Project: Creation of a mini-museum “The Mysterious World of Stone”
Municipal preschool educational institution
Novoulyanovsk general developmental kindergarten "ABVGDeyka"
Project: Creation of a mini-museum “The Mysterious World of Stone”
Kazantseva Tatyana Aleksandrovna
MDOU Kindergarten "ABVGDeyka", teacher
Novoulyanovsk, 2015
Project: Creation of a mini-museum “The Mysterious World of Stone”.
Project type:
group, information-cognitive-research.
Form of presentation
: design of a mini-museum of stone, excursion to the museum (conducted by children of the older group)
- natural science, with elements of local history.
Project duration:
Dates and place of the project:
September - March, MDOU D/S "ABVGDeyka"
Project participants:
Children of the older group (5-6 years old), parents of students, group teachers.
Relevance of the project.
Even in preschool childhood, a child must learn to navigate nature, the phenomena of the surrounding reality, social life and his own life. In order to form in children a holistic understanding of the world around them, more attention should be paid to a comprehensive study of living and inanimate nature, the ecosystem of the region, and the country as a whole. Let us carefully look under our feet, lift up and examine one of the mysteries of nature - stone. Few people thought that the earth consists of only two components, stone and water. Since ancient times, the connection between man and nature and stone has been known. Stones and minerals are amazing gifts of nature. People treated the mysterious and mysterious powers of stones with great respect.
Introducing children to the minerals of the Ulyanovsk region, mined in the quarries of the city of Novoulyanovsk, simply with stones found on the banks of our Volga River, helps to broaden the children's horizons, the ability to establish connections between the properties and characteristics of various materials, the ability to identify the materials from which objects are made, familiarity with professions of people. Involving children in experimental and research activities is a means of developing their curiosity and interest in natural resources.
The knowledge acquired by children during the project becomes the property of their personal experience. They were obtained in response to questions posed by the children themselves during the project activities. The best discovery is the one the child made himself.
Objective of the project:
creating conditions for the development of cognitive and research abilities of pupils, for the formation of a holistic worldview of a preschool child through experimentation, the result is the creation of a mini-museum “The Mysterious World of Stone”.
Project objectives:
To develop research skills aimed at understanding the world around us; Develop the ability to identify the materials from which stone products are made, examine stones, name their properties and features, classify stones according to their distinctive features.
To develop interest in objects of inanimate nature and in experimental activities with them.
Enrich the vocabulary of preschoolers, activate their thinking abilities.
To form moral and patriotic feelings for the native land, pride in the cultural and historical heritage.
Develop curiosity, interest and caring attitude towards the diverse natural resources of the Ulyanovsk region and hometown.
Project content:
The project to create a mini-museum “The Mysterious World of Stones” introduces children of senior preschool age to the variety and properties of different stones, their features, meaning and their varied uses by humans. Children develop interest in objects of inanimate nature, and form moral and patriotic feelings towards their small Motherland.
Project progress
Program section | Types of children's activities |
Play activity Cognitive development Research activities Speech development Productive activity Working with parents | Didactic games with stones to develop sensory abilities and fine motor skills: “Pick up the same stone”, “Find out by touch”, “Mosaic of stones”, “Stone labyrinth”, “Lay out the stones according to the pattern”. Board-printed games: “What is made of what”, “Checkers”, “Minerals”, “Pick up a pebble” (fix the names of natural and artificial stones). Role-playing games: “We are geologists”, “In the cave of the mountain king”, “In the jewelry workshop”, “We are miners”. Construction games: “In the Novoulyanovsky quarry”, "Mining". Outdoor games: “Take a stone”, “We are climbers”, “King of the mountain”, “Find your stone”. A series of thematic lessons on the topic: “Stones are interesting”, “What are minerals and how are they mined?”, “Mineral resources of the Ulyanovsk region”, “Meet the ammonites”, “Simbircite is a stone that brings good luck”, “ Stones that write", "Volcanic stones", "Stones born of the sea". “The significance of stones and their benefits for people,” “Our cement plant.” Production and design of expositions of the mini-museum “The Mysterious World of Stone”. Getting to know the parents' professions: bricklayer, excavator operator in a quarry (invited to perform in the group). Creation of the albums “The World of Stones”, “Stones from Which They Build”, “Stones That Heal” Collecting a collection of stones. Viewing collections of stones. Experiments with stones: Salt (salt crystals were grown, salt water prevents an object from drowning), Water and stone (how water destroys stones), The heaviest and lightest (comparing stones by weight), Is there air in a stone? What is the best stone to draw on asphalt (chalk, coal, graphite)? , “Why do they say - strong as a stone”, “What’s inside the mountain?” Experimental activity: Which stone is best for drawing on asphalt (chalk, coal, graphite)? Examining stones through a magnifying glass - Describe “who sees what” (crystals, cracks, patterns, etc.). Children compose creative stories “Good - bad” - properties of stone (TRIZ), “If I became a stone.” “Guess what stone I found?” -compiling a mini-story describing the found stone. Creation and illustration of the album “Tales of Stones”. Video films and filmstrips: “Malachite Box”, “Stone Flower”, “Silver Hoof”; Reading the book “The Adventures of Melochka” - the author’s book by Romanova V.N.g. Novoulyanovsk; Reading - N.I. Sladkov “Dried Stones”, “Chowder from Stones” - Italian fairy tale; “Bear-Stone” - Japanese fairy tale, E. Karetnikova “Mermaid Stone”, A. Agafonova “The Tale of the Dwarf and the Rainbow Stone” Memorizing children's poems about stones, authors V. Kulaev, E. Shendrik, A. Orlova, S. Ostrovsky. Iso-activity: “Magical transformation of stones” (drawing according to plan), drawing with a pebble on the sand, drawing a plot on stone, drawing with sand, salt, with crayons on the asphalt, with simple pencils. Making a panel and collage of stones. Construction: construction of buildings and crafts from stones: “Palace made of stone”, “Stone castles”, “Naf-Naf House”. Making models: “Volcanoes and mountains”, “Stones that write”, “Stones born of the sea”, “Precious stones”, “Ammonites”, “Simbircites”. Design of the mini-encyclopedia “World of Stones” for preschool children. Making crafts from natural stone “What is what?” Making board games using Tic-Tac-Toe and Tag stones. Exhibition of joint works of parents and children made of stone: “Stone Masterpieces”. Meetings with interesting people. A story about the profession. Excursion to the Volga River. Design of the mini-museum “The Mysterious World of Stones” in the group (active assistance of parents) Presentation of the museum (presented by children). |
Expected Result:
Children have formed ideas about the properties of stones, the features of their appearance, knowledge about the benefits of stones in nature and human life. They have an idea of how stones are mined and how they are used, what minerals Russia, the Ulyanovsk region, and the city of Novoulyanovsk are rich in. Demonstrate cognitive abilities: demonstrate the prerequisites for search activity and intellectual initiative. They translate ideas into creative activities.
Using the results:
The result of this project was the acquisition by children of the skills of a caring, creative attitude towards the world around them, new knowledge, which made it possible to form the prerequisites for educational and research skills in accordance with the main lines of development.
1.Golitsyn M.S. “Treasures of the Earth” I explore the world. M. Publishing house - in AST, 2001.
2. Dybina. O.V. The unknown is nearby: Entertaining experiences and experiments for preschoolers / O.V. Dybina, N.P. Rakhmanova, V.V. Shchetinina. - Moscow. Creative Center, 2004.
3. Dybina. O.V. A child in the world of search / O.V. Dybina.-Moscow. Creative Center 2007
4.Ivanova, A.I. Methodology for organizing environmental observations and experiments in kindergarten / A.I. Ivanova. - Moscow. Sphere shopping center, 2006.
5. Ryzhova N.A. “What is under our feet” (sand, clay, stones) M, 2005.
6. Ryzhova N.A. “Mini Museum in Kindergarten” M, Linka – Press, 2008.
6. Secrets of nature (School of the Seven Dwarfs for classes with children from 5 to 6 years old) - Mozaika Publishing House - Synthesis 2008.
7.Materials of Internet sites.
GCD theme: “Collection of stones”
Summary of direct educational activities
Topic: “Collection of stones”
senior preschool age.
Kind of activity:
communicative, productive, motor, cognitive and research.
expand children's understanding of the properties of stones, teach them to classify stones by their appearance.
To develop cognitive activity, observation, the ability to analyze, compare, and generalize through collecting a collection and describing it.
Continue to introduce children to the variety of stones, their properties,
To develop the ability to classify stones according to different characteristics.
Develop children's speech and thinking.
Enrich children's vocabulary, introduce words into the active dictionary: inexpressive, rough, smooth, uneven.
Foster a caring attitude towards inanimate nature.
Preliminary work:
Consideration of encyclopedias about minerals of the native Ural region and Russia. Study of some minerals, their properties, applications; reading P. Bazhov’s fairy tales “Zhivinka in Action”, “Stone Flower”; collecting a collection of stones with children; working with a globe, map; study of some natural areas of Russia; study of the surface of the earth's crust;
Demonstration material and equipment:
Stones on plates; plasticine; glasses of water; spoons, boxes; music recording; illustrations of stone buildings; exhibition of precious stones and jewelry.
Amos used:
. "Box of sensations"
Progress of direct educational activities:
1. Organizational point:
(Children enter the group and greet the guests)
2. Introductory part:
Educator: Guys, look at the trays and tell me what they are? (stones)
-Where can you meet them? (everywhere)
— The planet we live on has stone clothing. Where clothing is visible, there are many stones on the surface, and stone mountains rise. They are very tall and have many protrusions. There are very few plants on the mountains. And the highest mountains are covered with snow, but due to the fact that it often rains and winds blow, the mountains are gradually destroyed, stones break off from them, and the wind carries them everywhere. Therefore, stones can be found everywhere.
3. AMO:
“Box of Feelings”
Children approach the demonstration table. On it lies a box of sensations, inside of which lies one large stone. Children take turns approaching the box. They stick their hands in from both sides and feel the object. They conclude: what lies inside the box? - Stone.
4. Demonstration of working methods and explanation:
Educator: - And now we will do experiments. It turns out that stones have many different properties. (Children go to the tables)
Experience No. 1. The most beautiful and the ugliest.
- Guys, look carefully at the pebbles. (Children examine stones with a magnifying glass)
- Look how beautiful they all are, but among them you need to choose the most beautiful one and show me.
- Why did he seem the most beautiful? (Children's answers)
- So, what kind of stones can there be?
Experience No. 2. Color.
— Guys, what color are your stones? (Children's answers)
- So, how else do the stones differ from each other?
Experience No. 3. The biggest and the smallest.
-Guys, now show me the largest and smallest stone. (Children show stones)
“It turns out that stones can be large and small, that is, they differ in size.
Experiment No. 4. The roughest and smoothest.
— Stones can be rough or smooth. Let's choose a smooth stone. It's nice to touch it with your hands. It is so smooth that it can slip out of your hands; it is called a naked. (Children choose a smooth stone and show it to the teacher)
“Now let’s choose a rough, angular pebble.” Show it. (Children show a smooth stone)
— Water moves the stones, hits them against each other, they rub against the sand and the sharp corners gradually disappear, the stones become smooth, round
- Guys, what other types of stones are there?
5. Physical education moment. Game "Mountain and Pebbles"
(Children stand huddled close to each other - this is a mountain. Music plays.)
Teacher's voice:
“Once upon a time there was a big, big mountain. She considered herself the strongest, but the wind and water said that they were stronger. Years passed. Water rained down on the mountain, and the wind carried small pebbles and grains of sand from the surface of the mountain. Just like that, one pebble rolled, then another, a third, a fourth... The mountain began to shrink. In the end she became completely invisible. So the wind and water defeated the mountain. (Children run away from the mountain one by one)
Having rested, we continue a little further.
Experience No. 5. The hardest or softest.
- Guys, take a pebble in one hand and plasticine in the other. Let's squeeze both palms. Let's see what happened to the stone, and what happened to the plasticine? (Children's answers)
- Why?
- So what kind of stones are they?)
Experience No. 6. The heaviest and lightest.
- Now, put a pebble in the water and see what happens. Did the pebble drown? Why?
- Guys, now let’s take expanded clay and put it in the water. What do we see? (He didn't drown.) There are a lot of air bubbles in the expanded clay, so it doesn't sink. This means that stones can sink or they can float.
Experience No. 7. Color.
- Guys, let’s put a pebble in the water and take it out with a spoon. Has the color changed? Stones in the water change color and become darker.
Experience No. 8. Sound.
- Let's hit the stones against each other. What we hear. You see, stones can still create sound. Let's try to make a musical instrument. Let's pour some small pebbles into a plastic box. Let's close it and make some noise. What does it look like?
Experience No. 9. Drawing.
— Guys, let’s learn about one more property of the stone. To do this, Roma will go up to the board and try to draw with a stone. What do we see? Do you know what this stone is called? What can be concluded?
6. Summary:
— Today we learned a lot of new and interesting things about stones. Let's remember their properties. (Children's answers)
- Guys, do you think we need stones? (Children's answers).
— Stones are a very durable building material. See what you can build with stones. (Children look at buildings made of stones) There are also precious stones from which jewelers make jewelry. (Children look at the exhibition of jewelry made from precious stones and share their impressions).
Conversation “What do we know about stones”
Municipal state preschool educational institution
Kindergarten No. 9 in Karabash"
Cognitive and research activities
"Stone Tale"
For older children
Prepared by: Dimitrina Irina Vyacheslavovna,
Type of project : informational-cognitive-research, group
Duration: medium term -1 month
Project participants : children of the senior group, parents of students, teachers.
Project structure.
Problem : Traditionally, more attention is paid to plants and animals, and little consideration is given to inanimate objects. Therefore, children do not have enough knowledge about the rocks and minerals around us. Relevance: Living in a country rich in minerals, children have no knowledge about the stones and minerals around us. Introducing children to a variety of stones helps them become more familiar with the nature of Russia. Direct communication with stones has a great influence on the formation of moral feelings in a child, contributes to the formation of an active vocabulary, develops imagination, and promotes the harmonious development of personality. Involving children in research activities is a means of developing their curiosity, interest and respect for natural resources. Project goal: Creating conditions for the development of cognitive and research abilities of students. Project objectives: Educational: 1. To introduce children to the natural material - stone. 2. Develop the ability to determine the properties and qualities of a stone. 3. Clarify children’s knowledge about the use of stone in human life. Developmental: 1. To develop children's cognitive interest, attention, speech, imagination. 2. Encourage children to be active and experimental. Educational: 1. Develop initial forms of cooperation between children and each other. 2. To cultivate sensitivity, kindness, and responsiveness in children.
Expected result: For children: Children will acquire knowledge about the properties of stones, the features of their appearance, as well as the benefits of stones in nature and human life. Formation of cognitive interest in the world around us, skills of observation and experimentation. Children naturally carry out scientific and creative tasks (experiments, observations, modeling from salt dough).
For the teacher: Introduction of innovative technologies, modern forms and new methods of work. Increasing the theoretical level and professionalism of teachers in the organization of children's search and research activities. Improving the subject-development environment. For parents: Creating favorable conditions for the development of the child in the family, taking into account the experience gained in kindergarten; Development of joint creativity of parents and children; The emergence of a desire among parents to take an interest in the life of the group and actively participate in it;
Stages | |
Preparatory stage Goal: Increasing the level of knowledge about natural stones and their properties. | |
· Drawing up a project plan. · Studying materials on the topic on various sites · Selection of literature · Introducing parents to the project. · Creation of a developing environment (thematic album “Stones”, collection of stones) · Replenishment of the experimentation corner · Selection and production of visual demonstration material (diagrams, tables) · Diagnostics of children | |
Main stage Goal: Formation of children's knowledge about stones and their properties through experimental and research activities. | |
Integration of education regions | Activities |
Cognition: Experimental activities | -Conversations “What do we know about stones” “Does a person need a stone?” “Precious stones” -Use of stones as a counting material in mathematics (what is more, what is less; by how much; size: large, small, large, small, etc.) -Experimental activities to introduce children to the world of stones: “Amazing stones” , “Simple and valuable stones in nature”, “Stones given by the sea”, Game experiments: “Which stone is heavier?” “Pyramid of stones” “Sinking or not sinking?” Experiments: -Can a stone make sounds? -Do stones change color? -Drawing stones. -Durable pebble. -Why are stones multi-colored? -How does water wear away stones? |
Social and communicative development | -D\and with stones for the development of sensory abilities, fine motor skills: “Find the same stone”, “Find out by touch”; — Puzzles: “What is made of what”; — Role-playing games: “Geologists” (introduction to the profession of “geologist”) — Board games: “The fourth odd one,” “Which is what?”, “Find a pair,” “Collect a picture,” —“Place it in order” — Washing stones. |
Speech development: | P.P. Bazhov “Silver Hoof”, “Malachite Box”; I.N. Ryzhov “What the Stones Whispered About”; N. A. Ryzhova “What is under our feet.” Reading poems, fairy tales about stones. |
Physical development: | Walking along a stone path; Physical exercises "Mountain and pebbles". P\i "Destruction of the mountain" |
Artistic and aesthetic development: | Creative workshop (stone painting). Modeling stones from plasticine Drawing with crayons on a board or paper Laying out drawings from stones |
Final stage Goal: monitoring the knowledge gained on the proposed topic. | |
Recommendation for parents: “Tell your children about minerals” Conducting a mini-quiz with children “What do we know about stones” Mini-survey of parents on the material covered in the project. |
Diagnostics of children's knowledge on the topic “Stones” was carried out at the beginning of the project and after its completion. Questions were asked to the children individually in a relaxed atmosphere in the morning and evening, after a short preliminary conversation. Children were asked to answer the following questions:
· Where in nature can we see stones?
· Why do people need stones?
· What types of stones are there?
· What are the people who search for and examine stones called?
· What is stone made of?
The diagnostic results showed that at the initial stage of work, 3 children (12%) showed a relatively high level, and after completion of the project, 11 children (44%) answered the same questions correctly.
· Bondarenko T.M. Ecological activity for children 6-7 years old. Practical guide for educators and methodologists of preschool educational institutions. — Voronezh: TC “Teacher” 2004;
· Volchkova V.N., Stepanova N.V. Lesson notes for the senior group of kindergarten. Cognitive development. Educational and methodological manual for educators and methodologists of preschool educational institutions. – Voronezh: TC “Teacher”, 2004;
· Goncharova E.V., Moiseeva L.V. Technology of environmental education of children in the preschool group of preschool educational institutions. - Yekaterinburg: publishing house "Center for Childhood Problems", 2002;
· Dybina O.V., Razmanova N.P., Shchetinina V.V. The unknown is nearby: Entertaining experiences and experiments for preschoolers. – M.: TC Sfera, 2005;
· Ivanova A.I. Methodology for organizing environmental observations and experiments in kindergarten. Benefit for preschool employees. - M.: TC Sfera, 2003;
· Ivanova A.I. Natural scientific observations and experiments in kindergarten (people). - M.: Sfera, 2005;
· Comprehensive lesson on ecology for older preschoolers. Methodical manual, ed. S.N. Nikolaeva. – M. Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2005;
· Nikolaeva S.N. Introducing preschoolers to inanimate nature. Nature management in kindergarten. Toolkit. – Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2005;
· Organization of experimental activities of preschool children: Methodical editions / Ed. Prokhorova L.N. – 2nd ed., rev. and additional – M.: ARKTI, 2004;
Conversation “What do we know about stones”
Guess the riddle: It burns with fire in mom’s earrings. It lies useless in the dust on the road. It changes shape, it changes color, and is good for a thousand years in construction. It can be small - lie in the palm of your hand. Heavy, large - cannot be lifted by one. Who, children, guessed my riddle? Who recognized this object by signs? V. Miryasova Let’s talk about stones. The children sit at the tables. On them are trays (one for two children) with stones, a wooden block, a vessel with water, and napkins. Teacher. Now I'll turn on the music. You will close your eyes, listen carefully and imagine the picture that the music will tell you (Children listen). What did you hear? And you? What images flashed before your eyes? (Answers) Let's listen to the music again. Do you hear how the sea roars, how the waves, rushing onto the shore, roll stones from place to place, how they knock against each other? How many of you have been to the sea? What did you see there? Children. There are a lot of pebbles on the seashore, the sea is beautiful... Teacher. Find sea stones on the tray and place them on a napkin in front of you. Look at the stones and say: what are they? What shape, color, what surface do they have, what edges? (Beautiful, different colors) Why are they like this? Yes, the sea waves made them so smooth. In sea water, stones beat against each other, the water grinds their edges, and they become smooth, smooth - without a single corner. Now find river pebbles and place them next to the sea ones. Touch them. What can you say about river stones? What are they? (Rough, uneven, different shapes, with sharp corners). So how do sea stones differ from river stones? (Answers) Take the stone in your hand and squeeze it tightly. Has he changed his form? That's right, no. Why? (It's hard). Do you think it is harder than wood? Let's check. I'll take a hammer, a nail and a block of wood. And I'll try to drive a nail into a tree. What happened? (The nail went into the wood.) Now I'll try to drive a nail into a stone. (He scores - it doesn’t work, invites two or three children to try to do the same). Let me try again. What will happen? (The nail bends, but does not drive in.) Well, were we able to hammer the nail into the stone? (Answers) What conclusion can be drawn? Children. Stone is harder than wood. Teacher. How will stone and wood behave in water? There is a vessel with water in front of you, try to lower the tree into the water. What will happen to him? (The tree floats). Let's carefully lower the stone into the water. What happened to him? (The stone sinks). Why? (It is heavier than water). Why does the tree float? (It is lighter than water.) Pay attention to the stone that lies in the water. Get it out. What is he like? (Wet). Compare it with a stone lying on a napkin. What is the difference? (In color. Wet stone is darker.) Where can you see the stones? That's right, in the river, in the sea, on the road.
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF
Topic: “Amazing stones” Direction. Cognitive. Age: children 4 years old, middle group Integration of educational areas: “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Reading fiction”, “Artistic creativity”. Types of children's activities: play, cognitive-research, communicative, productive. Objectives: • To give an idea about stones and their properties. • Develop children's cognitive abilities and voluntary attention through experimental activities. • involve children in research activities to determine the characteristics and quality of stone (multi-colored, round, oval, sharp, smooth, rough, prickly, cold, warm, rattling, durable, strong, hard) and its benefits; • reinforce the safety rule (throwing stones is dangerous); • Teach children to independently draw conclusions based on the results of the experiment, relying on previously acquired ideas and their own assumptions. • Foster the desire to achieve good results; develop speech Planned results: Independently draw conclusions based on the results of the experiment, based on previously obtained ideas and your own assumptions. Methodological techniques: visual (use of pictures, didactic games); verbal (reminder, instructions, questions, individual answers from children); encouragement, lesson analysis Visual teaching aids. Cards for the games “Nature is not nature”, “Living - not living nature” hoops, Materials and equipment: a collection of stones, containers for experiments with water, multi-colored pebbles according to the number of children. Individual work. Develop attention and the ability to complete an experiment with Danil Sh, Leva Sh, Timur K. Vocabulary work: stones, clay, rough, wet. Structure 1. Conversation about nature, game “Nature is not nature” 2. Game “Living - not living nature” 3. Research laboratory. 4 Summary of the lessonGCD move. The teacher and children enter the group and stand in a circle on the carpet. Educator. Guys, look around, what surrounds us? (objects) And if you and I were in the forest, what would surround us? (trees, grass, flowers, insects) How can you call all this in one word? (nature) Look, on my cards there are drawn objects made by human hands and objects of nature - How can we distinguish what is nature and what is not? (in nature, everything grows, develops, and appears from another plant or animal, and things are made by man, and they no longer change themselves) We will put pictures of nature on the picture with a butterfly, and pictures of things made by man on the picture with a man. (children complete the task) Game “Nature is not nature” Guys, but nature is also different, Is grass nature? And the sun? Is the grass alive? Yes, that's right, alive, because it grows, breathes, gives seeds for new herbs. Is the sun alive? No, this is a hot star. This means that nature can be living and non-living. Let's arrange pictures with nature - put pictures with living nature in the green hoop, and pictures with inanimate nature in the yellow hoop. Game “Living and Inanimate Nature” Correct, are stones living or non-living nature? They don’t grow or move, which means they are inanimate nature. In what places are there a lot of stones? (in the sea, in the river, in the mountains)
-We will go to the laboratory again today. Let's remember what rules must be followed in the laboratory? (work carefully, take your time, don’t interfere with each other) That’s right, go to the tables. Educator: Guys, what will we do experiments with? Yes, with stones. I ask you to sit comfortably at the tables. Let's look at the stones that are on the trays of each of you.
Experiment No. 1. Determination of color and shape. Children share observations of what color their stones are (gray, brown, white, red, blue, etc.). Conclusion: stones are different in color and shape (the teacher shows an exclamation point and a diagram - a drawing, attaches it to the board.)
Experiment No. 2 Determining the size. Are all the stones the same size? - No. Find and show me your largest stone, smallest, medium. Who will make an important conclusion about the size of the stones? Conclusion: stones come in different sizes.
Experiment No. 3. Determination of the nature of the surface. We will now stroke each pebble in turn. Are the surfaces of the stones the same or different? Which? (Children share their discoveries.) The teacher asks the children to show the smoothest stone and the roughest one. Conclusion: a stone can be smooth or rough.
Experiment No. 4. Examining stones through a magnifying glass. To see the surface of the stones even better, we will use magnifying glasses. (Children look at all their stones.)
Educator: What interesting things did you guys see? (Specks, paths, depressions, dimples, patterns, etc.). Well done, very attentive children.
Experiment No. 5. Determination of weight. Guys, I have an interesting proposal for you to become a Libra for a minute. What do you do with scales? Yes, they weigh it. Children take turns holding stones in their palms and determine the heaviest and lightest stone. Conclusion: stones vary in weight: light, heavy. Experiment No. 6 Determining temperature Guys, now put your palms on the table and quickly on your cheeks. What table? And the cheeks? Our skin can quickly detect temperature. Now we will have a very interesting, very difficult experience. Among your stones you need to find the warmest and coldest stone. Guys, how and what will you do? (Children suggest methods of action, conduct experiments. The teacher asks to show a warm, then a cold stone and offers to warm the cold stone.) Breathing exercises. Children take all the stones, place them on their palms, inhale through their nose, and exhale through their mouth, lips with a tube (3 times). Conclusion: stones can be warm or cold.
Experiment No. 7 Stones sink in water. The teacher asks: “Guys, what do you think will happen to the stone if you put it in water? (Children's versions.) Why do you think so? (Children's arguments.) What needs to be done to find out the truth - the truth? (Children's suggestions.) Children take a glass of water and carefully place one stone in the water. They are watching. Share the results of the experience. The teacher draws attention to additional phenomena - circles appeared in the water, the color of the stone changed and became brighter. Conclusion: stones sink in water because they are heavy and dense. (Children take out a stone and wipe it with a small napkin.)
Educator. Let us now be builders. And we will build walls for the house from stone. The children try to build walls out of stones, but they crumble. Educator. The stone is so hard that it is very difficult to give the desired shape to the walls and fasten the stones to each other. Clay came to the rescue. You can build and sculpt from raw clay, and you can fasten stones together. Lesson summary: What did we do today? What do you remember most? Would you like to do some more lab work? Educator: Guys! Please look at the board. We ended up with an unusual letter about stones. Writing in drawings and diagrams. Who wants to become a scientist, put on a bachelor's cap and make an important conclusion about the properties of stones?
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