Summary of an application lesson in the senior group on the topic “Lessons of Kindness”

Final integrated lesson on the natural world / application in the senior group “Forest Tale”

Final integrated lesson

natural world / applique

in the senior group “Forest Fairy Tale”


Clarify children's knowledge about the forest.
Foster a caring attitude towards nature. Educational objectives: 1. To cultivate aesthetic and moral feelings, a caring attitude towards nature. 2. Cultivate an emotionally-friendly attitude towards living objects of nature. Developmental objectives:
1. To develop in children a cognitive interest in the life of the forest and its inhabitants, using literary words (proverbs, riddles, poems).
2. To develop in children a sense of belonging to everything living and beautiful through music. 3. Develop coherent speech and enrich children’s vocabulary. Educational objectives:
1. Clarify children’s existing ideas about the forest and its inhabitants.
2. Form consciously the correct attitude towards natural objects. Equipment:
Phonogram “Sounds of the Forest”, mathematics problems, pictures with animals, birds, trees; “Magic bag”, small figurines of animals, birds, mammals, insects; envelope with letter; green squares, yellow circles, scissors, glue, brushes, coasters.

Progress of the lesson:


- Children, today we will go on a trip to the forest.
We were invited by the Forest Fairy Stella. The teacher invites the children to hold hands, inquires about the children’s mood, offers to smile at each other, to show in what good mood they will go on a visit to the forest. (Knock on the door. The teacher brings in a letter and begins to read) - Dear guys, the Forest Fairy Stella writes to you, trouble happened in my forest. The Witch Margot visited here. She bewitched my forest. Even Spring Beauty doesn't want to come here. Help! I'm looking forward to seeing you. - Well, guys, let's help Stella? Close your eyes and I will say the magic words. Educator:
Hello, forest, dense forest, full of fairy tales and miracles!
What are you making noise about in the leaves on a dark, stormy night? What do you whisper to us at dawn, covered in dew, as if in silver? Who is hiding in your wilderness? What kind of animal? What bird? Open everything, don’t hide it: You see - We are ours. - So we found ourselves in an enchanted forest. To help, fairies, let's review the rules of behavior in the forest. To do this, let's play the game “If I come to the woods.” I will speak the actions and you will respond. If your deeds are good, say “yes,” if they are bad, say “no.” If I go to the woods and pick a daisy? (no) What if I make a fire and don’t put it out? (no) What if I leave a piece of bread on the stump? (yes) What if I eat the pie and throw away the paper? (no) If I tie a branch, will I place a peg? (yes) Do I litter in the forest and forget to clean it up? (no) I love my nature, I help it! (yes) - Please remember how a well-mannered, polite person must behave in the forest, and teach this to your friends. - Guys, are you listening? What silence. No birds singing; not a rustle of leaves on the trees; nor the babbling brook; nor the rustling and buzzing of insects. It is immediately clear that the forest is enchanted. Let's start by singing the song "Travushka - Ant." Maybe then the inhabitants of the forest will appear. (Children sing a song) Forest fairy:
Who is walking in my forest?
Who's singing songs here? Oh, yes, these are kids - Funny girls, Funny boys. Hello guys! Children:
- Hello!
Forest Fairy:
Children, do you recognize me?
I am the Forest Fairy, my name is Stella. -Whoever destroys nature, I am strict with him. And whoever respects the forest, does not harm the plants, and helps the animals, is a welcome guest with me. -Finally, you have arrived! All the inhabitants of the forest were dispersed by the evil witch. You need to complete all her tasks - only then will everyone return... (Crying) Teacher: - Don’t cry Stella, we will help you, we will complete all the tasks. Forest fairy: 1 task.
- Guess the riddles about the beauties in my forest: - Look, children, at these trees! Can you answer my questions? (lays out multi-colored cards with tasks in front of the children, the children take turns drawing cards, the teacher reads them out) The white-trunked beauties stood together along the path, the branches go down to the bottom, and there are earrings on the branches. (Birches)

The people decorate them every time for the New Year. Instead of leaves - needles. Name the trees! (Christmas trees)

The trees in the forest stand, even on a quiet day they tremble. Along the winding path rustling leaves... (aspen trees)

In May it warmed up, turned green, and put on grapes in the fall. The scarlet berries have a bitter taste. What kind of tree? (Rowan) 2 task.

— The main thing in spring is the sun!
It will warm you up and lift your spirits. But in order for it to shine brighter, you need to tell which sun it is? (Didactic game “What kind of sun?”) warm, affectionate, cheerful, bright, radiant, fiery, spring, warming, joyful, round, golden. - Now let's name the inhabitants of the forest. And we need to determine whether there is a sound (s) in this word (Children choose pictures with forest inhabitants, say the names and determine the location of the sound s) (Elk, wolf, deer, squirrel, woodpecker, sable, hare, bear, owl, wild boar, hedgehog , badger, lynx, nightingale, cuckoo, fox, magpie). Forest fairy:
- Well done, guys!
Oh, I hear some sound, maybe my animals have returned, I’ll go and have a look. Educator:
- And here’s another task,
task 3 .
(Didactic game “Yes and No”) Let's play.
You clap on the plant that is in the forest, sit quietly on the one that is not there. Flowers: daisies, roses, carnations, dandelions, coltsfoot, tulips, bells, daffodil. Shrubs: currants, raspberries, gooseberries, rosehips, hazels, chokeberries. 4 task.
You need to guess the insects and put them in one group.
(Game “magic bag”) You need to take out the objects and say who it is? There are insects, animals and birds in the bag. Teacher
- well done guys, you know insects well, but for them to appear you need flowers... What kind of primroses do you and I know?
(snowdrops, mother and stepmother, lilies of the valley, daffodils, tulips) Physical education lesson
If the river is blue
Children raise their arms up, stretch
Awoke from sleep And runs in the fields, sparkling -
Jumping on the spot.
This means spring has come to us.
Clap your hands.
If the snow in the forest has melted
And the grass is visible in the forest, And a flock of little birds is singing, - That means spring has come to us.
Hand clapping
If the sun turns red, tilt your head to your shoulders.
Our cheeks are red-hot.
It will become even more pleasant for us - This means that spring has come to us. Jumping in place. Task 5 .
Application “Coltsfoot” We need a sheet of cardboard, glue, scissors, green colored paper and a piece of yellow napkin.
Fold the green squares in half and cut out triangles - these will be the component stems of the flower. Cut out a circle from a yellow napkin. We fold this circle in four and make long cuts. -Well, our clearing is ready, now insects will appear in the forest. - We seem to have completed all the tasks! Forest Fairy: – There are still some problems left. Task 6.
— We still need to solve mathematical problems about the inhabitants of the forest. Only then will witchcraft disappear. (Problems in verse) In a clearing near an oak tree, Mole saw two fungi. And further away, among the aspen trees, He found another one. Who is ready to answer us, How many mushrooms did the mole find? The hedgehog brought three apples from the garden. He gave a beautiful, rosy color to the squirrel. The squirrel happily received the gift. Count the apples on the hedgehog's plate! Here are seven oak trees and three pine trees. How green and slender they are! How many trees are there? Find out. And count well. In the choir, seven grasshoppers sang songs. Soon the five grasshoppers lost their voices. Count without further ado, How many voices are there in the choir? May beetles lived under the bushes by the river: daughter, son, father and mother. Who can count them? A hedgehog walked through the forest and found mushrooms for lunch. One under the birch, two under the aspen, How many mushrooms are there in a wicker basket? Here are 8 bunnies walking along the path, two running after them. So how many bunnies are hurrying along the forest path to school in the spring?

- Well done boys! Fairy:

- Thank you!
Sit down in the clearing and let's listen to the sounds of the forest with all its inhabitants. (Phonogram “Sounds of the Forest”) Educator: - So the inhabitants of the forest have returned, the forest has come to life! Fairy
: - Thank you, guys!
Well, I'll go and check if everything is okay in my forest! Goodbye, I'm looking forward to your visit! Educator
: - Goodbye Fairy. And it’s time for us guys to return to kindergarten. We visited, completed tasks, and we helped Forest fairies. And now it's time to go to kindergarten. Have fun and play!

Technological map of the application lesson in the senior group

Technological map of organized educational activities in the senior group
Educational area:
: applique
“Vase with flowers”
cut and paste a vase with flowers
Tasks: -
develop the ability to cut out various shapes (rectangular oval, round);
- consolidate the ability to perform appliqué from life; -improve the ability to use scissors, glue, napkin; - develop fine motor skills of the hand; - cultivate perseverance and accuracy. Equipment
: album, glue stick, scissors, napkin, oilcloth, colored paper, vase of flowers.
Bilingual component:
vase – kumyra.
Vocabulary work:


Teacher's actions

Children's activities



Surprise moment:

a package from Dunno, which contains a vase of flowers and a letter in which Dunno thanks the guys for their help when he needs it.
-When else can you give flowers?
-Why do flowers need to be placed in a vase? -What happens to flowers when they stand in a vase for a long time? -What flowers do you know? Bilingual component:
vase – kumyra.
Vocabulary work:

-children carefully examine the parcel, examine the contents of the parcel

-children answer questions -children's answers -so that they look beautiful on the table -flowers dry up

-children list -children pronounce Bilingual component, vocabulary word

Organizational search

Creating a problem situation:

Guys, Dunno asks you to help again, he needs a lot of “Vase with Flowers” ​​paintings.
-How can I help? Examination of a sample of work:
-What shape is the vase? -What shape are the flowers? -What shape are the petals? -How to make stems from rectangles?

Finger gymnastics:

Practical activities:

-Where should we start working? -What blank will you make the vase from?

-What will you make flowers from?

-What shape are the petals? — What kind of blank will you make the petals from?

-How to make stems?

-What should be done with the finished parts?

Individual assistance for children.

-children listen carefully to Dunno’s request, agree to help, and offer solutions

-children carefully examine the sample, answer questions -oval -cut the rectangle in half -children perform gymnastics in accordance with the text Visiting the big finger Came straight to the house Index and middle, Ring and last, The little finger itself of the little ones Knocked on the threshold, Together fingers are friends They can’t live without each other - children answer questions - from cutting out a vase - we’ll make a vase from a large square, cutting it in half to make a rectangle, and cut off the corners - trace the template onto colored paper and cut it out - petals from rectangles, cut off the corners , giving them the shape of ovals. -cut a thin strip from a rectangle -place the finished parts on a sheet of paper and stick them on -children’s independent activity


Lesson summary:

Dunno thanks you for your help and gives you medals: “Thank you for your help.” -What did you do in class? -What did you do? -How did you do it?

-Children from Dunno receive medals

-children analyze and answer questions

Expected Result:

Reproduces: how to cut flowers from templates; Understands: how to cut out various shapes (rectangular, oval, round); Applies: knowledge and skills in practice.

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