Parents' corner according to FROGS in kindergarten: important design rules
Parent's corner according to FROGS in kindergarten: important design rules
Most people don’t even think about the fact that parent’s corners in kindergartens must be designed in accordance with some rules. But in fact, there is even a special passport that specifies the characteristics of the corner.
The passport contains the following information:
- Initially, the name of the parent’s corner is written in the passport, for example, the “Health” corner, the “First-Grader” corner.
- Next comes a description of the group - its number is indicated, as well as the exact age of the children who attend it.
- Further, the passport indicates the purpose for which the parent corner was created, for example, in order to tell parents what the children did today, or when the holiday matinee will be held.
- It also indicates what visual materials were used, as well as their quantity, for example, wall posters or special maps.
- If the corner has a thematic focus, for example, helping parents teach their children, then the passport contains a card index of games and exercises that are recommended to parents.
Parents' corner according to FROGS in kindergarten - important design rules:
- The parent's corner should satisfy not only the interests of parents, but also children, according to their age. This means that while mom or dad is studying information, the baby should also be busy with something. For example, even looking at funny pictures.
- Visual aids and materials also need to be selected taking into account the age of the children in the kindergarten group. So, in the nursery group there is no need to place stands with the alphabet. This age category is currently only interested in bright pictures.
- The parent's corner should look as aesthetically pleasing as possible. It is best to use bright colors and more beautiful fonts for headers and titles.
- The corner should be located in the most convenient place. It should be well lit, otherwise it will be difficult for parents to read the information that is written in small print. If it is not possible to place the stand in the brightest part of the room, you need to consider an additional light source.
- In the parent's corner of the kindergarten there must be information that takes into account regional characteristics - life, crafts, types of art, language.
Hot days
The main symptom of summer is heat. The sun is located high above the earth, its rays thoroughly warm everything around, including the soil and water bodies. The days become so hot that the heat remains even at night. The sky turns bright blue. It can be clear or with white clouds like snow.
The daily time period increases. This is observed until June 22, after which the light part of the day will begin to gradually decrease.
Materials for the parent's corner in the preschool educational institution - information in the parent's corner
Materials for the parent's corner in a preschool educational institution - information in the parent's corner
And now, let's figure out what information can be placed in the parent's corner. Remember that it should be presented as positively, clearly and, if possible, in not very large volumes. It is unlikely that parents will stand near the stand for a long period of time; they should see a short and informative message in front of them. It is also important to take into account that when placing printed information on a stand, it is necessary to indicate the authorship, date of publication of the material, and, if available, a link to the website, so that you can familiarize yourself with the material in full.
Materials for the parent corner in the preschool educational institution - information in the parent corner:
- Materials about the physical development of children
- Materials about the mental development of children
- Materials about aesthetic education
- Materials about developmental features
- Materials about health, ways to improve your health
- Materials about self-care skills
- Materials about planned classes
- Materials about children's literature
- Materials about music and musical works
- Materials about teaching methods for preschoolers
- Materials about the seasons
- Materials on speech development
- Advice from psychologists, speech therapists, pediatricians
- Thematic materials - New Year, March 8, Easter, February 23
At the end of the first – educational – part of the lesson, it is recommended to summarize the material, highlighting the main information from it.
Distinctive characteristics - 15 signs of summer:
- Daytime heat.
- Warm nights.
- Increasing the length of the day.
- High position of the sun.
- Clear blue sky, sometimes with white clouds.
- Warming up reservoirs.
- Showers with thunderstorms.
- The appearance of a rainbow in the sky.
- Formation of morning dew.
- Many stars in the night sky.
- Variety of flowering plants.
- An abundance of berries, fruits and vegetables.
- A large number of insects.
- The chirping of grasshoppers in the evenings.
- Activity of animals and birds.
Parents' corner for a nursery group in a kindergarten
Parents' corner of the nursery group in kindergarten:
- In the parent's corner of the nursery group of a kindergarten there must be information on how to adapt a child to kindergarten.
Parents' corner for a nursery group in a kindergarten
Parent's corner of a nursery group in a kindergarten
To defuse the situation, humorous rules for parents can be placed in the parent's corner.
Parents' corner for a nursery group in a kindergarten
We must also remember that this age category of children is very strongly attached to their parents; they simply cannot imagine their existence without them. To make the morning separation ritual as comfortable as possible, teach your parents how to do it correctly.
Parents' corner for a nursery group in a kindergarten
Parents' corner for a nursery group in a kindergarten
Parents' corner for a nursery group in a kindergarten
It is also important to explain to parents what they cannot bring to kindergarten. This way you can avoid the occurrence of not very pleasant situations.
Parents' corner for a nursery group in a kindergarten
Be sure to place material on the physical characteristics of young children at the orientation booth. It is important that parents understand in time that the baby is tired and it’s time for him to rest. The psycho-emotional and physical health of the baby depends on this.
Parents' corner for a nursery group in a kindergarten
Parents' corner for a nursery group in a kindergarten
And of course, don’t forget about entertainment for the kids. Advise parents on how to entertain their child.
Parents' corner for a nursery group in a kindergarten
Diversity of flora
Nature on summer days is distinguished by an abundance of colors and aromas. City parks and squares are decorated with greenery of trees and shrubs. The flower beds are full of colorful decorations: roses, poppies, gladioli, carnations. The fields and meadows are decorated with daisies, buttercups, bells, and cornflowers.
At the beginning of summer, strawberries, cherries, and currants ripen in garden plots. Young potatoes, carrots, and radishes appear in the vegetable beds. A little later, apricots, peaches, and corn will ripen, followed by melons, watermelons, and grapes. Towards the end of the season, you can pick blackberries, lingonberries, cranberries, and rose hips. At the same time, hazelnuts ripen.
Parents' corner for the younger group in kindergarten
Parents' corner for the younger group in kindergarten:
At this age, it is already possible to begin intensive training for children. You can start with the rules of behavior. Of course, the kindergarten teacher will introduce children to the rules of behavior in society, but it will not be superfluous if parents also help children to socialize in society correctly.
Parents' corner for the younger group in kindergarten
Don't forget to add information about your child's greed in the parent's corner. Parents must clearly understand that the baby is growing up as a little greedy person, and while there is an opportunity, help him learn to notice the needs of the people around him.
Parents' corner for the younger group in kindergarten
Help parents not make mistakes when raising their baby. After all, some people believe that shouting and punishment can teach something. As a result, the child moves away from his parents and stops trusting them.
Parents' corner for the younger group in kindergarten
At this age, the child must understand that his things must be put in a certain place. Even if he doesn’t do it very carefully, he does it on his own.
Parents' corner for the younger group in kindergarten
It is also important to teach parents to give their child some freedom. It is important that they understand that overprotection will cause many problems over time.
Parents' corner for the younger group in kindergarten
Parents' corner for the younger group in kindergarten
We also need to make sure that parents understand the importance of walking in the fresh air. After all, modern kids are literally familiar with Internet technologies from the cradle, and prefer watching cartoons instead of active pastime.
Parents' corner for the younger group in kindergarten
You can also use posters with information about proper dental care as educational material.
Parents' corner for the younger group in kindergarten
It is important to draw the attention of parents to the rules of nutrition so that the baby does not have health problems in the future.
Parents' corner for the younger group in kindergarten
There must be information in the parent's corner on how to properly develop a child's skills.
Parents' corner for the younger group in kindergarten
In the parent corner of the younger group there must be educational information about the danger that may await the little one.
Parents' corner for the younger group in kindergarten
A large number of insects
In summer, gardens, fields and meadows are filled with the multivocal buzzing and rustling of wings. Bumblebees, bees, butterflies, beetles fly, crawl, swarm in flowers, collecting nectar. Leaning over, it’s interesting to watch how the restless ants scurry around. In the grass it is not so easy to notice a green caterpillar, which will soon turn into a pupa, and then a butterfly.
But ladybugs cannot be ignored. The red body with black dots is clearly visible on fresh grass. And, of course, no summer can do without grasshoppers and crickets, which chirp together on warm evenings.
Parents' corner in the garden for the middle group in kindergarten
Parents' corner in the garden for the middle group in kindergarten:
Be sure to place a special reminder in the parent’s corner about the advisability of punishing the child, because sometimes parents, as they say, “go too far,” and this behavior affects the emotional state of the baby.
Parents' corner in the garden for the middle group in kindergarten
Don't forget about the advice of a psychologist. Parents must clearly understand that the atmosphere in the family has a huge impact on the development of the baby and its socialization.
Parents' corner in the garden for the middle group in kindergarten
A reminder about how a child should behave at home will also not be superfluous. After all, the mother may go to the pharmacy or the store for a couple of minutes, and the child must clearly understand that at this time he cannot let strangers into the home.
Parents' corner in the garden for the middle group in kindergarten
A cheerful poster about a healthy lifestyle will appeal to both kids and parents.
Parents' corner in the garden for the middle group in kindergarten
Some children, due to their shyness, find it difficult to make contact with unfamiliar people, and this can become a problem - the child will not have friends. Parents should understand that this is a bad situation and try to solve the problem in a timely manner.
Parents' corner in the garden for the middle group in kindergarten
Each child is unique - some children are very calm, others live in their own imaginary world, and still others have many internal fears. Parents need to understand how to behave in different situations.
Parents' corner in the garden for the middle group in kindergarten
Parents' corner in the garden for the middle group in kindergarten
Advice from a speech therapist will also not be superfluous. After all, before enrolling in school, the child should not have problems with speech.
Parents' corner in the garden for the middle group in kindergarten
Parents' corner in the garden for the middle group in kindergarten
Wildlife activity
In the summer, forest inhabitants lead an active lifestyle: they set up homes, have offspring, and raise young ones.
- In early June, young gophers emerge from their burrows. Soon they will have to move into separate houses and lead an independent life.
- But the hedgehog is already carefully making a nest. She will have children in July.
- In mid-summer, babies are born to hares and squirrels. Females feed their young with milk.
Interestingly, some animals change color depending on the season. For example, the fur of a brown hare has different shades in summer and winter. His grayish-brown summer coat will become much lighter with the onset of cold weather.
Parents' corner in kindergarten for the older group in kindergarten
Parents' corner in kindergarten for the older group in kindergarten:
Children of the older group should already be socialized and communicate freely with their peers. But some children are very shy, and often the parents themselves are to blame for this.
Parents' corner in the garden for the middle group in kindergarten
You can fill the parent's corner with simply interesting information that parents will study while expecting a child.
Parents' corner in the garden for the middle group in kindergarten
Parents' corner in the garden for the middle group in kindergarten
Parents' corner in the garden for the middle group in kindergarten
Spending time together is another important part of a harmonious family relationship. Help parents understand how beneficial it is for children to spend time with mom and dad.
Parents' corner in the garden for the middle group in kindergarten
A good psychological and emotional state should always be at its best. And an ordinary smile can help you feel happy.
Parents' corner in the garden for the middle group in kindergarten
In order for a child to feel loved, parents must accept him with all his shortcomings. If parents harshly try to correct some character traits, this may cause even greater “children’s rebellion.”
Parents' corner in the garden for the middle group in kindergarten
Legal information should also be present in the parent corner.
Parents' corner in the garden for the middle group in kindergarten
At this age, it is already necessary to teach children to sit, stand, and maintain their posture correctly. This information will be useful for both parents and children.
Parents' corner in the garden for the middle group in kindergarten
Explain to parents that stress often causes people to refuse to eat.
Parents' corner in the garden for the middle group in kindergarten
If you are lucky enough to take a walk with your parents at a late hour, you should definitely look at the night sky. On the eve of a clear sunny day, it is completely covered with stars. In the summer, such bright light flows from them that even without a flashlight, surrounding objects are clearly visible.
Sometimes one or more shooting stars appear in the sky. In fact, these are particles of cosmic bodies, but popularly this phenomenon is called a starfall.
Parents' Corner - kindergarten preparatory group
The preparatory group of the kindergarten is attended by future first-graders, and therefore the parent corner should have as much information as possible related to preparing for school. Below you will find ideas for filling such a stand.
Parents' Corner - kindergarten preparatory group:
Parents' Corner - kindergarten preparatory group
Parents' corner - kindergarten preparatory group Parents' corner - kindergarten preparatory group
Parents' Corner - kindergarten preparatory group
Parents' Corner - kindergarten preparatory group
Parents' Corner - kindergarten preparatory group
Parents' Corner - kindergarten preparatory group
Parents' corner - kindergarten preparatory group Parents' corner - kindergarten preparatory group
Parents' Corner - kindergarten preparatory group
Consolidation of knowledge
In order for a child to remember the material well, it is necessary to reinforce it with the help of visual aids. To do this, you can use illustrations on the theme “Red Summer”. First, let the child himself depict the season as he imagines it. The finished drawing needs to be discussed in detail, focusing on the characteristic details.
It is useful to learn a song or several short poems about summer, and then, during the lesson, choose suitable pictures for them. And, of course, riddles that children love so much! For each of them, you need to prepare a card with a clue picture in advance.
Depending on the child's developmental level, you can expand the scope of information using additional tools. It is good, for example, to record the voices of animals and birds on audio media so that the baby learns to recognize them. To develop observation skills, you should teach your child to keep a weather calendar, correctly using symbols.
These simple techniques will help a preschooler firmly grasp the material and turn a serious lesson into an exciting game that the young student will certainly want to repeat.
Parents' corner in kindergarten - summer: design ideas
Parents' corner in kindergarten - summer, design ideas:
Parents' corner in kindergarten - summer, design ideas
Parents' corner in kindergarten - summer, design ideas
Parents' corner in kindergarten - summer, design ideas
Parents' corner in kindergarten - summer, design ideas
Parents' corner in kindergarten - summer, design ideas
Parents' corner in kindergarten - summer, design ideas
Parents' corner in kindergarten - summer, design ideas
Parents' corner in kindergarten - summer, design ideas
Parents' corner in kindergarten - summer, design ideas
Parents' corner in kindergarten - summer, design ideas
Parents' corner in kindergarten - spring: design ideas:
Parents' corner in kindergarten - spring, design ideas:
Parents' corner in kindergarten - spring, design ideas
Parents' corner in kindergarten - spring, design ideas
Parents' corner in kindergarten - spring, design ideas
Parents' corner in kindergarten - spring, design ideas
Parents' corner in kindergarten - spring, design ideas
Parents' corner in kindergarten - spring, design ideas
Parents' corner in kindergarten - spring, design ideas
Parents' corner in kindergarten - spring, design ideas
Parents' corner in kindergarten - spring, design ideas
Parents' corner in kindergarten - spring, design ideas
Parents' corner in kindergarten - autumn: design ideas
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Parents' corner in kindergarten - autumn, design ideas
Parents' corner in kindergarten - autumn, design ideas
Parents' corner in kindergarten - autumn, design ideas
Parents' corner in kindergarten - autumn, design ideas
Parents' corner in kindergarten - autumn, design ideas
Parents' corner in kindergarten - autumn, design ideas
Parents' corner in kindergarten - autumn, design ideas Parents' corner in kindergarten - autumn, design ideas
Parents' corner in kindergarten - autumn, design ideas
Parents' corner in kindergarten - autumn, design ideas
Parents' corner in kindergarten - winter: design ideas
Parents' corner in kindergarten - winter, design ideas:
Parents' corner in kindergarten - winter, design ideas
Parents' corner in kindergarten - winter, design ideas
Parents' corner in kindergarten - winter, design ideas
Parents' corner in kindergarten - winter, design ideas
Parents' corner in kindergarten - winter, design ideas
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Parents' corner in kindergarten - winter, design ideas
Parents' corner in kindergarten - winter, design ideas
Decorating a parent's corner in a kindergarten locker room - educational material
Decorating a parent's corner in the kindergarten locker room:
Decorating a parent's corner in the kindergarten locker room
Decorating a parent's corner in the kindergarten locker room
Decorating a parent's corner in the kindergarten locker room
Decorating a parent's corner in the kindergarten locker room
Decorating a parent's corner in the kindergarten locker room
Decorating a parent's corner in the kindergarten locker room
Decorating a parent's corner in the kindergarten locker room
Decorating a parent's corner in the kindergarten locker room
Decorating a parent's corner in the kindergarten locker room
Decorating a parent's corner in the kindergarten locker room