Word games for children of senior preschool age card file on speech development (senior group) on the topic

Card index of word games senior group

CARD No. 1 Name the Goal quickly. Teach children, at a signal (passing the ball), to name the next number to increase (decrease). Rules of the game. At the beginning of the game, agree on the condition: call the numbers one more. The teacher throws the ball to one of the children and calls the number. The child catches the ball and, throwing it back, calls the number one unit more. The game is played at a fast pace. The players follow the answers and help the presenter. Complication. Say the numbers out of order. Children who count within large limits can name numbers greater than 5.

CARD No. 2

What do you mean where? Target. Teach children to navigate in space (from themselves). Rules of the game. Children form a circle. Using a counting rhyme, a leader is selected. One, two, three, four, five, we begin to play. We all need to be counted, One, two, three, four, five. The leader stands in the center of the circle and, throwing the ball to one of the children, asks: “What is to your right?” If the child gave the correct answer, he becomes the leader. Game continues. Questions could be: Who is on your left? Who's in front of you? What's overhead? Etc.

CARD No. 3 Don’t make a mistake Goal: to strengthen the children’s ability to call the next number to increase (decrease) at a signal (passing the ball). Rules of the game. Children form a circle. In the center of the circle is the teacher. He throws the ball to the child and calls the number. The child who catches the ball calls the next number and throws the ball to the teacher. Complication. Children form a circle, the teacher is with them. Tossing the ball to each other, they name the numbers in order. For example, a child says “one” and throws the ball to one of the children. The other person who catches the ball says “two” and throws the ball to whomever he wants.

CARD No. 4

Show as much Goal. Strengthen children's ability to correlate quantities with numbers. Rules of the game. The teacher invites the children to put the numbers in order, and put a card with circles under them. While the children are completing the task, the teacher puts out a certain number of toys. The children, having counted them, show the corresponding number and explain why they showed this particular number. The game is repeated with a change of toys. Game options: The child displays the toys; Instead of numbers, children show a card with circles; The teacher suggests showing a number that is one more or less

CARD No. 5 Who can name the most? Target. Strengthen children's knowledge about geometric shapes. Find them in your immediate environment. Rules of the game. Children are divided into two teams. The presenter asks them to name objects that have the shape of a quadrangle (square). For each correct answer, the team receives a chip. You cannot name the same object twice. The game is played at a fast pace.

CARD No. 6 Who knows, let the Goal count further. Teach children, at a signal (passing the ball), to name the next number to increase (decrease). Rules of the game. The game is played in a circle with a ball. An adult throws the ball to one of the children and calls any number. The child who caught the ball continues to count further (two more numbers) and returns the ball. The presenter again throws the ball to one of the children and calls the number. Complication. Those children who count within large numbers are called any of them.

CARD No. 7 Who will remember more? Target. Develop children's attention to memorizing geometric shapes. Rules of the game. Different geometric shapes (6 pieces) are placed in random order on the flannelgraph. Children look at them and remember them. The teacher counts to 3 and closes the figures. Offers to name as many figures as possible that were on the flannelgraph. Complication. Name not only the shapes, but also their colors.

CARD No. 8 Help the bunny Goal. Strengthen the ability to correlate an object with a number. Game material. Groups of vegetables, cards with numbers. Rules of the game. There are groups of vegetables on the flannelgraph. Educator. A little bunny came running to us, he wants to play. Close your eyes, and at this time he will put numbers next to the vegetables. Open your eyes, look and tell him if he put the numbers next to the vegetables correctly. Children close their eyes, the teacher puts numbers next to the groups of vegetables corresponding to the number of vegetables. Having opened their eyes, the children, after counting the groups, not only select the numbers, but also explain why they did so. Complication line. There are numbers on the flannelgraph. Children select groups of vegetables for them, and the bunny checks them.

CARD No. 9 Count and answer Purpose. Strengthen the ability to find homogeneous objects in the surrounding space and correlate their quantity with a number. Rules of the game. The game is played standing in a circle. Children have seven chips. Players take turns asking each other how many different objects are in the room. If the child makes a mistake, he gives the chip back. At the end of the game, how many chips everyone has left is counted, and the winner is determined.

CARD No. 10

Respond Target. Strengthen the ability to identify a number by a sound signal, find its image on a card with an object. Game material. Pictures of animals and numbers. Rules of the game. There are upside-down pictures of animals on the table. The teacher suggests putting the numbers in order. Claps his hands a certain number of times. Children find the corresponding number and show it. Then one child comes to the table, takes a card with an image of an animal from the deck and, for example: meows three times, croaks five times. Complication line. The child conceives an animal and, after hitting the tambourine, finds the corresponding number and calls it in the voice of the animal he has conceived.

. CARD No. 11 I know five names of my friends

Goal: to promote improved communication with peers.

Progress of the game. One of the children hits the ball on the floor with the words: “I know five names of my friends. Vanya - one, Lena - two. ", etc., and then passes the ball to another child. He does the same and passes the ball to the next one. The ball must go around the entire group.

CARD No. 12

I can - I can’t

Goals: to focus children’s attention on their skills and physical capabilities of their body; develop self-esteem.

Equipment: ball.

Progress of the game: The presenter throws the ball and says: “I know how” or “I don’t know how.” The child, having caught the ball, continues the phrase, explaining why he can or cannot do it. For example: “I can run because I have legs. I can't fly because I don't have wings."

Progress of the game. The players stand in a circle. The leader has a baton-relay. He

pronounces a word and passes the baton to the person standing next to him

to kid. He must choose the appropriate action word and quickly

pass the wand on. When the baton returns to the leader, he asks

a new word , but sends the stick in a different direction. If somebody

finds it difficult to name a word or chooses an inappropriate word , he is given

penalty point. After a player has accumulated three penalty points, he

leaves the game. The one who has less at the end of the game wins

penalty points.

Progress of the game. The presenter explains what the children will have to finish

sentences that the presenter will begin to speak using the word “because

What". You can select several options for one start

proposals, the main thing is that they all correctly reflect the reason

events described in the first part. For every correctly completed

continuation players receive a chip. The one who collects wins

more chips.

"Unravel the Words "

Goal: learn to compose sentences using these words .

Progress of the game. The child is read the text of a fairy tale and asked to write it down.

using drawings. Thus, the child himself makes a series

consecutive pictures , based on which he then tells a fairy tale.

The story should be short.

Of course, you can help the child, show how schematically

draw a person, a house, a road; determine with him what

the episodes of the fairy tale must be depicted, i.e., the main ones must be highlighted

plot twists.


"How do you know?"

Goal: to teach how to select evidence when writing stories,

choosing essential features.

Progress of the game. In front of the children there are objects or pictures that

they have to describe. The child chooses any object and names it.

The presenter asks: “How did you know it was a TV?”


must describe the subject, choosing only essential features,

distinguishing this item from the rest. For each correctly named

the sign gets a token. The one who collects the most chips wins.

“What doesn’t happen in the world”

Goal: to teach how to find and discuss errors when examining

ridiculous pictures.

Progress of the game. After looking at the absurd pictures , ask the child not to

just list the wrong places, but also prove why this

the image is wrong. Then you get a complete description of the picture , yes

also with elements of reasoning.

"Raise the Number"

Goal: to teach how to determine the number of words in a sentence by ear.

Games for children on verbal intelligence

I recently heard this phrase – verbal intelligence. It turns out that it begins to form in early childhood, and in the future it affects a person’s position in society and his career growth. In general, this is a very important and necessary thing. Therefore, I was concerned with the question “How to develop verbal intelligence in my son?” And, interestingly, I found several games for children that help develop this necessary thing. I suggest you get to know them too.

Pick a pair

You can start with a simple game. Invite your child to continue the sentence and choose the correct pair:


Leg - hand

Chicken - …

Time ago

For this game you need to choose a theme. For example, “Shop” or “Forest”. Each participant (it will be easier if an adult starts the game) says a short story. But the main thing is that he says “backwards.” That is, first how the story ended, and at the very end about how it all began.

You can practice on famous fairy tales, and only then move on to your own stories (tested, it’s easier this way).


For this game we use cards from children's dominoes. But these can be pictures from magazines and drawings.

So, the presenter gives each player a card (and places it face down so that none of the participants can see which picture the other player has). The first player places his card face up in the middle of the table and begins the story. It could be a fantastic story, a horror story, or just a story about what is shown in the picture.

The story does not need to end; at a certain moment (you can agree on a conditional signal that the presenter will give) the turn passes to the next participant. He also places his card in the middle of the table, face up, and continues the story. That is, his story should be, on the one hand, a continuation of the story of the first player, and on the other, his own story with individual details.

The last player must continue the story of the previous one, introduce his “card” hero and finish the story.

Create a proverb

For this game you will need preparatory material. In advance, I wrote down on a piece of paper the proverbs we know (and Styopka knows a lot of them, our grandmother is simply a treasure trove of proverbs).

I wrote out proverbs in this way: in the left column is the beginning, in the right column is the end of the proverb.

I wrote it in large block letters (so my son could read it faster). I number each proverb. I put an hourglass on the table and Styopka begins to connect the beginning with the end. It looks something like this:

A coward and a cockroach 1 - where the wolf walked among the shepherds in the forest 2 - hurry up to listen to what Dema is like 3 - takes him for a giant Don’t rush to answer 4 - but he didn’t see any wood It’s bad for the sheep 5 - that’s how it is at his home

We compose the answers as follows:






If you didn’t have time to find a pair, and the sand in the watch had already poured out, you lost.

To each his place

A game for children, built similar to the previous one. Only here I write proverbs and change words. You need to make up the correct phrase from the words. For example:

Mute, tongue, without, bell, etc. (And the bell is silent without a tongue)

Idleness, small, deed, big, better (Small deed is better than big idleness)

Speak boldly, a good deed, speak about (Speak boldly about a good deed)

And, a ball, a thread, along, reach, to (Along the thread and they reach a ball)

It happens!

In the game for children “It Happens!” all participants take turns telling something incredible (about things, a natural phenomenon, an unusual animal...). The winner is the one who tells four exciting and interesting stories and no one ever says to him: “This happens!”

Come up with your own

Again, you can practice on famous fairy tales. The presenter reminds the plot, and the players’ task is to come up with original names. For example, “Kolobok” - “Grandson made of dough”, “Outwitted the fox”, “Escaped from relatives”...

And then you can move on to unfamiliar stories. Read and come up with names. I also like this game because it teaches you to think creatively. I myself enjoy playing it.

Same signs

We haven’t fully mastered this game for children yet, so I admit, it’s still a bit tricky. But we do not despair, but continue to train.

So, the presenter sets the task - to come up with objects with similar characteristics. For example, round and flat. It could be a pancake, a circle drawn on the asphalt, a crushed tire...

As the game progresses, the tasks become more difficult. There may be more signs, but examples are no longer easy to find. The hardest thing is to find objects that perform opposite functions. For example, a window (opens and closes), a hand (strokes and hits).

The one who comes up with the most answers wins.

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