Card index of games for the development of sound culture of speech card index for speech development (senior group) on the topic

My kindergarten

Completed by: teacher - speech therapist of the highest category Evgenia Vasilievna Delman , Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 65", Nakhodka.

Sound culture of speech.

Good speech is the most important condition for the comprehensive development of children. The richer and more correct a child’s speech, the easier it is for him to express his thoughts, the wider his opportunities for understanding the surrounding reality, the more meaningful and valuable his relationships with peers and adults are, the more active his mental development is. Therefore, it is so important to take care of the timely formation of children’s speech, its purity and correctness, preventing and correcting various violations, which are considered to be any deviations from the generally accepted norms of a given language.

The most common speech defects in preschool children are problems with sound pronunciation.

Sound correction is carried out in stages. Usually there are four main stages: preparatory, sound production, sound automation and, in cases of replacing one sound with another or mixing them, the differentiation stage.

The main form of work to correct sound pronunciation is classes, often individual, sometimes with subgroups. The duration of the lesson ranges from 15 to 30 minutes depending on the age of the children, the type and level of sound pronunciation impairment, and the individual characteristics of preschoolers (attention, memory, performance, etc.). Each lesson consists of several parts, subordinated to a common theme and objectives. Each part has a specific goal (what the teacher wants to achieve), content (games, exercises, etc.) and ends with the child summing up the teacher’s questions.

It must be taken into account that there are no absolutely identical classes, since speech defects in children and their personal qualities are different. Therefore, with the same content (exercises for articulatory gymnastics, words for automation, etc.) methods and techniques of work different. Thus, each lesson requires careful preparation from the teacher, taking into account the speech, mental, psychological and characterological characteristics of the child. I offer several classes on the sound culture of speech for older children.

Summary of a lesson on sound culture of speech in the senior group.

Topic: “Education of the correct pronunciation of the sound [th] in active speech.”


  1. Strengthen the skills to correctly pronounce and distinguish the sound [th].
  2. Practice the ability to hold the necessary postures when pronouncing the sound [th]: a) lips close to the teeth; b) teeth at a distance of 2-3 mm; c) the tip of the tongue rests forcefully on the lower incisors, the back of the tongue rises to the middle part of the palate and forms a narrow gap through which the exhaled stream of air passes; d) the soft palate is raised and pressed against the back wall of the pharynx, closing the passage into the nasal cavity; e) the vocal cords are closed and vibrate.
  3. Develop memory, attention, thinking, phonemic hearing.


  1. Pictures: parrot, beehive, cod, T-shirt, watering can, bunny, iodine, Dunno.
  2. Mirrors for each child.

Progress of the lesson.

  1. Message to the target.
  2. The teacher brings in a big bear. “Children, what a big bear - oh, oh, oh!” (Children repeat). “What dirty paws the bear has - ah, ah, ah!” (Children repeat).
  3. What is the second sound in the words: ah, oh? (What is the same sound in the words: ah, oh?) Pronounce the sound y, looking in the mirror.
  4. What do lips, teeth, tongue do when we pronounce the sound [th]? How does air come out when we pronounce the sound th? Is there a little voice in the throat when we pronounce the sound [th]?
  5. What sound is this? (consonant, voiced, soft). Prove why the sound Y is a consonant, why this sound is voiced.
  6. Didactic game “Repeat without mistakes.”

Ay - oh - y - y, etc.


Come on, little bunny, jump, jump, Knock with your paw, knock with your paw, Fall on the grass, fall, Lie down and rest, rest. Start jumping again! Run quickly to the Christmas tree and quickly jump back.

Name the words with the sound [th] that were encountered in our physical exercises.

Tell me where the [th] sound is in this word: at the beginning, in the middle or at the end. I have given you pictures, look at them carefully and cross out the pictures that don’t have the sound [th] in their names. (cards for each child). Mishka brought pictures. Didactic game “Look at the picture, name it correctly.” Name where the sound [th] is located in the word. You can offer to make sentences based on these pictures. Didactic game “Remember, repeat” - reproduction of a series of words (balalaika - bench - coffee pot).

Learn a nursery rhyme:

Don’t be afraid of the cold, wash yourself up to your waist.

Didactic game: “Change the word.”

Hare - bunny. Autumn - autumn. Summer is summer. Winter - winter. Spring - spring. Green is green. Sineva - blue, etc.

Lesson summary:

What sound did we learn to pronounce correctly today? Name words with the sound [th] at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the word. (offer pictures).

Summary of a lesson on sound culture of speech in the senior group.

Topic: “Education of the correct pronunciation of the sound [l] in the active speech of children.

Program content:

  1. Strengthen the skills to correctly pronounce and distinguish the sound [l].
  2. Monitor the correct position of the organs of articulation: a) lips in a smile, teeth are visible; b) teeth are brought together; c) the wide tip of the tongue is pressed against the alveoli (tubercles behind the upper teeth); d) voice is involved. By placing the back of the hand to the throat, we feel the vibration of the vocal cords; e) if a child cannot produce the sound l with the position of the organs of articulation described above, then it is necessary to induce interdental [l] in such children, in this case only the position of the tongue changes - the wide tip of the tongue is clamped between the teeth. This sound is reinforced in words and games. When a child speaks interdentally well, he should be asked to move his tongue behind his upper teeth, which children usually do easily.
  3. Develop attention, thinking, memory, phonemic hearing.


  1. Pictures for exercises.
  2. Mirrors for each child.
  3. Pictures: lamp, swallow, lily of the valley, top, saw, robe, horse, spoon, bow, puddle, moon, sheepskin coat, acorn, dove, baby, pitchfork, glasses, tables, ball, strawberry, pencil case, wolf, bottle, raft, elephant, flowerbed, bun, bottle, fir tree, village, woodpecker, goat, turkey.

Progress of the lesson: Message to the goal Riddle: My character is nasty, I grew up in a garden bed. Wherever I go, I will bring everyone to tears. (Onion). What sound does the word onion begin with? The fairy tale of "The Merry Tongue". One day, Tongue was sitting at home. He opened his house and began to look into the yard. A large turkey was walking importantly in the yard, and Vova was teasing him (show picture). He waved a red flag in front of the turkey. Suddenly the turkey pouted and gurgled angrily: “bl-bl-bl” (the teacher shows the bubbling of the turkey: puffing out his cheeks, he quickly makes lapping movements with his voice turned on), Vova was frightened of the turkey and ran away. Try to cluck with me.

Articulation of sound.

“I’ll also try to sing the turkey’s song,” said Tongue. He puffed out his cheeks, ran back and forth and squawked like a turkey: “bl-bl-bl.” Then the tongue stopped running, puffed out its cheeks, pressed its wide tail tightly to the top door and sang loudly: “l-l-l.” This song is like a turkey's song, said Tongue. Such a song is heard in people's speech, It sounds firm.

Let's sing “l-l-l” together and look in the mirror what our lips are doing. Teeth, tongue, when we pronounce the sound l. How does air flow when we pronounce the sound l? Is there a little voice in the throat when we pronounce the sound l? Consolidating the pronunciation of the sound l in the games “Steamboat” and “Plane Flies”. What is the sound of l? (Consonant, voiced, hard). Why is the sound l consonant? (Because the air does not pass freely, the tongue encounters an obstacle). Why is the sound l ringing? (because there is a little voice in the throat). Didactic game “Catch the sound”. Clap your hands to the sound l. Isolating the sound [l] among sounds. R, n, l, r, l, l, th, etc.

Didactic game “Repeat without mistakes.”

La-lo-lu, lu-lo-ly, ly-la-lo, klu-kly-kla, pla-plu-ply, sla-slo-slu, etc.

Didactic game “What did I see?”

The teacher puts 4-5 pictures on the number ladder (lamp, swallow, lily of the valley, spinning top). The called child looks and says in what order the pictures are, turns to face the children and says: “I saw a lamp, a swallow, a lily of the valley, a spinning top. The children check to see if he named it correctly. Then the teacher calls another child and changes the order of the pictures. You can gradually replace some pictures with others.

Physical exercise.

Children sit on the floor one after another and row with oars. La-la-la, la-la-la, the boat sailed merrily. Lo-lo-lo, lo-lo-lo, we raise the oar. Ly-ly-ly, ly-ly-ly, our songs are heard by everyone. Didactic game “I am the beginning, you are the word.” La - paw, lu - puddle, ly - bast, etc.

Didactic game "Saw".

Children in pairs, holding their hands crosswise, “saw wood”, reciting in time with their movements:

The saw cut, sawed off a piece, ran into a twig, burst and began, Start over.

Having formed new pairs, the children continue the game.


The mouse lived happily, slept on the fluff in the corner. The mouse ate bread and lard, but everything was not enough for the mouse.

Summary of the lesson.

  1. What sound did we learn to pronounce correctly?
  2. What have you learned about the sound [l]?
  3. Name the words where the sound [l] is at the beginning, in the middle, at the end of the word (pictures are shown).

Summary of a lesson on sound culture of speech in the senior group.

Topic: “Education of the correct pronunciation of the sound [zh] in the active speech of children.”


  1. Reinforce the correct pronunciation of the sound z in isolation, in syllable words, in a phrase.
  2. Practice the correct position of the organs of articulation for good pronunciation of the sound g: a) lips are rounded and slightly pushed forward; b) teeth are brought together; c) the wide tip of the tongue is raised to the anterior edge of the palate, but not pressed; d) in the middle of the tongue there is a not strong warm air stream, which is easily felt by the palm of the hand raised to the mouth; e) voice is involved.
  3. Develop attention, phonemic hearing, memory, thinking.


  1. Mirrors for each child.
  2. Pictures: toad, jacket, jasmine, pajamas, hedgehogs, bear cub, beetle, blackberry, rain, acorn, skis, knives, clothes.
  3. Pictures for exercises.

Progress of the lesson:

  1. Message to the target.
  2. Riddle Zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu, I’m sitting on a pole, I keep repeating the letter “w”. Knowing this letter firmly, I buzz in spring and summer.
  3. What sound does the beetle sing? What sound does the word beetle begin with?

Didactic game "Beehive".

Children - bees buzz loudly at first, and then calm down, pronounce the sound in front of the mirror.

Articulation of sound. What do lips, teeth, tongue do when we pronounce the sound z? How does the air stream flow? (The air does not pass freely, it encounters an obstacle - teeth, tongue) - this means this sound is a consonant.

Is this sound voiced or dull? (Sounding because there is a motor running in the neck). And this sound is always solid.

What sound? (consonant, voiced, hard).

4. Didactic game “Telegraph” (repeat the syllable table)

Zha-jo-zhu-zhi, wait-wait-wait-wait, etc.

5. Name the picture, tell me where the sound is? (at the beginning, in the middle or at the end).

6. Didactic game “Change the word.” (change the word so that the sound appears. Boot - boot, meadow, iron, step, flag, snow, debt.


On the lawn, on a daisy, a Beetle flew in a colored shirt. Zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu I'm friends with daisies. Quietly swaying in the wind, bending low and low.

Name the words with the sound w that you encountered in physical training.

7. Didactic game “Who needs what?”

The girl needs scissors. Where is the sound [zh] in the word scissors? Who needs skis, hedgehogs, bear cubs, clothes, pajamas? (Determine the position of the sound z in these words). Offer to name with the word more (this bear cub is low, and this one is even lower), words - close, narrow, young (similar).

8. Working with text.

Learn a nursery rhyme: The beetle has fallen and cannot get up, He is waiting for someone to help him.

9. Didactic game: “Beetles.”

Children pretend to be beetles, sit in their houses (on chairs) and say: “I am a beetle, I am a beetle, I live here, I buzz, I buzz.” At the teacher’s signal, the “bugs” flew into the clearing. There they fly, bask in the sun and buzz “w-w-w...”. At the signal “rain”, the “bugs” fly into the houses (onto the chairs). Summary of the lesson. What sound did we learn to pronounce correctly today? What have you learned about the sound [zh]? What is he like? Name the words in which the sound [zh] is at the beginning, in the middle, at the end of the word.

Summary of a lesson on sound culture of speech in the senior group.

Topic: “Education of the correct pronunciation of the sound [h] in the active speech of children.”

Program content:

  1. Reinforce the correct pronunciation of the sound [h]
  2. isolated, in syllables, in words, in a phrase.
  3. monitor the correct position of the organs of articulation: a) lips are rounded and slightly pushed forward; b) teeth at a distance of 2 mm; c) the wide tip of the tongue hits the anterior edge of the palate; d) in the middle of the tongue there is a strong short air stream, which is felt like a push of air with the palm of the hand brought to the mouth; e) if the child cannot make the sound h, in the position of the articulation organs described above, it is necessary to speak together tsh, everything, speeding up the tempo, until a good sound [ch] is obtained.


  1. Mirrors for each child.
  2. Dolls Tonechka, Valechka, Anechka, Lenochka, Lidochka.
  3. Pictures: car, butterfly, fishing rod, girl, quokka, ball, key, sword, stove, egg, teapot, seagull, cup, bull, spider, cookies, swing.

Progress of the lesson:

Message to the target.


It boils, steam comes out, and whistles, and bursts with heat, rattles the lid, knocks: - Hey, take me off! - shouts (teapot).

What sound does the word teapot begin with?

Articulation (with mirror).

What do lips, teeth, and tongue do when we pronounce the sound h?

How does air leave the mouth?

Is there a voice in the throat?

What sound is this? – consonant. Why is the h sound consonant? (because the air does not pass freely, it encounters an obstacle, the tongue prevents the air from passing through). The sound h is dull because there is no voice in the neck. This sound is always soft.

Didactic game "Train". Children sit in the carriages (on chairs placed one after another). A driver is selected to sit in the first chair. He gives the signal for the train to depart: “Uh-uh...”. The train has left. Children, making movements with their hands, say “ch-ch-ch...”. At the teacher’s “stop” signal, the train stops and the children fall silent. Then a new driver is selected and the game continues.

Didactic game "Telegraph".

Reproduction of syllable series Ach-och-uch-ich. Cha-cho-chu-chi. Chnya-chnyo-chnyu-chni, etc.

Sound selection [h]. Didactic game “Catch the sound”.

a) in syllables: cha, cha, ach, ti, at, sia, chm, is, si, ti, it, etc. b) in words: chintz, bowl, buckwheat. Sing, reading room, oven, night, lilac, now, cheek, worm, endure, dream, ask, forgive, miracle.

Working with the word.

Didactic game “Say kindly.”

Pillow - pillow, jug, finger, hut, bird, hat, vase, duck, water, etc.

Physical exercise.

Chiki-chiki-chikalochki A goose rides on a stick. Duck on a pipe, Cockerel on a booth. Bunny on a wheelbarrow. Boy on a dog.

Name the words with the sound [h] that were encountered in our physical exercises.

Didactic game “Wonderful chest”.

This chest is not simple, it is wonderful, because it contains a lot of interesting things. Everyone can find out what is in it, you just need to say the following words: “chest, chest, open your barrel. Children take turns taking pictures from the chest and naming them.

Working with a phrase.

Didactic game “Let's treat the dolls to tea.”

Children give the dolls affectionate names: Tanechka, Valechka, Anechka, Manechka.

The teacher invites the children to pour tea from the teapot into cups.

I took the kettle and poured tea into Tanya’s cup. I give Tanya a cookie.

What did Sasha do?

I poured tea from a teapot into Tanechka's cup and gave her cookies.

Learn a nursery rhyme.

There are more thickets in our Pushcha, There are more thickets in our Pushcha.

Summary of the lesson.

What sound did we learn to pronounce correctly? What words with the sound [h] do you remember, where is this sound located?

Summary of a lesson on sound culture of speech in the senior group.

Topic: “Education of the correct pronunciation of the sound [sch] in the active speech of children.

Program content:

  1. Consolidating the correct pronunciation of a sound in isolation, in syllables, words, in a phrase.
  2. Monitor the correct position of the organs of articulation: a) lips in a slight smile, teeth are visible; b) teeth are brought together; c) the wide tip of the tongue is raised to the alveoli; d) there is a strong air stream in the middle of the tongue, which is easily felt by the palm of the hand brought to the mouth; e) if the child cannot make the sound [sch], with the mouth open, you need to raise the wide tip of the tongue to the upper alveoli and, without lowering it, pronounce sh-sh-sh for a long time, you will get the sound [sch]. Or, with the same position of the organs of articulation, pronounce [shch] together.
  3. Develop attention, thinking, phonemic hearing.


  1. Mirrors for each child.
  2. Pictures: sorrel, cheeks, shield, bream, box, vegetables, puppy, bream, things, cloak, pike.
  3. Pictures for exercises.

Progress of the lesson.

Target message


The striped villain, Will eat any baby - Minnow, roach, bleak, Only the ruff will not swallow. (pike). What sound does the word pike begin with?

Didactic game “Who is observant?”

Articulation: invite children to pronounce the sound [ш] and look in the mirror. What do our lips, teeth, and tongue do when we pronounce the sound [ ш]? How does the air pass when we pronounce the sound [у]? Is there a voice in the throat? What sound is [u] (consonant or vowel)? The sound [ш] is consonant because the air does not pass freely and meets the barrier of the teeth and tongue. Why is the sound [u] consonant? Is the sound [u] voiced or unvoiced? The sound [ш] is dull because there is no voice in the neck.

Didactic game “Scouts” (clap your hands if you hear the sound [w] from a series of sounds): ch, shch, sh, w, ch, shch, shch, etc.; from a number of syllables: cha, schu, shu, zhi, etc.; from a number of words: puppy, table, things, doctor, puppy, hat, ticks, honest, chocolate, bloodhound.

Working with syllables.

Didactic game “Repeat without mistakes”

Scha-schu-sch, Scha-schi-sch, Shch-sch-sch-sch, etc.


The pike lived in the pool, brushed chalk, prepared cabbage soup for guests, treated the bream.

Working with words.

Didactic game “What’s missing?”

Four pictures are hung on the board with the sound [ш]. A gnome appears and removes the picture. Children close their eyes. The child must name the removed picture and name where this sound is located in this word.

Didactic game "Scouts". The teacher hides the pictures: brush, wood chip, puppy, box, ticks in different places of the room. For the search, a group of “Scouts” is allocated; everyone must bring the found object and name it. When the scout brings the item and names the item, you can repeat the name of the item in chorus with the children. And then ask those children who need to reinforce this sound in speech to repeat it.

Working with a phrase.

Making sentences based on pictures (pike, ticks, brush, puppy).

For example: I need pliers, hurry up and give them away.

Memorizing pure language.

The dandy respects the brush, The dandy cleans off the dust with the brush. If the thing is not cleaned, there will be nothing to show off in.

Summary of the lesson.

What sound did we learn to pronounce correctly today?

Name the words in which the sound [у] is at the beginning, middle, and end of the word (pictures are shown)

Summary of a lesson on sound culture of speech in the senior group.

Topic: “Education of the correct pronunciation of the sound [r] in active speech.”

Program content:

  1. Strengthen the skills to correctly pronounce and distinguish the sound r.
  2. Monitor the correct position of the organs of articulation: a) lips are in the position of the next vowel; b) teeth at a distance of several millimeters; c) the tip of the tongue is raised to the alveoli and vibrates: d) in the middle of the tongue there is a strong air stream, which is easily felt by the palm of the hand raised to the mouth.
  3. Develop memory, attention, thinking, phonemic hearing.


  1. Mirrors for each child.
  2. Pictures with sound r.

Progress of the lesson.

Message to the target.

Riddle: What kind of taiga animal is Midnight who loves darkness? And, like all cats in the world, they hate evil dogs! (Tiger).

How does a tiger roar?

Articulation of sound [r].

The tongue was sitting in its house. He wanted to learn how to sing an airplane engine song. He smiled, showed all his teeth, opened the house wide, turned on his voice, quickly threw his tail to the top door and let in a cold breeze. The tongue sang “r-r-r” and felt that its tail began to tremble (show). The tongue put up the piece of paper and sang “rrrr” again. The piece of paper deviated (show), the tongue inserted the vial and sang again: “rrrr.” The wind hummed in the bubble (show). The tongue was happy and said: “So I learned to sing the song of an airplane engine. After all, this is the most difficult song.”

What do the lips, teeth, and tongue do when we pronounce the sound r? How does the air flow when we pronounce the sound [r]? Is there a voice? What sound is this? (Consonant, voiced, hard). Why is the sound p consonant? Why is this sound ringing?

Didactic game "Telegraph".

(repeat the syllable table).

Ra-ro-ru, bra-bro-bru, Ro-ru-ry, bro-bru-bra, Or-ur-yr, bru-bra-bro, Ir-ar-or, bra-bro-bra, etc. d.



Here, under the green Christmas tree, the crows are jumping merrily Kar-kar (loudly) All day long they shouted They didn’t let the kids sleep, Kar-kar-kar (loudly) Only at night they fall silent And they all fall asleep together Kar-kar-kar (quietly).

Remember the words with the sound [r] from the physical education lesson.

Didactic game “What’s added?”

The teacher places 4 pictures with words containing the sound r on the number ladder. Children name these words and determine the position of the sound in the word. Then someone turns away, and at this time another picture is added. Then the child turns, looks and says that there is more. The pictures are partially replaced and the game continues.

Working with a phrase

Learn pure sayings. (Can be selected)

Ra-ra-ra is a high mountain. Ro-ro-ro-new feather. Ru-ru-ru- the goat gnaws the bark. Ry-ry-ry - mosquitoes are flying. Ar-ar-ar - a mosquito flies. Or-or-or - Roma has an axe. Ur-ur-ur - don't chase the chickens. Ir-ir-ir- we are for peace. Orca-orca-orca is a steep hill. Ara-ara-ara - Tamara is coming. Gra-gra-gra is a good game. Tro-tro-tro - we're going by subway.

Summary of the lesson.

  1. What sound did we learn to pronounce correctly today?
  2. What did you learn about the sound [r]?
  3. Name words with the sound [r] at the beginning, in the middle, at the end of words.

How to conduct a lesson on sound culture of speech in a senior group

At older preschool age, children can coherently express their thoughts in correctly constructed sentences. We must strive to ensure that children’s oral responses contain not only a logical sequence, but are formatted with the correct intonation and pronounced clearly and intelligibly.

Preschoolers understand the polysemy of words and can select synonyms. They read poetry using interrogative or exclamatory intonation. All these exercises are used to form a child’s coherent speech.

Speech development for subsequent literacy training in the senior group

By the age of six, a child fully masters the pronunciation of sounds, but spelling errors in children’s speech are often observed. Therefore, in the senior group, classes are held on speech development, the tasks of which may be as follows:

  • strengthen the articulatory apparatus of a preschooler;
  • learn to clearly pronounce whistling and hissing sounds in words;
  • distinguish the pronunciation of similar sounds;
  • develop phonemic awareness: determine where the syllable is pronounced with greater force.

Important! Speech therapists call the sounds [s] - [z], [s] - [ts], [sh] - [zh], [ch'] - [sch'], [s] - [sh], [z] - [ zh], [ts] - [h'], [s] ([s']) - [w'], [l] - [r] are considered difficult because the difference in the pronunciation of paired sounds is hardly noticeable.

The perception of sounds by ear is associated with strengthening the articulation of the speech apparatus and the acquisition of correct pronunciation. The teacher’s work in this direction is based on a certain principle:

  • exercises in distinguishing sounds by ear when pronouncing them in random order;
  • the child is asked to name words with oppositional sounds and pronounce them in a certain order;
  • word selection tasks related to different parts of speech.

The final stage will be tasks on constructing your own statements.

Outline of a lesson on the topic “Meeting birds” in the senior group


  • introduce children to spring as a season, the life of birds during this period;
  • cultivate a reverent attitude towards birds;
  • develop attention, learn to remember information.
  • speech development of a preschooler

Progress of the lesson

  1. The teacher reads a riddle poem about spring. A reproduction of a painting about spring is shown, children must name the signs of spring and motivate their answer. Determine what spring sounds can be heard in music.
  • Linguistic game “Complete the sentence”;
  • Game “Bird Spring”: the teacher asks the children questions about birds.
  • Conversation “How are all birds alike?”;
  • Game “Name who is missing” (the image of a bird is removed from the flannelgraph).
  1. Physical education minute

Development of vocabulary (What is the riddle about? Why do birds build houses? Determine the correct sequence of pictures and write a story).

  1. Result of the lesson: the guys open the magic box.

Helps to absorb presentation material about birds.

Note! In order to effectively use lesson time, it is necessary to conduct conversations about birds, excursions into nature - meet birds, make crafts from natural materials.

Speech therapy exercises for speech development in children from 3 to 4 years old

Structure of speech classes in preschool educational institutions

An open lesson on speech sound culture can be structured as follows:

  1. In the introductory part, the teacher should give motivation for the entire lesson. This can be done on behalf of a literary character. The assistant character outlines a problematic situation, the solution to which children will find in pairs and groups. This approach pushes children to think and teaches them to compare their opinions with others.
  2. During the lesson, various techniques are used - visual, practical. After each part of the lesson, an analysis of the children’s activities is carried out on behalf of the assistant character. If the child has not met the goal, the teacher directs him to a further week of thematic classes.
  3. Throughout the lesson, children talk a lot, the teacher encourages them to do this by asking a variety of problematic questions.

Important! In the structure of a speech lesson in a preschool educational institution, 3 parts should be clearly visible.

Didactic games on sound culture of speech in the senior group

Didactic games for the development of sound culture can be carried out not only in special classes. During morning exercises, you can do articulation exercises, play ball with the children during a walk, encouraging them to pronounce words clearly. Didactic games with cards, puzzles, pictures, and writing lines for hand development can captivate a child in the evening hours.

Goals of the ZKR games

Exercises to develop speech sound culture are games in which rules must be followed. They are created with the sole purpose of developing the speech of a preschooler.

Systematic implementation of didactic games will help the child:

  • remember new words;
  • learn to speak coherently;
  • catch the difference between words that sound similar;
  • learn about word forms, word connections in phrases;
  • learn to speak with different intonations;
  • make statements, participate in dialogue.

Note! During a didactic lesson, the child becomes interested and remembers better.

Learning to select words with a given sound

By the age of 6, a child is able to determine what sounds are in words and independently select certain words. To continue the development of phonemic hearing, children are offered games and exercises in which they need to find given sounds. A set of games for the formation of sound culture in the older group could be as follows:

  • "Catch the sound!" — stop the speaker by clapping his hands if he hears a word with a given sound.
  • a preschooler is interested in naming words that begin with a certain sound; you can complicate the task: “Name something that starts with “A” and ends with “Z”;
  • it is asked to remember words whose last sound is the same as in the word “cheese”;
  • correct pronunciation errors;
  • a child architect will draw a letter in the air and form it out of sticks; a soloist will sing the letter.

Important! Teach your child through play so that he doesn’t lose interest. to systematic training.

Sound analysis training

When learning to write and read, the initial process is sound analysis, the ability to correctly determine the number of sounds in a word, give a phonetic description of each sound, and indicate the location of each sound.

Important! The child must be able to divide a word into sounds, establish their quantity and sequence, which will help him in mastering literacy.

Do parents in kindergarten need consultations on speech therapy?

Difficulties with sound analysis are observed in children with problems in speech development. The baby cannot consistently reproduce sounds in words. He focuses only on the meaning of the word. For example, an adult asks to name the sounds in the word “juice,” and a child says “raspberry, apricot.” If a child is given a set of letters and asked to read words, he will not be able to do this, so teaching phonics is important, otherwise the child will not learn to write.

Working on diction

A preschooler must have good diction. This skill develops gradually as the articulatory apparatus develops.

Note! The child must be able to clearly pronounce every sound, word and sentence.

Children cannot control their speech independently, so they pronounce the endings of words unclearly and miss words. In the electronic catalog you can find examples of various exercises:

  • "Egorki"

Pronunciation of the tongue twister “Like on a hill, on a hillock there are thirty-three Yegorki” while inhaling and exhaling. The child must say the entire phrase and use the entire supply of air collected. if the air remains, then you need to teach the preschooler how to properly distribute his breathing.

  • "Polite bow"
  • Children rise on their toes, take a breath, spreading their arms to the sides. Bend over, gradually folding your arms - exhale.

With systematic exercises, the child develops speech breathing, articulation, and improves diction.

Learning to form new words from the original ones

The child receives initial information about how words are formed in a language in kindergarten. During word formation exercises, the preschooler develops interest in the spoken word, and a desire arises to say correctly: “I built the word the way others say it.”

Examples on how to form a new word, but also on little-known words.

Note! In order for a preschooler to correctly select word-forming morphemes, it is necessary to teach him to perform semantic analysis. You can use didactic exercises (answer a question, choose a paired word) or emotional exercises (come up with your “own” words).

It is necessary to point out to children the mistakes in education (“fighter”, “chatterbox”). Verbal exercises aimed at differentiating masculine and feminine suffixes are presented below:

  • Who has what kind of mother?
  • We are athletes: Children complete the sentences: skiing - skier, jumping - jumper. The themes “Who will I be”, “Who serves in the army” are similarly explored;
  • Name the car in one word";
  • Find one word instead of two.
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