Organization of interaction with parents in preparing holidays and leisure activities

The purpose and objectives of interaction between kindergarten and parents

The most important goal of interaction with parents is to teach them how to professionally raise their children.

Also, the interaction of the kindergarten with parents solves other problems:

  1. Communication with parents allows us to determine the family environment of the pupils;
  2. Allows you to provide them with assistance in the form of advice and practical support;
  3. Develops the pedagogical abilities of parents;

Let us take a closer look at the areas in which work is carried out with parents in the kindergarten.

  1. Information direction. This makes it possible to contact the child's parents. The teacher receives information about the interests and needs of parents, understands their requests, and determines the level of their pedagogical training. To study the family atmosphere, you need to conduct a survey. Using a questionnaire, you can determine the structure of relationships in the family, find out its specific features, and methods of home education.
  2. Cognitive properties. The goal of the educator is to give parents all the necessary knowledge about raising children. To do this, parents must maintain contact with all kindergarten staff associated with their child. For example, these could be speech therapists, speech pathologists, physical education teachers, psychologists, medical workers, and music teachers.

By communicating with kindergarten staff, parents can better understand the characteristics of their children related to their age and psychology. They also acquire knowledge about modern approaches to raising children and teaching them some practical activities.

This can significantly improve the educational culture of the family. This changes the parents' perspective on raising a child at home.

Senior group. Senior preschool age. Children 5-6 years old

Scenario of a competitive game program with the participation of parents in a senior compensatory group for children with STD Organizers: teacher-speech therapist, educational psychologist, music director, group educators. Participants : music director, English teacher, physical education instructor, group students and their parents .
Presenters: educational psychologist, teacher-speech therapist Equipment: colored stars. Summary of sports entertainment with the participation of parents “Call of the Jungle” for children of the older group

Summary of sports
entertainment “Call of the Jungle”
parents of older children Topic: “Call of the Jungle”
Goal: Strengthening the promotion of physical education and sports as the most effective factor in promoting health.
Development of cooperation between family and preschool institution.
Publication “Sports festival with the participation of older children and their parents. » Sports festival with the participation of children of the senior group and their parents “Spring fun starts” Abdullina Aigul Fidailevna, teacher of the preschool group of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Belyaevskaya Secondary School” Goal: To promote a healthy lifestyle, to encourage family involvement in physical education and sports.

Musical and sports festival with the participation of parents on Defender of the Fatherland Day for senior preschoolers “Serving Russia”

Musical and sports festival with the participation of parents, dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day for older preschoolers “Serving Russia” Goals: promoting a healthy lifestyle; instilling in children patriotism, love for the Motherland, a sense of respect for the Russian army, creating an atmosphere.

Sports festival on February 23 with the participation of parents (senior group)

Children enter the hall to the music with flags in their hands and line up in 2 columns. Exercises are performed with flags. Then the children again form one column and stand in the middle of the hall. Host: Hello, dear fathers, grandfathers, and of course our dear boys.

Scenario of evening leisure with the participation of parents “Ugolyok in Teremok” for a mixed age group from 1.5 to 6 years

Scenario of the puppet show “An Ember in Teremka” Publication in the media The most important condition for ensuring the holistic development of a child’s personality is the development of constructive interaction with the family. The leading goal is to create the necessary conditions for the formation of responsible people.

Entertainment scenario for children of the senior group with the participation of parents “Cabbage Gatherings” Entertainment scenario for children of the senior group with the participation of parents “Cabbage Gatherings”. Goal: Formation of spiritual and moral feelings in children of senior preschool age through acquaintance with Russian folk culture. Objectives: 1. To introduce children to folk customs.

Scenario of physical education for Mother’s Day “In the footsteps of Little Red Riding Hood” with the participation of parents in the senior group of kindergarten Sports entertainment with parents for children of the senior group based on the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood” by C. Perrault Participants: children, physical education instructor, parents in hare costumes, foxes, hedgehogs, wolves, mothers and grandmothers, a preparatory group girl in a Little Red Riding Hood costume. Children enter the hall.


Methods of interaction with parents

The interaction of the kindergarten with parents and with the family can be carried out based on traditional and non-traditional methods of cooperation.

Traditional methods include: parent meetings, visiting the orphanage, interaction between the kindergarten and parents, with the parent committee, conducting consultations and conversations, organizing seminars, trainings and conferences, and holding round tables.

Non-traditional methods include: organizing various events, opening a website, holding mini-meetings, organizing educational games for parents, joint project activities with parents, and maintaining an oral journal.

Scenarios with the participation of parents. Joint entertainment with parents

Do not hold joint events with parents of students without first reading the useful publications in this section. Having looked through its pages, you will easily find interesting ideas and “tips”, thanks to which your “children-adults” holiday will become even livelier, brighter, more diverse!

Here are ready-made scenarios for physical education, theatrical, environmental, literary, local history and God knows what other joint entertainment and leisure activities with the participation of parents. This section also collects and summarizes the positive experience of teachers in organizing such holidays dedicated to various calendar holidays and memorable dates.

Let's make together a magnificent, memorable holiday for children and parents!

Contained in sections:

Includes sections:

Scenario of an entertaining event for children and parents “Visiting summer” Scenario of an entertaining event for children and parents : “Visiting summer”

. Children with a teacher, accompanied by beautiful light music, enter the hall and stop in a large circle. Presenter: We are celebrating the holiday of summer, the holiday of the sun, the holiday of light. Sun, sun, brighter, it will be.

Forms of cooperation with parents

Let's consider some of the listed forms of cooperation.


Meetings are held for the purpose of jointly resolving issues related to education. Issues of children's health, development and education are also discussed at the meetings. If certain problems arise, these also need to be discussed at the meeting. At the same time, meetings are held in the form of an active dialogue with the parent staff. You can choose a variety of topics for the meeting, as long as they meet the expectations and interests of families.

Cooperation with the parents' committee

The committee is an association of some parents who are most active, which is created to jointly solve educational and educational problems within the kindergarten.

With their help, the interaction of the kindergarten with parents and the entire parent staff is organized. They participate in preparing the group for the new academic year, organize subscriptions to the necessary printed publications, hold various events, organize holidays and entertainment events, and hold various promotions.

Consultations with parents and conversations with them

This allows for an active exchange of thoughts with the parent staff on various issues. In this case, you can choose any current topics and directions. When planning a consultation, you need to take into account the requests of parents and try to cover as many aspects of raising their child as possible.

Visiting families' homes

This will allow you to get to know each child better and understand how they live at home.

It is very important to carefully consider each visit. With casual communication, you can find out a lot of information about the child, understand what interests and hobbies he has.

Conference organization

Conferences are held to develop the pedagogical awareness of parents. A variety of topics can be discussed.

Moreover, during the conference it is possible to involve not only parents, but also various public organizations. During the conference, representatives of medicine, police, employees of the education department and other specialists related to preschoolers may speak.

Interaction of kindergarten with parents - Organization of educational games for parents

Games can be devoted to a variety of topics and directions. For example, you can talk about how to travel with your children. Also discuss how to organize walks, how to spend weekends, how to cook and other topics.

You can also conduct games that allow you to master some pedagogical techniques. This allows you to gain knowledge about the proper upbringing of children in an interesting way and practice some models of action.

Also, such game situations will allow parents to analyze their own situations in the family and find the most suitable solution for them. Various specialists and teachers can help them with this.

Organization of the presentation

Presentation is a method of interaction with parents that has emerged quite recently. The activities of the children's institution need to be well advertised. Parents should know the charter of the organization, the program that is applied on the territory of the kindergarten. They must be familiar with the team, with the working specialists.

During the presentation, parents receive the information they need about how work is carried out with their children, what additional services the kindergarten offers.

Interaction of kindergarten with parents - Organization of days of good deeds

This form of cooperation can help develop a warm relationship with each parent. Parents can help organize space, repair furniture, get toys in good condition, bring new clothes for dolls, or sew costumes for upcoming events.

You can also involve parents in landscaping the area around the kindergarten and ask them to help with cosmetic repairs. Some parents may bring sand to sandboxes. There are many good deeds that parents can do for the kindergarten their child attends.

The holding of trainings

During trainings, you can arrange game tasks that allow you to evaluate different methods of interaction with the child. During game training, parents better learn to communicate with their children and learn new information about their upbringing.

Organization of joint activities

Any joint work during which parents not only receive results, but are active participants in the process. Naturally, the organized activities should be related to the upbringing of their children.

Organization of open days

During these days, parents should have the opportunity to become familiar with the methods of working with children. They get to know better the style of communication between teachers and children, and they themselves become involved in the group life of their children.

At the same time, you can let in not only fathers and mothers, but also grandparents, as well as other family members. They should be able to visit all the premises and get to know better the conditions in which their child has spent most of his life.

Organization of mini-meetings

For mini-meetings, you need to find one interesting family and study their experience of raising a child at home. Next, this family should invite two or three other families who have the same principles of education at home. The result is a small campaign that discusses relevant and interesting topics.

Trust mail organization

This is a fairly new method of interaction with parents, with the help of which you can develop a trusting relationship between parents and kindergarten staff. Parents can talk about their problems related to parenting and receive counseling in this matter.

Creation of an institution website

Today, parents' need for information about raising children is growing sharply. Changing living conditions encourage parents to seek up-to-date information about teaching culture. They should be aware of everything that happens on the territory of the kindergarten where their child goes.

Therefore, a lot of useful information can be placed on the site: this can be various sections with information about the garden, adopted regulations, achievements of the organization, information about the current team and the responsibilities of various specialists, you can talk about events held on the territory of the garden.

You can also post various consulting materials. On the same site you can post news, presentations and photographs.

Another area of ​​cooperation with parents is visual information. You can organize a special parent corner where parents can bring their family photos.

Also various wall newspapers, newsletters, advertisements. Here you can organize an exhibition of children's creativity and a place where parents can write their proposals for the work of the kindergarten.

Child-parent activities (notes) material on correctional pedagogy

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten "Alenka" Sovetsky"

Summary of joint intellectual and speech leisure

for children and parents

on the topic “Journey to the Island of Knowledge”

Prepared and conducted by: Smirnova N.S., educational psychologist, MADOU d/s “Alenka”

Butenko A.S., teacher-speech therapist, MADOU d/s “Alenka”


Goal: increasing the motivation and involvement of parents in the educational process


  • expand the horizons and erudition of children;
  • improve visual and auditory memory;
  • develop verbal-logical and visual-figurative thinking;
  • expand the capabilities of associative memory;
  • awaken cognitive interest and determination;
  • develop language skills, coherent speech, enrich vocabulary;
  • carry out correction of psychomotor development;
  • develop fine motor skills of the fingers;
  • increase the volume and accuracy of movements of the organs of articulation;
  • develop the ability to play collectively.


Musical accompaniment (melodies of the sound of the sea, children's songs). Drawings of ships, diamonds, a set of coins with letters, a chest, diagrams of men in motion (for a dynamic pause), a presentation with the game “The Fourth Wheel”, cards with a series of plot pictures, an easel, an encyclopedia.

Progress of the event:

Psychologist: Hello dear children and parents. We are very glad to see you again. Very soon our children will graduate from kindergarten and cross the threshold of school. Let's ask our children why children go to school.

(Children's answers - to become smart, to know a lot......)

Speech therapist: Today we invite you to go to the island of knowledge, but it was captured by pirates. They collected all the knowledge and put it in this chest. The chest was locked. The pirates set traps along the way with tasks on each island. By completing the task of each island correctly, you will have a valuable coin. If teams complete all tasks on each island, they will receive 5 coins. These coins will help you solve the code to the lock to open the chest.

Psychologist: Well, aren’t we afraid to go on a trip? Let's try to complete all the tasks and collect all 5 coins and find the key to the chest.

(Answers from children and parents)

Speech therapist: And for this we need to divide into teams.

Counting table: “apple, banana, potato”

So we got 3 teams. We ask the teams to take their places. And the children find their parents and sit next to them.

Psychologist: Now we can go to the island of knowledge. But how can we get there? How can you get there? On what? (by plane, on a ship, in a hot air balloon...)

Psychologist: I suggest each team go on a ship. But to do this you need to draw it dot by dot on a sheet of white paper. Come up with a name for your ship - it will be the name of your team. (Teams draw a ship to the music and write its name.)

Psychologist: Let's get to know our teams. (Each team introduces itself and names its team captain).

What a great fellow you are!!! Now we can set off on our journey to the island of knowledge.....

Speech therapist: Island task No. 1. “Objects with the sound P”

Objects with the sound P are stored on this island. Find and determine where the sound P is at the beginning, middle or end. (Teams answer in order). Whose team completes the task faster - emits a signal (knocks on a tambourine). After completing the task, coins are awarded to each team.

Psychologist: Island task No. 2 “Whychek Island.”

On this island there live little people who ask a lot of questions. We need to answer the why questions.

  1. Why do birds fly south?
  2. Why is it dark at night?
  3. Why is it hot in summer?
  4. Why does a bear sleep in winter?
  5. Why is the hare white in winter?
  6. Why can't you play with a ball at home?
  7. Why is there smoke coming from the chimney?
  8. Why are there windows in the house?
  9. Why do leaves appear on trees in spring?
  10. Why does a giraffe have a long neck?
  11. Why does a kangaroo have such a powerful tail?
  12. Why do birds and fish have a tail?
  13. Why does an elephant have a long trunk instead of a nose?

Psychologist: Get the coins you deserve. And we go further to island number 3

Speech therapist: Island task No. 3 “Island of erased letters”

On this island it often rains heavily, so the letters are washed away by water. You need to try and guess what letters could be written and add them.

Whose team completes the task faster - emits a signal (knocks on a tambourine).

(Teams receive their pirate coins for the correct answer.)

Dynamic pause

Psychologist: While there is no rain on the island, we invite you to relax and dance.

(Children and parents go to the center of the hall. Cheerful music plays; everyone performs movements according to schematic cards.)

Speech therapist: Well, let's go further! Well, now we have reached the next island number 4.

Psychologist: Island task No. 4 for captains “Island of Explainers”

On this island, tasks are only for captains. Captains, you need to determine which item is superfluous and explain why. Whoever is ready to answer knocks on the tambourine.

(presentation of the game “The Fourth Wheel”)

And now questions for parents:

  1. How many ears do two mice have? (4)
  2. What does a hedgehog do in winter? (sleeping)
  3. You, me and you and me. How many of us are there in total? (2)
  4. A blind animal living underground? (mole)
  5. How many tails do 4 cats have? (4)
  6. How many people pulled the turnip? (3 people and the rest animals)
  7. Why does a cat run and not fly? (no wings)
  8. Stinging grass? (nettle)
  9. What stone can't you find on the seabed? (dry)
  10. What can't you bake bread without? (without crust)
  11. Donut center? (hole)
  12. In what soil are cabbages sown? (sow cabbage seeds, not cabbage)
  13. How can you bring water in a sieve? (to freeze)
  14. What kind of utensils should you not eat from? (from empty)
  15. What never comes back? (time)
  16. What can you hear but never see? (echo)

Great. Here are your coins. Well, let's sail to island number 5.

Speech therapist: Island task No. 5 “Island of Tangled Stories”

On this island there are intricate stories that need to be determined what happened first and what came next. How the story began and how it ended. Come up with an interesting and suitable title for your story so that there is no more confusion. The team captain determines who has the best ability to tell the story without mistakes.

Each team is given a series of story pictures. The team gives a signal when ready.

The player goes to the easel and arranges the pictures in order. Then he gives the name of the story and tells it. After this competition, the pirate distributes coins to the teams.

We sail to the last island.

Psychologist: So we sailed to the Island of Knowledge. Here is the chest. You have earned 5 coins. Letters are printed on the reverse side. They are a hint. Children, what can you assemble from letters? (word). Try, by rearranging the coins with letters, to form a word that will be the code for the lock.

Speech therapist: What word did you come up with?

(Children are a book!)

(Open chest)

Speech therapist: Why did the pirates hide the book? (book-source of knowledge). This book is now yours.

Psychologist: You are all great! Thanks for the exciting journey. Goodbye!

(children and parents leave the hall to the music).

Interaction of kindergarten with parents - Visual information models

Let us discuss in more detail some visual and information models.

Parents Corner

You can put various information for parents here. This could be the group’s daily routine, information about educational events, and a menu for each child. Here parents can find useful tips and various reference information.


In these folders you can use material on a variety of topics. The main thing is to choose it so that it is relevant due to the current lexical topic.

Organization of stands

The stands display a variety of material that is useful and interesting for children. For example, you can dedicate a stand to traffic, or fires, or parents of children. You can also post children's creative works here.

Photo albums

They contain photographs brought by children or their parents. This way you can get to know the family hearth of each child. This allows children to show love and respect for their home and their family. Children keep albums of family photos in their cabinets or shelves in the bedroom or group.

Wall newspapers

This is a fairly old and effective method of organizing visual interaction with parents. It allows you to attract the attention of parents to the life of the kindergarten. You can place information about interesting events on wall newspapers.

Children can also share their family life: creatively depict their holidays, their relatives, and interesting joint events.


They allow you to display useful and relevant information in a visually interesting form. For example, about poisonous mushrooms and berries. About sports and health. About road safety, etc.


Thanks to exhibitions, it is possible to demonstrate to parents the achievements of their children in mastering the kindergarten program.

Printed handouts or brochures

This makes it possible to provide parents with information about the concept of the institution. Memos can describe useful tips for parents. For example, how to raise children. Or how to protect them from colds. Or what to do when you are sick. Or how to prepare your child for school.

Family leisure with young children

Kyle Pruett, a professor at the Center for Child Studies at Yale University, notes that babies react differently to their parents. In the presence of his mother, he relaxes, awaits gentle treatment, gentle hugs, and affection. Meeting his father excites and stimulates him. He expects unusual games from his father, and he, in turn, is forced to maintain a high bar of childhood aspirations. However, when the little one manages to get his dad’s undivided use, both are happy. K. Pruett states: “Even in cases where the main nanny, due to some circumstances, is the father, he does not become the mother.”

Fathers tend to give more space to the child’s personality and more often let him out of sight, giving him freedom. Mothers, on the contrary, follow on the heels of the little one. When a child approaches something dangerous (from her point of view), she instinctively appears nearby, as if asserting that the baby is under her protection. As soon as he decided to climb onto the sofa, she was already there, ready to help. Often, seeing the tension in the mother’s posture, movements, fear in her eyes, the child refuses independent attempts to test his own capabilities.

Excessive caution, excessive willingness to help in everything, fear that the little one will certainly harm himself without her care, lack of patience, and sometimes even time - this is a small list of common mistakes of loving mothers. And the baby needs to be supported, trusted, and instilled with faith in his own strength. He longs to demonstrate to his household his skill, dexterity, and courage. This is greatly facilitated by playing with dad. The father prefers not to interfere, seeing his baby stuck in a box among toys, giving him the opportunity to cope with the situation himself, to gain his own experience, even if not always successful. He stoically treats his pet’s bumps and bruises, with approving statements and friendly pats he allows the naughty girl to feel “on an equal footing” with him.

In outdoor games, mother tends to use toys and accompany the game with poetry and singing. Dad prefers to use his hands, his own body as an ideal gymnastic apparatus. Men like to bring something new and unusual to any game every time.

The kid doesn’t know what will happen in the game in the next moment, or how dad will behave. This is what he comes to adore about men's games. They keep the mischievous person in a state of psychological tension. He squeals with delight, either flying up in his dad's strong arms, or dropping down to touch his adored dad's nose with his nose. But he doesn’t let up, turns the baby from side to side, lowers him onto the carpet, now to his right, now to his left, now growls, now purrs peacefully. Dad himself absolutely loves it when this irrepressible creature puffs, climbs over him, jumps up, straddling him, or stretches along his body, looking with enthusiastic little eyes into the eyes of his beloved parent, with all his appearance inviting him to extend the game.

And now the baby, with fear and delight or with laughter, tries to stay on his swaying foot, not even trying to predict whether he will fly up onto his father’s chest, or end up sitting on the carpet. And so every time surprise after surprise. Just some 10-15 minutes, completely given over to having fun together, but so many deep, vivid memories for many years. The baby vitally needs both the gentle, affectionate touches of his mother and manly games with his father. This is one of the secrets of the baby’s heartfelt closeness to each of them.

Outdoor games allow the child to discover his own capabilities of independence, dexterity, and courage. By the age of two, a child begins to show himself as an actively developing personality; he develops a strong positive position in relation to the world of people, to the world of objects and to himself.

The little one will always be happy to keep you in excellent company in a variety of outdoor games.

Leisure organization

Another area of ​​work with parents is organizing leisure time.

Holiday Events

Allows children, parents and teaching staff to have fun.

Collaborative theater

Children are preparing a theatrical performance. Parents help them learn words, sew costumes for them and create beautiful decorations. Children really enjoy these events. They usually get a lot of impressions and feel joy from their own and others’ successes.

Exhibition of family values

Children can bring different materials for the exhibition. For example, old toys that have been preserved from moms and dads, beautiful old postcards and much more that has been preserved in the family from old times.

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