Progress of the lesson:
The teacher informs the children that a letter arrived today:
I wonder who the letter is from (reads)
Children gr.
. From: village of Prostokvashino. Is reading :
1) “Hello, guys! The postman Pechkin is writing to you. Sharik and Matroskin wanted to build a new house and asked me to deliver them all the necessary materials. I couldn't get it on my bike. Uncle Fedor said that there are some vehicles
that fly through the air and swim in rivers.
Help us figure out what kind of transport
there is and what it is intended for. Waiting for an answer. Pechkin."
Guys, are you ready to help postman Pechkin. Is it possible to transport cargo on bicycles?
What can you transport it with? (by car)
What are the names of vehicles for transporting goods? (freight)
The teacher shows the children two cars and asks them to name which one is a truck. Points to another car.
- Which one is this? (passenger)
What is it used for?
(for transporting people)
Let's see how the cars are similar and how they differ:
What parts does each car have? (steering wheel, wheels, engine, headlights)
The wheels of a truck are large, while those of a passenger car are (small)
…. ;
A truck has a body and a cabin, a passenger car has a passenger compartment;
A cargo truck carries goods - sand, building materials, logs, and a passenger car carries people;
Who is driving the vehicle
Name the location of this transport
(on the ground)
What kind of car will Pechkin use to transport the goods? (for cargo)
Ground mode of transport is divided into groups
. There is also a special and public one.
Who does public transport
transport is this?
(bus, tram, trolleybus)
Special for performing special work. Guys, which cars are classified as special cars? (Fire truck, ambulance, police car, gas service car.)
Musical pause. “Bus”
(movements to music)
2) The teacher seats the children in front of the magnetic board.
We have already said that cars move on the ground, which means it is called... ground. We will schematically designate it as follows (the teacher shows the children a schematic representation of ground transport
Name another ground transport
(cars, bus, trolleybus, tram, ambulance, fire truck, etc.)
And if Pechkin encounters a river along his route, what kind of river does it look like? (the teacher exhibits water transport
, children call: boat, cutter, ship).
Name in one word everything that moves on water... water transport
water transport
like this (the teacher shows the children a schematic representation of water
And if he encounters high mountains on his way, what type of transport will help him on his way?
(the teacher exhibits all
types of air transport
: airplane, helicopter).
Name in one word everything that moves through the air...air transport
Air is designated as follows (the teacher shows the children a schematic representation of air transport
And now everyone will take a picture depicting any type of transport
Task: break into groups
according to the schemes
(land, water, air
transport .)
While the music is playing, you move freely on the carpet, as soon as the music stops, you occupy the hoop, according to the scheme and your vehicle
(The game is repeated several times)
Lesson summary
Guys, did you like the lesson about transport
Tell me, what do we call transport
(this is everything that can transport goods and people on land, by water and by air). And how transport
is distinguished by place of movement: land, water, air.
Well done! You did an excellent job.
“Truck” applique for Postman Pechkin
and we will send both the letter and the application to the village of Prostokvashino.
Application: “Truck”
Equipment: blanks for cabins, bodies, windows, black squares; base for applique sheets A-5; glue, scissors, napkins.
Summary of GCD on FCCM in the middle group Topic: “Transport”
Goal: to expand children’s understanding of types of transport through the integration of various educational areas: “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Artistic Creativity”, “Socialization”.
- Educational:
- fix the names of types of ground transport;
- to consolidate in the minds of children the idea that transport was invented by man for ease of movement;
- introduce children to the names of water and air transport;
- consolidate knowledge of traffic rules;
- to train children in spatial orientation;
- learn to create crafts from natural materials.
- Educational:
- cultivate curiosity and a desire to work.
- Educational:
- develop creative imagination, logical thinking, attention;
- develop fine motor skills of the hands;
- develop skills of independent and collective activity.
Materials for the lesson: Laptop, screen, presentation about transport, presentation with the didactic game “Odd IV”; there is a “transition” on the floor; toy bus, truck, ambulance; images, water and air transport; pictures for coloring “Cars” and colored pencils - for each child, walnut shells, toothpicks, plasticine, corrugated paper, a bowl of water.
Progress of the lesson
1. Organizational moment.
Children sit on the carpet in a bus made of chairs. The song “We are sitting on the bus” plays. (Slide 1.)
2. Activation of knowledge - showing a presentation.
Educator: Now we will ride a bus through the city streets. Let's look out the window.
View the presentation. (Slides 2 – 12.) Children name the transport that is shown on the screen.
Educator: For some reason we were staring out the window and almost ran a red traffic light. (Slide 13.) Stop! The green light has turned on for pedestrians - you need to let them pass! (Slide 14.) Where does the pedestrian cross the road? (At the pedestrian crossing - zebra crossing.)
A teacher with a doll in his arms crosses the “road” at a pedestrian crossing.
Educator: Our journey is over.
The children sit at the tables.
Educator: What did we see while we were riding the bus? (Cars, transport.)
— What is the name of the transport that carries passengers? (Passenger transport.)
— What is the name of the transport that transports goods? (Freight transport.)
— What is the name of the transport that rushes to help people? (Special transport.)
- What is the name of the transport that we just called (travels on the ground)? (Ground transport.)
3. Gymnastics for the eyes: “Window”, “Clock”.
4. Color the cars.
Educator: Color the leftmost car green, the last one blue, after the green one yellow, before the blue one red.
5. Classification of water and air transport.
Educator: Transport that moves on water is water transport (shows a picture). Transport that flies through the air is air transport (pictures). This transport travels very long distances.
6. Game “IV extra” (Slides 16, 17, 18.)
Pictures appear on the screen, and children guess which type of transport is unnecessary.
7. Physical education minute.
— Children, accompanied by A. Barto’s poem “We’ll build the plane ourselves,” “fly” through the group and return to the tables.
8. Finger gymnastics “On the ship” by T. A. Tkachenko.
9. Making a boat from a nut shell.
Educator: Let's make a sailboat with our own hands from a walnut shell. (A piece of plasticine is stuck into the shell. A toothpick with a sail made of corrugated paper is inserted into it.)
10. Reflection.
- What did we talk about today?
— What did you learn new?
-What did you do with your own hands?
Let's set the boats sailing.
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF
SHORT-TERM PROJECT “Useful machines” (for children of middle preschool age)Compiled by: teacher Anna Aleksandrovna Tarabukina, first category Vylgort, 2021.
Project type: creative and informational.
Project type:
according to the composition of participants - group (children, parents, teachers).
by target - creative.
Duration: short-term 1 week.
Relevance of the project: Nowadays, all children love to ride on transport, they know the names of many types of transport, but in their speech not all children have words that generalize the names of this transport; they cannot always enrich their knowledge and ideas about types of transport, about the rules of the road movements.
Modeling and design have enormous opportunities for the development and education of children; with the help of these types of activities, children of senior preschool age develop design abilities, technical thinking, and the process of cognition of the surrounding reality occurs.
A child is a designer, inventor, and researcher. Preschool children show active cognitive interest in various technologies. And the questions are often asked: “What are cars made of?” , "What are they needed for?" , “How do I fly planes? and others” These inclinations inherent in nature are especially quickly realized and improved into design, because the child has an unlimited opportunity to invent and create his own designs and models, showing interest.
In the process of making crafts, preschoolers, along with technical skills, develop the ability to analyze objects in the surrounding reality, form generalized ideas about the objects being created, develop independence of thinking, creativity, artistic taste, and develop valuable personality traits (accuracy, determination, perseverance in achieving goals, etc.). d.).
Thus, engaging in artistic and creative activities using various materials, including waste materials, contributes to the development of children's creative abilities.
Goal: Make an ambulance .
- Create the necessary conditions for acquaintance and systematization of children’s knowledge about types of transport
- Introduce the properties of paper.
- Introduce children to basic geometric concepts: circle, square, triangle, angle, side, vertex, etc.
- Enrich your child’s vocabulary with special terms
- Encourage children to engage in joint search activities
- Speech development and enrichment of children's vocabulary.
- Develop fine motor skills, hand coordination, eye control
- Development of mental processes (attention, memory, thinking and imagination)
- Develop children's artistic taste, creativity and imagination
- Cultivate interest in work
- Strengthen knowledge of traffic rules and special-purpose vehicles.
- Form an understanding of safety rules when working with scissors and glue, continue to teach children how to use scissors and glue correctly.
Method of interaction: conversations, games, looking at paintings.
Project stages:
- Preparatory
- Basic
- Final
Expected Result:
- Making toys from waste material.
- Bringing adults and children together, strengthening positive family relationships
- Organization of an exhibition of creative works.
1. Preparatory stage:
- Select methodological literature on the topic.
- Select fiction on the topic (a selection of poems, riddles, proverbs, sayings).
- Select didactic material, visual aids (albums for viewing, paintings, board games, Pi “Colored Cars” , “Traffic Light” , “Sparrows and the Car” , “Locomotive” .)
- Invite parents to select waste materials for crafts. Examination of passenger vehicles together with children: main parts, size, color, shape. Conversation about traffic rules.
- Main stage: Working with children
- Examination of pictures, illustrations depicting useful modes of transport, conversations, observation of transport on the road;
- Exercises for the development of speech breathing: “Doors open” , “Car tire has punctured” , “Pump” , “Car honks” ;
- Finger exercises on the topic “Transport” , physical education minute “We are drivers” ;
- DI. “Professions in transport” , “Car showroom” , “Collect a picture” , “Road signs” , “Auto shop” , “Find the differences” , “What I travel on” ,
- Reading fiction by V. Bredikhin “Car ABC for boys” , I. Menshikhin “Garage” ; K. Nefedova “If you are in a hurry” , “Where did the car come from” .
- Riddles about transport, tongue twisters, N. Nosov “Car” ;
- Role-playing games: “We are drivers” (construction of streets from large building materials), “Chauffeurs” , “Traveling by bus” (passengers, driver, tour guide)
- Coloring pages on the theme "Transport" ;
- Outdoor games “Dashing drivers” , “Fun train” ;
Working with parents:
- Design of a moving folder in a corner for parents “Theme of the week - “Transport” ;
- Observing the movement of various vehicles on the street with a child;
- Fixing the correct names of modes of transport;
- Conversation about rules of behavior on the road;
- Creative collaboration to make model cars from waste material
- Design of the mobile folder “Construction from natural and waste materials” ;
- The final stage:
- Making a toy "Ambulance" . Learn how to make toys from waste material, which are based on three-dimensional shapes.
- Organization of an exhibition of creative works “Car fleet” of cars made by children and parents. Increase interest in making toys with your own hands.
- Gromova O.E., Solomatina G.N., Kabushko A.Yu. “Introducing preschoolers to the social world. — M.: TC Sfera, 2012. -224 p.
- Zyryanova L.N. “Classes on speech development in preschool educational institutions” /L. N. Zyryanova, T.V. Luzhbina. -2nd ed. — Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2013. -271s
- Kutsakova L.V. “Construction and manual labor in kindergarten: A manual for kindergarten teachers. garden: From work experience. - M.: Education, 1990. -150 p. "
- Machinistov V.G. Didactic material on labor training. - M.:
Enlightenment, 1991 – p. 93
5. Pereverten G.I. Paper crafts. M.: Education, 1983 – p. 135
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