiana Plotnikova

Cultural and hygienic skills in the middle group

Nutrition Dressing and undressing Washing


Strengthen the ability to eat a main dish and side dish with a fork, separating pieces with a fork as you eat them, and do not crush them in advance.

Chew food with your mouth closed, use a napkin as needed. Improve children's ability to quickly dress and undress in a certain sequence.

Strengthen children's ability to properly place their things in the closet.

Strengthen children's ability to neatly fold and hang clothes on a chair before bed.

washing skills in children : soap your hands until foam forms, rinse thoroughly, wash your face, wipe dry with your towel, hang it up.

Strengthen children's skills

Teach children to use their handkerchief by unfolding it.


Strengthen the ability to eat a second dish with a fork, a casserole, separating pieces with a fork as you eat them, do not crush them in advance.

Improve children's ability to use a napkin as needed.

Strengthen children's ability to use all types of fasteners.

Teach children to recognize their things and not confuse them with the clothes of other children.

Teach children to notice disorder in their clothes and seek help from adults.

washing skills in children : soap your hands until foam forms, rinse thoroughly, wash your face, wipe dry with your towel, hang it up.

Teach children to use their handkerchief by unfolding it.


Learn to rinse your mouth after eating.

Strengthen children's ability to use a napkin as needed.

Teach children to verbally express requests for help.

Strengthen in children the skills of politely asking for help, thanking for the help provided.

Strengthen children's ability to put on shoes correctly.

To develop in children the ability to behave correctly in the washroom: do not make noise, do not push, do not splash water.

Teach children to roll up their sleeves before washing.

Strengthen children's ability

Strengthen children's ability to use their own towel by unrolling it, wiping first their face, then their hands, and hanging it by the buttonhole on a hanger.


Strengthen the ability to eat a main dish and side dish with a fork, separating pieces with a fork as you eat them, and do not crush them in advance.

Chew food with your mouth closed, use a napkin as needed. Teach children to follow basic rules of behavior in the locker room: do not run, do not knock on locker doors.

Continue to teach children to follow the rules of behavior in kindergarten: wipe their feet when entering the room.

Strengthen children’s skills independently, with the help of an adult, tidy up their appearance: pull up tights and socks, straighten their shirt, etc.

To develop in children the ability to behave correctly in the washroom: do not make noise, do not push, do not splash water.

Strengthen children's ability to use their own towel by unrolling it, wiping first their face, then their hands, and hanging it by the buttonhole on a hanger.

Teach children to turn away when coughing or sneezing, or to cover their mouth with a handkerchief, from others.


Learn to eat different types of food without changing the position of the fork in your hand, but only slightly turning your hand in or out.

Improve children's ability to use a napkin as needed.

Teach children to notice disorder in their clothes and take care of their appearance.

Improve children's ability to maintain order in their closet.

Teaching children to turn their things inside out on their own is obvious.

Strengthen children's ability to use an individual comb.

Teach children to turn away from others when coughing or sneezing.

Teach children to roll up their sleeves before washing.


Chew food with your mouth closed, use a napkin as needed.

Learn to eat different types of food without changing the position of the fork in your hand, but only slightly turning your hand in or out.

Strengthen children's ability to recognize their clothes and not confuse them with the clothes of other children.

Strengthen children's ability to clean and maintain order in their locker.

Strengthen skills in maintaining a neat appearance.

Teach children to clean each other's clothes from snow with the help of an adult.

Teach children to turn away when coughing or sneezing, or to cover their mouth with a handkerchief, from others.

Strengthen children's ability to use their own towel by unrolling it, wiping first their face, then their hands, and hanging it by the buttonhole on a hanger.


Strengthen the ability to eat a main dish and side dish with a fork, separating pieces with a fork as you eat them, and do not crush them in advance.

Improve children's ability to use a napkin as needed. Improve children's skills acquired throughout the year to quickly and accurately perform the necessary actions.

Teach children to lace shoes, with the help of adults, tie shoelaces, practice using different types of fasteners: buttons, zippers, Velcro.

Improve children's neatness and neatness skills

Teach children how to use a handkerchief correctly: unfold it, release the nose, alternately pinching one nostril, and roll the handkerchief with the used part inward.

Teach children to roll up their sleeves before washing.


Chew food with your mouth closed, use a napkin as needed. Improve children's skills acquired throughout the year to quickly and accurately perform the necessary actions.

Teach children to lace shoes, with the help of adults, tie shoelaces, practice using different types of fasteners: buttons, zippers, Velcro.

washing skills in children : soap your hands until foam forms, rinse thoroughly, wash your face, wipe dry with your towel, hang it up.

Strengthen children's ability to use their own towel by unrolling it, wiping first their face, then their hands, and hanging it by the buttonhole on a hanger.


Learn to eat different types of food without changing the position of the fork in your hand, but only slightly turning your hand in or out.

Improve children's ability to use a napkin as needed.

Teach children to notice disorder in their clothes and take care of their appearance.

Strengthen children's ability to clean and maintain order in their locker.

Improve the skills of neatness and neatness, strengthen the ability to put clothes in order.

Strengthen children's ability to use an individual comb.

Teach children to roll up their sleeves before washing and wash their hands after using the toilet.

Volume of the group of groups in the senior group according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Pupils aged 5, as a rule, have already mastered basic skills. What should we teach such children to develop cultural and hygienic skills in the older group? A card file with goals (according to the Federal State Educational Standard) will help the teacher determine the goals and objectives of the work, as well as organize practical activities with children. So, what is the content of the work on educating children of the specified age category, according to the requirements of the educational standard? What kids should learn:

  • master the concept of an active social life position;
  • friendship;
  • respect for elders;
  • rules of games in a group of peers;
  • distinguish between good and bad behavior;
  • consolidate the ability to comply with the rules and norms established by society;
  • learn the culture of communication;
  • monitor the cleanliness of the body (brush your teeth, wash yourself), clothes, and neat hairstyle;
  • consolidate the skill of dressing up;
  • develop the skill of neatly folding things, toys, and making the bed;
  • use cutlery (fork and knife), monitor table manners.
  • KGN card file in the senior group

    Svetlana Shevtsova

    KGN card file in the senior group

    Card index of cultural and hygienic skills

    Regime processes Content of skills Methodological techniques



    Nutrition Improve the ability to hold a fork with your thumb and middle fingers, holding it on top with your index finger. Conversation “Remember how to eat properly”



    Dressing and undressing Improve the ability to dress and undress independently in a certain sequence, carefully fold and hang clothes on a chair before going to bed. Didactic exercise “Who will put the clothes correctly and quickly”



    Washing Improve your washing skills: soap your hands until foam forms, rinse thoroughly, wipe dry with a towel. Reading: I. Ishchuk “My Palms”


    Keeping clothes and shoes in order, making the bed. Learn to dry and clean your clothes and shoes, strengthen the ability to make your bed. Didactic exercise “How to make your bed”




    Nutrition Learn to eat different types of food without changing the position of the fork in your hand, but only slightly turning your hand. Reading N. Litvinov “The Kingdom of Cutlery”



    Dressing and undressing. Improve the skills of correctly placing your things in the closet, strengthen the ability to tie shoelaces, and fasten sandals. Conversation “Every thing has its place”



    Washing Improve your washing skills, wash your face, dry yourself with an individual towel. Didactic exercise “Let’s tell the kids how to wash themselves”



    Making the bed Continue learning how to make the bed: straighten the blanket after adjusting the sheet. Reading S. Mikhalkov “I myself”




    Nutrition Strengthen the ability to spread butter on bread with a knife, cut off a piece of meat, sausage. Didactic exercise “Let’s tell the kids how to use a knife correctly”


    Dressing and undressing Strengthen the ability to dress and undress in a certain sequence, use different types of fasteners. Reading I. Bursov “Galoshes”

    , S. Mikhalkov
    “I myself”

    Exercise “Who will put the clothes correctly and quickly”



    Washing Continue to teach how to wash properly and use a handkerchief in a timely manner. Reading K. Chukovsky “Moidodyr”


    Making the bed Improve bed making skills and the ability to carefully cover the bed with a blanket. Didactic exercise “Who will make the bed correctly and quickly”




    Nutrition Strengthen the ability to eat a second course, holding a knife in your right hand and a fork in your left hand. Conversation “How to properly eat a second course”



    Dressing and undressing Strengthen the ability to neatly fold and hang clothes on a chair, and dress in a certain sequence. Exercise “How we can put things in order”



    Washing Improve the skills of proper washing and using an individual towel. Reading A. Barto, P. Barto “The Dirty Girl”



    Keeping clothes and shoes in order, making the bed. Continue to learn how to dry and clean your clothes, wipe your shoes Conversation “How to take care of your clothes”




    Nutrition Strengthen the ability to eat the second course.

    Improve your ability to use a napkin as needed. Conversation “Culture of behavior while eating”



    Dressing and undressing Teach children to independently maintain cleanliness and order in their wardrobe. Conversation “How we clean up our closet”


    Washing Improve the ability to wash quickly and correctly. Dramatization game based on the work of A. Barto, P. Barto “The Dirty Girl”



    Keeping clothes and shoes in order, making the bed Continue learning how to wash, wipe, clean your shoes.

    Learn to sew on torn buttons. Take part in changing bed linen. Reading D. Krupskaya “Purity”



    Nutrition Strengthen the ability to use a knife and fork at dinner, and a napkin as needed. Game-competition “Whose table is the neatest”


    Dressing and undressing Maintain cleanliness and order in your closet on your own Game - competition “Let’s put things in order in the lockers”


    Washing Improve the ability to dry yourself only with your own towel, taking it from the cabinet and unfolding it on your palms. Reading an excerpt from K.I. Chukovsky’s fairy tale “Moidodyr”
    “Long live fragrant soap...”

    Keeping clothes and shoes in order, making the bed. Improve the ability to dry and clean your clothes, wash, wipe, and clean your shoes. Continue to teach how to put a clean pillowcase on the pillow and spread a sheet. Didactic exercise “Let’s help the junior teacher change the bed linen”




    Nutrition To strengthen the ability to use cutlery correctly, eat the second course using a knife and fork. Conversation “Why the second course is not eaten with a spoon”



    Dressing and undressing Strengthen the ability to turn removed clothes right side out, carefully place shoes Reading M. Zoshchenko “A Stupid Story”


    Washing Improve the ability to wash quickly and accurately, be sure to wash your hands with soap after visiting the toilet. Conversation “Microbes are our enemies”


    Keeping clothes and shoes in order, making the bed. Form the habit of taking care of your appearance.

    Continue to teach how to take part in changing bed linen. Conversation “Cleanliness is the key to health”



    Nutrition Continue to teach how to eat the second course using a knife and fork, without moving them from hand to hand, and eat with your mouth closed. Conversation “Food culture is a serious matter”



    Dressing and undressing Strengthen the ability to neatly fold clothes before going to bed, turn sleeves inside out, straighten clothes. Competition game “Whose chair is the neatest”


    Washing Reinforce the rules of washing and maintaining order in the washroom. Reading E. Vinokurov “Bathing Children”


    Keeping clothes and shoes in order, making the bed Continue to form the habit of taking care of your appearance, reminding your friends about problems in their appearance.

    Learn to take part in changing bed linen: put on a clean pillowcase, and with the help of an adult, put the duvet cover on the blanket. Didactic exercise “How to help a friend”




    Nutrition Continue teaching children to eat with their mouths closed and chew food silently. Didactic exercise “We eat culturedly at the table”


    Dressing and undressing Continue to teach children how to keep their closets in order, strengthen the ability to use different types of fasteners on shoes and clothes, and tie shoelaces. Didactic exercise “Who has a tidy closet”


    Washing Strengthen the ability to wash your hands with soap after visiting the toilet and as needed Conversation “Clean hands - healthy children”


    Keeping clothes and shoes in order, making the bed. Form the habit of reminding your comrades about problems in their appearance, show a desire to help them, and improve the ability to sew up clothes that have torn at the seams.

    Continue to learn how to change the bed: lay out a clean sheet, put on a pillowcase and duvet cover. Productive activity: sewing doll linen.

    Role-playing game "Kindergarten"



    Nutrition Improve the ability to properly use cutlery while eating, hold the cutlery above the plate. Reading O. Grigoriev “Jam”



    Dressing and undressing Continue to teach children to help their friends get dressed: fasten a button, straighten a collar. Reading S. Mikhalkov “Everything by myself”



    Washing Strengthen and improve the habit of keeping the body clean Reading T. Kozhomberdiev “It’s all the same”



    Keeping clothes and shoes in order, making the bed. Constantly monitor your appearance and troubleshoot problems. Didactic exercise “Who is the neatest”



    Nutrition Improve the ability to hold utensils above the plate while eating, and at the end of the meal, place them on the edge of the plate, and not on the table. Role-playing game "Cafe"



    Dressing and undressing Strengthen the ability to neatly hang things in the closet and fold them on a chair. Reading Y. Akim “The Incompetent”



    Washing Consolidate and improve acquired skills, cultivate the habit of keeping the body clean. Didactic exercise “Whose towel is clean has washed himself correctly”



    Keeping clothes and shoes in order, making the bed. Learn to sew on loose loops.

    Make the bed completely after sleep. Showing, reminding, indicating.



    Nutrition Strengthen and improve the skills of eating culturally, using cutlery and napkins correctly. Role-playing games: “We are at a birthday party”



    Dressing and undressing Improve the ability to quickly dress and undress, maintain order in the closet, help comrades. Game – competition “Who is the fastest”

    "Who is the neatest"


    Washing Reinforce the ability to wash your hands with soap after visiting the toilet and as needed. Reminder


    Keeping clothes and shoes in order, making the bed. Constantly monitor your appearance, help your comrades troubleshoot problems in appearance, take part in changing bed linen. Productive activity: repairing doll clothes.

    What is a KGN card file?

    In preschool educational institutions, preschool teachers daily resort to the help of such a methodological aid as a card index of cultural and hygienic skills in the senior group according to the Federal State Educational Standard. What is it? This is a structured work plan for mastering these skills, which contains a list of game tasks for educational purposes.

    Such a document is not mandatory, but, as has been tested in practice, it is an effective assistant to the teacher in working to develop hygiene rules and a culture of behavior in children. The card index is compiled directly by the teacher, taking into account the requirements of the educational program, state standards and internal rules, as well as the material and technical capabilities of the preschool educational institution.

    Types of activities to develop cultural and hygienic skills in older preschoolers

    Classes on the formation of CGN are most often educational. Some sample topics could be:

    • What is hygiene?
    • How to take care of your teeth.
    • Microbes are our enemies.
    • Table setting.
    • How to take care of your clothes.

    Experimental activities are always interesting, which can also be associated with hygiene. An example of such an activity is “Long live scented soap!” The teacher gives each child a piece of soap and, together with the preschoolers, characterizes it according to various parameters: shape, color, smell, texture. Then the guys take an impromptu excursion to a household chemicals store. On the shelves there are a variety of types of soap: toilet and bath, laundry and liquid. In this case, the teacher appears in the role of a seller and tells the children about each name (where and how it is used). The most exciting part of the lesson is the experiment with soap shavings: students pour soap shavings into flasks with water, watch their gradual dissolution and the formation of foam. As a result, children come to an important conclusion about the properties of soap: it dissolves very well in water, while forming a lot of foam.

    Through experience, the guys come to the conclusion that soap dissolves well in water, forming a lush foam

    Speech development activities, for example, in the form of an ethical or cognitive conversation, also contribute to the consolidation of the CPG. Let us indicate the possible options for topics:

    • Let's remember how to eat properly.
    • Every thing has its place.
    • What can we do to maintain our health?
    • How does soap differ from shampoo?
    • Hair care rules.

    Fiction has great educational value. For example, a suitable option for an older group is M. Zoshchenko’s story “A Stupid Story.” Its main character is the boy Petya. He is 4 years old, but his mother considers her son a completely helpless baby: she dresses, puts on shoes, and spoon-feeds him. And then one day she was in a hurry, and both of the boy’s legs ended up in one trouser leg. Moreover, for a long time no one could determine what happened and why Petya was falling: not mom, not dad, not even the doctor, who was urgently called. Only the boy Kolya, who came to visit, helped solve the riddle. As a result, the next day Petya put on his pants on his own.

    You can build an interesting activity around M. Zoshchenko’s story “A Stupid Story”

    After reading the story, the guys discuss it. The teacher necessarily touches on the problems of upbringing: he finds out with the children whether it is good when adults are too protective of the child, not giving him independence at all.

    During the discussion, the teacher does not give preschoolers ready-made answers, but unobtrusively pushes them to reasoning and conclusions.

    In the older group, you can build a lesson around a poem. This could be, for example, “Jam” by O. Grigoriev or “Purity” by D. Krupskaya. Both works clearly show children how not to behave. In the first case, the author colorfully, even with exaggeration, describes how the character eats jam with his hands. In D. Krupskaya’s poem, Purity is lost in the house, and this is not surprising.

    Table: examples of poems for instilling cultural and hygienic skills (compiled based on open access materials)

    AuthorNamePoem text
    Grigoriev O.JamSergei has no patience, He eats jam with his hands. Seryozha’s fingers are stuck together, his shirt has grown to his skin. You can’t take your feet off the floor, You can’t take your hands off your feet. Elbows and knees stuck together, Ears stuck together with jam. A pathetic sob is heard, Sergei stuck to himself.
    Krupskaya D.PurityThere is vanity in our house: Cleanliness is lost. We looked at Katya's in the unmade bed - Everything there was stuck together from sweets, there was no trace of cleanliness. Under the sofa in the mountains of dust, long holes were dug. We looked into the mirrors - There was complete darkness in the mirrors. We looked into the oven - We felt completely embarrassed: A dirty guy with a beard is sleeping in our frying pan. We didn’t find the purity, Apparently it was stolen by cats.

    After reading the poem, the children and the teacher actively discuss its content and highlight key points. At the same time, the children themselves must come to important conclusions.

    In addition, by using imagination, the teacher can himself compose short fairy tales on the required topic, making sure to include an edifying component. For example, this is “The Tale of Shampoo”. Once upon a time there was a children's Shampoo in the world - with a beautiful bottle and cap, smelling very tasty. She was too pleased with herself and did not want anyone to take advantage of her. Therefore, when my mother took the bottle in her hands, it deliberately slipped out. And then the woman had to wash her children’s hair with adult shampoo or soap. This made their eyes sting, and the kids cried a lot. The process of washing hair became a pain for everyone. And then one day Shampoo overheard a mother complaining to her friend that her children refused to wash their hair. And from this, harmful microbes can settle on the head, and the kids will get sick. Shampoo felt sorry for the kids, and when they were sitting in the bathroom, she jumped in. The cap opened slightly and a wonderful strawberry aroma spread throughout the bath. And then the mother washed the children’s heads, and now they did not cry, but laughed. Shampoo also became happy, because you can’t live only for yourself. After all, the best thing in the world is the shining eyes and radiant smiles of babies. By the way, when the Shampoo ran out, they didn’t throw it away: the kids used it as a “sprinkler” while bathing.

    While reading a fairy tale, it is advisable for the teacher to show the children its heroine - the beautiful Shampoo

    Such a funny fairy tale in an unobtrusive form will enrich preschoolers’ knowledge about personal hygiene, and in addition, will contribute to the development of the best moral qualities: the desire to help others, to be happy for other people.

    Five-year-old pupils can consolidate knowledge about hygiene and culture of behavior in the process of productive activities. For example, an interesting idea is to invite the children to draw a properly set table.

    Being on duty in the dining room helps children practice table setting skills.

    Didactic game “Good or bad?”

    Goal: to develop the ability to behave correctly in society, to comply with cultural and hygienic standards; learn to assess the current situation, analyze the actions of others; develop the concept of cultural behavior.

    The teacher shows children plot illustrations depicting various situations. For example, the picture shows how a child throws toys around, brushes his teeth, helps an elderly person climb the stairs, etc. Preschoolers should determine and justify the answer about which situation is positive and which is negative.

    How to make a card index for the senior group?

    In order to correctly form cultural and hygienic skills in the senior group, the card index must be correctly compiled and formatted. Only in this case will the document become a practical assistant to the teacher during classes on developing a culture of behavior and observing the rules of personal hygiene. How to make a card index:

  • Extract from the work program and the Federal State Educational Standard a list of groups of groups that should be formed in the senior group of preschool educational institutions.
  • Plan activities according to thematic weeks.
  • Choose games aimed at developing cultural and hygienic skills in the older group.
  • Indicate the goals of didactic games and the necessary equipment.
  • Prepare material for the activity.
  • Carry out the game session according to plan.
  • Evaluate the result of the work performed.
  • A file cabinet of cultural and hygienic skills in the senior group will help to effectively organize educational work in preschool educational institutions and will increase the effectiveness and durability of the learned material.

    Instilling cultural and hygienic skills in the senior group at preschool educational institutions

    Dear Colleagues! My name is Svetlana Viktorovna Popryadukhina, I want to share my experience of working in a preschool educational institution on the topic “Instilling cultural and hygienic skills in children of the senior group.” This topic is relevant. We carry out our work in three areas:

    1. Organization of a developmental environment in the group.

    2. Organized educational activities with children.

    3. Interaction with children's families.

    A child spends most of his life in kindergarten. Therefore, special attention is paid to organizing the developmental environment in the group. To instill cultural and hygienic skills in children, we created zones: “We are on duty”, “Hygienic corner” with individual feeders for combs. “Hairdresser” and “Mood Corner” where children comb their hair after sleep and play role-playing and other games. In the book corner we have books, including literature on instilling cultural and hygienic skills. The guys look at and discuss with interest various situations related to CGN.

    To learn through play, we use games with a doll: “Our Katya has woken up,” “Let’s dress Katya for a walk,” “Bathing the doll Katya.” Plot-role-playing games: “Hospital”, “Barbershop”, “Family”. Games with puzzles "Moidodyr".

    - Schemes - models of the sequence of stages of dressing and undressing, rules of behavior at the table, good manners.

    — Didactic exercise “Who has a tidy closet.”

    During the implementation of the program for the education of cultural and hygienic skills, we use the following educational technologies: health-saving

    — Sleeping in the summer with open transoms;

    — Gymnastics after sleep;

    — “Dry massage with a mitten”;

    — Walking along health paths;

    - Outdoor games.

    We implemented projects to educate cultural and hygienic skills: “Long live scented soap and fluffy towels!” and “Food Culture.” We conducted classes on “Microbes and Viruses”, “Edible and Inedible Mushrooms”, and drew pictures on the topic “Beautiful Towel”. In the education of cultural and hygienic skills, the unity of the requirements of educators and parents is important. The parents of our group listen to our advice. At parent meetings we hold discussions on “Clothing for the season”, introduce the results of children’s development, and work together with parents to improve the health of pupils. Information for parents is located in the reception area: the corner “To you, parents”, “Aibolit” - which contains information on instilling cultural and hygienic skills in children. Thus, the integrated use of all available means and joint targeted work with parents, relying on new technologies, increase the effectiveness of educational work.

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