Information for parents in the parent corner in kindergarten: ideas for design

Parents' corner according to FROGS in kindergarten: important design rules

Parent's corner according to FROGS in kindergarten: important design rules
Most people don’t even think about the fact that parent’s corners in kindergartens must be designed in accordance with some rules. But in fact, there is even a special passport that specifies the characteristics of the corner.

The passport contains the following information:

  • Initially, the name of the parent’s corner is written in the passport, for example, the “Health” corner, the “First-Grader” corner.
  • Next comes a description of the group - its number is indicated, as well as the exact age of the children who attend it.
  • Further, the passport indicates the purpose for which the parent corner was created, for example, in order to tell parents what the children did today, or when the holiday matinee will be held.
  • It also indicates what visual materials were used, as well as their quantity, for example, wall posters or special maps.
  • If the corner has a thematic focus, for example, helping parents teach their children, then the passport contains a card index of games and exercises that are recommended to parents.

Parents' corner according to FROGS in kindergarten - important design rules:

  • The parent's corner should satisfy not only the interests of parents, but also children, according to their age. This means that while mom or dad is studying information, the baby should also be busy with something. For example, even looking at funny pictures.
  • Visual aids and materials also need to be selected taking into account the age of the children in the kindergarten group. So, in the nursery group there is no need to place stands with the alphabet. This age category is currently only interested in bright pictures.
  • The parent's corner should look as aesthetically pleasing as possible. It is best to use bright colors and more beautiful fonts for headers and titles.
  • The corner should be located in the most convenient place. It should be well lit, otherwise it will be difficult for parents to read the information that is written in small print. If it is not possible to place the stand in the brightest part of the room, you need to consider an additional light source.
  • In the parent's corner of the kindergarten there must be information that takes into account regional characteristics - life, crafts, types of art, language.

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Author: Savelyeva E.V. – educational psychologist, preschool educational institution No. 242 SB RAS Today, almost every institution has information stands or notice boards. These visual forms of informing people have recently become especially popular. Firstly, because it is an effective way to convey information to a large number of people at once. And secondly, they form a corporate space, support the corporate style of the institution, create a special atmosphere in the institution, and are also a reflection of the culture and competence of the people who work in it. (Slide 1) However, creating a good information stand so that it copes with the tasks assigned to it is an entire art. There are many little things in this case that may well negate all the efforts of its creators. Therefore, today at the seminar we want to talk to you about (Slide 2) What psychological characteristics of human perception must be taken into account when creating an information stand?

What are the requirements for the design of an information stand in a preschool educational institution? What content can be filled with an information stand in a kindergarten group? Let's remember one of the classifications of forms of interaction between teachers and parents and make sure that visual and informational forms of work have a mandatory place in the work of a teacher. (Slide 3) Collective forms of work involve working with all or a large number of parents of a preschool educational institution. (These are joint events between the teacher and parents.) Individual forms are intended for differentiated work with parents of students. Visual and informational - play the role of indirect communication between the teacher and parents. They solve the problems of familiarizing parents with the conditions, content and methods of raising children in preschool educational institutions, allow them to more correctly evaluate the activities of teachers, and revise the methods and techniques of home education. Visual information forms can be divided into two subgroups: (Slide 4) One of them consists of information and informational forms. The objectives of this group are: • To familiarize parents with the activities of the preschool educational institution, • The features of its work, • With teachers involved in raising children.

In general, they are aimed at overcoming superficial opinions about the work of preschool educational institutions. Another group consists of information and educational forms. The main task of this group is to enrich parents’ knowledge about the characteristics of the development and upbringing of preschool children.

There are requirements for creating an information stand that are based on the psychological characteristics of human perception.8) Let's look at some features of the organization of perception. A game. Educational and developmental potential of the game. Studying the characteristics of human perception; training memory, attention, perception. Contents of the game. You need to select 4 people who differ in several ways (for example, age, teaching experience, marital status and position in the institution). They are asked to describe the appearance of one of their colleagues with their eyes closed. At the end of the game, you are asked to compare the description of the person and his real appearance. We continue our conversation about the features of the organization of perception. — Tell me, what do you see on the slide? (Slide 5) In fact, the slide shows a group of individual lines. But we see the outline of a human face. This is due to the fact that our brain is always trying to reduce a fragmentary image into a figure with a simple and complete outline, trying to put together the parts and add the missing ones. This explains the principle of filling in the gaps. Regarding the information stand, this can be used when filling out the content of the stand. Today you post one piece of information, tomorrow you add another on the same topic. When reading new information on a previously known topic, our brain automatically restores what is missing and fills in the gaps in the topic. — Tell me, what do you see on this slide? (Slide 6) Visually you perceive three groups of objects. This is because our brain combines close or adjacent elements into a single form. It is easier for us to perceive three groups of figures than nine figures that are not related to each other. This explains the principle of proximity. Regarding the information stand, this can be used like this. If you place part of the information on paper of the same color, the information will be combined into a single block. — Tell me, what do you see on this slide? (Slide 7) In this figure, the numbers appear in the form of columns rather than in the form of rows. This is explained by the fact that it is easier for our brain to combine similar elements. Grouping properties can be similarity in size, shape, or arrangement of parts. This explains the principle of similarity. Regarding the information stand, this can be used like this. Place several information materials united by one topic in one form or on the same background or in a single color scheme or using a single font, etc. Those. there must be some sign of similarity. Let's look at another feature of perception. — Tell me, what do you see on this slide? (Slide In front of you on the slide is a so-called ambiguous drawing. Some of you first saw a vase, and then two profiles. Others saw the opposite. Looking at the drawing, we perceive the background as either black or white. This is due to the fact that when we see an unfamiliar object we try to catch in it the similarity with objects familiar to us and attribute it to a certain group of objects. What a person perceives at the moment depends on what is brought into this process by past experience, as well as on what he wants at the moment . In this case, there is a rivalry between the figure and the background. Each of them in turn “goes" into the background and ceases to be perceived. When placing information on a stand, it is very important to take this feature of perception into account. It is important to understand what you want parents to see as the background and what as the figure. Let's try to analyze the information materials that you posted on the kindergarten website from the point of view of perception of the background and figure.In addition to the features that we have already talked about, there are others. For example, features of perception of the shape of objects. (Slide 9) When designing an information stand, it is necessary to remember that the form is perceived subconsciously by a person, even before the content of the text is perceived. The square and circle are associated with clarity and simplicity. Therefore, this form is most preferable for preschool institutions. A rectangle with a width half as long as its length seems to split into two squares. Therefore, the information located on such a stand will also be divided into two semantic parts. For example: “Do it with your children.” Stand shapes with closed curved lines, reminiscent in shape, for example, of a flower, will be perceived unofficially. It is better to place unofficial information in them, for example: “For reading at home”, “Congratulations”, “Musical and poetic page”. Several small stands arranged in “steps” create a feeling of dynamics and movement. At such stands it is good to post information about the development of something. For example: “Our achievements.” When designing an information stand, it is necessary to take into account such a physiological feature as color perception. Let's do a little research on human color perception. I invite 3 people (of different ages, different personalities). Instructions: “Look at the ad and tell me what sensations you experience when you perceive the information placed on the sheet ... colors” (Slide 10-16) Our research has shown that color has a certain emotional effect on a person. The psychological literature describes the emotional perception of each color. (Slide 17) Thus, color can tire, excite, affect performance, and change the visual perception of the volume and shape of depicted objects. Therefore, when decorating a stand artistically, it is important to use color correctly, taking into account its psychophysiological effect. When working with color, it is necessary to take into account that: The color scheme of the stand depends on the nature of its content and must be in harmony with the color scheme of the interior in which it is located. To create an expressive image, it is recommended to use a limited number of colors (no more than 3). A large number of colors creates excessive diversity and complicates the perception of the meaning of information. Use color as a means of highlighting what is most important. This is achieved by matching contrasting colors or shades. The so-called color wheel allows you to determine contrasting colors. If you take two colors located in a circle opposite each other (through the center), then they make up a pair of complementary contrasting colors. (Slide 18) Preference is given to a tonally contrasting design of the stand: light on dark, dark on light. When using contrasting colors, it is important that their number is not the same. There should be more of one color from a pair of contrasting ones. Intense colors are used in smaller quantities compared to calmer colors. Consider color and age preferences. So children prefer bright colors, adults prefer more restrained ones.

Thus, color has a very active influence on human perception. This feature must be taken into account when creating and designing a stand. I propose to talk about one more component of the information stand. This is the font. It must also be used taking into account the psychological characteristics of our perception. Fonts not only communicate information, but are also an active artistic element. When choosing a font, you must follow some rules: • Text inscriptions should be short, expressive, with a logical breakdown of phrases. • The font should be clear, clear, simple, and easy to read. The clearest fonts are those with straight lines and sharp angles. • Text in all capital letters is read 12% slower than lowercase text. • An important condition for the perception of inscriptions and numbers is the color of the sign and its contrasting relationship with the background color. The signs are most noticeable when they contrast with the background not only in color, but also in lightness. For example. 1. Black letters on a light yellow background, dark red on a light gray or white background and the inverse ratio give a very good effect. 2. Blue color in combination with white or gray is used for signs and inscriptions of a purely informational nature. • Perceiving information located at the edges of the sheet requires much more effort than reading information located closer to the center. Therefore, the edges around the entire perimeter should be a clean, untouched area. • In a font composition, it is advisable to use no more than two fonts at once, and the fonts should be close in style. Let's look at some options for the relationship between color, shape and font, and try to find errors when using them. (Slide 19) Conclusion. It is necessary to take into account the psychological characteristics of perception when designing an information stand. Remember that excessive saturation of information interferes with the perception of meaning (Slide 20).

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Materials for the parent's corner in the preschool educational institution - information in the parent's corner

Materials for the parent's corner in a preschool educational institution - information in the parent's corner
And now, let's figure out what information can be placed in the parent's corner. Remember that it should be presented as positively, clearly and, if possible, in not very large volumes. It is unlikely that parents will stand near the stand for a long period of time; they should see a short and informative message in front of them. It is also important to take into account that when placing printed information on a stand, it is necessary to indicate the authorship, date of publication of the material, and, if available, a link to the website, so that you can familiarize yourself with the material in full.

Materials for the parent corner in the preschool educational institution - information in the parent corner:

  • Materials about the physical development of children
  • Materials about the mental development of children
  • Materials about aesthetic education
  • Materials about developmental features
  • Materials about health, ways to improve your health
  • Materials about self-care skills
  • Materials about planned classes
  • Materials about children's literature
  • Materials about music and musical works
  • Materials about teaching methods for preschoolers
  • Materials about the seasons
  • Materials on speech development
  • Advice from psychologists, speech therapists, pediatricians
  • Thematic materials - New Year, March 8, Easter, February 23

What should be on the information board of a preschool educational institution

The general information stand of the kindergarten should include:

  • information about parent organizations;
  • list of employees indicating full name, position, work schedule, consultation schedule;
  • rules for admission to preschool educational institutions;
  • charter of the institution;
  • a copy of the license to carry out educational activities;
  • educational program;
  • inner order rules;
  • training mode;
  • other documents that describe the rights and responsibilities of staff, children and their parents.

Stands in group premises should have:

  • data of teachers and assistant teachers;
  • schedule;
  • weekly lesson plan;
  • menu for the current day.

Parents' corner for a nursery group in a kindergarten

Parents' corner of the nursery group in kindergarten:

  • In the parent's corner of the nursery group of a kindergarten there must be information on how to adapt a child to kindergarten.

Parents' corner for a nursery group in a kindergarten Parents' corner for a nursery group in a kindergarten
To defuse the situation, humorous rules for parents can be placed in the parent's corner.

Parents' corner for a nursery group in a kindergarten

We must also remember that this age category of children is very strongly attached to their parents; they simply cannot imagine their existence without them. To make the morning separation ritual as comfortable as possible, teach your parents how to do it correctly.

Parents' corner for a nursery group in a kindergarten

Parents' corner for a nursery group in a kindergarten Parents' corner for a nursery group in a kindergarten

It is also important to explain to parents what they cannot bring to kindergarten. This way you can avoid the occurrence of not very pleasant situations.

Parents' corner for a nursery group in a kindergarten

Be sure to place material on the physical characteristics of young children at the orientation booth. It is important that parents understand in time that the baby is tired and it’s time for him to rest. The psycho-emotional and physical health of the baby depends on this.

Parents' corner for a nursery group in a kindergarten

Parents' corner for a nursery group in a kindergarten

And of course, don’t forget about entertainment for the kids. Advise parents on how to entertain their child.

Parents' corner for a nursery group in a kindergarten

Materials for the stand “To help parents”

Memo for parents on labor education

The essence of labor education

consists of introducing them to available work activities and developing a positive attitude towards the work of adults.
But in order for a child to be actively involved in work, it is important to instill in him labor skills and abilities, the desire and desire to work independently.

Labor education of children should not be carried out in isolation from family education.

The family has favorable conditions for developing hard work in children.
Working together with parents brings joy to the child
Participation in household work allows the child to really feel his involvement in the concerns of the family, to feel like a member of the family team. It is important to organize the work of children by parents in such a way that children can not only observe it, but also participate in it. To successfully implement labor education in the family, parents can be guided by the following recommendations:


“How to develop creativity in children.”

  1. Try to determine the child's interests

    . Find what he likes most and try to encourage such activities in every possible way.

  2. It must be kept in mind that a child’s imagination is limitless.
  3. The child needs pauses between active actions to comprehend everything that happened.

    . There is no need to rush, because at this time some interesting idea may arise in his mind, which may amaze with its originality after the baby returns to reality.

  4. D

    For the favorable development of creative abilities, it is worth
    creating certain conditions not only at school, but also at home
    . Allow the child to think for himself how to implement the idea using certain means.

  5. Create together

    . Don't complain about lack of time or fatigue. Creativity is also a kind of relaxation, especially with your beloved child.

Come up with a fairy tale together with your child, or take a ready-made one and translate it into material form.

  1. Don't forbid your child to use your things

    . Thus, you provide your child with space for imagination and play experiments.

  2. Answer your child's questions

    . Don’t forget that for your child you are the key to a big world of discoveries.

Memo for parents on education

culture of behavior in children

  • Do not show
    your child ostentatious politeness and sensitivity
    . Very soon he will begin to imitate you and do the same thing first. turn in relation to yourself.
  • Don't
    be rude or use foul language
    yourself. Your habit will become your child's habit.
  • Don't speak badly or disrespectfully about strangers.

    If you set an example for your child in this, expect that very soon he will say the same about you. Be considerate towards other people. This is a lesson to your child about kindness and humanity.

  • Don't be afraid to apologize to someone in front of your child.

    At this moment, you do not lose anything, you only gain the respect of your child. Show nobility even when you really don’t want to show it, teach this quality to your child.

  • Remember that behavior is a mirror

    , which reflects the true appearance of everyone!

Homework: Steps to Success

Any child needs parental help with homework: some at first, and some until the end of school. And that's okay. Modern programs have become more complicated, there is less and less time for new topics, and children's characteristics of attention, thinking and memory remain the same as 50-60 years ago.

Stage I. Creating motivation and accepting rules.

It is very important to explain to your child why homework needs to be done.

— Homework is necessary to develop independence skills, to consolidate, repeat, and expand the material. After all, what we learned in class requires short-term memory mechanisms to be activated, and if we want the material to be learned for a longer period, additional repetition at home is necessary.

Stage II. "We are together


At this stage, try to do as many tasks as possible with your child. Speak out the instructions step by step and outline a plan for doing your homework.

Stage III. “I myself + we are together.”

Give your child the opportunity to do some of the work themselves. But we need to evaluate it together.

Stage IV. “Myself + I’m nearby.”

Gradually trust your student to prepare assignments on their own. You just have to be somewhere nearby, checking completed tasks.

V stage. “I’m a bit of an adult myself.”

The child does his homework independently. You are in another room. Place a clock on his desk so he can control himself.



Wise advice


The formation of interethnic harmony and tolerance in a preschooler is possible if certain conditions are met:

  • In the family it is necessary to create and develop family traditions


  • The family should not exist in isolation.
  • It is advisable for parents to master the educational methods of folk pedagogy

    (folklore, song and musical art)

  • Children at home should do whatever work they can and help others.
  • Parents need to develop a system of rules and norms of behavior for all family members

    , strictly follow these rules.

  • Family members must constantly turn to the roots of national culture.
  • Family members must constantly expand their knowledge and skills with the help of educators.

What to read to children about nature ?

Expanding the range of a child’s ideas about nature, an adult must skillfully select literature to read.

Children have many questions about the essence of phenomena occurring in inanimate nature. The answers to these questions can be found in the book

  • V. Arkhangelskaya “The Journey of a Drop of Water.”

And how amazing there is in the behavior of animals! You will find descriptions of some behavioral features of domestic animals in books.

  • V. Ivanova “Chil”,
  • I. Akimushkina “These are all cats”,
  • A. Bostrom “How do cats catch fish?”
  • N. Rakovsky “Merry Champions” and others.

Children will learn a lot of interesting things about the behavior of birds from books:

  • G. Skrebitsky “Forest Voice”,
  • D. Gorlova “About birds and animals”,
  • E Suvorova “Bird concerns”,
  • E. Charushina “In the Forest”,
  • V. Chaplina “Chance meetings”,
  • M. Zverev “Forest Weather Bureau”,
  • N. Sladkova “In the forest and on the river”, “Lentil bird”,
  • V. Bianchi “Forest Houses” and others.

With the help of fiction, you can introduce children to the interesting habits of well-known insects. Books talk about ants

  • N. Rozanova “Red Dot Ant”, “Underground Traveler”, “On a Green Needle”.

About butterflies and dragonflies - books

  • F. Lev "Because they are beautiful"
  • I. Stekolnikova “The Extraordinary Swallowtail”,
  • V. Tanasiychuk “Six-legged neighbors”, “How many eyes does a dragonfly have?”,
  • A. Mikhailova “That’s how the doll is!”
  • And Feta “Butterfly”.

Memo for parents “Cultivating love for your hometown”

1. Take the whole family for walks around your hometown

, introduce children to its nature and attractions. Organize a nature trip outside the city.

2. Tell us about your area

, periodically visit the Museum of Local Lore, exhibition hall, House of Culture, sports complex.

3. While walking the streets and being in nature, pay attention to the beauty of the surrounding nature

, cleanliness and comfort of the city.
Take photos
against the backdrop of the city landscape. Looking at the album together and previously experienced impressions brings all family members closer together.

4. Remember, everything starts small. Nurture in your child love, kindness, attention and a desire to care for all living beings


5. Help

learn to reflect their impressions
of what they see in drawing, modeling, and appliqué.

6. Encourage your child's curiosity.

Memo for parents

How to Make Exercise a Favorite Habit?

  1. Accustom

    Your child should start gymnastics from
    an early age.

  2. Exercise daily

    , no matter what ` circumstances.
    Turn morning exercises into a holiday
    of vigor and uplifting spirit.

  3. Play fun and rhythmic music.
  4. Do exercises with your child.
  5. Perform charging for at least 10
  6. Open windows and curtains

    for fresh air flow.

  7. Notice and highlight achievements

    your child in doing the exercises.

  8. Change exercises

    , if the child is bored with them.

Memo for parents “Fill your whole life with prayer.”

After birth, the child becomes a subject, an independent part of the Church, and when the parents pray next to him, the child also perceives everything and learns to pray.

After the birth and baptism of a child, believing parents and godparents bring him to the Communion of the Body and Blood of Christ, and all this is a complex of study, spiritual growth in prayer and fasting.

“Prayer of a loving parent” (S. Soloveichik


“Every morning I call on the best that is in me: “A child has been sent to me; this is my dear guest; I am grateful to him for existing. He is also attached to life, like me, this unites us - we exist, we are living people. He is the same as me, he is a man, and not a future man, but a today’s man, and therefore he is different, like all people; I accept him like any other person.

I accept the child, I protect him, I understand, tolerate, accept, forgive. I do not use force on him, I do not oppress him with my force, because I love him.

I love him and I'm grateful that he exists and that I can love him."

Memo for parents “How to properly build relationships in the family?”

More and more, teachers are concerned about the relationship between parents and children. In many families there is a real threat of a gap between generations. Sometimes you have to talk about common truths, how to maintain good relationships in the family.

Here is a reminder for parents recommended by the Ideas for Free Education website.

  • Always tell your child that You love him

    . This should not only be implied. The child needs to hear this from you.

  • Child should know about your beliefs and life principles

    . This will help you build better relationships.

  • You need to grow with your child:

    play with him, do not avoid discussing his problems and experiences. These problems and experiences will increase with age.

  • Select special message for the child

    . Not an offensive nickname, but a call that will demonstrate to the child that you love him.

  • Appreciate every night before bed

    . Create a special atmosphere between you and your child even by reading a fairy tale or discussing your day. This is a good way to get closer to him, to understand him.

  • Eat more often as a family

    . Make it a rule to have family lunches and dinners. It also strengthens relationships between family members.

  • Respect your child

    . This doesn't mean you have to obey him: your respect shows you care about him. Do not ignore the desire and choice of the child. Even if they don't fit. Don't ignore them. You can always explain why not all of the child’s wishes can be fulfilled.

  • Never forget about your child

    . Don't ignore him if he is near you, even if you are very busy with other important things. Always find an opportunity to spend time together.

  • Communicate regularly with your child

    . Help him learn to express his opinion and describe his feelings. This will also strengthen the relationship between you. This way the child will be confident in you and will not hide his problems.

Parents' corner for the younger group in kindergarten

Parents' corner for the younger group in kindergarten:

At this age, it is already possible to begin intensive training for children. You can start with the rules of behavior. Of course, the kindergarten teacher will introduce children to the rules of behavior in society, but it will not be superfluous if parents also help children to socialize in society correctly.

Parents' corner for the younger group in kindergarten

Don't forget to add information about your child's greed in the parent's corner. Parents must clearly understand that the baby is growing up as a little greedy person, and while there is an opportunity, help him learn to notice the needs of the people around him.

Parents' corner for the younger group in kindergarten

Help parents not make mistakes when raising their baby. After all, some people believe that shouting and punishment can teach something. As a result, the child moves away from his parents and stops trusting them.

Parents' corner for the younger group in kindergarten

At this age, the child must understand that his things must be put in a certain place. Even if he doesn’t do it very carefully, he does it on his own.

Parents' corner for the younger group in kindergarten

It is also important to teach parents to give their child some freedom. It is important that they understand that overprotection will cause many problems over time.

Parents' corner for the younger group in kindergarten Parents' corner for the younger group in kindergarten

We also need to make sure that parents understand the importance of walking in the fresh air. After all, modern kids are literally familiar with Internet technologies from the cradle, and prefer watching cartoons instead of active pastime.

Parents' corner for the younger group in kindergarten

You can also use posters with information about proper dental care as educational material.

Parents' corner for the younger group in kindergarten

It is important to draw the attention of parents to the rules of nutrition so that the baby does not have health problems in the future.

Parents' corner for the younger group in kindergarten

There must be information in the parent's corner on how to properly develop a child's skills.

Parents' corner for the younger group in kindergarten

In the parent corner of the younger group there must be educational information about the danger that may await the little one.

Parents' corner for the younger group in kindergarten

GEF DO at the stand

Olga Pykhova

GEF DO at the stand

A standard in education should act as a guarantee of the constitutional right of a Russian citizen, the right of any person to a quality education.

The Federal State Educational Standard is a system of basic parameters that are accepted as the state standard of education, reflecting the social ideal and taking into account the capabilities of the real individual and the education system to achieve this ideal.

The Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education reflects agreed upon socio-cultural, public and state expectations regarding the level of preschool education, which are guidelines for the founders of preschool Organizations, education system specialists, families of pupils and the general public.

The purpose of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education :

• ensuring by the state equal opportunities for every child to receive quality preschool education;

• ensuring state guarantees of the level and quality of education based on the unity of mandatory requirements for the conditions for the implementation of basic educational programs, their structure and the results of their development;

• maintaining the unity of the educational space

Will preschoolers study like at school?

• A child should learn through play.

Through play, experimentation, and communication, children get to know the world around them. At the same time, the main thing is not to push the forms of school life onto preschool education.

What is the distinctive feature of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education ?

• Mastering educational programs of preschool education is not accompanied by intermediate certifications and final certification of students.

• The preschool education standard does not allow the transfer of the educational and disciplinary model of education to the life of a preschool child. The new document prioritizes an individual approach to the child through play, where the intrinsic value of preschool childhood is preserved and the very nature of the preschooler is preserved. The leading types of children's activities will be: gaming, communicative, motor, cognitive-research, productive, etc. It should be noted that for everyone The type of children's activity corresponds to certain forms of work with children.

•The way of organizing children’s activities is also changing: not the guidance of an adult, but joint (partnership)

The activities of an adult and a child are the most natural and effective context for development in preschool childhood.

How the Federal State Educational Standard ensure that children are prepared for school?

• The developers of the standard follow through with the statement that “not the child should be ready for school, but the school should be ready for the child.”

• They point out that all parents should be aware that for successful adaptation to school life, much more important than the ability to read and count, a child needs psychological stability, high self-esteem, self-confidence and social abilities.

• All these psychological characteristics underlie children's high motivation to study at school.

What is parental involvement? (interaction)

Article 44 “Law on Education in the Russian Federation”
“parents are obliged to ensure that their children receive a general education

Parents must participate in the implementation of the program, in creating conditions for the full and timely development of the child in preschool age.

Parents should be active participants in the educational process, participants in all projects, regardless of what activity dominates them, and not just outside observers.

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, the Organization is obliged in relation to parents:

• inform parents (legal representatives)

and the public regarding the goals of preschool education, about the Kindergarten Educational Program.

• ensure openness of preschool education.

• create conditions for the participation of parents (legal representatives)

in educational activities;

• support parents (legal representatives)

in raising children, protecting and strengthening their health;

• ensure the involvement of families directly in educational activities, including through the creation of educational projects together with the family based on identifying needs and supporting the educational initiatives of the family;

• create conditions for adults to search for and use materials that ensure the implementation of the Program, including in the information environment, as well as for discussion with parents (legal representatives)

children issues related to the implementation of the Program.

Parents' corner in the garden for the middle group in kindergarten

Parents' corner in the garden for the middle group in kindergarten:

Be sure to place a special reminder in the parent’s corner about the advisability of punishing the child, because sometimes parents, as they say, “go too far,” and this behavior affects the emotional state of the baby.

Parents' corner in the garden for the middle group in kindergarten

Don't forget about the advice of a psychologist. Parents must clearly understand that the atmosphere in the family has a huge impact on the development of the baby and its socialization.

Parents' corner in the garden for the middle group in kindergarten

A reminder about how a child should behave at home will also not be superfluous. After all, the mother may go to the pharmacy or the store for a couple of minutes, and the child must clearly understand that at this time he cannot let strangers into the home.

Parents' corner in the garden for the middle group in kindergarten

A cheerful poster about a healthy lifestyle will appeal to both kids and parents.

Parents' corner in the garden for the middle group in kindergarten

Some children, due to their shyness, find it difficult to make contact with unfamiliar people, and this can become a problem - the child will not have friends. Parents should understand that this is a bad situation and try to solve the problem in a timely manner.

Parents' corner in the garden for the middle group in kindergarten

Each child is unique - some children are very calm, others live in their own imaginary world, and still others have many internal fears. Parents need to understand how to behave in different situations.

Parents' corner in the garden for the middle group in kindergarten

Parents' corner in the garden for the middle group in kindergarten

Advice from a speech therapist will also not be superfluous. After all, before enrolling in school, the child should not have problems with speech.

Parent's corner in the garden for the middle group in kindergarten Parent's corner in the garden for the middle group in kindergarten

Stands for kindergarten

Modern pedagogical methods and studies in the field of psychiatry show that a person’s personality and character are formed much earlier than previously thought. Therefore, it is necessary to actively work with the child in kindergarten in order to achieve harmonious development and the absence of problems in the future.

One of the stages of such work will be they began purchasing them for kindergartens It turned out that such educational materials help to convey the necessary information to children in a playful way, help them focus their attention, and simply calm them down. Today, not a single self-respecting preschool institution can do without such visual demonstrations.

Our company invites customers to choose their own stand design - we have template solutions, but if we have a layout, we are ready to create a project of any level of complexity. By giving preference to original solutions, you can:

  • Really get kids interested;
  • Contribute to the formation of individuality;
  • Attract additional attention;
  • Raise the level of prestige of the institution in the eyes of parents.

Our company prints only the highest quality and reliable stands for kindergartens . We understand perfectly well that children will always be around our products, and therefore they must be as safe as possible, like all the materials from which they are made. You can find more detailed information on the page of a specific product, but if you still have any doubts or questions, call the manager at the phone number listed on the website and get an absolutely free consultation.

For the little ones, we use stands without words - they depict animals, fairy-tale characters, plants, or anything, depending on the wishes of the customer. These images help focus attention, lift your spirits, and promote learning. Due to repeated repetition, recognition occurs - images are consolidated in memory and associations are formed. This promotes the development of associative thinking and imagination, which will help the baby in the future.

For older age groups, we are ready to provide stands in preschool educational institutions with words and even numbers. As a result, associations will be formed not only with oral, but also with written speech. This will help quickly teach your child the basics of reading and arithmetic. This will make it easier for him to study in the lower grades of school, and what is most important is that everything happens in a playful way and does not cause stress to the child.

And besides everything else, our stands are a bright and colorful interior design for a playroom or classroom. Why show children wallpaper or whitewash when you can cover all the walls with the products we offer. Too expensive? Whatever the case, check out our prices and make sure that we offer stands at very reasonable prices. And in general, you shouldn’t skimp on your child’s development, and you can place an order in a couple of keystrokes.

Parents' corner in kindergarten for the older group in kindergarten

Parents' corner in kindergarten for the older group in kindergarten:

Children of the older group should already be socialized and communicate freely with their peers. But some children are very shy, and often the parents themselves are to blame for this.

Parents' corner in the garden for the middle group in kindergarten

You can fill the parent's corner with simply interesting information that parents will study while expecting a child.

Parent's corner in the garden for the middle group in kindergarten Parent's corner in the garden for the middle group in kindergarten

Parents' corner in the garden for the middle group in kindergarten

Spending time together is another important part of a harmonious family relationship. Help parents understand how beneficial it is for children to spend time with mom and dad.

Parents' corner in the garden for the middle group in kindergarten

A good psychological and emotional state should always be at its best. And an ordinary smile can help you feel happy.

Parents' corner in the garden for the middle group in kindergarten

In order for a child to feel loved, parents must accept him with all his shortcomings. If parents harshly try to correct some character traits, this may cause even greater “children’s rebellion.”

Parents' corner in the garden for the middle group in kindergarten

Legal information should also be present in the parent corner.

Parents' corner in the garden for the middle group in kindergarten

At this age, it is already necessary to teach children to sit, stand, and maintain their posture correctly. This information will be useful for both parents and children.

Parents' corner in the garden for the middle group in kindergarten

Explain to parents that stress often causes people to refuse to eat.

Parents' corner in the garden for the middle group in kindergarten

Visibility and its implementation

For a stand to be perceived as an interior decoration, it must be in harmony with it. You should not focus only on the informative part. Pictures, images, photographs are required next to the inscriptions on the stand.

If the stand is dedicated to the New Year celebration, it must have a decorated Christmas tree. If March 8 - mimosa or a bouquet of other flowers. If it's Mother's Day - an image of a woman's face with a smile.

A bright background created by completely covering the surface with colored paper or painting it with paints will help provide clarity.

Parents' Corner - kindergarten preparatory group

The preparatory group of the kindergarten is attended by future first-graders, and therefore the parent corner should have as much information as possible related to preparing for school. Below you will find ideas for filling such a stand.

Parents' Corner - kindergarten preparatory group:

Parents' Corner - kindergarten preparatory group

Parents' Corner - kindergarten preparatory group

Parents' Corner - kindergarten preparatory group

Parents' Corner - kindergarten preparatory group

Parents' Corner - kindergarten preparatory group Parents' Corner - kindergarten preparatory group Parents' Corner - kindergarten preparatory group

Parents' corner - kindergarten preparatory group Parents' corner - kindergarten preparatory group

Parents' Corner - kindergarten preparatory group

Where to hang a stand for parents

The height reference is adult eye level. In the kindergarten, the information corner is located above the lockers. Sometimes - opposite the entrance, so that the stand catches the eye. You can use an open wall in the parents' line of sight. The parent stand can be placed not only in a group or class, but also in the assembly hall, near the living corner. It is worth assessing where parents most often expect their children. Then the information corner will entertain adults - you can add information about proper nutrition, speech development, and road safety. Corner materials are duplicated on the preschool educational institution website. There the information will be available not for 1-2 weeks, but on an ongoing basis. This will allow parents to review the data at any time.

The Noex-Russia company is ready to make a stand for parents for a kindergarten or school. Delivery throughout Russia. View our stand catalogue.

Parents' corner in kindergarten - summer: design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - summer, design ideas:

Parents' corner in kindergarten - summer, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - summer, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - summer, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - summer, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - summer, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - summer, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - summer, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - summer, design ideas Parents' corner in kindergarten - summer, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - summer, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - spring: design ideas:

Parents' corner in kindergarten - spring, design ideas:

Parents' corner in kindergarten - spring, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - spring, design ideas Parents' corner in kindergarten - spring, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - spring, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - spring, design ideas Parents' corner in kindergarten - spring, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - spring, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - spring, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - spring, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - spring, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - autumn: design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - autumn, design ideas:

Parents' corner in kindergarten - autumn, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - autumn, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - autumn, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - autumn, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - autumn, design ideas Parents' corner in kindergarten - autumn, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - autumn, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - autumn, design ideas Parents' corner in kindergarten - autumn, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - autumn, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - winter: design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - winter, design ideas:

Parents' corner in kindergarten - winter, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - winter, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - winter, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - winter, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - winter, design ideas Parents' corner in kindergarten - winter, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - winter, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - winter, design ideas Parents' corner in kindergarten - winter, design ideas

Decorating a parent's corner in a kindergarten locker room - educational material

Decorating a parent's corner in the kindergarten locker room:

Decorating a parent's corner in the kindergarten locker room

Decorating a parent's corner in the kindergarten locker room

Decorating a parent's corner in the kindergarten locker room

Decorating a parent's corner in the kindergarten locker room

Decorating a parent's corner in a kindergarten locker room Decorating a parent's corner in a kindergarten locker room

Decorating a parent's corner in a kindergarten locker room Decorating a parent's corner in a kindergarten locker room

Decorating a parent's corner in the kindergarten locker room

Decorating a parent's corner in the kindergarten locker room

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