Collective creativity as one of the most important forms of working with children in kindergarten. Article on the topic

Collective creative activities in kindergarten

Author: Chernyshova Svetlana Nikolaevna

Collective creative activities in kindergarten

The most complex and least developed type of activity is creativity. It is known that children's creativity is a unique phenomenon. If the mind, (knowledge, thinking, imagination), character (courage, perseverance), feeling (love of beauty, fascination with image, thought) take part in the creative activity of adults, then we must cultivate these aspects of the child’s personality in order to successfully develop creativity in him.

Collective creative activities are of great importance for the formation of creative abilities.

Collective creative activity

is an effective method of education, training and development of students, based on positive activity, collective authorship and positive emotions.

Collective creative activity

- these are not matters for the children and not only in the name of their education, these are the affairs of the children themselves, or rather, of the team, of which the adult also becomes a member.

The introduction of new Federal State Educational Standards (Federal State Educational Standards) in preschool education dictates the updating of the content and forms of work with children. Integration of educational areas is the scientific and methodological basis of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education. And creative activity, as a rule, connects the following educational areas: cognition, artistic creativity, communication, socialization, security.

Working with the children of my group “Kapelka”, I paid special attention to collective creative activity. The reason was that for some time my students suffered failures in events where they had to collectively “fight” for prizes: the children did not cooperate, but competed, everyone was for themselves, and there was no “team spirit” in the team. It was necessary to somehow unite the children, interest them, explain them... I found a way out of this situation in collective creative activities

, through which the group’s staff can be united and children’s creativity can be developed.

Collective creative activities differ from each other in the nature of their common practical concern.

Artistic collective creative affairs . Goal: to develop the artistic and aesthetic tastes of children; strengthen the craving for spiritual culture, art and the need to discover beauty to other people; awaken the desire to try yourself in creativity; cultivate receptivity, nobility of soul; enrich the inner world of a person (modeling, appliqué, drawing).

Labor collective creative affairs. Goal: to enrich children’s knowledge about the environment, to develop views on work as the main source of joy, to cultivate the desire to contribute to the improvement of reality, as well as the ability and habit to really, in fact, care for people near and far, to work independently and creatively for benefit and joy (Events were held: “Gift to Friends”, “Labor Surprise”, “Book Workshop”).

Cognitive collective creative activities. Goal: to form the needs for knowledge, a conscious, enthusiastic, effective attitude towards the immediate sources of discovery of the world. Cognitive collective creative activities have the richest opportunities for the development in preschoolers of such personality qualities as determination, perseverance, observation and curiosity, inquisitiveness of mind, creative imagination, comradely thoughtfulness, spiritual generosity (Events: “Evening of fun tasks”, “Evening of solved and unsolved mysteries” ", excursions, projects "Miracle City", "Nettle", "Take care of the birds").

Sports collective creative activities. Goal: to develop a civil attitude towards the sports and recreational side of life, towards physical culture, towards oneself as healthy and seasoned citizens of society; develop speed, agility, endurance, resourcefulness and perseverance, courage and courage, collectivism and discipline (Events: “Fun Starts”, “Call of the Jungle”, “Ski Track of Russia”, “Cross of the Nation”).

Social and patriotic collective creative deeds. Goal: to strengthen the civic attitude towards your family, school, big and small homeland; expand and deepen your knowledge about the history and culture of your country, learn to see and understand the beauty of life (Events: “Day of Knowledge”, “New Year’s Holiday”, “Defenders of the Fatherland Day”, “International Women’s Day March 8”, “Victory Day”, project "My Family")

Organizing collective creative activities. Any practical activity becomes collective and creative only in lively joint organizational activities (Events: students’ birthdays, drawing and craft competitions).

Each collective creative activity can take from several minutes to several weeks, depending on the goals, nature and composition of the participants.

Using all types of collective creativity in their work, I noticed that children learned to coordinate their actions and opinions, be attentive to the feelings and emotions of other people, plan their actions, and determine their sequence.

All my work on developing collective creativity in children has yielded good results. My students became winners in territorial events: Municipal festival “This kind fairy tale”, “The most beautiful” - Grand Prix; Municipal festival “Russian Soul” - 1st place; Municipal festival of children's creativity "Rainbow of the Planet of Childhood" Grand Prix and two first places.

And also my children are active participants and winners of regional, all-Russian and international competitions and events: All-Russian event “Memory Tree”; 5 All-Russian Science Festival NAUKA 0+ Children's drawing competition “The World of Science through the Eyes of Children” - 1st place; All-Russian creative competition for preschoolers “Feathered Friends” - 1st and 2nd places; International Children's Art Competition "Paints", Drawing Competition "The World through the Eyes of Children" - II, III places; IV International Children's Drawing Competition "Children on the Planet Are Friends", Open interregional tournament of abilities "RostOK-SuperUm" for children of senior preschool age - I, II, III places.

I am proud of my students and the results of the work done.

Educator: S.N.
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Volume umbrella

You will need: double-sided colored paper, a compass, a simple pencil, scissors, a glue stick or adhesive tape, thick wire, thread.

Master Class

  1. Cut out 16 circles of the same diameter from colored paper.
  2. Fold each circle in half twice.

  3. Secure each piece in the upper round part with glue so that it is opened only at the bottom and does not open at the top.
  4. Take 2 blanks and glue them at right angles to each other.

  5. Glue the remaining pieces together in a circle, forming the upper part of the umbrella.
  6. Form an umbrella handle with a wire loop, then attach it.

  7. Prepare a piece of string and hang the umbrella by the loop.

A voluminous umbrella made of colored paper is ready! I recommend watching this video!

Middle group. Junior preschool age. Children 4 - 5 years old

Group work in mixed media using leaves “Fox in the hole” for children of the middle group

Collective work of children of the middle group “Fox in the hole”

While studying the topic: “Wild Animals
,” the fox aroused the greatest interest among the children. To expand children’s knowledge about this animal, a short-term educational and creative project “Fox - Fox, throughout the forest ...” was implemented.

Collective application “Autumn Forest” in the middle group

Goal: Continue to improve skills in working with natural materials (leaves. Objectives: 1. Introduce children to types of trees (birch, bird cherry, maple, with their characteristic features. 2. Teach children to create a collective application “Autumn Forest”, from natural material - dried ...

Corrugated paper aster

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You will need: corrugated paper of purple, yellow, green and light green, scissors, wire, glue gun, pencil, ruler, watercolor paints, brush.

Master Class

  1. Prepare a strip of purple corrugated paper 4 cm wide.
  2. Tint one edge of the strip with purple paint and set aside to dry.

  3. Fold the strip several times.
  4. Make cuts along the unpainted edge. The first blank is ready.
  5. Make the second blank in the same way, only take a purple strip 6 cm wide.

  6. Prepare a strip of yellow paper 3 cm wide.
  7. Fold the yellow strip several times and make cuts.
  8. Wrap the wire with a light green piece of corrugated paper and secure with glue. This will be the stem.
  9. Wrap a yellow blank around the end of the stem - these will be the stamens.
  10. Twist the ends inside the purple piece, which is 4 cm wide, using a pencil.

  11. Step back from the base of the stamens and glue the petals.
  12. Take a 6cm wide purple blank and wrap it around the bud as shown in the photo.
  13. Twist the ends of the petals and straighten the middle.

  14. Cut out 6 sepals from green paper, then glue them on.
  15. Cut 6 long leaves of different sizes from light green paper and glue them to the stem.

The corrugated paper aster is ready! You will find even more flowers HERE.

I recommend watching this video!

Note! Easter crafts made from salt dough


The more preschoolers can do, the better. After all, with cutting, gluing, and coloring, the movements become precise and the hands stop making mistakes. By modeling plasticine, three-dimensional thinking is developed. The child sees the volume of the craft he is creating.

Fantasizing, composing something that doesn’t exist, he immediately implements it. Creates. When sculpting with plasticine, not only the fingers develop. The frontal lobes of the brain become more developed. The child becomes smarter.

This happens due to the specifics of sculpting. This action combines several factors of intelligent activity. It is no coincidence that all sculptors are distinguished by great memory, curiosity and a sharp mind. It is useful to train children by modeling plasticine.

There are, of course, combined crafts. They include: paper fragments combined with plasticine crafts. If you approach such a craft with imagination and work it out carefully, you can even send it to an exhibition of children’s creativity.

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