Project on the surrounding world in the senior group “Such different paper”

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Creative research project “The Magic World of Paper”

Prepared by: Almira Mavletzyanovna Karamullina, teacher.

Project type: long-term, group.

Age group: children of senior preschool age.

Project participants:

Pupils of the senior, preparatory group: participation in search, research, experimental activities, making exhibits from paper for a mini-museum.

Educator: analysis of literature on the topic of the project, development of notes to familiarize students with types of paper, its properties, purpose, etc.; design and organization of educational activities with children.

Parents (legal representatives) of pupils: participation in the creation of mini-museum exhibits, creation of a unified educational environment as part of the project.

Problem: Children are explorers by nature. Research and search activity is the natural state of a child; he is determined to understand the world around him, he wants to know it. From early childhood, children are attracted to paper for its diversity, unusualness, and versatility. And this interest of children in paper led me to the project “The Magic World of Paper” . Why "magical" ? Because a child, in order to reveal the properties of paper, performs truly wonderful transformations, opens the curtain of history, and makes interesting things.

The choice of the project topic is also not accidental. It is due to the fact that 2017 is called the Year of Ecology in Russia. The life of a modern person without paper would not be complete. We come across paper and products made from it every day. Many of our actions are related to paper. Sometimes we no longer notice how we do not treat paper with care and do not save it. And preschool children, due to their age, do not understand the scale of this problem of Humanity. If you give every child from preschool age the opportunity to experimentally, through their own research activities, study paper, which on the one hand is a world of unusual beauty, on the other - the cause of the death of forests - then the child, at a minimum, will love it, will want not only to protect and save paper , but the tree and forest from which it is made.

Goal: creating conditions for the development of cognitive activity of preschool children through expanding children's ideas about paper, its types, properties, and the possibilities of its use by people.


  1. Introduce the variety of types of paper, its properties, the wide range of uses of paper by people: give the child the opportunity to really, independently discover the magical world of a sheet of paper, comprehend the properties, structure, enjoy the palette of colors, combinations of different shapes and sizes.
  2. Develop a imaginative idea of ​​the capabilities of objects, learn to design and model, find unexpected options for their use.
  3. Expand children's ideas about the world around them, clarify children's ideas about the museum as a place for storing historical objects.
  4. To develop in children an awareness of the need to take care of paper and an understanding of the limited nature of the resource.
  5. To form the prerequisites for search activity and intellectual initiative.
  6. Activate children's speech activity.
  7. Develop skills in artistic and productive activities.


The surrounding reality appears before the child in all its diversity: nature, man, the man-made world, etc. Introducing children to everything that society lives is a task that humanity has been solving since the need to pass on the experience of the previous one to each subsequent generation began to be realized.

The objective world has a great influence on the emerging needs of a little person and serves as a kind of support for him in communicating with other people. The subject introduces the child into the world of adults, “informs” him about this world, enriches the content of social experience and influences all-round development. Objects are characterized by characteristics that the child perceives through sensory means, i.e. visually, tactilely, tactilely and through mental operations. This is what ensures the development of his personality.

According to O.V. Dybina, children’s cognitive activity is realized in activities. It is search activity that is capable of mobilizing the strength of preschoolers in understanding reality, independently discovering its connections, relationships, patterns, and in transforming experience.


The use of a variety of effective methods to familiarize themselves with the properties, quality and types of paper increases children’s interest in the surrounding reality and the desire for independent knowledge.

Expected Result:

  1. Acquaintance with the history of the creation of paper, generalization of knowledge about paper - as a material that has certain properties and qualities, acquaintance with new types of paper (copier, sandpaper, tracing paper), increasing children's interest in understanding the world around them.
  2. Consolidation of knowledge about cause-and-effect relationships between the ecological state of the Earth and human life;
  3. Enrichment of the subject-spatial environment of the group.
  4. Improving relationships between children, between adults and children.

Project content:

Stage 1 – preparatory

The teacher formulates the problem and goals of the project, after which the product of the project is determined. Introduces children into a game or story situation, and then formulates tasks.

The tasks of children at this stage of the project are: getting into the problem, getting used to the game situation, accepting tasks and goals, as well as supplementing the project’s goals. The last point is very important, since one of the important tasks of a teacher is to develop an active life position in children; Children should be able to independently find and identify interesting things in the world around them.

  • Search for information: encyclopedias “Pochemuchka” , “I explore the world” (section “History of the creation of paper” , “Use of paper” ), Internet resources.
  • The teacher’s story “Journey to the Past” (introduction to birch bark) and experimental research activities, which is more convenient to write on - paper or birch bark.
  • Examination of illustrations, photographs, museums, exhibits, ready-made paper crafts, activation of vocabulary on the topic.
  • Exercise-conversation in a circle “What is paper used for, where is it used, what kind is it?

Stage 2 - activity

At this stage, the teacher (in addition to organizing activities) helps children competently plan their own activities in solving assigned tasks.

Children are united into working groups, and roles are distributed.

  • Forming an island for studying different types and grades of paper (scissors, water containers, paints, pencils, stencils, glue). “Paper Collector” : expand children’s understanding of different types and grades of paper. Search for paper of different textures. Making a collection of paper.
  • Making a lapbook “This Amazing Paper” , a mini-museum “The Magic World of Paper” (location in the playroom).
  • Activation of cognitive activity. Conversations with the presentation “Origin of paper” , “How is paper made today?” , conducting experiments with paper “Comparison of Paper” , examining the collection “Types of Paper” , organizing and holding an “Evening of Tricks with Paper” .
  • Activation of children's speech activity and play experience. Organization and conduct of open organized educational activities on the topics: “Paper Sorceress” , “Acquaintance with copy paper” . Organization and conduct of didactic games: “Magic Paper” , “Paper Fairy” , “What has changed?” , “Find something similar” , “First, what then?” , “What kind of paper is it made from?” , exercise “Wonderful bag” (guess the type of paper by touch). Speech games: “Finish the sentence” “Say the opposite” , “Paper, paper, paper” , “It doesn’t happen like that” . Plot-role-playing games “Excursion to a paper factory” , “Paper products store” . Situational conversations: “What will happen if the forest that is used to make paper runs out?” , “Do I need to collect waste paper?”
  • Activation of children's productive activities. Familiarizing children with the plastic properties of paper, with different types and textures of paper in artistic and productive activities: Reading B. Zhitkov “Where did paper come from?” , reading poems by S. Mikhalkov “A Blank Sheet of Paper” , B. Okudzhava “Paper Soldier” , solving riddles about paper. Drawing “The leaf was white, it became colored . Application “Let's decorate a paper napkin” . Construction - origami “Hello, Kitty” , “Rook” , “Paper Peonies” , “Heart for Mom” .
  • Interaction with parents:

Selection of information and visual materials about paper.

Joint production of crafts with children for the mini-museum “The Magic World of Paper” .

Consultations for parents “Paper fantasy” , “Making toys together” , “The influence of experimental activities on the development of a child’s cognitive activity” .

Stage 3 – final

The results of the work on the “Magic World of Paper” are presented in the form of a mini-museum “The Magic World of Paper” and an exhibition “Paper Crafts” . The teacher prepares a presentation on the project activities and conducts it. Children actively help in preparing a mini-museum and an exhibition of crafts, after which they present the product of their own activities to the audience (parents and teachers).

During the project, indicators of cognitive development significantly improved. Children's cognitive activity and desire to learn something new about the world around them have accumulated. The introduction of the project method gave positive results in organizing educational work with children: children’s moral qualities such as thrift, care, accuracy, and hard work improved.

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Project on the surrounding world in the senior group “Such different paper”

Title: Project on the surrounding world in the senior group “Such different paper” Nomination: Kindergarten, Methodological developments, project activities, Senior group of kindergarten Author: Kurakalova Lyubov Sabirovna Position: teacher Place of work: MBDOU “Child Development Center - Kindergarten “Teremok” » Location: Tomsk region. Alexandrovsky district. Aleksandrovskoe village

Project on the surrounding world “Such different paper”

Project participants: children and parents of the senior group

"Sunny bunnies"

Project manager: teacher of the highest category

Kurakalova Lyubov Sabirovna

Type of project: educational - creative.

Project duration: short-term (from October 5 to October 9, 2015).

Age group: senior (children from 5 to 6 years old).

Educational areas:

Social and communicative development;

Speech development;

Artistic and aesthetic development;

Cognitive development;

Objective of the project:

To form a stable cognitive interest of children in the process of discovering new, unusual knowledge about a familiar object - paper.

Project objectives:


  • Systematize ideas about the properties of paper. Practice agreeing nouns and adjectives in gender and number. To clarify and expand children’s ideas about paper, its different types, qualities and properties. The use of paper in human life. Develop investigative actions and the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships in the process of performing various actions with paper (creases, tears, absorbs water). Get children interested in working with paper


  • Develop logical thinking, attention and memory.
  • Develop basic research abilities and cognitive interests.


  • Form an emotionally positive attitude towards the surrounding world and nature.
  • Cultivate interest in learning about the world around us, curiosity.

Relevance of the project:

Paper is a child-friendly and universal material that is widely used in a child’s life. Children draw on paper, do appliqué, and encounter paper in different situations throughout the day. Children actively work with paper, but despite this, they do not have enough knowledge about the variety of paper and its properties. Children have no idea where paper came from, how it is made, and do not know the types of paper. Therefore, the need arose to create this project in order to diversify children’s knowledge about such a seemingly familiar material - paper.

Planned results:

Children will learn the history of paper creation;

generalize knowledge about paper - as a material that has certain properties and qualities and learn a new property of paper - soaking in water;

increase children's interest in learning about the world around them;

will consolidate knowledge about the cause-and-effect relationships of the ecological state of the Earth and human life;

Children will learn how to make paper at home.

Teachers will be able to:

Establish successful cooperation with parents;

Organize a high substantive and organizational level of the project;

Enrich the subject-development environment;


The use of a variety of effective methods to familiarize themselves with the properties, quality and types of paper increases children’s interest in the surrounding reality and the desire for independent knowledge.

Project implementation stages

Preparatory stage:

— selection of literature, visual and didactic materials: educational board games, illustrations, presentations and videos

Creative project “Magic Paper”

Creative project “Magic Paper”

Project type:

long-term, creative, group.

Project participants:

primary school students, parents.

Project implementation timeline:

1 year

Educational areas:

artistic and aesthetic development, cognitive development, social and communicative development, speech development, physical development.

Relevance of the project:

Poor hand motor skills develop writing problems. Children have difficulty writing letters and numbers correctly. Hands get tired quickly, children have to put in a lot of effort to learn to write. Along with the problem of writing, there is a problem of speech. Since the speech and motor centers of the brain are located in close proximity, stimulation of the motor center contributes to the development of the speech center of the brain.

To improve the quality of education and individual development of each student, a creative project “Magic Paper” has been developed. Paper is an accessible and universal material for children; it is widely used not only in drawing and appliqué, but also in artistic design.

Paper is the first material from which children begin to craft, create, and create unique products. She has been known to everyone since early childhood. Children actively work with paper, but despite this, they do not have enough knowledge about the variety of paper and its properties. When we talk about paper, each teacher knows that this is the most common material when working with children. But we are not always adults who use its capabilities. Paper construction is a powerful means of developing creativity among schoolchildren: conditions are created for independent experimentation with paper of different densities, textures, etc., training is organized in different forms depending on the complexity, inclusion of other types of activities in the design process (games, writing fairy tales) , stories, solving riddles). This type of productive activity has a positive effect on the development of fine motor skills, logical and spatial thinking, voluntary attention, speech, as well as on the formation of such qualities as initiative, independence, observation, curiosity, and sociability. An ordinary material - paper - is taking on a new modern direction; it can be used in different techniques. Paper opens the way for children to creativity, develops their imagination and artistic capabilities.

Objective of the project:

creating conditions for the development of children's artistic creativity and the development of hand motor skills in children of primary school age using non-traditional techniques for working with paper.

Project objectives:

— draw the attention of schoolchildren to the importance and diversity of paper in our lives;

— introduce children to the properties and characteristics of paper in various products and try to discover its new possibilities;

— introduce children to various techniques for working with paper;

— pay attention to the need for careful use of paper;

— develop cognitive activity, curiosity, emotional interest;

- develop imagination, creativity, fine motor skills;

— to cultivate a sense of mutual assistance, initiative, independence, patience, the ability to complete the work started, accuracy, and careful attitude to the results of work.

Expected results:

for children:

children will gain knowledge about the types of paper and how to work with it, learn to preserve and save paper, and develop creativity, fine motor skills, imagination, and spatial thinking.

for teachers:

will become familiar with various non-traditional techniques for working with paper and will apply them in their work.

for parents:

parents will be involved in joint activities with children.

for op-amp:

exhibitions of children's works were organized, and the educational institution participated in creative competitions.

Stages of work on the project:

Preparatory stage:

1. Project development.

2. Selection of literature and illustrative material, preparation of presentations on the topic.

3. Preparation of the material and technical base of the project.

4. Development of activities.

Main stage:

organizing study groups for children, introducing various non-traditional techniques for working with paper.

Lesson 1 “Such a different paper country”

Children get acquainted with the history of paper, learn what paper is made from, what paper is needed for, and what can be made from paper. Review of the album “The Wonderful World of Paper”.

Lesson 2 “Experiments with paper”

Children compare different types of paper and find out its properties, try to cut it, twist it, tear it, crumple it, etc. Find out whether all paper gets wet equally quickly, which paper is easier to cut with scissors.

Lesson 3 “Paper lumps”

Children are engaged in construction from paper lumps and strands. From soft colored paper (napkins, corrugated paper) they make balls of different sizes by crumpling them and come up with various toys and crafts: “Caterpillar”, “Mushrooms”, “Bunny”, “Snowman”, etc.

Lessons 4 - 7 “Applique using the trimming technique”

Introduce children to the trimming technique - applique from small squares of corrugated paper. Children learn to create a composition and select shades of colors. Imagination, creativity and fine motor skills develop.

Lessons 8 – 17 “Corrugated tubes”

Introduce children to the corrugated tube technique. Learn how to work with corrugated paper. Create a composition. Develop fine motor skills of the hands and eye. Develop children's artistic taste, creativity and imagination.

Lessons 18 – 20 “Magic stripes”

Children learn to make various crafts and toys from ready-made colored strips. While working with paper strips, children learn to fold the strips in half and find the middle of the strip - this will prepare children for mastering a more complex technique: origami.

Lessons 21 - 27 “Crafts using origami technique”

Introduce children to the origami technique. Children learn two construction methods: folding a square in half with opposite sides and corners aligned (the basic shape is a book) and folding a square diagonally (the basic shape is a triangle). First, children learn to fold a basic shape, and then build some toys and crafts based on the basic shape. Develop the ability to fold paper using verbal formulation and visual demonstration. Familiarize children with a schematic representation of the sequence of making crafts and teach them to understand conventional signs. Develop imagination and spatial thinking. Cultivate a caring attitude towards your work and the work of your friends. Cultivate a caring attitude towards your work and the work of your friends.

Lessons 28 – 36 “Quilling”

Introduce children to the basic concepts and basic forms of quilling (eye, drop, leaf, etc.). Teach various techniques for working with paper. Develop the ability to follow oral instructions. Create compositions with products made using the quilling technique. Develop attention, memory, imagination. Develop fine motor skills of the hands and eye. Develop children's artistic taste, creativity and imagination. Create a work culture and improve work skills. Promote the creation of play situations, expand children's communication abilities. Teach accuracy, the ability to use materials carefully and economically, and keep the workplace in order.

The final stage:

Organizing an exhibition of children's creativity, participating in creative competitions, presenting a project at a parent meeting, decorating group rooms with products of children's creativity.

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