Continuity in the light of state standards
By adopting the Federal State Educational Standard, the state establishes a standard of education that corresponds to the ideals of society. The document reflects society's expectations for the level of education of preschool children. The founders, specialists, families of preschool children, and the public rely on these guidelines. The system of preschool and school education finds common points of contact and becomes a single whole.
Preschool educational institutions and primary schools interact in three areas:
- Coordination of work areas for succession, goals and objectives.
- Careful selection of educational content, both in preschool educational institutions and in primary schools.
- Expanding the range of teaching methods, constantly searching for new forms of work.
Now the priority for the Russian education system has become the quality of knowledge and skills acquired by children. If there is no smooth transition between levels of education, such quality will be very difficult to achieve.
The main strategy of teachers when implementing continuity between kindergarten and school in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard is “teaching how to learn.” Moreover, the desire and ability to learn begin to be formed not at school, but in early preschool age. When children leave school, this desire to gain knowledge should not end; it ideally continues throughout life. In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for primary school, one of the main tasks of this unit is the development of UUD (universal learning activities):
- personal;
- communicative;
- regulatory;
- cognitive.
Teachers and parents do not always correctly understand how to make the transition between school and kindergarten smoothly and least traumatically for a child’s psyche. They are convinced that early mastery of the first grade curriculum will make it easier for their child to adapt and help them study well. Although in reality it is not so important how well a child can read or count. The main thing is whether the prerequisites for educational activity have been formed in older preschoolers, whether the mental qualities that are significant for studying at school have been developed.
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF
Continuity between kindergarten and school. Good traditions for the benefit of children.“School learning never begins from scratch, but is always based on a certain stage of development completed by the child . L.S. Vygotsky
The problem of continuity between preschool and primary education is relevant at all times. But a special need for organized activities for the continuity of preschool and primary education has arisen in connection with the modernization of Russian education, namely in connection with the transition to Federal state educational standards in schools and preschool institutions. The Federal State Educational Standard assumes that upon entering the first grade, a preschooler must develop integrative qualities that will create the prerequisites for the formation of universal educational actions of the student. This means that today the school must build its work based on the achievements of the preschooler and organize educational activities taking into account his accumulated experience, because The content of the preschool education program and the use of a subject-spatial developmental environment in preschool classes is aimed at developing those personality qualities that determine the formation of sustainable cognitive interest and successful learning at school. Succession is a two-way process. On the one hand, the preschool stage, which preserves the intrinsic value of preschool childhood, forms the fundamental personal qualities of the child, and most importantly, preserves the “joy of childhood” (N. N. Poddyakov). On the other hand, the school, as a successor, picks up the child’s achievements and develops his accumulated potential.
For a number of years, our kindergarten has been cooperating with the school. Kindergarten teachers at the preschool level, and then primary school teachers at the first stage of education, are faced with the task of early disclosure and formation of students’ interests and abilities for scientific research and project activities. This year, work on the development of project activities has been implemented at a high level in our kindergarten, in which children, parents and teachers take an active part. The use of project activities makes it possible to educate a doer, not a performer, to develop strong-willed personality traits and partnership interaction skills.
Information processes in the education system require a new organization of the system as a whole. Particular importance is attached to preschool upbringing and education. After all, it is during this period that all the fundamental components of the formation of a child’s personality are laid. Forming motivation for the development of a preschooler’s learning, as well as creative cognitive activity, are the main tasks that teachers face today within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard. These tasks require special learning conditions. In this regard, great importance is assigned to Lego construction in kindergarten. Using educational constructors, children independently acquire knowledge when solving practical problems and problems that require the integration of knowledge from various subject areas. Targeted, systematic teaching of Lego construction to preschool children plays an important role in preparing for school. It contributes to the formation of the skills to learn, achieve results, gain new knowledge about the world around us, and lays the preconditions for the first educational activity. It is important that this work does not end in kindergarten, but continues at school.
At the beginning of the school year, elementary school teachers invite our kindergarten teachers to open lessons. These lessons allow educators to see their students as students and to see the results of their work. Teachers show the results of children’s adaptation to learning at school.
At methodological meetings in kindergarten, teachers got acquainted with the results of federal monitoring of first-graders and discussed the strengths and weaknesses of our activities. We got acquainted with the educational and methodological complex of A.A. Pleshakov ( "School of Russia" ), in which primary school students study in order to decide on the choice of a preschool education program in order to ensure continuity of preschool and primary education.
Continuity between the preschool and school levels of education should not be understood only as preparing children for learning. It is necessary to make the transition of children to school smoother; teachers should carefully become familiar with the forms and methods of work in a preschool institution, and help first-graders quickly adapt to new conditions. For this purpose, this year an adaptation class “School of the Future First-Grader” . Our students, who will go to school in the fall, attend this class every Saturday. Future schoolchildren are given the opportunity to feel like a student today. The children are engaged in productive activities in class, learn to work from bell to bell, get acquainted with the school premises, and visit the school canteen. Such events make a lasting impression on children and dramatically increase school motivation, contribute to children’s acceptance of school culture and contribute to the rapid adaptation of children to school. After visiting school, children in kindergarten share their impressions and strive to express the joy of communicating with school in drawing, modeling, role-playing games, and staging. At the end of April - beginning of May, teachers of the preparatory group of our kindergarten are scheduled to attend such lessons in order to communicate with the future teacher, observe their students, and identify the difficulties that the children face in a new environment for them. It will be important for the teacher to find out a more complete description of each child, his abilities, knowledge, skills, desires, temperament, the family in which the child is being raised, etc. In turn, the teacher will visit our kindergarten, get acquainted with the forms of work in the preparatory group, perhaps give some recommendations to teachers on preparing children for school, observe future students in classes in kindergarten, determine the level of knowledge and skills acquired by children by the end of senior preschool age.
Undoubtedly, parents play an important role in the process of preparing children for school. As part of the succession plan, teachers of the preparatory group held a parent meeting in March, at which the most important issues related to preparing children for school were discussed. For parents of future first-graders, a parent meeting was organized and held at school.
A system of cooperation with elementary schools has developed in terms of holding joint events. Every year, a joint socially significant project “Graduate Day” with the aim of organizing children's communication. This has become a kindergarten tradition. The project includes a tour of the kindergarten “What has changed in the kindergarten?” ; interviewing first-graders “Memories of kindergarten” and preschoolers “Do you want to go to school and why?” .
Within the framework of the project, intellectual competitions “KVN” , “What? Where? When? or sports competitions for preparatory group and first-graders - former kindergarten graduates. All events necessarily include musical and rhythmic activities.
In our methodological collection there are many events organized for the purpose of children's communication, the development of children's communication skills, the ability to act in a team, communication with adults and peers: the intellectual game “What? Where? When?" , KVN “Fairytale Kaleidoscope” , sporting events “Fun Starts” , “Zoological Races” , “King of the Hill” , Health Day dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Kolobok .
Also, every year kindergarten teachers are invited to school events “First Bell” , “Farewell to School!” . For a number of years, educators have been monitoring the successes of their students at school and at the last bell, holding back tears, they wish the almost adult children not to be afraid to enter adulthood, to be worthy citizens of their Motherland.
School teachers always attend the graduation party in kindergarten, where the head of the kindergarten “entrusts” the graduates to the teacher for their further education and development, and the teacher says parting words to future students, wishes them to gain health in the summer, and expresses a desire to see them at school as soon as possible.
In the fall, at the school, every year since 2009, our teachers participate in joint pedagogical conferences, at which the most pressing issues relating to the education and development of children, their safety and health are discussed. Teachers share their work experience and develop recommendations.
Twice on the professional holiday Teacher's Day, teachers from all educational organizations in the village were awarded Gratitude and Certificates in a solemn atmosphere at school, followed by a concert from schoolchildren. I would like to continue this good tradition and include it in the plan of joint activities.
However, our work also has its shortcomings. Although jointly planned activities are generally carried out, in recent years succession plans have been drawn up unilaterally. This is influenced by various reasons: lack of time for meetings, unfavorable weather conditions, children falling ill, closure of institutions for quarantine, etc. If it is not possible to hold a joint event on time, holding it later is often impractical.
In conclusion, I would like to say that only the interest of both parties and the parent community will allow us to truly solve the problems of continuity of preschool and primary education, and make the transition from kindergarten to primary school painless and successful.
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How to keep the educational system intact
The basis of the Federal State Educational Standard is teaching a child the ability to independently acquire knowledge. The validity of the activity approach is confirmed by scientific research, which states that any knowledge can lie as a dead weight if the child cannot apply it.
“Tell me and I’ll forget, show me and I’ll understand, let me try and I’ll remember.” The information presented by the teacher should not be perceived passively. Knowledge is not transferred to preschoolers in a ready-made form, but is mastered by them in the process of joint activities with the teacher. This is how cooperation between an adult and a child develops, as well as the communication abilities of children. Preschoolers develop psychological qualities that facilitate mastery of learning activities:
- initiative,
- independence,
- creativity,
- curiosity,
- arbitrariness.
The transition between preschool and the start of school is very difficult. It is not for nothing that so much attention is paid to the adaptation of children in the first grade. The continuity of kindergarten and school helps to make the educational environment a single whole.
The concept of “continuity” means a smooth transition from one educational level to another, preserving the methods and forms of teaching and upbringing. Teachers of the first grades of primary school will not be able to ensure a gentle adaptation of older preschoolers if they are not familiar with the methods of work of the kindergarten preparatory group teacher. If older preschoolers are not familiar with school and have no idea what awaits them beyond the school threshold, it will be very difficult to instill in them a desire to learn.
Understanding the personality traits of educators and teachers is no less important than developing interest in school. For many first-graders, the fact that there must be a certain distance between the student and the teacher becomes a great stress. In a kindergarten, the teacher is emotionally closer to the children; he, as it were, replaces the parents during the child’s stay in the preschool institution. Such differences further complicate the adaptation of first-graders who are accustomed to psychological comfort in relationships with adults.
Objectives of cooperation between teachers of preschool and school education systems:
- development of a unified concept of the process of education and upbringing at school, kindergarten and in the family;
- maximum compliance of the goals and objectives of education at various levels of education, methods of achieving them;
- educating parents on the main psychological and pedagogical areas of child development;
- creating a system of high-quality psychological support for parents to overcome problems during the transition of children to first grade from kindergarten;
- dissemination of family experience of a positive attitude towards the active activities of children in society.
Both school and kindergarten cannot be closed public institutions. Teachers and educators must be well versed in the programs of the preparatory group and the first grade of the school.
Program “Organization of continuity of kindergarten and school in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard”
1) Ensuring the optimal transition of a child – a subject of education – from the preschool level to the level of primary general education:-availability of high-quality general education services for children of senior preschool age, equalization of their starting opportunities when moving to primary school;
-favorable conditions for a successful transition to the next educational level - primary school in terms of continuity of educational programs (bringing a graduate of preschool groups to the target guidelines defined in the Federal State Educational Standard for Education, his readiness for initial inclusion in the life of society, the unity of the requirements for a first-grader of the Federal State Educational Standard of Non-Educational Education) .
-reducing the period of adaptation of first-graders to the learning conditions at school;
-opportunities for the development of the unique individuality of each child, the manifestation of creative abilities by each child in different types of activities.
-stable interest of children in the learning process.
- formation of the position of a successful first-grader.
2) Implementation of professional relationships between educators and primary school teachers, ensuring:
-implementation of an effective education quality management system;
-creating conditions for successful professional self-realization, manifestation and development of creative potential, including within the framework of preschool education for children;
-understanding of the relationship between the Federal State Educational Standards of Additional Education and the Federal State Educational Standards of Non-Educational Education;
-creating opportunities to constantly improve the level of psychological and pedagogical knowledge and skills, and exchange them with colleagues;
-use of the mechanisms of the new remuneration system: the possibility of financial incentives for teachers when assessing the quality of their activities, an increase in the average salary of teaching staff.
3) Maximum satisfaction of the social order, in particular the requests of parents in the quality preparation of the child for primary general education:
-increasing interest in the activities of preschool educational institutions, their active and conscious involvement in the life of the educational institution;
-strengthening partnerships with teachers at the stage of a child’s transition to a new stage of development – school;
- ensuring free access to information, opportunities to increase competence in matters of development and upbringing of children using the information environment of the institution;
- providing the parent community with the opportunity to take an active, interested part in the state and public management of the institution.
4) Development of methodological recommendations necessary for the education, training and development of a graduate of preschool groups - a successful first-grader.
5) Creation of a comfortable, continuous developmental subject-spatial educational environment:
- ensuring high quality of education, its accessibility, openness and attractiveness for students, pupils, their parents (legal representatives) and the whole society, spiritual and moral development and education of students and pupils;
- guaranteeing the protection and strengthening of the physical, psychological and social health of students and pupils;
- comfortable in relation to students, pupils (including those with disabilities) and teaching staff.
Methods and forms of creating continuity at the threshold of the school
With a properly organized smooth transition to school, both parents and children can always count on full information about what awaits them, on qualified help and support from psychologists and teachers.
Possible forms of work with preschoolers:
- excursions to school with visits to the gym, classroom, library, canteen, etc.;
- acquaintance with primary-level teachers and students, joint events, projects with them;
- holding joint sporting events and holidays (first bell holiday, ABC book holiday);
- participation of children in adaptation classes with teachers and primary school specialists;
- preparation of joint theatrical performances and exhibitions of artistic works.
Working with teachers:
- visits by teachers to lessons in the first grade and by teachers to educational activities in preschool educational institutions;
- joint trainings for teachers conducted by a psychologist;
- analysis of diagnostics of psychological readiness for school education of preschool educational institution graduates;
- analysis of the results of adaptation of first-graders to school education;
- holding joint seminars, master classes, round tables.
Interaction with parents of future first-graders:
- open days at school and kindergarten;
- meetings with teachers;
- consultation on current topics by teachers and psychologists;
- joint parent meetings, discussion clubs;
- training course on psychological readiness for school.
If you purposefully engage in the formation of continuity, this will help children show strong-willed efforts, initiative and self-confidence, creativity and a positive attitude towards themselves and their friends when moving to first grade.
Continuity of preschool and primary education
Continuity of preschool and primary education.
Annotation. The article is devoted to a current topic, the problem of ensuring continuity between kindergarten and primary school within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard.
The process of organizing continuity in the senior groups of kindergarten and in the first grades of primary school within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard is considered.
Key words: continuity, preschool education, primary education, preschoolers, primary school.
The transition period from preschool to school childhood is considered quite difficult, therefore the need to preserve the integrity of the educational environment is one of the most important priorities for the development of education in Russia.
The transition of a preschool child to the school educational environment is his transition to another age category and social development situation. Ensuring the success of this transition is a problem of uniting the efforts of kindergarten and primary school teachers.
The introduction of new Federal State Educational Standards (FSES) for preschool education is an important stage in the continuity of the activities of kindergarten and school. Their implementation helps ensure continuity and prospects for improving the quality of education in the entire system.
The need for organized activities for the continuity of preschool and primary general education is due to the fact that when a preschooler enters the first grade, integrative qualities must be formed, which will create the prerequisites for the formation of universal educational activities. A modern first-grader must not only possess a cognitive tool, but also be able to consciously use it. This means that today the school should build work, and be based on the achievements of the preschooler. Scientists O.S. devoted their research to the problem of ensuring continuity between preschool education and primary school. Bogdanova, A.B. Zaporozhets, B.G. Ananyev, S.M. Godnik, A.G. Moroz, A.M. Pyshkalo, A.P. Usova, D.B. Elkonin, Yu.A. Samarin et al.
Currently, primary school teachers and kindergarten teachers are searching for successive forms and methods of organizing educational activities in preschool educational institutions and schools.
Pedagogical conditions for continuity in various directions are determined by A. V. Zaporozhets, S. A. Lebedeva, R. B. Sterkina, Z. B. Loposonova, T. A. Plotnikova and others [1, p. 11].
Continuity implies the interaction of educational organizations: kindergarten and primary school in determining the goals, objectives, content, methods and forms of work. On this basis, technologies for the integrated functioning of preschool and primary educational institutions emerge. They are discussed in the works of S. A. Shadova, G. A. Smirnova, R. B. Sterkina, L. P. Tarasova and others.
T. N. Astrakhantseva believes that “continuity should be carried out in conditions of close interaction between educators and teachers, both in the methodological support of the pedagogical process and in its practical implementation, maintaining continuity in the environment of children’s life activities in kindergarten and primary school, involving parents in pedagogical activities, inclusion of children of preschool and primary school age in joint activities that meet the psychophysical characteristics of children. These conditions can serve as reference points in determining the conditions of continuity in preparing children for education” [1, p. 11].
The most important condition for the effectiveness of work to establish successive ties between kindergarten and school is a clear understanding of the goals, objectives and content of succession, and friendly business contact between teachers.
MKDOU Kantemirovsky kindergarten No. 1 cooperates with MBOU Kantemirovsky Lyceum No. 1. In connection with the modernization of the education system, it became necessary to ensure continuity and continuity in the organization of educational, educational, teaching and methodological work between preschool and primary education.
An analysis of the work showed that the teachers of the MKDOU Kantemirovsky kindergarten No. 1 understand the importance of ensuring continuity between the kindergarten and the school. However, several years ago, some difficulties were also noted: a divergence of views on the problem of readiness for learning at school, formalism, irregular meetings of educators and primary school teachers, a weak methodological base, and lack of consistency of goals.
During this period, a lot of work was done: regulatory documentation was studied, goals and objectives were determined, and a work plan for the kindergarten was drawn up to ensure continuity with the school.
A system of work to ensure continuity was developed, consultations and round tables were held with kindergarten teachers and school teachers, cooperation was carried out with parents of preschool children, classes were held with children of the preparatory group to ensure the motivational and psychological readiness of children.
Thanks to the work carried out, it was possible to ensure the cooperation of all participants in the educational process.
The traditional way for future first-graders to get to know the school is through excursions of preparatory group pupils to the school, which are held every year. Teachers hold parent-teacher meetings about preparing their child for school, the development of cognitive and creative abilities, and talk about choosing a school and future educational programs for children.
Continuity is carried out in three main areas: methodological work with teachers (familiarization with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for a graduate, discussion of the criteria for the “portrait of a graduate”), searching for ways to resolve them, study and exchange of educational technologies used by preschool and school teachers); working with children (introducing children to school, teachers, organizing joint events); work with parents (obtaining information necessary to prepare children for school, advising parents on the timely development of children for successful schooling).
Primary school teachers attend classes on speech development, mathematics, fine arts, analyze knowledge, and give recommendations on one or another section of the program. Teachers of the senior group work in contact with primary school teachers: they participate in joint teacher councils on issues of raising and educating children; hold parent meetings.
Teachers believe that the optimal forms of continuity are the following: joint work of teachers and parents with psychologists; open events at school and kindergarten, round tables for parents and school specialists.
The organization of work on continuity between kindergarten and school included several stages:
— drawing up an action plan for joint activities to ensure continuity;
- implementation of the planned plan, that is, organization and implementation of planned events throughout the academic year.
We sought to create conditions that would ensure the effectiveness of succession. The work was carried out in three directions:
— working with children to develop their cognitive interests and motivation;
— working with parents to inform them about the features of preparing children for school through parent-teacher meetings, individual conversations and consultations;
— work with teachers to study the experience of their cooperation with primary school teachers through conversations, observations, participation in the discussion of problems of continuity in the form of a round table.
In September, the children of the preparatory group and I attended a ceremonial assembly near the school building. Knowledge Day left bright and unforgettable impressions on our children. On the way to kindergarten, the children talked animatedly about school, telling each other how they would go to school. A visit to the assembly helped create a festive mood and created a desire in children to come back to school as students.
At the end of the excursion, we held a drawing lesson on the topic: “What did you like about school.” The children reflected their impressions in drawings; many of them drew themselves and the teacher at the blackboard.
In October we took the children on a field trip to school. This excursion had the goal: to create conditions for future first-graders to develop a desire to study at school.
It was noted that the excursion for preschoolers contributed to:
— the emergence of cognitive motivation, the manifestation of a desire to study at school;
— formation of sustainable interest in school;
— removing fear from future first-graders.
An analysis of the excursion showed that the children became interested in schooling and formed a positive attitude towards the school and the teacher.
In October, together with the children, we made attributes for the role-playing game “School”. Having organized the game, we noticed that many preschoolers want to be a teacher. During the organization of the role-playing game “School”, we instilled in children the desire to accept the position of a schoolchild - a student, and taught them to subordinate their desires to collective ones.
In November, during the physical education festival, the game “Who can collect the briefcase faster” was played. During the game, children developed their powers of observation and consolidated their knowledge of the purpose of school subjects.
We organized an exhibition of family photographs “How my parents studied at school” and held a competition of creative stories from parents on the topic “How I went to first grade.” We read the parents' stories to the children and organized a discussion about them.
We had a conversation with the children on the topic: “What is the call for?”
In January, a meeting was organized with students who graduated from the “Our Graduates” kindergarten. First-graders came to visit the children of the preparatory group. We have prepared entertainment for children.
In general, continuity was achieved through the following forms of work: preschoolers visiting lessons, meetings with students, inviting first-graders to kindergarten for conversations and leisure, joint conversations about school, excursions to school, the library, looking at illustrations on school topics, reading and analyzing children's fiction about school life.
Joint events were organized and held for kindergarten teachers and primary school teachers, a round table “Creating a card index of didactic games on a school theme”, a practical laboratory “Development of children’s graphic skills”, open days and open viewings were held.
During the year, conversations were organized for parents on the following topics: “Difficulties in a child’s adaptation to school and ways to overcome them,” “Portrait of a first-grader,” “Regime of a future schoolchild,” etc.
Instructions for parents “Back to School Soon” were compiled, which provide advice and recommendations on the development and education of preschoolers in order to successfully prepare them for school.
So, interaction with first-grade students and teachers, through various forms of work, will ensure the creation of conditions for the student’s favorable entry into the school world, the successful adaptation and development of all participants in the educational process.
Astrakhantseva T.N. Pedagogical conditions for ensuring continuity in the development of creative abilities of children of senior preschool and primary school age: dis. Ph.D. ped. Sciences / T. N. Astrakhantseva. -Cheboksary, 2002. – 159 p.
Blinova V.A. Continuity of content and forms of organization of preschool and primary education // Primary school. – 2015. – No. 8. – P.3 – 6.
Golitsina L.A. Continuity between preschool and primary education // Primary school. – 2014. – No. 8. – P.3 – 6.
MBDOU "DS No. 353g. Chelyabinsk"
Modern understanding of the implementation of continuity between preschool and primary levels of the education system
Unnoticed by many, but very important, the transformation of a kindergarten into a preschool educational institution (preschool educational institution) has given rise to a number of both theoretical and practical problems of a methodological nature, which today not only do not have a solution, but are also not always recognized by employees of preschool institutions - methodologists and educators.
One of the most important problems in this series is the problem of continuity between the preschool and primary levels. The relevance of considering this problem is associated with the disruption of continuity in the goals, content, methods of teaching and upbringing and the change in society's requirements for the quality of education and training of children of preschool and primary school age.
The transition of primary schools to four-year education is a real fact of long-term planning of educational strategy in our country. How appropriate it is from the point of view of the age stages of a child’s development and whether it creates conditions for favorable adaptation to school education is a question on which the opinions of some psychologists and methodologists differ. From the point of view of the analysis of age stages of child development, focused on periodization associated with crises of age-related development (L.S. Vygotsky), the age of 6.5 years, defined as optimal for entering a four-year primary school, is not a favorable period for the child, since coincides with the crisis of the seventh year of life.
The crisis of the seventh year of life is associated with a change in the perception of one’s place in the system of relationships, i.e. with changes in the social situation in the child’s life. According to L.I. Bozhovich, the crisis of 7 years is the period of birth of the child’s social “I”. Psychologists believe that the revaluation of values characteristic of this period is determined by a change in the child’s internal position under the influence of internal (organic) factors prepared by the entire course of the child’s personal development (I.Yu. Kulagina). The ability to understand one’s experiences, which began at the end of preschool childhood, is strengthened. During the crisis of the seventh year of life, it becomes clear that L.S. Vygotsky called the generalization of experience, in which conscious experiences form stable affective complexes. I.Yu. Kulagina believes that this crisis is independent of when the child started school - at 6 or 7 years old, since for different children the crisis can shift either to 6 or to 8 years old, i.e. it is not strictly connected with an objective change in the situation.
However, real observations in school practice give reason to believe that for a significant proportion of children the crisis occurs precisely under the influence of the beginning of schooling. The child finds himself in a new social situation, where values associated with play that were significant for the previous stage of life, previous interests, and motives for action instantly lose external reinforcement. I.Yu. Kulagina writes: “A little schoolboy plays with enthusiasm and will play for a long time, but the game ceases to be the main content of his life.” The point is that the child himself may not understand for a long time that the game “has ceased to be the main content of his life.” Teachers celebrate this fact for almost the entire first year of the six-year-olds’ stay at school. It is this discrepancy between the internal and external conditions of a child’s existence in this period that may be the reason for the aggravation of the crisis of the seventh year of life. It is no secret that many “six-year-olds”, who were so eager to go to school in August, already by the end of September experience severe disappointment in school life.
Let's give another quote from I.Yu. Kulagina: “A chain of failures or successes (in school, in broad communication), each time experienced approximately equally by the child, leads to the formation of a stable affective complex - feelings of inferiority, humiliation, wounded pride or a sense of self-worth, competence, exclusivity. Of course, in the future these affective formations may change, even disappear, as experience of a different kind is accumulated. But some of them, reinforced by relevant events and assessments, will be recorded in the personality structure and influence the development of the child’s self-esteem and his level of aspirations.” How can you not recognize our school “losers” (underachieving students) and “successful students” (“excellent students”) in this description! Of course, the trigger for these affective complexes is the child’s school failure, which is constantly assessed by the teacher, parents and peers.
Thus, even those children who are not yet “ripe” on their own for the crisis of the seventh year of life are inevitably introduced into its situation by the beginning of schooling. I.Yu. Kulagina notes that a purely crisis manifestation of the differentiation of the external and internal lives of children during this period usually becomes antics, mannerisms, and artificial tension of behavior. These external manifestations - as well as the tendency to whims, affective reactions, conflicts - begin to disappear when the child emerges from the crisis and enters a new age.
Perhaps this new age would have been the most favorable period for most children if schooling, with its rules and value system, had not become a new psychologically traumatic factor in a child’s life. Of course, we would have to come to terms with the fact that the first grade would be of different ages, since children 6, 7 and even 8 years old would come to it. However, the experience of school teaching suggests that it is not so much the biological age of the child that is important as the level of his mental development, since the child really becomes a schoolchild when he acquires the appropriate internal position, and this is possible only in the absence of stable affective complexes associated with school life.
It is obvious that the appropriate interaction between the leading lines of education and upbringing at this age determines the success of the child’s entire further development, the comfort of his stay in primary school and, probably, should not be made dependent on the organizational aspects of the education system.
Continuity between the preschool and primary levels is considered at the present stage as one of the conditions for a child’s lifelong education. However, this does not mean that the main goal of preschool education is preparation for school . Unfortunately, today many authors consider the problem of expedient selection of the content of preschool education as an earlier study of the first grade program and reduce the goals of lifelong education to the formation of subject-specific knowledge, skills and abilities already in preschool childhood. In this case, continuity between preschool and primary school age is determined not by whether the future student has developed the qualities necessary to carry out new activities, or whether the prerequisites for learning activities have been formed, but only by whether he is ready to study the Russian language, mathematics, and natural history.
Let us give a philosophical definition of the concept of continuity.
Continuity is an objective necessary connection between the new and the old in the process of development, one of the most essential features of the law of negation of negation. Materialist dialectics connects continuity with the processes of progressive development in nature, society and thinking, in which a higher form of development of an object or phenomenon, being successively associated with a lower one, does not cancel it, but includes it and subjugates it.
Dialectically understood negation presupposes not only the elimination of the old, but also the preservation and further development of that progressive, rational that was achieved at the previous stages, without which it is impossible to move forward either in being or in knowledge.
A correct understanding of succession processes is of particular importance for analyzing the patterns of development of a particular process.
Thus, succession is not only preparation for; new, but also, more importantly and significantly, the preservation and development of the necessary and expedient old, the connection between the new and the old as the basis for the progressive development of the process.
For the educational process, the theoretical development of the concept of continuity is. the most important problem preceding the actual construction of systems of interconnected educational links. The main tasks that require solutions at this stage can be characterized as follows.
1. Determination of general and specific goals of education at each of these stages and determination, based on their progressive relationship, of successive goals (maintained and developing at both stages).
2. Construction on this basis of a unified interconnected and coordinated methodological education system (its goals, objectives, content, methods, means, forms of organization) with justification for the successive connections of these parameters at different age stages.
3. Construction of a unified substantive line in subject areas, consistent with the justification of the methodological system and excluding unreasonable substantive overloads of educational areas at the preschool stage, a focus on accelerated training (“training”) in subject knowledge and skills, duplicating school programs.
The solution to the entire complex of problems can be achieved in various ways. One of them is the creation of continuous comprehensive programs for preschool and primary education, either by a single team of authors or by interacting teams. Examples of this approach to solving the problem are the “School 2100”, “From Childhood to Adolescence” and “Community” programs.
There is another way to solve the set of problems - a general theoretical solution to the problem based on the “readiness for school” component. N.F. Vinogradova characterizes this component as the formation at the required level of those qualities of the child’s personality that make this child a student, i.e. help him study. The word “learn” is understood in this case in the literal sense - “to teach oneself”, i.e. master amateur educational activities.
Thus, the concept of readiness for school is actually interpreted in the sense of the formation of elements of a child’s educational activity in the preschool period, before he is directly faced with the daily need to apply these skills in the direct activities of learning. This is the view of a methodologist and didactician. Preschool teachers are just beginning to notice this side of the problem, and today the question of whose immediate responsibility is to work on the formation of this set of skills—school teachers or preschool teachers—has not been resolved at all. In any case, in preschool pedagogy this is not yet discussed in principle.
In preschool pedagogy, the problem of developing readiness for school is traditionally considered a psychological problem. In the manual N.I. Gutkina “Psychological readiness for school” the term “phenomenon of psychological readiness for schooling” appears, i.e. it is implied that this “thing” is rare and extraordinary. And indeed, the manual provides quite shocking data from a study conducted in the 90s to determine the level of development of the psychological component “readiness for school” in children entering first grade. It turned out that among the examined six-year-old children, only 6% of children were ready for school, respectively, 94% of children who were supposed to start studying at the age of six were not ready for school. A similar survey of “seven-year-olds” showed that 17% of children were ready for school, respectively, 83% of children at 7 years old were not yet ready for school.
educational motivation, , as the main indicators of readiness for school . In this vein, such an important characteristic as arbitrariness of behavior , considered by many psychologists as the most important component of readiness for school, acts as a natural consequence of a high level of development of educational motivation, which does not require separate consideration and measurement of this psychological parameter in a child. In other words, in fact, we are again talking about the formation of an important component of educational activity (learning motivation, by definition, is one of the main parameters of educational activity according to V.V. Davydov and any other theorist of schoolchildren’s educational activity). However, the bottom line is that readiness for school must be formed in the child before he enters school (at the time of admission!), i.e., developing gradually, by this moment readiness for school “ripens” as the result of the child’s entire preschool life . This is the position of a psychologist. And thus, we again find ourselves faced with the need to develop both theoretical and practical problems of the formation and development of elements of educational activity in a preschooler.
It should be noted that all these theoretical problems constitute a kind of “parallel universe” in relation to real life. In practice, school readiness is not perceived as a problem by either preschool or school teachers. As the author of the article’s many years of experience working with teachers of both profiles in the professional development system shows, for the vast majority of teachers this problem does not exist, since the situation is considered absolutely clear - all that is required is “to put your hands to good use.”
The term “readiness for school” is traditionally perceived by preschool teachers and school teachers quite unambiguously, mainly from the point of view of readiness to study specific school subjects, which gave rise to the actual system of preliminary testing of knowledge, skills and abilities of preschoolers upon admission to school on specific content material ( counting, solving examples “in your head” and solving simple problems, reading texts, copying words and phrases, etc.).
This perception of this concept is due, on the one hand, to the established practice of the dictate of the requirements of the senior level of the educational system to the junior (the same dictate is observed during the transition from primary to secondary school, and then when a child enters a university). On the other hand, the very acceptance of “readiness for school” is completely undeveloped in the theoretical basis of the category “continuity”. This situation gives rise to discrepancies in its understanding, and the purely everyday understanding prevails, which has developed in the last decade under the influence of the practice of admitting preschoolers to school, when only readiness to study a specific school subject is tested and, accordingly, the presence (quantity) of this knowledge is valued, as a rule, serves as the basis for the members of the “admissions committee” to assign children to classes “according to developmental programs” and “to the traditional one.”
The lack of this knowledge can provoke a refusal to admit a child to school until the next year (or a refusal to enroll in a class where education is taught according to a program that attracts parents or by a specific teacher), which, on the one hand, is a violation of the constitutional rights of the child, because the right denial of admission to school belongs only to medical workers; and on the other hand, it leads to the pursuit of preschool teachers and parents to develop superficial, memorized, formalized subject knowledge in the child. The method of constant reproductive memorization (aimed at subsequent reproduction of what has been memorized) of various facts and methods of activity in subject content leads to the destruction of cognitive interests, loss of interest in the learning process and the child’s general “tiredness” of this process even before it begins, i.e. before school starts. Naturally, such “pre-tiring” of a child in no way leads to the formation of readiness for school.
Let's consider the concept of “readiness for school”, understanding it as a key means of solving the problem of preparing a child for school in line with the continuity and continuity of the preschool and primary levels of the education system. To analyze this concept, let us turn to the question of the goals of the preschool and primary stages of a child’s education.
The Concept of Lifelong Education for Children of Preschool and Primary School Age outlines the general goals of lifelong education at the preschool stage:
- education of a moral person;
- preservation and support of the child’s individuality, physical and mental development of children.
Knowledge, abilities and skills are considered in the system of lifelong education as the most important means of child development.
The terminological inconsistency of this quote (the goals in italics are educational, not educational; knowledge, skills and abilities cannot be a means of child development, since their presence is the result of training, i.e. a specially organized process aimed at mastering knowledge, skills and skills) still requires its own revision, however, a change in these goals in relation to the goals outlined in the previous standard program for raising and educating a child in kindergarten is an obvious fact.
In an interview with academician A.A. Leontyev, cited after the text of the Concept, especially noted that the Concept is not intended to indicate what and how to teach, but is intended to indicate what exactly in the development of a child education should provide and how we expect to see a child on the threshold of primary school.
Since the Concept does not deviate from the content characteristics of education (in the section “Cognitive and speech development” educational areas are outlined - natural sciences, social life, mathematical concepts, the foundations of speech and language culture), it would be more expedient to assume that this content should become the means of child development , and the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities is a consequence of the child reaching a certain level of development of cognitive activity.
In this interpretation, a rather “seditious” idea for preschool pedagogy arises: cognitive activity could be understood as the leading activity in preschool age. Then the formation and development of a child’s cognitive activity in preschool age becomes a central didactic, psychological and methodological task for preschool teachers. At the same time, the formation and development of cognitive motivation (an important component of cognitive activity) will be a direct preparation of the basis for the formation of educational motivation in the future, since cognitive motivation is the basis of educational motivation. And the formation and development of cognitive abilities (sensory and intellectual) will create the basis for the development of educational skills, self-esteem and self-control (the main parameters of educational activity) that are formed on their basis.
Today, the task of forming and developing the cognitive activity of a preschooler is considered in preschool pedagogy as a kind of addition to the main task - the development of play activity. This “additional position” of cognitive activity in the hierarchy of primary tasks of a teacher’s pedagogical activity, in our opinion, leads to the fact that the underdevelopment and immaturity of a preschooler’s cognitive activity becomes the main disaster in solving the problem of continuity of preschool and primary education. Moreover, we believe that this particular reason is the main one in all the problems of a child’s school failure at the initial stage of education. And since school failure at the initial stage, as a rule, is prolonged into the middle (and from there to the senior) level, we quite naturally have a “snowball effect.”
The adoption of a new paradigm of the preschool educational process will require a complete reworking of its didactic foundations from the point of view of the personal-activity approach, which has not yet been manifested in any way in the didactics of preschool education. In this case, when building an education system for a preschooler, it is necessary to provide as a prerequisite the possibility of self-realization of the child at all stages of work with the designated content. In other words, a preschooler should always see and understand the applicability of his knowledge and skills in practical activities that are meaningful to him. Such practical activities can include play, observation and children's experimentation, constructive activities of any kind, artistic-visual and musical-motor activities, literary and linguistic activities, communication, physical motor and various labor activities (household, work in nature, artistic work).
By applying his knowledge and skills in various types of activities that are meaningful to him, the child will assert himself and realize himself as an individual. And the teacher’s task is to make this process successful for the child, i.e. organize the conditions for this activity in such a way that the child is able to cope with all problems using his knowledge and skills. Moreover, the higher the methodological skill of the teacher, the more invisible his help becomes to the child in overcoming emerging difficulties. It is in this case that the child will achieve emotional well-being, stimulate the activity of children in various types of activities, and develop competence in the field of relationships with the world, with people, with themselves. And it is in this case that educational motivation will be formed in the child as a consequence of his self-realization in successful and meaningful activities for him.
Thus, the priority tasks of lifelong education of children outlined in the Concept will be solved:
— introducing children to the values of a healthy lifestyle;
— ensuring the emotional well-being of each child, developing his positive sense of self;
— development of initiative, curiosity, arbitrariness, and the ability for creative self-expression;
— formation of various knowledge about the world around us, stimulation of communicative, cognitive, play and other types of activity of children in various types of activities;
— development of competence in the sphere of relationships to the world, to people, to oneself;
— inclusion of children in various forms of cooperation (with adults and children of different ages).
In other words, the formation of a preschooler’s readiness for school education not at the content level, but at the activity level, i.e. the presence of developed learning skills as fundamental new formations of preschool childhood will ensure the child’s psychological readiness for school from both a didactic and psychological point of view (since educational motivation is one of the components of the concept of “learning activity”). Of course, this approach to solving the problem seems incredible and implausible, since in preschool pedagogy not only the issues of the formation and development of a child’s educational activity were not considered, but in general the problem of organizing developmental education for preschoolers seems very doubtful to many preschool education specialists. The main negative role in the formation of such an attitude towards the developmental education of preschoolers is played, in our opinion, by the habit of the traditional interpretation of education as the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities of a subject nature, and using traditional reproductive methodological techniques. All work with preschool children should be based on the principle of “do no harm” and be aimed at preserving the health, emotional well-being and development of the individuality of each child. Individualization as the basis for constructing the educational process in preschool childhood should become one of the basic postulates of this system. In this regard, any diagnosis of children’s readiness for school can only be considered as a stage in the organization of subsequent individualization of education.
Solving the issue of successive connections at the preschool and school stages along the lines of forming the child’s leading activities will make it possible to separate the concepts of “learning” as the acquisition of knowledge and “learning activity” as an activity for self-education, for the formation of a child who “knows how to learn.”
All the above-mentioned goals of creating a system of continuous education at the preschool and primary levels require deep analytical research activities from specialists developing the problem of continuity between the preschool and primary levels, since the issues of developing learning skills as psychological new formations in preschool age are practically not developed in the theory of learning. The same can be said about the level of development of one of the most difficult problems of today in the process of organizing training - its individualization.
The success of a scientifically based solution to the problem of continuity of continuous preschool and primary education will depend on the solution of these problems both at the theoretical, methodological and substantive levels.
Preparing a child for school means actively shaping his educational and cognitive motives (desire to learn) and developing those specific components of activity and mental processes that will ensure his easy adaptation to a new stage of life.
Establishing the hierarchy of these components, their interrelations and interdependencies, and developing on their basis the didactic foundations for the formation of a child’s continuous preschool and primary education is an urgent problem of the modern continuous educational process.
Anna Vitalievna Beloshistaya - Ph.D. ped. Sciences, Professor of the Department of Preschool and Primary Education of the Murmansk Institute for Advanced Training of Education Workers.
“School should not bring a sharp change in children’s lives.
Let the child, having become a student, continue to do today what he did yesterday. Let new things appear in his life gradually and not overwhelm him with an avalanche of impressions,” wrote V.A. Sukhomlinsky. The Kazakhstan state educational standard for school is the constitution of school life. For our kindergarten, such a document was the State Compulsory Standard of Preschool Education and Training of the Republic of Kazakhstan. At the preschool education level there are no requirements for the results of mastering the program and for the graduate. But the standard highlights the section “Planned results of children mastering the basic general education program of preschool education.” An analysis of educational areas revealed a substantive continuity, which can be expressed as follows: only through activity does a person master new experience, can learn independently, and this happens most successfully on the basis of those types of activities that he already possesses. In kindergarten, the leading type of activity is play as a simulation of relationships and real-life events, and in elementary school there is a gradual transition to educational activities.
The adoption and approval of the state standard created a normative basis for continuity in the continuous education system at two stages: kindergarten - primary school. The portraits of a kindergarten graduate and a primary school graduate are in many ways similar, but the results of training in primary school suggest a qualitatively new level of development of competencies formed in kindergarten (or rather, prerequisites for the development of competencies). The requirements for the results of mastering the educational programs of school and kindergarten are largely consistent. Mastering educational areas in kindergarten ensures the child’s success in subject areas in primary school. In addition, it is assumed that 20% of the educational program of preschool education is formed by all participants in the educational process based on the needs of children and parents. The same possibility is approved by the standard for primary schools. Another indicator of continuity is ensuring equal starting opportunities for further education for all children. The standard also specifies requirements for personal and meta-subject results, the foundations of which are laid in the kindergarten graduate model.
Based on the standard, the so-called points of contact between the activities of the structural unit and the school are based on three areas; — coordination of goals and objectives for implementing continuity at the preschool and primary school levels; - selection of educational content for children of preschool and primary school age, taking into account the principles of continuous education and psychological and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of lifelong education in accordance with the standard - enrichment of organizational forms and methods of teaching both in preschool educational institutions and in primary schools. General goals of education for children of preschool and primary school age; — protection and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children; - education of a moral person; — preservation and support of the child’s individuality, physical and mental development of children. Continuity of preschool and primary education involves solving the following priority tasks.
A child’s transition to a school educational environment means entering a different cultural space, a different age category and social development situation. Ensuring the success of this transition is a problem of uniting the efforts of kindergarten and primary school workers. School and kindergarten are two related links in the education system. Success in school education largely depends on the quality of knowledge and skills developed in preschool age, on the level of development of the child’s cognitive interests and cognitive activity. The school constantly increases the requirements for the intellectual development of children. This is explained by such objective reasons as scientific and technological progress, increased flow of information, improved content and increased importance of education. There must be continuity in the educational work of kindergarten and school.
At the preschool level: - introducing children to the values of a healthy lifestyle; — ensuring the emotional well-being of each child, developing his positive sense of self; — development of initiative, curiosity, arbitrariness, and the ability for creative self-expression; — formation of knowledge about the world around us, stimulation of communicative, cognitive, play activity of children in various types of activities; - development of competence in the field of relationships to the world, people, oneself, inclusion of children in various forms of cooperation (with adults and children of different ages).
At the initial stage: - formation of the foundations of civic identity and worldview of students; — formation of the foundations of the ability to learn and the ability to organize one’s activities; — the ability to accept, maintain goals and follow them in educational activities, plan one’s activities, monitor and evaluate them, interact with the teacher and peers in the educational process; — spiritual and moral development and education of students, providing for their acceptance of moral norms, ethical guidelines, and national values; — conscious acceptance of the values of a healthy lifestyle and regulation of one’s behavior in accordance with them, improvement of the achievements of preschool development, special assistance in the development of qualities formed in preschool childhood; — individualization of the learning process, especially in cases of advanced development or lagging behind. The implementation of the general goal and objectives of the education of children aged 3-10 requires compliance with a number of psychological and pedagogical conditions.
At the preschool level: - personality-oriented interaction between adults and children; — formation of prerequisites for educational activities as the most important factor in the development of the child; — building the educational process using age-appropriate forms of work with children, relying on play in the formation of educational activities.
At the primary school level: - reliance on the existing level of achievement in preschool childhood; - the focus of the learning process on the formation of the ability to learn as the most important achievement of this age period of development; — balance of reproductive (reproducing a finished sample) and research, creative activity, collective and individual forms of activity.
General conditions: - recognition of the decisive role of the content of education, methods of organizing educational activities and interaction of participants in the educational process; — creation of a consistent subject-developing educational environment that promotes the development of the child and the preservation of his individuality; — taking into account the individual, age, psychological and physiological characteristics of students and pupils, the role and significance of activities and forms of communication to determine the goals of education and upbringing and ways to achieve them; - educational - the educational process should be subordinated to the formation of the child’s personality: the development of his competence, initiative, independence, responsibility for freedom and safety of behavior, self-awareness and self-esteem; — creating the basis for independent successful acquisition by students and pupils of new knowledge, skills, competencies, types and methods of activity; — a variety of organizational forms and taking into account the individual characteristics of each student (including gifted children and disabilities), ensuring the growth of creative potential, cognitive motives, enrichment of forms of interaction with peers and adults and cognitive activity; — implementation of individual work in cases of advanced or lower rates of child development; - friendly business contact between the teaching staff of the school and kindergarten. The continuity mechanism and its components function using certain forms and methods, implemented in the process of specially organized activities of the administration, teachers of the “Solnyshko” kindergarten, and primary school teachers to create conditions for an effective and painless transition of children to primary school. The forms of succession can be varied; their choice is determined by the degree of relationship, style, and content of the relationship between educational institutions.
Forms of succession
Working with children: - excursions to school; - visiting the school library; — acquaintance and interaction of preschoolers with teachers and primary school students; — participation in joint educational activities, game programs, project activities; — exhibitions of drawings and crafts; — meetings and conversations with former kindergarten students (primary school students); — joint holidays (Knowledge Day, initiation into first-graders, kindergarten graduation, etc.) and sports competitions for preschoolers and first-graders; — participation in theatrical activities; - attendance by preschoolers of an adaptation course of knowledge organized at school (classes with a psychologist, speech therapist, music director and other specialists).
Interaction of teachers: - joint pedagogical councils (kindergarten and school); — seminars, master classes; — round tables for secondary school teachers and school teachers; — psychological and communication trainings for educators and teachers; — conducting diagnostics to determine children’s readiness for school; — interaction between medical workers, psychologists of the community center and school; — opening of demonstrations of educational activities in joint ventures and open lessons at school; — pedagogical psychological observations.
Cooperation with parents: - joint parent-teacher meetings with secondary school teachers and school teachers; — round tables, discussion meetings, pedagogical lounges; — parent conferences, question and answer evenings; — consultations with secondary school and school teachers; — meetings with parents and future teachers; — open days; — creative workshops; — questionnaires, testing of parents to study the well-being of the family in anticipation of the child’s school life and during the period of adaptation to school; — educational and gaming trainings and workshops for parents of preschool children, business games; — family evenings, themed leisure activities; — visual means of communication (poster material, exhibitions, question and answer mailbox, etc.); -meetings of parent clubs (classes for parents and child-parent pairs). The result of fruitful cooperation between primary school and preschool teachers, parents (legal representatives) of pupils and students should be the development of the integrative qualities of a preschooler, which serve as the basis for the formation of competencies necessary for learning at school.
The content of continuity is reflected in the annual work plan of the school and preschool educational institution. At the beginning of the school year, together with kindergarten teachers, a succession plan is drawn up. The work is carried out in the following areas: - methodological (with teachers); - with parents; - children.
Methodological activities are organized through joint events for school and kindergarten teachers: - seminars; — round tables; — open demonstrations of educational activities in educational institutions and schools; — meetings of methodological associations.
Work with parents is carried out through: - joint parent-teacher meetings; — information stands, kindergarten and school websites; — individual consultations with school teachers; - Open day at school.
Working with children consists of: - conducting excursions, holidays, joint projects; - visiting the school museum; — designing joint exhibitions of drawings and crafts; - introducing preschoolers to teachers and primary school students; - participation in game programs and sports competitions.
Cooperation between the kindergarten and the school is developing successfully, since the requests of parents are taken into account, cooperation with families is carried out, and the interaction of pupils and teachers of the kindergarten and primary school is coordinated.
Numerous studies on the issue of continuity between kindergarten and school allow us to identify the following groups of problems: - continuity in the content of education and upbringing; — in forms and methods of educational work; — pedagogical requirements and conditions for raising children.
Continuity involves the use of different forms of activity: study of programs, mutual exchange of experience, further search for optimal ways to improve pedagogical work, and formation of children's interest in learning. To transition from preschool education to school, teachers use didactic, motor games, travel games in their work, create conditions of comfort and goodwill, instill a love for school, and work in close cooperation with teachers.
By the age of six, children have developed eye-hand coordination. To do this, games are played with a construction set, allowing the child to constantly coordinate actions between his eyes and hands, determine the shape of geometric figures in the environment (round, like the sun, rectangular, like a door), color, relative size. Games and toys such as “Magic Geometry”, Tangram, Cuisenaire sticks, Dienesh blocks, mosaics with geometric shapes are used by educators and allow them to master knowledge about geometric shapes in a playful way. The knowledge gained becomes the basis for the successful study of geometric material in elementary school.