Topic: “Lessons in kindness” outline of a lesson on speech development (senior group) on the topic

Parables about kindness

For centuries, people have written wonderful tales and given birth to parables about kindness. They perfectly demonstrate the essence of kindness. For example, this video, which has spread around the Internet many, many times, speaks very eloquently and subtly about this:

Here is another instructive story about the importance of the silence of good deeds...

One day, the students came to the mentor and asked him: “Why do bad inclinations easily take hold of a person, but good inclinations take hold of a person with difficulty and remain fragile in him?”

- What happens if a healthy seed is left in the sun and a sick one is buried in the ground? - asked the old man.

“A good seed that is left without soil will die, but a bad seed will germinate and produce a sick sprout and bad fruit,” answered the students.

“This is what people do: instead of secretly doing good deeds and growing good seedlings deep in their souls, they put them on display and thereby ruin them.

And people hide their shortcomings and sins deep in their souls so that others do not see them. There they grow and wound a person to the very heart.

You, be wise and don’t do this!

Riddles about kindness

Riddles about kindness are mostly a description of feelings, qualities, and variations of events that await a kind and open-hearted person:

You can't eat it, but its taste is sweet! You can’t see him, but his appearance is pleasant! It can be close if you believe in it! It's nearby, but you can't touch it! (good)

What brings a person to life? (good).

It happens to you when everything is good. When suddenly the sun came out and all the rain passed. Often you make it for people and they make it for you. You have it in your soul, but you can’t find it anywhere. (good)

What head can feed a hundred hands? (good).

If there is no love in your heart, And anger scratches at your soul, But whatever you call it, It will not smile at you. (good)

Do not boast about silver, but boast about... What? (kindly)

What words are more valuable than riches? - (Kind)

What happens to you when everything around you is good? When the sun is in the sky and the rain has already passed. The more often you do it to people, the more often they do it to you. What is the answer is always in the soul. (good)

What's the worst thing they change? (good)

Come on, kids, guess what is the most beautiful thing in the world? If you are not in the mood, it helps everyone without exception to communicate! The guiding star of your life...! (kindness)

What to watch and read to children about the concept of kindness?

An excellent help in explaining any concepts in general are various materials, including riddles, poems, proverbs and sayings, stories, parables, films and cartoons. They very clearly show what this concept is and how it is used. We offer you a selection of excellent additional materials to show your children what kindness is.

On the path of kindness... - A large collection of poems and songs about kindness

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