Features of the organization of a subject-based play environment for preschool children.

Organization of the group’s subject-play environment and its influence on the development of children’s play. article on the topic

Organization of the subject-play environment of the group and its influence on the development of children’s play.

A game is a huge window through which a life-giving stream of ideas and concepts about the surrounding world flows into the child’s spiritual world. The game is a spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness and curiosity. V.A. Sukhomlinsky.

Preschool childhood is a short, but important, unique period of a person’s life. During these years, the child acquires initial knowledge about the life around him, he begins to form a certain attitude towards people and work. Skills and habits of correct behavior are developed, character is formed. For children, a game that is commonly called “childhood companion.” It constitutes the main content of life and acts as a leading activity. Through play, a child enters the world of adults, masters spiritual values, and assimilates previous social experience. In a preschool educational institution, this world is represented by a subject-development environment that provides psychological security for each child, with the help of which knowledge, skills, and abilities are formed.

In this regard, psychology understands the subject-developmental and gaming environment as a field of social and cultural activity, the sphere of transmission and consolidation of social experience, culture and subculture, and the development of creativity. Therefore, the subject-developmental and play environment of the kindergarten involves the development of a wide range of children's interests and forms of activity.

The organization of a subject-developmental environment is an indispensable element in the implementation of the pedagogical process, which is developmental in nature. In this regard, the most important tasks of the development environment can be defined as follows:

— the objective world must ensure the fulfillment of the child’s need for active and diverse activities;

— the subject-spatial environment should provide the “zone of proximal development” of the child, become an integral component of learning, and contribute to the development of inclinations in children;

— the environment should offer an opportunity for the realization of children’s individual interests and needs, their independent activities and the effective accumulation of their personal experience;

— the subject-spatial environment should act as a condition for expanding the child’s capabilities, developing his ability to creatively master new ways of activity;

— the developmental environment should contribute to the formation of mental, mental and personal qualities of preschoolers.

Based on these tasks, the features of the subject-game environment are determined by the general principles and requirements for its organization and content. So, V.A. Petrovsky, L.M. Clarina, K.P. Strelkova in the concept of “Building a developmental environment in a preschool institution” identified the basic principles of building a developmental environment in preschool institutions:

- the principle of position distance in interaction;

- principle of activity;

— the principle of stability-dynamism;

— the principle of integration and flexible zoning;

— individual comfort and emotional well-being of each child and adult;

— the principle of aesthetic organization of the environment;

— the principle of openness-closedness;

- the principle of gender and age differences.

They can be supplemented with a number of principles:

  1. The principle of ensuring the child’s right to play.

The object-based play environment in preschool institutions must ensure the child’s right to play.

The freedom of a child to achieve his right to play is a fundamental principle, which is realized in the choice of theme, plot of the game, necessary toys, place and time for organizing various types of games.

  1. The principle of the universality of the subject-game environment allows you to change the game environment, transform it in accordance with the plan, simulate the development of the game, making it rich, mobile and educational.
  2. The principle of systematicity presupposes the co-scale and integrity of all elements of the gaming environment. The object-based play environment should not be oversaturated, and its replenishment depends on the priority of children’s games in accordance with age and on the developmental essence of the game. More attention should be paid to experimental games, plot-display games, plot-role-playing and director's games, i.e. independent games, thanks to which the child develops.

Based on this, the requirements for organizing such an environment are as follows:

  1. Carrying out the optimal selection of games, toys, play equipment in terms of quantity and quality in accordance with sanitary, hygienic, psychological, pedagogical, and aesthetic requirements.

Separately, a number of requirements are put forward for the selection of toys. Thus, in order to develop personality and protect the interests of children, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, together with the Artistic and Technical Council for Toys, has prepared a package of documents on the psychological and pedagogical examination of games and toys.

Toys that have the following qualities have special pedagogical value:

-semi-functionality (possibility of wide use in accordance with the child’s plan and the plots of the game, promoting the development of creative abilities, imagination, symbolic symbolic function of thinking and other qualities);

- didactic properties (the ability to teach a child how to design, familiarization with color and shape, the presence of programmed control mechanisms, for example, in electrified toys);

- possibility of use by a group of children (suitability of the toy for use by several children, including with the participation of an adult as a playing partner, for example, for collective buildings);

- a high artistic and aesthetic level, or their belonging to the products of artistic crafts, ensuring the child’s familiarization with the world of art and folk art.

2. Ensuring accessibility to all content of the object-based play environment: arrangement of toys and attributes at a level no higher than the child’s outstretched arm.

3. Ensuring timely changes in the subject-play environment, taking into account the enriching life and play experience of children, fulfilling the requirement for the timely introduction of new attributes, toys, play equipment in accordance with the new content of games and the increasingly complex level of children’s play skills, providing pupils with the opportunity to independently change the play environment in in accordance with their mood, game plans, interests through multifunctional, easily transformable elements, modules, sports complexes, screens, etc.

4. Organization of non-overlapping spheres of independent children’s activity within an object-based play environment: intellectual, theatrical and playful, creative, plot-role-playing, construction and constructive play, games with motor activity, which allows children to simultaneously organize different types of games, in accordance with their interests and plans, without interfering with each other; At the same time, the subject-spatial environment should be organized so that children can participate in the whole variety of games: role-playing games, construction games, director's games, theater games, folk games, round dances, etc.

5.Creating conditions for individual, subgroup and collective games of children, so that each of them can find a convenient and comfortable place, depending on their emotional state;

6. Taking into account the gender differences of children when organizing an object-based play environment, i.e. its content should reflect equally the interests of both girls and boys. For this purpose, the equipment is placed according to the principle of non-rigid concentration, which allows children to unite in subgroups based on common interests.

A purposefully organized and created subject-based developmental environment evokes in children a feeling of joy, an emotionally positive attitude towards kindergarten, enriches them with new impressions and knowledge, and promotes the development of children’s playing skills.

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Project of a model of a subject-development environment in a preschool educational institution.


  • Denisova S. Yu.
  • Postnikova I.A.
  • Tamilina E.Yu.

1. Description of the relevance and necessity of the proposed innovation

Currently, the field of preschool education is open to public demands and the requirements of the time, aimed at attracting modern educational technologies.

In the practice of preschool educational institutions, the problem of optimizing the composition of the subject-based play environment often arises, which is considered as the most important component of the subject-development environment. The Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education speaks of the need for its optimization and formation “taking into account the principle of integration of educational areas . This provision directly applies to the subject-based gaming environment.

From the many different gaming tools offered by the modern market, today it is necessary to choose those that will solve the problems of synthesizing a subject-based gaming environment.

At the same time, an effective solution to the problem of optimizing the subject game environment of a preschool educational institution is possible only within the framework of a systematic approach.

presented design project is devoted to the issues of constructing a model of a subject-development environment for the preschool education program “Childhood”

2. The principles that formed the basis of the methodological development.

The requirements for a developing subject-spatial environment are contained in the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education.

In accordance with it, the developing subject-spatial environment must provide:

  • maximum realization of the educational potential of the institution’s space, as well as the territory adjacent to it or located at a short distance, adapted for the implementation of the educational program, materials, equipment and supplies for the development of preschool children in accordance with the characteristics of each age stage, protection and promotion of their health, taking into account the characteristics and correction of deficiencies in their development
  • the opportunity for communication and joint activities between children and adults, physical activity for children, as well as opportunities for privacy
  • implementation of various educational programs, in the case of organizing inclusive education - the necessary conditions for it, taking into account the national, cultural, climatic conditions in which educational activities are carried out; taking into account the age characteristics of children.

A developing subject-spatial environment must be content-rich, transformable, multifunctional, variable, accessible and safe.

The richness of the environment should correspond to the age capabilities of the children and the content of the educational program.

The educational space must be equipped with teaching and educational means (including technical ones), appropriate materials, including consumable gaming, sports, health equipment, inventory (in accordance with the specifics of the educational program).

The organization of the educational space and the variety of materials, equipment and inventory (in the building and on the site) should ensure playful, educational, research and creative activity of all pupils, experimentation with materials available to children (including sand and water); motor activity, including the development of gross and fine motor skills, participation in outdoor games and competitions; emotional well-being of children in interaction with the subject-spatial environment; opportunity for children to express themselves.

For infants and young children, the educational space should provide necessary and sufficient opportunities for movement, object and play activities with different materials.

The transformability of space implies the possibility of changes in the subject-spatial environment depending on the educational situation, including the changing interests and capabilities of children.

The multifunctionality of materials implies the possibility of varied use of various components of the object environment, for example, children's furniture, mats, soft modules, screens, etc.; the presence in the institution of multifunctional (not having a rigidly fixed method of use) objects, including natural materials, suitable for use in various types of children's activities (including as substitute objects in children's play).

The variability of the environment presupposes the presence in the preschool educational institution of various spaces (for play, construction, privacy, etc.), as well as a variety of materials, games, toys and equipment that ensure the free choice of children; periodic change of play material, the emergence of new objects that stimulate the play, motor, cognitive and research activity of children.

Accessibility of the environment implies accessibility for pupils, including children with disabilities and children with disabilities, of all premises where educational activities are carried out; free access for children, including children with disabilities, to games, toys, materials, and aids that provide all basic types of children’s activities; serviceability and safety of materials and equipment.

The safety of the subject-spatial environment presupposes the compliance of all its elements with the requirements for ensuring the reliability and safety of their use.

4. Characteristics of the activities of teachers and children in the created subject-developmental environment

Junior groups of kindergarten. The age from 2 to 4 years is a period of physical strengthening, rapid development of the psyche and the beginning of the formation of the basic personality traits of the child. The environment in the younger groups of a kindergarten should, first of all, be comfortable and safe for the child. Young children do not respond well to spatial changes in their environment (especially children in their third year of life); they prefer stability in this regard. We do not recommend frequently rearranging equipment in younger groups; it is better to carefully plan the room environment before the children arrive. Children of younger groups do not yet know how to interact well with peers, preferring to play nearby, but not together. Allow space for the simultaneous activities of no more than 2-3 children, and also take into account the possibilities of organizing joint activities between an adult and a child, since an adult is the main partner of a three-year-old child in games and activities.

Younger children actively develop motor activity, including walking, running, and climbing. At the same time, the movements are still poorly coordinated: there is no dexterity, speed of reaction, or evasiveness. Therefore, the spatial organization of the environment should take into account the possibility of fairly wide, clearly visible paths of movement for the child. To stimulate physical activity, it is advisable to install a slide with steps and a gentle descent in the group room, and strengthen the equipment for climbing, scrambling, and clambering over.

A small child actively enters the objective world and studies it with interest. Therefore, objects, toys, and their images must correspond to real objects of the world and be close to them in appearance. For example, toy animals must match the color, structure, and proportions of real animals; It is not recommended to include objects of a caricature-like, caricature-like nature, with distorted proportions, or unnatural colors in the environment of younger groups.

At this age, the foundation for the development of intelligence is laid - the child’s sensory abilities. Therefore, the subject environment of the group should stimulate the development of children’s perception, promote the development of analyzers, and “suggest” methods of examination and action. It is advisable to select items of pure colors, clear and simple shapes, different sizes, they should be made of a variety of materials (but safe for the child’s health). It’s good if you can extract sounds from objects, feel their aroma, smell, know the nature of the surface (smoothness, roughness), transparency, hardness or softness and other properties.

To develop fine motor skills, special didactic toys are needed: inserts, pyramids, lacing, etc. For the same purpose, you can include plastic containers with lids of different shapes and sizes, boxes, and other household items that have gone out of use.

Play is a favorite and natural activity of younger preschoolers; at this age they are just beginning to develop. Toys for children should be, first of all, functional and general in nature.

Small children prefer large equipment and large toys. For them, the main impetus for active action is an external stimulus. Therefore, it is necessary to place materials on open shelves, and the materials themselves must be visually attractive, bright, catchy, and they need to be changed quite often (at least once a week). You should not lay out all the materials at once; in this case, choosing a game for a child will be difficult, and putting things in order on the shelves will require too much time and effort.

A variety of design and construction sets (floor, tabletop) and lightweight modular material (special foam rubber and oilcloth-covered blocks of different shapes, colors, sizes), as well as a variety of large boxes, painted in different colors or covered with colored paper - a material of endless attractiveness for a child, giving him the opportunity to change and arrange the space at will.

It is recommended that younger groups have space for games with sand, water, clay, and paints. These games require special equipment. Among didactic games, games like lotto and paired pictures are preferred. Of course, there should be mosaics (for three-year-old children - large plastic, for four-year-olds - magnetic and large nail), and puzzles of 3-12 pieces, and sets of cubes of 4-9 pieces, and educational games (for example, “Fold the pattern” , “Fold the square” ), and games with elements of modeling and substitution.

For drawing, in which a child at this age begins to show an increasingly active interest, it is best to have special self-erasing or wax boards with a drawing stick or a roll of plain white wallpaper and wax crayons.

Almost every young child experiences interest and attraction to a book with bright pictures. Since children’s fingers are still inept, their actions are impulsive and poorly coordinated, saturate the environment with books with durable sheets of thick paper, polyethylene, or put pictures depicting objects and simple plots in transparent “ pockets” . Such “books” will last longer and will bring children a lot of joy and pleasure.

The group must have materials for staged and theatrical children's games: small toys, flat figurines of animals, people, fairy-tale characters; for entertainment with children - shadow and plane theaters, glove puppets.

A small child learns not only about the surrounding objective and natural world, but also about people, including himself. In the group, you need to have places where photographs are attached, pictures depicting people of different ages (children, adults), gender (men, women), expressing different emotional states (sad, happy, laughing, crying), with different appearances ( hairstyle, clothes, shoes, etc.); You can post photographs of the group’s children and their families. It is very useful to have many mirrors in different places in the group. And the mumming corner will allow the child to purposefully change his appearance and observe these changes, getting to know himself, so familiar and unfamiliar at the same time.

Middle kindergarten group. The subject-spatial environment for children of this age has its own uniqueness associated with the developmental characteristics of preschoolers of this age. And one of these features is a clear manifestation of different rates of development of children: some retain the features of a younger age longer, the restructuring of their behavior and activity seems to slow down, others, on the contrary, grow up faster and already from the second half of middle preschool age begin to show the features of an older age more and more clearly age level. As a result, the developmental environment in the middle group should retain some of the features of the environment for young children, but at the same time bear the features of the environment characteristic of a group of older preschoolers.

The children's physical capabilities have increased: their movements have become more coordinated, confident, and varied. Children have an urgent need to move. In case of insufficient self-satisfaction, they quickly become overexcited, become disobedient, and capricious. To avoid such manifestations, it is necessary to provide opportunities for a variety of physical activities in the group. As a result, the subject-spatial environment is organized on the principle of small semi-enclosed microspaces - in order to avoid crowding of children and promote games in small subgroups of 2-4 people. Games, toys, and aids are placed in such a way as not to interfere with the free movement of children and not to create “crossing” paths of movement.

It is advisable to have a compact sports mini-complex in the group. In different places in the group you can hang targets on a carpet base.

You can create a “movement path” or “physical education path” - a path where, with the help of models, signs, pictures, photographs, motor tasks for the child to complete will be indicated.

It must be remembered that it is in the fifth year of life that the first violations of posture manifest themselves. In those places where children spend a lot of time in one position (for example, they sit for a long time), it is necessary to hang various “mobiles” or draw palms on the wall at different heights and introduce a rule: after playing, stand up, raise your arms, jump, reach for the pendant and you can continue playing.

In the fifth year of life, a high interest in role-playing games is shown; this is the time of its heyday. It has been noticed that children of middle preschool age, when playing, like to somehow designate their play area. In this regard, conflicts often arise. To avoid this, you can use light folding screens (1-2 per group), colored cords, fences made of bars and bricks, and play mats.

A child in the middle group, like a younger preschooler, loves to repeat his favorite play actions and plots many times. Therefore, if the plot of the game is played with enthusiasm, there is no need to encourage children to play a new game, introduce new toys or other attributes. Let children enjoy the familiar plot to the fullest. A signal about the need for significant changes in the gaming environment will be a decrease in the emotional background, speech activity and a rapid winding down of the game. Then you should add attributes for new plots. The plots of games at this age are simple and related to the child’s experience: family, store (grocery, toys, clothes), kindergarten, holiday, sailors, circus, trip to the country, etc.

A five-year-old child attaches great importance to a toy; it prompts him to new play ideas. Therefore, play sets for the middle group should contain dolls of different genders and professions, animals (kittens, foxes, dogs, hares, bears, etc.) of different, preferably not very large, sizes; sets of furniture (large and for games on the table), dishes, clothes, various types of transport. The group needs a supply of additional gaming material: boxes of different sizes and various shapes, twine, spools, scraps of fabric, sticks, tubes, etc. All this will find use in the game and will contribute to the development of gaming ideas and creativity.

To develop the imagination, it is recommended that instead of some real objects, offer substitute objects that have a certain resemblance to the original, for example: geometric three-dimensional figures - “vegetables” , a bar - “iron” , a stick - “thermometer” , a box - “TV” . We advise you to involve the children themselves in the design of play areas.

Middle preschoolers already have a good understanding of humor, they have some experience of getting to know the world around them, so it is possible to use toys that do not accurately convey real objects: cartoon-like ones that do not accurately convey color and proportions. At the same time, children's interest in realistic and detailed toys that are close in appearance to real objects is growing.

In order to instill in children the habit of putting toys away after play, it is advisable to purchase plastic containers or baskets.

Just as at a younger age, it is important to set aside a place for mummery, where decorations are added (various beads, crowns, bows, etc.), details to indicate profession, gender, and emphasize the image. Here you can also add elements of costumes of fairy-tale characters and animal masks. Let us remind you that in this place you should hang a large mirror, in which the child will look when dressing up.

The amount of large modular material is increasing: children really like to build their own space and modify it.

The material for construction and constructive games is becoming more diverse. The shape of parts and methods of fastening become more complex, and thematic sets appear ( "City" , "Train", etc.).

Among didactic games, first of all, there should be games for comparing objects according to various properties (color, shape, size, material, function), for grouping by properties, for recreating a whole from parts (such as “Tangram” , puzzles of 6-18 parts ), for series on different properties, counting games. It is important that the child always has the opportunity to choose a game, and for this it is recommended to make the set of games quite diverse and constantly change it (once every 2 months). Approximately 15% of games should be intended for children in the older age group to enable children who are ahead of their peers in their development not to stop, but to move forward.

In middle preschool age, children show a high interest in language and speech. In this regard, the group is equipped with technical means (an overhead projector, a filmoscope, a voice recorder, a tape recorder or a player) and the children themselves are taught how to use them. At the same time, attention should be paid to books, among which not only works of fiction should be presented, but also educational and reference literature for children, educational books and workbooks.

At this age, children are especially sensitive to adult assessments; they expect support and praise, and want to hear and see approval for their actions. Therefore, it is important to find a place where the child could display, hang his work, and decorate the group room with it.

The cognitive activity of preschool children increases. This is manifested in numerous questions from children to the teacher. The child already has some experience of knowing the environment, but it requires generalization, systematization, deepening, and clarification. For this purpose, the group organizes a “sensory center” - a place where objects and materials are selected that can be perceived using various senses.

Games with sand, water, clay, paints, light, mirrors, foam are organized in a special place for children's experimentation. The requirements for its equipment are approximately the same as for younger children, but the range of materials is wider and they are constantly presented.

In middle age, it is important to teach a child basic planning of his activities. In a group room, it is necessary to place support diagrams that help the child independently choose an activity and follow this choice, for example, “web plans” : a sheet on which signs are attached - “business cards” (photo, name, drawing) - and designations of the activity chosen by him .

Middle age is the beginning of a sensitive period in the development of the sign-symbolic function of consciousness; this is an important stage for mental development in general and the formation of readiness for schooling. In a group environment, it is necessary to use symbolic symbols and models to designate objects, actions and their sequence. It is better to come up with such signs and models together with children, leading them to understand that everything can be denoted not only with words, but also graphically.

In middle preschool age, a child has a strong interest in knowing himself and determining his place in this world. It is important to help him realize his characteristics and skills; to clarify his ideas about the family, people of different ages, gender, nationality, profession, and the emotional states of people. This can be facilitated by independent production and placement in a group in a specially designated place for this purpose of posters, collections of illustrations, photographs, for example: “What am I?” , “People are so different and the same” , “I cry and laugh .

Senior kindergarten groups. When a child moves to the senior group and, especially, to the preparatory group, his psychological position changes: for the first time he begins to feel like the eldest among the children of the kindergarten. It is important to support this sense of an organizing environment in which the child will demonstrate cognitive activity, independence, responsibility, and initiative. The teacher should more often involve older preschoolers in organizing the environment, asking their opinion about upcoming actions to change the environment, involving children in the process of change itself.

The subject-game environment of senior groups is organized in such a way that every child has the opportunity to do what he loves. Placing equipment according to the principle of non-rigid centering allows children to unite in subgroups based on common interests. The basis for such activities are various centers.

A characteristic feature of older preschoolers is the emergence of interest in problems that go beyond their personal experience. This should be taken into account when organizing the group environment: content is introduced into it that expands the child’s personal experience. For example, through books and objects, a child gets acquainted with animals and plants of distant countries, with the customs and appearance of people - representatives of different nations and eras, with genres of painting and other types of art.

By older preschool age, coordination and dexterity of movements increase, so it is advisable to divide the group space into small semi-closed microspaces. Small screens, wooden or metal frames and pieces of fabric, and large modular material are suitable for this purpose.

The game continues to be a favorite activity for older preschoolers; the opportunities for children to participate in a variety of gaming activities are expanding, this is facilitated by the accumulated gaming experience. The subject-game environment is built so that children can participate in a wide variety of games.

In role-playing games, children reflect various subjects: everyday (shop, family), work (sailors, building a house, doctor, school), public (holidays, travel), the content of their favorite literary works and films. The attributes of games for older preschoolers should be more detailed. Most of the equipment is stored in boxes that have a picture and a label on them to identify the game, and children independently determine which games they will play. Only those games that children play at a given time are “expanded”

In the sixth or seventh years of life, preschoolers begin to intensively master director's play, which turns into an expanded form of collective activity. Unlike role-playing games, in which children reproduce mainly the professional lives of people and their relationships, such games are based on broader social experience - impressions received from fairy tales, cartoons, and television films.

To develop director's play, it is necessary to allocate a special place where the plots would be played out (you can make a “scene” with scenes from a large cardboard box), a set of toy characters about the size of an adult’s palm, “waste” material and tools, as well as some sample diagrams, photographs of scenery and dolls.

Visual arts are one of the most favorite activities among children. In addition to ordinary materials, it is necessary to include diagrams - ways to create images using a variety of techniques.

Games with sand, water, snow, pebbles, and clay should also be presented in the group, since the teacher faces a new task: to show children the various possibilities of tools that help them understand the world, and above all, the microscope.

Constructive activities play an important role in the development of older preschoolers. Include in the group environment construction kits and construction kits made of different materials (plastic, wood, metal), floor and tabletop, with a variety of methods for attaching parts, with different thematic focus. In addition to the sets themselves, it is necessary to include in the group environment diagrams of sample buildings, photo albums (with photographs of architectural structures and children's buildings), and notebooks for sketching diagrams of structures created by children.

The role of the book as a source of new knowledge is increasing. Just as in the middle group, along with fiction, the book corner should contain reference, educational literature, and encyclopedias (general and thematic) for preschoolers. It is advisable to arrange the books in alphabetical order, as in a library, or by topic (natural history literature, folk and original fairy tales, literature about the city, country, etc.).

It should be remembered that the spine of a 5-7 year old child is very sensitive to deforming influences, so special attention should be paid to strengthening the back muscles - this is very important for future first-graders. If funds and space allow, purchase a sports complex. In those parts of the group where children maintain static postures for a long time, it is necessary to consider warm-up methods (darts, ring throws, skittles, serso, basketball hoops, targets and balls for throwing, bell pendants for pulling, hoops for climbing, etc. .).

Older preschoolers begin to intensify their interest in future schooling. It must be supported and developed. Include school paraphernalia in the group environment (backpacks, educational notebooks, rulers, pens and pencils, bells, etc.), select books that tell about school life, and together with the children, make albums with drawings, photographs and stories about school. It is advisable to allocate a study area in the group, the environment of which would be close to the learning environment of the classroom.

An important task is the development of reflection and the formation of adequate self-esteem. Children need to be shown the growth of their achievements, to make them feel joy and pride from successful independent actions. Discuss the child’s successes and achievements more often, record them visibly for the child - with signs, drawings or pictograms.

The ability to plan will be very useful for a child both at school and in life in general. This skill can be developed by asking the child to determine what he will do during the day, during the week. The plan is recorded in different ways (written down by the teacher or indicated using pictures). To do this, you need to have a list of children’s names in the group, placing a card with a plan next to each name.

It is necessary to develop the child’s ideas about his own capabilities and strengths, to teach him to know himself using self-observation. There are various ways to do this. For example, draw the child’s attention to his external characteristics - . It is advisable to discuss with your children every month some topic related to the child and his interests. These topics must not only be discussed, but also written down, sketched, and photographed. You can involve parents in this by offering to create a family newspaper.

Older preschoolers are attracted by the possibility of changing their appearance - their image. For this, the group must also have special equipment.

In the sixth year of a child’s life, nervous processes—excitation and inhibition—improve. This has a beneficial effect on the possibilities of self-regulation: children begin to do “the right thing” and refrain from unwanted actions, and the arbitrariness of behavior increases. This is an important characteristic indicating readiness for school. But in general, the ability to voluntarily regulate one’s activity is still not sufficiently expressed; impulsive behavior and reactions are observed. Therefore, a significant place should be given to games with rules that contribute to the development of arbitrariness of mental processes and behavior of older preschoolers. It has been noticed that older preschoolers who know how to play different games with rules successfully master educational activities at school.

The development of decentration, i.e. the ability to understand and accept another point of view, is one of the necessary conditions for a child’s readiness to learn at school. There are special games for the development of decentration: games with a mirror, games for spatial orientation “from another object” , in which the starting point is outside the child.

The group must have a toy library for independent play with gaming materials that promote the cognitive and mathematical development of children. Printed notebooks and educational books for preschoolers are required. Games should also be presented to develop counting and computational skills, mental processes, especially attention, memory, and thinking. For the development of fine motor skills, a variety of mosaics, puzzles of 48-120 pieces, coloring books, stencils, outlines and other similar materials are very good.

An important task is the development of phonemic hearing. For this purpose, the teacher can invite children throughout the day to select objects and toys whose names either begin with a certain sound, or this sound is in the middle or at the end of the word.

In older preschool age, children show an active interest in the past, present, and future. Include materials in the group environment that will help preschoolers better understand your stories. Together with your children, you can make layouts that reflect the content that preschoolers are learning about.

For older preschoolers, opportunities to learn about their native land and country are expanding.

It is necessary to continue to develop children's understanding of people's emotional states. Pictures, photographs, and puppet characters will help with this. At the same time, it is important to show children specific ways to show care for people in different emotional states, which again can be done with the help of picture situations. Set aside a place in the group for constantly hanging pictures depicting various emotional manifestations of people, and evaluating these manifestations ( “Plus” - correct, possible; “minus” - it is undesirable to do this). It’s also a good idea to have games in which children themselves construct people’s emotional expressions.

5. Characteristics of the changes that this innovation brings to the lives of children and teachers

When forming a subject-developmental environment for preschool groups in accordance with the “Childhood” , the following tasks are solved on the basis of targeted sets of play equipment:

  • the subject-developmental environment of preschool groups is modernized, supplemented and clarified in accordance with the educational program
  • characteristics of the subject-development environment are given in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education
  • pupils gain access to new areas of activity
  • Teachers develop a complete and clear understanding of the composition and state of the subject game environment
  • — unnecessary duplication of gaming tools is eliminated,
  • — the placement of gaming facilities is optimized and inefficiently used areas are freed up.
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