Experience in traffic rules
In the older group, ideas are clarified and supplemented. During excursions and walks, teachers reinforced ideas about the roadway. They were introduced to the intersection and road signs (“Pedestrian crossing”, “Crossroads”, “Food station”, “Telephone”, “Parking area”, “Medical aid station”). Children received more complete knowledge of the rules for pedestrians and passengers. traffic rules through games, activities, walks and excursions, as well as on their own playground.
The group has a lot of board games that are made by the children together with the teacher. In games and entertainment, children easily and quickly remember things that may seem boring and uninteresting to them. To increase interest in the traffic alphabet , the following competitions, quizzes, competitions, entertainment “Safe Wheel”, leisure activity “Red, Yellow and Green”, KVN “ABC of Streets and Roads ” were held for children in this group. A lot of fiction is used in class and in free time: reading O. Tarutin’s book “Why do we need a traffic light?”, an excerpt from Dorokhov’s “Green, Yellow, Red”, Mikhalkov’s poem “My Street”, etc.
work with children 6-7 years old to familiarize themselves with the rules of the road so that the knowledge gained in classes, excursions, walks becomes durable and can be successfully applied by future schoolchildren.
all the material for working with children into groups.
The first group included didactic games “Recognize the sign”, “Paired pictures”, “Fold the sign”, “Make a picture”, etc. In my work I often
We use verbal methods, play verbal games: “Listen, remember”, “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends”, “Find out the sign by the riddle”.
The second group is games for the development of logical thinking: crosswords, mazes, puzzles, which contribute to the formation of children’s intellectual activity.
The third group is board-printed games “Who is an excellent pedestrian”, “Traffic light”, “How Pinocchio learned to walk”, “Loto”, “Dominoes”, etc. We use them to clarify and consolidate children’s knowledge of traffic rules .
The fourth group combined materials on modern non-standard games “Field of Miracles”, “What? Where? When?”, “A happy accident.”
The fifth group contains signs and a series of posters: “Teach to anticipate danger ”, “ Road certificate ”, etc.
In the sixth group, we combined materials to help educators and parents. These are notes from classes, entertainment, consultations, reports, moving folders.
The work of teaching children “ Road literacy ” is carried out not only in the classroom, but also in everyday life. To consolidate the knowledge gained in classes and games, we organize excursions and walks to the traffic lights, to the traffic police security room. Here, children learn directly in practice how to cross the street, how works and at which traffic light signal they are allowed to cross the road , and consolidate their knowledge of the rules for pedestrians and passengers. Senior preschoolers actively participate in the work of the “Young Traffic Inspectors” (“YID”) propaganda team : they show theatrical performances , skits, learn songs, poems, proverbs, and take part in the development and implementation of various educational programs.
The relevance of teaching children traffic rules and safe behavior on the roads
Huaco Mariet Azamatovna
The relevance of teaching children traffic rules and safe behavior on the roads
The topic of my speech today: “ The relevance of teaching children traffic rules and safe behavior on the roads ”
Let's start with the most important word in my topic. Relevance… . According to the modern encyclopedia, this word comes from the late Latin actualis - which means actually existing, present, modern, importance, significance of something for the present moment, topicality. At the present stage, at present, no one doubts the relevance of teaching children This is due to the fact that children do not have that defensive reaction to the road situation that is characteristic of us adults, coordination of movements .
The baby got to his feet - he is already a pedestrian. A child gets on a bicycle - he is already a driver. I went on the bus - he was already a passenger. And danger awaits him everywhere.
“Life is a gift, a great gift, and those who do not appreciate it do not deserve this gift,” Leonardo da Vinci once said. This responsibility must also be instilled in children, because it is known that most young pedestrians get into trouble on the road not because of ignorance of the rules of the road , but because of their childish naivety, inexperience, body characteristics, and because of thoughtless risks.
traffic accidents involving children and teenagers occur on roads . the roads especially worsens during the summer holidays. Knowing and following traffic rules will help shape children's safe behavior on the roads . Introducing a child to safe behavior on the road should be systematic and consistent.
Child injury due to non-compliance with traffic rules remains one of the most painful problems of our time. And children are the most valuable and precious thing in every person’s life.
The thirst for knowledge, the desire to discover something new, puts our little ones in front of real danger, in particular, on the street. That is why, already in kindergarten, it is necessary to study traffic rules with pupils, to develop in them the skills of conscious safe behavior .
For several years now (almost 10 years)
My practice of organizing the educational process within the framework of the cognitive and speech development of a preschool child includes the work of the
“Young Pedestrian”
A program on the basics of life safety for children , aimed at developing in a child the skills of correct behavior in non-standard and sometimes dangerous situations on the roads and in transport.
It has long been proven that every child from birth is endowed with enormous mental potential, which, under favorable conditions, develops effectively and enables the child to reach great heights in his development. It is equally important that the child develops harmoniously. And for this you need to develop skills for safe behavior on the road , expand children’s knowledge about transport , comply with the requirements of road signs , develop thinking and attention.
road safety teacher who has this knowledge. He helps with ideas, consultations, recommendations for teaching children how to behave safely on the road , methodological literature, and reflective attributes for children . Consolidating children's about traffic lights and the rules of safe behavior on the road , my students participate in many competitions and promotions of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia "Adygei"
We expand children's knowledge about the rules of behavior on the road and on the sidewalk ; ideas about the purpose of road signs . We play role-playing games that solve problem situations according to traffic rules on the children's transport site - and this has become a favorite activity for our students.
I form the skill of navigating by traffic lights, I cultivate the need for children to be disciplined and attentive on the streets, cautious and prudent. After all, even Victor Hugo said: “... Teach , and you will give the world a person.”
I instill in children a culture of behavior on the road , a sense of respect for the work of a traffic police inspector, and the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in real life.
A necessary condition for the success of our work to develop safe behavior skills on the road is the cooperation of the kindergarten with the traffic police. Meetings with inspectors have become traditional. Our pupils enjoy communicating and discussing traffic problems with the inspector assigned to the kindergarten. the traffic safety promotion inspector Yana Olegova Sokolova. She is a frequent guest and assistant at our institution.
Today we can say that ensuring traffic safety on the road is becoming an increasingly important national task, especially since reports of road traffic accidents involving children cause great concern and concern to society.
“A teacher is a magician who opens
children's door to the world of adults. And what and how he will teach his pupils depends on what the teacher knows and can do.” So let’s open the door to this world carefully—keeping their children’s hearts.
All work preceding the creation of a project to familiarize preschool children with the rules of the road can be divided into several stages:
- Analysis of family education on this issue (individual conversations and questioning of parents).
- Clarifying children's ideas about traffic rules, i.e. their personal experience on which to rely (conducting primary diagnostics).
- Study of literary sources on the issues of familiarizing children with the rules of the road.
The project is being implemented in two directions:
- Joint activities with children.
- Interaction with parents.
Joint activities with children include:
- Educational conversations, games, activities.
- Observations, excursions and walks along the street.
- Reading fiction and educational literature.
- Riddle - guessing riddles on a topic.
- Quizzes, leisure, entertainment according to traffic rules.
- Meetings with the district traffic police inspector.
- Watching cartoons, videos, presentations on traffic rules.
- Competitions and exhibitions of drawings on this topic.
Children of the sixth year of life have a small amount of knowledge about the rules of behavior in road transport situations, so each point of work begins with conversations and educational cycle activities (“Visiting a traffic light”, “Road signs are our friends”, “Red, yellow, green "). To make the classes interesting and productive, various heroes of fairy tales and cartoons come to visit (Postman Pechkin, Baba Yaga, Matroskin the Cat, etc.), who introduce the children to the rules of the road, talk about situations on the roads and, together with the children, look for a way out from current situations, help consolidate children’s knowledge and skills.
Theoretical knowledge is supported by productive activities (drawing, appliqué, manual labor, spatial modeling), and then implemented in independent activities and everyday life outside the preschool educational institution.
Much attention is paid to gaming activities, which, in addition to didactic games, include construction, movement, role-playing and fantasy games. At the end of each specially organized lesson, children find themselves in a subject-developmental group environment, where they can apply the acquired skills in gaming activities: training games, didactic, outdoor and role-playing games.
To consolidate knowledge, excursions, targeted walks, observations, conversations, reading fiction are used, leisure evenings and performances of works of art, and role-playing road situations are organized.
Interaction with the students’ parents is important in the implementation of the project. The example of parents is one of the main factors in successfully developing children's skills for safe behavior on the street. One wrong action by parents in front of the child or together with him can negate all verbal warnings. Therefore, educational activities are carried out with parents, a number of events for parents and joint ones for parents and children have been developed.
Joint activities with parents:
- Memos and booklets.
- Conversations and consultations.
- Parent meetings.
- Participation in competitions, entertainment, exhibitions.
- Questioning.
Objective of the project:
creating the necessary conditions for the prevention of child injuries on the roads, assimilation and consolidation of the knowledge of children and their parents of traffic rules.
- generalization and expansion of children’s knowledge about the rules of safe behavior on the street;
- using a variety of methods and techniques, optimizing work with parents of children of senior preschool age to study and consolidate knowledge about traffic rules;
- formation of a conscious attitude towards compliance with the rules of conduct near the roadway;
- strengthening and development of the material and technical base for work in this area;
- development of a system of educational work.